(Oshawa; 2. Lois Downey, RR 1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, August 23, 1900 § Oshaws - -- -- II | see, two, blouse 1. Marilyn § 2 esu ] nnoun ce Langmaid; 2. Lois Downey, See, three, apron, half-style: 1. Lois Downey; 2. Marilyn Lang . . | a , maid; 3. Janet Leslie, 458 Madi-| § 11 son avenue, Oshawa H See, four, apron, fancy: 1. Mari pv , lyn Langmaid wy " , He five, dresser sear ' The results of Friday's judging suu Harold Skipner and Son; Mrs. M. Coates; 3, Mrs A. Whit Dewi at the Oshawa Fair are as 4 Lloyd Beath mee riank: g sec. six, place mats; 1, Mari-| Big as follows Sec, four: 1. and 3. Herod Bec, June, Zanla, any GH67, FEY lyn Langmaid; 2. Lois Downey | am Skinner and Son; 2, Lloyd Beath, lety, 7 blooms 1, Mrs, Clara a tan towels: 1, Mari oo ; SHEEP Sec. five: 1, Boyd Ayre: 2, and| Tink; 2. Mrs, 8, Moore; 3, Mrs 2. Lois Downey.| ; Fach clas Soniaing he Jello. 3, Harold Skinper and Son: 4 M. Coates Class 35 Sec, 1 pillow cases: 1, ng sections: sec. one, ram, two ry, eh ; Bae Ih aid: 2. Tina Wik shears: ser, two, ram, shearling; [Yd Beath Best floral display, by an or- Masiiyn Langmakl; 2 ou sec, three, ram lamb; sec, four, ganization, no. to exceed eight won, 2 half slip: 1 "Marilyn ewe, two shears; sec, five, ewe i feet wide: 1. Mrs. Charles Silver, Trin oy " shearling; sec, six, ewe lamb; 4 a Be al. Harold Skinner secretary of the Horticultural So Langmaid; 2. Lois Dowse Xariiyn on oven. flock. P( n Aron NOET| oiety: 2. Olive Glaspell. » ' sec. rh n Conwell and Son; 2. Lloyd Beath een Class 34 5 2" Lois Downey; 3.|F nes = i Hons 4 Jack Fraser Special (for best Carnations. 7 bloois apple pie: 1, Marilyn] | All Pires 18 al segtions won flock on the grounds): Boyd bec. one, Latnation IODINE: | ¢ onomaid: 2. Lois Downey; 8, by T. C, Glaspell and Son, RR2, Fhe iI, M Clara Tink, RR 1, Hamp- Linda Goulding, 281 Halg street, Oshawa Ayre, RR1, Hampton ton; Mrs, A, Whitmee, RR 3,500 io? Br awa Class 22A (Leicesters) VLORICULTURE Oshawa, "Bee, 12, vatmea) cookies: 1, Lois! 8 Sec, one; 1. and John Fen Class 30: 5 two Snapdragons, 5|p, oS Un ilyn Langmaid; | § nell, RR2, Bradford Sec Oe Dahlia. basket of Sprays: 1 Mrs 8. Moore, RR 2 3 Linda Goulding / Sec, two; 1, and 2. John Fen Port Perry, Mrs, M. Coates, RR Se coup cakes: 1. Marilyn > e f blooms: 1, Mrs, Les, Guy, , ew '3 Oliver Glape ! nell, RR2, Bradford: 3. Cliffize, gion ne giveet north, Oshawa; | 2 Port Pe 3, Oliver Glaspell, Langmaid; 2. Linda Goulding; 3| § Lois Downey, arscadde ) Ont y Pp 82 McDonnel street, Peterbor- id Sp y arse adden, PIT, Cn 2. John 2 Oliver Glaspell, 82 MeDonnel ouih |Fennell; 3, and 4, Cliff Carsead.*ireet, Peterhorough, "Sec. three, Marigold, French, 7. Sec. 14, butter tarts: 1, Marilyn WARM AN iden, Sec. two, Dahlia, Cactus, 3 piooms: 1, C. C. Keeler, 348 Langmaid; 2, Lois Downey. looms: Les, Guy, p es shawa; 2 5. 8 » 5 or coke: ; The weather office says | Tuesday with possibility of | brought temperatures to the Sec, three; 1, and 2. John? iy 3s. J Sy: sive Maty sree, o hava) . Ms p Se p 2 Is, i aye ake: 1. Mast . h oo her m con showers or thunderstorms in | low 40's in northern regions Fennell; 3, and 4, Cliff Carscad-| 7% 1m { Mrs, Les i Guy; 2. Moore, B rt or 8 ; 4 a na Di y warm, humid weather will con- 0 s $ ) i q glong 3 blooms 5, Les, Guy; 88 762 Simcoe vet ing; 3. Lois Downey, , § a en, : ti ) th Ontario and | some regions, Cooler weather | this morning but this cooler air ; Oliver Glaspell 4a 4 Ip ait He 5 sl id Hg HN uth of Hudson's Bay is not expected to move any Sec, four; 1. and 2, John Fen. Bi ' ahlia P 6 north, Oshawa - . | Sec. 16, maple cream: 1 Marl southern Quebec foda and rom sou i is 1 nell: 8, and 4, Cliff Carscadden, Sec. four, Dahlia, Pompom Sec four Nasturtiums lyn Langmaid; 2. Linda Gould further south Sec, five: 1, and 2. John Fen. Dlooms: 1, Mrs, Les. Guy; 2. blooms: 1. Mrs, Clara Tin ng; 3. Lois Downey WEATHER FORECAST CP Wirephoto nell; 3, and 4 Cliff Carscadden liver Glaspel of miniature Mis Coates; 3. Mrs, 8 Sue, 17, artificial flowers: 1, Li Sec, six: 1. and 2. John Fen nasket " an Marilyn Langmaid; 2, Lois Dow- ARIES nell: 8. and 4. Cliff Carscadden, Dahlias, miniatures nol to ex Sec, five, ¥ hlox annul, J nes OBITU Sec. seven: 1. John Fennell; 2. ceed four inches: 1, Mrs, Les. sprays 1, Mrs, Clara Tink; 2 1c " Mrs, 8. Moore; 3. Mrs. Les, Guy Sec. 18; stuffed toy: 1. Lois Hi 3 + F Cliff Carscadden abe 9 5 whey: 2. Marily Langmaid 1 oO FUNERAL OF Class 228 (Shropshire) Sec, six, Gladiolus, white, 3 368 SIZ i, ur No 9 Down 19 Rime dy Pr nn Il ' MRS, DANIEL JOHN JON See, one: 1. and 3, W. C,Iblooms: 1 Mrs. A. Whitmee, RR bROMS: Go WCAG UK ok. Lois Downey; 2. Marilyn Lang Fu vies were held Crawford, Minising: 2. and 4.3, Oshawa Oliver Haspel,. ! hich +7 ; 3 he Armstrong FunerallHar . and So v Sec, seve Gladiolus, pink ; R Harold Skinner and Son, Tyron J n J Sec. seven. Peiunia, Californial .Sec, 20, place cards: 1. Mari EE : a) gust 20, at 3 hs Oms p J oe $ : How ; Saturda Aug I 20 A Sec, two: 1. and 4 W. C.iblecom 1, Mr A. Whitmee ar Ye , Callforsial Sec, 0, place cavdy 1, Marl p.m. for Mrs. Daniel John Jones, Crawford 2 and 3 Harold! Sec. eight, Gladiolus, red, 3 : ; 1 l H Coates; 2. Oliver Glaspell ing who died 1 he fam esidence ' 99 M ¢ venue, Thursdas Skinner and Son blooms: 1, Mrs, A, Whitmee ; Sec. eight. Peuinia, single, red Sec, 21, article of any craft not 2 mirave aven sd ) Sec, three: 1. and 2. W, ( Sec, nine, Gladiolus, yellow, 3 , ame 5, Sandford listed: 1 f é f V. TORONTO (CP Official fore- burton regions, North Bay Bud August 18. She was in her 615t|Crayford and Harold blooms: Mrs. A. Whitme f Plog: 3 Son a rk white Lois Dow - nn in casts issued at 5 a.m bury: Variable cloudiness with ye; . Skinner and Son Sec. ten, Gladiolus, basket? blooms: 1. ¥ Sandford; 2. Sec, 22, po ter advertising Osh- Synopsis: There were scattered scattered showers and thunder Re Dr, George Telford con Sec, four 1. and 4 W. C. mixed: 1, Mrs. A. Whitmee; 2. mrs, Clara Tink 3. Mrs. Alawa | air 1. Marilyn Langmaid showers in F rn Ontario and showers today, Widespread e: ducted the services in the Arm-icyawioed: 2 and 3. Harold| Mrs. Les, Gus Whitmee J , "BeSc, 23, snapdragons; 1, Mari ' 23, snapdragons; considerable fog throughout the morning fog Main y SUnY strong Chapel an AL Mour Skinner and Son Class 31: Sec. ten. Peiunia, single vitvn Langmaid: 2. Lois Downey srovinee this mornin Thunder ontinuing arm Tuesday inds Lawn Cemeter where the nis Ser fis 1 4 Harold 3 : / F ; lve an a ec. one. Roses, 3 blooms, any other color: 1, Mrs. Les, Guy; 2 Sec, 24, Asters: 1, Lois Downey, Skinner and son; 2, and 3. W. Ci, 10." 1 "Mrs, Sandford, 873 Mas-| Graham Fish, RR 1, Oshawa; 3.) Sec, 25, Zinnia: 1, Lois Dow Craw hig N : 1 A "w nes \ 6 F rawford. a nd 4 Ww. c.[son street, Oshawa; 2, Oliver Mrs. M. Coale ne 2, Marilyn Langmaid; 3 od: 9 . x " Glaspell, 82 McDonnell street AGRICULTURE Linda Gouldin Crawford 2 and Harold | terborough; 3, Mrs. 8. Moore, | Aoi Bed Sec, 26, miniature arrangement : Skinner and Son Rr di AND HORTICULTUR} Downey; 2. Linda Gould ; uy ans Sunday cloudines vedas th shower ) rt Peres Aen Bi ; per #0 mn lou line Tuesday with hoy ' BRUCE (SKIP) WILMAN Sec, seven: 1, W. C, Crawford 4 ' 2 Roser I 5. an Class 23 ; Marilyn Langmald # owards evening, Winds light to-| po 0 guin) Wilman, 18, of 6332. Harold Skinner and Son ec, two, Roses, b blooms, any . gee, two, fall wheat, red ol } 4 oii A at gn I p ' al prize for girl with most| : der air stalls Over day, east 15 Tuesda; Albert cet, died in a New Class 22C (Southdowns) color: 1, Mrs, Sandford; 2. Oli-iwhite: 1, W. ¥. Batty and Son, ily "sapilyn Langmaid (67) WHAT A SHOCK! Northel # hai ' A mi n y Mii Forecast Temperatures narket ho al Sunday of injur Sec, one: 1. W. C. Crawford, ver ( swell Vise : Brooklin; 2. Jackson Bros., RR 1 points Lois. Downey (42 warm and humid 3 L tonight, High Tuesd: uffered an accident near|Minising; 2, and 3, Lloyd Ayre Sec, three, Vase of Polyanthus Brooklin point | ZION Jack Knapp, a 16. | grabbed his gaff-hook and land- A Bowmanville or Florabunda Roses: 1, Mrs, Sec, three, Oal Rodney: 1 2 year-old Zion youth, was shock- | ed the brute in his boat, Mrs, Sec, two: 1. and 3. Lloyd Ayre: Sandford; 2. Oliver Glaspell Jackson Bros {J WOMEN'S INSTUTES | od into action when he hooked | Harry Johnston, who operates ' 2 C. Crawford: 4, Keith Van Class 32: Sec, five, barley: 1. Jack a i' 8 G this huge 46%-inch, 26-pound | Beach Inn, where Jack is va- yverved ol contre ' is uge We-inch, 26- nn Regions : nt aati u don ; 8 - "i hoi i ol No » Camp, RR3, Burketo: sec, one, bouquet for hall; 1,98} RR 3, Brovki i M 1] ; 2 W *muskie off Long Beach, Stur cationing, said it is the largest anig Yingne oe ; b " ) 1 " 0 y i y rs : ong | Mr y A bi Auton. west: ve rn nt eral store and post] Sec. three: 1 and 2. LioydMys, Sandford, 873 Masson Moi RR 1. Oshawa ! Jt: Jredron mn Ail geon Lake, last week, But it | muskie she has seen in her "a BE Lhd : : p y : Ayre; 3. and 4, W, C, Crawford. street, Oshawa: 2. Mrs. Clara! YOWhE fis habit "| wasn' before Jack had | eight years there ern Lake Ontario, Niagara re. Trento: 85 ( : hs ' by ec. 14, Sheaf of oats: Grah i vo. pillow cases, one| Wasn't long bh Ji i ' 4 4 Sec, four 1.. Lloyd Ayre 2.17 | I 4 8 : . glon Windsor, London, Hamil: 8t, Catharines ; 30 lied of head injuries shortly. ~~ bho ievd Avrel 2 nk " pul Ham ion : 3 we Fish. RR 1, Oshawa; 2. Mrs pair colored cro titch: 1. Shir ton Toronto Extensive early Hamilton '" ) 85 fie beir mitted to York gd Dow ARAB oh : Les, Guy, 762 Simcoe street north Downes lov Institute: 2. Brooklin WI: 3.zer: 2. and 5. W. F. Batty andiger; 2. W. F. Batty and Son; 3. morning fog today and Tuesday. Muskoka ) County Hospital, at Newmarket Bec. five: 1. and 2. Liovd: Avre Osha ec, 15, Sheaf of Bark Westmount WA Son: 4. Carl Bradley Carl Bradley; 4. Stanley Tay. Otherwise sunny with cloudy in. Killaloe ' ) f His passenger, Sharon Gauthier, "ots 0 u, i : Li q tervals and olated after Earlton raise 5 / 15, of Scarboro, was released!" go." (iv. and 9 Ll 1 { Avi noon thundershowers. Continuing Sudbury sees 35 after treatment fo hock and i 2 1 oye yre warm and humid, Winds light North Ba} y 54 minor cut So va 1) ad " Eastern Lake Ontario, Kirk-' Kapuskasing b 0 The deceased was a son of Mr. lw ¢. Crawford: 3. K re x land Lake, Georgian Bay, Hali-| White River and My Hash McCoy. and had . rawfore elith an Sec, six: 1. Mlunley Bagg, 2 and 3. Harold Skinner and Son; era iid from t showers in northern sections her. light ment followed : ald advance of much cooler Timmins-Kapuskasing: Mainly Pallbearer vere: Robert An uth of Hudson cloudy with scattered thunder. drews, Stanley Locke, David Jen eratures were in shower Clearing and turning kins, Arnott Davies, Frank Locke nore after colder by evening Variable and Mervin Jenkin isolated thundershov r cast for today and in Windso ] s Sharon, Ont, His 15-year-old com x na njured he Southern Ontario S Thomas 85 par i jure en their " » 5. A. Downe SC ree, pillow cases one Sec, eight, heifer, junior year. oy room: 1. Wrs Sandton: 2, Mrs Class 24 air crochet trim: 1, Kedron WA; |ling: 1, R, Stenger; 2, Carl Brad-! gec. 17, junior get-of-sire: 1. Le iy Lf fre Tats Lorik, Sec. one. Potatoes. Irish Cob.|2. Westmount WA: 3. Brookliniley; 3. Stanley Taylor R. Stenger; 2. Carl Bradley; 3. 1 tson Rd, south, Oshawa bler: 1. C. C. Keeler, 348 Mary Sec, nine, heifer, senior year- Ww, §. Batty and Son; 4, Stan. Sec, three, table centre, Oshawa: 2. Ray Cochrane Sec, four, baby's knit set: 1.|ling; 1, and 6. W. F. Batty and jey Taylor ver 10 inches in height: 1, Mr v QEnavE f ) Klin W 2 over 10 inches in height RR 1, Enniskillen Ww mount WA: 2. Brooklin WI;!Son: 2. and . R. Stenger; 4. and Sec. 18, open get-of-sire; 1. and -- Camp 1 - " esided in Oshawa for the past Sandford; 2, Mrs, Clara Tink; 3 3 Yotatoes Catahdin: [4 on WA 5, Carl Bradley; 7. and 8, Stan. , Rt nm y naw y 3 4 Class 22D (Oxtord Downs) Oliver Glaspell 82 McDonnel 1 Sec. two, Potato Katandin 1 2. R. Stenger six years. Formerly he lived in : Mrs. A, Whitmee, RR 3, Osh { ¢, men's socks: 1, Shir-| ley Taylor : wi CAPSULE NEWS Toronto, and Belleville Sec. one: 1. and 2. Harold| street, Peterborough awa; 2. Ray Cochrane ley Institute; 2, Westmount WA Ribbons Junior ehampion.| Sec. 19, progeny of dam: 1, and _ (|Skinner and Son, Tyrone; 3, and| ge lernis range: Qe. 4 , ns. Sala Cedron WA ship female: W. F. Batty and 2 R. Stenger; 3. Carl Bradley; An employee of Generall tp 0 0 Re Bow Sec, four, modernistic arrange Sec. three, potatoes, Sabago J. Kedron Np 1emale ' F. Batty and Son Moto ie was an adherent of manville ment: 1. Mrs, Sandford; 2. Mrs, Graham Fish, RR 1, Oshawa; 2 ix, apron, fancy: 1. Brook-| Son, Reserve championship fe- 4 3 he United Church Clara Tink Ray Cochrane | 2, Shirley Institute; 3.!male: R. Stenger, | Sec, 20, graded herd: 1. R, (o) woO (®) u ne riz are Li Darents,. two Sec, two: 1, and 2. Harold] gee five, dish garden, not tol Sec. seven, largest squash: 1.|Westmount' WA | Sec, 10, heifer, 2 years, dry: St ; 2. Carl Bradley; 3. W, ay vill Yohn Town (Alice) Skinner and Son; 3. Russell H.|.vi0ed 12 inches in length or Graham Fish See, seven, apron, hall-siyle:|1, Carl Bradley; 2. Stanley Tay- FF, Batty and Son; 4, Stanley 3 ' ' : y Dow width: 1, Mrs, M. Coates, RR2,| Sec. eight, largest pumpkin: 1 1. Westmount WA; 2, Kedron WA;|lor; Sec. 11, heifer, 2 years, in|Taylor, > wo, bouaguet for living Mr A Wendy Lou MeCoy and one Mrs, Ron Blake for the best calf from sections four and five: Ken. neth Ella, Hornby, Ont, The body Is resting at Sec? four: 1. and 2 Harold | G1aspell Class 25 Intosh Andersor funeral home Skinner and Son; 3, and 4. Rus Sec, six, low how) Gladiolus A. Wi Io. TR 3 On My Bec. nine child dress land 5. Carl Bradley; 4, W for services in the chapel Wed: soll Dow Mr Les. Guy; 2. Mrs, Clara litmee, o, Dshawa; 4 Kedron WA; 2. Shirley Institute; Batty and Son g $ t 2 1 20 i ' 1d!" : y Leslie. 453 Mi C. Keeler, 348 Mary street, Osh-|, ) geles, were drowned Sunday plane crash last week, He was noaCay ol . ho be at Union Skin, five: and 3. Harold nk: 3 Joa 14 " 3 Madi awa 3. Westmount WA \ Sec, 13, cow, three years ar when their car skidded off the en route to the Soviet capital to Skinner and Son and 4. Rus awa ' Sec, 10, African Viole vd 2 let In { , t ) y 8: 1. Grahi ; i under five, in milk: 1. R, Slen CHE KS BY MAIL road and into Newcastle Creek, attend the trial of American U-2 Cemeter sell Dow Sec, seven, collection of house rep RR 1 earToL a: 2 Ranam bloom: 1, Brooklin WI: 2. Shirley| ger. 9 Carl Bradley five miles from here. Mr, Glenn, pilot Francis Gary Powers, on Sec, six: 1, and 3, Russell Dow; plants, not more than seven: | Whitmee: 8. .C.. C. Keeler Institute: 3. Westmount WA 9 = AY : ng Vu 2 Mrs ro » See cow, five years and 32, was the millionaire owner of invitation of the Soviet govern CITY AND 2. and 4, Harold Skinner and Son Mrs. 1 Guy; 2. Mrs, 8, Moore, se, SIX, parsnips Best display: 1. Brooklin WI; 2 a, Pit A died n TO EMIGRANTS the Glenn Glenn Sound Corpors. ment when the Iyushin-18 plane : Sec, seven 1, Harold Skinner RR2, Port Perry; 3, Oliver Gla eler: 3. Graham Fi Kedron WA: 3, Shirley Insti: 200! pil 3° and 4, W, F id tion of Los Angeles, Born -at/caught fire and all aboard per and Son 2 Russell Dos : spel S, seven beet tute: 4. Westmount WA Bativ and Son 5. and 6. Stanley More than 67,000 social se earby Chipman, he had been ished DISTRICT Class 22E (Hampshire) Sec, eight African Violets, 3|gaeter:' 2. Mrs. A. Whit : na anc 9, and Lil | curity checks are mailed near! pms Sec. one: 1. and 2. Lio Vi Variety ™ rota eeler; « rs. / mes ONTARIO AND DURHAM Taylor. | eacl h sop! h visiting his mother and two ) and 2, Lloyd Ayre,|in Variety: 1, Mrs, M, Coates; aps. A. Downey | HLILINA each month to people who others there RIAL NEARS END ---- " Bowmanville; 3. and 4, Keith|2, Mrs, Clara Tink: 3. Oliver] gece. 11. vellow onioas: 1. C. C.| JERSEY CATTLE CLUB Ribbons -- Sr, championship fe-| Jive outside the U.S, brothe LOS ANGELES (AP The WRONG NAME Van Camp, RR3, Burketon Glaspell Keole yellow onion 14th PARISH SHOW male: R. Stenger. Grand cham AUGMENT CONGO TEAM prosecutor sald today the state]! The name of Carol Evans was| Sec. two: 1, and 3. Lloyd Ayre Cl 0 | 5 i 19 kl a: 1. Mrs CLASS 16 pionship female, R. Stenger. Re TORONTO (CP Dr. W. S./may wind up its case by Wednes- erroneously used in a picture cap-|2 and 4. Keith Van Camp Sec. 4 ¢ ass Lo y ' a 12, pickling onion Sec. one. bull calf 1. Carliserve sr, championship female, Stanbury, Canadian Red Cross day In the Finch-Tregoff murder tion in The Times on Wednesday Sec. three: 1. and 2. Llovd Vig § rt ped Mi yoams rl Sor ye auash tabi "en. oF Bradley, Hampton, RR 1; 2. R./Carl Bradley. Reserve grand national commissioner, ao. re-trial, Deputy District Attorney Aug. 17, with a story concerning Ayre: 3, and 4, Keith Van Camp. |Oshaw ig Oliver asson an pH ye . ah "1 My 4 pe oo Stenger. Enniskillen; 8. W, F. championship female, Carl Brad nounced Saturday that an an. Clifford Crail said he has about|the outstanding Grade 13 student] Sec. four: 1. and 2. Lloyd Ayre MeDonnel treet : Poi i ugh: pase 14 - sh hey Hub Batty and Son, Brooklin; 4. Stan- ley aesthetist will be appointed next|a dozen witnesses to examine be- at Donevan Collegiate. The name 3. and 4. Keith Van Camp 3. Mrs, Les. Guy, 1762 Simeoe bard 1, Mrs' A, Downey ley Taylor, Butketon. Sec. 15, best uddered cow' 3.3492 today and a friendly Ad week to its medical team in the fore the defence begins its pres.|of the girl in the picture, who Sec, five: 1, and 3. Lloyd Ayre: | street north. Oshawa. ee. IB tare dor TO MIs. A Sec two bull yearling : 1. R.class: 1. R. Stenger; 2. Carll Writer will help you, Congo. Canadian medical and entation on behalf of Dr. R. headed the graduating class at|2, and 4, Keith Van Camp Sec. two, Asters. Heart ofl Downey: 2. Mrs. A, Whitmet Stenger; 2 Stanley Tay or Bradley nursing teams whl - gradually Bernard Finch and his mistress, Donevan this year Is Caroll Sec. six: 1. and 2, Lloyd Ayre: | France, 7 blooms 1. Mrs 1 es Sec. 17, six peppers reen Sec. three, bull two years ant Sec, 16, Junior herd: 1. R. Sten take over the hospital in Coquils Carole Tregoff, They arc charged Davidson. 8. and 4. Keith Var : 3 ad Pi over: 1, R. Stenger; 2, Carl Brad. hatville, capital of Coguilhatville| Ww ith the ambush slaying of Sec "province : f Finch's estranged wife, Barbara 3. Brooklin WI over, dry: 1, and 2. R.Steng i Sec. three: 1. and 4. Harold! p,.,. piled : " 2 | 21 a 3. Shirley Institute milk; 1. Car! Bradley; 2. R, Stén- P Wa ® brother, Brian McCoy, all of d " p ARE Port Perry: 2, Mrs, Violet Sker-Jomn Leslie, 453 Madison Ave, d. ? y_ inst 4 NW TF Rar Sec. 21, special Bokar Farm Oshaws Skinner and Son; 2. apd 8. Rus ratt. RR4. Port Perry: 3. Oliver Oshawa Sec, eight, tea towels: 1. West- ger: 3, W, F. Baity and Son Trophy presented by Mr, and { awh M sell Dow mount WA; 2. Shirley Institute Sec, 12, cow, three years and c rid f MINTO, N.B. (CP)~Mr, and retary of the National party of Mrs. Glen R, Glenn of Los An. Uganda, was Killed in a Russian When you want to supple ment. your income do so eas ily by getting cash in hand for items you no longer use Oshawa Times Classified Ads get cash huyers fast, Dial RA Camp Guy; 2. Oliver Glaspell sweet: 1, Mrs. Les, Guy; 2. Ray . > Keith Lily ' 1, Lloyd Ayre; 2 Sec, three, collection of an | Cochrane Ribbon | champioaship " 4 a amp nuals: 1, Mrs. Les, Guy; 2. Mrs, Sec. 20, quart pickling cueum-| oho RB Stenger. Sr. champion. Ww SAFE LANDING POLIO HITS JAPAN Hold Reunion | Class 22F (Suffolks) S. Moore, RR 2, Port Perry; 3./bers: Mrs, A, Downey, ship male: R, SStenger, Grand ? Rugs, Wall-to-Wall Carpets "WINNIPEG (CP A Trans TOKYO (AP)---The worst polio RR june 1 and 3 Bo d Ayre, Graham Fish, RR 1, Oshawa yy as A ae, in Sotable! championship male: R. Stenger. & Upholstery Cleaned in Canada Air Lines Jet liner with epidemic in Japanese history has : amplon and 4, T, C Sec. four, Cosmos, 5 sprays;|SWCRmbers: i 3 MES: Reserve jr. championship male: : Your Own Home 127 passengers aboard circled broken out in the northern island n 100 a 1%} Glaspell and Son, RR2, Oshawa .[1. Mrs, M, Coates, RR 2, Port 2 Robert Johnson, RR 4, Osh Carl Bradley Reserve senior f Winnipeg airport with a mechan: of Hokkaido, leaving 52 persons . Sec. two: 1, and 3. Boyd Ayre;| Perry; 2, Mrs, 8. Moore; 3. Gra. ® id "in tabl rows 1 | championship ale; Carl Brad AL SEGERS ical malfunction in one of its six dead and 707 stricken since June Miss Yora Prestice N lovely and 4. T. C. Glaspell and Son. ham Fish Ton A. D di ie. Marre ley Reserve g& champion. motors Saturday night while fire 21, nome Shadow rook at| Sec. three: 1, and 2. Boyd! Sec. five, Marigold, African, 5 ar th ating ship male: Carl Bradley and crash vehicles gathered, The ' ; Brookdale, was the scene of the Ayre; 8, and 4 T. C Glaspell| blooms: 1. Mrs Les Guy: 2 ai 22 salad tomatoes: 1. Mrs Sec, four, Heifer call: 1, Carl Rug and Upholstery Cleaners Vancouver to Toronto DC - 8 KILLED BY BULL 3rd annual Prentice Schell re- and Son Mrs. A, Whitmee, RR 3, Oshawa.| 'Soc. 3 commercial tomatoes: | Bradley; 2. R, Stenger; 3. W, F % toed down without incident PALMA de MALLORCA, Bal-|[union, Sunday, August 14th. The| Sec. four: 1. and 3. Boyd Ayre;| Sec. six, Zinnia, Dahlia flower-|1 Mrs. A men al tomatoes: | patty and Son 442 MILLER AVE. THREE ENGINES DO JOB earie Jdands AP Salvador|"Canadian Ensign" fluttering in'2, and 4. T. C. Glaspell and Son. ed, 5 blooms Sec. 27. produce of any one|. Sec. five heifer calf: 1, and 3. y 33, wealthy Spanish|the breeze and smaller flags dee-| Sec. five: 1, and 2. Boyd Sec. seven, Zinnia, hybrid, 3|¢ R. Stenger: 2, and 5, W. F, Batty y ) or i A ! A , hy + Miarm: Mrs. A. Di 4 t ; LONDON (Reu wig 5 inet horseback bullfighter, was killed orating the white fence added a Ayre; 3. and 4. T. C. Glaspell/blooms: 1, Mrs, Clara Tink; 2 fm; Mr Downey and Son; 4, Carl Bradley. Sec R - gency Srews ' on h "d 10nd while appearing here Sunday, His bright appearance to the sur- and So Mrs. Les, Guy: 3. Mrs, A. Whit-{ JUNIOR GIRLS' SECTION six, heifer, junior calf: 1, Carl aturday when a ans A Alrpait ; eR 3 as horse was knocked down by the roundings Sec ix and 2. Lance |mee Class 54 Bradley; 2, R, Stenger; W. F Canada RR nies De bull as Guardiola was about to Mr, Clifford McCulloch, vice. Beath, RR2 Oshawa: 3. and 4 Sec. eight, Zinnia, Pompom, 9 Sec. one skirt 1 Marilyn Batty and Son. Sec. seven, hei lalion Rig en three of its oe plat 3 pair % banderillas, president, conducted a business Boyd Avre blooms: 1, Mrs, 8. Moore; 2./Langmaid, 62 Park road south,|fer, senior calf: 1, and , R, Sten ) ied 6 § unardiola was throv to 3 nik N $ : engines The captain of the air. Round head A a Youn d o the meeting. Tribute to three of the Sec. seven: 1. Boyd Avre: 2. 1 liner, flying from Vancouver and | gtantly of a skull injury Jnay ho have passed away|C, Glaspell and Son Winnipeg with 63 passengers, cut ; uring the year was given, and Class 22G (Cheviots) an engine when it developed an ROUGH LANDING a nvinute's silence was observed! Sec, one: 1. and 3. Boyd Ayre, oil leak 30 miles from the Irish! NEW YORK (AP) A foar 0 their honor. Several were eal RR1, Hampion; 2. and 4. Joe coast engined airliner en route from » og io ow ing el ngs pans Snowden. Little Britian . el « | Pittsburgh blew its two left main! >' ReXi years reunion were di Sec, two: 1. and 2. Bovd Ayre: HEADS ¥ REN( H WEEKLIES (1.6000 gear tires land nl at Tide. cussed, Prizes were presented 3. and 4, Joe Snowden POINTE-AU-PIC, Que. (CP) wi" airnort today. None of thell0 (he oldest member present Sec, three: 1, and 2. Boyd Maurice Marquis of Montmagny y Saturday was elected president 33 passengers or crew of three Mi Fred Lyle, 81 years old,|Ayre; 3. Keith Van Camp, RRS, ' 4 was hurt. The mish: ans yrile, Ont and the youngest, Burketor 4 James ( a, of the Canadian French-language yom ora Hap cael : nes Soombes Weekly Newspapers Association ley suspension of traftic little Arnold Arlett, one month! RRS, Bowmanville ' 1] on the runway old, of Toronto. Mrs. Brekkie Sec. four 1. and 2. Bovd Y Macoun, Sask., also received a Avres: 8. Keith V a 4! RUSSIAN PLANE LOS " y ( re 3 eith Van Camp: 4 CAIRO 'AP "he Aslan-Ab TO VISIT RUSSIA prize for coming the greatest dis-' Joe Snowden | rican secretarial here said Sun.|, NEW YORK (AP)--The Amer- tance "See, tly i and Bovd . day it bas received word from Can Ballet Theatre will be the After grace was sung, about 65 Ayre: 3. Joe Snowden: 4 James WwW Nn Moscow that John Kale, 32. see. first Ame: ican company enjoved supper. Two guests, Mr. Coombes Tr 1 at ever to perform in Russia--the and Mrs. H. T. Jami son, Brook-| Sec. si 9 : . |acknowledged centre of the art.| dale Cedi and 2 Boyd Ayres Aged brought greetings, and a3, Keith Van Camp: 4 Joe . COMING EVENTS | Miss Lucia Chase, co-director of yote of thanks was given Miss! Snowden ; ' the company, said Sunday tha 1 e a ' Prentice for her hospitality See. seve PY the group--now on a five-month = oy ec. seven: 1. Boyd Ayre; 2 3 ers elected for 1961 are A '8 'g a a tour of Europe--will visit the So ( are: Keith Van Camp: 3. Joe Snow KINSMEN BINGO viet Union from Sept. 14 through President Clifford McCulloch den: 4. James Coombes | 1 Oct. 24. The tour is sponsored by Myrtle, 'Ont.; vice-pres,, Everett Class 22H (Darsets) ; TUESDAY, AUGUST 23rd [the U.S. state department Prentice, RR 3, Port Perry; 2nd, Sec. one: 1! and 4. Evereit eaver ' RN . vice-pres., Herman Kerry, RR 1, Mark. Little Britai 2 and 8 s \ REE ADMISSION . + Ms dttle itain and 3 \ F RE by IV SHOW DROPPED Port Perry sec-treas., Mrs. Charles Lane, Oakwood 3 " & R Ne eo Jackpot Nos. 55 and 54 NEW YORK (AP)--The week! i hiisting Prentice, RR 3, Port! Sec, two: 1. and 4. Everett 4 Ef f | Dick Clark Show is being dropped | Perry Rxecutive member Drew Mark; 2. and 3. Charles Lane 3 RY JUBILEE PAVILION {by the American Broadcastin McCulloch, Uxhridge, Ont,; table! See. three: 1 and 4. Everett -------- - {Company's television net- committee: Mrs Edna Kerry, Mark; x i 2. and 3. Charles Lane 8 5 our WOODVIEW PARK work Sept. 10, his afternoon Mrs. Nora Prentice, Mrs, Ruby' See. four: 1. and 4. Everett J% . \ y show American Bandstand | Roger sports committee: David Mark; 2 and 3, Charles Lane LN . remain on the air, ABC said the Prentic Walter Rogers, R Rl Se five: 1. and 4. Everett H ho IN spot for his Saturday night show Port Perry, and Herbert Ashton, Mas 2 and 3. Charles Lane 4 S \ Sa Vin NJ ' will be taken over hy a new one: Ashburn, Oat Sec. six: 1. and 4. Fverett / hour. program The Roaring 20 The fourth reunion will be held Mark: 2 and 3. Charles Lane ! . RED BARN beginning Qet. 13 he second Sunday in August, See, seven: 1. Charles' Lane ROYAL YACHT HERE 1961, at Miss Prentice's home. 2 Everett Mark ' a 4 'RE + 20 p $1,300 PRIZES AJACCIO, Corsica (Reuters) PRISON ART {Stas 32 (Any wither. bieed " pd : | Sec. one: 1. and 3, Joe Snow- R The Monaco royal yac with! SAN QUINTIN, Calif AP o Aa . Mask of the Beaver: B.C. Inchan, late 19th $100 DOOR PRIZES Prince Rainier and Princess Buyers paid $8600: for paintings den, Lite Britain: 3. and 4 3 Beaters --. a. 3 3 ovd Ayre, RR1 Hampton R © n Grace aboard arrived here Sun and sculpture by convicts at the|BO: d loyal! Ontaric Museum, Toronte. JACKPOT NUMBERS day night from Minorca et annual San Quentin prison' Sec. two: 1. Stanley Bagg, Ked 50 - 54 prince and princess. with their arts and crafts show. The convict. fon; 2. Lloyd Beath, RR2 Osh wo young children and friends. artists received 90 per cent of the awa: 3. Harold Skinner and Son (are on a private cruise in the, money and 10 per cent went tof/Tyrone x p/3 BAN KK #:. built TONIGHT | Mediterranean. ithe prison welfare fund. | Sec. three: 1 Stanley Rags al J