le 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August 1, 1960 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Coll The Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 OFFICE HOURS BAM, to 3 P.M, MONDAY, to FR SATURDAY ' 70 " 1 ~--Accountonts SH 5 bobo god 5 Sent, Oshawn, Ontario, RA pig Assman 0, 17 Rg ot Oshawa, § 3509, i Onane As wing! By amis, ire 'Wie ot, Boom 1, 1" Offies BA 50M, Residence, RA 37605 ome oy tga i A hy ountants and Medion AH y bo (} . Coie ote Ved CPA, 2-~Barristers 0 Xa Res, mene *eirest * North, Bre WA 897411 Residence WA b-534, BOWMAN, David " Barrister, Bollel: 4. Wh 59593, He Lid THOMAS M, RUNDLE, by eitor and Notary ay io a Street East. Phone . NALD BLAKE BF rd Solleitor, 26% King Street Hort | phone Busines A 5.2201, Resi dence, HA §5 , JOUN A A Fermler. et l v and notary public, 18% King rum ant. R 2060, NHA and private) morigages arvanged KALPH 10 Greer, Aw ate Barr eitors, 130 King Street East Mortgage loans available §, BA, and Thomas W.| ers and Soll RA 56246 | f cuassirieo AD RATES 5 words or lew Cheige ve TI é COMECUTIVE INSERT OM ars 4 a " ne id within 7 da hips rate will ap) avers roles apply only ie lt 5 for consecutive Insert Insertions ordered of 8 16 conslitules g new erigingl wie Brit essionat and Busintn fi#h 7.80 per month for 3 lines dally boar itienal line. $1.00 oor oe Jiial letter, abbreviation, en figure, counts as & void Won ge | bc additionel, Classifisg Advertisements wor be in by § pm. the dey Ao fore ein Office hors Dally 8-5, Saturday 8-12, REGULATIONS Osawa Times shall net be rowers for grrors In advertise: mants submitted etherwise than in writing, nor for more then one incorrect insertion of eny advair fisement, nor beyond | price charged for a single Insertion of the advertisement in which eros oceurs, And alse reserve the right fo classify advertising according te is own classification In the case of display advertise: ments The Times will nel be held responsible for mare space than that in which the aciual srer occupies. The fublishers endeavour 10 reproduce oll advertising matier correctly but assumes no liehility if any inaccuracies in any form of advertisement are contained therein, 13--Gordening & Susghioy 10. Your Shiibe and a Gorden Rod Ea iri andscaping, GRANDVIEW SOD SUPPLIES We specialize In AY fertile ized field sod. Prompt de- liveries for Oshawa and Dis trict, Field loading for trucks ers ond special ralgs for cone tracts, RA B-8111 18--Loan Wonted 22--Redio Ropains_ 32--Articles Wanted $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for immediate loan on First end Second Morigages, Agree ments for Sale, on vacant end improved property, residens tial and industrigl eity, Fp wrben and country, ang mer collages, Summerland Securities Lime ited, 112 Simcoe Strest North, Oshawa, Phone RA 5.3568 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY Al rolled fertilized sod eut fresh daily, prompt delivery, Special contractor rates, RA 58504 PATIO STONE FLAG STONE STONE PLANTERS ROCKERY STONE Supply ond lay HAWA GARDEN SERVICE RA 3-3222 AURORA SAND & GRAVEL Brick, Sand, Crushed Road Gravel, Pit Run VALLEY FARM RD, Stone, JOSEPH B, MANGAN, G0, Barrier, | solicitor. Money fo loan. Office 1414 King Street East, Oshawa, HA 88032 Residence, RA 53406 hy and MacDonald, Bar: re and Notaries Fublie, 54717. Russell dames A. Machonsid, Welly, Barristers, Boligl "ale: 714 Simgos Street Kouth x 34278, Residence oh hee he BA, Bo, RA B43 2 'V, Kelly, PA, BCL WMeGIRNON and BARTEDO, Barristers, | Bolleltors, Cliens' funds available for rst mortgages. § 20 Kimeoe Bireet North, | A % C, MoGibbon, QC; ¥, Bask Lo Qc, MANNING ¥, SWARTZ, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Money to loan, Asso eiate, Bruce V, Mack A Block, 26% King Street ant, RA 34607 Residence, tte RA 44080 UMPHREYS, Boyeliyn and Hillman, 5, B01 H. Hum: hr J] Ai WA fi LLB; 364 King Breet East hones; Office, RA 5.1177; Res, RA 1604 9; loney | Whithy, MO 9761; KA $8203 "lo 'loan EIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and | URDOCH, Barristers, Solieltors, No: ary Publi, Bank of Commeree il Bimeoe Bireet AVorh RA 5:3406 Fraser, 40 a Drynan, GO 1 ¥ 4, Sot gages arranged, 6---Optometrists GW, TUCK, WO, optometrisl, Ploase ay accounts. at downtown Dominion ank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids ex amined at home. Dial RA 54587 r HCHARD BLACK, Dr, of aptom | the examination of Ses, aontael 136 Simeos North (at Colborne), wvenings by appointment, RA 34 7--~Surveyors ONALD MH, TROLLOPE, Ontarle nd Surveyor, $16 Adelaide Avenues st, RA 56681 NEVAN AND VELETROHMAN, On 0 Land Surveyor, commercial blue ating, 13 Bloor Street East, RA 3 , T, HORTON and Associates, On rio Land Surveyors, Professional ¥n neering, 808 Dundas Street West, ithy, MO 8:5001, Ajax 788 8---Building Trad ULEDORING and ex 8-5618 Free estimal thers, re, #6 Hilleourt Drive, Whithy ALL (ypes building repairs, roofing, eavestrough, ehimneys, fire;laces, side. walks, stoops. RA 8.0394, Gordon May, Ww. Dial Taylor re fe kinds of bullding and repairs, ilehen cupboards, recreation rooms, avages, eancrele and block work Tee estimates, RA 5.6037 GARAGES EXHIBITION SPECIAL 10% OFF COLONIAL HOMES 134 SIMCOE ST. §, RA 8.4614 DODD & SOUTER PAINT WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For free estimates call DAYS MO 8.5231 EVENINGS RA 5.7426 107 Byron St. S., Whithy CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-895] | | staves, 8---Building Trades ALL plumbing and healing uniiies Fhane RA 59521, Harold R, Btark, Lad, plumbing, heating and enginesr ing, 255 Simeone Street Bouth Al CAKPENTRY kitchen eabinets stairs, recrooms, EATAKes mall, Experienced workers, WH 2614 No Job tee Plokering {FOR sale or lease; Modern new loca tons for druggist, hardware, variety restaurant, harher and hairdresser, Iaundermat, second hand furniture, pro fessional offices, For any other busi ness, Loads of parking Please contac RA 56008 ar MO 85055. lodges, lakeshore land for develop ment, restaurants, service station in hooming Kawartha Li Write for free pleture I Bowes and Coeks Limited, Real Peterborough, Riverside 34234 COMMERCIAL PHILCO-BENDIX EQUIPPED KING KOIN LAUNDRETTE available district folio, tars, Excellent locations Low down payment Long term financing If It's Commercial , + » It's Philco-Bendix For complete details Write, Wire or Phone KOIN LAUNDRY SALES, LTD, 20 College Street Toronto, Ontario Telephone: WA 5.45158 13-~Gardening & Supplies CHOICE LOAM FOR SALE GRAVEL----SAND---FILL Also Back Filling Lots Levelled RA 5-2156 OSHAWA ACME | HAULAGE LTD. LOAM == GRAVEL FILL == STONE RA 3.3528 For complete garden serv» ice and maintaining sodding and fall planting HOME LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING SERVICES Weed treated, field nursery, sod, top soll, gravel, sond, fill, Complete service, Weed gontral, Free estimates ED KNOWLTON RA 5.6047 BUILDERS Ceramic tiled bathroom supe plied and fixed. complete with four fittings Large color range, 90c ft, First class tradesman, Phone anytime "RA 81177 W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563--MO 8.3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. Ww, a BOX 3. PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO DURA STEPS CURBING WELL TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Oliver 5-3311 i BY OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE LANDSCAPING Specializing In fall and planting RA 3- 3222 seeding COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE Gardens ploughed, disced landscaping, wood cut, trees removed RA 8.1798 CALL GRANT FOR SOD FINEST QUALITY REASONABLE RATES MO 8.3015 Flowering and Tropical Foliage Plants, We still have a good selection of plant boxes, Evergreens, shade trees and potted roses, ote 2 Miles East of Oshawa MA 3.5757 BOWMANVILLE OPEN EVENINGS RA 4503 | 11 --Business Opportunities Henry | GISHING and Hunting eAmps, resorts, FLAGRTONI for pation, sidewalks and | 1 5e=lInstruction dry walls, $18 per ton, RA 5-951 ANY Nine of garden work by expert, {formation contact reasonabie rates RA RA 81004. ing from septie tank th sewer a aie Phone Mobile 1A TEmple 9-254) 14--Housenold Repairs PAINTING and Aesoratin Free "el (mates, work guarsniesd, RA 37748 CALL JOE, RA. 86444. for carpentry, painting snd handyman, Work guaran teed 4 PAINTER and paper hanger, interior and exterior and plastering, Free esti (mates RA 82044 FURNITURE repaired and re-uphols tered 6 our materiale for recover ing, Br R, Dalton, 75 Charles Sires, RA 3.958 YOUR local chimney neys built and repaired, netalled, furnaces vacuumed estimates. BA 5.2007 A+) PAINTING DECORATING by tradesman, interior or exterior, Rosa [tone work guaranteed, Free sstimales HA B-2558 "cleaner. Chim gas linings Free 19--Personel . WAGARS Driving School Govern ment Veence, fully insured, Aust son trols, Call evenings, HA #4800 WOULD. anyone knawing the ore. howls of John Mags, Jit « eale hy phoning EM L vont, MOTORING (0 California around Aig: Phone on -, Li yom 107 ORe passenger PASSENGER would ike ride t Sear. hore. Dl #015 am, Kindly esl CAR leaving Island, Friday, PRISENLRTS, HA 6.8158 for Prince Bawar Ld Can nesommodate vy ¥hine ood saber Anver, ad A big wor radia ith a, es Woh gh, Day or Night SHAW, ELECTRONICS RA 8-5286 FULLY GUARANTEED TV, == RADIO == HI-FI PARTS AND SERVICE _ TV TOWERS 40-1¢, self supporting tower, Hot dip galvanized, No paint, Complete with new Waves Master oll-channel antenna, Yotal price, installed ond guaranteed for year, $59.95, TV Enterprises 253 Drew St, RA 3.3553 Tn 8 TV. RADIO SERVICE $10 Allowance for your old i" Pon leaves RIDERS WANTED » foy Taranto, Monday Friday, 8 a.m starting August 15, Route bypass to Weston Road eutofl, B4004 AYPNOTHERATY Tallaves ne Fv ous tension permanently, You learn to re. lax. sleep hetier, gain confidences This dynamis with emotional problems, free from had habits, Initial consultations free, Institute of Ethical Hypnosis, 1) Ontario Street, Oshawa, RA w0171 ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous halr, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Aug, 30th and 31st, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint f, Mo | therapy ean help you | you | Picture Tube TOWERS 5 different types to choose from, All heavy galvanized | Véb-gauge steel Installed | pA with a 2-year 'warranty, | Antennas moved , , $10.00 ahs Taronte | 'would like position five any SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Want cars for wrecking, ols scrop ron end metals, oe, bought, Open Soturdoy oll day. Phone RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E, 35--~Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED lady Sasiowy, ari-tme work, ryt weaning flees hone 1h B44 nt TOU a hl) Pog Ll refer ably WA 0000, ic ai, YOUNG 1ady with wood r Bivens housework, live In wer ] vm FORTY your od Tody, sional experience In ears ould ike Phone aa vr woke iden ne Will do Hght housework, RA MANAGE RESS in large sone dors moving to Oshaws August ould ike position in baker BY ps or slérks position Ha yom aaper lence, Can ni A of _relerences, Writs Box 11, ¢ at awn Times, YOUNG German woman would Wke housework, hy the day, Call BA 80116 aller 5 p.m GENTLEMAN with own coment would like work, fres estimate HA 57006 rr hone 37--Mals Help Wented ENED saris for ov el [rad ho hata hoy oA work, JUNIOR CLERK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS OFFICE Senior metriculant preferred, excellent opportunity for young man to train for ec- counting degres while serne ing. Apply 440--Rooms For Rent HR REE aren, 5 Wor 0 oom 5, T. HOPKINS & CO, 172 KING 87, E OSHAWA, ONT, ATTRACTIVE Wh nearly Ris oS er 38--Male or Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED To eover FURNISHED, 2 re fit hE partment, gg conire, 3 | ONE th oy hy A Te oom Shariment, private nirhnse by bal Phone RA 30000 alter 6 p.m, Rey Oshaws with ig B promotion, I 8 Wolke Birest, y h 36-~Female Help Wanted |' CAVETERIA general work, Whithy, hours 3.50 pan, to 9.80 p.m. five-day week, Apply Box 17, Oshawa Times WOMAN wanted (0 look afler three children, two school-age, four days week, 8.90 to 4.90, near Duke of Edin burih school, Call between 74 p.m, RA len & Lou's TV |i RA 8:5804 or RA 5.7844 FREE SURVEY |43--Women's C s Column lem CIAL dd Hout Cold wa i 506 Pine oy RA V manent, 50 hy Halrdressing WAITRESS wanted, by Rose-Bowl Gril, ApeTieneen "bond pri eal EFFICIENT stenographer to work in production department of Canadian Johns » Manville Co, Lid, experienced referred, For interview, eall Mrs emp, ATlantie 81131 BAPERIENCED waltress, full or time, Apply Ritson Drugs, 264 ' art ing WEIGHT REDUCING The most efficient up-to-date and easiest method to shed those extra pounds, Initial consultations free THE INSTITUTE OF ETHICAL HYPNOSIS 11 ONTARIO ST OSHAWA-=RA 8.0171 CHESTERFIELDS and old chalrs re covered like new, Gel the hest for less at Modern Uphalstering, 026% Bimeoe | Bireet Novth, Call RA 6481 for a free| estimate CHESTERPIELDN rebulll, recovered, | Hike new, Why pay mare? Our rales are reasonable Batistaetion guaran: | teed, Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up. holstery Co, 10 Bond Street West, Dial RA b-0311 PLUMBING tings, fixtures, pipes, mM new and used, chang i ReAlNE elalty, Installations at reasonable rales Information and estimates free on any type of plumbing, Dial RA 5.4341, J ¥ ley FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE M. Mackie Co, Ltd, "RA -5954 Cleanout Savion -- $7 labor plus parts FIANG, Clansionl and popy Fatriela [Burk Street, Oshawa, Dial PRIVY Ate b her, student eounsellor, 16 years' nee, hy interview only Act now A 81084 PRIVATE teacher, 16 years' experie Act now HA 81084 LILLIAN Mae Marsh Dancing School, Ballet, Tap Aton, Aerohalie, pres school istration: Saturday morn: Ph 10, Masonic Temple, RA 3788 LEARN TO DRIVE At the Oshawa Driving School { Licensed by the Police Commission] Fully trained instructors Standard, Automatic cars RA 8-0091 16~--=Insurance ALLATATE Auto Insurance to 80 per cent, six months a pay poreanal JIervies ab your home, A ATH student eounsellor #, by Interview only Nave up For enlt 17---=Money To Loan FIRAT and second agreements purchased nlek and Hennlok, Barvisters, Hireot Kast, RA 3.7233 CLIENTR money to loan on first mort. gage, Mortgage and agreement of sale pirehased. NHA morlgage arranged, Jrelghton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur doe CLIENTR' monies available and second mortgages Mortgages and agreements of sale purchased Apply M, F. Swarts, Barrister and Noo tary Public, 284 King East, Oshawa NA 34607 WE HAVE manies available for loans on first and second mortgages and alse purchase oF mortgages and afreements of sale. Louis § Hyman, Hy) 37 King Street East, Oshawa, HA a SE MONEY TO LOAN Monies for all types of mort gages; for first and second mortgages on all types of real estate including vacant lands; short term maorigage for builders; first and second mortgages and agreements for sale purchased Apply M. Swartz, 2612 King Street East, Oshawa, Telephone RA 3.4697, 18a-----Maortgages PIRAY mortgage money wanted on six oom bhriek house, in downtown. Osh awa. Will pay good interest rales (all or write Frank Haalett, 3005 Bathurst \ anle Hen King mortgage, and sold a for fest elients' 21-=Personal Service FAY fever suffers! Inauire about the Puritron_ machine at Oshawa, Beauly | Supply Wholesale, 18 King Breet East ILAWN mower and outhoard moto; pair and sharpening servioe, Rossiand Bports Centre, 03 Rossland Road Weal, KA dh or RA B1734 TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish end chips, hamburgs, het dogs, milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER-=RA 5.3887 LAWNMOWER & ENGINE SALES & SERVICE Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Tile lers. Used Engines Bought ond Sold, Authorized Clinton, Lausen Power Products, Pins dor Service, 81 Central Park Blvd, S. Phone RA 5 4633, C AND C HOBBY SHOP NOW OPEN AT 16 BOND ST, N Complete line of Hobby Craft for all ages 3631 |22~-Radio Repairs SPECIAL ON FAMOUS SAMPSON TV TOWERS 40.1 tower structure with single Radess AC 2:13 alle channel head. $59 95 coms pletely installed and guarare teed | year, RA 8-8180 OSHAWA TV 381 GIBBONS ST, OUR SERVICE CALL INCLUDES ALL THOSE EXTRAS « Same day service « All tubes checked + Picture tube cleaned Is 24---Market Basket CORN for sale, 80g, your own, Carrols, Boanish onions, fe tainers. W be each per hushel first earner per doven, Piok | Bring con: Eymann, 4 mile east of | Nicholl's Garage, Courtice, Go north 0 Street Eani : FULLY experienced hairdresser want od, Telephone RA 58375 "ew LY plus private room with gonveniences, In exchange for house keeping duties for business couple with ehiidren, RA 3-7464 WOMAN as assistant sook, with cook 25---Pets & Livestock EIGHT-MONTHOLD hound; and brown, 318. Phone RA #2058 BOARDING, trimming, bathing, deflen ing. Waubens Kennels, RA 5-8331 Road, Oshawa REGIRTERED wire-haired fox terrier Puppies Cham plon stock, Papers sup plied. HA hahah FOR BAL high, wel fl, Any reasonable offer » epied, "Phone OL, 53080 BEAUTIFUL haby budgies, ready for training, talking pirain, Apply Mrs Broad, 114 Elgin 'Street Mast "White ENGLISH bulldog pup, thorew nhred, seven months old, Apply 357 Lakeshore dle horse, " hands ing experiance, Must he dependable hl have good ehiraeter references Kleady position, No late night work, Ap ply Hotel Laneaster, Oshawa RHORT order cook, also waitress with sme experience Apply In aren David's Driven Restaurant, hitby MO §-4066 WOMAN between 2088 with experi ence In general offies routing, inelnd ing typing, banking and hookkeeping experiences helpful, Apply In writing, giving full particulars to Box 850, Op awa P.O, All replies held in confidence EARN 833 weekly plus a free wardrobe in your spare thine, Just show Fashion Frooks to friends, No investment, ean VASAING, experience necessary, Write: North American Fashion Frooks, Lid, 3485 Industrial Blvd, Dpt, E1688) Montreal 30 26~--Farmer's Column DEAD farm stock picked up promptly Phone gollegt, Hampton, COlfax # Margwlll Fur Farm, Tyrone WANTED = immediately, Hood used wa « raw som planter with fertiliser Attachments, any make, Will pay cash prices. Phone OL 5-3010 op REPONNIRLE woman for 1h hotise: work and help with ehildeen, live in Phone RA S470 #1, HOME for Christian widow, under 80, a8 housekeeper for widower and two ehildren, No objection to two ehildven Confidential particulars to Box 13, Osh awa Times WOMAN ta eare for baby while miiher works, five days a week, RA 5.00 27 Fuel & Wood i DRY hardwood onde, suitable | for fur. naces, stoves, fireplates, elo, 83 large load delivered, Phone HA 8.0818 | 28==Summer Properties PORT PERRY Lake Hougod ake front cottage, private, three bedrooms with flush tollel, fully sipped, YUkon S-8014, Haturday to Wednesd FIVE:room collage, all COVeRione 0, sale beach, boat, available for Boplem her, Fox's Beach, Lake Dalrymple, RA H6750. COTTAOKES, ¢ ' Ist Howes gnd Cogkh Lim Vide Realtors, Peterborough, Riverside LA MARJACK LODGE STURGEON LAKE Fishing, ewimming, etc, friendly atmosphere, abuns dant home cooked meals, Special rates for children Thurstonia Park, P.Q.,, Duns« ford 25R24, 28a-~Trailers FOR SALE Traller, 48" x ¥, fully equipped, Including TV. Two bedrooms, one with bunks, 83000, Terms, N, Chek luok, Box 8, Uxbridge FOR RENT « Tent trall accomodates aslx people, 13368 29--Summer Properties For Sale IRONDALE Hallburton Highlands, fur cottage on Devil's Lake, 350 ft 8, one mile from, Mghway, hy ash or terms Lancaster, Wi Fire Sree! Street, Port oredit, CR 4180 -- 30--Lost | & Found WARD ~Gll's GM Devel, serial Boa Lost viel Fhureh and Col horne Streets, Call A 8 40, Thy we " Phone MA « Tuner cleaned, it needed + Complete set-up + 3 months guarantee 31--Articles For | Rent RENT your camping uirements fram the Hil vates for month of August uhm om te aR Pa A 8 DO IT NOW Beautify Your Home Improve Picture Quality HAVE A TOWER Call us for a free estimate, TRIO. TELEVISION RA 8.6478) 171 BOND ST. EAST MORT FO! | VAN BELLE GARDENS Ist and 2nd MORTGAGE LOANS LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS CURRENT RATES ALLIED INVESTMENTS S51 KING §T, E Member Ontario Mortgage Broken' Association MONEY AVAILABLE GACE R 32---Articles Wanted WILL pay #2 to #0 silver dollars, a, | y Phone RA § tor Canadian RU WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I, TURNER RA 3.2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) 1! CASH FOR SCRAP 1! Ww see, MAL, BATTERIES, APER, RAGS, Ete n All Day Saturday M. REENBERG & SONS LTD RA 3.7333 308 Bloor St CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD IRONS---METALS | $ CO, | RA 3.3993 | PAPER---RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENC RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET After L} fd om striet | 4 41--Room & Boord HOOM and hoard fo wo young gen Hemen. Apply 181 Park Road North or eal HA 50818, Holby San WOOM and breakfast for youns gentle: man in new modern ig) new hark ture, TV, other privileges plus space, reasonable, Full detailer FH Ha516. . EXCELLENT hoard and oom for gon telman, day worker, all conveniences, adult, family. Cadillae Avenue South, KA man prefer riends to share, to downlewn, RA TN ow nek trom ROOMB "Tor rent, hoard Wl desired, Phone RA 5-0606, WOOM and hoard Tor Freon men, willing to share large room Good home, separate beds, ool food, home privilege Suniel Avply 5 Col borne Kael, HA 5 BOARD and TOO, red, one room, two twin beds, close LLL] ROOM and board for Jie meals, home Drivitakes One bi North GM, Phone RA § = WOOM and board lop HE i wiih all sonveniences, home meals Hadstone Avenue, RA WOOM or room And hoard for one two girls, very ventral, Phone R ROOM and hoard for Tadies © men, single and 7 nd rooms, o downtown, RA & oom LL Youd ir "Two Ine cooked meals, Ll ; i fr | FEE Toor Fuk three + room ApARment, iilities paid by r month, suitable for two Inoation, KA A-3054 TWO room od apartment, third floor, conveniences, heat, Nights tral, $60, Child welcomes, RA OH, FURNISHED hed - Li Ld full | cooking Inellities, ital and | Aown Gin Aid) Phone RA) 5507, wo . ment hoards, ust elo room furnished basemant apart | refrigerator, stove, bulltdn eup. arate bathroom and Mow: bus and stores, RA 53406 WEE room unfurnished haement| Ty. with private bath and Manse, Apply 300 Monash Avenus, WA RL THREE 7 voom sell-eoniained aparl: ont, unin Ls parking, HA 86100 ANTM EN three rooms, sell: ontained Hl convenient 10 Soul im M, working couple preferred, Avail: able now, RA H3703 LEASE home near south plant and amin, M middie Me goetainers IA Il or ul care of hoys, 8 a reliion nd rtloul Box i oulars fo Le dimes nom primer "Wilh hath, {rind floor, Bi rivate entrance, heat and hts, washing follies WA B64) AHRER room, unhorn(ahed APAFIERT, Private entrance and bath, and pa ne, niral, no _ohildren, available Heit 4 "a Park Road South, APARTMENT = "(hres « oii (ment, Heavy inns, Junboard 8, to | couple, one ehild, 210 Cha burn §f Breet. room m unfurnished apariment wiring, twa « room furni ished heavy, Ariment, adi uits, 78 Cadillae South, TONE, oeniral Jooation, wood size, for most any business, reasonable rent, "awe: Jarman home, Apply Hi 43---~Wanted To Rent TWO storey house b; clerk, adults, teennie 0, Woods, 44 Leopold Bf, Toronto, Toronto WANTED = three + oom, #el-eonialn od ground floor a fuple, ahstainers, iment, by quist t Writ ok 8, Oshawa Times, avember WANTED - Camioriable_ bed aliiing room, near King East at Ritson, rea. sonable, Please 0 ho RA 80077, 44---Houses, Apts, Flats For Rent | Btresl RA 2789, 143 Kimeoe Routh THREE oom Apartment, heavy duty wiring, Quphonrds in the Kitohen, hat room, large hall, Apply 164 Grenfell , close to Bhopping Centre or Whate RA §:0053, IMO eet Routh, third floor, nished apartment, vasani A Ausust one or two adults, FOUR + room wanes wiltable for couple with one or two children, soil. contained. Apply 197 Rosshill Biv, MODERN rian, | Raa Ipped, wo 041100 iH y 181 Craydon Road, Wily. MO 84 uf on f * | NOW own ol, "one bedroom Apart: MOTHERS Does your budget fall short of vour needs? You can earn that extra needed ins come by working a few hours a day, representing Avon Cosmeties in your spare time. Call LE 6.0627 collect for more Information For Fur Store Some office experience, also to assist in selling, Phone Thursday 11 AM, for Inters view Thursday afternoon, RA 3.7921 JEWELLERY SALESGIRL REQUIRED Experienced preferred but not necessary, permanent position, Apply between 10 am ond 5 pm. to Bums Credit Jewellers Ltd, 32 King St SALESLADY for Exclusive Sportswear Shop Experienced in selling sports wear desirable. Good appears once and references essential, in accordance with Apply in pers Sa ary ability to sall son, SEIGNEUR'S Oshawa Shopping Centre FEMALE CLERK WANTED For Immediate employs ment, Must have expers lence in typing, collection of accounts and general office procedure. Apply in writing, giving full partie. ulars to BOX 14, Oshawa Times EARN EXTRA MONEY Agents, Clubs, ete, Sell Canada's finest Xmas cords, Novelties, ete. Over 250 items includnig Deluxe, Religious, Velvet, Chrome, Evervday and Personal cards, Wraps, Ribbons, Toys, Books, Dolls and Jewelrn. Many Gift items, Prompt Service, For colored catalogue and samples on approval, write W. VV. Jeandron Greeting Card Co, 1283 King St, E, Hamilton, Ont |3¥=--Male Help Wanted [TWO men a work, five to Nae ne. dally, for $30 per week, Box , The Oshawa Times ! | | | CAN use two men at ence. No expert | ae © DOOSMAARY. Average £250 per Phone Watking Quality Products. h A Sa {REAL ESTATE salesman wanted at {once. wood commission, W. Medway, | {Realtor 8 Prince Street, RA 33013 or| NO #306, son, oou oon Nort BACHELOR A "or unfurnished, heavy duty Ly Wor erator, euphoards, one or twe Ra Jeol teachers preferred, Phone Fr Witkon Bouth, Jove: ly threo rooms, private hath, Good foe: on. vay. #0 MoNaughton Avenus, t, 0 » Hom, ple on only, J hioxd Realty, ni bm. Pal, apAriments, close to shoppINE oentre, all gonvenienees, fri ote, One _fourroom _apartm monthly, Twa four and:ha ments at $108 monthly, Pos tember 1, 1860. Call now for Ted HY ninghatm MN HA 56544 or RA 58 John A, J, Holahood Ld, Rite, CLEAN four rooms and bath, near howping Contre, schoals, ohure a bus line; stove. and refrigerator np plied, Buitable for only two ehlidiun, Avaliable 'middie of hop, MA 8077. APARTMENT Large two bedroom apart ment, in apartment building, kitchen equipped, Simcoe St, N., $100 monthly, RA 5.3302 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service, New building, Centrally los cated Ino ared, and stove, on 00 choo! nd ry Phone R UPPER duplex, #8 Charles, eeriral Cline, five rooms, Prostesin NT a reompletely wep south of OrhAWn, MAPOATCD Avail: t and adults, RA WTORE or hunt m" Ing, Hood central A380, Evenings, RA 8.46 mor nom apartment, sons 4 hu mont oat, Hgts And water in' glided. Avlibl Soph, 1 Phone RA ""olfioe, heated, 7 sind RA i rigera Hon stove, in JA pig Douglas L, Gower, Rea alate, Cw APARTMENTN = (wo +» room and four oom, sell-contained, private baths, itohens with sinks and on hoards, 1m ineidiate possession, RA B6IM or RA "Hour rooms, 1904 K THEE Q ". Li! 00, Pose 4 1] Ul OOF, ALLL] Pg + 1 Pi "Hancock, RA Son hop ment, heated, hot water supplied, elec vi [TWO i, u. RIOHEN and od ing, RA 3.4434, 910 Leslie -- + room, self + contained apa: [At sy and a Bi th, 1 Blvd, or phones RA | APARTMENT - - heavy duly, privates o {TY 7 and park a" "Unfurnished rooms , private {bath and entrances, Jasve wiring, 0 Adults, Bult couple, hh Bir RA 34274 1:12 furnished TEM pouskeeplng foam, business | lady prefe hoo Bospiial Abstainers, hh Phone 5 in {ONE furnished room, with home yi [tegen ten a walk from Phone 4 ULLY equipped, RAT 144i sit one gi a ii or apply 8 Nassau Street, i. TWO partly furnished rooms, Rouble preferred, Apply 46 LY (reset LARGE Tront bedroom, irnished, alee housekeeping room, ground floor, wee of telephone, parking, RA 34180, BEDROOM, auiiable for Tady eacher OF Burs use fling raom, and kltehen pr Donrd it A 49076 evenings, LOVELY furnished Toom, sull man, private home, Ammly. " J Blovd,, or phone R i MINGLE bol furnishe [1] aonital, HA 80698 or 74 OMAWA ve, Hout! furnished Thi housskesping t, In Christian home, Phos LOY #11 WEEKLY, Two farnishea rooms, ser l Riv oes, Ho olin ooniral, 100 Bruce Sirest between A WOH ds, WpHINE. (ied ma 200k} Heges, 4 King rive or phone RA BAI RINGLE furnished room, wa ghen and washing machine, home, central, [x THREE rooms unfurnished on Nilson South, suitable for fiat «= geniral te sahool, his ha shopping, Phone RA AA0I4 alter Ma bedroom, hirished. Suit one [4 two gentlemen, LL] Shopping Centee, 63 Grenfell CLEAN single room, twin beds, for refined Santeal parking, 114 rooms, eonvenis Abstainers only BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 2-bedroom Apartments, elees trically eo tread, be best locas tion Apply 49 Simcoe i Nori, Apt, 18 y RA 8. 45--Real W ate For Sale WIOK bungalow, Th ie DeAronma, fairly een , north ot, Private wile, Apply Box" LLU on a Time LARGE lof, a0" Tronia depth, In well built wi {ion, Bultable for hu aren ¢ trio range, newly decorated, location, Juiable for couple, Ronan able \ a hotweeh and 6 RA 5100 ater pI floor, (wo unfurnished, one: bedroom, heated apartment, central, Brivate entrance and bathrooms, heav, ng TV outlet, 340 Albert Streel, HY » JL) avenings, #15 = LARGE (hres - room seil-eon: tained downstairs Apatment, newly decorat al use washer and jundn, jhe nN Pruce i Phone 4307 atior 4 A RINT w= WO + ing and Ritohen "with oy 'op hoards, share bath, heat, hydro Moderate rent, Leases now available, THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T, Phone RA 3 3474 OFFICE SPACE WITH PARKING LOT, 2.4.6.ROOM UNITS, CENTRAL LOCATION, Phone: DICK BRADLEY , RA 81296 Private hirdnes, ant three minute Salk South sonable, RA S807 NIX © room DONNY for onl, reason able, vacant Sept. 34, 300 pacitie Ave: nue after § pm, MODERN A 3 n AA oentra anesslon, ffs 8 Oshawa OOM ADATUMERL, "private monthly,' Hy Wed Bathe no ehlidren, please, aAbstainers only, possession immediate: Rat heal. Suey wiring, RA 5.3617, 10 Hn Morey mediate Tite Hox | Brick home, NEW, -- Three hodrooms, rec tion oom, Phone RA 3.347, STORE far rent -- Main Stveel, well | established barbershop, centrally lo Ped, BAD hes for other small business, after & am. Tory RACHELOR apartment, furnished or un. furnished, heavy dul y ts vigera. or, oupboards, one sohool teachers §refarred "Phone RA 3011, DOWNATAIRS four - room, seltcontain: od paithent, Hn fireplade and base. 5 PAFUMORL, Freund floor All conveniences, couple preferced will fond South Athall baby, Apply 439 Ritson Wn Rr nome, ar quiet couple, Fea: ho RA" FREE 2 WEEKS RENT Modern one-bedroom aparts ment, $85, 105 Cravdon Rd, at MO 8.4770 Two BEDROOM APARTMENT Four blocks north of King Street at Lonsdowne Drive, large living and dining rotm, stove and fridge, sound-proot hi ding. Immediate possess GOWER--REALTOR RA 8.4651 b A artment. all conveniences, Teftigerhior and ove. PONINAN + Kmooe h AM, 2, mL OOM "Abert i av vallabie SN French Street, WA o janes | LL) ) Aah [Hh Basement apartment, on aunton Road Bast, Prefer couple ar two gentlemen, $85 monthly las vees heating, hydro. COltax ATKRTNENT - - haters WO TOMA, with washer and dryer, a mahianh Phone RA 3300 or after § pm. RA 31 ARTANT Three - room Airnished apart ment, for couple, Hving ream, private bath, oben ih elocivie range. frigeraton, sink and euphoards RA ERI | '@4a--Rooms For Rent [TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and Kitehen, refrigerator, builtin ou hoards and sink, Ritson Row all conveniences. Apply Mar dd Sowih. i re! ¥ " le treet, arage, oll heated, hardwood > oors, four-piece bath, Ty Ho reoreation room, Kluminum doors, Sg Fo LT Inrge 4 Two 1 Blocks a shou South, Monthly payments of "ee i price reduced to §15,700 with ihierent 844 por cent on mortgage, Ex M RA 8.4061, oy N.H.A, RESALE Meadowerest Subdivision, type brick bungalow, $87 monthly Includes principal interest and taxes, $1680 Ferguson Ave, OL §.448 Two modern three bedroom bingeiows with garage, on water. and sewer, close to four ccen- and $11,600. Will accept half cash, ~ MO 8- 5366. Qo PARK RD. S. LOVELY RURAL LIVING Very modern ranch type buns twenty minutes to Oshawa, Six rooms, breezeway, attache ed garage. Heated laundry glass shower curtain, Qil heats ed. Hobby room in basement, All tile floors, Fire place with Priced right at $14,400, Call Joe Wannop at RA 3.9810, evenings RA 5.1396, Modern brick bungalow In North section. Two bedrooms, Tiled Kitchen and bath, Dine Canopy over front door, Loves ly compact home, Call Joe Wannep, RA 3.9810, evens $1,000 DOWN Older two-storey, seven roams, Close to St. Gertrude's. Very condition, Fully decorated Full price $9,000. Call Joe Wannep, RA 3.9810, even $500 DOWN slx.room brick ok bung. A storms and soreens, 148 Hillorolt Stree HA 0 In good residential area tional value Only $2500 don hay ment Brooklin, 3 bedroom ranch down, full price $11 wii) F if one year old, one ers, Price $12,400 galow located in village, room on main floor, Sliding raised hearth. Many extras, $2,000 DOWN ing wom, double garage, ings RA 5.1398, lorge lot, garage, in good ings RA 5.1394,