The Oshawa Times Published by Canadian Newspopers Limited, 86 King 5t M Page & y, August 15, 1960 £., Oshawa, Ont, e-------- More Creative Approach To Problem Of Jobs There was a flurry of talk about unemployment in the last few hours of the recent session of Parliament, when the Opposition discovered that a just- tabled report on the sad state of the unemployment insurance fund was dated July 27. Earlier in the session there had been a great deal of talk about unem- ployment; the Senate started a study of manpower, and a cabinet committee was being set up for another study. But the talk was largely about statistics, not about the anatomy of unemployment. Something better must be accomp- lished by Parliament. It is over-simpli- fication to say that unemployment is simply a condition that exists when there are more workers than jobs, and that more government spending will rectify the situation. The problem needs a new understanding because it is, very largely, a new problem, The unemploy- ment of today is not the unemployment of 30 years ago; now it persists in a time of economic growth, of rising produe- tivity, The Montreal Gazette notes that the "feeling that Canadian unemployment is becoming a different kind of pheno- menon" was expressed by Rt. Hon, C, D, Howe, last year, when he said: "The problem is changing in character and needs re-examination to determine more precisely its composition, its causes and how it can be cured. Unless the prob. lem is thoroughly understood, serious mistakes in policy could be made." Dr. John Deutsch, economist and vice. principal of Queen's University, heads a team of researchers to produce material for the Senate's committee on mane power and unemployment, He has al- ready stated his belief that unemploy« ment is not effectively relieved by massive spending programs, hastily thrown together, In his view, it would be better to use flexible tax policies and apply government expenditures "in direc- tions which improve efficiency and which widen the. opportunities of all those who wish to work and to better their lot." The provision of relief for the unems- ployed, until more jobs become avail- able, is simply an expedient; it is not a solution, Relief of unemployment de- mands more creative approach --- and before that, a more thorough under- standing of the problem as it is today, not as it was ten, twenty or thirty years Ago. Overdoing Good Thing That it is possible to overdo a good thing has long been suspected by Can- adians deluged from day to day with an increasing number of appeals for funds to aid this, that or the other good cause, At the recent Banff convention of the Canadian Medical Association, a delegate startled the meeting referring to the rapid multiplication of societies to aid the medical profession of combating disease, Dr, Lyon, of Leamington, deputy pres- ident, remarked that there is now a society for almost every disease known to medicine and for every organ of the body. We might add that with some diseases and some organs, the number of societies has been needlessly duplicated. "In our enthusiasm to enlighten the public of the advances of our art and science," he said, "I sometimes wonder if we have gone to far" He spoke also of the possibility of continued public har- ping on the subject of common diseases adding to the state of tension which is itself one of the most common diseases of modern society. Dr. Lyon might have added that each disease also has its own fund. Nowa- days there is scarcely a disease one can name for whose study and control the public is not asked to contribute money. These innumerable societies comprise in the aggregate tens of thousands of fine people all working to make life less pain. ful for the human race. They work for the causes they support without hope of reward other than the satisfaction of helping others, The trouble is that their own zeal is coming close to defeating the purpose for which they all stand, Because there are so many of them: because each can offer such powerful reasons why the publie should help with money, that same public w becoming bewildered, Very few people can afford to eon. tribut to all these fine conse- quently indecision as to which to support is resulting in many cases in denial of support to any, To this growing problem no one yet has offered a practical solu- CAUSes; tion, CCF And Leadership The CCF members of Parliament and rank-and-file showed more wisdom than the party's national council in the matter of the national leadership, The council wanted to abolish the job of national leader, The great Coldwell was retiring and the CCF was heading towards union with the Canadian Labor Congress in a new left-wing party, National executives thought that the CCF should not go into that union with an active national leader but should get along with an honorary leader (Mr, Coldwell) and a House. leader (Hazen Argue); in that way some difficult moments at next year's found. ing convention of the new party might be avoided, particularly when there are still some CCF and CLC supporters who are lukewarm to the new party idea. A political party needs active leader. ship, even when it is in the process of losing its identity, if it wants to continue ---- The Oshawa Times T. L WILSON, Publisher and General Manager € GWYN KINSEY, Rditwr The Oshawa Tunes (established 1871) ang hitby Gazette and Chronicle (established 1863), ©» published daily (Sundays and statutory holidays excepted Members of Canadien Daily Newspapers Publishers Association, The Conadion Press, Audit Bureau of Circulation and the Ontario Provincial Dailies Assos ciation, The Canadian Press in exclusively entitled to the use for republication of ell news despatched in the paper credited to it or to The Associated Press or Rauters, and also the local news published therein, All rights of special despatches are alse eerved Offices Thomaon Building. 423 L Yoronta, Ontario: #40 Cathco™t Street, Montreal SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carriers in Qihawa, Whitby, Ajax Pickering Sowmanwille, Brooklin, Port Perry, Prince Albert, Mape Grove Hampton, Frenchman's Bay Liverpool. Taunton, Tyrone, Dunbarton, Orono, Leskard roughom, Burketon, Claremont Columbus Fairport Beach, Greenwood Kinsale, Raglan, Blackstock, Manchester, Cobourg, Port Hope Pontypool and Newcastle not over 45¢ per week By mail (in province of Ontario) outside cor delivery areon 12.00, elsewhere 15.00 oer year Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 The Oshawa Times combine br versity Avenue LA] Ennisiaition as a political force, It must have a central figure to whom public attention can be directed and who can strive to capture public imagination, Mr, Coldwell has not been a partic- ularly active leader in the months since the last general election, but his image was strong enough and his prestige great enough to survive the inactivity, But with his retirement, there would undoubtedly have been vacuum, one that the national council itself could not fill. A committee cannot replace an individual under such circumstances, Nor can a committee give & party the needed sense of direction that a good leader can, Without leadership, the CCF would contribute to the new party a weakened and dispersed organ. ization, The council had to back down, but what resulted was an interesting saw-off, While Mr. Argue was the convention's unanimous choice for the leadership, men who had advocated that no leader be elected were themselves re-elected to key positions, the national presidency and vice-presidency. We doubt if this has any particular significance, however, Stanley Knowles and David Lewis are too dedicated to their principles to ate tempt any weakening of the leader's position, with the will of the convention made known, Whether Mr, Argue is the best choice as leader is something else, Douglas of Saskatchewan is the party's outstanding man, and he made it clear he intended to stay in Saskatchewan, but the CCF also has a brilliant Alastair Stewart, man in Bible Thought I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son, from me~-Genesis 22:12. As Abraham was willing to offer Isaac, and God gave His Son, so must we die to sell. CASTROS DOCTORS RECOMMEND COMPLETE REST * BOTH PHYSICAL AND MENTAL "-- sunt 4 TURN BEDS REPORT FROM U.K. Development Plan Producing Results By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) Correspondent for The Oshawa Times LONDON ~~ The measures which were taken by the British government last spring, under the Local Employment Bill, are al ready beginning to pay dividends, Under that bill, a fairly large number of areas throughout the United Kingdom, and particular« ly in Scotland and Wales, were designated as development arear They were areas to which the governmen! was given powers lo give special assistance to indus. tries establishing plants there, to assist in cutting down the unem- ployment figures, Reginald Maudling, president of the Board of Trade has an nounced that three areas are to be removed from the list of dis tricts In which the government will give assistance in the estab. lishment of new industries, These are Merseyside, which has had a large influx of new industry in the new automotive field, Llanel- ly in Wales and Sheerness, PROVIDE 74,000 JOBS Through the application of the government ald provisions of the bill, new industry with an employ ment potential of 74,000 has heen directed into these three areas since the bill was passed. Al that FOR BETTER HEALTH How To Treat Attack Ot Simple Indigestion HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, MD Probably more has been writ. ten about the fact that an indi gestiontype pain might be a sig- nal of cancer, heart disease or some other serious ailment than about indigestion itself So, today: let's talk about plain, simple Indigestion, NOT UNCOMMON I doubt that any truthfully say thal you never have had a case of it, All of us are guilty of overeating at times, or perhaps of eating while emo. tionally upset. Indigestion is likely to be an aftermath of el. ther one of these situations If you are troubled by frequent or persistent indigestion, you should, of course, consult your physician, Usually, though, you can treat these occasional symp toms yourself, HELPFUL REMEMDIES If you can expel the gas trapped in the stomach or colon, it will help. Lying down might also make you feel better A good bowel movement will also help relieve the discomfort, The age-old remedy Is taking sodium bicarbonate is generally helpful, Mix one teaspoonful in half a glassful of warm water and drink it slowly. OTHER AIDS Soothing comfort can also be obtained by using hot applications on the abdomen. Without such first aid actions, a case of indigestion is likely to last for three hours or more. Some persons mistakenly blame the drinking of water with a meal for an attack of indiges- tion, They insist that water di lutes the gastric juices and makes digestion difficult, It you g!n a large amount of alr while drinking water, you may have some discomfort. But the water quickly travels through the stomach into the small bowel, It is there that it is absorbed, So, you see, the water itself Canmon Show Chivalry WINDSOR (CP) A lone masked gunman robbed two men Saturday night but spared 2 woman who pleaded she was supporting four children The thief entered the Canadian Bread Company offices in south Windsor and robbed night watch. man Joseph Lalonde 69, and his son Frank, 37, of about $90. A cleaning woman, Mrs, Margaret Lazor, 43, was spared, She had about $30 in her purse The bandit attempted to force Frank Lalonde to open a small olfice safe When the safe couldn't he opened the three were tied and the bandit fled. of you can does not Interfere with digestion It's another matter, however, if you use the water to wash down half-chewed food, Then you really are asking for trouble, PREVENTIVE MEASURES To prevent indigestion in the First place, 1 strongly urge you to avoid any emotional excite ment while eating. Don't quarrel al the table and don't discuss un. pleasant subjects, Also, avoid foods that experi ence has Laught you are apt to cause you discomfort, You know what you can and can't eat, (STION AND ANSWER R.: Is It possible to con tract malaria in the United States or from living in a vicin. ity which is damp? Answer: Malaria does occur in the United States, particularly in the South, It is transmitted by the bite of a mosquito which breeds in stagnant water, QUEEN'S PARK time, the average unemployment in these three areas alone stood at 133,000, New Industry will provide work for more than half of these, The change in the posi tion on Merseyside and Wales has been considerable, Ford and Vauxhall expansion projects will relieve unemployment in the for- mer area, while large steel mill expansion is providing thousands of jobs in Wales, The Merseyside developments are providing 15, 000 new jobe against a total un- employment of 20,000, I'he standstill on applications for government aid to new indus- tries for these areas means that more effort can now be concen. trated on Scotland, Northern Ire- land and North - East England, which are the most serious areas being very encouraging. WAGES ARE HIGHER A report from the Ministry of Labor gives further evidence of the improving economy of the United Kingdom, It shows that for the first time, men's average wages in Britain have topped £14 a week. The actual average wage figure in the manufacturing indus. tries is now £14,165.4d, ($44.35) a week, This is more than double the average wage of workers in British industries' 10 years ago. Compared with the increase in the cost of living index, the higher wage scales reflect a continued rise in the standard of Ling. In the last four years, the cost of living Index has gone up by only 7.7 per cent, In the same period, wages earned by men workers have advanced by 20 per cent, Police Bum Hobo Jungle TILLSONBURG (CP) -- Police armed with matches and gasor line Saturday raided a 'hobo Jungle" near Tillsonburg's maip street, driving out about 25 tran. sient tobacco workers by burn. ing their tarpaper and card: board shacks The *jungl'e', built in a gul: ley adjacent to the main street, housed only a portion of the town's tobacco harvesters who are awaiting Jobs. "It's just like brushing a fly off your arm," a police spokes man said, "They'll be right back again." TV Idea Unlikely To Get Approval By DON 0' HEARN TORONTO -- It will be a frosty Friday when this happens, Meetings of the Toronto Trans portation Commission often are like a three-ring circus. CBC-TV has been filming the meetings and running large chunks of them locally They have turned oul to be some of the most entertaining shows on CBLT Three of the five cothmissions ers eventually decided they didn't show up as too bright between the ears, So they voted to ban the tele casts, Vice-Chairman Alan Lamport and various controllers and alder men disagreed with (his, They heatedly proposed that the province should ordain that all meetings of public bodies be open to television and radio as well as other néws media. NO! NO! They might as well ask Pre. mier Frost to cut them off a slice of the moon Last winter a Toronto radio station started taping certain ses- sions of the House Unbeknownst to Mr. Frost they ran a lengthy excerpt from one of his speeches. The next day this was men. tioned in the House and the pre. mier Was very. irate So long as he was head of the government, he said, there would be no more 'actuality' broad. casts from the chamber, ENTERTAINMENT MEDIA? There are, without doubt, two main points behind his attitude. ™ One of these is that reporting of parliament has historically been privileged, It is still officially illegal, for instance, to take notes in the pub- lic galleries. The other is that television and radio are principally entertain. ment media By their nature they can give only limited, and usually un balanced, reports, Then again, of course, there is the other consideration that not all politicians like to be reported exactly as they have spoken, In the heat of debate they can say things they really don't mean or at least would express dif- fevently with more time for thought, MR. LAVERGNE Gordon Lavergne, MPP for Russell and Mayor of Eastview is the latest burden of Mr, Frost's shoulders, As a member here since 1954 Mr, Lavergne has been princi pally prominent as a heckler, His main occupation has been to barrack the opposition, It would not be surprising if there were a by-election in Rus sell before too long. OTTAWA REPORT Average MP Seen Hard-Working Patrick Nicholson is on va cation, His Guest Columnist to- day is Hubert Badanal, Lib- eral MP for Fort William, Ontario, A great deal of criticism has been levelled at the way the business of government is being conducted in the House of Com- mons, even to the point of label- ernment with the proviems of 7 ms constituency and advise the sald aboul the waste of time spent om making speeches in Parliament, 1 firmly believe that Democracy could not strvive as a system of government if mem- bers were to be circumseribed us to the tone, length and fre nuency of there intervention in Ying it as an inefficient institu- tion, Some members have been complaining about the frusira- tion they have experienced since their election, While I have had tment in debate, It is true that a saving could be effected by imposing restrictions, such as have suggested by some Parliamen- tarians and other authorities, but the question is, would the h provide an improved my share of disapp not being able to do the things 1 thought 1 could so, I honestly ezonol share the feeling of those who think that being an MP is 2 waste of time. There are some who feel that our Parliamentary sys tem should be overhauled; that the speeche: should be shorter; and that there should be no desks in the Chamber; that the government should accept pro- posed amendments if they are good ones, There is eriticism of the fact that government bills in. varibly pass because the huge majority of the government will vote for them, There is, however no likelihood of things being dif- ferent even if the most outspoken eritie of the system were sud- denly to become the prime min. ister, He would steamroll his pet legislation just os effectively as prime ministers in the past, I believe that the average Member of Parliament is a cone scientious, hardworking fellow, He can he seen coming to the House at 9 am,; he has a half hour to go through correspond- ence, look over the morning pa per; try to find some story from which a question can be framed 10 shoo! at a minister during the questions on the orders of the day Most days there are commit- tees meeting from 9:30 a.m, and on Wednesday there is a party caucus where party policy is us. ually discussed and where one hears various opinions on mat. ters of the moment, There in the private sanctum without, the ben- efit of publicity, a member can ndvance his suggestions on the pros and cons of proposed legis lation, and from the collective expressions the Leader frames the line of attack which when ap- proved by the majority becomes the policy of the party, Hence, when confronted with a division in the House, every Member votes according to the agreed formula, There Is a widespread opinion that the government should al low free votes in Parliament, thus relieving Members of Party discipline except on matters when the life of the government may be at stake---the same ar- rangement to apply to Opposi- tion parties, As an example, during the De- bate on Capital Punishment, there were speakers on both sides of the House for and against the bill and perhaps be- cause of this fact, it was consid. ered a good debate, There were no party lines -- just the expres. sions of individual members giv- ing their views on the merits or faults of the measure, Contrary to all that has been BY-GONE DAYS 35 YEARS AGO C. H. Peacock's rink, repre senting the Oshawa Lawn Bowl. ing Club, reached the semi-finals of the Ontario Trophy in Toronto before being eliminated, The abnd of the 34th (Ontario) Regiment gave a very well atlended concert at Alexandra Park. Oshawa was fo be represented al the Canadian National Exhi- ition by displays from GM, Ped. lar People, and the R. §. Wil liams Piano Company. City Engineer W, C. Smith pre- dicted that the city would soon need a new pumping station, Statistics were collected to show that licenses had been is. sued to 1,872 car-owners in Osh. awa that year, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Goodman held' a miscellaneous shower for Miss Ethel Gregory. Thomas Hawkes made a busi ness trip home to Oshawa from Adelaide, Australia, where he had heen posted by General Motors, PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM "Man Kicked by Cow in Hospi- tal." -- Sunbury (Pa.) Daily Item, It's a mistake to put a near-sighted person in charge of admitting patients to a hospital, "It is forbidden to fence neighbors by excessive noises from phonographs, tele. vision sets, radios, firecrackers and gunshots." New regula. tions posted in apartment houses in. Paris, Forbidden also should be practicing hog-calling, clog dancing and yodeling. inconven- The ultimate in electric razors hasn't yet been achieved, True, a new model has three speeds for ward -- but no reverse, Man is dog's best friend, A writer for the public prints may look askance, or even askancer, at the human race with impunity, but if he low-rates the canine species he is bombarded with blistering letters "More pieople die at work than in accidents," says a statistician, And more people die in bed than anywhere else. Anybody who lives in this implausible world does so at his own risk, which is considerable and constant, standard which would be ap- preciated by the Canadian peo- ple? I am all for sounding the opin- ions of those whom I have the honor to reprecent, loud and clear, This is part and parcel of the responsibility of a Member of Parliament, It seems to me that the duty of the MP is to acquaint the gov- Minister of the needs o! the com munity for the benefit of the country regardless of party of- ' filiation. This is the essence of representative democracy, I regard the House of Com mons as a mirror which sentatives of the people being only a group of specialists like lawyers or intellectuals like pro. Aessions and walks of life repre senting all other Canadians, I am now completing my third Session of Parliament, Being a new member it is not to understand all the and mechanics of government, It takes patience, study and de- termination, before one can dis. charge his respopsibilities most effectively, ] At first 1 was doubtful of my ability fo cope xin situations which were natually me but I have learned pie AP while 1 have found the work heavy it has been extremely in teresting. I am most grateful to those who elected me lo represent them to parliament, My experi ence here has challenging and rewarding, $50 to $5,000 Without Endorsers or Bankeble Security Loans Life Insured Meany Plans and repayment schedules to suit your budget. &= yPERIOR FF. NANCE 17 Simcoe St. North RA 5-6541 OFFICES THROUGHOUT ONTARIO NO MUSS...NO FUSS NO INCONVENIENCE oo. and 5 years fo pay! « smell down payment ond as little os 10.00 por month will install « brand new folly gusrentesd Oil Furnace in your heme, Why net let vs give you en estimate LANDER-STARK OIL LIMITED makes it easy for you fo have a BRAND NEW o]]8 (J1]14,].14d: LANDER-STARK OIL LIMITED 43 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA Whatever your reason for wanting 8 brond new oll furnace, W's a sep towords improving the value of yow home. Let us do the job for you , . , smoothly, efficiently, sconomically . , , ond with the least upse! to your doily rewhine, So, if you're thinking , . . dedide new ond lot it "pay for itself" in economy ond safer haoting in low monthly pays ments over the next 5 yeors, There's no nead 10 wait only a small down payment! is required and your new furnace will be guaranteed for @ full yaar, with oll service calls and any parts ond adjusiments completely free, PH. 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