shortness of the lest Fhanping ors ond fhe commities 4 ™T™M OMAWA TI, Pridey, September 8, 1968 { y : go aod fhe ------ thow everything seemed "1a 20 spray, and the ty) 4 ' slong so smoothly, except for 8 he pesded, com / / difference of opinion between snd order i or Towns i ee s AE / / ibosrd chairmen Morley Wyman then be stored The the > : ; {snd herself," she sold until i is needed, Reeve ' 7 7 | Reeve Garnet B. Rickard ask said f . %, ied for two copies of the miautes "DISGRACE" More Classrooms 3 | | AC et ALY i 3 : leulsted because he "didn't ge hed the spray on hend 4 / b "dl 4h A 4 ( - (eald getting a copy for Wimselt." year, the lownship weed spr HAMPTON (Siall) -- The South He also pointed out he id not BAMPTON Pig a pas m=leowld he sent out to Kill Dariingion Aree public school think the board would he aie to Faz] i inglon Rate {wild carrot, which he termed * board Thursday advised Daring build and furnish eight class: 4 iy y : ER y Weed Control (disgrace to the township," tm township count by letter FOOIMS for thet simount 3 " 4 : noon auestioned 8% tint Wr, Rickard said farmers that eight additions classrooms, Mr, Rickerd euggested and h j ¢ Le 4 Ww las the RPA executive not. mow this wild esrrot, I estimated at 6 total cost of $200, then Deputyseeve A. I, Blah / 4 ; (5. 4 4 : {copies of the minutes of nen 2 Action Ur ed [ao ri 006, will be requived to accom: chard put i into form of 8 moe i ra 4 } : a ; . | meetings, it is not getting copies g {up twice as thick, modate students wn three of its tion, that the finance committee 5 4 : E y i : 5 of the minutes of specisl eouncl) d [Cornish added ih (iT i { chooks by September, 1961 check into the need hefore 8 by- 3 : J : ? 7 | meetings | The reeve seid once the p The sehonl ee ed a law for Je sale of. dehentures tL '4 : 1 1 ' Bly | She ante to know Wf there emrrot Is finished there will be & . nin - 18 inbred: BE A . Eo Eh | : ; r Ga | oot proviem row or ; ol L Jestiution. asng "the . : v8 ; po e her Bi or BAMPTON (Staff) Concern with ragweed, He sald this $200 000 66 S00n AS Dosible in te? ] \ y i # LH ; ; be | ures of the specin) councll meet. DEINE expressed by Danlinglon he a serious problem, ier that work on the eonstrie: Sa U S. S. R ay A : it 4 4 37 % ings as well as the geners) meet | 197 nshlp counell shout the for the sufferers of hay fever, tion of the eight additional class ys 7 . {ing minutes {amount of wild esrrot, a late! The sgricultursl committee tion of ine € fh A {summer rondside weed, which is investigate to see what esn be onns May Degin as soon AS Pos Gd ' y \ / : 4! Mrs, Budsl seid she sible, to insure they would he Complicating i . » k 4 Sal ? lelerk W, E, Rundle shout these SPFINEING up around the township, [done for this nd future yours ready for next Beplember ' : [special meeting minutes snd he Reeve Garnet B, Rickard said Deputy reeve Lo Blanchard The hoard pointed out three ge | sald she would Wave to ask conn. [it may possibly be fon late for suggested counc spend rooms are needed at the Hamp-| Congo Problem! We, s fo el about i this year, but suggested another now io get "the sprayers ton public school, three are need a A 4 \ ] Mr, Rundle said he made the year the agricultural committee tee ¥ anything can be od st Salem school and two are] WASHINGTON (AP) Secre Aa 4 Wop a comment that if council wanted call 8 meeting with the weed about these weeds needed at Zion (Mitchell's Cor: tary of State Christian Herter has p w nr, Bic » Hous. "her to get copies of these min Inspectors early in the year to chon laceused Russia of trying to utes, or for that matter, any. see if they ean decide just what Y URGE | LL Reeve Garnet B, Rickard sald] "complicate rather than assist" {thing which be mally out to any. spray will ir needed for weed Testy Spurge ls one . { Ini { p 7 , vontrol in the township. mast trounieso that would mean shout a six or| United Nations efforts to restore] mu oo dcr developed ehil- | In their home for 11 years, ar- | They will be given tests which | 18, and Connie, 18, are shown |0ne, council should Instruct him control b i : and inparions seven mill hike In school taxes order in the Congo dren of Mrs Donald Wench of rived Thursday at Sick Chil will help doctors decide the | in the photo al left while Glen 1'e, send " out He suggested once the inspec.' perennial weeds in Onta to pay for these eight classrooms, | Russia's aim, he said, Is to gain) wo ooh "ont" "who were kept | dren's Hospital in Toronto, | hest form of treatment, Gordon, da, 13, 1s in the right photo, The RPA spokesman sald she ) ¢ 4 | 0 BR 0 " Communist control of the African did not kot > ori in { ro _. YOU CAN FINISH ' , "collapse of u i republic tivough a "collapse 0 | which would stop & businessman, thing wes done to control the| yet" ns official township pian . | i order" there [] hd d » h t B n | \from operating a successful night-time noise ! 8 3 g | Herter spoke to the anmual diy (ng WEE PhESEd And she sald she did | | ner of AO ICH, Bay Asso] Service Station | business in the township, Mr, Lyford said he was willing not get 8 copy of the minutes of |} G Ch { ation | to eo oherile with anyone, be ati un arges | In 8 review of Fast-West ten w dL I' i |} | COOPERATION URGED |eause he is in business to make h Meeting A which we mem AT HOME IN SPARE TIME bers of the planning board, whose » ! ; Ld | The reeve siressed the impor g fiving term hod ended, were re-appoint 87 THOMAS (CPR) -- Gordon! Sion he charged Kremiin Ie wd ol18e 18C1 188 |tance of public relations beiween| Ms, Boyce snapped, "Ms, Ly-| , Ww -BPPO Vou mst be 17-or over ond have talk schacl, "Writs 3 1 ars With elinging VIATKIS 24, of Bt, Thomas, charged 7 / y fo a po | businessmen and residents ford won't co-operate with any She asked for copies of hoth & for FREE 55.poge High School booklet today, Tells § wi 8 A ANN Aream of eommunizing he . wl Around a nes 8 § Ve She 0 J oth oy th possessing Jn in enti ) izing HAMPTON (Biaff) Mrs, they're going to get tired too, No TVioR R Af AI nid tie one,' Winging Rub unBulii. Poo WeRvan: an sonsin al Herter said this government fs Anna ¥, Boyce, p Mitchell's Cor-| Mrs, Boyce said . co-operate and try and keep the! ] . minutes the executive keeps on AMERICAN SCHOOL, 100 DUNDAS §T. ol ' if le and or endar a0 ready "to train and equip' | pers resident who two weeks ago! Darlington Ratepayers Asso noise down At mght, And the peo-| CHINESE RETURN Band SOF Fare Tos DESERONTO ONTARIO ing a eity detective's life hy fir-| United Nations peace foree complained about the noise from élation president, Rh Tremble, nthe area should fry to get] JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP)~A| While mentioning tie planning f vice § i A ( A i 4 ' i ng a gun Herter said the three hasie ele: G Bin Ld station as sien ont. sald there have also along with, the busi Hoss me Wn in|total of 1402 overseas Chinese! hoard, Mrs, Budal questioned Mf § Send me your free BB-poge High School Booklet Ford 8 ATES fue y menis merican foreign policy AUring Hight, es » a p ¢ urea, They pay a lot ¢ ( fel ne a a et ussiay hi To ward off the throat of sented a 14-name petition to Dar: been a lot of complaints around fhe # to the AAA My. Sood left Indonesia aboard the 16,000 ther Jae snvting ls the ian Nome Age a aed en gy Ag Yoom. | immediate war; to press ahead |nglon township council request: the neighborhood about ihe lan ard sald ! ton. Japanese ship oan Maruip ce he) go business a tion Add an ary 4 : nh § gy guage heing used around the sta p Thurs > I hy Y A ress When they forced the hotel room "along constructive lines" hy ng it to Instruct the servis sa fon, § usé Mr, Tremble said if the noise| Thursday for the Formosan port ed meeting then "have every lon operator to d of Keelung, The repatriation of thing cut and dried hy the next Ciry open, & hullet whizzed over| safeguarded Ini tional agree ! "o . I (was mot st od 4 | i | ne of the women, hanging was not stopped, the petition thelr heads, The occupant of the| ments such as disarmament and Fepairs arler 9 p.m 4 4 "ihis group followed Indonesia's meeting when the publie is per he 1 i her washing out, had to £0 would ' the . 1 room held a sawed-off 22 calibre|to strive for &n ultimate goal of The petition also asks council) ing 4 grow and' the area resi: pan on alien Chinese trading inlmitted to attend," } {OUR 63rd YIARS i : athe to instruet the operator to not back into the house hecause hel genie would not stop until some. | rur 4 She was o ' rifle a world of law rather than force tart mechanical repairs before language being used around that A I yme-| rural areas, ihe was commenting on the ' JL :,, # a.m. and not at all on Sundays, service station was so bad," My Tremble sald Mrs. Boyee, in presenting the 1 GQ 1 N | (®) G petition pointed out the signa He continued that there was tures represented at least eight) never any complaint ahout the CHOHATY Channel H=Hamilton CBLTTV Channel 6-~Toronts hom n the Mitchell's orner Station he fore it hanged hands, j 3 a. A " Are If council wished, she sald e also elaimed a ee wa WKBWTY Channel 7=-Ruflale WROC: ( Channel f=Rochester more names could be obtained for| some of the people drove down WORTV Channel BRuoffale WREN-TV Channel A=Buffala (. netition to have the noise dur: the road ereated noise enough to] = | ing the night stopped keep residents awake | FRIDAY EVENING 116 P.M, 8 100 AM he iid the area vesidents| Mrs, Boyee stated the neigh: 1 bi00 PM Rey Rogen S=Ehureh Dervis [have no objection to the station| hors had no complaints about the H=-Eamiiy Theatre 1:80 P.M S=Film Featurette [remaining open all aight for the| former proprietor because "they a Cartoon Bory | SEK vim B=The Fig Hass ale of gas, The objection was to kicked up a ruckus until 8, 9 or Basehall 180 AM | the "unnecessary noise", ih Pp n Which no ohe Jninded, [! dventy fe \é Place WAS closed up fils PM 8100 P.M =a 4 ad WILL CALL OPP 5 a HR As We are cone 3D ed fac Ehow HA-Bis Four Football VOON If it continues, the OPP willl he can stay open all night to sell hi FM ] hoa funny be called whenever there 18 any| gas, We have no ehjection to him pM 2 PM Musical Inloitude poise in the night, but surely making all the money he wants amar of the Jungle | T-Buffalo Bandstand Family Playhouse " to, All we're after is the noise fitoh P.M 83~Baseball st a heing stopped at night," Mrs Early how Ly Ni pM | he Away Darlin ton Boyce said Pasture Him 4100 PM [ =paiciine MN, OPERATOR'S VERSION fi18 PM V-Big Leagun Baseball 80 PM The service station operator Sa---Basehsll B. Ross Lyford, sald right after you how Haseals . Rendezvous , ; { 6:90 P.M ne 4:10 PM, 00d Life Theatre | ownshi he took over the premises he Family Theatre hit WR ¥ "tried to be neighborly with Mrs aseball TH SATURDAY EVE 19:45 # ie Boyce and offered her any as : mM, Kind PM i § ont Ottaws C sistance he eould give around the t, Lawrence North ounci house. But right away, she start wad 8 b vie 1100 Pp M | ed to tell me how to run my sta. | nest Bing ail ait Ts H=his 1s 'the Lite IAMPTON (Staff) The At tion," he sald ie 8 5190 P.M A Bowling Stars } oA na 18 AUR: Afotr hearing the names on the Hit Back Wilh A § PASES p pnt { Hiley Sarena PAVE FA weoounts passed for paymen petition read, he offered to get a) Award Theatre in Peatite Phu sday afternoon at the Sep: |! 0! 6 offered to § "Twilight Theatre i Darling {hammer and bang on a 46.gallon fy AA hes E-Family Playhouse [tember meeting of arlington drum with it and said that if one! 7180 Po 6100 P.M, 115 PM | townshi I . ship eouncil were! general| Id } th { 1 The Real MeCaye ! Menace en's Pi SIENer could hear the noise from B-Bacheiar FAURE ADEA ihe Me He aa v1 TM. Report $0537,14, and road A ee 0 unt 8 where he lives, he would pay him V-Disney Presenty What Makes Sammy | 11 nev. Oval Roberts | 882,160.56 $50, . niyo id =r sting F=Playhouse Township roads superintendent! He sald there was nothing he | -Weaslnr #130 P.M ¥ Family Plavhouse |R, M, (Max) Bhortt, with the gould do to stop the customers R100 P.M in PM. 2i00 P.M [Fonds committee was given power from swearing around the station =Mavi -'] ¢ fed River Jame [Thee Helht Church In to act In obtaining prices and| when they came in, He could not " Closed Doors | $=MP Fixit La Junior Magazine purchasing tanks for gas and oll| chase the teen-agers away be rade Party #=Casey Janes His PM {for the new township municipal | cause some of them are among kK 0 PM, fii PM, d=Flim Featurelie i garage, In addition, council learn:| his best -eustomers, "They are fast Men ¢8-News: Sporty babi id led ¢ an additional $246.72 would be | the publie to me, and I'm in the Man Pr 2:30 P.M 7:00 PM Has R Ireauived for additional wiring| business to serve the public and "Movie Mys ae Mack Amateur | fo No Holds Hares and underground service. Instead) earn a living for my family," he av of the Week HID The Metaee ' pal 0 BM [of having the gas and ofl tanks Sed ple Games S=tl af B Round Tante | ¥==Onen Hearing (against the garage wall, it was| He sald he starts work early 100 P.M #=This Man Dawson 6~(iood Lite Theatre | decided to put them on an island In the morning and remains open 8 WW Doctas 1:80 P.M B=Hongal Lancers [in the yard, This was being done|late at night in order to give Strip Bick Clark $-Family Playhouse as a safely measure service to workers who have to yi40 P.M Ww Country 130 PM have their cars repaired in the er Is Far » lt | iH Alen DAMP GROUND | evenings In order to have them h #100 PM Aro Football Deputy-reeve A, L, Blanchard|for work the next morning, The| hg bl | Sea Hunt | ' | suggested council is going to have doors are kept closed If any th: 00 f M. 7 H Hoa 6 Holida fitlan to put someone in eharge of the work Is being done around the " Maso ram nterpale h vows Confer liawnship dump at Maple Grove | garage after dark in order to A130 PM In the Jaw fon To Beaver erday's News to the dump and dumping gar | DEMAND RETRACTION m 0 » hy | Hin ad - re ou » M, |page along the road side The service station operator & & " 1 Warning | ( ne ov Rage I N H.C. Muir told o also produced a petition signed Run Dery. | YOiviibie Games ! Mala David Grief ouneillor H Wir told 0OUR- hy 15 youths, customers at his ¥ . bea a mM EM | 1 Fand oll the tentative date for a meel:| giation." demanding that Mrs Person eal Movies BM with Burketon sehool trustees 5 \ he > 11100 P.M i Rig nk wit " Rayee publicly retract her state «| $= The Dein 4 And other sehool trustees 18 dep: ment (which appeared in the re Spor : wp M t=Adventure Series ¥ \ fhe meeting is to dis: port carried in the Oshawa LARA LL] N BPM I Y pentral 1 W . on the formation of a central Times) of the last couneil meet 4 Ls wren J Welk Show | rime Bx hoo! board to serve the north ing in which she referred ta the ave Gu \ Hh oy J d of the township, or what boys as "those young punks ne 8 i he done about the Burke A group of youths, all from the 1 PM ¢ i chool which is in bad need of | Zion area, angeved hy the ARTE X [ta prevent people from coming| keep the noise down, » ¥ hile | 8 A ret L; ol {1 | erence to "punks accompanied neatre N30 = fh Pp AM. ¥ . a the service station wrat ) 100 AM i i » 8 M Bon ¢ ngs Show INDUSTRY SOUGHT the ecuncll INSURE sn do. i | od FJohnaY Staceate Brave p Reeve Gamet B. Rickard sug 4 SATURDAY | Rohol | n ¢ . that council should be do Reeve Garnet B. Rickard, sald R00 AM and Justice | &=Moet The eounell would be concerned about nething to try to attract Sum mer EL nd ¥ he the noise complaints, but he does KAREATOR ! 1) 00 P. a My dustry to settle in Darlington not {ike to see legislati PAL Roar 1843 News; Weather 8% Lon suggested possibly council " oR enaoied ARAPLS appoint an industrial com ard Theatre | . n ¢@ of about five citizens to ! 11S ARSE LL | ¢ WR Derk ¥ industrial possibilities in Sark Grand { Weather viaship then report baek to neil Tie Ale alter \ h 2 tv 2 thi i he township roads committee 0 * BELL ACT 1% eM 8 By a » M, '8 will be giving some thought to pening Rens | 3 aon ve seat, teeth | FLOWER SHOP Plavh b=Overiand Trail adds and whieh ones should be Lf BICYCLE ACT Award Theatre WW PM i ! 100 AM Hat Musle stop roads, This action is being \ S-News and PRE | #=Maverio taken aller a request was sub AREAR 1M AM i 3 Marshal mitted to council hy the Rural ME 48 AM, Fietian Theatre f Menaee (Safety Council requesting that 4 CHANICAL HORSE ACT "R00 PN valk SUNDAY H-Sunday ny A ¢ | erect stop signs or 1] n AM a a " AM 2 ae | Sulivi ad" signs at all Cross 55 KING ST. W, Doody "AN ol] 2.30 PM. ER X Joruship. lio Sout BOWMANVILLE * RAINMAKING MACHINE ACT * | x 13 AM te the township, particular te | By fimo, Juiteidete WHICH JYHIVS Sul FLOWERS % BABY SITTER ACT (with a live pig v Mouse 45 AM, Aol 100 AM 0 PM Sahl PRL HERS xR B FOR All % PLUS MANY MORE ANTICS 11:30 AM Brae By Hho PM nr [EES tee, | Beat Storage THAT WILL KEEP YOU IN STITCHES Hed AN | NN an I Eh F : OCCASIONS way or small to medium size 12:80 Noon " : eas ure craft. Easy WE cess; 6 miles east of Phone Collect ) Wee AM PR) Oshawa, 2 miles west of Row Rogers \ ne 0% he 12:3 PM he Livtas W A Rit A wai Bowmanville on Hwy, No, - handstand a» \ Nv Fo Awa . * Review a o SHRR---------- * Ba nS , Thre hE Xi ade . 4 Phone MA 3.2846 Lennard Wh in Coardenna KG ST, WEST KING ST. WEST A) Thigh REASONABLE RATES > ir n AT STEVENSON RD. "THE CENTRE OF ACTIVITY" AT STEVENSON ROD. Aristonhers Uncle Jusrw 3. Theatre