Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 31 Aug 1960, p. 4

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Ken Miller, Glenna Frost, the unate aspects of fheltles, stage management, lightingiter on Wednesday, Sept. 1 ot 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 31, 1960 [RECREATION Charles Evens, John Burk, swimming lessons is. the largeland prompting, anyone inter-7.30 p.m, (nem ---------- - - - Peter Buckler, Don Martin, Ir- number of children who drop ouliesied in any of these activities! The Group will again be under win Colwell, Bill Cobban, G al) before the end of the classes, Of should get in touch with Mrs. ihe leadership of E, J. P, Morley, : ] Mulholland the 321 children registered only Jean Sheridan, MA 38588, This group will undertake an in- 1 I en earn The awards for the various!2! children took their swim: READING, DISCUSSION troductory course in Philosophy, swimming tests will be presented ming tests, The first meeting of the Read- The group will meet every Wed» . » . be 1 . mming SKILL [foes md srs os wonsmor | 158 eo ees ea wi night. | The Drama Workshop first SS -- hE -- : The total isteal P the | Meeting of the season will be held| BOWMANYILLE ~-- Following classes who swam 60 feet or Al registration for he o the Lions Community Centre are the results of the swimming more will advance into the Red Recreation Department's swim. op Thursday, Sept, 22 at 7.30 p.m classes sponsored by the Recrea- Cross Beginners' class next sum- ming lesson for the past sum In order to make the Workshop tion Department and the Bow- mr Cértificates vill be present| mer was" 321 children. Of this # susie, people are Besded Who enville Branch of the Canadian ed to all children w wam six! . . "lar es manville B Society i {feet or more. These certificates total figure 195 children were suc play production as these: set. Iwill he presented at the annual cessful in gain awards, One of ing, directing, make-up, proper- GIRLS "LEARN TO SWIM" Lowimming BWARES DIEHL 10 De] worm mesons cms msersemes messes Lynne Adams 20°, Gall Adams held at the Lions C ity Cen- 80, Carol Bain 120°, Julle Bell tre on Tuesday, Sept, 13 at 7.00 55, Marjorie Bales 20, Maria p.m. Hi RIOUS FUN Bebe 110°, Maureen Baker 33, § A Brenda Bamber 120, Patsy Bell RED CROSS BEGINNERS 00', Mary Bate 8, Carol Bell Briss Blaekbury, Caries en A 2% Shiela Crombie 4, tran, Gregg Corden, 3 chae iil Woy 105, Brenda Cow- Cawker, James Suston, Susan ? «ss awaits you kon 10°, Jane Cowle #, Jennie Cor. Eicher, Bob Ellis, Allan Foran, 5% 4 ae Ww, "Ellen Cowan 40', Annie Hilda Perbeck, John Henderson, when you see Dedager 5', Kathrine Etcher 30, Billy Hellyar, Brenda Henning, ' this double / aren Frost 30°, Boreas Flem-|Penny Jeifery, Marie Jane | / 4 ' Rr Frost ow Lynn| patrick, Michael Lavery, Stephen 3 package of : Fair 85, Bally Virth 80°, Bever- Living, Mary Jane Laverty, Al-| / ; AIR CONDITIONED sereuson. 120°. Georgina Gra-|1an Maguire, Rosemary Merkley, | WL g a LAST COMPLETE J aN Graham 40° Lilly Georgie Mutton, Diane McFeel- 1 FEATURE TIMES: 1:35 - 4:05 » 6:30 SHOW «= 9 P.M, Harper 25 Dianne Hoar 30ers, Linda Mutfon Linda May- Julie Harrison 45, Gail Hone 60', nard, Dan Nowland, Ashley Os- Bdna Johnson 20°, Hattie John- mond, Bonnie Ormiston, Tom V i - 4 4 ; 2? 5. Lorie Jones 20°, Linda|Puk, Marilyn Robinson, Ann f ' oN § g Zell + meress Kitney 12, Reader, Jim Rogers, Kim Rogers, J AA WAN p i ', Rene' Landre| David Robinson, Maureen Regan, toll nd J 5 3 10'. Darline Jay Rogers, Jennifer Saunders " " ANALY 35', Susie Marchant Masters 45', Lynda Mills 30',| Ronald Shackelton, Bhirley Shee Kathy McMurter 33°, Trudy May han, Edith Thompson, Christie nard 6, Eileen McQuarrie 80°, Tighe, Nancy Welsh, Susan a Po NG wae ® po Marlene Macklin 15°, Gall Mas White, Willma Vandermeet | A "Come ters 80', Marilyn M~Cilfan-h nh i : f e ne $ tava Of 5 .. RED CROSS JUNIORS PUA SHOT IN BANDIT CHASE at esis, or, Nowy Me: WED Chose JOnions. a i Deris Y ATRATGS aS Ce [to Bagkstrom, Paul Parker, y Patrolman Robert Bassler | American and foreign curren Pifth avenue. Holdup was In Pare Myles 5 A thy Moses 8% Doug, Haves, Jim Maguire, AND FOR YOUR ADDED ENJOYMENT Yes wounded in Sixth avenue, | cles in the Rockefeller Centér | offices oi Perera Manfra and ' > Peter Holmes, Janie Ferbeek, A { 18 t Plumber 40 Peggy Passmore' 4 4 H CORN Mh between B0th and Gist streels, One of the bandits was | Brookes, Ine, in the RCA Build farilyn Stapleton, Maureen Mar- after being shot In the leg in area 100', Marilyn Robmson 60', Nola tin, James Geddes, Shawn Led. TONY CURTIS DEAN MARTIN - JANET LEIGH reported lled afte hase | ing at 30 Rockefeller Plaza hy 10 April Shewring 120' chase of gunmen who held up | Feporied 0 " oo ps AP Wirephoto R dy Sellers 55° Foul a pleton dy, Rita Vandermeet, Ann Lath- ' po offices of a firm dealing in | through lobby of bullding at 006 | =. -- 5. Debble Stevenson 25 Maur. A0gue, Beatrice Ormiston, Jo Ann WoL thot Lory ol 4 oon Tighe 70°. Mary Tighe #, Bennett, Gary Wilson, Danny ] - 1 (Valerie Thompson 80', Jacobs Hooper, Joe Kitney, Do ug wo sing INVES WHITMORE + JOHN McINTIRE + BARBA®* INICHOWS out S river ine |Vandergast 30°, Marilyn White Fans, lan McQuarrie, Gord Woe and rotons ty MORAN KRASNA, oro m {i Penny Westlal e 95" Carolyn Poste, Walter Rickard, Ray Rip White I a Woridstra 50',1)ey, Heather Brimicombe, Jan wo Ww Iy! Of Theft $50 And Costs iw at 4 ne . KI oR "fee Black, David Maynard, Cathy Bring the hole Fami {f)Two valued . ¥ 1 f y n ar 'nwa k Guilty | BOWMANVILLE (Stafh 0'. Maureen Wood 82', Christine Twist, Barbara Cowan, pines Ww im G, KE 5, of 63 King Knoll 35° and Carla Knoll 30", RED CROSS INTERMEDIATES T WALA N (St ued at $390 would have to be * vost 1 § 0 and OVE "LE ! TO SWIM" David Puk, Brian Saunders, BOWMANVILI 4 ; hdd of { f nd y he plead. ® DYS LEARN TO SWIM Ron Simpson, David Burdett, Boi Bp wien 4 ds d he had check iity before te R. B, Tommy Barrie 40', Donald - #, of 56 Grandview ave. He ! Ging Bast y eharge of Bickell 120°. Allan Bragg 80',|RED CROSS SENIORS | were driv Bernard Leo 1 y akan p en let it go. Short . ( Harry Cowan 30', Peter Captain Marg, Pickard, Lynn Frost, the ¢ ! ¢ 10°, Murray Cawker Harold WIS ATTORIEC rd with thef | the service st in box| fold the conrt he was sitting sly He, ron Hendry 40°, Jun BEER DRINKERS | wa v n tods ( 1 smash 3 n Ne ( ng lor Harnden 6', Murray Ham-| LONDON (CP) Consumption! OMG TY CLA pear September 6, after y motiliec Lie h Sutin n her ) nd the mond 30°, Leo Jasma 6 Jerry of beer in Britain rose by six per convicted on four counts of theft H ! : 4 " dd ' reh onto King 40 m og 2 Rodne ¥ Loaglol Tl cent in 1959, says Leonard Percey . M Ta vy hod ¢ arged with theft New! Neweastle, by Sect did at a Md - iin 00. Steven Malley 15', Wayne of the Licensed Victuallers De DRIVE-IN ¥ of a pop cooler coin box at a Constabl rie-Max n es to McRoberts 16°, Don Munday 40°, fence League Bowmanville west-end e| Police [Be 1 R, Kib Jerry Porter 107', Erie Patter ---- Box-Office Open at B:00---Show Starts ot 8:30 station, from a Globe and Ma oduced a bal 0 Dif le R 8 i. son, 10°, Louis Patterson 50' saper coin box In Oshawa, from lr M we Am telv pt yf hase Willinm Rypstra 15°, Randy Rod a Brig Mall box In Plcke A heau ra i t al 3] nd r ( 15' Paul Stocker 30°, Chris ACTION-PACKED ALL COLOR LR J rom ing township and from a pop U ar Were even new: needs un to niles an hour topher Steel 15°, Clair Syre 20°, . CSHMAW IY cooler coin box at Allen's service Cott d . i Aunt re stopplr t 4 m Tommy Stout 40', Jerry Snowden : OPF , st n In Courtice. nted out § ring-type Red of Barley camp at the. east end 60', Kenneth Tabb 20°, - Simon , . 0 Aw stat . p ( OPP Constable L, F, Dryden which he 8 {f Bo : Vanderburg 35°, Gerlos Vander told the court the pair 'started i ng window . : Me 1 f ers In gaast 60°, Dean Warden 40 J h . a) JOAN ode in a borrowed ca t 10 was placed on a uy, to" telmer reviled ' b ) fhe i i wi time bef vii d to keep the pest pg h i Any child in the Learn to Swim 0 A : k rom ronto sometime ore ¥ ' y I Wor acs ; 4 i midnight Monday." n North York a few days weeks oyc0d had been drinkin o ? , : He sald they committed the ago "for stealing a f ns | ¥ ; 4 | first theft fn Plekering township foodstu tn ta TOD ( ) p co ; where they removed the money f0f 0 1004 AA b C t P 1 d § : ANTERNAT Me from a Globe and Mall paper irom starving to death | our uzz e 4 gl 4 A UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL PICTURE, box. They did the same in Osh Chief Kitr A) Hd W v i. dw \ { f PLUS awa and got about $5 each time tarvation need in the bask B C 11i i ; (t Then at Courtice they stole|tools he prodiced y 0 ision {i | . ANITA EKBERG about $1.50 from the pop cooler BOWMARVIELY ixtatn | , . coin box at Allen's service sta . A . La on and eame to Bowmanville 1 Np i ) y allow one Soreiree. | AND A STAR-STUDDED CAST robation [fe Sart Town Police Cpl, Kaye Freethy : ' fil ANG a a 9 os Informal \ DIRECTLY ON "WORLD FAMOUS IN THE MAGNIFICENT vy win coin box Yaa Atken from m Fi 6 of RR I. Living at \ ' DAYTONA BEACH 11 " priv VoD lx ut £5 In si ve rr wis " ov Jan V » dismissed alter its Best | Ji Largest & Finest - t n He sald 'the coin bo» or Av ed | 12d not guilty \ ® Heated Pool ® Color TV Lounge | a. taken, a ( re Magistrate R. B. Baxter -- ® Restaurant ® Cocktail Lounge TRE i Ee hil i A BOWMANVILLE (Staff) lesday Private Beach @ Pool ® ® Planned Entertainment Starts Thursday PT t Pl d Magistrate R, B. Baxter Tuesday| Acting Crown Attorney Harvey Sun Deck @ Dining Room ® Deluxe Rooms & Efficiency Suites ou ACA |" Ncnind sentence and placed R. Brent, QC, sald, after hearing!! | 23 2% § F009] ee Vor Tos! Agel a wre CECIL B, DEMILLE'S MASTERPIECE flve Oshawa youths, charged (he evidence 1st the accused p Hal Lounge y P b ti {{ointly with gasoline theft, on onc eou'd not guess how the two Card and Game Room Paul 1. Qocke, Manage "SAMSON and DELILAR" n IO a on \year's probation, car colli lon the accused was in ® Planned Entertainment CL 2.0431 ¢ BOWMANVILLE (Stafh On probation are David John volved in had happened o Parking Available » lf STARRING HEDY LAMARR & VICTOR MATURE 6, 86 lam Witne sodiid i of § Terrance Lazorma Magistrate R. B. Baxter Tues. Rockbrune, : . ~~ ---- . day ispended sentence and plac. street west John Wayne Smith, Toron'o, sald he saw headlight Modern,Comfortable } ) stdale street, John coming toward him on his side o syst Roor 6 ge ol oe iar, A 1, Ho Bate ssh, lw coms tye him mi ie | | Gun oom Beri a | Tinie renee rearone noreorron | TORONTO-LONDON 17-DAY EXCURSION on one year gus Miller, 18, of 602 Kent street : PROPELLER AIRCRAFT = ECONOMY CLASS ROUND TRIM appeared for sentence on a 7. Of he attempted to pul SUNDAY MIDNIGHT, SEPT. 4th probation when he wood avenue, Samuel Servinis, ied the top of a hill AIR-CONDITIONED ' 10158. ATLANTIC AVE charge. of criminal negligence las Hewitt, 17, of 1282 Winter sno the shoulder of the road and See Your Travel Agent (DV NA[0]\):Y y AD \ TORONTO SHANNON GLASGOW LONDON PARIS + ZURICH Miller was found guilty of avenue «pick-up. truck driven by: the or Write for Brochure CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR CARTOON a ----.----G----.-- At {i A) SA BEACH, riorioa il 275 Albert street and Dal He said criminal negligence in the oper The youths were convicted on accused s 'k hig vehicle 304 $331 $3709 406% ation of a motor vehicle after three charges of pulling into serv Porter said the collision hap 'a i) Town Constable Ron Parker de tions, requesting the at pened on his side of the road and ASK ABOUT TCA's 'PAV LATER' PLAN scribed a chase through Bo endant to fill the tank, then that he tho t the Lazorma ve. BEE P . 'ro 8 y e ri Eur for less [ azormi From October 1st you Il be able to take a t ip to Europe \l nville, the along Highway ling t L paying. hicle was comir 0 $ ) ricl A PP Yo Ol @ y s ; 7 Ex 8 3 manviiie en alo A peeding off without paying leie was comi towards him on Oceanfront at 37th Street 'FRESH AND A EALING COMED DRAMA... ONE than ever before, TcA's new 17-day Excursion Economy fare is 401 at 90 miles an hour on July All Jeaded guilty to ti is side of the road Ay . A hie 0, Rasy ne ami B_ach, Florida § THE BEST 'FAMILY' ENTERTAINMENTS OF THE YEARI.. only $331 by propeller aircraft, or $361 by jet. You save as much i 7 Worship remanded the ac charges which occurred on the! In answer to the illegal posse Plenie send ne FREE Color is Wors smanded the ae At AT TY . . 'a. ha i Brochure & 1chedule of rat Ya ad a 2 b nF cused out of custody last ay | MIEN _ § were ln She Si which lon ange, he d at ick NAME seule v' vatl This gifted English lass is as $122 over present fares ! \ was drive )) oO rune md near the scene by OPP s we \ i g ' ) : : tee and suggested he sell his car as "0 ung a hu. ADDRESS ---------- already an actress of Big bargains, yes, but is the Fall too late for a vacation in Britain he would not be permitted to y ¥ e on probs , the five Constable Jim McDonald may givy & stare i 3 n 4 Se oy 4 drive one. At the time Crown At. boys will have to adhere to a 10 have heen in the back of his| WL Qll iSite i eiRataaiiee 0 exceptional range and or Europe ? Not a bit of it, The rush is over, but a wonderful new torney Harry R. Deyman, QC, su/P.m. curfew unless they are lt kK, but he knew nothing ab jut : { ' . versatility, She is marvels season is just beginning, You'll have the pick of the new shows, gested his licence he suspended WOrKing hy hts, ep rt io the por it. He said It was not his b 4 A lously convincing from start the best hotels, The mellow, golden weather is perfect for sights h roe | Di {cer at least once eae " - / ' : fA : 4 for a period of at least three 1 officer at lea i to finish", CLYDE GILMOUR seeing or driving through Europe's wonderful scenery, years month and not associate with The terms of Miller's bond ave, coch other Toronto Telegram See your Travel Agent, TCA or BoAC soon, and choose from t not . . ' \ 8) that he must no J ! al His Worship -explained the eC yh TE ' daily TcA-BOAC service to Britain (every day to London, six days car while on probat USE | anirrt " . am % ' 4 . RN ; : adhere to a 0 m. curfew unless. CCUTts do not have to grant pro | 4a 7 : g weekly to Glasgow) or through rca flights to Shannon, Paris, -- . t . t are ssible i y EF . h k he is working, ard must have no dation. but try where possible to Ww Koss iy Brussels, Dusseldorf, Zurich or Vienna. There are low Excursion association with persons he give boys a break, He said h fares to all of them ! knows have been involved in any id a of a perfect probationer Is : m \ i 4 Fe way with the law, In addition, he i 5 1s "I'm lucky } : must report to the probation of A! n who feels m luck A : . 1 ficer at least once a month didn't go to ML d I'm i) d to / y 9 See your trave agent or yihing that's exnected of ¥ ¢ ¥ to keey of trouble," © % / a Crash Occurs ie (S CoMING! / (7 Phone WAInut 5-2311 In Toronto * ol I'LEA RESEARCH : A, i 0 I ft T | GLOUCESTER, England (CP ® UB \/ F HAYLEY TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES Bob George, a schoolmaster fro \ y » mM Loh JUIM fi cere s ihtnans Pon SUNDAY Grosse RYN uh AIR CANADA 0 LE Staf w-- i od a 3 ¥ \ § 3 5 wi \ Willlam Henry Ball, 21. of 302 research paper on the habits of wl Qo R 1 4 Pine A ts ie wat fined fleas - recently adtsotis d for 4 o.Muon a \\ alt J Official speed record holder -- Canada Britain Te 1 i $10. gong coum COSIS neople to send him any fleas they MID-NITE OR OVER i 4 otalling $ or ve days when y ? J he annesred before Magistrate 10nd, but he says the respor ve} BUY TICKETS NOW AND AVOID LINE up a { i INE WYMAN Fh SE an ETS NeW NON Sed Ro EN FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL he was involved in a two-car col 3 BIG ACTION, ADVENTURE & COMEDY HITS! \ v 5 | \ KARL MALDEN Domestic and World Wide Travel Arrangements Witness Charles Osborne sald on jus A ne a 57 KING ST. EASY O3HAWA RA 3.6200 wvolteg Sourog p---- "THE \ WALT DISNEY'S roed when the accused turned left into his path He said the accused failed to ee ¥ © dae el ] 4 | F § BOOK THROUGH signal his intention to tur nd AE & ~ 5 4 ng o" colli ted on Pd ------ 5 ' pow (RAE LAWLESS i R a J DONALD to get his car onto the shoulder f Wi X TRAVEL SERVICE of the road aS BREED" SNAKE (veto o Ball sald he was Intending to JEAN hn i od i 4 suo ead hi NANCY OLSON-ADOLPHE MENIOU DONALD CRISP NO CHARGE FOR OUR SERVICE turn Jef into a service station NN IN TechNicoLor | BIS EReeNy Tle) TY JGNES MOOREAEAD KEN CORCORAN HAYLEY MLS 00. Sundds $1 1, WHuy-eSittw Sushin=--140 4.3304 Naud entariag the service sation. He ils Roe LE MEET THE ow orm (DY Sney may failed 10 sor Nr. Oabbrne taming Huson ® abams | RAL IIL » Toh. Es-0EED mm ) SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT down the hill until t was too'§ § - al | MYSTERmES:: \ 13 Ek "Or bie Jack Rt ight TOMORROW LAST "Terror Is A Man" 4 TRONNICOLQe | MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE said the mishap occurred just ' TIME ADULT i Thomas Meadows Co. Canada) Ltd, Erp | 1004" «The Scavengers" TODAY ONLY! ALFRED HITOHOOCK'S' PSYCHO nriromnn | 32 SIMCOE ST. 5. OSHAWA | RA 3.9841 the service station, 3

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