Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Sep 1960, p. 1

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Clesr skies, sunshine, very warm, May become cooler esrly Friday, Winds light, THOUGHT FOR TODAY One advantage hayfever vies tims have over others is that they don't worry so much about world eonditions, The Oshawa Sime Second Clos Mew Pe Cies™ Omar, Oto EIGHTEEN PAGES OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1960 Vo 37 Accuse Torturer Suicides WINNIPEG (CP)--A Biyesr- Waly, In April, 1048, landing #t old immigrant accused hy Bus Halifax, sia as @ "Nori war eriminal"! Laak told s he was lw- sought by the Communists (oF ing a peaceful life with his fam- SO _ CONGO FIRINGS OFF: ASSEMBLY a "mass murders" in Estonia com. mitted suicide Tuesday night by hanging himself from & garage rafter Alex charge made Soviet news found in the who denied the last week hy the agency Tass was garage hehind his home in St. James a city ad joining Winnipeg. The discovery was made at supper time by a member of Laak's family Provincial Coroner Dr. 1, O Fryer said Laak hanged himself and that no inquest will be held Tass sald Aug, 29 that the for mer commandant of a Nag prison camp in Estonia was liv ing in Winnipeg. It sald he had bought a house with proceeds of valuables stolen from vietims of mass executions Laak man the ily far from the scene of the ex- ecutions al the time they were reported to have taken place in 1942-43, | Laak sald he was in the Es! tonign army and fought against the Russians, During the Ger- man occupation of Estonia, he was appointed a warden of the central prison in Tallinn, whers, us far as he knew, he was "only in contact with convicts, never political prisoners, and only In the stale prison, nol In prisoner of war or concentratin camps,' He said he had never heard of Jagala prison camp, | | NEVER A NAZI "1 was never a Nad , , . never a German oficer , never al anytime responsible for ordering 116 Dead In Wake Of Storm | BAN JUAN, Puerto Rice (AP) Hurricane Donna churned tor ward the Bahamas today, leav: ing in its wake 116 dead and {hundreds missing on Puerto Caribbean other is Effort To End Leader Battle LEOPOLDVILLE (AP) -- Thelindication today of whether National Assembly vpted today to' recognizes Lumumba or Kasa invalidate President Joseph Kasa- vubu 8s the legal authority in vubu's firing of Premier Patrice/the Congo, The army still apr Jumumba and Lumumba's order peared to be loyal to Lumumba ousting Kasavubu, hut there was growing sympathy The decision was embodied inifor Kasavubu in military ranks 8 single resolution, Lumumbe and it was not known how the himself voted for the resolution troops would behave in 8 shows | Rieo and lands, deputies voted against, along with 5 members, Nineteen down, Lumumba charged in his letter The decision throws the eonflict between Kasavubu and Ia Lagk sald he was the Russians were talking about but Jahelled the story "99 per cent lies it is only Communist propaganda," Tass claimed more persons were tortured to death by Nazi and Estonian seeurity police directed personally by the commandant of the Jagala camp CLEARED BY RCMP A spokesman sald RCMP and RCAF security of ieers had talked to Laak and found nothing to incriminate him, Laask, a na tive Estonian, had been em: ployed since 1068 as a civilian worker with the department of killings," he sald : packing 125. "1 have lots of enemies in ny? L ' : sia. The Communists hate me, igh in . hate them." ee ok who seid he was. fearful WOUNDED MEN BACK FROM CONGO of reprisals to his family and| was General William P, Fishe | jured men were flown back to | Washington, D.C; It, Kenneth himself, had asked thal his name, or "1c welcomes back injured | the Maguire Air Force Base In | B, Stickevers, Valley Stream, not he used in interviews airmen who were hurt when | New Jersey today, From left: | N.Y; It, William M, Shaw, He came to Winnipeg in 1062 oi ooved "hy rioting Congolese | Canadian Bignalman Albert | Jv, Ashville, N.C; T/8gt, Kens and moved into the family's pres. oon" Agvioa after the ine | Boone; Lt, Gerald T, Henery, | neth E, Bennett, Norfolk, Va, ent home 10 months ago, His| wld mother and some relatives still Democrats " Find Trouble As the storm, mile-an-hour winds, continued | its westerly swing, warnings! went out fo the Bahamas and all points along the southeast | coast of the United States of wach hurricane advisories for = to the UN's special represenias y , ~. Uve here that the closing of aire mumba back to where il was, flee and of Leopoldvilie radio The deputies appeared halfled hy important key to I ' the problem and reflected ft Bh MPOFtant key to power in the ; i weches COMBO, was 'a violation of the clearly in eonfusing speeches " which. followed one another all diy ad of the republic of day long, The UN sald it closed the radio LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuters)-|station and the airfields used hy Congolese Premier Patrice Lu- UN planes in the interests of the mumba today appealed to inde: "maintenance of law and order," the next few days, 2 it Puerto Rico alone counted al Ci y Hall Graft Probe pendent African states for Im-| (The Associated Press reported mediate military ald as this di- from London that President Kas least 106 dead and anotier 200 missing in floods and high tides Three deaths were reported in Port Au Prince, capital of Haiti, é 266 pve ers. N _ . . 1 fg at least oe i qerols Jon MONTREAL (CP)--Three mu- vided republic plunged deeper|savubu had evercome the radio {nieipal court judges Tuesday| into political chaos, I blackout by broadeasting from night accepted the task of inves:| Lumumba sent a letter to the| Brazzaville, seross the Conge Higating graft in-eity hall, independent African states call: River from Leopoldville in the Chief Judge Roland Paquette, |ing for "troops of your army, Congo republic of the French and Judges Henrl Monty andthe necessary armement, and if community, The Brazzaville star than 8000 PATRICE LUMUMBA live in Communist - dominated | a University IT 00S Ne . Estonia His youngest son of Manitoha engineering student, was hitter about the publicity his father had received, | "Why should you print that Communist propaganda?" he Islands | Floodwaters swept across Pu. erto Rico, Dead cattle polluted water supplies, national defence fro-Asians asked reporters, "They Just wanted my father to he pestered J like this" | Khrushchev appears to be trying observers here that Khrushehev Laak's wife was placed under to mobilize Afro-Asian opinion] intends to be as tough to the West Reporters were against the West without waiting as possible, ignoring Western |until he goes before the United leaders before the opening of the = INations General Assembly Sept, General Assembly session, 2, Seek Improvement At Logging Camp William Btefanoviteh regional night a|director of organization for the spukesiva Waid Fuerday . Carpenters Union said" the only RCMP declined to give any In formation in connection with the death Immigration department ofl elals said last week that Laak|a doctor's care arrived in Canada from Genoa,l told she did not talk to police, LONDON (Reuters) -- Nikita| WANTS TENSION HIGH | Recent Soviet actions have strengthened thee view, that Diplomatie observers here sald today the Boviet premier has started a drive to woo non-com:| ) hid mitted countries for support in Khrushehby Pkg fh bin " high! trying to force Soviet policies on itch ! the United States piteh, | | The staging of the press econ Mh De | Rr Now DOI aa) ference in Moscow hy the two! with Prime Minister Nehyu about| American cipher experts Tues. going to the General Assembly dy Jorved to keep alive antl of \ h { wieg proposal hy Ontario Hydro for #lway loggers ean he assured of ad i was thought Hkely he, has activities new incentive payment plan for peoper Jlving standafds and) asian leaders As long as Khrushehev appears loggers at a Northern Ontarlo| working conditions 1s under # 4 to want cold war with the West,| power project does not solve the union contract, There has heen 4 nn of A | oficials here see little chance of problem of previding proper liv] He said Hydro should vegard personal approach to Prime Min-inyoominan going to the General ing dards and working con-| them as employees though ofl. - PORONTO (CP) == A union On the contrary, it appeared to! In S. States MANY INJURED Humaeao, hardest hit of the Puerto Rican areas, reported B6 bodies recovered, Some B50 per. NEW YORK (AP) The New| sons wem reported to have heen York Times says there is gen. |injured in the area, most of ooo them residents of slum shacks agreement among many! ong the beaches southern political leaders, Silo Governor Luis Munoz Marin| and voters that the Democratic summoned Joeal government party faces "deep trouble" In 81% |loaders to draft an emergency | key southern states, program to eope with the dis The story was based on a two: aster which some feared might week tour of the south by Times exceed the 1982 hurricane when reporter Claude Bitton 200 persons were killed and The states ave Virginia, South mor than 1,000 injured, Carolina North Coli, Ten BO r BAN IT S nessee, orida am ONAN, TTL D! i BIG BOOBOO In a dispateh to The Times from Atlanta, Bitton says) NEW YORK (AP)= A dap. er handit pulled off a $1,500 "There also Is evidence of erosion of the traditional loyalty iquor store holdup Tuesday night, but not without miss eral to the Democratic party in Geor- gla. Alahama, Mississippl, Louls: iana and Arkansas, However, few were willing to prediet that Viee- Pascal Lachapelle are to look possible, aiperaft for troop trans: tion said it had set up a direct into charges that some officials! and councillors try to cash in on their influence, The graft probe specifically revolves about an application for a building permit sought by a soft-drink hottling firm to extend its plant in north-end Montreal, Twice, the application was turned down by city ecounell, 19 Known Dead In 8. Africa Mine BOKSBURG, Bobid lhe (AP)~The shaft collapse a ERP ! mine here mounted to 10 this morning with the recovery of four more bodies during the night, There are still eight miners missing with scant hope any will be found alive, The Negro miners have heen trapped more than portation" {link with Kasavubu's residence The goateed Congolese leader in Leopoldville sent another letter to the United] (The president declared he is Nations command here, demand. still the chief of state in (he ing that Congolese alyfields and Congo and his ministers had ne Leopoldville radio, closed by the power to depose him, In his UN Tuesday, he reopened {broadeast, monitored In London, The twin moves by Lumumba Kesavubm said he eould count on came after clashes Tuesday night the army to support him in his hetween supporters of President |struggle with Lumumba, whom Joseph Kasavubu and troops and| he accused of plunging the couns police loyal to Lumumba, At|try toward dictatorship and coms least two persons were killed munism,) when police opened fire with ma-| Meanwhile, ancient tribal feuds chine:guns on demonstrating Ba: were reported to have erupted konge tribesmen whe drove|inie murder in the Leopoldville through the streets of Leopold: |distriet, A European elaimed he ville calling for Lumumba's eus- saw three babies knifed to death ter, Tuesday night during a tribal Lumumba has refused to ac: clash, cept Kasavubu's order dismiss: © lice d they Ing him from office and has used only blank cariridges in countered by getting cabinet ap: breaking up Tuesday's anti-Lus proval for a move to strip the, mumba demonstrations hut res president of all his powers, | porters heard bullets ricocheting ister Maemillan or other Western occomiiy, ditions {elally the Ontario labor relations statesmen, The tough Soviet attitude ap: The Ontario Hydro » Electric Doard recognizes them as inde. peared to some observers as a A " od Pendent contractors and outside reflection of a closing of ranks Pe Caminidsion annoieed union Jurisdiction, eporte between the Russians and Chi a higher acreage allowance for The Carpenters Union has con: Years Jail nese in thelr ideological dispute, timber cutting among loggers or vened area organizers lo discuss DETROIT (AP)--Only one of Some ohservers said hoth So- |a course of action, viet and Chinese Communists are! quickly to capitalize on the vglashers" engaged as independ. " ent contractors on land.clearing Louis Whitsitt's dreams has been fulfilled. He was released from hap, He shot himself in the 7000 feet down since Saturday, briefease As police related it, a man with a fashionable attache case In hand entered a spirits shop and asked for a fifth of The UN had still not given any of walls and saw them rip into Warrant Out [ss For Lumumba wounded Congolese were hrought in after the clash, as well as a man who had been clubbed to death, BRUSSELS (AP)----The Belgian radio sald today warrants are of Lumumba, Information Minis belleved to have been issued for|ter Anicet Kashamura, Interior the arrest of Premier Patrice Minister Christophe Gbenye, Jus: President Nixon could carry any of those five states, GROWING CONSERVATISM "The Republicans have moved The warrants bore the names the en to remedy he hy ¢ \ Ave Wm wa ( ind 8 d poor \ UNIONS CRITI Leas ol the hood of Carpenters and f whieh the Lumbe Workers Union 18 a welcomed H an sald it does aot ted Brother Joiners and WILHELM PIECK = E. German eM Motor Plant P resident Hurt By Strike | Dies At 84 DETROIT (AP) Chevrolet dh pppiin (AP) -- Wilhelm vision of Gener il M Hors ids 4 Pleck, president of Communist ation announced that We hig East Germany, died this morn Trunk Western Railroad ing, the official news agency aw in its seventh day, od oh bly one of its two elghi-eylinder en DN announced, He was 8 0's ement but the problem Negro Admissions at one in thelr support for forcing south's growing conservatism, a| high-quality bourbon, and imposing policies on the by-product of industrialization| He also inquired about the The elosing of the airfields hy progra n § in Hydro power | "imperialist" West land urbanization." contents of the cash register, the UN disrupted flights by Rus. schemes ew regulations ni - _ -- also specify minimum accommo he opened the attache ease ferrying Lumumba's troops into 4 wide enough to give the Kasal provinee to fight supports Hydro's proposal followed an salesman a glimpse of a small ers of the breakaway movement investigation of living condilons p p ' sawed-off shotgun, in Albert Kalonji's self » pros "slasher! eamps at the Little The salesman empti ] 4 g Rapids Row Gptponn Fires 'Hopeless |" "om ™ [umm vid oof ho mink ioe inior. Remy, Mvaraha| Samia was iso epi to 120 miles northwest of Timmins Southern Michigan prison at When the bandit veached : ate Secretary for Information he using the Russian planes to Hydro oficials sald conditions # | Jackson Tuesday after serving 27 President. Kasavubu, Antoine Bolamba and State See: build wp his forces for an ine were inadequate at one contrac years for murder and kidnap B t Homes Safe the Sas, he gun Mig uh, The radio said its correspond:| Jacques Lumbala, . I pravines, he 'ion Witt, 44 a mate of cout| 99 UR Bing sha of 'pc [80 Léopldele reported" het ; parked vight, Ont, had expected to be ) hot olf the Toor and inte hig | ose Tsiombe, president and aha litions \ allowed fo remain in the United|. WALIFAX (CP)-Gusty, switeh: Prince Edward Island for 10] 5 \d a Ary States He said he had a '"'very|'"# winds drove forest fires days, Some 500 men and dozens | i warning ia. out tora. wells provinee, was expected soon at : her of the Ontario good Job selling Insurance and WOMEN mare valuable timber injaf trucks and bulldozers have Ph ng with $1500 a {Bragsaville to meet Kasavubu, at) mio Woodbine real estate' lined up. He also he Atlantic provinces Tuesday. [been working avound the eloek| i Ay Wd 8 Bale 3 Ri Ronde |Brazzaville, across the Congo ywmill hopes to be reunited with three Forestry officials said no com: attempting to quell the blazes, FA and a n X 3 POINTS MENACED {eapital of the Congo Republic of whom live in the U.S hut there appeared to be little a wy ho . {the French community, hn they could do to halt the destrue.| Bulldozed five breaks have heen a ------ d-- Bd -- | Instead, agents of the US. im tion in the woads put up in front of nearly all the TY Jini » Wl ¢ RON Tai Wallzation Firemen in western Prince Bd. |!/ves and around all the houses Penta on Worried : 5 ward Island were hamp Were Hieilenadeiio cmt Plotsait | pes aN y bil wind changes that sent rampag-|"*™ , At, pa | [fram there to Windsor where they ng fires in almost every direc: HROT Je! Smaraide; Jont| Whitsitt was 17 when he and '0 0 ies nom vest 5 Sum ver urncoats Se v1 son vase In front of a fire when the wind Northwest of Summerside, in September, 1933, to 45-90 years Some 30 fives are burning in ment for murder in the slaving of [lames in another divection," one Nova Scotia and the Island, The/tel Hill hearing that may send mentally sick and both are eb: Joseph Neshitt, Police said the official said situation in both provinces was sparks darting through high HOV: viously confused, four forced thelr way into Nes. "There's not a hope in the desoribed as eritical, Woods ernment agencies has been Francis Walter, Pennsylvania out af Detrait and inte neighbor. They're burning down in the are scorched from one of the case of the two turncoat eode commitiee on un-American ac! f ing Macomb County where Nes: ground." driest, sunniest summers in clerks, [tivities, announced that his coms hitt was shot and killed, Fires have been raging In memory Plans for the heaving were mitiee wi open hearings Sept. fF mr-- -- -- - | In Nova Scotia's Shelburne announced after the defecting 16, | 3 tinued to fight a fire that broke William Martin, 20, turned up al'guer the case is this: How out 12 days ago and has burnedd Moscow press conference and could the pair be hired tin 1957) an unestimated acreage of spruce Accused the United States of op hang on to jobs in one off and pine forest and barren, threatening world peace, the top-secret government agen: - -- Ta lend point to his Inguiry, sian planes which have heen dation standards MARITIMES BLAZE claimed "mining state," F 8 } were issued at the request of OW to A e oney n " | Wi sty money retary for the Presidency vasion of breakaway Katanga tor's eamp and steps had been ping. leg premier of secessionist Katanga A {River from Leopoldville, is the ike threat brothers and three sisters all of MUhities were in direct danges aly oo ,'in their path, Three communities prison, drove him to Detroit and ered by three other Men Were sentenced! Well Just get a fire break up/Metaide, and Alhertan, 30 miles for kidnapping and life imprison. Would change and drive the WASHINGTON (AP)-A €aph|ganda." It said one of them ls bitt's car at gunpoint, drove it world of putting these fires out throughout the Atlantic provinces! scheduled for Sept, 16 in the pDemoerat and chairman of the [eounty, more than 1,000 men con. clerks, Bernon Mitchell, 31, and! gpe big question now hanging! Weekend rain dampened eight! President Eisenhower branded cies. i \ gine plants Tuesday night {| already has closed the company's only six-oylinder engine maker, The shutdowns will have no A bulletin signed hy four doe Aurea ol TO School Delayed i the heart Sunday was compli: | cated by an inflammation of the! HOUSTON, Tex, (AP)---Hous of the old southern confederacy of in Newfoundland and mo the pair outhreaks were reported, org." New Brunswick's 25-odd fives arel| The Pentagon still burning but none is out of '"turncoats called whe have be "self-confessed traits and both "'obviow fused"? {They worked for them * one were mentally sick National Security Agency, REPAIRS NEEDED lungs . Pleck, whose job was largely that of a figurehead, had been ton's schools reopen today, thear Civil War days, and two other o \ etically integrated, but Negro Virginia cities, Roanoke and Pu Sw, ome tomy students won't be notified until laski too ill to appear in public since Frigay A hele Saroment (PI Negroes attended public schools July 10. 1058 cations have been accepted, with white youngsters without in- Walter Ulbricht, the deputy! The board of education voted oident in a gradually increasing! premier, is the real patie \ Tuesday night to allow Negroes to] gumber of other southern sities. Rader In B ph al °al enroll first grades of previ Farid ' Nin san i leader Rast Germany. ously allwhite Schools but im lorida's first public secondary ! Heck a a long-time Commu: structed superintendent John Me 3chaol Was iniegrated in token ' olutionary who lived Farland to delay their admission 3008, lar example, when a much of his life outside Germany. until Friday Negro girl enrolled at North Mi He returned in IM3 from exile! The decision prevented seven MM Be ach Junior high along with tn lose OW, a Ad in 199, when the Negra pupils, who qualified under 13% white pupils, Russians converted their German ihe board's transfer male. fram Bu of Railway z¢ Ml occupation inte a "deme ave . As is in a dispute pub . *} lending opening classes today. Louis ¢ ¢ republic, he was installed Dr. Henry Petersen, board presi , Said the delay was needed of Soviet propa. LATE NEWS FLASHES Olympic Record Set By U.S, ROME (CP) Rig Al Oerter of the United States set an Olympie record today in winning the gold medal in the discus final. Oerter and two other Americans took all three medals in the eveat, Ike Won't Speak To Khrushchev WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Risenhower indicated immediate effect upon Chevrolet Qar produ |) Its assembly plants across the cow preparing to change over models, No new model hliies are scheduled until week, The Grand Trunk operates in Michigan, Wlinols, Indiana and Ww asin, Two Chey of engly plapts { Flint, M dencad upon it for their railroad rans Senator Mike Mansfield of Montana said: "It is hard to [understand how they could have {heen hired hy an agency that is supposed to thoroughly screen {and carefully select its employ ees, There is a strong possibi {ity our security clearance sys {tem is in need of repair i NSA is a defence department wit with headquarters about 20 miles from' Washington, It oper {ates HM hours a day, intercept: ling radio signals and concen | trating on codes and communi: {cations intelligence, Mry are to 19461 assem next the deep-south states of AR Mississippi, Alahama Georgia and South Carolina stood firm. New Orleans has heen or Brotherhood men Ww work Ned out rales as {irst president | over Otle Grotewohl was made pre: mier, but Ulbricht is the party ASS. In 1003, two years after desert CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS ne Fgh the alser's army Yieok became a member of the 11 central committee of Germany's RA §.1133 newly-lounded Communist party When Hitler took power, Pieck fled to Paris. At the outbreak of the Second World War, he weat te Moscow, POLICE FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6574 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 ime a to "process Negro youngsters, The action was taken at an emergency meeting shortly after the US. Court of Appeals at New Orleans turned down an appeal seeking to continwe segregation NO INCIDENTS ELSEWHERE T™he Houston developments came on a day marked hy peace fal schoal integration for the first Va, capial! dered to integrate Nov, M and Atlanta hy next fall LITTLE ROCK QUIET A dosen Negr ended apen- ing classes with pupils at Central and Hall h hoals Wm Little Rook, Ark. scene of segre Sationis! demonstrations agaist racial mixing Wm past vears There was ae signa of trouble this ume, h SC { Khrushehev there, today he will address the United Nations General Assembly | opening Sept. 20 hut does not expect to mee! Soviet Premier The agency was reported te (have begun a sweeping investh {Ration {friends and associates of the of its own, with many a 3 3s pair being questioned. | 30 Killed In Rirliner Crash [PE Sul alk dks MONTEVIDEQ, Uruguay (Reuters) -- All thirty parsons aboard an Argentine airliner were feared killed when it crashed near the Argentine border today after exploding in midair The plane, a DOA operated by Aerolineas Argentinas, was flying from Montevideo to Buenos Alres with 24 passengers and |) a crew of six, Was seized hy court arden \ sowledged that since early Aw! gust of a letter the pair Joit im a Poses wilh the nation's bank safe deposit Miss Canada, Iris Thurlwell, | Hawall, whe has the shortest two | name of any eatrant, Gabriella bax before' newest states' entries Im the | 1 and Miss Alaska, June Bows The letter; Miss America pageant al Ab | dish, {lantic City, NJ. today, Miss | ¢ it has heen In possession daving the country «(AP Wirephoiad

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