~ THOUGHT FOR TODAY The history of the human race is little more than a man's dumbness and his devilment, mirror of a record of dhe Oshawa Times 'WEATHER REPORT Skies will clear late today. Tues. day will be sunny and warmer, with very light winds, VOL, 89--NO, 188 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1960 boat Offic" Department, os Second Class Mall Ottowo EIGHTEEN PAGES MOTORCYCLIST KILLED A An unknown motorcyclist was instantly killed on Highway 401 at Park road at approximately 11.830 p.m, last night. Provin. cial Police at Whitby reported it appeared he had been pro- ceeding west on 401 when his machine struck the curb on the WINNIPEG (CP)--A prisoner at Stony Mountain Penitentiary Convict Shot Dead In Winnipeg Riot he TP north edge of the cloverleaf, It then veered across the highway and centre boulevard and was struck by an eastbound trans. port, The impact knocked the front wheel, handlebars forks more than 50 feel to the east into the median, The ma- ARK ROAD and | | chine was nearly ground into the pavement by the force of the oncoming truck, Provincial Police are withholding the hame and any further information un- til positive identification can be made, Above, passers-by look at the shattered motorcycle ~Oshawa Times Photo | was happening, but turned, most re-| | small, The flames destroyed the brick sports equipment | was shot to death Sunday and| The Winnipeg players finished storage building and the large| three unarmed guards were the game but thelr wives and brick gymnasium and recreation beaten with baseball bats, crow: children were rushed from the building, bars and wooden clubs before tear gas ended an uprising by Spe-setting convicts, Jour other prisoners were , BOTVe centre the prison 14 miles north of down. town Winnipeg, and start fires in & cell block and other buildings. | A large stroyed, A member of a coroner's jury formed shortly after the outburst was quelled said the dead pris onler was Identified as Albert Mercler, about 35. His hometown was not immediately available, He was believed to be from West tern Canada and serving a three. year term, Four other prisoners were wounded by gunshots, They were taken to Winnipeg General Hos pital where they were reported to be not in serious condition Three unarmed guards were beaten In the disturbance, but were released from hospital after emergency treatment Mercier was reported to have been killed by a bullet that ricocheted from a wall TROUBLE DURING GAME Warden Charles Des Rosiers said he did not know what caused the rebellion, which started when the group of prisoners "act 4 up" in the prison yard where the prison softball team was playing against an outside team Harold Johnson, Winnipeg soft ball team mangger, said prison ers told his players some of the convicts had obtained 'goof balls" drugs that gave them a narcotics-like lift--and had start ing fighting among themselves and with guards after getting "high." He sald that when shouts were heard from the prison buildings, aboul 200 peisoners watching the game rushed away to see what : . . Uranium Mines Plan Merger TORONTO (CP) Bondholders of Stanleigh Uranium Mining Cor poration ltd, today approved a plan to merge their company Preston East Dome Mines gymnasium was de approval by the bondhaold- ers was the last step in making the merger final, Earlier share. holders of both companies ap proved the plan The merger means the proo-| able closing of the Stanleigh mine grounds during the contest, | FIGHT STARTED "They told us some fellows got 4 "Whey reporied that when twe guards went to quiet ing th walls, | loc. | building, the convicts burned hed {ding and cloths, Above the top of the T, between it and the south | tire, VIENTIANE, Laos (AP)--King Savang Vathana has agreed to the demands of the military reb. els In Laos and named one of the nation's leading neutralists as premier, the rebel command announced today Vientiane Radio said the king had accepted the resignation of pro Western Premier Tiao Som: inith and his cabinet and asked Prince Souvanna Phouma, president of the National As sembly and the rebels' nominee for premier, to form a new gov ernment The rebel leader, 35.year-old Capt, Kong Le, sald rebel ne gotiators in the royal seat of Lu ang Prabang, 120 miles north of Vientiane, had cabled him news of the king's action Announcement of the king's action was cheered by a crowd of about 3,000 outside the rebel command's headquarters NEUTRAL POLICY Kong Le and his forces have dedicated Souvanna Phouma's government to neutralism, expu! sion of the US, and French mil. itary advisers who have been | | of the| ty high on Soumson sald a them down they started flght:| The game was being played in| SOUGHT HOSTAGES 0 yard, surrounded by 18-foot| In the north cell block,| vacation, said the prisoners pre- ated in the stem of a T-shaped | wall, other buildings were set on| 'trance to the building. Rebels Win In Vientiane equi | by try him for treason, CYPRUS GOVERNMENT | Fire equipment called from Winnipeg, Warden Dos Rosiers sald the er prisoners---about 400 are in id not br penit - : in the re mained yard supervised by guards and RCMP officers sent frem Winnipeg, ' was service on Tuesday, Aug, 16, at Anglican Church, Interment will be at Mount Lawn Cemetery, N KATANGA MOB BROK WITH TEAR GAS BOM Whitby Girl Killed In Accident An 18-year-old Whithy Distriet High School student was killed early Sunday in a traffic aceident| near Baysville when the car in which she was riding went out! of control, { Joanne Lindsey. of 711 Hi iry street, Whitby, daughter of Dr, and Mrs, G. W. Lindsey, was thrown through the open sun roof of the small car in which she was a passenger when it went out of control on a curve, skidded into a ditch, and rolled several times, The car was driven by| § John Cameron Hasselman, 21, of Castlefield avenue, Toronto, The accident occurred on Highway 118, eight miles northeast of Bays- ville, Other details were unavail- able, | § A | Toronto sports car driver Ted | Pope flips In a fatal crash at Harewood Acres near Jar. 8 diers who had lent vis, Ont,, Saturday, Pope's Triumph TR-3 slid in a turn | and was hit by the following POPE FLIPS IN FATAL CRASH car, Brantford Expositor Jack Bowman caught this dramatic shot, Miss Lindsey and Mr, Hassel man had been at a dance at Big. win Inn on Lake of Bays and were returning to the cottage where she was staying near Grove Park, Earlier in the summer she had been a counsellor at a camp near Huntsville, A pretty and popular student at Whitby District High School, Miss Lindsey was active in sports and was on the Girls' Athletic Association at the school, She was to have entered Grade 13 In September She 'was bora in Winnipeg and celebrated her 18th birthday last Thursday, She was a member of All Saints' Anglican Chureh, The body is resting at the W, C, Town Funeral Home in Whitby for Fatality HAMILTON (CP)~Police are searching for the driver of a car alleged by witnesses to have | caused a crash Sunday night that be newlyweds from St. Cathar ines, The unidentified couple dled when their confefti-strewn "ear slammed Into the side of a Janjer truck on Highway %0_at Pe section of the road lo pesrby rimsby, Police set up roadblocks in an be. conducted by Rev. a Romairon of Al Seton The warden, summoned from a sumably were trying to obtain hostages when they stormed the dome, at the junction of the arms of the T-shaped building, He did not know how they gained en- training the 30,000 « man royal army, acceptance of ald from any country that will give it} without strings, an end to the war against the pro-Communist Pathet Lao guerrillas and a cleanup of government corrup- tion The king's designation of Sou vanna Phouma promised to avert the threat of civil war, since government forces had al ready begun to organize for a drive on Vientiane, the eountry's| administrative capital and the only elty taken by Kong Le and about 1,000 troops in a lightning coup last Tuesday Somsanith and his cabinet were stranded in the royal cap ital and unable to launch an im mediate counterblow with the weattored units + of the royal army, - which has been trained pped and financed largely ny the United . States Souvanna Phouma 18s a hall {brother of the Pathet Lao leader, Prince Souphanouvong, who es.'! caped from Jail in June and fled to the jungles. Somsanith's gov ernment had heen planning to guilty to Soviet charges of espi. onage, ers arrived Saturday for the espi.| while piloting his reconnaissance| Jet high over the Soviet Union, plea, Barbara told a press con: | ference, he should not be called branch 461, |a Spy. attempt to stop the wanted car, Witnesses sald the ear pulled out of Grimsby sideroad, cutting off the tanker, which swerved and Jacknifed, The death car burst into flames after crashing into the tanker hut men from » near by service station put out the flames with an extinguisher be- fore they reached the couple, Another car swerved Into a roadside ditch to avold the plle- up, The drivers of this car and the tanker were not injured. Liquor Licences Rpproved TORONTO (CP)--Ten licence applications were approved dur TWIN GIRLS REAL SURPRISE BENTONVILLE, Ark, (AP) wl d Lovell ¢ an ambulance to rush his ex. peciant wife to the hospital but the baby was born be- fore it got to the house, Mrs, Lovell and the baby girl were taken to the hospi tal, Lovell, after seeing them settled there, returned home, A few minutes later the telephone rang, "You're the father of twins," the hospital informed him, "Two girls, identical." Only One Plea Open To Powers MOSCOW (AP) Attractive. (ern, dining lounge dark-haired Barbara Powers said] Port Arthur--Proposed hotel on Sunday that since it is a matter|the Red River Road, dining room, of record that her husband had|Public. house for men and public piloted the ill-fated U-2 spy plane, house for women or women "es it was "normal" for him to plead corted by men, Morrison Lake--Morrison Lake Lodge, dining room, Oakville -- Chrston's Oakville dining lounge, Trafalgar Township -- Missis onage trial of the American pilot, sauga Springs Hotel, lounge and Ontario Liquor Licence Board an: nounced today, They include: . Fort Willlam---New York Tav. Mrs, Powers and the mother and father of Francis Gary Pow- | | Tavern, which begins here Wednesday, [dining lounge, public house for Powers was shot down 1,400 miles Women or women escorted by nside Russian territory May 1/men Ambherstburg--St, John's Build {ing Corporation, Knights of Co Despite her husband's guilty /lumbus Hall, restricted club, Rrantford -- Canadian Legion restricted club lis cence. First Problem ' For Makarios NICOSIA (Reuters)--President about the end of this month--in. elect Archbishop Makarios ran volving about 370 employees, The into a hitch today in his attempt Slinfelfh, mine is Jocated in oeite complete the first cabinet for Blot Al maa of the Ro -- the new Cyprus republic, which der of /Stanleigh's uranium con. COMes into being at midnight to tract will be filled from the Mil. MEht liken and Panel mines of Rio Al.| Nicos gon Mines Lid, also in the El suspected liot Lake area. Cypriot CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.113% FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6574 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 Kranidiotis, a former foka underground refused the post or {fore offered /Sunday night or idiotis, who was once rios' chief secretary and 8 been serving as his diple.| {matic representative in Greece, [gave no reason for his decision | Meanwhile, preparations went {ahead for the inauguration Tues. {of the rest of the cabinet together {with Makarios and the Turkish LATE NEWS FLASHES |killed a young couple, believed to ing the week ending Aug. 13, the' | | LEOPOLDVILLE (CP)--A Ca |nadlan army officer acted as mediator Sunday between fleeing {Belgians and angry Congolese members of the Force Publique, Capt, Jean Pariseau, 35, of Ed- monton, a member of the Prin. cess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was coming out of a Roman Catholic church afler Sunday mass when flve Belgian men rushed to him, asking pro- tection from three Congolese sol. diers, one armed with a rifle, urday night from the Kutu area, near Lake Leopold, said the Con- golese threatened to shoot them. They are jean Marie Duquaine, Herman Voles, Daniel Castelein, Robert Davry and Andre de Mey, all planning to return to Belglun, #s soop as possible. Thelr families preceded them home, TREAT WITH RESPECT Pariseau sald the Force Pub: lique men saluted him and showed him respect, The Bel glans sald the Congolese con- tinued to utter threats in thelr own language, The Beigians sald they had one from the Lycee du Sacre oeur, a Roman Catholic school where they are staying, to cable their relatives, They sald they lost thelr way in downtown Leo: Indonesia Near Dictatorship JAKARTA, Indonesia (Reuters) President Sukarno moved closer to absolute power in Indonesia today by announcing himself as leader of the new 'national front" --a mass political organization designed to cut across party boundaries. Today's move was designed to bring nearer the president's re- gime of "guided democracy," un. der which he will be virtually a dictator, This was decreed in Jyly last year when he dissolved {the constituent assembly and re |instated the 19843 revolutionary constitution Sukarno will officially open his [newly appointed parliament Tues. {day, It replaces the elected legis. [lature dismissed in March after [the president charged it with fail. |ing to co-operate with the gov. ernment, ' The task of the "national front," to which any Indonesian may belong, is to "pool all na. tional potentials for completion of the revolution," UK. Sailors vice Fadil | Kutehuk The cabinet includes men who! fought against British security| forces in the bitter four-year emergency which cost nearly 700) lives, before Britain gave up its 82-year rule over the island In the Greek quarters no excite. | ment was apparent as the long: | sought independence neared | Three Turks provided for under | president « elect s/the 1959 independence agreement] are included in the cabinet, The ministry of Justice an nounced the release of 108 Cyp- riot prisoners today to mark independence, In addition, the sentences of 8&8 prisoners --- ranging from one month to several years--have also been remitted, the announce | ment said, Suspect Plot Against Castro ~N HAVANA (AP) The newspaper Revolucion today re- ported the arrest of 16 men on suspicion of plotting against Premier Fidel Castro's regime, One was identified as Martin Fernandez Solana, a former soldier who once was a cook for former dictator Fulgencio Batista, Demands Withdrawal Of UN Troops LEOPOLDVILLE (AP) Premier Patrice Lumumba today asked the United Nations to withdraw all of its white troops from the Congo In a letter to UN Secretary-General Dag Hammar skjold, Lumumba also demanded that control of all airports in the Congo be turned over to his Congolese army. He asked that the United Nations disarm all local troops in disputed Katanga province and turn the arms over to the central Con. golese government, Suspect Labor Racket TORONTO (CP) -- Immigration authorities said today ' they are questioning six West Indians taken in custody at Toronto's Maiton airport last week. The Telegram says the Negroes are suspected of being dupes in a labor racket. They would work for cheap wages and kick back some of their pay to sponsors. Three Haitian women were arrested Saturday and the others Are Jailed In Hamilton MONTREAL (CP) -' Eighteen British seamen spent Sunday night in police cells after walking off two ships during the weekend in sympathy with striking col leagues in the United Kingdom. Immigration officials said the men crew members of the freighters Beaverdell and West. river -- would be charged with desertion and arraigned in court today. Both the ships involved have left port. . Twelve of the men are from the Beaverdell, a Canadian Pa. cific freighter running between England and Montreal, and six from the Westriver, a British. Thursday. owned ship, | sald "oy in Rr ha | Police Seek |Canadian Officer DriverIn Saves Belgians (poldville and asked a Force Pub- ligue man for directions, The Congolese soldier blew his whistle and more Congolese sol: diers arrived, The Belgians retreated quickly when "they (the Congo: lese) threatened to shool us," Duquaine sald, Pariseau -- who with 18 other Canadian army men arrived here late last week to set up a { the Lycee grounds and asked their asfistance in calming the Congolese, The Belgians were allowed to enter the Lycee building and the Congolese soldiers walked off mumbling. | Pariseau sald he told the Force Publique soldiers that the Bel glans meant no harm and asked them to leave the Belgians alone, Hit Officer 2 Jailed 30 Days Terrence J, Hallet, 17, of 341 Philip Murray avenue, and Thomas W. Grills, 18, of Cour. tice, were each sentenced to 30 days for assaulting an Oshawa police constable on the evening f Aug, 13, The pair was found zullty to. day by Magistrate Crawford Guest, Hallet was also fined $200, and costs, or 30 days, for driving without a licence, and $10, anc costs, or five days, for speeding. James Burgess, of no known address, is also being sought by city police for questioning in con: | nection with the assault, | Said Magistrate Crawford | | ommunications system for the|fl nited Nations force i Congo Move To ELISABETHVILLE (AP) Police used tear gas today to break up street demonstrations against Katanga Premier Moise Tshombe, United Nations troops pledged to political neutrality, looked the other way, The Swedish UN troops were out on thelr first day of patrol| in Elisabethville after taking over to Elisabethville guard duties from Belgian sol. support Tshombe's demands for . inde- pendence from Premier Patrice Lumumba's central government in Leopoldville, Following the arrival of UN troops last weekend, Tshombe's| police began moving around the city, throwing (ear gas bombs whenever large groups refused to disperse, Members of the opposi- tion Cartel party were arrested but later released alter paying a fine equivalent to $1, This morning a large crowd of young Africans gathered in Elis. abethville's main square, REPORT FIVE DEAD Jeeploads of police rode up and began throwing tear gas bombs, An armored car rolled into the rquare, Swedish UN troops continued marching on their guard posts, looking off in the distance, Tshombe's government re- ported that five Africans were killed Saturday and five injured in a clash with police in the city of Jadotville, northwest of Elis. abethville, The government blamed the trouble on "Lu. mumba agents." It sald they demonstrated against the United Nations, threw stones and finally at the police and Mikepo, who was Swedish U re. ported sent to Jadotville and Kol. wezel, another Katanga town far. ther to the northwest, Responsibility for order Ellsabethville, the Provincia cap- ital, was officially handed over to the' United Nations by Belgian troops in a ceremony Sunday. in | More UN Forces Katanga way to replace Belgian forces out in the province, The 4,000 Belgian troops were itary withdrawing to thelr Dig mi base at Kamina, 300 north. west of Elisabethville, There was no word when they would begin pulling wit ol Jat for Beigiam, mong 1 tr ig Fthiopk Federation soldiers, ang, Mall tojsome Moroccans and more Swedes, TO APPEASE LUMUMBA The dispatch of African UN troops to Katange was intended to quiet eritiolsm by Congo Pre mier Patrice Lumumba, who as sailed UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold for starting the Katanga operation with white troops. But the choice of soldiers from Ethiopia, Mall and Morocco was unlikely to appease Lumumba, He wants troops sent in from Ghana and Guinea, whose presi dents Kwame Nkrumah and Se. kou Toure are hacking his des mands that Katanga Premier Moise Tshombe's secessionist ree gime submit to his authority, Tshombe is adamantly opposed to admitting troops from those countries, . Canadian Signa Arrive In Congo LEOPOLDWLLE, The Congo (CP)-~Nineteen Canadian army signallers have arrived here to set up a communications system for the United Nations force in ty oS ke, Just Houlnatig oe men were to get thelr bearings when future role of the force under a shadow. # Lumumba told a press confer. ence Sunday that the UN seemed to be acting "In league" with the Belgians in Kantaga province. He demanded that all white UN troops get out of the Congo and - leave the job of restoring order Moore UN troops were on thelr to Africans, Sir Albert C, Love, prominent Oshawa educationist and busi ness administrator of the Oshawa Separate School Board, died sud- denly Sunday afternoon in the lobby of the Lafayette Hotel Buffalo, N.Y. Sir Albert was with his wife, the former Ann Lawless of Graf: ton, at the time of his death, Sir Albert, who appeared to be In good hea! h, was In his 60th year, Perhaps Sir Albert's greatest contribution to education here was given as secretary-treasurer of the Oshawa Separate School Board which post he held for 33 consecutive years, when he was appointed to the full-time position, {which he held at the time of his death, It was largely because of his outstanding service to the Sepa. rate School Board that he re. Guest: "A police officer who uniform has every right to ex: pect he will receive the full protection of the law when he is carrying out his duty, Striking a| police officer is a serious offence, As a deterrent to you and others, vou will be committed for 30 days." More British Immigrants Here OTTAWA (CP) = The flow of British immigrants to Canada now is running ahead of Italian arrivals for the first time since 1957, the immigration department reported today, Statisties issued by the depart. ment show that 12,438 immi: grants of British origin arrived in Canada in the first six months of 1960, compared with 10,817 in the corresponding period of 1959, * In the same period Italian ar {rivals totalled 11,902, down from 115,954 a year ago, Italian immigrants topped Brit. ish arrivals in 1958 for the first {time in postwar history. In that [year 28,564 Italians arrived, com. pared with 26.622 from the Brit. ish Isles, Late in 1959 the immigration {department launched a campaign {to attract more British and Euro pean immigrants, Total immigration to Canada in the first six months of 1960 was 58.041, up slightly from S§7.089 in the same period of 1959, Of the total, 30,845 were destined for the labor force compared with 29,333 last year, ons aj » ceived a high papal honor in May of 1056; that was when he was appointed a Knight of the Eques: trian Order of The Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, which was de- seribed at the time as "a secular honor for a distinguished Chris tian life." The honor was bestowed on Sir Albert and a group of other Roman Catholic laymen in the sanctuary at St, Michael's Cathe: dral in a colorful ceremony with his Eminence James Cardinal McGuigan officiating, The investiture reflected great honor on the growing population of the Oshawa diocese, The Knights of The Holy Sepulchre originated in the Holy Land and existed in the times of the Crusaders, even earlier, Today its headquarters is in Rome at the Monastery of St, Ompphruin and the Grand Master Protector is a cardinal, PAST GRAND KNIGHT Sir Albert was a member of St. Gregory's Church on Simcoe street north, He was also a past grand Knight of St, Gregory's Council 2671 of the Knights of Columbus. He also served six years as district deputy of the Knights of Columbus, During the Second World War, Sir Albert was director of the Knights of Columbus Army Huts at the Oshawa airport, He was also a member of the Columbus Club and a member of the Arch. diocesan Holy Name Society. He was on the executive of the hook: ey league at St. Gregory's, the Oshawa Boy Scout Association and the Oshawa Housing Com. mission, He was also co-chairman for the Oshawa chapter of the Ca: \ Albert Love, 59, Dies In Buffalo SIR ALBERT LOVE nadian Council of Christians and Jews, He was born on a farm near Cobourg, and served with the Ca- nadian National Railways from 1918 to 1938 in Belleville and Osh awa, In 1958 he retired from the CNR to become the Oshawa Separate School Board's first busi ness administrator, He was elects ed to the Oshawa Separate School Board as its youngest member in He had seen the Oshawa Separate Schools grow from one school with five teachers and 132 pupils in 1923 to its present eight schools with 76 teachers and over 2600 pupils, He came to Oshawa as chief cashier for the Canadian National Express Department in 1920 and rieired from that position two years ago at the age of 88. SURVIVED BY WIFE Sir Albert is survived his wife, three sons, John 20, Albert, Jr, 18, and Charles, 15, all of Oshawa: and one brother, Robert, of Cobourg. The body is resting at the Arm strong Funeral Home, Friends may call at the Armstrong Fu. neral Home this evening. Solemn High Mass will be sung at St, Gregory's Church "Wednesday, August 17, at 1030 am. St Gregory's Council 2671 of the Knights of Columbus will attend a prayer service Tuesday evens ing at 8 p.m, at the funeral home. Interment will be in St. Greg: ory's Cemetery,