Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 3 Sep 1960, p. 8

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8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, September 3, 1960 LA Plumbing Ne.148 FOR FAST RELIABLE PLUMBING CALL MURRAY MILLER CO. 341 Athol E, RA 3:9343 ise =. rr LEV} BED BM 1080000 For the "Best" in , , PLUMBING CALL LORNE GOODMAN RA 5-1044 PED RM arike Heating IT'S DIXON'S For the BEST in FUEL end Heating Equipment DELCO by GENERAL MOTORS 313 Albert St. RA 3-4663 | This pleasing home incorpor- ates such features as corner windows in two of the three bedrooms and plenty of closet and linen space The separate vestibule Is a feature housewives will bless, ms... McLaughlin Heating for ¢ FUEL OIL +» STOVE OIL * Prompt Delivery 104 King W, RA 3-348) Flooring it provides extra closet for guests wraps and insures less abuse to living room rugs, Note also the built-in sn bar in the kitchen, the cons venlently located basement stairs, and the lovely rear tor- race for outdoor living, The hath is large and is convenient ly located near the bedrooms, With a large living room id dining area, this design ir an outstanding investment | a LEGGETTE Hardwood Floors o LAYING * SANDING o FINISHING CALL , , . RA 5.6851 modern priced home, Bluep nts now Include plan for attached al throughout, | space | Kk | * |dized or plated; in either case, Vf tartar, and peroxide. Cover the natural driftwood taken from the 4.4 » - TERZACE DINING KITCHEN shr1os JT eee BED RM ori ld LIVING BM 146 ot 1 12] i ' AID HOUSE DESIGN NO, 148 garage also alternative frame construction Standard Builders' prints costing $9.75 a sel obtainable in Canada for Design No, 148 Now available from address below, a new and enlarged 1060 Book of House Designs entitled "A new Selection of Low Cost HOMES for CANA- DIANS", price $1.00, Contains 114 designs including 1 story, 1% story, 2 story, and split level homes, plus much useful information on building terms and requirements, Order your | copy today, Also included in | this Design Book is full infor- mation on how to order the | blueprints, ane this The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, - STRADWICKS LTD. Flooring Experts 894 Simcoe St, N, Coll ,, RA 5-0139 House Designs entitled "A Homes For Canadians," (Ple to The Oshawa Times.) Nome Address PRR RARRRRRI RNIN, d please find $1.00 for which send me Book of New Selection of Low Cost ase make remittance payable IY RI IIT] CITY FLOOR SERVICE (BILL WATSON) "EVERYTHING TO DO WITH HARDWOOD FLOORING" CALL ; . , RA 3.9450 ROSS E. MILLS €0. LTD 80 SIMCOE ST. N, RA 8.6218 "Flooring Our Specialty' QUESTIONS ANSWERED |* QUESTION: Where can I get Information on making the water from a cistern drinking clean? ANSWE R: The Government Printing Office has a leaflet con- taining Information on water soft. ening; cisterns, wells, ete. Send Documents, Washington 25, D.( for a copy of "Safe Water for the Farm." QUESTION: In our front hall Rugs and Carpets IF IT'S RUGS , , , CALL NU-WAY Wallsto-Wall Broadloom Carpets ~~ Stair Runners, ete, 171 Mary St RA 8.4681 FOR THE FINEST IN FLOOR COVERINGS all , , , ROSS E. MILLS 80 SIMCOE ST. N, RA 8.6218 Electricians PHONE RA 8.461) §6 PRINCE ST, OSHAWA we discovered white brick tile covered with linoleum, We re THE HOME WORKSHOP PAT TERN 308 By RUTH W, SPEARS with luminous paint and gelle child is pn Pattern 398, which gives actual S120 CULLIDE BU dos, Bel Gy av Is 50¢, This pattern is also includ. ed in packet 34 which contains actual-size guides for eight jig- saw projects--the largest a what. not 44 inches high, All for $1.75, Address orders to The Home Workshop Dept, The Times, Osh. awa, an an. MATCHING Building Supplies _ HARLEIGN SUPPLIES (OSHAWA) LTD, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.3012 Sheet Metal MODERN . SHEET METAL 313 OLIVE AVE OSHAWA RA 8.2183 RA 8.0183 SILVER AND SERVING TRAYS Step-saving trays are a hoon to | homemakers. One shown here fits | in the silver drawer. Tak you when you set the table, Keep | It near at dishwashing time tern 388, which gives actual-size | guides for making trays from | scraps of plywood, is 80c, It also {is one of four fullsize patterns in {the Step - Saving = Equipment Packet No, §7 all for $1.75 Address orders to The Home Workshop Dept, The Times, Osh awa, moved the linoleum and have, some paste we cannot remove,| A few tiles are worn, too, Is there) any way to remove the remain. ing linoleum adhesive? Would porcelain repair material do the trick on worn tile? | ANSWER: If the linoleum| paste was the regular type, it should be removed with a strong, | hot solution of washing soda, us-| 20 cents (no stamps) to Supt, of |!"& about a pound to the gallon|about equal---150,000,000 tons of water and allowing the solu.| tion to work on the paste for| |about a half hour to soften it;| then scrape off with a stiff brush! or putty knife, If this was a (Wwalerproof type, paint remover| |will soften the adhesive, If the | paste remains in just small spots, | Free Trade the easiest way to remove it {would be with an electric hand| (sander, being careful not to dam. age the brick tile, Porcelain repair materials | {might do the trick on the tile, |although if relatively large areas| {are damaged, it might not with-| {stand heavy traffic, Another {method might be to build up the |worn sections with plastic wood | then painting with good quality | floor enamel, QUESTION: We have an alls {brick home, All that requires | painting is the trim, but we have {difficulty in keeping the paint from peeling in spite of using good quality primer and paint. Is there something we can add Skyway shelves are brightened!!® the paint or. treat the wood casual about the Furopean trad: ith to prevent this? ANSWER: The usual cause of aint peeling is moisture work: ing its way through from under neath and pushing the paint off, The trim may not be tightly Joined to the brick or the joints of the frames themselves may have loosened; or there may he faulty window flashings. All these points should be checked and any {openings tightly caulked, using a | caulking compound and caulking [Eun w blue: | | WASHINGTON shomioak {you'll have no trouble, When discolored area with a thick layer swamps, I have heard there fs AE the aluminum, use 8 of this. Allow to remain about 8 some sort of formula to help pre- plish that is made to leave a pro- hell hour, then rub over the dis- serve driftwood, Whet is the for- tective coating on the metal, If eoloratin; rinse thoroughly with mula? the aluminum is of a cheaper Clear water; repeat treatment, ANSWER: Brush off any loose |grade and upirested, give the Several times, | dust, or foreign matier clinging 'CHIMNEY TROUBLE? Your Chimney should be checked NOW for: B DEFECTIVE BRICKS, MORTAR CRACKING LJ » ments and speak "loo freely" on FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE 50 Will Die | ieiance by Russo porond ! slso is emphasized, { WHITMAN ! Eoviet © Hiumprt BH "non-sociale [SALE AIR DAMAGE the discoloration, I've tried flable at ppl are expected (0 go this year, | QUESTION: I have a small bleach, cleanser, rust remover, houses and some drugstores, Dur They are peng warned thet |eottage not far from the ocean cic, 0 no avail. Can you sug: ing the growing season, the frest- foreign intelligence services are By THE CANADIAN PRESS | {ings installed at the front steps| ANSWER: The best suggestion every three weeks; repeat | Canadians this weekend . pay weekend highway desths totalled 1ty 16 provocste, and even 10 and around & side tervace, WHllT ean offer is that you write the three months, during the vest of yoiiday homage to one of the big: 43, In 1957 they hit 9, recruit, Soviet citizens one the salt air damage the slumi- manufacturer of the specific the year, PS, Rollo Wade gest organizations in the country POLITICAL, ACTION newspaper said, adding: "Mony . for his recommendation, The fol- i I : | ANSWER: Uf the railings fii lowing treatment may work: Detroit 26, Mich, more than 1,500,000, active year for Canada's orgen- io Shelf Souiley gis tow talkative {made by a reputable many acts Make 8 thick paste of scratchiess PRESERVING DRIFTWOOD In general, Canedians celebrate ized labor, 8 yesr thet sew the 4 Jack sell ' 'er, the chances are that Labor Day by not working, Many final steps taken by labor to en- planes in a travel hinge on centre party to be founded next Clear of docks, shorelines, swim. summer's last long weekend July at an Ollews eonference Ming areas and hosts seys the The Canadien Highway Safety backed by the CCF and Cana Ontario Salety League, Reckless will die in traffic accidents alone] In Newfoundland controversy boats and passengers or swim- during the 78-hour holidey which continues over the legislature's mers is an of ence under Govern» ins ¥) night, | duly approval t med ment Regulations, Anyone eon railings a coat ef clear shellac, srry AKED OVEN DOOR [0 the wood. Then wipe with fine| "Grr. "iday night y Spbroval of what i. ten [$0 keep the salt air from working QUESTION: Streaks run steel wool and turpentine to ve yarned motorists to ohserve all hor, amendments which left un. $500.00, , > ais Sus 2 {the rules and plan to put extra touched the province's right to |'n any ease! {oven door, The stove was bought Stine. phy 4 iB Son) O oi men on duty, Idecertify locals, Fur farming is now 8 major in ACOUSTIC CEILING TILE second-hand and fis in perfect preserve the driftwood against = (dustry in Cansde, The Book of QUESTION: Is there any way condition except for the streaks, | Knowledge says it started with dry wall ceiling, with glue, so without success, Can you sug MARKS AROUND KNOBS Island early in this: century that it will stay on) gest anything to get these stains QUESTION: My two youngsters '] . About thirty years ago, mink ANSWER; Acoustic ceiling tile *7 are in and out all the time and [ourist-Spies farming was introduced, Today, i i § stre, i ; brown variety, there is 8 large ing with adhesive recommended streaks with fine steel wool and door knobs takes a i : there 18 | by tile manufacturer, Instruction a scratchless 'scouring powder; is there any way of making the By JOHN MILLER | But so-called spies are not the Satge 9 solos available in these sheets for installation are pub- or use one of the excellent oven- door *finger-mark-proof"? | MOSCOW (Reuters)--The eall only targets in the campaign, Y@Uable furs, usually available from the tile available in supermarkets, the Clean the finger marks off and guard against foreign spies in censed about citizens who give! ? good water skier never overs dealer, Most building supplies housewares, hardware and paint (0 qo0r knob, being sure the their midst and the "disrupting" | away secret information to their est'maies his ability, "Stunt Skis dealers supply instruction sheets| stores, following lahel directions ooo. ic coe of 'wax, grease, ete. influence of bourgeois ideology relatives, friends and even stran- ing" without experienced instrues able where material is pur On grease from cooking spalters. jap" now available in aerosol being sounded throughout the Also, under altack are stools dents according to the Ontario chased | SEE {orm = er the "taking-a-heat- Soviet Union people" who lose secret docu boi ely League, | QUESTION: In the spring we orm over The code Won Disa ie ---- ------------------------ | PROTECTING SCAFFOLDING | seem to be bothered with clogged WE" ares, Fingerprints are eas. The code word of the campaign | : {for vigilance, [ommend putting on a new scaf-|tree roots, How can we preven! Appic FLOORING It has been waged at different | folding plank to keep it from this? QUESTION: We have a low Pitches on and off since the end ANSWER: Using well-seasoned, cleared of root growth with an age, However we would like to down of the U.S, U2 spy plane, dry lumber, free of knots and eleciric root-remover; all plumb put down flooring, to protect the the call for vigilance now is being splits, ad keeping it in a well: ers have these. Then use a ceiling and lath between the made almost daily by some sec- | from warping and twisting, M. root growth, Root » destroying! gat . " ganda media, ture absorption hy wood €auses chemicals are available at some | patistactotn? If the attic is to be oo ietskaya Rossiva, organ of warping, No finish is necessary garden supplies dealers and hard oa Aili or Br ins ore the Russian Federation Commun- iri recently: "Every year, thousands DISCOLORED BATHTUB tions carefully wood sheets, at least 58 inch! of foreign tourists, journalists | QUESTION: Our hathtubh is Or dissolve a pound of finely thick, should work out very well, students and sportsmen come to stained yellow to the water line powdered copper sulphate in a It should he laid with a face B, met as guests and helped to get water, The tub is fairly new flush down the drain of a plumb-iis not intended as a finish floor-| a correct impression of the Soviet (only four years) and I wonder ing fixture the last thing atl ing, but is ideal as an underlay. Union and its people," if there is any way to remove night, The copper sulphate Isler and a subfloor, the telephone, By ROGER C, [J isi" countries last year and more | 1S eekken {and went to have aluminum rail- gest 8 way to whiten i7, ment should be repesied oo Tn 1956 and 1959 the Labor Dey waiting and watching, "They will {pum surface? hubble bath preparation you used Roote Corp, 1504 ~is organized labor force of, Across the lend, it has heen an SOVIEL people completely devoied | ' scour it q clean' {aluminum has either been apo ne powder, 8 little cream QUESTION: We want to Jam the roads, the trains, the ter politics -- in a pew left-of- W ter skiers should keep well Council predicts 50 Canadiens disn Labor Congress, skiing h dangerous to Across the country police have softening of laws concerning la victed is lable to 2 fine up to {on the metal, Or use the polish, | ethwise on the front of the Move #ny surface grease and netration and soflin : to put acoustie ceiling tile on a1 tried cleaner to remove them, MOSHE penetra 6 ussians eqar siiver foxes on Prince Edward can he cemented to dry wall ceil: ANSWER: Try removing the keeping doors clesn around the compared with the origingl dark lot of time, lished by the manufacturer and cleaning preparations widely AngwpR: Fortunately, yes; to Soviet citizens to be on their| Newspapers are particularly in| for use with their products, avail. carefully, This is probably baked When surface is dry, spray shel-|when they go abroad again is gers, e majority of acels 4 is ""bditelnost," the i | |" QUESTION: What do vou ree. sewer pipes because of growing 'y wiped off then, 4 elnos he Russian word) {warping and twisting? ANSWER: Have the pipe aie which we use only for stor. of the war, But with the shooting | ventilated place should keep M chemical to prevent further tree! peams. Would plywood sheets be tion or other of the Soviet propa | J ve slOr 0 0 ist Partly committee, commented for the plank, {ware stores; follow label instruc: ou pa very Tittle traffic, ply A y £0 €, ¢0 the Soviet Union, They are gladly from using bubble hath in the wooden paid of warm water and grain across the joists, Plywood But, the newspaper added, Rus | CREOSOTE OR TAR COLLECTION POOR DRAFT OR DOWNDRAFT : 3 or v tz < Nar FOUNDATION TROUBLE, SETTLING, CRACKING 7B ng ee oe Sustain Mankind tions plant agents among tourists and trade delegations and carry out spy activities ACCUSE ENVOYS One newspaper said recently that a group of embassy officials] + travelling from Moscow by train were seen hy train conductors trying secretly to photograph i "objects" and make notes, The| 5 [day there is no real wheat cli-| Field beans are the most m.( 310 Condutiors demanded to see § The mate, Wheat can be grown as|/portant of the seeded legumes Se 3 iC Sh about ney Finland and near|and in areas where there is a itary airports and hrid ido on -11 major food crops for sub-|the equator in central India, scarcity of meat, they supply the y F = ges, sistence, In one part of the] However, five countries, Can- diet's protein needs, The main| world or another they provide| ada, the United States, Australia, | centres of production are the Far| powered boats the main fuel for man's energy. Argentina and France, supply| East, Brazil, the Mediterranean camps, Five of these crops are tropi- most of the world wheat exports, | basin, and the United States, The camps, operated hy com- cal, They are rice, sugar cane, | Rice is the subsistence food of gugar usually appears in some| mercial outfitters, are located cassava, coconuts and bananas, the warm humid lands, More! form in everyday meals of people here at Le Grande Detour, 40 The other six are wheat, corn,than 90 per cent of the world's| ail over the world, since it is one miles north of Fort Smith on the rye, potatoes, beans and peas, yearly rice crop is produced inl of the best and cheapest sources|8lave River, and about 56 miles All hut three--corn, potatoes and Asia and most of the trade In| of energy, Bugar cane is less ex-| north, also on the Slave, | cassava enter world trade in|rice takes place ia this area, pensive to produce than sugar| They will head for the hunting large amounts, | 'Rye is an Important crop In|heets and leads in production,|areas on horses but bows and| Of all the foodstuffs grown by northern Europe, but acreage 18 Cuba and India are the twol|arrows are banned They will use| mankind, the U8, agriculture de-/ declining in favor of wheat, Rye|jargest producers, but most of high-calibre rifles designed to partment. says, It is difficult to can be grown wherever wheat is India's 'sugar is consumed at|bring down the great beasts with know just why these 11 erops grown but because it 1s the most home, so that Cuba and thea single shot gained particular favor. - | winter-hardy of the cereals it| philippines are the major export: TWO KITCHENER MEN But the 11 have certain char-ican be produced in climates tool gpg, Among the first six of the 45 acteristics in common: (1) they cold for wheat, Today rye i8|mapiocA EXPORTED licences fo he picked up were yield heavily; (2) they have re-|largely a crop of Europe and the! those of Dr, L, 8, MacGregor and latively good keeping and stor-| Soviet Union Cassava, a stable food y wy Ir Grorae Murray of KieIomer. age qualities; and (3) they are STORAGE PROBLEM eal lands, ng a: n W Last season. 20 leences were relatively easy to. grow Corn ranks third among thelAmericas ut has Spread xen of 30 offered and each TWO STAPLES grains In acreage and produc. throughout equatorial Afric ® nunter claimed & trophy Wheat and rice are the two|tion, Native to the Americas, it|/Asia and the tropical islands. | The hunt was authorized by the leading food staples, Four out of now is widely distributed over Most of it 1s eaten where 5 rth t Territories eouneil last! world's i | » ear , : .| grown, but some, mainly in the Northwest Territor M five of the world's inhabitants the earth, But corn is low on the 2 ide|vear for the first time, and ex eat one or the other of them,|list of desired foods, so that the form of tapioca, reaches outside , : ' : rains is os \ arkets, panded to 100 licences this sea Production of the two grains is| bulk of the crop is converted into] ™ 300 1 meat and poultry, | Coconuts, another tropical food, d year, | Potatoes rival grains in the are also an outstanding source of Wheat, however, Is grown on amount of food produced and on|vegetable oll, more of the world's acreage than|a weight basis the world's po- Bananas originated in Asia, but any other crop, sinee man|tato crop exceeds its wheat crop, (by the early 16th century they through plant-breeding has lifted But storage is a problem and, had spread to the humid tropics the barriers of nature so that to-| also because of weight and vol-| throughout the world, -- ume, they move but little in ex-| The leading commercial ba. port trade, Furope is the big po-/nana area is In the Caribbean tato continent, and Latin America, By RICHARD P, Powers (AP) bulk of mankind depends far north as great to their base Is your chimney sa If you need costly re or maintenance, why not find out about the SELKIRK chimney? Your Shimney worries will be over, with a Belkirk, Canada's finest factory-built chimney, Forget about chimney trouble ~-- remember SELKIRK! See your Local Building Supply Centre airs For these free booklets, and the name of your local dealer, write to; SELKIRK METAL PRODUCTS LTD, 625 Wall Street, Winnipeg 10, Manitoba North Augusta Road, Brockville, Ont, er RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL, RCIAL CHIMNEYS Precast Concrete SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN POURING ON SITE, OUR QUALITY IS GUARANTEED. Current Range of Products include: SEPTIC TANKS ® CURBING DURA STEPS ® WALK SLABS RAILINGS ® WELL TILE PATIO SLABS ® CHIMNEY CAPS CONCRETE PRODUCTS | : LIMITED pool Pact Proposed VANCOUVER (CP) - Canada Planes, Outboards should evter ino 4 frecirade On Buffalo Hunt States, Western Europe and the| United Kingdom to re ard her | By JIM WHELLY economic independence, says Dr, | J, J, Young, head of the Univer. sity of British Columbia's eco. nomics and political science de- partment, Unless Canada participates in the hunters are using horses, hut Canadian Press Correspondent [that's about all the similarity LE GRANDE DETOUR, left, NWT, (CP) Things have| Six United States and Canadian changed in the buffalo hunt since hunters moved out of here Thurs: | |the red man nofched arrow to'day to bring down some of the bow strings and hurtled his thun- 3,000 bison grazing outside pro. trading arrangem ot6 TON being dering pony down on a §razing toctod Wood Buffalo National developed, she will find herself In the second hunt organized in, They flew into Fort Smith, isolated in a world of trading io Northwest Territories by the about 400 miles north of Edmon- bloes with only the United Statés departive tha: 2 # x RB RR he epartiwent of northern affairs, (ton, and travelled by outboard view, "Canada cannot afford to be as 8 SPECIALISTS IN CUSTOM PRECASTING Ph. OLiver §5-3311 ing blocs as the US, huge internal market, "If Canada had entered into serious arrangements with the Outer Seven, this might have stimulated more interest on the part of the US." Dr, Young said, | Dr, Young was a staff econom- ist with the Gordon commission on Canada's economic prospects and wrote the commission's re. port on Canada's commercial policies, Planning To Buy Or Sell A Home? with its| ri 13 TIT SEI fii ee un | "Park Kentucky Bluegrass Highland Bent Grass 15° per Ib, 16 CELINA ST, ! No. 1 Grade Fine Grass Mixture --=containg The better backyard for looks and toughness SOW 200 SQ. FT, PER POUND booper mil ca lawn" NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE ACTION THROUGH PHOTO CO-OP Beautify your home the modern, fune- tional way; clean, durable ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS last a housetime, Inquire now, Creeping Red Fesciue Perennial Ryegrass Photo Co-op is a great time saver. It puts over 100 salesmen in Oshawa and District to work for you, They will find exs actly the house you are looking for or present the merits of the house that you are selling CONSULT A REALTOR TODAY 1 25 per 10 Ib, LJ] OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD W.B. BENNETT PAVING LTD. | | | | | I RA 3.2312

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