jenrolled at the six schools this|is intended to help bridge the corse in Canada, splits thelUniversity summer school, CANADIAN SURVEY year, most from Ontario, many gap between classroom French|courses into two three-week ses-|started in 1910, and the Univer PNOM PENH, Cambodia a renc anguage from the United States and some|ana the language of the market-|sions. Of this year's 1,000 stu-|si' of Montreal meet in restau./(Reuters)--An exhibition mark- i for the third, fourth and even| place, dents, 800 have been placed injraats, take excursions through|ing the end of a six-month-long It holds classes not only for| French-speaking hom es where|the city, visit the Laurentians and Canadian aerial and field survey fifth time. They pay between $100 and|English - speaking students but/they pay about $25 a week for|spend one w-ckend in Quebec/of the Mekong river under the 2 Summer Schools $200 in tuition fees for courses for French - speaking teachers room and meals. {City. Colombo Plan has been opened Mrs. - Georgette Marchand of| - McGill's six-week course also|lere at the British Information i lasting three to six weeks. and scholars who want to improve re Th iE Was Bie By DOUG MARSHALL session of St. Pierre-Miquelon in At the St. Pierre school, estab- their English. the Sorobnne in Paris teaches el- cosls $150 and this year about 170 tended or Whoo Td of Canadian Press Staff Writer |the Gulf of St. Lawrence. lished this year because "there| In 1033 there were 26 enrolled.| mentary French with a method students are in elementary, in-{qou o ™) (PF on ae® ong "Ou est la gare, s'il vous plait,| At Mount Allison University med: to be 2 need" 35 stu- Today more than 100 students| devised by her husband, Louis,termediate and advanced |c Viet Nam countries hore {monsieur?" asks the shy nun|summer school in Sackville, N.B.,| Sort waning in age from. 18 to PAY $25 a week for courses in|Who taught French to Japanese courses. Both universities give|g io 'jo Lower Mekong {with the soft New England ac-!students live in residence and bi gan ge live with| arts and commerce as well as students at the University of| certificates on graduation from . | cent. {are fined $10 if caught speaking|gpianch citizens. Prof. C. R. Par- French conversation classes. Kyoto. ; each course. ; ; 0 ood Ahad At the University of Montreal] Mount Allison's six - week MARITIME PILGRIMS The nun, like 1,000 other Eng- anything but French. lsons of the University College! The Carnegie Corporation of] i |lish-speaking students enrolled in| [EONS Pah y v8 of ege New York chose Laval from| guest lecturer from a leadingischool, in its second year, is pri CAP de la MADELEINE, Que. 3 iv ity's summer|NO CHOICE . ; on ian institutions to|French university is brought in| ; To -- i) ay 5 "Quebee| At the University of Toronto's the school, aid all .cigsses hi boos, Whogi as n each summer for the six-week, marily soncqred With acquaint. Hii Prince B wr Ro gli City, is honor - bound to speak|Summer school on St. Pierre, °° : [learn French, Some 25 scholar-|$150 course. More than 200 stu.|Ing teachers with proper French|neyw "Brunswick _are to visit French at all times. Stucents live ith Jocst families 27 YEARS OLD ship winners from U.S. univer-|dents, half of them from fic promusiatios About 200 students Roman Catholic shrines of Our A similar rule is in effect at an ed {re od 0 mate The summer school started by -ities are attending this year. 'nited States, are enro ed. |have paid $200 each for a pro-| Lady of the. Cape here and Ste. six Fr i » . versily of Wester! nta- wide variety of courses is taught|_» pi i Anne de Beaupre by special BE Pt East.| They simply have no other choice He University hing oH al SORBONNE TEACHER by methods which include films, Sram that includes films, lec.| AUR OE SOMEIR, YC rsion ern Canadian universities--from|'" the French-speaking island. |Treis Pistole, a Quebec St. Law- Laval, with the largest and|visual aids and tape recorders, tures and bridge - table instruc} carried pilgrims from Newfound. | Montreal to the tiny French pos- More than 1,500 students arelrenze River community of 5,000,imost popular French summerl Students from both the McGill'tion. land and Nova Scotia. 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 5, 1960 {lemmings and the Arctic owls| | which prey on them. | NEED MONEY And there will be some under- standing of the Eskimo settle-| ments which were established] [there more than 1,000 years for relatively brief periods as Cana- dian Eskimos migrated slowly north and east to Greenland and then were abandoned. For Mr. Apollonio and his fel- [low - scientists such mysteries seem easy to solve beside the {problem of getting money to bv 4 % i i solve them. : ; Gad » ; Bright and cheerful . , The project is expected to cost about $250,000 through 1963, not . 2 a huge amount by modern stand- i . i ' : A ¥ y ® i i 4 . # "% |ards, but a difficult sum for aj ' a x y' ; by olHHon Th ir pant Cy ivate institute to raise for sci-| iy a ' / ; i en { ! £ SCIENTISTS IN ARCTIC PROJECT [stim : A pa |when no immediate military : hd bd purpose is being served and no|j | ¢ vid i ; m 1itious rctic dramatic results are promised. | ' : lh i > : eeé So far about $70,000 has been} © «= | ' ' i ] / " > . raised, with the U.S. army con-| . | 4 b 4 ¢ ¢ 1] ity als tributing a part, but with thelf / 4 3 i ; . : 7 Science Proj ect rest coming from private firms \ such as the Massey - Ferguson % 3 i r 5 Company and Outboard Marine i 3 L 7 « : By KENNEDY WELLS within it is affected hy the oni By of Canada and. it is a AT : Much below usual price Canadian Press Staff Writer slowly melting glacier ice, of the to private donors that the Insti- ¢ MONTREAL (CP)--The Arc- musk-oxen on Devon Island, the tute looks for the rest. : H i 3 tic, lustitute "of North America, nF Well-made, long-wearing mats to add a for more than a decade a lead- A 1 . ; i ' : Mn ; ; : splash of gaiety to kitchen or bathroom ing force in the search for : knowledge in the north, this T E L E V I S I ON L O G 4 TH i, a Ke : ; summer launches one of the ; Er ¢ $ : : floors. They are braided of sturdy, punish- most ambitious scientific. Proj- CHCH-TV Channel 11--Bamilt CBLT-TV Ch 1? ; 3 : i : : DS Ee CHP on annel 6--Toronte ; J g ment-loving cotton in a pretty multi-weave, Since it was founded in- 1946 WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester|| "1% : LEY ; i : : the Institute -- which has both WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffala| ; gL 7 Be CHILDREN'S with a frivolous fringe on the ends. Their Canadian and American support i ; fi, J 4 ; in and personel ; liag Spowsored FRIDAY EVENING 1:15 P.M. 7--Morning Show : j pe "Interlock" Cotton T Shirts sturdy construction makes them suitable more than scientific and ex- 5:00 P.M. 5--Matinee a~--Christoohers 4 A ; - ais . ' . ploratory projects. But never be- u--Famiy Theatre 1:30 P.M. Yo ale Sorry fd Gi for muddy-feet-wiping just inside the door. 5 i p is| 5--Playhouse 11--Gene Autry Show 00 AM. bi : . 2 2 A fore has it attempted, as it i try Sh ped, CB Priced for noteworthy savings . . . excellent quality! These adaptable mats come in predoininant | 4--~Bozo's Cartoon Story | 6-4--Feature Film 6--Church Service doing this summer, to set up "poop 5.2 Baseball 5--This Is The Lif : 2 under its direct control a year-| 2-Big Rascals 2:00 P.M. Film Featurette : a ; : Of finély combed cotton, firmly 'Interlock' knit colours of green, rose, red, blue, brown, grey / / ' / round station for an integrated 5:15 P.M. 5-2 Baseball 2--The Big Rascals a \ . . study of the north 4--Big Mac Show 4--Baseball 11:30 A.M. : ) With ribbed crew neck, short sleeves, and hemmed d Size 22 x 36" More. than' 50 fe 5:30 P.M P.M. 5--Film Feature : wo i a : and mauve. Jize X . fore than 50 tons of equip- 9:00 P.M, Movie 4--Camera Three i a a f at lower edge. White or blue; sizes 6 and 6x. Whtadi A 1 ment were loaded aboard the 7--Rin Tin Tin 7--Buffalo Bandstand 12:00 NOON 5 6Fury | 5.9 3 i department of transport ice- ;TRamar of the Jungle 2--Baseball 11--Bugs Bunny ig Ea fF . . breaker d'Iberville before its gio pM. | 5 gp S30 PM. I-Roller Derby ; EATON Special Price, each EATON Special Price, each July 23 departure from Montreal ;_ gp... sh Fe Poe g for Devon Island, 600 miles north ried Md 4:00 P.M, Film "Featurette REDUCED TO CLEAR! of the Arctic Circle between the Selanne Rim : 11--Cartoons 2=Gens ey -- northern tip of Baffin Island and *"'&Way Patro Baseyml tps By & :15 aseba D: .N, the southern shore of Ellesmere 6:15 P.M. 30 PM. "5:30 i. { abana Sets, Boxer and ® & 6--Rendezvous Island 6:30 P.M 11----Roy Rogers 11--News It is there that the permanent \;_pamily Theatr Film Featurs 6--Good. Life Theatre Br . station will be constructed, with i Nes: ne SATURDAY EVE. pms Saren itte wim run Ss 2 for 1.50 five buildings to be erected be- 6 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 12:45 P.M. fore freeze-up. 6-5-4-2--News 11-6--ST. Lawrence North | 1--Assignment Ottawa EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 210 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 272 PHONE RA 5.7373 7:00 P.M 5--Movie 2--Newsreel : M. ; Please, no telephone or mail orders RETURN IN SPRING To Film Featurette 1:00 P.M. Broken sizes adn colour ranges, ends-of-lines from our When the buildings are com- 5-77 Sunset Strip ~Twilight Theatre 11--This Is The Life regular stock and previous specials, some countersoil- toy ee aes TE 5:30 P.M, 7--Bowling Stars : 4 : pleted. the Institute's sc lentists FRuseu 3 11.6--Cartoon - Party 6-- "Sit Back With ed. Fabrics include cottons and rayons. A list of co- y wa yy velled Ed e Mirrors wil yi g 5---Racing Jack" : He 3 - ill leave, returning in the it Pol. | Racing From Mon Jack lours too humerous to mention. Sizes small and med- 5 : : e g § / spring of 1961 to the bleak island : ,_Mmouth 4--Film Feature ] which will be their home untill '--News: Weather 2---Twilight Theatre 2--Family' Plavhouse ium only. Also a few cotton terry jackets included. 7 Pai, fl! 1:15 P.M, : : Specially priced, handsome addition the autumn of 1963 q 6--Bachelor Father 11---Dennis The Menace | 1_Queen's Park ' : H And a lonely home it will be. Disney Presents 6--Reflections s Park Report EATON S Special Price, each ox 3 ; | 1:30 P.M. ; i to the home y--The Innocent Years cut off from the outside world 2 anger Is M 4-- Wrestling 11--Rey. Oral Roberts ; except for radio communicalion | western 6:30 P.M. 7--Playhouse . : : . during the long winters and with 3:00 P.M. li--Leave It To Beaver | Z=Family Playhouse Ps io ® ig : Deep-gleaming mirrors, well-silvered, firmly sea and giv contacts only during 1 6--Red River I Doty it nme bn ! backed. Complete with hangers, they may be e riel summers u ? if H H H 1 installed horizontally or vertically. Classic S--Behind Closed Doors || 3=Cases, Jones ion EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 228 : In charge of the expedition is 2--Masquerade Party 6:45 P.M. Junior Magazine ' . 5 : . Spencer Apollonio, 26 - year - old 8:30 P.M. 6--News: Sports 2:15 h Bi style with bevelled edges, size approx. 26 x marine biologist from Rockvort,|1-6--Four Just Men | 7:00 P.M. Family Pla : 38". 7--Man From 11=The Rifleman 2; H Me., and Yale University who, Elgg s 7--F / eur of 4 3 a H i . . 3 Blackhawk 7--Ted Mack Amateur |11--Roller Derby ¢ $ |i EATON Special Price, each despite his youth, has been going| 52--Great Movie Mys Hour 7---No Holds Barred a into the Arctic almost every teries | pens The Menace 5--Rocky Jones "a "oe a ar Sine =0 4--All-Star Rodeo ; ighway Patrol 3:00 P i ? * * i year since 1952 9:00 P.M. 4--U of B Round Table M; ; * . rH 7--Open Hearing Mr. Apollonio's particular sci- 11-6--Flying Doctor 2-This Man Dawson 6--Good Life Theatre entific discipline is only one of! 7--77 Sunset Strip : 7:30 PN. papal Lancers ; six which will 'be represented. at 4--Jack Naez 11--Stories of the Century amily Playhouse gi. ld ; Il be repres a DM. 7--Dick: Clark 3:30 P.M. | EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 276 evon Island. The others are ,, , 6--Caribou Country BC ] : 4 11--Portrait {Be 3 | 11-6--Country Calendar PHONE RA 5-7373 glaciology--the study of glaciers, é--Harbor Command | $2 Bonapsa 7--Our Miss Brooks 4 . meterology, terrestial biology, 4--December Bride iy ©8100 PM 3---Pro Football geology and archaeology 10:00 P.M. | i-Sea Hant. 4:00 P.M. ; 116-Perry 'Mason J=Bea Hant n 6--Holiday Edition mong those accompanying 7--The Detectives i D3 --Six Gun Theatre i i = inci i i wip one, Yase Sccompsiving] tothe Deltooe 6--Man From Interpole | _ Senate News : French Provincial styling in 2--Fred Allen 8:30 PM. 4:30 P.M. Saskatoon, C. R. Yarrington, 27 1 : i atoon, C crington, 27, 10:30 P.M. 11~In the Law S=Capls of Calgary, and Geoffrey E. ;_pon, Express 7--Leave It To Beaver i Gel 3 3 Sea bh 73 Stewart, 21, of Ashby - de - la-| 5--Home Run Derby High Road 5:00 P.M, # A i Wunder Matched Zouch, Leicestershire, England,| 4--Person To Person a and The 11-6--News Magazine ; ; : zoologists studying at McGill 11:00 P.M. Wanted, Dead or | o° Rey Rogers Show ; University, and Maj. Vernon Ys; Sports Alive ri onges i ; : Buck) Boyd of Steamboat, Nev.| 7_p 11:13 P-M. 9:00 P.M. 2-Crime Doctor : pL k \ : ccasiona abies veteran of the Admiral Richard| s--viewpoint . ? : 3 Byrd expeditions to the Antarc- 11:30 P.M. 5-2--The Deputy Ye Sories ol the Century i ; A | tic ll--Late Show 4--Adventure Series 6--Scien Ranger t 2 " H FPN CI Se WiSsing 9:30 PM, | 5--Felix The Cat 4 : Ww y A Semi-Annual INTENSIVE STUDIES Fa Lawrence Welk Show | §--Face The Nation . a : ; Bn The broad range of sciences 1:00 Sars 4=Have Gun, win 6:00 P.M gives point to the institute's ex- 2--The tnexpected 2--Suspense 60 Y=Bot Cummings Show i} Sale Special ! planation of the purpose behind SATURDAY 10:00 P.M, 6--Disney tts ; i the project. 8:00 A.M. 7--Jubilee U.S A. 5e=Meet The Press ; : (Ei "" "" Though it feels small parties '--Commonwealth ot | 4--Guitmeke 3FV1 Series 3 . ; i ' These are by Wunder r Nations 10:30 ™.M. 2--People's. Court ; : doing reconnaissance and indi-| a--Captain Kangaroo 11-6--Twilight Zone 6:30 P.M. » 3 : 3 fo ' -- which means goo d vidual studies in the Arctic are 2---Rumpus Room 7_Johnny Staccato 11=Mr. Adams and Eve Sa wil ii | , : : 8:30 AM. 5--The Rebel =F rontier gp ; ; } quality workmanship and still important and is sending ( Bt i-Law and Justice S--Maverick ® % : more than 20 this season -- the, .~ fhe Christophers 2--Harbor Co 1 20k : i me Christan : Justice | S-Maverick hh i. styling. Curved legs and institute says "there now is a! 2--The Three Stooges 11:00 P.M. Walter Cronkite 4 3 yd H . i need for intensive and co-ordi- 9:00 A.M. 1.7--4-2--News: Weather = 2--Man Called "X" 5 { . nated studies if basic research !1-The Living Word . Starts : 7:00 P.M. edges in soft walnut or Be Danny Hertierec* Ensen ors Bock BxAward Theatre 7 Broken Arrow Bont i : fruitwood finish over b h S uniquely | 4--Cartoons 1 P.M, -- Lassie 5 . og suited to such a co - ordinated 9:15 Kol I1--Late Show 2--Overland Trail 1 ht ich A FIVE-PLY selected ven- study Ul--Joindre Les Deux 7---Plavhouse 7:00 P.M. . " ae : fi f . : 6--Feature Panorama 11-6--Hatful of Music 4 3 2 eers o walnut or fruit- Chosen by Mr. Apollonio in t--Sports 7--Maverick pA " ; 1955, the island has glaciated id 11:30 Pp. 5--US. Marshall ; A \ wood. Birchwood legs and ins, the 'island has glaciated | 1--run lim, Nove. | eepemis the vensce | REDUCED TO CLEAR! i a rails in matching 'wood cience Museum : i o retic 4 environments; it is Arctic by , juan 2--Award Theatre 11--Sunday Showcase i El : : TEE fu finishes. Approx. sizes. every criterion; lies near the 4 | 1:00 AM. 64--Fd Sullivan ' edge of permanent pack-ice and Let's Talk | 7=Mr. and Mrs. North | 5-2--Music On Ice Men's short and long sleeve 1 SIIN yet can be reached by ship 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY 8.30 P.M. oo a" ae & ge # ; ation tury 8:00 AM. 7~Lawman port irts - ub EATON i BUILD ON ICECAP 5-2--Howdy Doody TRChATO In pie Home ie 25 P.M. A ey > 3 | Semi-Annual And unlike most other Arctic *--Cartoon Show | . '1s AM. oT: Roore Please, no telephone or mail orders a i . 4 i : scientific sites it was picked for 1 ca :30 AM. - Chistian Science ST abel 5 i Sale Price: each table : AM. 5-2--Chevy Show ; K ap « purely scientific reasons, not for| 7--Morning Show srald of Truth 4--GE Theatre Good quality hand-washable cottons and rayons , . of 5 strategic purposes or because of| 5-2--Ruff and Reddy ar-5-Ranch 9:30 P.M. regular and button-down collars in checks, stripes and m-- ; ' . " 5 : A an convenient transportation -Wignty Moke Sacred ears ie Makan, novelty patterns a few plains also in the group. Out- . ho - J SEA Three of the buildings being! --Gene Autry Show | 2--Man To Man 10:00 P.M. standing savings are due to broken colour and size ® =i erected this summer will be put| 52--Fury { 9:00 AM. gan Francisco Beat ranges up near Cape Sparbo on Jones 4~The Lone Ranger Oral Robert 6--Hotel De Paree ® ) arbo on Jones 11:30 AM. Tal [Roberts 52--Loretta Young Colours include grey, blue, brown, beige, red, olive, Sound on the northern coast of . v 4_Lucille Ball and i \ the island and. the other two on| 'sz rs, Living Word FBarswany Arnaz be gold. Sizes small, medium, large and exrta large in Step style, 28 x 18 x 25" hgh the icecap which covers the ; 2--Farm Home and 0:30 P.M the group. Not every style and size in every pattern : ; | group y sty y p End style, 28 x 18 x 24" high eastern end of Devon, where the 11:45 A.M. apie AM mm A London ing' Word %:15 AM. + Omtion EATON'S Special Price, each it ATONC® Coffee style, Et NGS their work 12:00 Noon 2--~Morning Gospel 4~What's My Line NIH -- 40 x 22 x 16" high. 11--The Christophers | 9:30 A.M. 5 y § When the mass of scientific] 7--Komedy Korner 11=This Is The Life | ax vers Sow | data gathered during the life of j--Kit Carson T= Mission 11: 4--Sky King Tim McCoy 0a M ® to ® ' EATON'S LOWER LEVE 2 wi ; | g bd the project has been analysed 3--rioy 'Rogers Ee wise the Ins 3 re | 2. # ¥ t of the fime Hopes 20 ave oe w J vid PM. 1 wean. 3-Award Theatra' ; " ' SECTION 470 ever obtained of a part of the| '--Rural Review I=1The Living mors Hit 11:15 P.M. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 228 PHONE RA 5.7373 5--Wrestling 5--Christian Science --Late Show (Cz tier " | anadian Arctic 12:45 P.M. Lamp Unto My Feet | . a avium co There will be a picture of the U--=Wrestling 2--Cowboy Theatre 5 Movie | relationship between the sea. the 1:00 P.M 10:15 A.M. 2--News cecap and the air around them,| 7--CVff Hanger Club S$--Industry un Parade 11:30 P.M. one - 7137 of the: way the sei and. {ic life] fod co Kid 10:30 /.M. | 4-~Theatre big . 2-Matines | 11=Brave Theatre 2--Award Theatrs glaciologists will do much of