Smart elective! Clever co- eds are choosing to wear sheer and lovely seamless hosiery to class this year, Good leg groom- is a basic fo a tip-to-toe "dressed-right" look, and seam- jens hosiery also flatters every Over all her back to school fashions, the smart gal will be wearing a sweater jacket such as this! It features three-quar- ter sleeves and open-neck braid- trimmed front. In 'Ban-Lon" this sweater will never shrink, stretch or need blocking, Fashion Trends For College Men Here are the important fash- fon trends for a college man's important day and dating activi- ties on the college campuses! These suits, sports jackets, slacks, topcoats and outer-wear are now available in university shops throughout the country, re- ports the Wool Bureau. The Bureau suggests that young men buy clothes of med- jum-weight wool fabrics if they're oing to college in a cool clime, sa tropical - weight wools, if you're heading South for an edu- cation, SUITS: the *'natural-shoulder" is the favored suit model. Young men like this traditional silhou- ette because its. simple tailoring combined with straight - hanging lines are best suited for their physiques. Smooth worsted - hopsacking of all-wool is number one choice in suiting fabrics. Olive is first on the list of colors this fall and is followed by olive mixtures, Many wool - worsted suits are being sold with matching vests, Since suits with vests are ex- pected to predominate during those first weeks at college, you'll feel more comfortable if you in- clude one in yourswarcrobe, Two wool suits are the mini- mum requirement for college to- Tips To Save Young Teeth Here are some tips that may help you save your children's teeth and also sgve exorbitant dental bills, Be sure that children brush their teeth regularly and thor- oughly, Make sure that their tooth brushes are in good condi- tion, that they are not injurious to the youngsters' gums yet do a good job of cleaning. Remember, that sugars, and starches in the mouth activate! acid-forming bacteria capable of destroying tooth enamel. Eliminate as much sweetened carbonated drinks, candy, cake and cookies from daily diets as is possible, Choose a mouth wash not only for its pleasant taste, but look for a wash that contains recogniz. ed anti-bacterial ingredients. And don't forget that an impor- tant asset to dental health is a well-balanced diet of dairy foods, vegetables, fruit, protein- rich fish and meats, as well as cereal grains, The youngster should see the dentist regularly for a dental check-up and teeth cleaning. Don't wait for Junior or Jane to say "Mom, I've got a tooth. ache!" Thor's right! We aim to please and we do, Our care. ful attention to all details as- sures thorough cleaning and pressing to perfection, Try our dry-cleaning , . . and seel ACADIAN 299 BLOOR WEST, OSHAWA CLEANERS RA 8-5141 day. SPORTS JACKETS: here again the "natural shoulder" is domi- nant! Bold plaid patterns are the rule! Shetlands and wool hop- sacks are the favored sport jacket fabrics this semester. More and more students are wearing sports jackets to their classes, A good idea is to buy two; one in a pattern and a solid color olive or mavy blazer as the second. SLACKS: Pack slim Ivy-cut wool « worsted slacks with the new permanent - crease finigh, Wear them to class by day, get caught in the rain in them, study in them, wid their razor - sharp creases will never cease. Look for the "permanent-crease'" label inside slacks near waistband, Continental - styled wool slacks are also important among colle gians. Loopless, they're kept up with side tabs and are worn cuffless, New fancy pattern wool slacks, styled in the Continental manner, look their best with solid color blazers. TOPCOATS: the smart "semi- Chesterfield' with natural shoul- ders and a fly-front is the *'top"' coat for dressy occasions, Shet- land and wool cheviot in gray, olive, gray - brown and black- brown mixtures are favorites. A more sporty topcoat, and one with greater appeal is the "split-raglan", This rugged-look- ing coat is designed with set-in sleeves in front and raglan in back. Roomy, loose-fitting, the 'split - raglan" has become the basic wool coat on most campuses! OUTERWEAR: Stadium - coats with wool fleece hoods help buck sharp winds on cold £8, ' "- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 30, 1960 17 Include at least one warm wool Sulerepat 18 Your 'college ward- 1 ¢ i. Many stadium - coats sport bright blanket plaid wool liners + +» «» bulky knitted wool collars. ------------------ f-- PARENTS - YOUNG PEOPLE ! Registrations are now being accepted for FALL TERM OPENING TUESDAY, SEPT. 6, 1960 OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Eight Day-School Courses from which to choose rn Equipment and methods. Personal, Indivi- dual instructions in major subjects, Over 100 Gra- duates placed in 1960, Evening Closses -- Tuesday and Thursday Evenings 7:00-9:00 p.m. -- Tuition $15.00 per month ACT NOW! GET THE FACTS! CLIP AND MAIL THE COUPON | om interested in the Speciolized Business Training offered by the Oshewe Business College, Day School sees esenres Evening Classes EERE EE EEE NY Please send full perticulors to: ' Name sess nsnsenrenss Phone No. ees BROIPISIIY ENDS Address Spoon onrernssrganennrrrnne Age (EE EEE * Grode otteined ot High School ,..... Signed ....00v0ee - es em ane an an an an 5 2% 5S \N NN ce STANDARD 12:1 02{0)% oo MODELS TO CHOOSE MENS, LADIES, GIRLS, BOYES 4.99 DOWN *]-°° WEEKLY ZZ ZF ICYCLES @8 "NW 353 WEST