Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Aug 1960, p. 18

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, August 30, 7960 50--Articles For Sole 47 Automobiles for Sale |S0--Articles For Sole BOY'S Mevels, gears and handbrakes, '56 FORD zedan delivery, six A $15, RA 3 GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- size, Bell; kitchen | a eylinder, full bare-|A-1 condition, 5550 cash, MO 85914. "| ment, six pas cent NHA resale, only| ~~ m_---- PIANO, two years old, Bscrifice, Mr, Laon, CHEVROLET Impala , ion and vn hori 82041, bronze, white top, Powerglide, power utilities, lamps, colonial style front per ,|room furniture, engagement riog with Dominion Tire Biore, 4 Bond 3 diamonds, | centre ould RA Real Estate, 7 | 9100 DOWN, large 5-room. brick bunga-|Bob Wern, Public Relations Depart flow, NHA 6 per cent mortgage. decor- | Apply windows, 0 J . Say Ls Snelgrove 45--Real Estate For Sole Jase ats Jo Ju s Mi-siorey brisk, all eon 45--Real Estate For Sole 45--Real Estote For Sele |45~--~Real Estate For Sale SPACIOUS five room bungalow, nearly INCOME 3 room ee $300 FULL down. Six - room solid brick to Rouse, large lot. 86 ,| Phone RA 39175 or RA 3.3156, SPACIOUS rooms for family or north be central. RA 5 100 | FOR SALE = privately, flan sie siz decorated, X West, RBA 5042 51000 DOWN, immediate possession re a 15-storey home on McLaughlin Blvd. | Has five rooms snd bath and one large room up, Natural fire | ted, Hood garage. Full on rea iio. permandnt awnings large , RA 85-6511 , reasonable interest, wa Times 100 ACRES good soll, six - room house, a conveniences, bank bam, water on Hydro, good Sactor, imple mens bil 1 itn Tie ¥,|-- Eotate, 1 as va Bt 6 PRIVATE sale, 26-room income prop- , 43 Street West, 56382. hich A ie wood To income, T | dro, leaving, will consider reasonable offer. (wl located. Write Box 15, Oshawalg, mes, ment, General Motors. "88 CHEV "{tom radio, ov motor, new Scott 36 HP, 20" reversible electric fan, 3 spieds. Phone OL 5-4836, , Slusminum rommmm--------1 Conte North RL LET, brand new tires, cus- 8 er? ran plas soni RA 398 two tone paint, pro FIVE-plece Fltehen, chrome set, like Will arrange finance, 145 new, one junior Phone RA 5-5405, | SENTS, camp stoves, camp cots, (ar Albert Street between 6 and 9 p.m. |WALNUT tea ee and dress-|pauling, § bags, linterns, sales |46--Reol . Estate Wanted oN AETEOh Te fii tion. Avy er, § piece painted h Wagon, 2 be suite, seal (nd rentals, os Hartware | and homes, business 133 Mill Street. Must be sold. easonable, Phone RA 3-43%8, |Flectric, 8 Church Street. WA 27624, Some ug gy yuna ns PONTIAC tw two - door conch, "black "abi for '30 Vauxhall, somplete with rap TABLE Ae ion seta for 1 call W MeAuley Realtor, % Prince! automatic, push-button radio, reer For ¢ 3 gher's RA 3.3425, in the eily for OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF HARRY ELGIN MARKS, Driver, de- ceased. Al persons having claims inst the estote of Harry £ gin Marks, lote of the City or Oshawo, in the County of Ontario, Driver, deceased, who died on or about the rent, de- al IVATE sale, room, ikl brick, suit args family, 7 four. ce tile bathrooms, living room 12's modern kitchen, attached garage, balcony. divided basement, extra wel |! built. Apply 102 Rosehill Blvd. RA nerial fil rear seat sped 365 Park Road . RA 85072, EAL dy good TR ean De RIL saw, tral trailer, bost and 15 HP motor, , Whitby, eee | 24" GAR stOVE, on condition. Phone 5- | MO 8-875. items new in January. RA 59647, DOMINION Appliances (a division of Beatty Bros.) now A at Vaddy 4 Market, Hampton. A complete line of appliances at hard to beat prices. COL fax 3-2241 2 FOOT outboard eruiser, 50 HP |i Johnson, sleeps four, head and galley, Anchored at Port Perry Aloha 31-E-|2 1486, Will trade for '58 Vauxhall wagon, Apply 149 Guelph St, FULLY equipped 14 boat, 62" beam, 30" deep, with 35 HP electric motor | and trailer, Must be sold, complete or , | Street, RA 32512 or MO B8-5763, speawer, many extras, Will take trade, Tes F Sls Phone MO 8-5221, 47 --Automobiles For Sale i -, oLDSMOBRLE "By "Buper 8", pe: est offer, Can '81 CHEVY. couple body, best offer. % Call between 5 - 7 pm, RA 52371. BA 2894, n PONTIAC deluxe, oY sedan, | automatic Tow STOREY and half -- two family "brick, like pew. 499 Simcoe Street North, room bungalow, sunroom, air storms, [] arage, hardwood floors, Ap- assau Street. RA 33110, WE highest Brass, used" fu vetty's Used Furni ture Store, RA 33271, A Simcoe South, by GOODRICH Slores -- tires, Date vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, 1A 54803, 51--Swap & Barter WILL trade GE heavy duty range "woth timer, or gas conversion burner with thermostat, for electric portable sew: yas, or what have you. RA AL 66 ft. for sale jor rent on King Street West, opposite | Shopning Centre, Phone RA 5-4035 after p.m, FIVE . awnings, FORE aie sro ply 151 PRIVATE sale -- six-room bungalow, we finished rooms in Jasement with shower, stool. In a good location, §iX.room modern ranch type hungalow ak 49 Fulalie Avenue, RA 34705. with garage. Large living EEE WILSONEE: residential area off Simcoe) Sou REALTOR Monthly payments of $84, full AWA Bae IO Ee om. 'Bacon: OSH SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 19 pm, boss be AB, low mileage, 5 #7 OLDSMOBILE, n new "Sion brakes ge. very db ers , fully But tic, Phone BA A| E5300 condition. Apply 306 Baldwin, od Ask for Pash, 5 METEOR Niagara, excellent con- dition, must sell, Hikes offer over ban one RA 5714 DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR $11,400 FULL PRICE od METEOR "Niagara, A-1 condition, Apply 114 Brock West, between 5 and ee rac PRIVATE '54 OLDSMOBILE super 88, sutomatie, radio, white wall tires, wheel dises, good condition, RA 86966. 55 FORD, two - door, custom line radio, heater, discs, Apply 295 Sharbot Street a after 5. RA 8 8-6760, tional value! Only $2500 down payment, Ly jinwadists voentive, Calf 8, Wacko, priv ol Weg Ps ZION, ONT, S.room clapboard bungalow on large lot, 70 x 390 ft, 75 TWOTON Chev truck, good running condition, Will trade for car the same year or Ister model and pay difference, 257 James Street, |52--Legal VROLET, two-tone, "ado, In in 0 8 running condition, $375, Phone RA 8-2518, 6 FORD Fairlane Victoria, two.door, hardtop with completely overhauled spotless inside and out, Only JOHN A. J. 2 storey income home in very BOLAHOOD right across from new school, LIMITED REALTOR INSURANCE © 4 167 SIMCOE S. good condition. Features 2 oportments, separate entran- ces, one 4-pc., ond one 3-pc. bath, 2 gos stoves, oil heat, storms, screens, garage. Tox- es $169. Please call Sally RA 5-6544 Wellaze RA 8-465! DRASTICALLY REDUCED | $10,200 FULL PRICE IN PRICE Compact frome bungalow on 1 year old, N.H.A. 6% mort- well treed lot 94' x 244' goge, 6-room brick on Glen- 3.pc. bath, oil heat, storms, costle St. Pierson windows, screens. $1,500 down, one exhoust fan, aluminum mortgage for the balonce storms ond screens, nicely Coll Sally Wolloce RA 8- londscoped, 3-bedroom, all 465) large rooms throughout, ---------------------------------------------- nicely decorated, in immacu- OVER A QUARTER, CENTURY late condition, Carries for SCHOFIELD | no principal and taxes, Reason- ably low down payment, For more information and to in- spect some, coll Jack Appleby Insurance Associotes Ltd | ot RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398 Reg. Aker, Pres | Oshowe Bill McFeeters, Vice-Pres Estate 54% MORTGAGE List price $12,900 -- Well constructed 6-room brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. tiled bath, Completely land- scoped ond decorated, paved driveway, oluminum storms ond screens. Monthly pay- ments $84.00 principal, in- terest ond taxes. Call Russ ond Board of Real Members District S. D. HYMAN REALTOR ROSSMERE STREET Beautiful 5Y%2 room brick UNBELIEVABLE $16,900. This is one of the most remarkable buys we have listed. This brand new red brick ond stone ranch home has been reduced by $2,600, Beoutiful large lot 70' x 102', attached garage, spacious, modern rooms, built-in range and oven, and many more extras, Get your appointment on the list to see this one today COVETED NORTH- WEST DISTRICT Six room ronch bungalow with paved drive, lovely land- scoped lot 56' x 145', All rooms are bright ond cheery, 4.piece bath has colored fix- tures and ceramic tiled walls, Full asking price for this gem is only $14,500. Join the par- ode to inspect this property now. Open Evenings and All Day Saturday, Be sure to see GOLDELL HOMES DESIGNED FOR GRACE AND SPACE 5% OMEY, sedan, good condition, good rubber, new paint, _RA 57203, '5 SPORTSCAR MG, me owner, pri- vate sale, Phone RA 5-5456, 5 OMEVROLET Bel Air sedan, auto- matie, radio, two tone, excellent con- dition, One ¢ One owner, Phone RA 81554, 53 CHEVROLET sedan, excellent con dition, will finance from 6 to 9 pm 145 Albert Street, forced air oil heating, 3-pce, bath, tile floors, low toxes, Full price only $9,000. WILLIAM ST, Close to Oshawa Blvd., lorge ond well-kept 6-room brick 2-storey home plus sunporch, oil heating, 3-pc. bath, oak floors, fireplace in living room, garage. Full price only $13,500 with $7,000 down. SERVICE STATION Near new Esso station on No. 11 highway north of Toronto, complete with lunch counter, live bait stand, fish. ing equipment, frontage, oll asphalt, about 1 acre of land, excellent turnover, owner selling due to poor health, about $18,000 down requir ed. offer, RA 58132. 360 E Auto Insurance {to 20 per cent Six months to pay, For perzonal service at your home call RA 5-2602, is 5 DKW "1000" hardtop, as new, fully eq ipped, $2660 new all for $1660 |Take older car, RA 8-16 5% BEL AIR coach, one owner, excel: lent condition, low mileage. Apply 149 Banting Avenue, 1A 3 5 MORRIS, good Ha and body. 468 Simcoe Street North, 0) CHEVROLET Impala convertible, |Indy driven since new, only 4000 | miles, only $3205. Low down paymegt. [See it & it at Hilltop Motors, RA 8-689] LLOYD AYERS {3 CHEVROLET two-door, perfect con: dition, A real collector's item, Very| REALTORS--RA 3-2254 rare car. Asking $600, Hilltop Motors, | RA 85-6891, WILLIS MOTORS For Your Reeve, evenings RA 5-4840 REDUCED -- $1300.00 4- BEDROOM VERY CENTRAL Now listed at $11,500 -- 7- room brick, 2Va2-storey home with garage. Large modern kitchen, family size dining room, oil heated. Low toxes, low down payment. Owner has new home under con- struction Must sell, call Don Stradeski, evenings RA 8.8423 N.H.A. RESALE ROSSLYNN ESTATES $13,200 ~-- 4 yeor old, 5- room brick bungalow, 3 bed- rooms and good size kitchen ond living room. 4-pc. tiled bath, oil heating, aluminum storms ond screens. Lot size 56 x 145'. $1,000 down, call Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5-0243 NORTH RESIDENTIAL LIVING AREA 1790 SQ. FT. 7-room brick home with 2-car garage, located on a treed lot close to school, church ond transportation Living room 13 x 20 with stone fire- place and planter, dining room 11 x 10, bright cheer- ful kitchen 116 x 16' in- cludes large eating area. 3 large bedrooms, master bed- room 12'6 x 18 features full width wardrobe wall, 2 bath- rooms, | 3-pc. on bedroom floor and 1 2-pc. off the 14 x 18' den. Rec room with panelled walls and tiled floors, gives an additional 378 3a. ff Broadloom throughout living room, din- ing room, hallway and 3 bedrooms. Extra fine oil furs nace 100 Amp. service, wired for washer and dryer. 59% mortgage. A substan- tial down payment will give you the opportunity of pur- chasing a mighty fine home Call Bill McFeeters, evenings RA 5.1726. AGENTS FOR BEAU VALLEY HOMES For an appraisal without ob- ligation on your present home, call Schofield Insur- ance Assoc, Ltd LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE of Real Oshawa Estate Member District ond Board bungelow, Many extrus. At- tached garage ond fireplace. Reasonabl? down payment re- quired. Coll Doug Bullied aot RA B-6286. | NORTH OSHAWA | | Storey and a half home in condition, Three bedrooms, large kitchen and living room. Low taxes. Call Doug Bullied at RA 8-6286. WINTERIZED COTTAGE | Only $3,800 full price. Lo- | cated West Beach, Bowman- | ville. Four good sized rooms. Patio, Furniture included. | Call Bob Stevenson ot RA 8.6286. GLENFOREST STREET Spacious five room brick bun- galow with carport, Large 16" x 12' kitchen. Stained trim, vanity, sliding closet doors, storms, screens, fully decor- oted, londscoped, Call Bob Stevenson at RA 8-6286, THICKSON"S ROAD NORTH Between Oshawa and Whitby. Modern 52 room bungalow Nearly new. Large lot 75' x 200'. Good well, Fully equip- ped in every way, Low taxes Call Bob Stevenson at RA 8-6286. SACRIFICE SALE (Whitby) Three bedroom brick bungo- low at only $12,400 full price. A lovely home, J.arge fully fenced lot. Beautiful new stove and refrigerator in- cluded, Call Bob Stevenson at RA 8.6286. NORTH OF HOSPITAL | Four room bungalow with full basement and new furn- ace, Built in kitchen cup- boards, 3-pce. bathroom, low taxes. Only $1,000 down Call Glen MacKinnon at RA 8-6286. A FABULOUS BARGAIN Eight acres and creek only five miles from Oshawa. Suitable for subdividing. Call Harold Segal at RA 8-6286. excellent WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT ~Two - apartment, available Sept, sibs. ce. Call evenings MO 8.5 WANTED---Accommodation for couple 1 or 2 bedroom apartment, MATURE person with baby, ground floor preferred, cated MO 8-4867 room centrally WOMAN requires and HOUSE FOR RENT -- Bungalow, bedrooms, all conveniences. Immedi Rios Phone Bowman and Gibson {age. Experienced, Whitby, MO 3.0985. COLD WAVES (Lanolin enriched) from | travel. MO 3038 includes masterful shaping, sham. poo, and styling by Ken. MO 8-5124 fo way GET ready now fo Teady now for Ar Blasts" hod FOR SALE -- Plans. 52 upright model Pal-O-Pak Insulation "board, willing to baby sit. Phone MO 8.4828. room unfurnished FOR RENT -- Two bedroom apart. parking ment, parking lot, close to school and | shopping, Brooklin, $65. Phone OLiver 5.3611, | to look after two lo. Small boys for school teacher in chil. ren's own home, Phone MO 8-5400, | Whitby WOUSE, three bedrooms, living room, {dining room, kitchen and bath, Call g|after 8 p.m Mo 8-3417, RELIABLE day care for children, any GRASS ctting, have power mower, will 8.4025. TIC TANKS oles ed the "sanitary 1 new tanks installed Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 85-2563 proved ecbnomical self or we can do it for you i) 50 Brock Street North, FOR C.I.LL. PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter Paint ond Wailpaper St re 107 Byron Street South MO 8-523 product | "7° can be installed quite easily by your | FOR RENT For free small kitchenette, frig and stove, suit estimate contact H. H. Goode and Wo able for couple. 305 Perry Street. 0 84 an. Two furnished rooms, MO "Three and half room apartm $50 monthly, Apply 131 Brock Street South. RELIABLE day care to children, Experienced. Whitby any MOnawk Ww HP minimum, Must be well known make, apply Box 806 Oshawa Times, Whitby. WANTED -- Licensed Body Man for auto repair, piece work, Phone MO 8.4009 or apply Mohawk Body Shop, WANTED -- Deep well pump, FOR RENT Two-bedroom suites in Whit. by's modern apartment build. ing, ventilated kitchen, win. dow drapes, ronge, refriger- ator, loundry facilities, all services, TV outlets, parking, etc. Rent $90. A. J. Schatz Realtor MO 8.3337, contact Dundas Street 'West, Whitby FOR RENT -- Boating, camp- ing, hunting supplies, garden. ing and lawn equipment, pow= er tools, box, boat ahd cabin trailers. SO CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN BRAEMOR GARDENS STEVENSON'S RD. NORTH AND ANNAPOLIS Ristow & Olsen REALTORS LASALLE AVE. Two bedroom brick bungalow with separate dining room for only $10,700. With $6,600 down, the balane may be carried ot 4Y2 % interest. Monthly payments $44 50 with toxes included. This attractively decorated home is spotlessly clean and nicely landscaped. Inspection by appointment only. Call Ray at RA 8-5107 now. 67 RITSON RD. N. Well maintained two storey seven room brick with attached garage, large modern kitchen and four good bedrooms, nearly new furnace with oil heating, separate fruit cellar, Close to all services, Owner will hold a first mortgage for ten years. To Inspect and for more information call Roy Flintoff at RA 5-3454 evenings ATTRACTIVE ORONO RESIDENCE Situated on an acre of land end a third landscaped lot, five room frame bungalow nicely decorated, features a closed front porch ond sunroom at the back, garage, hard and soft water on tap, good garden, tool house, small hen house and inany extras. Close to shopping, schools and church, Low taxes, Only $12,900 with good terms. A must to see, Call Newt Hodgson at RA 8-5107 or evenings RA 8-6408 100 ACRES $12,000 North of Port Perry in the Little Britain Area, this form with an eleven room red brick house ond 55 foot bank barn cen be baught for $12,000 with half cash, 70 acres good: productive loam presently seeded down. Balance cedar and hardwood, Two snrinns located in the pasture area, Estate sale so immediate n may be had. For further information call Ray at RA 8.5177. RA 5-6165 19 Athol St. W., _ Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board LS SNELGROVE CO. LTD. 43 PARK RD. S. DUPLEX 2-storey brick building, very central location, main floor, modern kitchen, large living room, 2 bedrooms and bathroom, modern self-contained apartment on second floor with private entrance and bath, Asking $13,800 with substantial cash. Call Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810... , 4g SIMCOE ST. , NORTH DISTRICT $10,600 full price, 5-room brick bungalow, large modern kit- chen, 4-piece tiled bath, natural fireplace, T.V. antenna, storms and screens, nicely landscaped lot, good electric stove and re- frigerator included in price. Asking $1,800 down with one open agreement for balance with 612 9% interest. Call Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 or RA 5-4162 evenings $1,000 DOWN Montrave Ave. -- 6-room, 1% .storey family home, modern kitchen, living room, dining room and 3 bedrooms, 3- Fics bath, good furnace, private drive. Call Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810, APPLE HILL Immaculate 6-room brick home with 3 bedrooms, shining hard: wood and tile floors, ultra modern kitchen, 4-piece ceramic tile bath, finished 20 ft. recreation room, aluminum storms and screens, nicely landscaped lot 173 ft. deep with shade trees, easy terms. Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8761 or RA 5-4162 even- BOWMANVILLE New brick and stone bungalow, 5 rooms plus large sunroom, complete stone front, tile floors, 4-piece colored bath, nice lot with apple trees, Asking 312 500 with small down payment, Call Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810. CENTRAL PARK BLVD. 6-rcom, 1%4-storey brick, beautiful condition throughout, hard- wood and tile floors, 4.piece tiled bath, forced air with oil heating, divided basement paved drive, nicely landscaped. Ask. ing $14,900 with terms. Cal! Keith Peters, RA 5.8761 or RA 5-4162 evenings. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW RA 8-5107 Oshawa FOR SALE -- Used boats, motors, trailers, WILDE RENTALS J. A, Daly, MO 8-4775 even- SERVICE AND SALES $7,500 full price, 5 rooms, some finishing required, aluminum storms and screens, T.V. antenna, carries for $55.00 per month, Call Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810, If interested in having @ new N.H.A bungalow built in north AUSTIN CAR GOOD ASSORTMENT USED CARS TAUNTON RD. E, RA 50331 SALES LTD. SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, Tel.: RAndolph 3-3461 STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING W., OSHAWA RA 3.7132 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST --OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494 Res. RA 5.3574 CLEARING AT ONLY 10% DOWN Pontiac, V8, automatic. Volkswagen, deluxe, Studebaker, Silver Hawk. Ford, Victoria, Hardtop, Olds,, hardtop, all pow= ered. Chev. Wagon, Chey, two-door Pontiac 4-door deluxe Pontiac 4-door. Pontiac 2-door, '59 57 '57 '56 '55 '55 2 - door Station 55 '55 '54 '50 MARIAN AUTO RA 8.5179 25 GRENFELL ST. SALE CHEV, Biscayne Coach, with washers, etc, Real clean $1795 BUICK Sedan, guiomatie transmission, radi power steering, EAN walls $1195 PLYMOUTH Coach with V-8 motor. Only . $695 METEOR Sedan, tutone Really sharp. Only $695 PONTIAC Laurentian, with radio, Outstanding. Only $645 PLYMOUTH, one owner. Reduced to clear. Only : «$595 FORD with automatic ond radio. Only . $795 METEOR with overdrive, tutone finish, Only $495 OLDSMOBILE Sedan, it even runs for only 9.00 METEOR Sedan that runs like brand new. Only . $345 FORD, just had a com- plete valve job end re- finished. Only $595 Terms of all kinds available to suit your budget, VAN HEUSEN FINAL SUMMER motor, $1095, Low down payment, Hilltop Mo. tors, RA 8-6891, 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, tion, $650, Phone CO 3.2020 i900 ENVOY four-door tom red *='m, only 1200 miles. warranty, only $1795, Low down ment. Hilltop Motors, RA on," 156 VOLKSWAGEN in good condition, {tory clearance of 81, tresses, discontinued ticking, priced for =| quick sale, $16.88 up, Smontn top quilted sizes, eom- Furniture, | Phone RA 5-02 owner, Phone RA 5-4046 excellent condi | sedan, fully |w equipped, gleaming black finish, cus New 4. FAB 'n6 DopGE four-door automatic, le, radio, 1956 CHEV, Belair, good condition, one §5 to $10, guaranteed ashers and Stoves, Hampion, co 3 3-241 un __ | pleces complete, continental beds, single Ip piste, $30.95, ilson LAKESHORE Auto cars for v RA 51151 Wreckers ave up 48--Automobiles Wanted want |¢ recking. Highest prices paid, Church Street AUGUST tremendous Sale Vioar Furniture savings! now Arborite Serta and cents per foot; $19.95; HOUSTON'S GARAGE BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MCTOR TUNE - UP GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. W. RA 3.7822 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cors or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. § RA 3-942] AND Trade up CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W. | desks, nooth top mattresses, {halt price, $29.95; reg coffee and {tables 85, Ten-plece living room group AND SERVICE STATION |includes table and lamps, $99. Wilson | Furniture, 20 Church Street |TV TOWERS, 40-foot {for one year $57.95, TRIO T 78 IRA B-6781, AUGUST bargains on _npainied furni- cents with any |ture, bookcases only separate, make offer, RA 5-9251 before 6 p.m. ' USED "parts "and rep repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors, reconditioned Paddy's Market, during our Au Bunk beds, clght price, $58; fae pl tilled mat on! covering clearance of discontinued patterns, 25 students' Beverly self- Supporting |tower, hot dipped galvanized, with all |channei head. Installed and guaranteed NOTICE TQ CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of JOHN SHEV- CHUK, labourer, deceased, All persons having claims ogoinst the estate of JOHN SHEVCHUK, late of the city of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, lebourer, deceased, who died on or about the 5th doy of February, 1960, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceased on or before the 19th day of September, 1960, full particulars of their claims, Immediately ofter the said date the said Personal Rep- resentative will distribute the assets of the soid deceased having regard only to claims of which she shall then have |mece of furniture. Si |desks, $14; chest of draweis, bookcases, $5.99; vanity dresser, |record cabinet, $18; {board $16; room divider, Furniture, 20 Church Street 1080 TV Special 21" cong $210.95 at Parkway Television, Simeoe North. RA 3-3043, GERMAN hifi, Scandelli both valued at $600, offer, High chair, GOOD quality 12 x broadloom carpet, TV, walnut, 1" RA 5-9647 SELLING furniture? We' llbuy it, Re. pianos, frigerators, TV's, | stoves, ete, washers, For top cash offer {GIRLS Wool blazer, size and | 8 to 10 years. RA 5.7419 SABYAN MOTOR 50--Articles for Sale in LIVNG room, bedroom furniture for sale 'excellent © |ONE Moffat range di Very reason: | tion, also Norge range, |able, Must sell, RA 8.4733 [WARMONY arch top cut-away Spanish | guitar, blonde, with case, strap and new RA 3.2334] | strings, $75 or best offer anytime [15 PLYWOOD boat equipped with hp Scott, electric and controls, excel. Li for water ski-ing, MA 3.3364 after $25. 5.30 p.m. | THREE RP motor , and boat, in new [for sale, ! condition, RA 8.0; WRECKING a {dow, all building |8 South, { PAINT, interior, exterior, |All colors. Guaranteed, Oshawa Hardware and Church Street. RA 3.762 $2.95 gallo flat, Electric, Phone RA 3-081 goop CCM bicycle for sale, telephone RA 5.6244 ONE % width bed, ribbon springs, spring-filled mattress, excellent condi. tion, Harold Hammond MA §-5226. SKILL saw, trailer, boat and 15 HP motor, MOhawk 8.4225 Whitby, BICYCLE, man's, good condition, | Phone RA 8.8862. AEINTZMAN upright piano, good con. | Sion. Reasonably priced, Phone RA 5-4120. SPACE heater, five-room capacity, blower; 200-gallon tank; studio couch; | kitchen utility cabinet, five shelves; | washing machine; heavy duty electric four-burner stove and cable, $30; be. ginner's violin, two shotguns, 724 Cen. tre Street South, Whitby, MO 8.2420, PORTABLE Royal typewriter Practically new, $45. Phone Whitby, after 6 pm 1 case, 1-2736, OUTBOARD MOTORS FOR RENT MARINE STORAGE and SUPPLY Ltd, Brooklin, Ont. OLiver 5-3641 COOK'S TRAILER SALES AND SERVICE Highway 2 Courtice. ON SALE NEW AND USED LOW BARGAIN PRICES Phone RA 8-0887 SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed, Double hung windows only 18. Call now. Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8. 5385 FOR SALE ONE USED LIVINGSTON COAL STOKER, IN GOOD CONDITION, MAY BE SEEN AT CEDARDALE FIRE STA. TION, 761 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, OSHAWA, or PH, RA 8.6441, Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town. Quick service. Alex Vajda RA 3-9851 _ Every job guaranteed. SINGER SEWI 60 | #1088. | LLECTRIC 8| condition. Phone OL AIR conditioner le $49 up, de. USED cash register, in "condition, [ numiditier, automatic humidastat, han. warranty, |er refrigerator, colored, MO 8 [Amy cruiser, 35 fi. and tollet accommodation, GIRLS bicycle, "excellent 539 Wilson Road South, SICKROOM equipment, fore rent and hospital beds, safety sides, y invalid walkers, com. \modes, health lamps, canes, crutches, re , "Ploture win: | also roll. away beds, and cribs; reason: materials, 377 Simcoe (able rates, daily, weekly or monthly, free delivery and pick-up, Phone Aid: wheel chairs, Rentals, RA 5.1644, bookcase head: | $22. Wilson os, start at a8 accordion, | both new, best English pram, play. | pen, commode chair as new. RA 5-1963, 12__ mushroom notice DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 25th doy of August, 1960, ALEXANDRA SHEVCHUK o]vinidtratri y her solicitor, MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister & Solicitor, 26% King Street East, '60 RCA Vietor both new, January, , eon: {tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 81131 plaid (i, also blue girl's dresses and sports fle, all n Hood condition, and kitchen Phone RA 55025, |GENERAL Electric sompination freer 16% ft, Original price $800, will sell hat price, 07. With sleeping motor and ull in good condition, Can he sern at J phone Blackstock 21 R 22, "condition, Oshawa, Ontario, TENDERS FOR FUEL OIL Sealed tenders, marked "Tender for fyel oil" ,ad- dressed to the undersigned for supplying approximately 18 000 gallons of fuel oil fo Halliday Manor, 620 Rich- mond St. East, Oshawe, Ontario, during the 1960- 1961 heating season, will be received until 3:00 p.m, September 12, 1960. Stor- age copacity =~ 3,000 gallons, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, TRIPP, Treasurer, Oshawa Housing Co, Limited, 50 Centre St, Oshawa, Ont, tember, date the estate will be distri- buted, with regard only to the 27th day of July, 1960, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceased on or before the 13th doy of September, 1960, full particulars of their claims, Immediately ofter the soid date the Personal Rep- resentative will distribute the assets of the said deceosed having regard to claims of which he shall then have notice, Dated of Oshawa this 12th day of August, 1960, ALBERT WESLEY MARKS, By his solicitors, Messrs. McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers & Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE of Rosemary Angela Arnold, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of Rose- mary Angela Arnold, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died intestate on or about the 28th day of March, 1960 are hereby notified to send particulars of the same to the undersigned on or be- fore the 23rd doy of Sep- 1960, after which claims of which the under. signed shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claims they shall not then have notice, . Dated at Toronto this 19th day of August, 1960, Geoffrey George Arnold, Administrator, by his solicitors, Tory, Arnold, Wardlaw, Whittaker and Tory, 50 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Tefriforatol very 080, #ood ft, S-year on a3 2 oor, 32 King East, |18 FT. 0" moulded cruiser '59, 35 hp with Rea e. RA 8-4014 after 4, GE | trie Slosut, stove, $10; |RA 5 0364 after 6 p LOWEST prices 4 own! Large full panel cribs, half-price out, §10.88; spring-filled crib mattre §0.88; Bic ht 3 high ¢h §7.88 and strollers ture, 20 Church Siront plywood 'paceship ercury complete StesFing ang. controls, skis, ete, bl RAL Eloctrio heavy duty elec: range with timer and warming in good condition, $45, Quebec also gas conversion burner with thermostat for Jurnace, $45, Phone Baby car. riages, new 1960, car-bed style, $27.00; rs, 8, Wilson Furni: opal capital is deep in the Aus- tralian desert and so hot that!q the people live underground. Coober Pedy the Aborigines call 'it, The name means 'white man's hole in the ground." Coober Pedy is in the north: west of South Australia between Port Augusta and Alice Springs, and almost in the centre of the continent, REFRIGERATOR sale, 10 cu, ft, family size, § yr RA 5.1823 after 6 p.m, Kingston Road East, BA 5-9983, REFRIGE RATOR, steel cot, bathroom' scales, down payment, 5.5225, HAY sufferers! 1 the Puritron machine at Beauty Supply Wisiesule, Street East. RA 3.7 Very small terms, ever 15 new 1960 big , warranty, Kelly's special $199, 2 floors RA 8.5153, GAS conversion burner for sale, cheap. 51 TWO door Plymouth sedan, may be seen at Ted's White Rose and Marine, | i pri: nig al , electric wall clock. Dial RA communities in the world, CEDAR strip boat, "Lakefield", all sence of building materials and| the weather have forced the min: ig fire are seen gracing the of beautiful women, equipment, 15 HP Evinrude motor, Nol Inquire about |called--to burrow deep into the Oshawa sides of hills to make their History has not recorded whe found the first opal ghere, but the mines have been operating since the First World War, STRANGE COMMUNITY | The opal diggers of Coober {Pedy form one of the stranges! Here, lack of transport, ab A ers--or gougers as they are homes, Australian Miners Dig Out Homes ADELAIDE (AP)~The world's DESERT BEAUTY The monotony of the cloudless ays at Coober Pedy appeals many, but as night a the people get that nai the breath-taking beauty ef the desert at sunset, As the sun tips the edges of the desert there are the wanders ing herds of hopping deer, kan. garoos, and acres of galahs-- grey and pink parrots about the size of a crow--which swing inte the sun, giving the impression of grey. and pink clouds, There are dazzling levels of un. believable white that lakes, Opals from Coober Pedy find their | These their streams of red, blue and roaches "hour of are salt way around the world, scintillating gems with ears, fingers and arms some of the world's most AWNINGS, plain ns or gay stripe Prompt service, Free estimates, parts, attachments brushes, Ice. NA 8.0591 anytime, eight pieces, good able, MO 8-2495, ORDERS taken for storm or aluminum, free estim Phone RA 3.4089, Order now for early delivery, Chair and table| |ventals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, guaran, teed vebuilt machines, Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv DINING room suite, solid black walnut, condition, reason: --. drought, water has to be carted The opal gougers' most seri: Pi ous problem is lack of water, NEWS IN BRIEF They have built a large water tank, and this supplies the needs of the community and the horses, dogs and few camels used in this desolate region, When the water tank fails, and this happened in the 1954| from Taracoola, 125 miles away. 36 REGULARS OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial | SEE HOME APPLIANCES Although some 350 people once lived at Coober Pedy, today there are only about 36 regular gougers, Some have' their wives and families with them, {some try their luck. All Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving. One contract, nothing: down. For free estimates call | RA 5-9365 ANYTIME SALES AND SERVICE HIGHWAY 2, COURTICE ON SALE NEW AND USED LOW BARGAIN PRICES Ph. RA 8-0887 aluminum products = ALUMA SEAL CO. COOK'S TRAILER =| Then there are the transients, anything from 20 to 50, trying | for a get-rich-quick strike. Some are elderly pensioners who have been told to live in a dry cli: mate, And dry it is in Coober Pedy-- {only 5.3 inches. STARK HOMES The normal opening to a dug: PASSION PLAY OBERAMMERGAU, Germany | (AP) -- During the first three {months of this summer's run of the Oberammergau Passion Play, audiences totalled more than 300,- 000. Among them were 106,000 foreign visitors, MULTILINGUAL SERVICE VIENNA (AP) -- Roman Cath. olic priests in Vienna can hear confessions In 26 languages, As a public service, parish offices of | each Spek in Se Justia sap ital will direct the foreign touris Usually 30 or so 'Aborigines ty the church where his confes- also are around the mines, and gion can be heard in his native: tongue. RUSSIANS MOVE IN MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet Union sald Sunday night it has agreed to lend Ghana 160,000,000 {rubles ($40,000,000) under a new {trade and economic pact aimed loping the West African {the average annual rainfall is| jab Sevelon ng th The agreement provides for Soviet agencies to tender technical assistance and train [local personnel for skilled work, out home is six feet high and| three feet wide. It is often dec-| orated with beer bottles which] hold the soil together. walls and floors. An addition to| Take Advantage of The NG MACHINE C.N.E. SPECIALS At your local SINGER SEW ING CENTER a family merely means digging out another room, and of course, you might find opal in the pro- |cess, | With air shafts for ventilation t LONDON (CP) «~ | Oliver Cromwell, hh 1658, has been presented to Came Inside are rooms with dirt|prgee University by Dr, Horace Nicholson, Hig family has owned the head for 146 years. FAMOUS HEAD The head of who died in SEA RESTOCKED LONDON (CP)--Scientists plan {to put more than 500,000 fours he rooms are cool and sleeping | month- old plaice into the North conditions excellent in view of {the torrid heat outside, and there {are no spiders or snakes. Using bars, spades, picks and home-made winches, the opal Sea towards repopulating it with fish. PHOTO EXHIBITION' CAMBERLEY, England (CP) gougers dig into the rocky Photographers from 70 countries ground. lare to be invited to submit en. | Some of the workings are 60 tries for a world mera-art ex {feet undergeatind and the mi ners hibition, planned for next April as Oshawa near Simcoe St. for $12,900 with low down payment, please call Keith Peters, RA 5-876] or RA 54162 evenings. 16 ONTARIO ST., OSHAWA {ack away by the light of car- part of the festival of arts in this 1415 Dundas E.,, MO 8-3226 bide lamps, I Surrey town. ings. 149 KING WEST

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