WB. or | i WORLEY ; { Lh his THE WEATHER office says | bee yesterday, dropping lem the eooler and drier air that | peratures and humidity, will swept across Ontario and Que- | bring pleasant sunny weather WEATHER FORECAST Sunny, Cooler, Less Humid Timmins Kapuskasing and Kirkland Lake regions, Sudbur} North Bay: Bunny with some Oshawa afternoon cloudiness today, bal urday sunny. Noi much ehang in temperature, Winds northeast 15 today, light tonight southeast 15 Saturday : ia with maxi in the seventies today and Bat- widay, | (CF Wirephoto) CITY AND DISTRICT SOCCER CLUB DRAW The Zion Boccer Club held its benefit draw recently. A transis tor radio was won hy Cecil Mut ton, 112 Duke street, Bowman: ville, and a wrist watch hy Ber nie McQuaid, Malaga voad TORONTO (CP) Forecasts issued at b a.m Synopsis: Cooler and less hu mid weather swept across South ern Ontario Thursday, bringing an end to lale summer heal Thunderstorms with hail and winds up to miles an how marked the to cooler weather in southwestern Ontario Pleasant, sunny weather with maximum temperatures in the 70s 1s forecast for most of On tario today and Saturday Reg forecasts valid midnight Saturday Lake Erie region few clouds this morning cooler and less humid today Saturday. Winds northeast day, southeast 15 Baturday Lake Huron, Niagara Ontario, Georgian Bay, Halihur ton ons, London, Toronto Hamilion: Bunny, cooler and less humid today and Saturday Winds northeast 15 today, south east 15 Saturday BH] I8 RECOVERING The many friends of Harold O Plintoff, Rogers road, will he pleased to learn that he Is ¥ Forecast Temperatures covering in the Oshawa Gener Lows tonight, Highs Balurday: Hospital, Mr. Flintoff Windsor Lh) 4] heart attack early this week ane Bt, Thomas Hh 75 the indications are that he will Kitchener BO have an early recovery London 60 Wingham (1 FIRE Toronto " awa fire Peterborough Trenton St; Catharines Hamilton Muskoka Killaloe Earlton Sudbury North Bay Kapuskasing White River Moosonee 70 0 change al 7h IN AUTO thiers quickly ex fire on Park lay afternoon mal until 7h 0 npg road hed a ca with Thur Fire department vered four routine calls during the past 24 hours PAIR REMANDED William H. MeAfee, 24 Donald Grant, 18, both of * the Bowmanville distriet re manded for one week when they appeared in Lind magistrate's charged with indecent Ault, The pair pleaded not guilty OBITUARIES he <oneirrd With it siege to Vion Windsor Bunn and 15 to A ambulances an Lake and re were court Aas GRADUATE Karen Mutton, of Bowmanville a member of the graduating Peterborough Civie ceived their pins al ceremonies on MRS, DANIEL H, COFFEY [his son, Lloyd, in Oshawa, of NURSING Mrs, Ann Coffey, of Read, Ont,,| Walter H, Wilson, Mr, Wilson died suddenly as the result of a was the last of Greenwood's old heart seizure on Tuesday, Aug. er residents and his passing 30, at her late residence, She was Marks the end of an era in her 80th year ntil some eign months ago nd : Born in Tyendinaga Township, he was the village blacksmith Wednesda " where everybody brought thely a she was the daughter of the late / | STREETS CLOSED {breaks to mend. He had given up Mr. and Mys, Phillip Shannon 'haree shoeing 8 number of year The following will he She lived all her life in the ago a8 It Was toa he work for Closed for today community, and was well known 2 hin EDIE YOare Y WOK 107 giicon road north King and highly respected by members| An ARB workman what. €ast lo Bond; Wilson of the community | ever he did must be done well or| from Olive avenue to Dieppe ave She was a member of BL not at all, Only last week he had nue Ritson road south from King Charles' Parish, Read, Ont, a visited friends in the village ang member of the Catholic Women's was In his usual good spirits, He to southbound traffic; ' " League and the Altar Soclety, | had spent mast of his long life in| west from Waverley to Thornton Her husband, Daniel H, Coffey, | the Greenwood community under construction, Open for the d d her In Dx His wife predeceased him some weekend will be Taunton road 8 years ago, Two sons, Lioyd, of east fram Simcoe street to Ritson She is survived by four sons, Oshawa and George, of Toronto road north, Whenever possible Daniel and Francis, both of and grandchildren and great| streets will be kept open for local Read, Ont, Austin of Oshawa, Erandchildren survive him {traffic Emergency conditions and Charles of Wolf Island: and! Mr. Wilson was In his 86th such as weather could require four daughters, Mrs, Morley Year the closing of streets nol on this (Lucille) Smith of Moncton,| The funeral was held on Satur. list N.B., Mrs. Patrick (Helen) Me.|48y afternoon from the Green| Adam of Oshawa, Mrs, William Wood 1 nited Church With his pas (Marie) Anderson of Brampton,| tor, Rev, T. Fleetham, eonduet x v a hn \@ Bervice armen "us apd Rev, Sister Saint Daniel '"8 Ay oe les in Te A Ww of Miriam, € and D, of Brockville, pve etide hia wie In Oakwood) Ont, She was the last member of "emetery | her family | CLIFFORD SLOAN TRUEMAN Requiem mass was sung in 8 A resident of Whithy for ¥ Charles' Roman Catholie Chureh, years, Clifford Sloan Trueman Read, at 10.80 am. today, Inter: 310 Palace street, died at ment was In St. Charles' Ceme Oshawa General Hospital tery morning, In falling LAURACE EARL N, Rops [f0me lime he was The memorial service for Lau vace Earl Neshitt Hobbs, 108 Ade-| - Born at Midland, Mr, Trueman | oe, § laide avenue west, who was killed | worked as manager of the Royal ula hy UPFANQE in a motor ident Thursday Hotel in Whithy for 18 years prior isk ahlin Yl 4 morning, Sept, 1, at. the inter to his retivement two years ag AUN hyo section of Centre and Quebec Previously he served as a bank pla ing with Mrs vill he held at the Arm: manager in Claremont, Ont, ands 98 1. Funeral Home at 2 pm, Lamont, Alberta [son said this morning that , Rept. 4 . | Mr, Trueman was a member{and Mr. Temple play cribbage Rev, C, D, Cross, rector of BL of All Saints Anglican Chureh, | every day during their naon hour George's Anglican Chureh Of Whithy, and was active in Mason-| but that is the fivst time elther of which the deceased was a mem: i, ond Independent Order of Odd them have had a perfect hand ber, will conduct the services Fellows while playing She said Taterment will be in Oshawa Un held a "20 "a few jon Cemetery | He served as grand master of x but Las Bat seed Gn A son of Mrs. Lola Hobbs and/the Grand Lodge of Alberta, | OAT, bet Me as Ad , Mrs the late Thomas Henry Hobbs, TOOF, In 1915, He was a member| joao co roan oti heen playin the deceased was horn May 23,00 Davie Lodge, AF and AM, mint l fon about Sik 1988. at Munster, Ont, and was Edmonton and past master of the 4 married in Toronto Sept. 21, 1857, Grand Lodge of Alberta, He was STOLEN AUTO A resident of Oshawa since 1940, also a past companion of the looking Mr. Hobbs had worked In the pur chapier and member St.la 1952 model, two-tone grey, chasing department at General John the Almoner Preceptory,|Chevralet, bearing licence TiM11, Motars for the past four years.| Wp, Trueman is survived hy his stolen from the driveway at 117 He was an active member of the wife the former Alice Weston, [Cloverdale St, sometime during General Motors Bowling League. whom he married at Tillsonburg | Thursday night poe 8 pursed bu His wie, the "Jiu; and three son, Arthur Mrs. Gordan Maddock (Darlene) a Raa. -- Sado of Oshawa and a brother, Arthur who is a member of the Oshawa! Also surviving are two sisters Police Depariment Mrs. A, C Adams, of Fart Wil {Ham and Mrs, A. Cowan, of Bar FUNERAL OF {vie and a hrother, Harold, of MRS. THERESA DENNIS California ", R requiem a on thatle The remains are resting at the Church at 10 a.m. Thursday. Sept Ww ( Town Funeral Home {. for Mrs. Theresa Dennis, who Whithy. A private service will be dled in St. Michael's Hospital. To held in the chapel Sunday, Sept ronto. last Sunday 4 Interment will be in Clare Rev. Father MoGough sang Ment Union Cemetery. Rev, Stan the mass. Interment in St. ley Armstrong, rector of All Gregory's Cemetery Saints Anglican Church, will con class of the Hospital and certificates who 1 siree constriction from King street fia. | WINS OAC AWARD | William P, 8 MeKay, RR 1 Plekering, has been awarded one the $1000 scholamships the Ontario Agrienltural Col Alumni Association Founda tion, The scholarships are award ed annually school student © 10 outstanding the th agrientture at the OAL PERFECT While pla his luneh hour Maple Leal health for HAND in his ng 76th I'nursday at the Mutual Farmers office in Co of 36 Me had a per Temple Kagle ¥ year Femple rd M I 1 fe 120" hand £5 street, Mrs SON streets gle strong she Saturday together h hand 25 years SEER Oshawa Police for are of Jap Shipping For Toronto TORONTO Mitsul to service The Japa Line, now Montreal, will extend to Toronto this fall, a spokesman for Montreal ship ping company state The Japanese line line already comes to Toroate, Sarnia and zotr cp nese Shipping plying is was mum temperatures | suffered 4 Houdaille plant road south i| street east to Bruce street; closed given high for the study of desks in a classroom cribbage during) oq"sam closets and drawers and was | Employment AR CADET NEWS Situation First Parade Seen Grave | Next Tuesday | Malcolm Smith, president of| { P one of the "| Greetings; We are hack for an- lights of Air Cadets, be | Loa bd Cnlted Alo Workers, i / Oshawa nes fier i 4 { 4 year of Air Cadet news Force and other social gronps | iation In the. owtomoble. ne 40a Views Tile your oie squad: award fying scholorshive to wor " ¢ ious! | Fm sheik an ever, y s g one Midis yi 1e- | SCHOLARSHIP TRAINING (these scholerships & cadet re-| port from the chairman of the" The Oshawa Air Cadels ceives fying lessons and grad-| | General Motors bargaining eom- untes with & private piles) | mittee which was read and dis part in yd Activities ding the Jicence, g 8 "| summer, Four cadets ' tn Foe, ioe, 03 Oc pon, od EXCANE THY 4 i | Bgis, D, I , McRae re ghlight of fi rainin doy, Might. ot said in effect, that "eed thelr flying scholarship is the Kxchange trips, The Ar on Pdr #0 employees em: training and ps a result reached Cadet League of Canada sends 7 Dloved on production of the 1960 A Codet wings standard and cadets to the United Kingdom, 25 model would not be recalled for BYAduated with thelr priv at e cadets to the United Bates and | work on the 1961 model, pilot's leences eight to the European Continent | i Fourteen hove Abianded ae for extensive jours JMring fhe SEES CUT BAC | Weel r Cadel Sum Amp, summer months, weir awards Smith sald this Indicated a sub- at BCAF Station Trenton under are provided free of charge, stantial eut back in production, |the care of Mr, Houston There is one parade 8 week, He continued, on a seniority) Also along the camp part of which Is every Tuesday evening, hasis alone, this means that peo- training we sent one cadet to so this training does not Inter ple who started work on the 195 Camp Borden lo take the Senior fere with school work, or 1060 model will not be re | Leaders' course, Again we Invite any hoys who p 4 J) | » - a a as adi male help, FIRST PARADE iy nary, ining. ba Sone 10 | He added, as time goes on, fe-| Next Tuesday our first parade sooo. ol "condron. We think i | TEACHERS TAKE TRAINING COURSE Fifty-six male teachers and principals from wll sections of | mer school in "Behool Super | by the Ontarie Public School the province attended the sume , vision and Administration" held | absorbed in the 1961 production, from 7,15 to 8.50 p.m, Any boys The layoff will hit the adult male| between the age of 14 and 18 are' GETS COMMISSION Broups, | weleome to come down and Join! At last it has come! Our fllus The president continued, thisithe squadron, The Rotary Hall 18 trious range instructor, Jacek layoff will have the effect of located on Centre street directly Houston, has received his com starting a chain reaction through hehind NCCT mission for the RCAF, the husiness firms that supply| One point should he made. Air| Jack now holds the rank of fly-| General Motors with parts, Com: Cadets receive military (raining ing officer and with him in 8 {male help and hoys' help will he will 'he held at the Rotary Wall oo on en or immensely | REGINA (CP) {and Houdaille Industries, If Gen-ito the Air Force, Uniforms are ground the hall, Congratulations couple hy a masked eral Motors isn't going to produce supplied free of charge and BO and hest wishes go to him from Wascana Park here As many ag? it wands to ves dues are paid, | "Algo the cadets and myself are Was veporied hy eity son that the other plants are not . ND P8 Greg Bohaker Thursday, woing to produce as many parts. SUBJECTS TAUGHT find lo see chat PS. Grog Rohalier y When a recruit joins cadets he ° © y J | | HOUDAILLE AFFECTED |will take a seven-week basic Pont officer hooks, | Mr, Smith said that at theliaining course s0 he will he | he expected 10) familiar with Air Cadets and our) TAY MAHAL see layoffs, he sald thal sIaee go advonts history, The purpose! Many tourlsls helieve the Taj Chrysler was going to buy W6| of shic training is to hulld better Mahal in the Indian eity of Agra ™ {bumpers in the United States, | ozone "not to try and talk bays|is most beautiful when seen un-| [and General Motors Was ERLUNE | oo 2 ro ititary career der a full moon I Smith, ack production that hetween 1 ™ | hath productio hk There are many subjects taught have a full deseription of ductor and expect wl of 'Couple Held By Rifleman | A sevenhom panies such as Duplate Limited hut in no way ave they obligated uniform things should really hop Pifte-point abduction of a Regina kidnapper Police, who kept details secrel, for more than a week, sald they an early ar Grocery delivery man Nick sald he was forced to Men Teachers' Federation af Aurora last month, Among those attending, from left, were J, | Boothman, Reach Consolidated Public School, Greenbank; R. Veltheer, Hampton Publie drive to Moose Jaw with a rifle wn his back He then had to drive to an lso-| {lated spot where he and & | year-old girl companion were in |sirueted to te each other up, School and 7, Becker, Jr. The kidnapper, who wore a! Reach Consolidated 88 No, 1, hatter hief aver his face, drove, Prince Albert the pair to Chamberlain, eventu-| hot sally released the pair in Regina Proto by Buld Studied, Aug. % police HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS If you plan te atend one of the Oshawa Secondary Schesls during the coming year, but have nat vel registered, you should do sa of once by letter or by calling in persen at the office of the school which you will attend School Offices Are Open Dally From Mon, fo Fri, the ah and 140 less employees will be H Any § d working at the Houdaille plant, |t0 the first year cadets such as drill, service information, early He added that the Houdallle ; management is trying to get hus Canadian flying, keeping fit, alr | iness in other lines to maintain manship, rifle range, alrerall employment, | identification, first aid and tleld EXHAUSTED jerelan BENEFITS E A | . Mr. Smith expressed concern MANY ADVANTAGES that for the first time in several| Advantages in Air Cadets are years, many workers have ex- many, Each year to have fami hausted their unemployment bene-| larization flights in RCAF ali fits, and some of these people craft, and many other trips do not have the seniority to draw Bach summer the Air Foree supplementary benefits [holds & two - week camp, Along He concluded by stating thei the same line we send one or two fact that If the 54,000 people Who! cadets each summer to Camp bought imported cars from Jan {Barden to take either the Senior {1 to Aug. 1 had bought the Cand: yoaders or Drill Instructors' | § KING EAST MARY 87 OSHAWA PORT PERRY A. E. JOHNSON OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined--Prescriptions Filled PHONE FOR AN APPOINTMENT YUkon 5-2383 RA 3-272 Oshawa Central Collegiate Institute 240 Simcoe St, §, RA 3-4678 Oshawa Collegiate & Yocational Institute 301 Simcoe St, N, RA 3.3411 Dr, F. J, Donevan Collegiate Institute Harmony Rd, §, RA 5-1402 SCHOOL REOPENS ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER th Students going Inte Grades 10, 11, 12 or 13, are asked to report promptly at 9.00 a.m, Students going inte Grade 9, will not report until 10.30 am, G, A, Fletcher, WW. Gordon Bunker, Chairman Business Administrator dian product, the Canadian auto Course, industry would have recelved a --_ in good shot in the arm, and the hisiness would he in better shape now Two Schools Are Damaged By Vandals Vandals left a trall of wreck: age in two Oshawa sehools dur ing Thursday night, Nothing was stolen, | At the Central Collegiate nati: tute, & pay telephone was rip: from the wall. However, the marauders left a disgusted note which said: "Cheap skates--alug in machine" They seribbled the note on & I piece of paper towel and left it with the slug. The school was entered through a window in the | girls' washroom | "At Holy Cross Separate School, damage was more devastating ink was smearéd aver all the Paint and |tile cement were spread aver the {walls and floors. Windows were Many articles were pull # : | broken !| strewn throughout the building | This school was entered through the furnace room door, 'Benzine Plant For Samia TORONTO (CP)--A benzene plant, estimated to cost $5,000. 000, will be built at Sarnia, by Im perial Ol Tid, the company an nounced Thursday The plant, scheduled for eom./ pletion hy the fall of 1861, will have a capacity of 30,000,000 gallons of benzene a year Benzene is used in the manu: facture of synthetic rubber, plas-| tips, detergents and a variety of industrial chemicals Delightfully Light Scandinavian Styling in a Rich Range of Colors + + + FOAM Cushions Distinctive , , , fashionable and at so low a cost, Here quality and economy combine in one of the most attractive groupings we have ever been able to offer, Just as pictured, your choice of the sectional arrangement on regular three-seater living room suite FOAM Cushions, full range of smart colors | , , Swedish Walnut finished Showwood -- a complete 9-pc. grouping at ONE special value price. Seet today ! 9.PC, SECTIONAL GROUPING INCLUDES ® TWO LOVE SEAT SECTIONS® MATCHING CORNER TABLE Oshawa Woman On True Blue Exec, SAINT JOHN, NB (CP)=The {national convention of the Loyal {True Blue Association Thursday re-elected its executive: i Supreme grand © mistress 1s Mrs, Sadie Harrison, North Bay; deputy supreme grand mistress, | Mrs, Susan Spencer, Oshawa; secretary, Mrs. Marjorie Hoidge, Teonto i Next year's ponvention will be held at North Bay, The pallbearers were Jerry duct the services fil 5003 Soli" FLOATING TRADE SHOW STARTED Micklin and Frank McDougall Photographic Trade News WALTER H, WILSON GREENWOOD -- The death oo curred suddenly at the home of reports that a joint venture of Japanese manuf oonverted a cargo ship into a COMING EVENTS BINGO | poi ww" sis' vessel is now the Americas CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE al Ak te Yee OPENING NIGHT SEPT. 3rd. 8 P.M. duet in the 'busy place the ied Sec TEMPLE OPEN 4 P M SUPPER DOWNTOW sturers have WIL visiting 28 KING ST, EASY Oshawa Times Class - tion. Phone RA hh and a reliable Ad Representa tive will explain business rates othe F302 now mc 4] Ls Ke Sure you get your p Saturday of each nmvenience pm our special | | | | BRING YOUR The Only Drug Store Open SAT. EVENING, SEPT, 3, 6 to 9 P.M. KARN DRUGS LTD. downtown drug stores suggest that you ® TWO MATCHING STEP ® TWO TABLE LAMPS TABLES COMPLETE WITH SHADES ws 189.95 LJ AS SHOWN COMPLETE N OSHAWA AMPLE FREE A PARKING 154. 156 SIMCOE ST. S. In OSHAWA RA 5.6559 A CALL TO THE STORE BRINGS A CAR TO YOUR DOOR RA 3.4621 rescriptions refilled before week and avoid any ins OPEN TONIGHT TILL ® 9-PC. SOFA GROUP INCLUDES: THREE SEATER @ MATCHING 50 i COFFEE TABLE MATCHING CHAIR TWO TABLE LAMP TWO MATCHING . e AM COMPLETE WITH i BARE SHADES $189.95 COMPLETE