Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Sep 1960, p. 3

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This study in eoncentration | Wineial Park recently, Jt shows | was ks! visit to the new Darlington Pro ETI NOP hms FO i PUT THE WORM ON valls between father and son as well as the fine opportunity the caught by an Oshawa mes photographer during a CAPSULE NEWS STRATFORD (CP) fan-born residents here are com plaining about film shown at the Stratford Inter national nig cent arrival from Hungary and|th a Stratford student day h Whom the Larks Sing went away|tion here, Executive secretary disappointed M Refugees Rap Festival affected the Grand strike Hungar- (is not by Trunk al FEDERATION SUSPENDS 2 | REGINA (CP)~Two member of the Canadian Federation of e Blind were suspended at a sald Wednes- #pecial meeting Tuesday night of Vor! the federation's national conven 'propaganda in Festival Karad| Tuesday 19, a re Film ht, Zoltan Hungarians who saw since it presented BE. R, Powell said Mrs, I an untrue pleture of Hungarian Farthing of Leask, Sask, and peasant OTTAWA (CP) staltstics an 513 par were 1eWEpApCY ind other by them life Sidney Knight of Toronto | voted out following a PREDICT BIG CROP {interview of them The bureao of "irritations" caused Wednesday predicted within the organization CITY AND in the early 1920s 000 bushels this year, ¢om ed with the record 1952 crop| of 701,044,000 bushels, The fore | cast Aug ter based on crop conditions at 15, indicates Ontario's win.| wheat crop will rise to 17 DISTRICT 378,000 bushels from last year's | below-normal 12,464,000 bushels LONDON (CP) London boy suffered severe and whe Hospital cone Stead, son of Mr ert lev the Joh 8 Fon with weapon after ah man 'holding a sawed-off ibre slammed Into the door-moulding|prizes have been won by ponies| day, Aug behind detectives gun Oth sale MONTREAL Wednesda from Chi Trunk called for fee nia cago on different US STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be |¢losed for construction today A five-year-old Ritson road north, from King face east to Bond; Wilson road south head cuts Wednesday night from Olive avenue to Dieppe ave. n hit by a ear near his home nue; Ritson road south from King! officials reported his street east to Bruce street; closed as serious. Darryle, oo nnound traffic; King street and Mrs, Rob Stead of London be. | West from Waverley to Thornton ed by police to have run into under construction Open for the path of the ¢ driven by Weekend will be Taunton road n Lawrence Barnett, 7 east from Simcoe street to Ritson road north, Whenever possible FIRES AT POLICE streets will be kept open for local THOMAS (CP Gordonitraffie, Emergency conditions 1) charged tonight weather could require possessing an unregistered the closing of streets not on this being disarmed In !list Police sald a 22 cal which SMALL BOY HURT dition was T d, was such as otel room hére PONY championship CHAMPIONSHIP y rifle, fired a shot | A and elght Police sald the exhibited on the Canadian Na one shell, [tional Exhibition by Mr, and Mrs er charges are llkely, they Eric Burton, of Burtondale Stock 1 | Farms Brooklin, The junior stal lon . champlonship was 'won hy HALTED Mr, Burton's Key's Tiny Bobby CNR | His also won two firsts service two seconds, two thirds and two Toronto to) fourth prizes on the show Grand strike SECOND IN CLASS today. The CNR serv The Ontario Regiment Junior has been terminated at Sar. Band, taking part in its first Me CPR to Chi. competition, placed second In its at the Canadian National Exhibition this morning I'he contained only SERVICE CP)=1 halted It Montreal and because of a Western rallroad CNR \¢ ponies cago operate lines and class COMING EVENTS class was won by the Metropoli tan Silver Junior Band with the Lakefield Band in third place 20 THURSDAY Neighborhood Association Th Door Prize $15 { $160 JACKPOT INCLUDED ny also Share-the-Wealth PLAY THIS AFTERNOON The Ontario Regiment Band which won several trophies at the CONE vear, will compete in its class this afternoon DOUBLY LUCKY Mrs. Francis Reid, 49 Harris avenue, may well be one of the most fortunate women In Osh awa, It has been sald that to | find a fourleal clover will bring good luck, While having | tea on her lawn Wednesday af ternoon, Mrs, Reld found four | fourleaf clover and one five | leat clover ECHO APPEARANCES Satellite Echo One may not be clearly visible from Southern Ontario for more than another {two weeks, Dunlop Observatory officials said last night, The times at which the satelli visible are about 22 minutes earlier each night, Tonight Echo One will be visible at the following times 10.08 p.m, crossing almost over head from west to east; 12.08 a.m, crossing high in the south {west to east; 2.13 a.m. crossing skies from west to The times for sighting and ed movement will be similar for Friday night. On Friday Echo may be seen at: 941 pm; % pm; and 151 am BINGO | Harman Park A last f E SEPT corner JAY gomes----3$6. and 5.340 Jo "BINGO AT THE AVALON SEPT at 8 pm kpot Eastview Park 20 regular games at $6 & $10 Six jackpets at $40 te Is NOVEL BINGO 1URSDAY EVENING 8 PM at ST, GEC E'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) $20 Or trig low in south Games $4, $12 east May be doubled Ine € Let Professionals Plan . . a Your or] Thanksgiving in New York Special Package Tours le D. Maclennan inquire Manager * DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE WHITBY -- OSHAWA -- BROOKLIN PHONE MO 8.3304 ME DADDY = Reward Campers For Achievement Awards for outstanding! Funniest dress, Janice Me- | lachievement were pre Pherson, : * when (he final girls' camp of the] Best footwear, Linda Bradbury, season held its awards dinner re-! Best headdress (hast, etc), cently at the Kedron Kiwanis Louise Barnes, Camp, Best costume for camping, The feature award of the night Virginia Kirby, went to Diane Campbell who was. Softhall League Champions ~-- judged the most outstanding Winning Team: Diane Campbell, camper, The girls occupying captain; Beverly Sandford, Linda Cabin B also had cause for re- Boivin, Diane Bastarache, Dale joicing as their cabin won the Black, Gall Church, Joan Wilson, flag for the best camp on six in- Hilda Metselaar, Virginia Kirby, spections {Linda Cory and Marilyn Wilson, Coach and manager, Glenda Bles- FINE PROGRAM sor and Lynne MacMillan, | Highlight of the evening was the program presented by the SWIMMING MEET WINNERS campers, The girls in Cabin C| Age 8 years -- Blanche Hager, sang Sweet Little Nellie; while Linda Watson, Bertha Mills, Mary Vandermeer,| Age 9 years -- Faye Broome, Louise Barnes and Beth Drum. Maria Conroy, mond from Cabin B presented al Age 10 years -- Penny Hum. Dutch dance, Diane Bastarache Phrey, Gall Church, and Collettt Chamberland from Ape lt years ~ Lois McPher- 7, Cab sang "rence uet, son, Virginia rby. [Cabin A sang a Prench duel, S0kest "all-round" dress in camp| THE WEATHER office says ler, both of Whithy, presented a ~Marilyn Russell, | temperatures are expected to fluto-phone duet, Linda Boivin fi Ase 12 years -- Shirley Col-| reach 90 in southern Ontario Cabin A gave a demonstration of Wns, Gail Watson, today and 85 in parts of south. baton (wirling, Maria and Suzanne! Age 13 years -- Diane C. Conroy sang "I Can't Say No bell, Shirley Collins, and Blanche Hager and her Counselors' race -- £ wi | Irene " a ern Quebec, pe storms and by cooler air tonight, Friday WEATHER FORECAST eve WIMIAWA TIMED, Thundey, September V, 190% BB Dog repellents have been roe L] ommended for use in Toronio te chase away raccoons. Oshawa Public Schools Supply Teachers Oshowa Boord of Education ine vites opplications from quolified teachers with public school teach ing experience for positions os supply teochers in the Oshowe Public Schools, Persons Interested In doing occasional teaching In this copo- city during the yeor 1960-61 please contoct C. M. Elliott, Superintendent of Public Schools, 179 Simcoe Street South, OSHAWA, Onterlo, Telephone -- RAndolph 51107 G. A. Fletcher, Chelrmen, W Gordon Bunker, Business Administrator, will be cooler and sunny, ~(CP Wirephoto) Both areas will ex- scattered thunder. showers followed rience FIRE KILLS SHEEP BRISBANE (Reuters) ~ Hup- dreds of sheep have been killed in a bushfire raging across thou. group the finale with the song bel, Jean Russell, | Now We Close Our Evening Pro- DIVING BOARD EVENTS gram" Longest jum "fron 4 x : . ' p from diving] The list of awards follows: |p,0.4" Virginia Kirby, Diane! | Campbell Fancy dive from diving board Virginia Kirby, Brenda Woods Longest dive and underwater] swim - Virginia Kirby, Diane| | from diving] TORONTO (CP)--Forecasts Is- Woods, Diane Sued at 5 a.m. : Bynopsis: Temperatures were _lexpected to reach the 90-degree mark in parts of southwestern Ontario today, but park provides for healthful re- |mMyNoR AWARDS laxation and recreation, Most industrious eamper -- Su- | [san Conroy, Cabin A, | Oshawa Times Photo, | "most Sportsmanlike Camper - - EE "Gall Church, Cabin ¥ : fost Popular Camper -- Lin.|Campbell | MN J . OBITUARIES ote ~~ Hil board. « o da Metselaar, Cabin B Campbell Most Improved Swimmer Dive from diving board Har- Linda Watson, Cabin C Come up through a floating hoop Most Improved diver -- - Faye Broom, Lois McPherson Woods, Cabin C and Diane Campbell, Camper with most pains and Ball Race -- Lois McPherson, aches -- Dale Black, Cabin A Diane Campbell Biggest Eaters in. Camp - Three-Arm Race - Irene Fro- Lois McPherson, Jean Russell/Pel and Carolyn Werry; Shirley and Linda Houck Collins and Gail Church, Camp "Foghorn" \Jice -- Gall MARATHON SWIM Pearn . Campers Diane Campbell, most arcas Friday. Biggest Feet in Camp Paul 410 times; Virginia Kirby, 2%| Regional forecasts valid until Hartshorn : times ! {midnight Friday Shortest Counselor in Camp Counselors Tommy Cotle,| Lake Erie, Niagara, Gayle Cooper " aks ona Frabal 4 'Hard Lick" Camper 6% times; Irene Frobel, Bastarache, Cabin A umes | M wi Coan RK, Hi Campers Diane Campbell, Blanhe Hoos Cabin C 18 pts; Virginia Kirby, 15; Lois an hier, Lab McPherson, 10; Shirley Collins, GROUP AWARDS 7; Faye Broome, 6 Camp Archer "Robin Hoods" Counselors Irene Frobel, 11 Best in Cabin A, Marilyn Rus./pts.; Carolyn Werry, 4; Je dive Linda WILLIAM J, HARBRON | The death of William J {bron, of RR 1, Ashburn, occurred |Wednesday, Aug. 31, at Birch |eliff Nursing Home, Scarboro |He was in his 85th year | Born in Kinsale, Pickering [Township July 20, 1876, he was [married there in 19056 to Fthel H Pilkey, He had lived in Ashburn for the past 50 years, He a member of Mount Zion United Church, near Greenwood Mr, Harbron is wife Nenl Neale Linda (way, Scattered thunderstorms! {which developed in Northern On-|K |tario Wednesday reached some parts of southern Ontario during the night, More thunderstorms was survived by his southern daughter, Mrs, Stanley (Dorothy of Secarhoro; and two , Gerald, of Myrtle Station, and Leslie, of Ashburn The body Is resting at the Rob inson Funeral Home drooklin, for service in the chapel Friday, Sept, 2, at 2:30 p.m., conducted by Rev, T, H, Fleetham of Greenwood Pallbearers Ball, a Diane | London, Hamilton: Sunny with cloudy periods and scattered thunderstorms today, Frida yi | sunny, Very warm and humid to- S018 1060 AD ight tonight and Friday, Northern Lake Huron, Ontario regions, Toronto: Partly| Bol. cloudy, Warm and humid with scattered thunderstorms today, turning cooler tonight, Friday sunny and less humid, Winds | southwest 15 today, 'higher in will Milton Parkin kin, Harold White Bayles, and Flovd Pilkey Interment will be at Hot, Humid Cooler Soon Cloudy with and thunderstorms this morning clearing and turning less humid this afternoon, Friday suany and cooler, Winds westerly 15, shift- cooler and ing northwest 15 this afternoon, less humid weather was on the light tonight and Friday, | with cloudy periods and cooler today and Friday mainly sunny, Not much change were expected today. Pleasant, | ture, Winds northwest 15 to 20 [sunny weather is expected in| today, light tonight and Friday | wi 5% | Lake Huron regions, Windsor, BOOS +: | London ,, | Wingham Toronto | Peterborough {day, turning cooler and less hu prenton ® {mid Friday, Winds southwest 15 gi "Catharines | today, higher in thunderstorms; | Hamilton . Muskoka Lake! Killaloe Earlton Sudbury .. North Bay . Kapuskasing , White River sands of acres in central Queens- land, LAST TWO DAYS! Friday and Safurday OF OUR AUGUST FUR SALE! SAVE UP TO 30000 scattered showers Timmins Kapuskasing and irkland Lake regions: Sunay in tempera. Forecast Temperatures Lows tonight, Highs Friday: indsor 80 Cemetery, Kinsale - Lin | thunderstorms; light tonight and 8 Friday. Georglan Bay, Hallburton re- glons, North Bay, Sudbury: OF ADVERTISING WOMEN TARGET | ON NEW 1960 FASHIONED FURS! "Advertising Age" research. | ers find that women between 10 and 70 are available to broadcast media 7.43 hours a day In daytime hours, but they actually spend only 1.45 hours watching TV and 1.79 hours listening to radio, [ The Want Ads are scanned | by women throughout the day while the Classified Section is often saved for several days. Be sure your offer is in the Oshawa Times Class! fied Section that reaches this important market, "Oshawa's Only Quality Fur House" 75 KING ST. E. OSHAWA OPPOSITE HOTEL GENOSHA formal gown, FREE ADMISSIONS END TORONTO (CP)--Free admis Eliza. | soll; Best in Cabin B, Linda Russell, 1 Chappell; Best in Cabin C, Doros|m a. - be Leonard (py Black ~ Porigh Camp, TABLOID MEET WINNERS Harold Par- Susan Arnold, Cabin C Winning team Linda Wwilllam ' |vin, captain; Dale Black, Linda INDIAN "POW-WOW" WINNERS Cory, Linda Chappell, Susan Mil. Salem! Indian Wrestling (Leg) -- Best ler, Susan Graham and Dorothy in Cabin A, Lois McPherson; | Black (224 points) |Best in Cabin B, Gail Church;| Individual champions FUNERAL OF | Best in Cabin C, Susan Arnold;| Watson, 58 pts; Linda Boivin, 52; JAMES ALLEN Champion Indian Wrestler, Lois|Bonnle Corby, 46; Shirley Col-| The memorial service for! McPherson {ling, 45; Susan Lee, 44; Marl. James, Allen, King street west,| Indian "Chatterboxes" ~ Best|lyn Williamson, 43; Diane Camp-| who died at Sunnybrook Hos-in Cabin A, Diane Campbell; bell, 42; Waltraud Hengstberger, 4 pial, Taranto, on Buturday. Aug.iBest in Cabin B, Virginia' Kir. 40, Motor Trip ef, was held at the Armstrong hy; Best in Cabin C, Rosalie]. Funeral Home at pm, Wed: Beauregard; Champion Chatter. OSHAWA KIWANIS wr nesday, Aug. 31 |box, Roslie Beauregard and Di. CLUB PRIZES " 0 ruguay Rev, C, D. Cross, rector of St ane Campbell (tie) | Counselors Glenda Slessor, A George's Anglican Church, con| Indian '"'Polson-Pool" Best Sandra Walters, Gayle Cooper,| MONTREAL (CP) -- Bravo ducted the services, Interment!in Cabin A, Diane Campbell: Karen Trivett | Antonlo Ferrer and his family was In the soldiers' plot of Osh: Regt in Cabin B, Loulse Barnes: |, Campers -- Louise Barnes, Lin- drove into Montreal In a panel awa Union Cemetery Best in Cabin c Susan Arnold: [48 Chappell, Linda Cory, Heather truck Wednesday after 20 months The pallbearers were Boh Am Champion, Diane Campbell '|Leslle, Hilda Metselaar, Patricia on the road and a 30,000-mile trip brose, Bob Park, Jack Flintolf, Indian "Pat and Mike" ~ Best Nicholson, Suzanne See, Marilyn from Uruguay, Sam Wilson, George Thompson in Cabin A. Linda Bradbury: | Williamson, Elizabeth Bossoska,| There were eight when the and Arthur Cox Best In Cabin B. Gall Pearn:| Gail Church, Elizabeth Drum. Eroup started out from Monte- | RIYE . | Bost Cabin C. Linda Woods: mond, Susan McDonald, Susan Video In the 1952-model truck, [ FUNERAL OF Jest In n C, Linda 'IMiller, Grace Palmer, Sandra But only six arrived here and JOSEPH SENECO Champion, Linda Bradbury [Tompkins, Linda Broome. Bon. only four are going back. The memorial service for Jo. Indian Costumes Best In! cby, Virginia Kirby, Janice] The motor trip cost $4,000 and seph Seneco, who died suddenly Cabin A, Gloria Russell; Best in Mopherson, Bertha Mills Gail| covered 15 countries, Ferrer's |at his home, 73 Harris avenue,!Cabin B, Gall Church; Best in Pearn, Mary VanDerMeer, eldest son Frederico, 28, was last Saturday, was held from the Cabin C, Blanche Hager; Couns| . 1 : ! married and settled in Argentina Armstrong Funeral Home Tues. selors, Paul Hartshorn; Best In. BEST "ALL-ROUND" CAMPER and another son died on a tropi- 30, [dian Costume in Camp, Paull Best in Cabin "A", Gall Wat.|cal fever, Wp Tequiem mass was sung Hartshorn son; Best in Cabin B, Gail Two Jong, Franciseo, N a ) WwW offey In Holy Cross 3 wh 3 p y fernando, , Wi remain In Roman Catholic Church. Inter: FASHION SHOW WINNERS |(furchi Best In Cabin C, Linda ere 10 nding ment was in St, Gregory's Ceme.| Best Bathing Suit, Mrs, Cote mm school, The family plans to re. tery and Mrs, Norton (Itsy-Bitsy Yel A 4 hem in 1062, The pallbearers were F, Merin-/low Polka Dot Bikin}) REJECTS OFFER a Yom movie projector ger, F, Sobanski, T. Sobanski, J Best costume for Sports, Susan| CIUDAD TRUJILLO (AP) --|gperator, sald he and his family Romanwich P, Plishka and! Arnold | Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo|made the trip to see as much of Harry Hercla. Best Marilyn! said Wednesday he has deciined | North and South America as pos- Russell {an offer by President "Joaquin sible, |" Best national costume, Bonnie Balaguer to resign so that Tru.| Other members of the group Corby and Gail Pearn {Jillo could return to the presi-| were Ferrer's wife, daughter Es. sions to the Royal Ontario Mu.| Most original gown, Waltraud dency of the Dominican Repub. peranza, 22, and Nephew Isacio, seum will end Oct, 1, The mu. Hengstberger lie, 35. seum sald Wednesday the 25.cent! Least expensive gown, - charge for adults will he made beth Bossoska regular after that date. For many| Best dress for the future, Shir. years the adult fee has heen ley Collins, | charged only on Wednesdays and] Best old-fashioned gown, Lin. Friday da Woods and Kitty McConnell, / . AT MARKET rs ds A 16 SIMCOE STN. » OSHAWA +49 RUMP or STEAK ROASTS JY BRANDED BLADE BACK STRAP REMOVED BLADE ROASTS Ib 49 SHORT RIB ROASTS ¢ PRESSWOOD----SKINLESS--1.LB, PKGS. WIENERS 2. 85° PRESSWOOD----BONELESS CRYOVAC 214 « 3%4 bh. Aven, READY TO SERVE SMOKED HAMS 89¢ LB, SNOW WHITE---A.1 GRADE--GOOD SIZE CAULIFLOWER .. 19° CALIFORNIA BARTLETT SIZE 1.50 PEARS | The Oshawa Board of Education ond its Advisory Vocational Committee Announce the 1960-1961 Program for ADVANCED TECHNICAL EVENING CLASSES REGISTRATION AT O'NEILL COLLEGIATE & VOCATIONAL INSTITUVE 301 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Monday, September 12 or Tuesday, September 13 7:30 to 9:30 p.m, ated that there is a need In | Courses beyond the Secondary 3564 5 YOUNG FRESH-KILLED EVISCERATED GRADE "A" TURKEYS RED OR BLUE BRAND BONELESS loyees have ind | Evening Sch s on the Post-Secondary of the Secondary This program has ed in industry to prepare thems lar field wa Grade 1 subjects of the rses will be offered by the Oshawa pr wed tmer lance Osh cal Evening n the area These 1) recognized by upQre of engineering technicia PREREQUISITES FOR ADMISSION the professional engineers In the - Ne to the Technical Evening ° ¢ lary I Graduation Diplama (Grade s is th y Dig the Principal of r its equivalent ATE REQUIREMENTS " n of the Pring ertificate Course 12 in tar CERTIFIC the + by the Mir as determined by pal, a certificate may be awarded wdidate who completes success gatary subjects and in five of the n Monday and un until approxis sos will be held EPT, 19 J n e sul a will be fod in the cours 0 pom, BB 7:00-8:00 pow, } MATHEMAT CMATHEMATIC TECHNICAL D# 'Grade 2 Subjects FEES: $10.00 PER SUBJECT he following credits have been approved and may be of the 'subjects indicated y and m or matics | nor Mathematics W, 0 p will be 50 perce 8:00.9:00 pm, 9:00.10:0 ENC Mo FCHAN T i REGISTER IN PERSON AY O'NEILL COLLEGIATE & VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE 301 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Monday, September 12 or Tuesdayg September 13 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. N G 6 FOR 29 ARD AT FLETCHER Business Adm A Chair € n HAWA Ww BUNK BEAT BOOT: (smart Te wow) Black leather, green suede, flat heel, Black suede, beige leather, Queen Anne heel, 4.98, holf sizes PARADE: Brown n, black suede, CAMBRIDGE: Black, meds lum brown stitch end turn loafer, 6-11, $9.99 CINDERELLA: Black leather 84.12; 12%.30 15 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.9122 RA 5-3874 BOTH STORES OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY TILL 6 P.M. : "Your Bata buy is your best buy"

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