Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Aug 1960, p. 17

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LE ET EE EE EE RE Oh 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, August 30, 1960 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Call The Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 70 12 1---Accountants RONALD ¥. D, Wile Jorn mtant, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 3721 MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, an Co., Chartered Accountants, RA 53527 135 fimeoe Street North; Ajax -WH 20890, HW. E. DEWAR and Co, _ Accountants and Auditors, Cedar Glen BIdg., 13 On: ta: 0 Street, Oshaws, Ontario, RA Rs 5 T Hoping + and Comps Company, Ce fled Publ Ascounlants, 17. Kay Str ot East, Oshawa, taro, 35 Bon CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting es offer complete bookkeeping s for small business. 118 nd Fri cet Vest, Room 1, Office RA 50397. Re nee, RA 37605 § -- YALL, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and Co,, Accountants and auditors, Licensed | Trustee in Bankruptey, 04 Hing Brest ¥ Yai r Oshawa; B, L, CAs Friedlander, B.Comm,, ora 2--Barristers 7, 1. FALMERS, BA, barrister, solici- ele, 13% Simcoe Street North, Off NA 53741; Residence RA 5-5542 BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solel Simeoe South. RA 59502, Resi + RA B-0204 THOMAS M, RUNDLE, barrister, soli and Notary Public,' 20% King East. Phone RA 85-1763, BLAKE DODCS, Barrister tor. eitor. Street DONALD nd Solicitor, 26% King Street East Business IA 8.5373 RA 3.2201, Resi LHON, barrister, solici public, 18%: King Street 9, NHA and private d, CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge 3 ONT RTIONS 225 248 L] basi IVE fo ERT ions 375 4.2 i not paid within 7 doys the Charge rote will apply. Above rafes apply only to original orders for consecutive insert t Insertions ordered of © later date constitutes a new original order, Professional ond Business fist) 7.50 per month for 3 lines dally, jo additional line $1.00 per me initial letter, abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign, figure, counts os @ word, Box charge |15¢ additional, All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 5 pm, the day be- fore publication, Office hours: Baily 8-5, Saturday 8-12, REGULATION Swen The Oshawa Times sholl not be responsible for errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more then one incorrect insertion of ony adver tisement, nor beyond fl price charged for a single Insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And also reserve the right to classify advertising according te its own classification. In the case of display edvertise- ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space thon that in which the actual error oceuples, The publishers endeavour to reproduce oll advertising matter correctly but assumes no liebility : it ony inaccuracies In any form RALPH JONES, BA. and Thomas H of ndvertisement are contained « ite d therein, elt 130 King Mi V + loans available f JOSH P, MANGAN, QO, barrister, | 4 solicitor, Money to loan, Office 14% Buildi Kir of East, Oshawa, RA 8:8232 | 8 --Building Trades Re RA 3-3405 ALL plumbing and heating supplies G1 n irphy and MacDonald, Bar [Phone RA 53521, Harold R, Stark, r yiieitors and Notaries Publie,|Ltd,, plumbing, heating and engineer 6 F ot ast, RA 54717 Russelt Ing, 255 Simcoe Street South, J ind James A, Mac Donald Al CARPENTRY - Kitchen cabine 13--Gordening & Supplies 18--Loon Wanted FOR weed ting. o spraying and prun- 6 ages oat de I 56966, Home L CHOICE LOAM FOR SALE GRAVEL--SAND--FILL Also Back Filling Lots Levelled RA 5-2156 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. LOAM ~= GRAVEL FILL -- STONE RA 3-3528 GRANDVIEW SOD SUPPLIES We specialize in A-1 fertil- ized field sod. Prompt de- liveries for Oshawa ond Dis» trict, Field loading for trucke ers and special rates for cone trocts, RA 8-8111 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A+] rolled fertilized sod cut fresh daily, prompt delivery. Special contractor rotes, RA 5-8504 PATIO STONE FLAG STONE STONE PLANTERS ROCKERY STONE Supply ond lay OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE RA 3-3222 AURORA SAND & GRAVEL Brick, Sand, Crushed Stone, Road Gravel, Pit Run. VALLEY FARM RD, Phone Mobile Operator Temple 93541 GY nd Kelly, Barristers, Soll stairs, rec-rooms, garages. No job too tor ' Va Simeoe Street South.|..)1" pyperienced workers, Pickering D IA 3.2278, Residence phones (wy 2. 143 J Greer, BA, Sec, RA 5:3368; Ter: |r cm -- en Kelly, PA, BCL. RA iY] Met BON and BASTEDO, Barristers, § Cliens' funds available for fir tak 20 Simcoe Street North, RA aan. Catsle & MeGibbon, cid (Under new management) MA SWARTZ, Barrister, a wants. utier. THE PLASTERED cl bruce Mackey, BA, Henry I King Street East, RA 3.4607 BRICK Re nee, dial RA 3.4029, HUMPHREYS, 'Boychyn 'and Hillman, MAKES OLD HOUSES Barrist Solleitors RH Hum phrevs. GC; G, 8. Bovehyn, BA; W. A.| BEAUTIFUL HOMES H LLB; 36% King Street Bask, Pl Office, RA 51177; Res., R 5 & ] or Whitby, MO 8.2761; RA 3.5203,| Let us show you how inex Mc to loan | © pensively your home con be CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and) made more beautiful. No ob- MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors. "id ligation, Phone tary Publir, Bank of Commerce 3 Bimeoe Street North, RA 3.3466; 3 Kl | RA 5-8372 or RA 5-9591 Cre n, QC; N, C. Fraser, 55s D un, G. L. Murdoch, NHA 3% Koies arranged ' 11--Business Opportunities ne |For SALE or lease -- Modern new 6--Optometrists a [locations for druggist, hardware, vari @. 1 TUCK, RO, optometrist, Please ety, restaurant, barber and hairdress pa ts at downtown Dominion er, laundermat, second hand furniture, Bank or 74 Burk Street, Invallds ex. professional offices, For any other ar d at home, Dial RA 5-4587, business, Loads of parking, Please con. tact RA 56902 or MO 8.5955. r, dar HARD BLACK, Dr, of Optom _-- -- otry examination of eyes, nontact | FISHING and Hunting camps, Tesorts, lenses, 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), lodges, lakeshore land for develop: evenings by appointment, RA 3.4101, ment, restaurants, service stations, -- stores, in booming Kawartha Lakes -- district Write for free picture listing 7 -Surveyors atm -- --_ |folio, Bowes and Cocks Limited, Real. DONALD MW, TROLLOPE, Ontario tors, Peterborough, Riverside 2-4234, Land Irveyor, Ea RA 5.6801 DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On. tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue 12 Bloor Street East. RA| printing, G. T. HORTON and J t o Land Surveyors, Pr aeering, 306 Dundas Street Whitt wy, MO 8:5001, Ajax 728, 8---Building Trades AULT DOZING and ing. Dial MO § Free estima aylor Wro. thers, Hillcourt Whitby, building gh, chimneys, fireplaces, side. ops. RA 8-0394, Gordon May. | ALL 216 Adelaide Avenue ~ 14--Household Repairs PAINTING and @ecorating, Free esti mates, work guaranteed. RA 3.7742 CALL JOE, RA 8.6444 for carpentry, painting and handyman, Work guaran PAINTER and paper nanger, interior and exterior and plastering, Free esti: mates. RA 82244, URNITURK repaired and re-uphols tered. See our materials for re-cover- ing. Bruce R, Dalton, 75 Charles Street, RA 3.7213. YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim. neys bullt and repaired, gas linings 'nstalled, furnaces Yavuumned. Free estimates, RA 3 Al PAINTING DECORATING DY | ere inte oxi PART TIME BUSINESS Person to operate a very pros fitable ball point pen distrie bution in their spare time, No selling =~ No soliciting Only 3 to 4 hours required weekly to service automatic dispensers located in hotels, stores, restaurants, etc. No experience necessary. $3,000 to $5,000 cash required for ALL %inds of bulding and repairs, equipment and stock, Write kitchen ¢ phoards, recreation rooms, | in confidence to: Norwest ag bi he RA ud. Block werk. | Industries, 339 Maclaren St., id hii Ottawa, Ontario GARAGES 12--Dressmaking EXHIBITION SPECIAL rth and alterations, RA FF | 8-8862 O [13--Gardening & Supplies COLONIAL HOMES FLAGSTONE for patios, sidewalks and 134 SIMCOE ST. S RA 8.4614 dry walls, §15 per ton |ANY kina of garden work by expert, RA 5.7519, RA 81524 easonable rates CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholstering, 92644 Simcoe Street North, Call RA 85-6451 for a free estimate, CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, Ske new, Why pay more? Our rates nable, Satisfaction guaran toed, Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa holstery Co,, 10 Bond Street We RA 5.0311, PLUMBING and heating pipes, fit. tings, fixtures, new and used, chang. ing from septic tank to sewer a spe: clalty, Installations at reasonable rates, Information and estimates free on any type of plumbing. Dial RA 5.4241. J Foley. FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE H. M, Mackie Co, Ltd RA 5-5954 Cleanout Service-- $7 labor plus parts recovered, DODD & SOUTER | PAINT--WALLPAPER | NTI & DECORATING CONTRACTORS ee estimates call | DAYS MO 8.5231 | EVENINGS RA 5.7426 | 107 Byron St. S., Whitby | CLIFF BROWN | GRAVEL & SAND | LOAM Pre apt Pelivery RA €.8951 BUILDIRS Cer tied bathraom sup ¢ ard tied coripiere with tour fittings Large ¢ rarge. 90¢ sq. ft 358 tradesman. Phone "RA 8-1177 W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE | SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563--MO 8.3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. Ww. PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO DURA STEPS | CURBING WELL TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED OLiver.5-3311 | P.O. BOX 329 | | For complete garden serv- ice and maintaining --= sodding and fall planting. Call RA 8-6366 OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING SERVICES Weed treated, field nursery, sod, top soil, gravel, sand, fill, Complete service. Weed control. Free estimates. ED KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 BY OSHAWA G.\RDEN SERVICE LANDSCAPING Specializing in fall seeding and planting RA 3.3222 COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE Gardens ploughed, disced landscaping, wood cut, trees removed (8 RA 8.1798 | CALL GRANT FOR SOD FINEST QUALITY REASONABLE RATE> MO 8-3015 34 Flowering and Tropical Foliage Plants, We still have a goed selection of plant boxes, Evergreens, shade trees ond potted roses, ete, IRA 3 15--Instruction NO. Classical and popular, for in a Patricla Tuck, 74 Dial 8-451. formation contact Burk Street, Oshawa. PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, 16 years' sxDeriencs, by interview only. Act now 5-1084, LILLIAN Mae Marsh Dancing School, Ballet, Tap, Baton, Acrobatic, pre school, Registration: Saturday morn. ing, Sept. 10, Masonic Temple. RA 37283, LEARN TO DRIVE At' the Oshawa Driving School Licensed by the Police Commission Fully trained instructors Standard, Automatic cars RA 8-0091 16--Insurance : ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent, six months to pay, For rsonal service at your home, call A 5.7413, 17--Money To Loan FIRST and agreements purchased and nick and Reoniek, Barristers, 31 King Street East. RA 3.7233, CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort. ©, Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased. NHA mortgage arranged Jreignian, Fraser, Drynan and Mur. loch, CLIENTS' mon available "Yor "first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements of sale purchased Apply M, F, Swartz, Barrister and No- ary Fulite, 2% King East, Oshawa. | HAVE clients' a for loans on first and second mortgages and also purchase of mortgages and agreements of sale. Louis §. Hyman, , 37 King Street East, Oshawa, RA MONEY TO LOAN Monies for all types of mort Zz VAN BELLE GARDENS 2 Mj es East of Oshawa MA 3.5757 BOWMANVILLE (OPEN EVENINGS) | gages; for first and second | mortgages on oll types of real estate including vacant lands; short term mortgage for builders; first and second .mortgages and ogreements for sale purchased Apply M. Swartz, 26}4 King Street East, Oshawa. Telephone RA 3.4697 \ single Radess AC 2.13 all MONEY TO LOAN $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for immediate loon on First and Second Mortgoges, Agree ments for Sale, on vacant and improved property, residen- tial and industriol city, sub- urban end country, and Sum- mer cottoges Summerland Securities Lim- ited, 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone RA 5-3568, 19--Personal WANTED ~ ride to Nova Scotia, Tele- phone RA 50112. WAGARS Driving Se 1001 Gi ment licence, fully sured. Sen con. trols, Call evenings. RA RIDERS wanted, = leave Monday to Friday, 7 a.m, for Toronto, Phone RA 5-6160 22--Radio Repairs 35--Employment Wanted TV TOWERS 40-ft, self supporting tower, Hot dip galvanized, No paint, Complete with new Wave Master all-chonnel antenna, Total price, installed ond guaranteed for yeor, $59.95. TV Enterprises 253 Drew St. RA 3-3553 OUNG lady with good experience, re- x housework, live is, 288 Maron after 2 p.m, MANAGESESS in large baking ping to Oshawa August 1. woud store, cashier or cir potion, Had years of super. lence. San supply best Write Box 11, wa Times, YOUNG German woman would ke housework, by the day. Call RA 80116 after 5 p.m. children, 3 years om, | Big Tog LL ld Day or Night OSHAWA ELECTRONICS RA 8-5286 FULLY GUARANTEED TV. -- RADIO -- HI-FI WOULD anyone knowing the where abouts of John Maga, please communi. cate by phoning EM 30718 in Toronto. MOTORING to California around Aug. ust 20, Room for one passenger Phone | RA 3.3007 PASSENGER would like ride fo Bear boro, arriving at 8.15 a.m. Kindly eall RA 8.0272, | for Prince Edward| Can accommodate five| Phone CAR leaving Island, Friday, passengers, Good sober driver RA 5.8158 RIDERS WANTED ~ Monday - Friday, 8 a.m starting August 15. Route bypass to Weston Road cut-off, '59 Pontiac leaves for Toronto, 401 Toronto MO RAPY relieves nervous) tension permanently. You learn to re. Inx, sleep better, gain confidences, | This dynamic therapy can help you with emotional problems, free you| from bad habits, Initial consultations free. Institute of Ethical Hypnos, 11 Ontario Street, . Oshawa, RA 0171, ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair. Marie Murduff will be In Oshawa, Aug. 30th and 31st, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment, PARTS AND SERVICE Siok Help Wanted want durine day, a my uring ossiyin Pista. Phone BA|ROOM or room and ses own cement mixer Suite 1, Lands WOMAN wanted fo look after hres |German poy 81 Park Rod gone. Shopping , North Simeoe.| 5pq ren, two sch ogl four days |South, FOUR _- room pix in College Hil week, 8.30 to 4.30, Duke of Edin-|NEAR South GM, and Gowniown, area, $05 per RA 80569. burgh School. Call between 7-9 p.m. BA |gcotch home, good meals, a packed, single beds, five day weeks SMALL Tuithed Seo lose i rr Parking entr y EXPERIENCED waitress, full or Rar: |Roaa South, v to tows and hospital, 4 Avoly ly Ritson RA 5.0128, 43--Wanted To Rent TV. RADIO SERVICE $10 Allowance for your old Picture Tube TOWERS 5 different types to choose from. All heavy galvanized 16-gouge steel Installed with a 2-year warranty, Antennas moved , . $10.00 len & Lou's TV|ia | RA 8-5804 or RA 5-7844 FREE SURVEY 43--Women" s Column SPECIAL! Heat purmanents, $8.50, Cold wave $6.00, Page Wairdressing, 396 Pine Avenue, RA 5-536: FULLY ed, Telephone RA 65-8375, 925 WEEKLY plus private room with Sonveniences, in exchange for house. Keeping TY for Jrisiasy couple with en, RA 3 now for Xiu "widow, § housekeeper for widower and two enidren, No objection to two children Confidential particulars to Box 13, Osh- awa Times WOMAN to care for baby while mother works, Jve days a week, RA 85-0804 after prided wanted, ply Rose-Bowl Grill, West. WOMAN as sssistant cook, with cook: ing experience, Must be dependable and, have good character references Mond. position. No late night work. Ap tel ster, ( Oshaw ; 0 r cook, Also waitres some experience. Apply In person, David's Drive-In Restaurant, Whitby TT rAneriencea, Ap 24 Bond Street TARY-ASSISTANT for denta) hy and bookkeeping tiaining MO SE: offi 24--Market Basket CORN for sale, ac, your own, Carrots, 75c per bushel, Spanish onions, Be. each, Bring con. tainers, W, Eymann, % mile east of Nicholl's Garage, Courtice. Go north to first corner, Ir dozen, Plek 21--Personal Service HAY fever sulfers! Inquire about Wie Puritron machine at Oshawa, Beauly Supply Wholesale, 15 King Street East LAWN mower and outboard motor re: pair and sharpening service, Rossland Sports Centre, 62 Rossland Road West, 3 7462 or RA » 1734, TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish and chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER --RA 5 -3887 LAWNMOWER & ENGINE SALES & SERVICE Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Til- lers. Used Engines Bought ond Sold. Authorized Clinton, Lauson Power Products, Pin. dor Service. 81 Central Park Blvd. 5S. Phone RA 5- 4633. C AND C HOBBY SHOP | NOW OPEN AT 16 BOND ST, N. Complete line of Hobby Croft for all ages, | 8-3631 |22----Radio Rep |Tv, 0, car repairs. makes. Thompson ectronics, 187 El lott Avenue, RA 3.9792 (Fred) rn OUR SERVICE CALL |25--Pets & Livestock HOARDING, trimming, bathing. ution: ing. Waubena Kennels, RA 5-6. ENGLISH bulldog pup, ha NE even months old, Apply 357 Lakeshore oud Oshawa ED wire haired fox terrier mpion stock, Papers sup. 1p plied, "A 5 2835 FOR SALE ~-- saddle horse, 16 hands high, well mannered, Any r rgonable offer accepted. Phone OL 35-3050, BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready "for training, talking strain, Apply Mrs, Broad, 114 Elgin Street Kast, is necessa: Applicant should have » Pleasant ARAL end like to meet he public, Good salary and other Lene. Hi available to right party. Applizant should have at least a junior matricula tion or its equivalent. Apply by type. written er, stating qualifications, to Box 7, WOMAN between 5 with experi. ence in general office routine, includ. ing typing, banking and bookkeeping experience - helpful, Apply in writing, giving full particulars to Box 250, Osh. awa P, Ul replies held in confidence, 30, | quires six + (drapes and adequate parking. strict |6, storey house by goversment T™WO ig adults, teenage tine, Write Mr, » 44 Leopold St, Toronto, Toronto. URGENTLY needed, family of four re- room home, two storeys Phone RA 3.2042. WANTED ~-- three - room, sell-contain- ed ground floor apartment, by quiet couple, abstainers, November 1. Write Box 8, Oshawa Times. "Comfortable bed-siiting room, near King East at Ritson, rea. sonable, Please phone RA 8.5677. 44---Houses, Apts., Flots For Rent TWO - bedroom apartments, $03 per month, features stove, refrigerator, lockers, washers, dryers, in North Oshawa, Call Pat Patterson at ia 8.4651. of Douglas L. Gower, Real tate, RAN ~ two - room and four- room, self-contained, private baths, kitchens with sinks and cupboards, Im- Mediate possession, RA 56184 or RA 5-7423, APARTMENT -- four rooms, 1903 King East, Ground floor, $50, Posses- sion Sept 1, Adults. L, Hancozk, RA 5-1708, NE FOUR - room, self - contained rt Ap Apply 300 Monash Avenue, . | 3-4788, Street, LARGE furnished room, Hess Rowltal use of garage, avail HA i. RA 59085. SINGLE rooms, gentiemen only, Apply lina Street, 135 Ce! APARTMENT for working couple. ab stainers, 162 Harmony North, RA 34671 after 6 pom. TWO - room furnished contained, one child welcomed, Avail |5 able now. 378 King West. aad toom Spastmant, close | ig VE furnished rooms, avail only. | shle i rive ome 82 Park Rod North, 57 p.m, NEWLY decorated, in pase, bed. Road | oom with kitchen, all conv Private entrance. One minute from apartment, self. SODDINg eentre, 36 Fernhill Biva, RA ONE lovely furnished room, rT gentler Apply 444 Fernhill) snore, vd, Phvate home, Blvd. iy equipped, Wentworth Street, LARGE two - ound floor, , wil r phone RA h S Cole oF dintrict $95 month. AP Td -- four rooms, heats heavy duty, private entrance and bath, i basement apariment,|TV antenna and parking, Phone RA 8-5725, tion to buy, M0 858 low down payment, Phone RA 56338, THREE unfurnished nervy" + private FIVE - room apartment, built in cup-|Path and entrance, avy wiring, boards, oil furnace, separate entrance, jails, Suit couple, Gib Street, garage, close to Oshawa, COMax|BA 34274, 32004, Eavon furmimed light Jousgkes -- th 00m, lady preferred, Near Say Modem om | igh " school and hospital, Absiataers, please. Phone 3 easy terms, MO 8-565 or MO 8.5768. ONE furnished room, ith ih home privi- piv: T™WO0 furnished 1 rooms, and |leges, ten minutes wal rom Kitchen, refrigerator," builtin GM. Phone RA 3-2408. and sink, all conveniences. Apply 887 Ritson Road South, REE - room furnished b t FULLY equipped, room, suit Ne girl, central, or apply 58 N Street, large housekeeping RA 579023 artment, Oct, 1, all conveniences. y be seen at 237 Cadillac South anytime, TWO partly furnished housekee Teoma, couple preferred. Apply 48 treet, TWO - room furnished basement apart. ment, refrigerator, stove, built-in cup. boards, separate bathroom and show- RA 5-3486, ment, heated, hot water sypplied, 0: tric range, newly decorated, downtown |THREE . room self-contained apart location, mutable for couple, Roast. me , utilities paid, parking. RA 8-6108, able ren I HA 3-3611 between 9 and 6. RA 5 101% after ND floor, two unfurnish For Fur Store Some office experience, also to assist in selling. Phone Thursday 11 A.M. for inter- view Thursday afternoon, RA 3- 7921 26--Farmer's Column DEAD farm stock Ploked up "promptly. Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2721, {Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, WANTED -- immediately, good used two row corn planter with fertilizer attachments, any make, Will pay top cash price. Phone OL 5-3019 MOTHERS Does your budget fall short of your needs? You can earn that extra needed in- come by working a few hours a day, representing Avon Cosmetics in your spare time. Coll LE 6-0627 collect for 27 Fuel & Wood DIY hardwood ends, suitable blo for naces, stoves, fireplaces, ete, # large load delivered, Phone RA 8.0818. 28---Summer Properties LAKE DALYRMPLE cottage for rent for Labor Day weckend and all Sep: tember, 'Dial RA 5.1241, PORT PERRY ~Lake Scugog lake: front cottage, private, three bedrooms with flush toilet, fully equipped, YU 52214, Saturday to Wednesday, FIVE.room cottage, all conveniences, safe beach, boat, available for Septem. ber, Fox's Beach, Lake Dalrymple, RA B+ | MARJACK LODGE STURGEON LAKE Fishing, ewimming, etc, friendly atmosphere, abune INCLUDES ALL THOSE | |. EXTRAS | 1 « Same day service 2 « All tubes checked 3 . . . Picture tube cleaned 4 « Tuner cleaned, if needed Complete set-up . 3 months guarantee DO IT NOW Beautify Your Home Improve Picture Quality HAVE A TOWER ow dant home cooked meals. Special rates for children, Thurstonia 'Park, P.Q., Duns. ford 25R24 COTTAGES, camps, homes, acreage in beautiful Kawartha Lakes district, HH miles northeast Toronto, For free list. ing folio, write Bowes and Cocks Lim. ited, Realtors, Peterborough, Riverside 2-424, 28a--Trailers FOR Tent trailer by week $35 accomodates six people. Phone MA Articles For Rent R "camping equipment Te. re. quirements from the Hilltop. Special rates for month of August. RA 8.6801, Call us for ao free estimate. TRIO. 32--Articl Wanted WILL pay 82 to 830 for silver dollars, 1938, '45, "46, Phone RA 5.5227, adian 47, '48, '88 TELEVISION RA 8.6781 oa 171 BOND ST. EAST ON FAMOUS SAMPSON TV TOWERS 40-ft. tower structure ' with channel head. $59.95 com» pletely installed and guarar « teed | year, RA 8-8180 OSHAWA TV 361 GIBBONS ST. | 18a--Mortgages FIRST mortgage money wanted on six: room brick house, in downtown Osh. lo awa, Will pay good interest rates. Call! or write Frank Hazlett, 3005 Bathurst] __ Street, Toronto 19. Phone RA 3.1733 or evenings RU 7.9087. | SPECIAL | WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Want cars for wrecking, also scrap iron and metals, etc, bought, Open Saturday all day. Phone RA 5-2311 = 89 BLOOR E. CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD IRONS--METALS PAPER--RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE -- RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET iT 8a--Mortgages MORT GCACE MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Ist and 2nd MORTGAGE LOANS LOW MONTHL Y PAYMENTS CURRENT RATES ALLIED INVESTMENTS CO. I KING ST, E. RA 3:3993 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers' Association more information, bedroom, heated apartment, centr private entrance and bathrooms, heavy wiring, TV outlet, 340 Albert Street, RA 8.8176 evenings. STORE for rent -- Main Street, established barbershop, central cated, suitable for other small business, Phone RA 3.4343 after 5 p.m BACHELOR apartment, "Tari heavy-duty stove, refrigerator, APARTMENT, nice, three rooms, seli- heated, ith LARGE front bedroom, furnished, also housekeeping room; ground floor, use of telephone, parking. RA 340, ONE, large, furnished, housekeeping room, with refrigerator, for one or twe gentlemen. Apply 313 French Street. BEDROOM, suitable for iady (en het or nurse, May sitting room Kitchen, part board if desired. Phone 3-9676_ evenings. -¥, furnished 1 room m for two gente: men to share. RA 8-3029, to Soul GM, now: 'TA "53700. bi Avail. 45--Real Estate For Sale ASE home near south plant and shopping, to middle age couple for full care of boys, 8 and 12, religion and particulars to Box 12 Oshawa Times. FURNISHED two - room basement a artment, linen, dishes, sink, clean aca Mig di sion, parking. RA THREE - room furnished suitable for quiet couple, riment, mi all conven- BRICK , three fairly central, north district. Private sale. Apply Box 847 Oshawa Times. LARGE lot, 358' frontage by 100° depth, in well built up ror dential sec Hoa, Suitable for church or club ng. RA 3-4434, 316 Leslie Street. bro Lin bedroom bungalow, $1000 down, full price $12,600, very small payments, NHA mortgage; hoagie 1 decoration, si TWO-bedroom upper apartment, com- pletely separate, central, 52 Cha south of Oshawa Clinic, available im. mediately, Protestant adults. RA 5.0846, DOWNSTAIRS four - room, self-contain- ed apartment, wish fireplace and base. ment. RA 5.9101, FURNISHED artment, three rooms and bath, lights, continuous hot t, private entrance, TV outlet, immediately, couple prefer. water, JEWELLERY SALESGIRL REQUIRED Experienced preferred but not necessary, permanent position, Apply between 10 am, and 5 pm, to Burns Credit Jewellers Ltd., 32 King St. W SALESLADY for Exclusive Sportswear Shop Experienced in selling sport. weor desirable. Good appear» once ond references essential, Saary in accordance with ability to sell. Apply in pers son, SEIGNEUR'S Oshawa wa Shopping Centre FEMALE CLERK WANTED For immediate employ- ment. Must have exper- ience in typing, collection of accounts and general office procedure. Apply in writing, giving full partic- ulars to BOX 14, Oshawa Times EARN EXTRA MONEY Agents, Clubs, etc, Sell Canada's finest Xmas cards, Novelties, etc. Over 250 items includnig Deluxe, Religious, Velvet, Chrome, Everyday and Personal cards, Wraps, Ribbons, Toys, Books, Dolls and Jewelry. Many Gift items, Prompt Service. For colored catalogue and samples on approval, write W. V. Jeandron Greeting Card Co, 1253 King St. E, Hamilton, Ont. 37--Male Help Wanted CAN use two men at once. Ne Sper. eNCO NEeCOsSArY, Averay hour, Phone Watkins Quality yg RA 8.2383 REAL ESTATE wn San wanted at once, good © W. MeAuley, Realtor, 26 Prince Strest, RA 3.2512 or MO a 5768. LOOKING ¢ rber, good wa paid holidays, . Plaza Borber Shop. X King Street East beside Plaza WATER for beverage room, clean cut, courteous man, with good character references. Apply Hotel Lancaster, Oshawa, NOY wanted for full time store work, Apply 272 King Street E Last 38--Male or Female Help| Wanted NATIONAL manufacturing company opening branch in Oshawa requires 12 meh Immediately Also three ladies {rly Hotel Genosha Wednesday, Sept, 1, 7 pm, Ask ASR tor Mr. McKay 41--Room & Board COMFORTABLE large room in widow's home, for two girls to share, single BA ST to bus and shopping centre. ROOMS for 1 Phone A 080. ROOM and board for young gentle: men, willing to share large bedroom. ood ®, separate beds, good food Al sired. lege, central. Apply 51 Col RA §-7Te87, red. 271 Drew Street. FOUR - room apartment, two bed: rooms, private bath and entrance, heavy duty wiring, stainless steel sink. Adults, one child. RA 8-1723. FOUR - room apartment, ground floor, all conveniences, couple preferred will consider small baby, Apply 459 Ritson Road South, TWO rooms, for rent, in quiet home, for elderly lady, or quiet couple, res- sonable rent, Phone RA 3-239, ONE - bedroom basement apartment, all conveniences, refrigerator and stove. Available Sept. 1, North, Apt, 2, RA 8-2134, THREE rooms and bath, pri trance at 223 Albert Street, avi Sent 1. Apply 504 French Street, 3.2578. FREE 2 WEEKS RENT Modern one-bedroom apart ment, $85. 105 Craydon Rd. call, MO 8-4770 APPLICATIONS FOR LOW RENTAL APARTMENTS at HALLIDAY MANOR 620 RICHMOND ST. EAST are invited from married couples with incomes not ex- ceeding $1,800.00 per an- num, Full particulars can be se- cured at WELFARE DEPART- MENT, CITY HALL, 1 RA ences, a Fy 3777 or 630 King Strect West. AP torm wins doors, screens, See anytime, MO rtrd THREE - room apartment, near Shop- ping Centre, bus stop, parking space, immediate possession, RA 5-6106 or RA 3.7534 TWO - room apartment with path; ground Joo private entrance, heat and facilities, RA 5 . ™ room, unfurnighed apartment, ance and Vath, and park. no children, available Park Road South, APARTMENT ~-- {three - room, base: ment, Heavy wiring, Suphoards, suit couple, child, 2: THREE - room un two - Toom Its. 72 Cadillac South, tm furnished THREE - room apartment, heavy duty wiring, cupboards in the kitchen, bath. room, large hall, Apply 164 Grenfell oe | Street, close to Shopping Centre or phone RA 8-5053 .|SIMCOE Street South, third floor, fur- nished apartment, vacant August 1, for one or r two a 2, FOUR - room couple with one or two children, self: contained. Apply 137 Blvd, N.H.A. RESALE Meadowerest Subdivision, Brooklin, 3 bedroom ranch type brick bungalow, $87 monthly includes principal, interest ond taxes, $1650 down, full price $11,825, 39 Ferguson Ave,, OL 5-4485, Two modern three bedroom bungalows one year old, one with garage, on water and sewer, close to four ccrn- ers. Price $12,400 and $11,600. Will accept half cash. MO 8-5366. MODERN electrically equipped, two. bedroom apartment, 111 Craydon Road, Whitby, Mi 33229. LARGE light room Business AR preferred. Near High School and Hospital. Abstamners, please, Phone RA 3.9348, UPPER duplex, completely separate, 52 Charles, central, south of Oshawa. Clinic, five rooms, sunpoarch., Avail able now. Prostestnt and adults. RA 5.0846, heated, RA STORE or business office, parking: good central location. 5-5380. Evenings, RA 8.4646 M pti couple or two girls, share furnished apartment, references. Apply 195 Simcoe Street South, opposite YWCA, Free parking. THREE room apartment , clon to hus, $60 monthly, heat, ight: water in clot Available "Sant 1 aa: Picts RA 8-0301, APARTMENT Large two bedroom apart. ment, in apartment building, kitchen equipped, Sirncoe St. , $100 monthly. RA 5-3302 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT Four blocks north of King Street at Lansdowne Drive, large living and dining room, stove and fridge, sound-proof building. Immediate posses. sion GOWER--REALTOR RA 8-4651 OFFICE SPACE WITH PARKING LOT. 2-4-6-ROOM ' UNITS. CENTRAL LOCATION. Phone: DICK BRADLEY RA 8-1296 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator = service, New building. 'Centrally lo- cated in downtown area, Moderate rent. Leases now available, THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 4a--Rooms | For Rent LOVELY furnished room, go man, private home, Apply a ¥orahili Blovd,, or phone RA 3.7070. SINGLE rooms, newly furnished, clean, contral, RA 8-0852 or 74 Oshawa Blvd, South TWO furnished light 1} housekeeping rooms, convenient, in Christian home, abstainers only. Phone RA 88864, §11 WEEKLY, two furnishea rooms, cooking privileges, also single room, central, 180 Bruce Street between 4&5 p.m, LARGE front room, heat, nydro, bath, at 271 Jarvis Streef, Apply 106 William Street West, Phone RA 5-8384. CLEAN, furnished room, parking s ace, Shatuiners only. 106 Elgin East. RA 3 5 LARGE attic room, twin bods, spring. fillgd mattresses: garage: cooking priv tleges, quiet district, Apply ii Bic or phone RA 8-450, ATTRACTIVE bed - sitting room and Kitchen, completely furnished, close to only. and AS 3002. suit one or two, girls only. LARGE furnished housekeeping room, semi-private, entrance reasonable, Ap- ply 99 Brock W SINGLE furnished room, use of Kit. chen and washing TAGhlng) clean, quiet home, central, 8150. THREE 1% keeping, sink, CUPDORON, no children Apply 550 Drew Street after 8 p.m. THREE rooms unfurnished on Rison South, suitable for flat -- central to school, bus and shopping. Phone RA 5.4614 after 4. KITCHEN and bedroom, furnished, Suit one or two gentlemen. Close to Shopping Centre. 63 Grenfell Street. CLEAN single room, also double room, twin beds, for refined gentlemen, Very Sra) parking. 114 Elgin East. RA BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 2-bedroom Apartments, elec- trically equipped, best locas tion + $1G0. Apply 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 15; RA 8.8676. $795 DOWN FULL DOWN PAYMENT Brick Bungalow Aluminum Storms and Screens $55 Complete Carrying Includes. Interest, Principle and Taxes RA 5-8831 W. T.-LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD, LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER HILLSIDE HEIGHTS $1,000.00 DOWN Modern five room brick bune galow with many extras, ine cluding, water softener, coms pletely decorated, mural in living room. This home is in spotless condition, For ape pointment to see call Irwin Cruikshanks at RA 8-5123, REAL HOUSE VALUE $1,000.00 DOWN Very attractive 5 room bun- galow, Nicely decorated and landscaped. Many extras, in- cluding, water softener, fully automatic, aluminum stoims and screens. $88.00, princi- pal, interest and taxes at 6%. Owner moving out of the city. For more informa tion call Gerry Osborne, $11,900.00 Name your down payment on this five room brick bunga- low, just off Gibbons St. This home is very clean with many extras, including, aluminum storms and screens. Complete ely landscaped. To inspect call Jim Cruikshanks at RA 8.51238 TOP AREA Smart ranch bungalow with custom built recreation room, two bathrooms, natural stone fireplace. Paved driveway. Three good size bedrooms, double windows and screens, excellent buy for $3,000 down. Phone Bill Millar at RA 8.5123, LLOYD REALTY LTD. REALTORS RA 8-5123--RA 8.5124 RA 8.5125 101 SIMCOE ST, N. -- i

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