Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Aug 1960, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Auguet 15, 1960 15 Rabies Suspects Flee Dog BRANIFORD (CP)~Police to dey sought wine sirsy dogs, lowe, Don't Neglect Slipping BY her, Jigatied Proving (FALSE TEETH the city dog pound, 6 Sy dof Id, oth dos ing the weekend and released all 25 impounded dogs, Animal con-| trol officer James Farringion, glided by Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange TORONTO | IAM, STOCKS BIRTHS ABTHORFE ~ To od aa Mn Francis F Abthorpe deny! By The Cappdian Press » Baden as & daughter, | A Suzanne, on Fridey, August 18, "i556 ! Toronto Back Exihange--Ave. 16 (Quotations Ww cents unless marked §. pCRAES, w Mike snd Lolly announce ot, Exdivilend, sr--¥Ex ww EX-Warrents.) 4rd ol * daughler, Laure Michele, on Wednesday INDUSTRIALS 028, A sister for Bammy A 4d Thanks to Dr. Vollmer. Block Seles Wigh Low 11 a.m, OW ge PERCY Abitibi 125 $39% Bo Wh -- WH snnounce the srovpl of » tw Alls Dist 125 5 2 w+ Alla: Dist vt 600 s i + , & Ibs. 7 ozs, on Thursdey p 2 234, 3h -- fir i, ase. ut the Danaws General] ke Cas 28 4 Pld poients sie Earnie Alia Gas pr 104 104 = Fs Alig Gas wt wh 3 a] Wh + % 4149 ~¥ id "n% + Hh DIXON, Millicent Mand ~ Entered inion rest al the home of her daughter, Yo Moynard, Port Perry, (Seugo) on Millisent Hoey the iste Silas Dixon of Bouge Hills, Ont, dear r of Evelyn (Mrs, Ma nar) of Port Perry, Alex of Rouge , Leopard of Stoney Creek, Ruby (Mrs, Carleton) of Searboro, Russell of Rouge Hills and Mary (Mrs. Bogle) of Searboro. Mrs. Dizon is resting at Me Kingston Road West, 'uperal service im 5 Pairs hare -on-the Hill, Dun barton, on Tuesday, August 16, st 2.30 pm, Interment Eiskine Cemetary Canninglon papers please copy LINDSEY, Josnne ~ Budden) A Phos Av Pg gs Pp if Bg Sloth Bales wn tow 10m. le ~ lock Seiss Sigh how 18 om. OB $9 Bonkeny "oe nw Vw Base Metals 1 Bicroft Block Bales Wigh Low 1 Yost 4 wis 20 Mh Wh opdwd A #25 §) 1% Curb €©h bug €G ny € Peper D Glass Dupont om oe (24 Wh 19% Slosk Beles Wah how 35 am. OF FS 3 + 3 (nee 2d the rights, rl a2 8 3 ~R-BRTE F salad SIN 3 too¥oesrrgtacsion ¥ Linda snd Simmy are! Alminex Tn osippenyge spesiypey : aes sy CORNERS § 3S * fretreenanntlhs Ts == 11 FEELERS Trove Tio y ee Es a HE &S =i: ws - - Two > - Bank NS mt 040 Both Pow B80 Bell Phone 635 Bowater Brau Bright pr BA ON BCE 4 pr BC Forest BC Pow BC Phone Brown Burrard + time for a new SCOTIASUDSENSWISHER?* Elriaetg ard gere et. $339 fist 333 tElsiaetg ard uatetating - = bw Dypamie Fargo Home OH Home ON B HEBEBOWG Majirans Medal Midcon NC Oils Pac Pete Pac Pel w Perm! pr Petrol Ponder Prove Gas a 1 113: FFF = » =o 3s = Sa : 116 bil i Ash Ld Yn 1950 Lod i Dome Duvan East Sul Eder F acon Faraday Frobisher Giant YE GF Mining Grandue Gunnar Gunnar wis Hard Rock 13333 sified RS i a ats. F a a a a 1 he -s : a $5. eT sent. Royel Bank 7 Russell wn : f st I Corp 75 M0 3 Simpsons 2% % ih " Sleel Can & gir pceident near Dorset, Opt, Jo © Chem 1414 Texaco Can 25 S485 40% 48% anne Lindsey, beloved daughter of Dr.| © cory 120 Tor-Dom Bk I 5h ag and Mrs, Lindsey of Ye Henly i 84 Ror. Iron A a 21 pin her 19th year. Resting »t i144 Tr Can PL w Town Funeral Chapel, Whit: Cdn Wall B 4 Trans-Mt 5% Ft ARR ant [i i iid | C Wesing 5 35 6G Rev, Armstrong v 1k § 3 i U Fuel | Cockshutt 14 J ; U Fuel 4 1 Col Cell Con Gas 163 §14% Un Steel 100 Con Gas B 1H $105 Vie G Tr Creative Tel 725 a Walk GW Crown Zell 10 844 4 Weston A Dist Beag ld $4 ED + Weston od C Br Alum CBAL A wis § 94 1 17 A hid 1 : 12% Wh "Hw u F seed... Ae» 1 19% " I 333334 12500 MINES Advocate 1250 366 865 Anacon bn 4 4h Anglo Hur 69 765 72% 2000 10% 10% 2000 BO Bi Ll i500 32 a6 7h TR 1h WT 5000 9 § 9 L High-Bell Hollinger Int Nickel Irish Cop fron Bay i $ w street, Whitby, dear sister Whith, the Cc by, tor servies in the Aug. 16, at 2 pm Cemetery Oshawa officiating Cdn OM CPR So IX fe > F ¥ 3 100 10 #00 wii 400 5000 13% LI WH bi 3% tsiis we J Wale Jacobus dellicoe Kerr Add [ad Kilemibe 700 Dufauit 159 BES | = -- | LOVE Entered into rest suddenly, in Buffalo, NY, on Bunday, Aug i", 1980, Albert ©, Love, beloved hushand of Ann K. Lawless and father of John | Albert and Charlies in his 60th year | + od % iid % $i 11% 611,000 wh oo 4 14 ~ __# Win 4 Gospe Cop 80 sn 34 Bales to MH "mi __ Aumaque would have liked greater accur- acy In its capsule drop, it indi- *washing machine, financed 17 at 10.30 a.m. Interment Bi Gregory's Church, Wednesday, Gregory's Cemetery. Couple 'Drowned Space Projects cates the practicability of drop- Cobalt Plant in St August HAVANA (AP) The Cuban canowned properties in Cuba, government has taken thel Moa Bay is the largest pri- Freeport Sulphur Company's|yaiesly owned mining enterprise In Motel Pool WIARTON (CP) \ping objects accurately from sat- ellites to earth, A battery of such satellites gould blanket potential enemy pations with the shadow of in stant nuclear attack The Discoverer success and Friday's orbiting of a Project | Echo satlelite-~a radio mirror in the sky-are seeds of many fur ture space projects, One day there may be a dozen BOSS, Jennie Bobens ~ AL Fairview Lodge, Whitby, on Sunday, August 14, 1960, Jennie Rohena Garrow, beloved wife of the late Frederick J. Ross and loving mother of Annie in hey 90th year, The late Mrs. Ross Is resting | at the home of Mrs. A. Hoover, William Street West, Oshawa, for ®. viee on Tuesday, August 16, st 3 p.m» idterment Union Cemetery at low cost through SCOTIA PLAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA «n Open New Vistas Schedwitz, 86, & member of Kitchener fire department, and NEW YORK (AP) ~~ United|by command to men waiting be: his friend, Jean Carscadden, 32,/5tales space experiments in the|low, drowned Saturday night while!last two days have planted these The similar prospect for films using private swimming pool AYesome ideas in space |of the "moon, "the planes, the i ) ce, 210 ot $75,000,000 nickel and cobalt plant Cc ' full tel pf B A future of worldwide tele {stars : aay ones, "August 15, 1060. in Cuba, The American-owned '0 uba, It was not fully com-\at a motel in this Bruce Penin- yision, radio and telephone ealls,| The ultimate possibility that Peter Wolowiee, beloved hushand of plant has been idle since March, pleted last March when oticile aul town 21 miles north of Owen The possibility of living under man himself may make his first Mary Bychyk, father of Mrs, Walter © " t pul @ id they eould|Sound ntomic-armed satellites that eir-|escape from spice in the same Bilsky (Ann), in his 81st year. Funeral When the gowernmen | of the company Bai y. eon . Hy ks 4 4 Sisk Ann), 'in hie bist year, Funeral | When the BORER Oot. continue. operations hecause| The bodies were discovered in le the earth wailing for a push way that an expreimental cap-lor more of the Echo satellites Thursday, August 18, (For further par nt Sunday of gov-lof a new 25-per-cent tax on the|the water by W, H, Kinzel, owner hutton eommand to atiack sule dropped to earth and wag|civeling the earth--mirrors from tioulars, call the Armatrong Funeral| =AMMOUMCCIREE SEE pron gross value of the plant's prod.|of the motel, Firemen applied The prospect of first - hand|rocovered from the Discoverer|which to bounce statie-free radio Home, RA 85173, (Friends are asked ernment intervention of re BO le x oF Homa {artificial respiration without suc films of any spot on earth, taken satellite Thursday and television messages any [port's Moa Bay mining company Bb padi by satellite cameras and dropped' ¥ven though the forcelwhere on earth | heightened fears in business Moa Bay employed about 8,200, ' EC didn ud aot to gall at the funeral home before Tuesday evening.) ircles concerning the future of most of them Cubans and had a Mr, Kinzie sald the couple went GERROW FUNERAL [about $75,000,000 worth of other | weekly payroll of about $150,000, swimming about 10 p.m, Satur CHAPEL American mining properties still| When finished it was to furn out day and were alone in the 40 under private management 50,000,000 pounds of nickel and foot pool, He left the motel for Kindness beyond price President Osvaldo Dorticos an-| almost 4,500,000 pounds of eobalt #bout 10 ioutey nd when he | ( hich | annually ie hodies on yet within reach of all, [nounced the intervention--w nean anything RA 8-6226 | m outright Bh the bottom of the pool from token . a control--| MISCUSS SALE Mr. Kinzel and a motel guest| . no reason. It was ex-| Chief among the other Amerl-| pulled them out, Wiarton firemen | 390 KING STREET WEST government eventually ©80 owned mining properties 1s applied artificial respiration for Tt had taken over the the Nicaro nickel plant, built by jobs over WOLOWIE(C Entered into vest at The Manager: Oshawa Branch, Kingsley M. Hume alr to From the money-saving... The 1960 Dodge Dart Is the "savingest" car on the road today, You save when you first buy it (priced right down with the lowest), You save when you drive it (up to fifty extra miles to every tankful of gas with the Super Economy Slant "Six" Engine), VE | pected the would say OSHAWA plant to protect MONUMENT COMPANY |" |, SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, ' Mémarials, Cornerstones statutory of all types 435 KING ST, E Fh, RA 8.3111 or RA B-BB76 LOCK'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all LN SHOPPING 'Cancel Rio 5" | Light Contract RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) | State attorneys Saturday asked [the federal courts to cancel the concession of Rio Light te sup ply electric power in the city of two hours without success | the U.S, government, Sale of this Police said they believe one of plant to Cuba is being negotiated. | me swimmers got into trouble in A dozen Roman Catholic organ deep water and the other at zations meanwhile announced | tempted & rescue, their support of a pastoral letter | rr =r ---- week warming of commu |nism's advance in Cuba, The|, organizations alse rejected Pre. govern- mier Fidel Castro's charge that than the U8, Embassy was spurring on Catholic eritics of the govern ment, | MARKET PRICES TORONTO (CP) Churning {eream and butter print prices were reported unchanged today TORONTO (CP) Wholedale fruit and vegetable prices were | reported unchanged from Friday ny | TORONTO (CP) -* Potat 0 , g Rio de Janeiro, Rio Light is & dear bushand, Dory A Hood, who subsidiary of Brazilian Traction prices were reported unchange a No marning dawns, ne lght returns: | of Toronto today But that I think of you; | Thoke left behind are very good | The sul But none replaces you |of Guanabara which eomprises Many a silent tear is shed the eity of Rio de Janeiro The When I am all alone The one | love so very much, |eourt action as ks that the state {be given the right to grant con The one 1 called my own Sadly missed by his wife, Emma |oessions te power companies In loving memory of This right now is exclusively re Mrs. Lula Palmer, who passed Away gopy 0 the federal govern August 15, 1958 served 4 God knows how much we miss her Never shall her memory fade, Loving thought shall ever wander To the spot where she is laid Sadly missed and ever remembered ers by son, Frank, daughter-in-law Willa, joe grandehiidren Penny and Frankie it | eity In loving memory of a dear grandmother, Lula Palmer, who passed away on August 15, 1958 We were always weleome, | | workers' the would take Cuban protect Freeport all and New York said it under to company possible | international legal rights ONE OF SERIES A week earlier, the ment nationalized more | $700,00 000,000 worth of other Ameri steps f law . last HR CA RA 8-655 IN MEMORIAM HOOD In 24 And Dodge Dart gives you such a wonderful choice too , , + hardtops , , , wagons , , , sedans , , , convertibles, Twenty-two beautiful models in three dashing series . , . Seneca, Pioneer and Phoenix , , , all built to the highest standards , , , all priced « right down with the lowest , , , all quality products of Chrysler Corporation engineering, loving memory of mw country club atmosphere WINNIPEG (CP) = Trading! 4 was generally on the quiet side| within Metro Toronto, Enjoy the rest al the opening today on the Win:| ful, the inviting Guild Ian... for holidays, nipeg Grain Exchange | & weekend or just the delightful cuisine Flax prices showed an easier| af luneheon or dinner, Ask today about tone and commercial demand | our special "weekend plan" was not aggressive, Some rainfall] in Alberia was partly responsible | for Tore Liberal offerings Guildwood Parkway on Kingston Road, Oats and barley trade was on | Scarborough. Ontario. Canad consum-|a voutine basis, while rye trade' igh, are, Canada fers had no feature, the | wee . a 08 RAN was filed by the stale PALMER THE GUILD INN ment also overcharged to provide sections of The suit {Light has and failed to growing to the unsurpassed luxury of the Dodge Polara... But the beauty of Dodge does not end with the Dart, At the "top of the line" is the luxurious Dodge Polam , . , A Dodge built to command , , , for those who demand mare in a car, , , a Dodge that surrounds you with that comfortable feeling of prestige and pride, One test-drive will convince you! charges Rio| PALMER Consumers' Gas Company Appointment No matter when we came; Our mother in the doorway Always smiled the same We were always welcome No matter what the weather, For she always loved to get Her family all together And singe she's gone same The world is bleak and bare 1 like to think when life is done, Wherever heaven may be That she'll be standing at the door Up there to welcome us home Sadly missed and always will be emembered by granddaughter Pearl and Art and great-grandehildren Cathy and Trudy it's not the | | | --_-- THE FALMER In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Lula Paliner, who passed away Aug 8, hy | smiling, happy and content, Ses . #5 Aug, hb] 1] Sept. 0 Loved was our mother, wherever she wen! To a beautiful life came a sudden end She died as she friend vingly remembered by son, Eddie hierdndaw Marie, and grandehil and Cindy lived, everyone's dal dren, Randy RICHARDS In loving memory of § a dear moiher, Mrs. Mae Eliza Rich ards, who entered Into vest Aug. 15, 1988 | Peacelully sleeping, vesting at last, The world's weary troubles and trials | are passed; nt Mieace she suffered, in patience ol "aod "ealied her home to MR, JOHN E, LEE Ookah L Jones, President ond General Manager of The Con sutfer ne mere sumers' Gas Company, announces ~lovingly remembered hy Earle E) the appointment of John E Lee sle, Joy, Harold and Marjorie os Vice-President General RICHARDS=In loving memory of a Superintendent, Gas Supply. Bom deur sister, May, whe passed away Au [in Lomdon, Ont n 1215, Mr aust 15, 1854 ee graduated from the University alavimy remembered by Jessie and of Western Ontario in 1937 with a BA. in Honour 'Physics and Chemistry, While with the Chem cal Division of the Ontario Re» search - Foundation he mpleted the University of Toronto require ments for his MA. in Chemistry He joined Consumers' Gas in 1940 las Chief Chemist, Works Depart Iment. In 1948 he was registered as a Professional! Chemical Engl neer. Mr. Lee become General (Superintendent of Works in 1952 As. General Superintendent, Gas Supply, and Superintendent of Niagara Ges Transmission Limited he is responsible for gas purchase underground storage, peak shaving LARGE ISLAND finderaroun ¢ of gate stations and Manitoulin Island in Lake|oll large volume meosurement of Huron is the largest fresh water gos." island BW the world, TRAVEL RELAXED AND CAREFREE! Twesday, Avgest 13 to Saturday, 10 nclueive. Quality Products of Chrysler Corporation Engineering 'ou get more with Dodge Co31608 Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column: Births, 'Memoriams. Cards of Thanks == 9 AM SAME DAY DEATHS 11 AM SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 Return firet clans fares sheo available rr DISCOVER THIS FOR YOURSELF TODAY AT YOUR LOCAL DODGE DEALER CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES 331 PARK RD. SOUTH 4 OSHAWA, ONTARIO burn Bd Sepiomber 14 RB TTT 01AN NATIONAL |

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