MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL How To Cope With Neighbor Who Is An Habitual Borrower Dear Mary Haworth: 'We are| about 10 move mio an apartment next to a woman we used to live near, She has two small boys and 2 baby girl I'he boys are ages 4 and 6; and more impolite little boys I have never seen, They curse; and thei mother says "it makes them 'little men This woman -1'll call her Mrs X-can talk for hours and nevei say anything worth listening to She has asked to borrow every thing from my underwear lo pots and pans She has no pride and has asked me outright to give her such things as my 10-months old's baby-bed, because her months-old has none, She just takes for granted 1 will give her my baby's outgrown clothes if 1 mention that 1 am going (0 the movies she tags along then as we reach the ticket of fice, remembers thal she is broke Now she expects us lo send my husband's sister back home that she (Mrs, X) can baby-sit for us while 1 work I would like to know ful to get rid of this person without telling her plainly to gel I don't want children around my child; because hers are diferent from other children whatsoever 50 fact SOME out her tions, with no thought of owing apologies or being unfair NEEDS TO CHANGE As it happens, a certain empti ess, a certain idleness in your fe leaves the door open for Mrs to barge in and take over more or lc When you under stand and admit that, I think you ill begin to be able to cope with her, In short vou must change basically, in your attitude towards life and Mrs. X. in order (o rise above, and thus bypass, the prob. lem she poses now 80, my advise is to start where you are, and increase the scope of your living. Become a faithful church-goer. Begin and conclude each day with prayer; shop at a church-goods A praye book or pamphlet help you with this, Open vour mind and your ears to opportunities for joining worthwhile women's groups, ADULT When vou Just ine for to store BEHAVIOR Mrs. X asks don't want g don't let them Any po explanation will suffice for saying no. About the baby's bed 2y vou expect to keep it for possible future use, or, anyway As for your for or things to ve lend go afem heirigom only indicate the genera] tenor of how to behave in an adult way n the circumstances. If your hus- band's sister is acceplable to you as a built-in baby sitter, don't send her away to oblige Mrs, X, that would be lunacy MH Mary Haworth counsels through her column, not by mail or personal interview, Write her in care of this newspaper, Couples Queue To Be Married In Italian Church TORONTO (CP) Bridal Agnes Roman Catholic Church on # Saturday $0 many couples want in get married al this Italian church that the priest, Boston-born Rev Christopher Difiore, usually en lists the aid of another priest in read the mass while he performs the wedding ceremony. Most of the grooms wed in the church are Malian Immigrant 'workers who have sent for their fiancees after spending abou! two years in Canada. { Some Saturdays, up to 10 leouples are married there. last year more than 300 marriages were performed by Father Chri couples have literally to queue up topher, who believes this may be to be married at Toronio's Si. |a record for Canada OFFICE CLOSED from Aug. 13 to 21 | am attending Post Gradu- ate lectures this week ot the Polmen School Chiroprac- tic, Davenport, lowa for of to learn of the newest in the field of Chiropractic, developments Sincerely Professional Announcement extra underwear und y basket lending pell RONALD W, BILSKY Chiropractor say it's in the in the mending you've taken it off the The eldest, 6, who will soon start , his own and hag or list all or school, cannol name, Both destructive pronounce boys wild RONALD W, BILSKY, are out the details, T can TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA OPEN TONIGHT oT ---- "TILL. 9 P.M. BACK TO SCHOOL BUYS ee youl G, adv) through ( column 3 d BUSY The customary fool technique for keeping type neigh bors at arm's length is just to be Loo with the pressing de- mands daily duties and al commitments---too busy to have time for gabbing with them their leisure In all probability, you've made the mistake of letting your hair down with Mrs, X, treating her as confidante now and again because you have no really. close friends; or at least none nearby; and because you aren't much of a mixer socially and don't take much (if any) part community activities say work, rools party politicking, women's club meet ngs and the like BE T00 Dear C.G diplomatic pestiferous proof bis) of your $01 hod and the tr collar (nen Jo wod| ele lightly double-breasted coat tand-up I'he jacket rounded shoulder collar in warm Simple with the and mauve smoky g in a beige wool A coat flared a VOO the nall st type «« | of new line Canadian Fashions Ready For Fall Emphasize Good Taste With Superb Cut And Finish R sire a largely in church grass JO ALDWINCKLF oc handed with hile et how iraped ar 0 with a skirt ( osing figure in fasion Pig on a full schedule in that respect, with a sell-as sured sense belonging to cer groups and circles, and with committee chores and telephone talks (back and forth amongst friendly co-workers) a routine part of your living patiern--if that was the picture, you'd have no problem with Mrs. X. You'd be nicely impersonal when she pushed herself on your altention; and you would presump I } you were fr Fhe « In | | are soft, hrushed draped sheath I olumin-! ous! a i ' 4 ns fo and mohair irt of the Dre th Ir; of Toro lead the and hib I'h 300 dre spol a 1 I ; urs | and them sty 1 ing of eeep Ever woman can best this fall, because ease, ele- ance and Individuality are the oy words; ease In fit, which means a slight blousing or semi. fit if the figure demand gance through beautiful bru f for ne length ou | nrocade 1 plac the coat ire gene mmed Canadian he theatre coa ) oil Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 tain n the no @ evenin I'he THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 19, 1960 7 SUITS AND ENSEMBLES troller ead the with ength from quarter en-eight ne the full vith at-knit tied tubular sul parade hape mid vide over m dresses or th fu pyra "* * Bette Eileen Stroud Is Married wie To Norman R. Tufts in Toronto predomi coat hape /} | ¥ DESK LAMPS Adjustable, 16" high, Roxalone finish in popular decorator eel ors, May be used os a desk lamp or pin-up lamp, Ideal for the student, to se Good « length coat worn MILLINERY oft I'he diffe and well-dre Ne 18 nate in the fashion picture. Brim The marriage of Beit less, to make way for the large daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Robert ronto collars, hats will be worn with a H, Stroud of Oshawa, and Nor A reception followed in the slight backward slant to cloches, man Ross Tufts, son of Mr, and|lower hall. Receiving, the bride's toques and turbans, fashioned of Mrs. Harold Tufts of Toronto mother wore a sheath of mauve velvet, beaver or velour, Feather was solemnized recently In Kim vith a mauve flowered trims may be smooth and flat, or bourne Park United Church, To and white accessories, Assist light and fluffy marabou, floating ronto. the bridegroom's mother was like thistledown again, Just] mhe n a beige sheath of aylon wisps that drift over a narrow py the Reverend Gray taffeta, beige flowered hat brim in the effect of bang DD. Mr Stephen played hoes and a gold handbag Crowas are bloused, beehive (ho wedding music and the solo I'he couple left later on a wed and coolie and there is an obvious ist Mrs. Allen Che ding trip to California co-ordination of hairstylist bride Ww motoring, the bride wore a mint milliner, Little fur hats be by her father. She heath with fitted jacket important Every woman would gown of matching hat, trimmed with| love the luxury of a peaked bere with short sleeve: match her accessories in mink line the skirt and bodice and an orchid corsage ed with Chantilly The bustle] Mr. and Mrs, Tuft at the back divided to make their home into two and draped ene " Appligued all outlined apron on the vale A fingertip ve vi a coordinated suit dre uit t will inder a complimentar or eparately with furs. Commenta tor Joy McGilawee was emphatic that the shorter coal of the stroll er suit must be worn only with fs matching skirt or dress, | or voollen ence be ed | bulk olten n at the wali be worn the resist 1 most hearten prices her coat and table Eileen,! Allen, and Jack To Burt, all of look fon ele fabric DRESSES Daytime two-piece ha n YOUNG MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Smart styling with con vertible flap pockets of fine quality dress les ude fo overblouse little cover-up jackets that take a soft wool through the day and to a cocktail party after five. Hipbands, elon ated bodices and contour belts many indicated a slightly lower ed waistline: slim skirts are tuck darted at the hipline relieving the strained look of the heath ull skirts, pleated, gath th ered and flared will be popular and braid trimming and self binding are the favored finishes ine; Parly dresses extravagant 1p ly beautiful yet surprisingly in elbow expen Instep length com colla ng back, often slashed mid are calf at the back ease of pnd movement and for for. I'he semi-formals in bro peau de soie, lace aad vel n many 1ed and wear and Velg easy or over and ceremaon riormed R pe aay nimmeri nd eeve or Bruce Crisp or ni idua and decolletage cover All this var In a range office the ID ¢ | For was ow The riage long wl SHIRTS Sizes 8 to 16 Warm cotton flannel in a var- iety of checks and plaids. Smart and.prac- tical for back to school wear, Grand Zeller Value 1.67 and a given In man will ore a kreen de or the woman seeking white peau ole and ! } more exclusive model ed or neck. beige to accen collar, brs FI PLASTIC LUNCH BAGS Zipper opening style. Identifica. tion card and white plastic hans dle. Well-made for extra wear, Perfect back-to-school accessory 1.49 ESTABLISHED TRENDS Coat will return ia Kitchener present from Courtice, Picker Oshawa, Dunbar Woodstock, Oak London, (On | "| SOCIAL NOTICE | and Mari Marlene Stroud Stroud. They |! STEPPING INTO FALL Completing the fashion p from head to toe was the dre look of women's casual J New and interesting tr-atmeat and colors matched the mood of front of the bulky sweaters, brushed wo o1/0f tulle wa kirts, colorful plaids and fex organza tured fabric Low-cuts hoot and casuals in soft rus brown tephanotis loden green or autumn red make orchid ideal mates for the popular slim I'he matron of honor wa eggy, wool pants, Tailored casual Richard Wilkin pumps in waxy leather with low- the bridesmaid curved, stacked heels are made! lyn Tufts, M for the wool co-ordinates in muted and Miss Sandra tapestry effects wore full-skirted dresses of white This year's casual shoes have nylon embo with - mauve a sculptured look, from their flowers, over with mauve more sharply and shapely, point. cummerbund ma'ching ed toes to their closely cropped caps, beaded with dew-arop leather soles, Casuals can be pearls their short found In flat, low or inch-high and they carried bouquet heels. As the heel goes higher rosebuds and mauve the more pronounced the pointed peas toe becomes i I'he ir \M Evening shoes are light and Stroud. was .in pink nyl lovely afoot in metallic cloth, med with white lace and a pink OSLO (Reuters) Norwegian petit point, tapestry, lustre leath- pandeau of pleated net tipped new papers Thursday published or jewel in gleaming with pearls. She carried a basket reports. that 23-year-old Crown fold and um, acock and aqua of pink roses and stepha 101 Harold and Princess So J Ir. Richard Wilkins, Toronto Greece will announce mar the sleek was best man, The ushers at the end of wear Messrs, Donald Murphy, Dougla EM are fuller yodied ind straight houlder line add 0 effect wa back h wider rong armh Lure ier front Guest in at Niagara | tractive plaids and Sizes S, M, L, side pouffes rayon shirting ind vide tele: at the ook and Collars deep train an kirt held leave into circular oolweal lace to 1 Willo Do Kirkton are ing double sled often under a furred cuff to give a frame portant houlder mn a « Sn jew checks : ve s handeau and short to threaded the "he vide face im for she carried pink centered straples 5 with wd el E mality vhile rele o eclipse from the cades Toronto Mi of ENGAGEMENT and Mi John of Perth Amboy, New Jer USA, announce the engage their daughter, Mary Mr. Robert Steven Sim of Mr, and Mrs, John lanting avenue, Osh marriage will take ummer at St. Nicho! as Greek Catholic Church, Per Amboy were Sesterak ed to taffeta Their coe ZELLER'S THRIFT PRICED Simcoe \ The place next awa WE CASH BABY BONUS veil of vel secured low wee Ji mn trim ROYAL flower rovANer TO SIZE 48 By ANNE ADAMS Delightful way to begin the day in this pretty duster with softly flaring lines, back-interest bow, Whip it up in a fresh-as spring priat, checks, or pastel cotton i's sew-very-easy! Printed Pattren 4737: Wom en's Sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 Size 36 takes 5's yards 35-inch Send FORTY CENTS (40 cents) in coins (stamps cannot be ac. cepted) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD. DRESS, § NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, outdoor sare of The Oshawa Times, Pat tera Dept., Oshawa, Ontario colors Prince phia of their engagement next month I'he lord chamberlain Smith-Kielland, said "it matter buckle fall PERSONALS hows lines or of foot wert Ingvald is all a of rumor." "i - -- - BACK TO SCHOOL SHOES BOYS' AND GIRLS' DRESS-UP OXFORDS -- Sizes 84 to 3. Sturdy construction designed for comfort and rugged wear, The ideal shoes for school. Colors: Black or Brown. BOYS' SLACKS Sizes 24 to 34. Rayon and nylon fabrics, worsted Well made with bound pockets, cuffed bottoms, slide 3 98 Colors USE OUR CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN Light Grey and Brown ZELLER'S LIMITED Mrs Paula left on Beach will be guests G Vail B. Seed and Mare and Thornton's road north, l'uesday Manhattan vhere they and Mrs BABY'S TIMETABLE Better on the for for the baby, and easier Is a regular sleeping California of 1 mother lime 4 hn schedule for bathing, feeding, exercise and Mi Geol Lillian Mae I nue, have spending ge Mar Marsh Miss Patricia ave returned home [from some time in New | York. While there Miss Marsh at tended the Convention Dance Educators of also the Teacher School and the Academy of Ballet and arin Fa of America Training National Travelling 4 Oversens WHY NOT FLY The way travel is by air,' Mi road west New York at the home Victor Sands WH. J Harmer has Ro returned he A daughter Mr. Sands land from guest Mrs where of hi and was modern to and gabardine finish One know Vay friends oN i from ool BRIDE-ELECT I'he Oshawa Times an item in the The for which there nounced News Ann Steven of letting are tha fastener Charconl Zeller you back your vacation department of (RA 33474 personal to call the engagement today M sterak Mr Simceoe hride-elect M an Man Robert for Thrift Priced and I'he of column For information regarding any form of travel , .. DIAL RA 3-944) We hove a direct Toronte telephone line tor prompt Airline Reservations MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE « i and 22 SIMCOR 2) of socia De ann from always MAJORETTES STUDY IN NEW YORK Pwo Oshawa major are a es wl beboski Chadburn Pu Acad iol and Ruth have both recently at Kitch n street daughter terak New fiance the and ol endin ) the Harvey Dance Mi lohn Se Perth © Amboy USA. and her M and M welcomed on trophies lington and 0 John COAXING INFANTS Mate faverin a SHOPPING CENTRE 262 STEVENSON RD. § Phone RA 2.220% DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST § Phone RA 3.2294 i by SOUTH Thomas Menaows ann wo OSHAWA Coanade Lid DIAL RA 1.944) ap 57 Church, Perth Amboy