Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 3 Sep 1960, p. 9

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PUBLIC SCHOOL PRINCIPALS HOLD CONFERENCE ] ' OSHAWA'S FOUR NEW pub- | principal of King Street Senior [ hore Behind them are left, W 'Port Perry Fair Offers | Attractions 'scons secon } By MRS, CHARLES H, REESOR PORT PERRY -- Once again the Port Perry Reach and Sew gog Agriculture Society is busy with plans and preparations for| the annual fall fair which will he eid here on Labor Day, Sept. 5. | Plenty of fun is being planned for young and old. While the youngsters explore the midway,| ithe older ones can satisfy a hid- den ambition and drive a Go-Kart which will be located in the cen tre at the West End) INEW BUILDING | "Phe Public School exhibits will be on display in the new Junior Fair Building which was built by the Port Perry High School Grade 12 Shop Class under the super: vision of John Jefford, The Molstein Friesian Regional Show is the oldest in the prov ince, heing first organized in 1938 hy the late Robert M, Holthy There will be classes for Aber: deen Angus, Herefords and Shorthorn Cattle and a couple of classes for swine, Judging of the heavy horses this year will start at 11 a.m, The light horses at 12.0 a.m, and some will like the ponies, GRANDSTAND SHOW From tne grandstand you will see the racing, hear the Orono Band, and Mrs, Montgomery, The main building has an oul standing display of Ladies work, baking, flowers and vege tables, Also interesting displays of {farm machinery and modern cars, as well as photography NIGHT SHOW : 5 7 The Night Show this year is wi E.R - being held tonight, Sept, 3, in the former vice-principal of Rilson Port Perry Community Memorial School, The principals held their (Arena, In addition to the usua land industrial water resulted in he Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1960 PAGE NINE PUC Serves [MUNICIPAL STATISTICS 14,873 Oshawa Near The Top Consumers | Tn Tax Collections To meet the demands of fis] u iid Sonsumers the Oshawa Figures released this week by §roup. The pu capita figure for CHILD WELFARE ublic Utilities Commission 18st (he 'Ontario Department of Mu. london was $114.45 with Brant-| Yxpenditures for ehild welfare year pumped 2,506,504 000 gallons nicipal Affairs show Oshaws, with ford 2 S005; don: $104.50; by the five cities were; Windsor, of water through its 143 miles of ! mains, In addition the commis- 8 figure of 99.46, had the third sys RATES $817,522; London, $255,003; Kits sion provided 73 hydrants which best percentage record for the. The mill rate In Oshawa for chener, $91,060; Oshawa, $68.854 gave fire protection to residents collection of current and arrears public and separate school pur- snd Brantford, $71,048, Expendie of the city of taxes in its group of Ontario poses was 77.50 as compared with tures for institutional care were; The Ontario Department of Mu-| cities last year. The group con 69 for Windsor, 61 for London, 52 Windsor, $18,600; London, $67. nicipal Affairs, in its annual re- sists of Windsor, London, Kit-|for Brantford and 51.50 for Kit- 638; Kitchener, $30,276; Oshawa, port of municipal statistics, chener, Brantford and Oshawa, |chener, (954,304 and Brantford, $25,600, sales that the waterworks de Kitchener topped the group! Oshawa is second in the group! It Is also interesting to note partment had current assets with a percentage of 99.92 peri ps regards total assets, Windsor|that Oshawa made the largest totalling $624,767, Its capital as- cent while Windsor with 99.86 per tops the group with $36,577,118, capital expenditures out of revs sets totalled $6,366,987, Its invest- cent was second, In fourth place Oshawa had a total of $24,045,344, enue of apy of the cities in the ments amounted to $701,482, Cur-\was Brantford with 98.68 and The figures for the other cities group, The Aotal here was $652, rent liabilities amounted to $81,- London was fifth with 98.29, ure; London, $19,710,868; Kitchen. 846 of which $501,410 was spent 957; while capital liabilities total-| Oshawa, with a percentage of er, $19,121,401 and Brantford, on public works, London was the led $2,608,956 of which $2,600,200 97.64 topped the five cities in $13,100,917, (next highest with $496,687, was for debenture debt collection of current Laxes, | ae lire CEs vod gee" Teton Wf wives [POLY TAX REVENUE DEBENTURE DEBT cumulated depreciation at TOTAL TAXABLE Kitchener, Oshawa and Brant-! The report states that Oshawa $2,974,270 and reserves of $410,992. ASSESSMENT ford are the only cities in the had the highest per capits de. it had an earned surplus of $456, The report shows Oshawa's group which collect poll tax, Osh- benture debt of the Ontario cities 496 and a capital surplus of $647,- total taxable assessment for the awa collected $19,002 while Kit- with the exception of Hamilton, 756 year was $62,801,085 which was chener raised $18,456 and Brant- Ottawa Peterborough, Port Bale of residential, commercial made up as follows: land, $11, ford $0619. In fact Oshawa tops Arthur, and Waterloo, The figure 580,000; buildings, $58,955,185 and all Ontario cities in revenue from for Oshawa was $200.20, The fig- revenue of $507,601, Bale of water business, $12,355,900, Of the total poll tax, The only community to/ures for the other cities were; to the municipality brought rev. assessment $76,150,706 was for approach Oshawa and Kitchener Hamilton, $274.00; Ottawa, enue of $16,995, Hydrant rentals public schools and $6,670,780 for|in this regard is Sudbury where $200.28; Peterborough, $266.17; totalled $2,934 separate school purposes, Total $14,660 is collected, | Port Arthur, $308.63 and Waters Administrative and general ex-|tax exemptions were $7962, In relief assistance Oshawa! loo, $201.89, penditures totalled $08,507, Main-| It is interesting to note that Osh- stands third in its group, Windsor, Oshawa's total Issued deben~ tenance and operation cost $241,- awa's total tax levy at $6,532,600 tops the group with $1,225,439 with ture debt st the end of 1060 was #32 while allowances for depre- was the second lowest of the five London second with $486,320, Osh- $15,133,355 of which $3,158,000 is ciation amounted to $74,270, Debt! cities, At the same time the per awa spent $206,279 while Kitchen- payable in New York, A total of Heharges amounted to $265,611, Ex- capita tax levy here of $113.25 er spent $58,045 and Brantford $2,080,655 in debentures was ise lie school principals were pres. | Behool and the only lady prin Armstrong, principal of Vin. ent Friday at an allday princi cipal in the city, and Donald | cent lassi formerly | meeting in the room Miss Found carnival games of chance and penditures totalled $661,100, pals' conference held in the | Felker, principal of the new | on the staff of Cedardale School | used as Grade 8 teacher and |Dingo, there will be an interest ing program, consisting of a var: E. A Lovell Public School, | Wilson Road Senior School who | and L, Haisell, principal of | former vice principal of E, A, | . Beated are Miss E., F i, new ' has come to the city from Be Queen Elizabeth School and | Lovell School, lety of entertainers, featuring| d a iss J¥ ound, new as come to the city from Bear Jueen zaheth hot ne OVE 100 on Wipe i Po 1 OSHAWA MEN STUDENT PILOTS eqar 5 rowing LJ ta A In South Africa REPORTED HERE (feozrave, ana Denny Zoporouan, By PAULINE VAN EYSSEN [SHARPEVILLE BACKGROUND Oshawa MOH Dr, ( ( of rote Stewart said Friday no cases Around 11 p.m, a draw will be (Editor's not€; Miss van The emergency was proclaimed of paralytic or non-paralytic |made for an alarm clock radio Eyssen a Times stall reports |g few days after Sharpeville, I polio have been reported this [An admission charge of 25 cents er and native of South Africa, heard some of the background to summer, Last year, there |will he made at the door of the recently returned to Oshawa lit from another newspaper cols were (wo cases of the non- [Arena after several week's travel In |league, It was 2 a,m. and the last paralytic type recorded in the "his carnival is sponsored joint Europe and Africa, _ledition had gone to press, The city, ly by the fair board and the Returning to South Africa after night news editor was tidying his An intensive campaign for |Lion's Club two years in Canada and the desk and the late duty man gets immunization by Balk vac United States, 1 looked for sIgns ting ready to go home, Suddenly of increased awarness among my ail 12 telephones in the office cine was carried out last | year with the full co-operas white friends of what lay at the started ringing, tion of the city doctors, To | X en S end of the apartheid road, Every caller sald that someone date, 89 per cent of the school sued in 1959, lwas the second highest of the $134,304, woods" of Oshawa, a group of NO POLIO CASES | ces ier the "ers { To a visitor, Bouth Africalin their household was being take would not appear to be a police en away by the police, Staff were state, He would not have been called into the office and the last aware In June, July or Augustiof three more editions of the that a state of emergency exist children and 60 per cent of | | the adults have received polio shots School Work | BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Thé staff at the Boy's Training School Decision In [in im fi [to include a junior high school, | superintendent John Bain said Theft Case | d e | This expansion will elimipate| the sending of students to Bow Imanville High School to continue | Reserved their secondary education but will enable the boys to go as far | |paper were printed at 10 am, led, Members of a group of Cam-| The name of nearly everyone {bridge students who were spend-|from the Johannesburg area who {ing their summer holidays iniwag arrested that night was prints Johnanneshurg's mining housesied At 11 a.m, the state of emer. and big businesses, and had come| gency was proclaimed and a cur. to South Africa with determined iain drawn on the government's ideas and scrutinising eyes, activities from then on, {agreed with this FLIGHT CADET C. G, F hold, Alt here | | Fu? he surtace, Vie ir lhe sisme,REPUIIC NEPERENDUM LIG y 7 3 erg 10id, Alla, where he is under. | it seems to have become a J uson, 20, an Arts student at | going training during the sum- Bit hr 8 a | wn flont Lonth 8 Rulenete AN ALL-DAY public school | speaker at the conference was | cipal of Adelaide McLaughlin | Grn 10 ai nool. Mr.| Royal Minit Coll K hs FC F principal's conference was | B, Neary (left) president of | School and chairman of the | Magistrate ¥. 8 FE served |A% Grade 10 al the school, Mr. Hoyal Military College, King. | mer months, FC Ferguson 18 |g ddenly vou are jolted Talk: iss y | laglstrate ¥ Ebbs reserved Bain said ston, prepares for a flight in an | the son of Mr, and Mrs, E, J, : V You an jolts ™ '(Msues in Africa is seems un. (ing in a fairly crowded restau:iimportant, although it is not for held in the E, A, Lovell School { Thomas Nelson and Sons, who | principals' association, and Dr, [judgment for one week Friday on | ant By | Friday to discuss plans and ar-.| spoke on problem solving in | C, M, Elliott, superintendent of |a charge of theft against Edward 1e said there will be about 40) RCAF Harvard Trainer air. | Ferguson, RR 1, Hampton, rant about different people who this reason that most people rangements for the school year | arithmetic beginning Tuesday, Guest | (centre) 9692 UNEMPLOYED publie schools in Oshawa Oshawa Times Photos {south store owned by Carmelo Kylie, of Colhorne street, He was accused of stealing $40 from the cash register of a Simcoe street school will specialize in teaching these two grades as well as Grade 8, Three new teachers have been) MEARE WAC » two high William Simcoe, an employe at SH Bag: i to tone Rig brings Migh the store, fold the court he saw (joa) educational staff to seven, Kylle take something from the which includes one neadmast.| ""Carm' Scaglione, hoys in Grades ® and 10 and the| craft at RCAF Station Pen. RCAF Photos |;.q nae arrested under the em: |seemed apathetic about it, They ¢ ! | : ' ergency, a friend told me quietly know that the government will [that what we were saying was get its republic even if it doesn't [illegal and it might be better to get it's referendum, In taking the change the subject colored people of the Cape Prov. | He wasn't unduly disturbed, Onjince off the common voters' roll, the surface very few people area right they were given in one of You had the feeling that thelonly two entrenched clauses in [events of the past few months the Act of Union, it resorted to had crystallised people's opinion/the lowest political chicanery and [that there was no reason to take would not hesitate to do so again, Hope For Expansion [ls dui i be When he told Kylie to put it] In addition to academic studies, Harce seriously, even If it were a| The Nationalist Party | i | J sly, € rly is views |tragie one ed vith the same resignation, It | . no longer appears possible th WRY JOKES it will be appear, on le Sat They Joked about everything:lional means, and what the other the attempt on the prime minis means may be are fearful to con. {ter's life alone has had a string template, of wry pokes made up about it.| The people who were picked up REAL FEAR [under the emergency, those who| Under the banter there is real |weren't, those who were disap|fear, certainly far more than {pointed that they weren't; a well: there was two years ago. It is known member of the Liberaliless on the part of the people |Party in Pretoria who knowing with Liberal inclinations who he was to be picked up by the follow and interpret what is haps police for a third time asked if pening in the rest of Africa (a \ they would feteh him at a friend's| frighteningly small unmber aps house becouse he thought twice pears to do so) than on the part % (was often enough for his children|of those who are literally pres to remember, pared to shoot it out, | A former newspaper collegue off The latter camp contains as mine who had ordered one of hisimany English as Afrikaanss firm's cars for 6 p.m. was awak- speaking South Africans, Repress LJ hac k an argument ensued, Mr, ihe hays will have an opportunity 1n er or < IT T Scaglione, hearing the argument, {o study commercial subjects on came into the store and told 4 part time basis, The school vo Kylie to get out from behind the ' 1 Bras | Ther 9 1 h cational program is still in opera There were 9602 unemployed of local industries would not re- some increase in the demand for counter tion hut n i on a reduced, men and women In Oshawa at sume average production until construction worker although y re dure pi A i . Scaglione and Simcoe claimed scale as the result of fire dur the end of August, The figure Is mid-September, Mr. Maher sald.! construction too, had di pped he r he Tease st} ( h the accused ran out of the store ing the winter which gutted the an Increase of more than 000 Even then, he admitted, it was low 1 oul level, he sald | L 1 I | 1 vat | training centre. | over the number of unemployed not known how many worker A number of construction con fine ran Raids bi Ji way sta choo vaca 00a | ildi Sha not last August, Of the past month's would be recalled because of the!tract had been reported he ion, owever Rylie claimed he The vocationa t hilung has the total, 7778 are male and 1014, fe- cut in production announced by said, but the work was not suf went the other way towards his yet been reconstolt . LR wer male GM, Any cut by GM would prob. ficiently advanced for mifteant tal cause of the outbreak has neve { J. Maher, manager of the Osh. ably have its effect on other in: hirings Kylie testified he was not in the been learned, -- | | | | | awa branch of the National Em. dustries in the elly, he added, In agriculture n and fobac. HI and was only getting a pack ployment Service, sald that the Mp Maher said it would seem ©0 harvesting were well under @8e of cigarets, He sald he had relatively high number of un: that there would be more un. Way and area farmers reported a come to the store to get a glass New Members employed in the city and district employment in the city and dis. fairly Wl harvest, Mr, Maher of homemade wine from Scag was mainly because recall 10 (pier during the coming winter, noted. A nur rdf tobacco work. |llone and discuss horses Oshawa contestants did well in work had heen slower this year As vei there were no indications ers had been placed by the local Welcomed Ltd, of the subsidiary plants, he 0950's Wie filled ) | | 3 aid. er than 1950's, sh H ¢ 3 Hi i dq Holy BOWMANVILLE (Staff) = ead, 21 a third year Science | is undergoing training during | R h hortage quali student at Royal Military Col- | the summer months, FC [ened by his wife at 6 a.m, and/entative of it is the farmer who ppeal hat the mg ) { Augus re en INE! 1 and die 1 i AR " . appeared that the majority! During August there had been Tig © A ry ig t a ing of the Rotary club, The new flight in an RCAF Harvard | Mrs, W, J, Lochead, 366 Wind- [a man knocking at the front door. (down and "clean" his stoop with | : Lesignors, rome & : | Trainer aircraft at RCAF Sta: | sor street, Oshawa, "They have come for you one shot, and the thousand of . . . " -- men, show repairmen, composi- Ontario Department of Agricul: are John Bain, recently-appoint 4 ao a ¥ : x Singers Seek Osha wa Pianists tor, travel agen barber haip- ture reports that sales of fluid ed superintendent of the Boy's . . . had Mistaken the Je hut yd fire buy ing firearms, Some of . . dressers, plant engineer, pharma. Milk by the commercial dairies Training School and Murdock mits tea ing egiment an {friend had collected what heithem violently opposed to the Win CNE Priz cists, experienced farm hands In the Oshawa zone, during June Beaton, supervisor of musie in | Aa i es and registered nurse of this year, totalled 661.478/{he Bowmanville Public Schools . . he found out, x their position as white South quarts, This compared with! Mp, Beaton has already heen fe 1SCS I n ass | For the people that were picked Al icans, : ne ae suMteslants d q up there was no trial, no bail The group with liberal inelinas : land 0 ¢ ons at ne x p 'ry W har Two Oshawa vocalists, Elsie canadian National Exhibition last 640,633 quarts sold in June of jofore joining, was appointed elub Harry William Rie hards, 17, of | 4 Drygala, soprano and Ross Cols monday u er a e last year pianist to relieve Vice-president,|0 hawa, Friday told Crown At- under the divection of Lieut. F.|claimed, no paper was allowed fo/the present it is ineffectual or in ay, torney Alex C. Hall he stole twolJ. Francis, dropped inte third|print the name of a "detaines". jail, recital at the Canadian National! (pe Tn Chey Yocone. 10 39,185 quarts compared with may spend more of his time at extra wheel dises for his car in/place in the senior hrass hand|™ ------ ---- } the Case the others were stolen, competition at the CNE on Thurs 12:30 and | pm. Mrs. Drygala under milk sales totalled 10,339 quarts) After the initiation ceremonies stealing six Wheel dises from National Championship for two paration for/Parked cars, They were found in years in a row, My Heart Ever Faithful, Bach: and Carolyn Hayward placed Yo4" Was 7 per cent lower thaniin May of this year, 17, saw movies taken at last White blamed a high wind which blew Alleluia, Mozart Mondnacht, third in the same month of last year A total of 28.446 quarts of year's wash | He was remanded for ohe week aver several of the music stands! A charge of common assault' WASHINGTON (AP)--Charles Mozart; Deidre's Farewell, and and under, Joan Weir and Maria Drench of the Ontario Depart oar. T 5 | tence report, petitio lee 0 the sb John Kovacs, 22, of Nassau §t : é i, and ¢ RN aria 4 in June of this year, This com-/ies taken of events which, over petition selection for the show al, Se Sha contentler DW p PAVYs The Eriskay Love Lilt, M. Ken: Drygala tied in third place ment of Agriculture, Production 3 -- - -- ing. was withdrawn Friday, but not for the world's heavy slated for questioning by Senate than last, There had been 10 of what a winter work program in office, he said " . large scale Rees! to work by ontario County would consist of The demand for other workers Fl either Genera otors of Canada 3 rg TT ' ined { VC § ul 1 t | THT an but he hopes that it will be great. remain nd vacancie ! 0 ar FLIGHT CADET R, J, Lochs | tion, Penhold, Alta, where he TURE UNCERTAIN CONSTRUCTION INCREASED [fj applicant wot , Two new members were weleom 3 i A FUTURE UNCERTAI ed applicar for the follow a es own is 9 gee tan viet | lege, Kingston, prepares for a | Lochead is the son of Mr. and told there was a car outside and|said he would saw his shotgum ¢ bile mechan wito hody 1 The statistics branch f si members accepted into the club ! \ ile mechan wdy repal statistics anch of thelmembers aceepte re =| George," she said. The driver|others, who now more than ever, C F would have taken to jail before government but still jealous of 672,170 quarts sold in May and given a job in the club. He, even | \ The Ontario Regimental Band, and once the emergency was pro- tions knows its position well: for ton, baritone, will he heard in Bene Weir placed second in Sales of skim milk totalled K. N, Morris in order that he - -- YK | Exhibition next week under, and tied for second place Decline 6163 quarts in May and 50.326 {he head table training for 4 On Friday, Sept, 9 hetween in the sonata class. 16 yours eq quarts in June of 1939. Butter-|president's job next year, The youth pleaded guilty to day, after winning the Canadian | Ssau t arge oxer aces will sing the following program In the . Production of creamery butter! eo red th 13,511 p p Pe! a 8 3 P } piano duet class, 14 \ ompared with 13,5 quarts inthe Rotarians, in pre So . A A Hark! The Echoing Air, Purcell; years and under, Donna Gilkes 0 Ontario during July of this|June of last year and 8,337 quarts/ihe club annual car wash Sept, [his car by Patrol Sgt. Peter] Several of the musicians S it rawn enate 10 é Schumann; Nonso plu Cosa Son. In the sonata class, 12 years || 18 reporied by the statistios|chogolate dairy drink were sold" The program consisted of moy-|{or sentence pending a pre-sen: during the playing of the com:/during a lovers' quarrel, against| (Sonny) Liston, ranked as No, 1 " = pared with 33.842 quarts in June the past couple of years, have : ; A i Amal nedy Fraser; Charming Chloe, R of cheddar cheese was 4.7 por ie past coll until he was forced to wait a) WelEht boxing championship, is J Burns; Ballad of Yarrow, ar > Machael Diack, F d $10 F On Saturday, Sept. 10, between ine or 7:30 and 8 p.m, Mr, Cotton will be heard in Preach Me Not Your Fi 1 G Musty Rules, Arne; The Vain ring un Suit, Brahms; To the Forest Charles Musselman, Tehaikowsky Arm Arm * Ye bridge Brave, Handel; The Countryman, cau Warlock; Sea Fever, Ireland; rifle near his trailer He had been re r mental examination Granada, Lara; To Anthea, Hat ton; Were you There?, Burleigh, for and Avant de Quitter ces Lieues,! Uxbridge Police Chief 1 Gounod burger Both soloists are students of lived in a trailer parked without in July Reginald G. Geen, Oshawa, and permission will be accompanied at the piano land by James Mayhew, also of Osh-la fire awa, fac The recitals are given in the West Music Auditorium, beneath by the grandstand, lchants, A disturbance by firing a' jul 1958. Th make in hazard and had no s He cent higher The department reports that | 8.809.200 pound of ereamery were made in July, The make of cheddar cheese in July In Durham County, the make of Chedar cheese in July was 47,706 pound This compar ed with 58,2 wounds made county tor the \r ven mont 301,426 poun compared with 330 887 pounds in if this ve V the same period of last year In Ontm County the: make 8 i pounds. The S make in Jul last vear was 93, 236 \ © make in the © Hirst seven Al was 831614 compaved oy pounds made during the (same period of 1958, {week in jail because he was un: of last year and 26.987 quarts in/heen arranged by "the special w 1 C May of this year events committee ater 00 ount Sales of cream in June of this vear totalled 22,457 quarts, Sales in June of last year were 18,80 quarts while in May of this year the figure was 22,172 quarts The department reports that $105,006 was spent hy the dairies pounds of milk from district pro fluid and special fluid quality, OTHERWISE ENGAGED BRANTFORD (CP) Mis Susan Gray was fined £23 and costs in absentia in magistrate's court Friday on a charge of fail ing to produce a driver's licence Mrs, Gray was in a Toronto hos pital, giving birth to a baby. Included in the film productions were shots taken of last year's ear wash in which 233 cars were cleaned by the Rotarians; movies of Christmas tree pruning at the club's Christmas tree plantation; painting at the Ontario Society lin the zone to purchase 2.208.161 for Crippled Children's B1ue/County won the Holstein county SIX months in jail after he plead (herd competition, taking the ducers during June, Of this total dinner sponsored by Rotarian Jess! ww is |W . WwW. C. LAS 970 pounds was of standard viountain summer camp and a VanNest Rotarian VanNest sponsored a dinner at the Lions Centre during the early part of the summer in order to raise his talent money for the club Special. Events Committee Chairman Rotarian Rill Thies burger narrated the movies taken by himself, Jim Stutt and Dave {Higgon {aw ard for the ninth time, : 3 al ' boxing investigators, ble to raise the $200 bail set : in Wi Six Months Poin Attu last Friday, Anti-trust and monopoly subs Holstein Winner The a was laid by his for- SOmmittee officials confirmed TORONTO (CP)--The 22-vear F B k I wer ) he Ww : 'friday they want to know 22) | flancee, Mary Fritze, of M1 . - 2 A 8 0 aN supremacy of Peel County ended or rea n Simeoe St, who gave her age as N he thet underworld figures may Be ; a . 33. Miss Fritze told Magistrate Mave bought a piece" of Liston at the Canadian National Exhibhi-' David John Sutherland. 19. of di. Miss Fritze tole agistrate| hose career has been marked tion Friday when Waterloo/long Branch, was sentenced to: S. Ebbs she laid the charge! py pushes with the law. after Kovaes tried to choke her "The ty ite Lis oks i because she took off his engage, . he dynamite Aston. packs ia and entry into the Oshawa Lawn|/Ment ring his fits hg A fetal a gelling 3 te at y \ awa Lg oo iis . him out of a Missour ison in Wood trophy fram Peel. Bowling Club. Sutherland had a She agreed to drop the charge yo 1950's, while he i on ing Brant county was third previous eriminal record. (I Kovacs would promise not tola five.vear sentence for robber The & | ) \ g lest her, However, she did not y 8 3 The grand champion Holstein, Edward Johnston, 27, of Osh. (MC «However, she did not His prowess caught the atten female was judged to be Glenvue/@Wa who was jointly charged in/VAN the magistrate to order the tion of St. Louis citizens who Babe Midnight, owned by D, §. 'he incident, was remanded a 8¢cused not to see her again, were interested in arranging a Dunton and Son, Brampton week for a preliminary hearing vew start for young offenders, TA pitt 3 ey ait He has chosen trial by judge and FOOT MASSAGE and they backed him for a par J. M, Fraser, Streetsville, was jury Daily bathing and massage with ole named premier Holstein exhibi ih a little cold cream is recom: He served time, however, in tor at the CNE for the 1th time. Tomato juice, a valuable source mended to help prevent aches and the St, Louis, Mo., workhouse in He also won the premier hreeder of vitamin C) can be used for a/pains in the feet caused by ill:|1937 on charges of beating up a deodorizer on pet cats and dogs. {fitting shoes valice afficer, ed guilty to an attempted break

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