Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 13 Aug 1960, p. 13

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47 --Automobiles For Sole Sale (48--Automobiles Wanted WO or vale, 0% 0, Veber Whi and Oshawa, Elizabeth Crest Avenus, #1700, a [FOR SALE. Thee - bedroom house ime (nace, double gersse wit 7, off fur. | Yo-nere land, on Town Line Esst, Write Box 913, {Oshawa Times, FIVE - i on i i BO te Tindall Real Estate, 43 Bond i stares | Windeor Brvest - (Trade or terms of | Noble | RA 59677, me 7 SFORTICAR TH3, good shape, must sell immedistely, '8 PONTIAC convertible, sutomstic 6, bo! May pe. soon ut 20 between 3 and § pm. | $65, In FOUR - b - door 36 Poniipe, 3 52 Mo sam, WB MERCURY sedan, whitewslis, , §00d_condition, at 15 Mill Street oe A 54308" after © Pm CASH 50--Articles For Sole THE OSHAWA TIMES, AUGUST Furniture Sale mow on! Sremendons savings! Yiow 50---Articles For Sole 50---Articles For Sole FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST, W, cents per fool; Arborite students' desks, $19.95; Serta and Beven) top Msttreses, reg. 59, and end Pp Furniture, 20 Chureh eet, GAS conversion burner for sale, cheap, RA 51823 after 6 pm, Bo eis, plane an oe two dressers, oe ug 097 0% 10 Park a flo Ag x W08", Apply FoR [2 -- Bpanish Electric Guler, s0lid bod plea) A-months od CEDAR »" / Telephone RA 37181 after 5.30 pm, . ch "48 sutomatie, ri AT condition, nulsmatic, a1 1 sondition 9175, 73, Bie n Street West, RA ™0 FOR SLE = silvalely, « bed: Tob, Sratthot rs Mates roe 3 , eoncrele driveway, MO 8860. " cottage in Bowmanville, heavy duty stove, refrig- fenced | erator, chesterfield, chrome kitchen set included, for $3500, RA 81911. #7506 FULL PRICY, for this three.bed- N.H.A. RESALE Meadowcrest Subdivision, Brooklin, 3 bedroom ranch type brick bungolow, $87 monthly includes principal, interest ond toxes. $1650 down, full price $11,825, 39 Ferguson Ave, OL 5-4485, residential RA 56200, 8. EH 5 i i i : (tion, Phone RA 57285 Hireet, pf cin col so condi. or " i i 51 METEOR, Ferguson Avenue, 53630, 3d wood floors, . RA 33110, on 2% acres or less 7 and No, 12 Hwy, {ie MONARCH sedan variect eniine, A9-| Must ve 8018 HA Sadie, Joos fi automatic, radio, , Best Rage offer. BA 5.8122, Drew Street, '8 BUICK hard 145 Albert Street, D. MOUNTJOY COLONIAL HOMES s of Quality AM fart PRIVATE SALE WHITBY SPACIOUS 6 ROOM BUNGALOW Picture window overlooking garden ond fruit trees, fire place, attached goroge. Neor schools and shopping centre, Phone A MO 8-3068 NEWCASTLE 27 acres == B-room house, 40 x 60 -- benk born located at Welcome Corners, adjoining school --- all gor- den soil, Asking $9,500, easy terms HAROLD C. PEDWELL BROKER NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE -- 3856 Wilson Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 NEW HOMES IN ALL SECTIONS OF THE CITY North-eost = from $12,950, $1,750 down South-east -- from $13,000, With besement goroge North-west = from $13,500. $1,600 down, South-west ~~ from $12,000 $1,200 down For further information contact any one of our courteous salesmen Bill Norris . RA 5-7983 Dick Young . RA 3.7183 Lloyd Corson .., RA 3.2527 Dave Donald .. RA 5.8522 Open Evenings and All Day Saturday COOL SHADE Nice screened sunporch overs looking garden. Shade trees hedges and climbers, etc. at the rear of nice comfortable 4 room bungalow, modern kitchen and 4 pc. bath low cost oil heating. Heavy duty wiring. Extras ond garage. Asking only $10,500, Terms Age of owner only reason for the sale of this charming pro- perty located on Rossland Rd. West, 1 block from Simcoe St. N. Call us for appoint. ment to inspect CO-OP list. Homes, Cottages, Goroges. RA 8-4614 134 Simcoe St. S., Oshowe PRIVATE SALE { Write Box 1 No. I soning ares, By igs. $5000 cash, bal , reasonable interest, shawa Times, PRIVATE SALE Two « storey colonial type home, six years old, in one of Oshawa's better areos, six rooms, extra lorge, fomily dining room with french doors opening to potio, land. scoped, close to schools, RA 5.5890 3 BEDROOMS, 1¥2 STOREY---GARAGE on large landscaped lot----oil heated, just North of Comp Somoc, Particulors Phone RA 8-0478 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER CAMBRIDGE STREET DOWN $1,000 DOWN 9 room 2 storey home with aaroge. Immediate possession, large lot for the children with four fruit trees, no through traffic, oil heated, Remember your family comes first, Call Bill Miller at RA 8-5123 or RA 5.2557, $750 DOWN IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Six room brick homes, Cen- tral to high school, public schools, shopping and buses. A low price of only $11,900 Call immediately Irwin Crulk- shanks ot RA 8-5123 or RA LLOYD REALTY LTL, REALTORS RA 8.5123 -- RA 8.5124 RA B.5125 101 Simcoe St. N. BUILDERS PICK OF THE BUNCH Modern 3-bedroom brick bun- golow, perfect color scheme, natural stain interior, gleam~ ing hardwood floors, all storms ond screens, divided, portly finished basement, ° Large lot. Immediate posses- sion. Yours for only $2,000 down, Corries for $69.00 monthly, Walk right in! OSH AWA, $10,700 full price == owners built 3-bedroom brick bun» golow. A very nice home, tastefully decorated ond equipped, 12 years old, This price cannot be beaten anywhere, WHITBY, $7,500 full price == 10-room insul brick home, 2 bath. rooms, large lot, centrally located. WHITBY, $500 down --- modern 3- bedroom brick bungalow, Storms and screens, Carries for $84.00 or $59.00 month- ly with $2,200 down, WHIT- BY. lond at Sold os soll, N 200 ocres ranch $45.00 per acre one piece. Good Scugog 46--Real Estate Wanted MODERATE priced homes, business arms wanted for client, Street, RA 32512 or MO B57) 65, - oY. a ments, 1001 Low Oe rs 2 A over Tah ve, A after 6, wna RA 55078 after 6, 55 FORD deluxe coupe, custom Dus lise FORD sedan, button radio, whitewalls, washers. This priced reasonable for ion trie MO BONE OF ee "wear, Na Lom, Hon val a in #¢ Lancaster Hotel, rz. CHEVY. Ly HAA] youl good ator, #550 or best offer, Phone RA coun |, sutomatie, miloags excellent condition, Auigk sale, BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Rood) RA 3-4494 Res, 5-5574 CLEARING AT a '57 FORD, automatic, two-tone, radio, low flange, excellent condition, Phone $126 YOUR choles, "50 Pontise, run good,' radio King We ot Motors, ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up to 20 per cent, Six months to pay, For povaonal service at your home call RA '51 MONARCH convergible, $100 cash | 47 --Automobiles For Sale 58 MERCURY convertible, automatic power windows, radio and extras, Ap- ply 208 Nassau Street or telephone RA 83153, 85 CHEVROLET automatic, one owner ear, in real good ccadition. Must be sold MO _ 88504, 5 DKW 1000" hardiop, as new, fully equipped, 82600 new, sell for $1660. Take older ear. RA 81610, '80 ANGLIA white, red trim, 9000 miles only, 40 miles per gal, guaranteed see. ond car, $1305, King West Motors oppo- site Shopping Centre 51 FORD, good motor and fires, body needs work, Make offer, 43 Elena Avenue, 1 DODGE | utomalic fully equip. ped, reasonable, Telephone RA 5.6456 '0 DKW station wagon, radio, excellent condition CO 3.2769 "8 CHEV, BelAlr, four door, automatic, radio, white walls, wheel disc, padded dash, electric WissH. new car condi. tion, Phone RA 5-800i two tone, Telephone 45--Reol Estate For "Sale "45--Real Es Estate For Sole Be sure to see GOLDELL HOMES Designed for GRACE AND SPACE So Conveniently Located in BRAEMOR Stevenson's Rd. North and Annapolis or best offer, fies it at 261 Johnston Avenue, RA 80569, '5 VAUXHALL, private, ONLY 10% DOWN one (wher, $1285. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good cleon cors., Trade up or down, Liens poid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, RA 3-942) 3 Whites. oA boat, shrustion, "Prineeeraft," #106, 198, $990, windshie running Kights, deck hardware, uoho,- Metod | pois, gas y 98, : am; . hr . m,, Andy. 84111, BABY carringe "Gendron Nits Wa" rieef, Fiayoen. rangette, "|PLAYER piano with "ltachments, a real party rolls, Rehuilt by mash, RA 57001, 15 BP LOCOMOTIVE type boiler wheels, stoker and automatic electric (9250. Call Oliver 53311, book case. Vhone MO MO 84525, HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM» PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, ~UP AND MOTOR TUN GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING RA 37822 T, W, All Guar i Oshawa Hardware 1] Church Street BA 37624 WRECKING building south of Oehaws of Oshaws linie , Charles Street, material or REMINGTON 7 pewri typewriler, # and Shale, hn dition, private, Phone R '| with also desk | 40 HE re or 1s FT, hemor Si cruiser '9, TENTS, camp nd camp cots, pn, et pl EEE Electric, 8 Church Street. RA 2762, JNO Dane lewst Jewel, heavy rR A ed INSUL i "house on Bimeoe Street to be jor dows. Free -- for com [ CASH FOR YOUR CAR(: TRADE UP OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF WILBAK MOTORS RA 5-0732 ip. Apply " Nas sau Street, PAGE peor tty las poner, or T™WO ~ ae? i08 Tubs Shevmtield sulle, MAN'S bicycle, complete with tool ease, like new, used only by pr ig very reasonable price, MO 0 84547, of bunk beds for sale, brand new, A0-Aoot Call RA 57771 ™v TOWERS nef. rin | ri tower, hot dipped Faivanized, wit with channel head, Installed and guaranteed for one year, , TRIO Television, RA 8.6761, OCCASIONAL tables by Peppler, ply erosshanded veneer, solid walnut frames, oll finish, no pola end o cockiail, $20.95. RA 8 925 9 $100 worth of free purcspse of a chesterile I. with the hedroom pubs or dining room suite 'otter good for a limited time only! Easy terms perfect eondition, 15,000 miles, Must_sell, OL, 54436, # 'WH CHEVY, BelAir, power ide, two | door, radio, many extras, like new, | vi price $3570, Bacrifice, $2350. RA 8008, Pontioe, VB, outomatic, Volkswagen, deluxe, Studebaker, Silver Hawk, Ford, Victoria, Hardtop, Olds,, hardtop, oll pow- ered '57 "56 85 CHEVROLET | BeiAir, good condition, Apply Avenue, RA 3.4827, "one , owner, 149 Banting eight pieces, THREE . ioe bedroom suite, oh Jd 50--Articles For Sole 20-F7T, OUTBOARD squinped, foam mattress, 2-465; cruiser, fully Call W DINING room suite, "solid black walnut, Food condition, reason: able, MO 8-2495, RA '55 Chev Wagon, Chev. two-door. Pontiac 4-door deluxe, Pontiac 4-door, Pontiec 2-door, 2 - door Stetion WILLIS MOTORS For Your AUSTIN CAR GOOD ASSORTMENT '55 '55 '54 '50 MARIAN AUTO 25 GRENFELL ST, USED CARS TAUNTON RD. E. RA 5.033] ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING W., OSHAWA RA 3-7132 RA 8.5179 SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, Tel: RAndolph 3.3461 48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Aufo Wreckers want cars for wrecking, Highest prices paid, RA S-1181, GARDENS Road South, RA 8-5072, ONE Moffat range, $210.95 at fimeoe North. BA 33 3043, CHEAP for quick # chine, electric range, jars, Phone LOWEST pri ria) SABYAN MOTOR ffi Ki 34465. 214 Ein " vem, APARTMENT size electric: stove, hgh I (mark, Finland, Italy, Portugal, "India, and junior chairs; go-cart; child's to let sent, RA 5.0153, 24" GAS stove, good eondition, Phone Mo 88758, RADIO for 50 Vauxhall, complete with aerial and rear seat speaker, 365 Park Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South, GO-KARTS, demonstrators, as 1ow as $149, complete with motor and cush. «9 pom, Handy Andy, RA |p, ions, § am, _ {wri UBED tires, most ail sizes, {3 and up, B, F, Goodrich Stores, RA 5 BOAT and molor together oF SepaTate 15 ft. moulded plywood, ~quipped, 12 HP motor, like Jew, best offer, RA 50805 or HA 59712 BROADLOOM, Tampe; plagues, room dividers, Siats, wall Den. from $9.50, Two floors to serve you. Kelly's RA 8.5153, 32 King E, KELVINATOR, Foodarama, frosting ever, upright no de |e , {ply ones _ ers, from #240; dry: Phoie Rn Sane ie [TOURING eabin foal ler, Supp nk ok rie rs tnd iE, A i, complate units, 1, 2 ind 5 yh) typewriter, office desk, elec: an, Sw filing eahinets, wimp pomp, pump, extension ear Fy alr #, troller tires, heat- 0 paint tank, book: RA 59216, Wo - piece chesterfield suite, condition, pink with black trim, in HA 65349, -- MAYTAG, world's Targest manufactur: er laundry equipment, auton.atic wash. ryers $170. Now on display at Kelly's, ] 4 floors, 2 King Street East, t. RA 6-515 FOR BALE -- 2 2% semi-auto matie rifle with 7 shot fs Joa pine. New last year, $28, MO nut Street, Whithy, ONE roy broadloom Shrpet, fx with ing, almost new, Apply EH Banting Avenue, evenings. DINING room suite, 9 8, SAVE $100, French Provincial fruitwood, buffet, china cabinet, drop leaf Sable, six chairs, Kelly's, 32 King Eas HAY fever allergy sufferers, new por table lectrofilter Tanoves 9.5 Jur alr borne dust and pollen, $39 wu) Kelly 32 King East, RA 85153, CITY OF OSHAWA TENDERS FOR PURCHASE OF PARKS BOARD HEADQUARTERS PROPERTY at 110 Park Road North The Corporation of the Ci " Oshawa hereby invites for the purchase from it of the following land ond the buildings located thereon: Part of Lot 23, Plan 13 C1, having a frontage on Park Road North 128 feet ond o depth of 325 feet, This property is zoned R3 ond may used for apartment buildings, Offers for the purchase of the obove property may be made on forms provided for that purpose by the City Clerk, 3rd Floor, City Hall, Oshawa. The closing date for tenders is. 5 pm. DST, Monday, August 22nd, ond oll tenders sholl be sent to the City Clerk, City Hall, Oshawa, L. R. BARRAND, Clerk, City of Oshawas, freezer-frig, two doors, Kelly's, ATR ¢ A portable § [] _ up, de. t condi tion, also Norge Jon very reason: able, Must sell, RA 8 1060 TV Bpecial 21" consoles, star at Parkway Television, #918 WE pay highest prices in the eily for used furniture, fure Store, RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South, GUNS, plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent down, Dominion Tire Store, Street West, RA 5-65 Preity's Used Furni- ammunition and hunting sup- 4 Bond or quic e, washing ma- ot water boiler, laundry stove, preserve 1. roning board in Baby , new 1060, ear: oe a 527,003 | £ "price {lled orb, mat chairs, $6.68 95. 5. Furnl: full past his half roller Ar |able rates, dally, weekly or monthly, dies 6 000 eu, ft, S-yenr a Kelly's, 2 floors, 32 King East, FRIGIDAIRE, Westinghouse, Kelvina- tor, MecClary, used f{riges, ranges, washers, $40 up, Kelly's, 32 King E OAPE-COD Colonial ches "suite, reversible foam rubber cushions, ruffl- ed removable valance, Special $359, save $50. Kelly's RA 8-5153, OUTBOARD motor, new Scott 36 HP, 20" reversible Jlestrlo fan, 3 speeds, Phone OL 5-4836. SICKROOM POT, fore rent and for sale, hospital beds, safety sides, wheel chairs, invalid walkers, com- modes, health lamps, canes, erutches, also roll-away beds, and cribs; reason. livery and hast up, Phone , RA 6, Rent 3, WOREOWER Sala; Siecle, ari ing, jhtand A m, ne Fie ny By SH i? . OUTBOARD MOTORS FOR RENT MARINE STORAGE and SUPPLY Ltd, Brooklin, Ont, Oliver 5-364) 45---Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sole # ROOMS of furniture, only $209, This includes chesterfield, chrome set bed. room suite, matress, spring, step and coffee tables, boudoir and table lamps, pillows, ete. $25 down delivers! "Guar. best value!" Barons' Home Fur b, 424 Simcoe Street South, COLOR TV, RCA Victor, 21-inch, brand new, finest made, regular $805, now only sobs, ® am, + 9 pm, Handy Andy, 4111 AWNINGS, pian "eolors or gay stripes, Prompt service, Free estimates, Order now for early delivery, Chair and table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, NOW...YOU CAN HAVE A BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME IN BLAIR PARK WHITBY FOR AS LITTLE AS $1495 DOWN It is possible to purchase with as low as$495 if you can qualify with CM.H.A. and one N.H.A. Mortgage USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors $5 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned washers and stoves, Padly's Market, Hampton, CO 35-2241. ONE #84t, pram dinghy, used once, 850, Apply 61 Rosehill Blvd, CHESTERFIELD suite, reversible foam cushions, self-covered deck, solid hardwood frame, walnut trim, Spee, $100, Kelly's Furniture and A BELLING furniture? We'll buy It. Re. {rigerators, 's, washers, planos, bid ete, For top cash' offer, eon tact 19 Prince Stree, Phone RA 81131 stamps, collector's supplies bought and sold at Royal Coin a Stamp Store, 64 King Vest, Wanted nnies, 1022 to 1026, nickels, 1025, 1926 ar six, also Victoria coing In good condition, REFRIGERATOR sale, new 1960 big 10 § yr, warr Kelly' 's special $109, 2 floors RA 8:51 53. DOMINION Appliances (a division of Beatty Bros) now sold at Paddy's PM May JAMES NELSON Canad ian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP)~Prime Minis. ter Diefenbaker is planning to|g steal a three months march on the next session of Parliament and to make a limited number of changes in the lineup of his id: cabinet, ng htical auton say, two months i the likely 2, open- ing of the fall Ly Normally the next session would not until January, Only one retirement from the Diefenbaker cabinet seems sure, according to informed political sources, Veterans Affairs Minis. ter Brooks probably will be ap. pointed to, the Senate, and two or three new ministers sworn into the cabinet, The cabinet changes are ex- about Labor Day, after the ministers have had their post-sesslon vacations, GENERAL ELECTION? The new session opening in October would have two months to work before its Christmas. New Year recess, and would re. sume Jan, 9, 1961, This should enable Parliament to complete its work by mid-June, and would Jeti the government to get the ulk of its legislative program before the House if it wants to cut the session short in April for nd|@ general election in June, There now is one vacancy in the cabinet, The post of secre. tary of state, held by Henri Courtemanche, now a senator, is held In an acting capacity by Solicitor-General Leon Balcer, Assuming Mr, Brooks retires, the choice of successor Is likel Make Cabinet Changes If the eabinet chan made immediately after alter The in mine isters have had thelr yasationgs the new ministers will be able to end about six weeks lel the @ ropes in their new depa ments before meeting Parlis- ment, start at oh cnr its legislative program, Private members' days, when non-government le islation Is considered and whi which normally take up more than haif the time of the early weeks of the fon, can be p under the new rules, The pattern of the new session, therefore, is likely to start with a flood of government legislation , and committee work before Christmas and be followed with cleanup work on the govern. ment's program and private members' bills and resolu in January and February, with the last three months spent on the financial side of Parliament's work, FORESTRY AREA Mr, Martineau, 30, is MP for the nort': estern Quebe riding of Pontiac-Timiskaming, He is an air force veteran and, like Mr, Dorion, served as a crown attors ney before being elected to Par. liament in 1058, His riding backs onto the northern forest areas of Quebec, The new forestry department lsanamalgamation of the branches of the agriculture, INVESTORS: - Under NHA it is possible to make a double purchase and use the rent from one to qualify. BLAIR PARK OFFERS YOU AS STANDARD ON ALL HOUSES o Oak Floors throughout, eo Complete Sodding front and rear. eo Copper Plumbing e Valances ® Built-in Vanities, A CHOICE OF . . . Kitchen Cupboard Colors Interior Paint Colors *As OPTIONAL EXTRAS . . Market Hampton. A complete line of appliances a hard to beat prices, COlfax 3.2241, BUILDERS and home owners, special discounts on new 1960 bulit-in oven and cooking tops. Kelly's RA 8.5158, NINE-PIECE walnut "dining" room suite, excellent condition, GE automale washer, three years old, GE 30-in, elec: to fall between Thomas M, Bell/trade, and resources departments (PC--Saint John-Albert) and R. which are concerned with for. D, Caldwell Stewart (PC--Char-|estry and the timber trade, It lotte) for the New Brunswick will co-ordinate the work of all place at the cabinet table, federal and provincial agencies The Quebec representation 1is/in the field, likely to be either or both Noel| Mr, Diefenbaker is anxious that tric stove, one year old Dorion (PC -- Bellechasse) and|the new forestry minister should B, ¥. GOODRIOH Stor bai-| Paul Martineau (PC ~- Pontlac- be a Conservative MP who has teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele.| Timiskaming), not had a close personal or busi Vision, Thrifty Budget Fim ma son Messrs, Be and Martineau are ness association with the indus AUGUST bargains on inpainted furni:(hoth parliamentary secretaries, (try, If he did, he might be sub. lure, Bogkeans SOY JD Swe With ony | generally regarded as stepping|ject to too many pressures from stones to the cabinet, is former associates, Jobless Fund At Very Low Ebb record cabinet, $18; bookcase head. board $16; room divider, $23, Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street, al and cond, By ROBERT RICE contributions from employers and Canadian Press Staff Writer amployees ~-- With the. "federal treasury adding one-fifth of the OTTAWA (CP)--Warned that MATHEW & ALLEN LTD. 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone MO 8-8531 Evenings-- TE 8-1812-~Pickering YU 5.7780-=Port Perry ing W. McAULEY REALTOR 26 PRINCE ST. RA 5.2512 or MO 8.5765 WHITBY CLASSIFIED Two furnished rcoms, FOR RENT - Small three-room sell: amall RENT ite stove and rofriger: [contained apartment, heat and hot ator, suitable for couple, 305 Perry [water supplied, $50 monthly, Will de. Street. Phone MO 8.4470, corate, Telephone MO 8. 4426, LADY would give day care in her FURNISHED rooms with house oni own home for one or two children, privileges, If desired, central, preschool age. Central, Phone MO 85176, i A RR _|SMALL furnished room, private en. kin sult gentleman, FOR SALE -- Six.room house, corner |LANCe, good par lot, garage, oll heated near high Apply 831 Dundas reel west, school, private. Phone MO 8.8517, Built to NHA Standards NHA Financing, Fully Decorated inside and out, Private Drives Linotile in Bathroom, Kitchen. and Vestibule All exterior walls insulated with 1" ten-Test for greater heating economy Exhaust fans Folding Cupboard Doors, Stainless Steel Sinks FOR NT -- Frigidaire refrigerator, in good tion. MOhawk 611, FABULOUS savings during our Au: gust Furniture Sale, Bunk welts. eight pleces complete, sale price fae tory clearance of spring fled mat tresses, discontinued ticking, priced for quick sale, $16.88 up, Smooth top quilted continental beds, single sizes, com. piete, $30.9! Wilson Church Street, ng MO "ow. Tile Colours Pattern of Lino Tile Floors Arborite Colors, House Style (12 to choose from) Lot location (to early purchasers) ELECTRIC stove with annex, Furniture, 20 total, Much of the money is ine {SALE of women's summer dresses, s 16% to 2414, all colors, Art's Cloth. FOR RENT .. Furnished pedsitting | room and Kitchenette, frig, stove an sink, private entrance. Suit adults. Ap. ply 82 CI Dundas Street West, Whithv APARTMENT -- Two nicely furnished | yooms, bed.sittihg room and Kitchen, and stove, private entrance, Ap | Je Store, 125 Brock South, Whithy, |ONE ROOM, centrally located, avail. {able immediately, Phone MO 08-2420, | FURNISHED "bedsitting room ani wt |chenette, Frig, stove and sink. Private entrance. Suit adults. Apply 821 Dundas | Street West, \ Whitby. Built-in Stove and Oven (gas or electric) Colored Fixtures * Storms and Screens, ® Finished Recreation Room e Stone Fronts * Paved Drive Air Conditioning Attached Garage on some models, Flower Boxes and Planters SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed Canada's unemployment insur ance fund is at an unsafe level, the federal government is look- ing for ways and means to bol ster the fund before it shrinks too far, informed sources indi: vested in government securities, which at times of heavy pressure on the fund have to be sold to raise ready cash. In the last two years -- up to frig ply #0 231 Palace Street ENT -- FOUR room house for sale, unfinish- op -- i en, He a ed, shested in, on a 1ot 100 x 110 x 89, sewers, water available, terms cash, fireplace Call MO 8.3043 ofter § } Ln Very reasonable, Phone MO sad, FOR RENT Modern four HOME owners -- Shingling, siding H Mo vam: Steupaney Sit 2 Pion He tevestrouhing, alning, aah ma. Green gandiiion, | Whithy. MO 8-388. HOLIDAY EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents $10 per wk, Boats & canoes $15 per wk. OUTBOARD MOTORS $16 per wk. cones $18 per wk, cevaes $528 per wk, . $40 per wk, BOAT AND TRAILER WITH $35 per wk, 10 HP $42 per wk. 15 HP $47 per wk, We also rent stoves, lanterns cots, sleeping bags, ete, Double hung windows enly $18. Call now, Lymer Aluminum Co. A 8-5385 Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town. Quick service. ALEX VAJDA RA 3.9851 Every job guaranteed, cated Friday. In its search for ideas, the sources indicated, the govern. ment is looking back almost 30 years to find out what Britain did when its early unemploymnet insurance fund went broke, Abrupt action is not expected. There are a multitude of compli cations in Janine the 19-year-old fund, all of which must be con: sidered, A special committee of labor and business officials that keeps an advisory eye on the fund's administration has urged the gow ernment to But $131,000,000 back into the fund to replace money paid out in the last three years in extra seasonal benefits in aid to unemployed fishermen, SEE FURTHER DROP In thel ast three years -- all high unemployment years -- the fund dropped from $878,441,000 to an estimated level of $296,000,000 at the end of June, A further drop is anticipated in the months ahead, March 31, 1960--the fund lost more than $18,500,000 on the sale of securities to meet payments, SPORTS IN BRIEF RELEASE LABINE - DETROIT (AP) -- Detroit Ti. gers Wednesday gave relief pitcher Clem Labine, former Brooklyn Dodgers world series hero, his unconditional release. The Tigers acquired the 34-year old righthander from Los Angeles less than two months" ago, Labine was 0-3 and had a 521 earned run average in 14 appearances with the Tigers, REVIEW SUSPENSION BALTIMORE (AP) -- Suga? Ray Robinson will appear before the Maryland Athletic Commis sion Monday at a hearing to re- view his three-month-old suspens sion for failure to show up for a fight here, The commission ined ALL SERVICES ARE PRE-PAID AND INCLUDED IN THE PRICE Total Prices from 12,395 - 14,500 ALL HEATING INSTALLATIONS IN THESE MODERN HOMES ARE SUPPLIED BY . . . CONSUMERS GAS Drop out and see these homes now open for inspection from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. 8 BUICK special, good $500 or reasonable offer, MO 8.5488, LOST - One pair of silver biue Flasses at Park Gates in Whitby. Phone MO $3968. Reward. FOR RENT --Two - room unfurnished apartment, available Sept, 5, parking apace. Cal Cail evenings MO 8-518. LOST--Five young owners miss our llow striped tom cat who strayed mur new hig in north west Whithy, MO 8-814 WANTED edd Body Mam for auto repair, piece work, Phone MO 8.4008 or apply Mohawk Body Shop, Dundas St Street West, Whitby All aluminum products w= Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving, One contract, nothing down, For free estimates calle ALUMA SEAL CO. RA_5-9365 ANYTIME SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH SEPTIO TANKS cleaned the "sanitary \way, new tanks installed Walter Ward, on stnut West, phone MQ 9-2363. CREME cold wave $6.85 Creguise $12.30) Includes style, cut sham and set by 'maginative oh 0 ~- HOW TO GET THERE: These Model Homes are located on LUPIN DRIVE just south off Highway No. 2 approximately 5 blocks east of the main corners (Brock and Dundas Sts.) of Whitby, Ontario. BUILT BY... NORTHVIEW CONSTRUCTION Co. Ltd. FOR C. py 5 PAINT Presented By , . . KEITH STEWART REALTY LTD. Dodd 2 Souter Paint and Wallpaper Store WILDE RENTALS 107 Byron Street South 0 8-523 Sales & Service PL 7.5168 PL 9-3651 1415 Dundas KE, MO 8.3226 35 Crockford Blvd, Scarboro, Ont, MO 8.5771 10 AM. -- 10 P.M, For Information "FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial In the last three years, the fund has paid out more than $1,010,900,000 in ordinary benefits to unemployed workers, The fund.is made up of equal Robinson's licence to figh Maryland May 19, three do after he had been scheduled to meet Pedro Gonzales of Pa, in a 10-round bout.

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