Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 2 Sep 1960, p. 2

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Canadian Speaks INTERPRETING THE NEWS . German, Russians (At Tariff Talks | Danger For India ] The chief Canadian delegate to ur rac < ope the fifth world tariff conference . . . | ealled Thursday for "reasonable" access into Common Market In China Stand | By JACK SULLIVAN pic entry--burst from the blocks] Germany picked up its second countries for ( anadian agricul: : ! : | Canadian Press Staff Writer [first and held off a final fling by gold medal when Adelheid tural products : By JOSEPH MacSWEEN inglon--ahoul the possibility of | ROME (CP)--A German and 8 American Dave Sime, Both men Schmid won the women's individ- HB. McKinnon said agricul] Canadian Press Staff Writer (an open struggle hetween the couple of Russians have struck were timed at 10.2--an Olympic ual fencing championship, tural trade Jas of Ting Ar Prime Minister Nehru appar-|two Communist gionts, most oh the big American Olympic eon- record which Hary set the day, (concern. 10 (anata hecalise Hently sees India endangered by servers expect noihing so specs tingent where it hurts most--the before in a qualifying heat--after CANADIAN WOMEN OUT represented more than 40 pev|the ~ahsolutist stand taken by tacular, | men's track and field department judges studied a photograph fo Canadian women all were elim-| cent of { anadion exports to Com Red China in its doctrinal dis- where the United States hoped to| separate them, inated in the heats of the, 100.mon Market member states, ipute with the Soviet Union, shine again, The U.S, thus lost the 100. Metre dash while in the rowing, Aer An opening meeting The prime minister views the in Com ic satrs who metre gold medal for the first the Canadian entries in the fours Thursday representatives of rising quarrel between Moscow Relax in Comfort Thanks al ia Samat Thursday's time An 1928 when Vi nec Au without coxswain and the pairs Nearly 50 countries go ino closed and Peking in such 8 serious TALLY HO ROOM eapiures. A in Percy Williams did the trick 8 without coxswain eould do no bet- #€ssion for talks and negotiations) yay that he seized the opportun-| od {swimming finals, two of them in f : scheduled to last til next June i i . " i 8. still ¢ on Wel ter than third in the second ; 0 last until ne ne ity of a foreign policy speech to world record time, the UB. still Canada and then wenl on to win ) ak "od China's belief tn hel AIR CONDITIONED has a good chance of overtaking the 200, chance re pec hages and falled to "ro American delegation also inevitability of an East - West] Hotel Lancaster the Soviet Union in the unofficial i 0 gain Saturday's finals, was expected to press hard for y | team standings, CAN'T MATCH WILLIAMS The Canadian hope for a medal roa, oie i the 'proposed com:|" Af & : | "The US, set one of its world Jerome's mishap dashed his in rowing now lies on the shoul Aid pair m oe proposed. som | At a time of headlong change | records in the men's #hsire hopes of mashing Williams feat ders of the University of British Common. Market and individual partiolarly in Africa--pelnki | medley, an event in which Cana- 8% 8 testing his ability Columbia. oarsmen Who on Wed-| apiffs of the seven-country Euro SCOW' . y 4 dian swimmers came through against the man with whom he nesday whipped the United di yA Trade oir E ' of Nosows viliey Md DRIVE Gith Canada's high placing in shares the world record for the States to enter the final for eight:|" preliminary discussions until world and aid to emerging eoun-| the Olympics to date--fourth for metric century % oared crews, Pec, 31 will centre around the! tries Valle three points In the high jump, Thoma In the qualifying heats of the need for Common Market coun In the Chinese view this as Beau ) 4 |" The Americans also had been failed to clear seven feet, one women's 100-metre backstroke, (vies (0 compensate others for! sistance merely posipones Vio favored and had heen confident inch, Both the Russians did it-- Sara Barber of Brantford, Ont. raising a large number of tariffs jent revolution in underdeveloped TONIGHT of taking both men's finals Thurs-| breaking the Olympic record of was fourth in her heat and didn't bound by existing agreements, conntries of Africa, Asia and La: 5 day, especially after the onedwo six feet, 11% inches hut Shav- qualify, She kept up with the, Phe second part of the confer-\tin America, The Russians, BAYS! ems three . breaking U.S, ladkadze was declared winner leaders for about #0 metres he: ence will be concerned with 8|peking, are guilty of supporting : sweep of the men's shot put on because of fewer misses ; fore she faded, Her time was general round of tariff reduction) anti of Communist forces and! the opening day of track and Russia also picked up two gold 1:13.4 : negotiations by all members of should instead face open War: | field competition medals In the women's javelin In wrestling, the two Canadians) (he General Agreement on Tar- fare even nuclear warfare GET THE BEST | "he German, Armin Hary, ap and BO-metre hurdles in the freestyle event, both Kiteh- iffs and Trade, without flinching. | | g ker o Another track and field blow to ener men, lost their first - round, McK told th ronference lied the first shocker when he, Ano é nen, los r first - round McKinnon to he confere i plies the 100-metre final--an event the Americans was in the B00- matches the Canadian government be- FIRST TRY For Less At hich lost some lustre when Van- metre run, For the first time Kirt Boese lost by fall to lieved it was important that a While the Moscow-Peking clash MODERN couver's Harry Jerome who since the modern Olympics American Doug Blubah in the "salisfaclory s tt1ement" pro-is not quite out in the open, it shares the world record of 10 started in 1896, the Ame ns middleweight class. Rohert vide "reasonable and know nis known that efforis to pateh up seconds flat for the event with have no man in the final to he Steckle was decisioned by!terms of access fo the commu: differences between the two big UPHOLSTERING Hary, pulled out of his semi-final run off today, All were elimin- Gyrogy Gurics of Hungary in the nity for agricultural products." Communist capitals were made heal with a pulled muscle ated in the heats light-heavyweight class at a meeting of the Communist 9264 SIMCOE ST. N. bloe in Bucharest last June The four-hour high jump final , ' A ata Us Although the meeting ended] RA 8-6451 or RA an produced the major unset of, (ho k C kk Citi hi Holstein Prize with a show of unity, periodic in OSHAWA \ Yhoma as expecied (0 : dications of the rift continue, | Pomas, Who ig ousted his ac 00 e 1 1zens 1p To Brooklin Man | Perhaps the most surprising ONLY 10% DOWN win easily on the streng development is that Russia is re-|| UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY world record of seven feet, 3% TORONTO (CP) Canadian! . inches, couldn't quite match the yg ported to have called home many f : National Exhibition holstein 4 Y | Olympie-record performances 0 Needs Tke S Sig t judges picked a new grand cham technicians or om Red Cina, A PRELUDE TO THE SLAUGHTER OF STRAUSS [mums Moher Shevadieds NATUTE och hha ins rand Sm oun resent, J, oo : in WASHINGTON (CP) The ball League, is reported in the hy Ephrie and Howard Fried, |": | i | Danish comedian Vietor | porter on his arrival to head- | movie star Phil Silvers in the USSIA LEADS GAMES United States Senate has fin bill 'as hd uy h 4 yy kEphriam and A Fried, "wile there has heen some! ine n RUSSI i a enate has finally bill as having spent six months Petersburg, defeated Spring| co eoulation notably in Wash-| ¢ Borge sits on top of his lug- | line the last half of the Cana grandstand Saturday night Going into today's compelition approved a long-standing bill to/of each year in the U.8, since Garm Fond Piehe owned by J M. r A the U.S. in the gold medal de- Kent Cooke, Toronto sportsman long admired the U8, and to be| three-year reign. The Fraser bull MER LOSES [ partment and were ahead of the and publisher willing to give up his status and was named reserve grand cham FAR AT THE gage hoping for a lift from the | dian National television and | (CP Wirephoto) |. 0" nussians had a 10-7 lead on speed U.8, citizenship for Jack| 1951, He is reported as having| Fraser, Streetsville, afte | » " Rainstorm Americans 210% points to 153 in| The hill, giving Cooke the sta-|social position in Canada "to|pion | rm an Y the unofficial team standings, tus of 10 years premanent resid-| build a new future for himself Floyd Becker and Son avr FRUIT PISTOL A HOTEL ., was transmitted| and his family in the U8." | ld GEN H based on the 10-5-4-8:2:1 scoring|ency in the U.8 showed the junior champion bul BANGOR, Me, (AP)--The eo | | - ) y system for the first six positions fror «Congress to the White land Roy Ormiston, Brooklin, the y Accidents in each event, Germany was House Thursday for President| reserve junior champion, R ¥.| Penobscot County sheriff's Im-- i TV third with 121 points Eisenhower's signature B Brantford, had the junior| department told Thursday of ; In Face Ot Private Hurt Two Batten taking the finals In the An official of the Senate judie- ots top obit bi ta Mr a | an Eddington farmer who [f Our eeffee shop and main din: complained that someone ing room completely eircom ston the reserve junior cham: H A J was raiding his garden night T 400-metre medley in world rec lary committee staff sald there J By DON HANRIGHT cent VI he otin ra : ord time, the American swim. still are some doubts among the Pon Canadian Press Staff Writer tock by & x of the ir SARNIA (CI Two 8 ers also won the B00 - metre committee members whether the after night The farmer, who for obvi: OTTAWA (CP The CBC dependent station vho would men were injured In a ras hill should have heen approved | | ne! » relay finals In world pprovec | showed signs Thursday of pre. el half the network directo mid afternoon accidents re freestyle relay It will be up to the president to G t | ous Teasons. Wants io terial ovt. Help | | | | ditioned, paring for a tough competitive I'he independent stations them- when a brief but severe record time ) battle with Canad new ind es, | the Ind fent storm struck the eit The Canadian team in the 400 decide in the next 10 days or so ingly bor nade "Ded iT r Canada's ow Inde | s¢ rmir ¢ dependent sto struck th { is " X asda pendent TV stations Tele ( ation, 1« t Walter Kosticzko, 48, was taken cial legislation 81, a medley was comprised of Bob whether to veto or sign the spe DELHI (CP)--Stephen Toth, night. took a pistol and A t i : saton (backstroke) Vietoria transient tobacco w git ; id Alphonse Ouimet, { PO Bre BG: that they would want to Fics to Hospitel ite hotlder injure Wheat Be bineviteh (breaststroke)| The bill had moved rapidly| who made a 8} ages Worker ure ror flashlight and waited. : ident, told the Board of road- the netwo one m a mutual when a bieyele he was riding wa : thr a} t M I / He woke up eally the nex n a Gr ough the House of Representa: | through the glas p east Governors that the corpora- or co eT ha without|in collision with a ear. Gordon Montreal Cameron Hout Ai tives earlier this vear presen Y Iau J ne Floss door of the po morning. More tomatoes tion doesn't intend to allow aay outside participation Curtis, 26, was injured when a teroy) Montreal i Dick Pound ed up in the Senate Judiciary| was pai Rig nigh, 0 less were missing, So were his . 10 vasio . T » ¥ isener of Montreal, ITO ca 9 s driving. was in ef (freestyle) Montrea ' A | p A nearby, 5 f commercial invasions of the TV| R. E. Misener of Montreal, ITO car he was driving. was in colli-| (FFR6MW® TEE ERE oem committee for three months creek after police fired two warn | | pistol and flashlight ground the CBC already owns or president, Indicated that at first|sion with another. Neither man " " ( effectively occupies the 18 would rely to a large was hurt severely the 400 in 4:05.4 to smash the gaw NO URGENCY ing shots HAMILTON (CP)--The answer| And that ground is substantial extent video tape shipments Before rain eut visibility to a|world record of 4:08.2 which they ast week committee mem Police sald Toth had been ar-| | He unemployment Rrohlem 0 h H In addition to operating six of its turning to a microwave link few yards, clouds blackened the|set in a qualifying heat s bers demanded that action he rested and charged with creating Lie ' In government Assistance s awa, ampton own TV stations across Canada ieh they could use in sharing city 'so that street lights were| Canada had a 4:16.80 clocking [taken though staff officers op-|a disturbance for the third time Poller than inietvention, Cana : | the CBC through its network the production costs of network turned on and motorists used Canada had not placed better nosed it on the grounds therelin 10 days when the esCA at. dan businessmen were told Men Take Trophies affiliation agreements now sup. programs for thelr own use headlights, Police reported eight/than fifth in any event until seemed to he no urgent reason| tempt was made, He Kioked Thursday plies programs for the prime In any event, M Misener accidents during the storm | Pounds' strong anchor leg edged for the legislation, Each of the|police constable and threw oie viewing hours which it controls said, operation of a network for a Russian committee members was polled) other against a wall before plung Conservative MP for Essex South! mers Boyd Ayre of Hampton and WORLD RECORD . and expressed no opposition to ing through the door, |and parliamentary secretary to Ephraim Snell, Clinton, have the counts profitable a pig pen were destroyed by fire] WORLD RE ! free. he DIL, 1t thus was approved {Labor Minister Starr, told a Ro:|taken all the awards, including Mr. Ouimet made it elear thal] gpeace Caldwell, Toronto film] near here Thursday night when The US. swam the 800 free | Clad only in trousers and socks ry , 7 unanimously ' xe 8, tary Club' luncheon here |grand and reserve ch i inl p lig gir n i style re 02 ¢ hatter he suffered laceratiol "" gra ampion, in M ill the independent stations, or 8 producer, disagreed. He and his|lightning struck them during a Sivie Tol in § od oo ot byl An immigrant normally must/a trail of blood lon aud left One of the most remarkable| Leicester and Cheviot sheep judg: am ey ag network company serving them,|financial backers are ready to|severe storm, Loss was "pati- Le WOK mark of i.6 set by j mark hisifaots of the une , bal C i Kx. y em, | ) A 1 its Olympic trials establish at least five years flight, When police spotted hi e unemployment proh.|Ing at the Canadian National Ex won't be allowed into this "op-lput up $3,000,000 for a network mated at about $40,000 | Australia in its Olymy Aid di 8. befor | a A 0 IM lem 1s that vi hibith OFFICE EQUIP, LTD tion" or CBC-reserved time on pu ik 33.0000 rk robot dames Miller, owner {Fesidence in the us before hela half-hour later wading across high 'wh He 0 unemployment is/ on, ' v ] po . " 8 J 3 y can oly t 8 OUT narhy i a | § en ere y v y , p | the private stations, now totalling] fin. he sald farm. sald 40 pigs were led to] Chris von Saltza gave the U8 cab apply lo a i fount for nearby Big Creek, they fired two ore people at HY a actually) Mr, Ayre also won the grand|l 9 KING ST, E, OSHAWA 37% hours a week safety its third swimming gold medal in| C0 Hp \ pro ean then an warning shots Into the water, [time in our histor an at any champion ram award in the Suf- {the women's 400-metre freestyle, ™ pleted in a fow months, Toth will appear in court Tues:| "As far as alory [folk Downs breed, RA 5-3506 NO YIELDING [breaking her own Olympic mec.| Cooke, owner of Toronto Maple/day charged with ereating a dis:|is only oan see, there Lance M. Beath, Oshawa. ex { Richard Thrasher Progressive] TORONTO (CP)--Ontarie tor. on every private TV station Inia network's sake Ww uld be un DUTTON (CP)--Two barns and of the|last month . Nor would the CBC ever agree W e In ord In winning in 4:50.6, The Leafs of the International Base: turbance and escaping custo dl ane solution and that is|/hibited the reserve grand. cham: to have its present affiliates com inn IS unans axe | mark, however, was well outside ping dy. "more and more and more jobs." [pion ewe in Suffolk Downs, mit themselves to the second net her own world record of 4:44.5 work Horse Show Three Us. In winning the 100, Hary--a His statement set the toaze for West German member of the the opening day of the BBG's| poRONTO (CP)--J. Farintoch joint East-West Germany Olym public Hearing on the .rules pro-| om io has won the grand . . YOUR CLOTHESL posed by the governors for oper-| a1 : 1 I pion stallion award with his ni ve / pr t | that ' ation of any private network th Rocky Knight ia hackney horse emerges to serve the newly-li- oo oo A (% ; 4 . . . censed Independent stations in judg ing al the Canad an National : HA) ANA (AP) The Cuban . FOR J Fxhibition, Reserve champion government seized three Ameri - - . eight major Canadian cities R A x There was conflict among those W& Craigwell Ballantrae, owned can tire companies Thursday by Ernest Howell, Thedford The U.S, Embassy sald it wa in the industry as to when the é C as 0 Dr. informed the workers militia RUG & CARPET private network will appear as a Queen of Kings, owned by " \ p artlett ar 30 sized the plants of U.S. Rubber microwave link among stations, |W. W. Bartlett and Son, Bramp-|8¢izec ! Also a contentious point among ton, won the best mare award, Company, a $10,000,000 invest SALES the broadcasters A BREG-pro-| Reserve best mare was Adven. ment, the $8,000,000 Goodyear posed rule that the network com. ture, owned by George McKnight Company and the $7,000,000 Fire Broadloom wall pany must include up to 49 periPeterborough sone Company The militia took over after to wall, Rugs, workers charged the American : firms were trying to cut produce Carpe s, Ss tair tion to sabotage the C vol Hon | ag Cuban revol Runners. A fourth company, Goodrich was not taken over because #0 per cent of its stock is held by Installation by our » Mexican subsidiary, the em : bassy was informed. The four own mechanics companies filled Cuba's tire and other rubber requirmeents U.S, sources said they expect 174 Mary Street seizure of a number of other American firms WATER FLUORIDATION RA 8-4681 Many communities in south western Alberta have water sup y'V VN plies with natural fluoridation CITY OF OSHAWA 1960 TA J pi --" FOURTH \XES DUE ; DIRECT Ak Flow J - DRIES % tast1En / Fe n™ SAVES A Aw 3) MONEY Ward Color of Bills Fourth instalment Nos, Realty Business Due Dates Sid... Yellow Grey... Sept. 6th 546 Pink Green Sept, 12th a PAY TAXES BY MAIL by cheque or money order (if con When you come to think about it, it is not a bad idea, Jen ent) enclosing COMPLETE tax bill--receipted bill will And you can do it with a new Westinghouse Automatic e returned . AVOID STANDING IN LINE by paying before any due date Clothes Diver, The model shown is & tee delune meas) OR by depositing sealed envelope containing cheque and Tax now available at Chemey's and priced at $199.95, It Bill in "City Hall Mail" letter drop at City Hall main entrance dries clothes fast by direct air flow system, A strong any time stream of fresh warm air is directed right into the ALL OSHAWA CANADIAN BANKS OF COMMERCE will tumbling clothes for faster, fluffier drying at safe, low accept current taxes within two weeks before any instalment date providing Tax Bill is presented for receipting AND PRO- VIDING NO INSTALMENT IS PAST DUE WITHOUT CHARGE, you with cold rainy weather only a few days away, ALSO PAYABLE AT CITY HALL if preferred Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Th oe WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC SPECIAL HOURS 7 TO 9 P.M, ha i INSTALMENT DATES ONLY ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER JEROME PULLS UP LAME FAILURE TO PAY ANY ONE INSTALMENT on or before due 5 PROGRAM SELECTOR DRIES EVERY TYPE OF FABRIC -- Exactly as It date necessitates the Tax Collector to proceed to collect by : ce C C d to collec y should be dried. Even wash-n-wear fabrics have their own scientifically pre Harry Jerome of Canada, | holder with Germany's Armin several Statutory and Local By-Law provisions such as Collec t 0 ' 1 N F rmi tion of Rent Re Er s cribed dry setting, Other features: easy to clean, built-in lint trap rear, pulls up lame during a | Hary of the world 100-meter ion of Rents where | ty is tenant occupied; Division Court \ semi-final heat of the meén"s | record of 10 seconds flat Hary Action in some cases and by possible "Bailiff Seizure of é lb, damp load capacity Olympic 100-meter dash in | later won the gold medal in this chattels Rome Thursday and falls to | event Telephones: RA 5.1153; Evenings Dial RA 8.6881 Y F ; 2 . Per Wk, temperatures ust think what it could mean te a uw * Vid fuarewce' |. cox oR 1 , inished sec Phi CIVIC ADMINISTRATION BLDG.City Tax Collector ond the heat, Jerome is co. (winner, with*the excepttion of ful |

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