" . { Date of th elec L 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 22, 1960 ! 'Career 'Pick Candidate Se oie (®) re) umpe M servative member A. R, Hebert, For Byelection 5 oi sei heen se Jw : 'Followed COBALT, Ont, (CP)~The Tim. ~©# Taylor of Cobalt, p retired In Mental Wards | iskaming CCF Asworlation will raliway smployes, nl Zeest |French TV select its candidate for the forth- Dupuis, 8 foundry moulder eoming provincial byelection at foriver 5 ohals Sounetiar, have 7 : ; ir . New Liskeard, 50 miles south of indicated they will se | W Ligon igh ne Atisitin to thelr physical . By Jousrelte Villeneuve Kirkland Lake, Sept, 1. nomination, | NEW ~One iS: +.» | Canad ress Corresponde - ------ (tragedies of the mental hospithl yoy Ang SANE PARIS (CP) ~ Jean - Paull system in the United Blates 18 "yy, wiligm ¥, Sheeley, APA Fugere and the CBC's French-| MEER au fe ONE... will be admitiad to thi (heat: that thousands of old folks BT€ oroject chief, says; language television network have alter the SMe of wach performance ol PSYCHO ng Avmped ip puvehiastic "The community is settling Much in common wards along with the Chromic 0 pore and more senile persons| Both broke into TV at the same / TO-DAY ATs sane, into psychiatric wards formerly time~1952, In the years since Liv In werd after ward at three ysed only by younger mentally both have gained considerable J huge public mental insfitutions, iii patients, Most of them simply experience, 4:25 I saw gentle, mild-mannered old peed an old folks' home, | Now a prominent producer on 6:50 people--apparently normal ex: "We must begin a ruthless the French-language service, Mr, 1] 9:15 H cept for minor eccentricities-- pruning job, We must return to Fugere said in an interview dur- sitting in meek resignationithe community those persons|ing a visit to Paris: among babbling schizophrenics who are not really treatable and! "When television staried in 13 | is [| 1] and brooding manic depressives.|those who are not really (ment- Canada in 1952 no one, except for| Many of them are simply old, ally) ill." a few rare types who came from | . with no place else to go, no fam-| Several states, spurred by athe films, knew how to run things Ainaonn | Yina | onit fly willing to give them shelter combination of humanitarian mo-| With all those cameras "" vo § iy and sire At the time the public ae and care for their simple needs, tives and a desire to save lax cepted the elementary produc: ome of them have had a mild |[Money, are taking active steps e were foree ese Psion or their minds are cop./'0 weed deny non-mental cases iy red PF odey {fused by the effects of senility, Out of state mental hospitals, |i i wo yonger possible to produce {But do they belong in & mental] The money-saving factor re-|p.,ovams so naively because the linstitution? sults from the fact that oldsters public has become demanding," | "The usual pattern in this confined in a state mental hos-|" p ' {country seems to be for elderly pital cannot qualify for a federal ACTING CAREER 2 . 4 4 patients, showing symploms of |0Md-age pension Jontrenbborm Fugere. father | 5. a / delusional thinking, to come into] However, if they are (rank-|oeior in. ihe live theatre. Hel ------------ m-- 4 of wr | 5 Y ae "4 {a mental hospital and remain|ferred to a nursing home they plays down his beginning in TV {until they die," says the Amer- become entitled to federal old-|" «| yiarted this new adventure ARNING T0 DANCE is SEVEN YOUTHS DIE IN CRASH iiean Psychiatric Association age heats and hus the sate. | with the title of stage manager,' ' : : i inn: { am 5 A ; . ry |JOurnal, instead of paying for the care of he vecalls, "Then one time the ' State trooper with camera | South Hero about 3 am, Sun- | seventh died in hospital less | way accident in Vermont's "Many (old) people are now old folks in a state hospital, can| manpower shortage was so had | A! THUR MURRAY Ss amines wrecked auto that | day. Car ran off Route 2 and | than two hours later. It was | history, / 4 i ] ' Carried seven youths from | skidded into large maple tree, be lived io the worst high ! : being classified as psychotic who Sul Sari 2 lhe burden to the they offered me a job as pro t . Six youths were dead at scene, | 4 &. AP Wirephoto |actually need nothing more than al government, neer, ? Winooski, Vt,, to thelr death in | Bix youths -- y - - meee | DF, Leo Bartemier, medical di. He considers TV so far has | . g rector at Seton Psychiatric Insti: not developed, many Canadian All st d, tution in Baltimore, Md,, says: Writers, though the situation is| yi vdents are : Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Bay Peewees | Bages Sermon | ume blob si 10 oe pares 1 the aged to our mental hospitals| oeoviding a steady market forl . ve th al parties fo Give them extra poise ' » ° . . create a staggering problem," » dramatic writer Zion V 1s1tors Win Round LL " | Forty per cent of all patients "fy ters owed Ys after a tour | 2 . n a cony admitted to mental hospitals in|of European TV studios and pro-| 4 confidence and Person, lity a ------ By MRS, KE. FERTILE {the United States are more than duction centres, Fugere says he By ALLAN FISHER and Ross, Mrs, F, B. Glaspell ve RE NC Ba A y '8 BAY {60 youts old Md per cent are was impressed by the relaxed | ZION -- Mr, and Mrs, H. Stew-|visited M.r and Mrs. G. Hiliz in Frenchman's Bay Peewees won I 'N >. man. p , more than 65, {pace at studios in France, More n, Misses Brenda and Valerie|their coitage at Williams Point, the first round of the OASA Play- NEW Yan BENSUAW olay one io Fhe adam Un te What this means, in terms of De was available for French and Donna Helerty were week-|Sunday downs when they defeated Green-| Cu 0 LF R a pay in Ve lives they human tragedy and expense to|TV, @&nd studios seemed busy end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.| Mr, and Mrs, G. Chamberlain, W00d B50 al the Bay Wednesday | oo "ries "aod is basienlly re- want, But when they actually he-|the taxpayers, is underscored by|only during the day in contrast| x Yes, learning to dance is really fun st James Stewart, Crystal Beach. !pella, Cindy and Kenny return. 2 "ng Keith Fertile held the|y.i0 "Grama. says Rev, Wil-|come what they want to be they ® simple statistic; 84 per cent of|to round-the-clock activity In| Arthur Murray's because you get 8 Mr, and Mrs, H, Dart and Ken, led Thursday after visiting friends Greenwood team to one hit and io Bell Glenesk can't stand the responsibility that all mental patients over 65 will Montreal : | | i hi Mr. and Mrs, 8, Maybury, 8car-/in Lee, Massachusetts walked only one, Young Fertile And as such It's worth consid. goes with it," ; iremain in hospital until they die, He conceded a certain Ap) Sante to pract co wv ile you learn at borough, visited Mr, and Mrs, N.| Mr, and Mrs, C. Michell, To "#5 the star of the game getting| ering its message in church "The symposiums are part of ki | preciation tor the Jotsurely bo our special studio parties! You'll meet Potter at their cottage. Floral ronto. Mr, and-Mrs. D. Mitehell ax home runs wo dowbles and a Mr. Glenesk, 33-year-old nhtive hat Pastor Glenesk calls "load: | ANY BODY'S GUESS | fone wer here, Bui | By iid new people, make new friends, gain ark. Lake Couchiching Sunday. Orillia, visitec ork ecen 316, B go s fo at bat. lof Toronto, has been putting his bac | ow many of these ol 8 4 bo y y : i Mr. and Mrs, H ot Iy I IR. Perking recent: |p ior' Everett was a close run neliel to the test: in Jutting sia "Truth is: arrived at in a per.|ave Wr ny. Bt Tes old lok, Canada and jump back into ©, poise and self-confidence, too, So vent to Lake Simcoe, Sun! ap ond Mrs. A. Fisher visited! up with five home runs, a|church-theatre symposiums at his| son.to-person relationship around|ness and how many are merely {Hie i Py OL preparing lor 4 come In now and put some fun in triple, a double and a single and Spencer Memorial Presbyterian|s table," he says. "There is noicustodial cases--~dumped into the | eee ---- your life by dancing. Studios are open I pm, = 10. p.m. daily for visitors, Mr, and Mrs. George Leach p 4 ' ung | Chu Miss Laurie and Marla arinchester. Sunday B one walk to count for nine rung, [Church in Brooklyn such feedback in church, There hospital as the cheapest and on attended Cheryl Anne : In all, the Bay tallied 17 home| The pastor bases his sermon the minister speaks with author-| easiest way out---is bvhody's| Fi h S d |Fish duggeste V ' i g / y birthday party in Osh Ir, and Mi N. Leach visited rung, six in the final inning on a show currently playing ity and no one speaks back guess Mr, and Mrs. R. Robbins, Bow They expect to meet tiffer across the bridge in Manhattan Monday afternoon m le, 8 ) f oh "Jesus did the same thing. Hel Dr. Winfred Overholster, 'F S 1 d id Mrs. W. Cameron, Mr Hany i ndgy : oppo Hon nex Jound when they and ln be 0 Se play bar to was always thrusting questions iongtime red Ovaitiol st hi or a a 4 J. Cameron and family - i arilyn Glaspe I is hol Meal Nor ) Yor h ha Hirst HAA eal implications with the congre. back to (he people who came (oi federal government's St Eliza! OTTAWA (CP) -- Fish fillets ARTH uU ie MM uU RR were on a plenle in Peter pin By Says with h oy a Wi %, at Kin aye Park. gation . Him wanting law {beth"s mental hospital in Wash- can be added to the list of AY on Sunday. _ . iainton| Mrs. W, Dymond, Cowansville, North York at 6.15, The Barker px CHANGE VIEWS ON SUNDAY PROGRAM |ington, told the writer: | delicious Jad ingredients, sax 11% SIMCOE ST, §, od family. Mr. and Mrs, K. Quebec, iy visiting this week with Trophy playoffs also start this|" gecently the visitor was Gray Glenesk's symposiums became There 1s no question that the io lcl Gone ment STUDIOS AIR.CONDITIONED tainton and family returned Mr. and Mrs, GG. Chamberlain week with the first game being son Hall, 'who plays a madam in part of the Sunday program atiold folks are increasing AMONG "0s oid using fat, and cook so home Saturday night from Lake Mr, and Mr H. Stewart visil- played in Toronto on Saturday|off.Broadway"s The Balcony, a Spencer Memorial Jast April but oul mental hospital patients. One that no hard outer crust is = rr---------- ren - ed Mr, and Mrs. D. Rowe, Amel. morning, August 20 highly allegorical work by the i was not until mid-summer that reason ls that our general pop formed when preparing for cold this week with Mr, R [lasburg, recently Coach Don Hopkins has work. Frenchman Jean Genet. The set the star was added to the dis: ulation is getting older and there dishes kins and Margaret were: Mi Mr, and Mrs. E. Down, Larry eq hard with these younsters over tng is a house of ill fame Susgi0n a Top jate now mare oid folks Recommended methods are and Mr I. Samson, Toronto; and Roger, Ebenezer, visitors af tl to i "| But neither the setting nor the The first visitor was Toronte| "More serious is the fact that| baking in a steam-tight covering Miss Faith Ann West, Owen P. W. Davidson's Saturday night ie past few years and this year|.. thy language of the play had actor Donald Herron of Broad: \we have a cliff-dwelling popula-| of aluminum foil, poaching and a and Mrs. Joe Collins, Miss Joan McMaster is holi. they have a very good chance lo|any role in the symposium, Tho way's The Tenth Man, whom tionwe live in apartments and|steaming : Whithv. and Mr, and Mrs. H,/daying at Mr, and Mrs, R, Glas: go right through and win the|topic for discussion was phil: | Glenesk first Jel as drama ed. row houses. So a slight disturb- | For hest results cook and chill . kins al pell's, Tyrone, this week an . |osophy, not sin {ltor of his college newspaper at ance hy an older person leads to as soon before serving as con. . iy Perkins, Montrea Ontario Softball Association. title ; i N the University of Toronto Add i ' fl Mrs. C. Moore wees | FOr more than an hour, Miss the ddd h complaints and the family re. venient, and bring out the flavor mn. Mrs, J, Smith have been Visiting a few days at Mr. and __ Halt ue ome 38 Churchgers| lanai, who came to Spencer acts by sending the offender off by a liberal use of salt and " Mrs. G, Chamberlain B Sh k {exchanged views about the mean-| Memorial from Toronto fivels, 5 mental hospital," emon juice, | Oi 00 : ho ratarnad on Saturday, Min Valerie Stewart 1a loliday Bitten Y ark, ing of the play over glasses of|years ago, has found that many| aid P ep ee -- - a OL Box-Office Open at 8:00---Show Starts at Dusk for a hog ure "s home in|ing this week with Miss Elaine iced toa and cookies, Then the people come to hear his sermons| EE --~*,€ stv night to Mrs, Moore's ho Iva, hh ai iy A k B 11 S | star had to hustle off for a mat-|and sit on the symposiums who " ' GIANT ALL CINEMASCOPE , \ Vander ot. Stirling ar had to hus ol a ma ! Oshawa | dndervout Ro ing nib SKS Da cores inee are nol even members of his ar ngs --e TODAY & TUESDAY Y ran BOTH IN. TICHRICOLOR ALL COLOR ACTION SHOW ON ARE VISITORS Scarborough. visited Mr, and| SEA GIRT, NJ. (AP)--A huge "Hell is real life, concluded | church - /. Fisher, Fielding, S¢ R al i p shark, carried on top of a wave katcnowad, Mr and Mrs, A. Fish Mr. J. Stainton visited Mr, R, (0 within 2 yards of land, a 'For Bears : OSHAWA'S LARGEST SCREEN ! tacked and badly wounded a man @® er were overnight visitors with| Jackson, Pari Sunday Sunday he #tood: ne " i Mr and Mrs. H, Webster, Little! Mrs. P. J. Roberts was on a eg ay » Ie hoot nee-deep 12 1T OIl 16 0 =) | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Some & i | MIGHTY DRAMA OF THE LAST GREAT BUTI ALO 1 Britain, Friday night, trip to Buffalo Saturday Rdg : grizely bears in Yellowstone Park ) | Mrs. W. Dart, Scarboro, Miss| Miss Brenda Stewart is holi-| The victim, John Brodeur, a 24 [now sport ear rings and tattoos,| ( 3 M-GM presents in CINEMASCOPE and COLOR | Ia yart, Westhill, Mrs, N, Pot-| 4 1 this ak th' Miss Su. year-old accountant, was in good | And it's ble tl poy " Janie Dart, ie at H. Dart's Sh, "Stirling, Ji . spirits In hospital where doctors nN or By i Jovivie ey ay Surry | HE LAS | HUNT = Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. K, Woods return.| operated in an effort to save his mon (®) All th rhil ther | "py 1 baglibikien Hight 10% Drie ven ers pry wood | | ROBERT TAYLOR ' STEWART GRANGER Mr. and Mrs. G, Davidson and ed home Saturday after two into their private lives, A EA BN had FE RRR MR Patti, Mrs. P, W, Davidson, visit week vacation in Winchester " 1 IN| ¥ PLUS: JET-AGE THRILLS! od Mr. Ben Hubbard, and Mr. and district { 3 : ose (Yr . rolling the big bruins are threatened h . snot] & lav a > Wee ant to k ter he ¢ two policewomen have formed lems, city patrolling and io | y H Sunday night turned Saturday after two week's wanted 0 kaow after he came snusual flying club speedy delivery to crime labora. With extinction iat { i iil - 3 Miss Joyce Fisher was a week: vacation at Sturgeon Lake, Long|out of the surgery anaesthetic an unus ying 3 3 | , y 4 of exhibits in criminal] Fewer than 1,000 grizelies sur od FG " RAY MILLAND JON + A OL h | 4 TRIED 4 Accept a FREE Vi hour trial lesson Miss Mina Fer Mr. Richard Line, Armprior, 1s Huson d staying at Mr, K, Stainton"s home "What's all the fuss about?" he : re 4 " " EDMONTON (CP) Nineteen feel that flying will be a big/ The National Geographic So- 1 asked. "It was only a fish he Xdmonton city policemen and help in assessing traffic prob: clety, explaining the prying, says and Mrs. H. Abbott, Burketon Mr, and Mrs, O. Knapp re! One of the first things Edmonton's flying law officers|tories on site Dei " was the scores of the day's base | gh) a Ol ith Miss Ana Beach BE Bowins. Rov. Vietor| ball games | {cases To date, police flying in/vive in the western United States| "= WARNER BROS. mcowooen HIGH Mrs, W, Fisher, Fielding, Sas: Bowins, left on Tuesday for their, The shark's bite sliced com 'Mathematician Gavada B09 largdly Suen dort lo) Where many Rous unds one . ep A WARWICK db ha , DDED y - katchewan, Mr. and Mrs A. home in Gainshorough, Saskat- pletely through one bone and Paes X Fiske isited Mr, and Mrs, R. chewan halfway through another in Bro Roya! Canadian Mounted Police. the high Rocky Mountains and v y y Adiah Mou hige, Wie AY ) | Announcing . . . Hockley, Uxbridge, Saturday Mrs, W. Fisher, Fielding, Sas. deur's lower leg Turns Down Money o Soustable Rubert Stanton his 8 felnol ahaa of Wesiery C ae. ; 9 wr aster, Joan katchews re ) , wo aks sev a . i ass 3 flying ) 8 esearchers trap rizzlie A 3 4 Me. Noma Me Vane Joa Ki ; wan Hy 1. 10 Ji A tury ign 4 fei id | ake vill MONTREAL (CP) The way as instructor, which gives the and marked Piha th , Hin n S N & DELI L Parrinde Ryril w furday "a Ah 0 Sos Siro lon i David Freedman adds things up, police club one instructor, five|the first stage of the program to arte pending a AW days w etry 0 norma ) 4° money hardly counts 4 licemen : . he A A y holding flying licence ind e CEDAR CREEK [5 tt mb "in, "ave to be amu" sic the yard Mont dnd 3 "sar mies aa hn. ara req am COMING SOON... , | miscellaneou ower was "If the shark had bitten him|pealer is one of Canada's most ; pr J $ 4 d . held Monday night at the home| that deeply on any other part of promising young methematicians, HAVE DWN PLANS al the formation on their breeding. CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTO0 of Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Fice, for|the body, he would have heen a his addition is probably correct. nw" hn BC ok I their re The researchers caught the [Miss Eleanor Woods, a bride-to goner," said Dr, Charles Sam.| David has passed up 10 jobs nuves a bu ok RE t "| bears in -steel traps, baited with be in the month of September,| aha, [offering salaries from $8,000 to SOUTSRS RHE Baling 8 ich hip bacon, honey and pineapple juice, Sweaters have been donated to| Brodeur was visiting his fian. $12,000 in order to accept a $2,000 0", SECT and then| ng Sapling animals bith {ven CEDAR CREEK -- David Cum- the boys and girls' softball cee, Jean Filoramo, who was|Canada Council fellowship The olob : 4 an the need © injected with a mus. mings has been on leave from teams hy (he Crestett Club of working for the summer at a| More than money, he wants the io Ah u: ul low owns a four cle relaxant that prevented them Camp Petawawa and has been Zion resort hotel, knowledge he can gain working son Pe. ie wh tind. Lids om fighting. visiting his brother Bruce and [for a year under Prof. G. / ar | wh incouraged, the researchers Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holtby vis » " : 4 a | nard at the University of London despite many gxira atiivities 10 now are reported considering the Nell Malcolm and family at 2 | He leaves for England in Sep. attend a twice-weekly ground possibility of attaching miniature Blackstock on Wednesday eve tember, immediately after receiv. school at the police station, {transmitters to bears--then the| Bie : " |ing a doctor of philosophy degree President of the club is Frank animals could be tracked indefin: Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Willerton § oN lat New Jersey's Princeton Uni,|McDonald, who hunts cheque |itely, vi oy TRE > and Mis Hilliard ' 4 versity {forgers in his regular job, Patrol| Site 09 3 3 9 1 uhh . . * A Ph.D at 227 Nothing, scoffed |Sgt, E. Hahn is vice-president] " N Stark at Udora on Monday * David in an interview Sunday at and Det. Ken Calvert is treas:| ENDLESS TORRENT : d h } | mn y | Mr. and Mrs, Norman Birkett oe . . a Canada Council gathering. After urer. { The Canadian or Horseshoe o Raglan alley Miss puss - a. Frinceran gra d Rorihant Policewoman Sally Krowchyn. Falls at Niagara Falls is esti pencer ar Othe ard, ; lener took his at the age o ski of the morality department is mate i ; Wednesday evening Ronnie La - Nevertheless, it's rare for a secretary of the Tying club and mated to be wearing ils rocky rocque and his sister, Carol, re. 4 [student to take a Ph.D before the 100 Miller, also of the morality brink at the rate of two to four J turned from a motor trip to the A {age of 25, : department, is studying for her | feel a year, | FEATURE Maritimes Thursday | David went to McGill Univers poi ie oo : [= ---- EE es - -- TIMES a Mr, and Mrs, George Judd and sity, won a scholarship as fresh. | i \ 1:38 men class leader in arts and sei | ---- : ; 4:08 6:30 on of Chalk Lake accompanied 5 i { " : % ¥ Mr d 5. Ernie Will t ' . " {ence, and graduated with honors . FAMOUS RESORT ; : or ad ATE WY tm a ; } J |in mathematics | The tourist trade brings an A Giant Of A Man...A Wildeat Of A Woman A LAST Xzonwdin Park o y, hs : t tars timat 000,000 2 : Fr 3 4 {| He turned down the job offers timated $30 o annually te d « An Emotional Whirlpool Of VIOLENT coMPLETY \ H Mr. and Mrs. Norman Farrwell 3 3 {from seven universities and three Bermuda historic British colony und Larry of Toronto visited the w | t the fellowshi y Ho | east \ SHO Parms on Friday. Jim Parm re 4 [Spare fons for the fellowship. in mid-Atlantic, Love... Hate... Conflicts! boldest 2 P.M. story turned to Toronto with them ! | wc | - | Mr. B. Benschop accompanied ¢ 3 4 § | » his two sisters as far as Mon. ; i { CHARLTON ANNE of love treal on their return trip to Hol. : nS H N'BAXTER land. He returned on Saturday. big ol { pd " in and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Philip and : ; ! GILBERT TOM family of Nestloton, visited Mr, : : , i ROLAND TRYO out of and Mrs, Bruce Cummings Satur 5 1 | day | 8 vi g ow marriage! David Cummings and his broth-| § HEY we TUCKER: BENNETT er, Larry, 'visited thelr sister,| 5 ¢ ELUNE STRITCH Linda and brother, Bob at Sun-| pb Ee = : & nat HH OY derland on Saturday i . 5 My boy is as smart as a whip! Yes sir, a . nn Ronnie Larocque and his cousin regular chip off the old block, Why, already 1 - 3 g Pp Gilbert Mills, visited relatives at! SS 1 , - he's saving his money so he can go to college. Manetuwan Bud oe weekend, - ~ / 5 That's right, Yes sir, a chip off the old block, heir x return » W iy Fil : . ' po " . . A Wouldn't be surprised if he gets to be a big Mrs. Frank Harris visited | : ¢ star on the football team. He's just like the friends at Bobcaygeon on Tues. b= -- by. wl ' old man, Now, hoy, tell 'em where you're qa = Y brodk » " wi wie 4 saving your money. Speak up, boy! iss ossle Spencer and broth. ~ A er, Richard, visited Mrs, Norman | "== 8 ---- . Be. 5 3 ---- Birkett at Raglan on Wednesday ! SPACE DOG ON TV { ) aN LADD KERR afternoon | Sam Parm was in Toronto a Russians say this a tele- | safe. Soviet news agency Tass | CHARLES CORINNE MYRNA LOY ll RK ull oun 8 i 3 | NOU of days this week ee] Vision view of space dog Delka ald two dogs that rode space BOYER CALVERT > as animal was in orbit aboard CINE MAS CORE COLQR Ty D THIN AIR large Soviet satellite. Picture capsule are healthy after 24. Q THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, naturally! THUNDER ARTI Most Mexicans live at altitudes! was released in Moscow. Rus hour flight 437 500niles around T 0 D A Y OA PigTURE" \ | | of 3.000 feet or mdre above sea, sians said the dog - carrving the earth 3 Jovel and Mexico City is built at| space ship had been otupued | AP Wirephoto via radio IN THE EAST the 7,000-foot level | to earth with its live sarge from Moscow | *