Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Jul 1960, p. 7

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OR sliced radishes 1% tablespoon chopped chives (optional) tablespoon diced pickles or gherkins course, but such fine influences toward worthwhile goals--even if profitable from both romantic, E STARS SAY |are presently governing your in-|you don't accomplish all you set and social standpoints. Domestic terests that it would be foolhardy out to. and social interests should pros- By ESTRELLITA not to co-operate to the fullest, . per for most of the year ahead.|1 Put your best foot forward-- FOL. THE BIRTHDAY . A child born on this day will If Monday is your birthday, | TH sweet be highly intelligent and could WEDDING Robert bride pair are h and his Margaret Grant Ald the former Dancey whose marriage solermnized recently in Andrew's ted Church Sara was St The Beverley Jenkins Paul Bradbury Exchange Vows Beve radk The marriage of Mi Jenkins 1 John solemnized yester SCH United the and Pau wes Revere Albert Street The bride i Mr David Jenkins hridegroom the Verna Bradbury awa The riage street-lengt ganza r taffeta w bodice hort matchin hat with zth pleted her costume t of red and w nd daughte and M1 Osh son of hoth of by er are and J neta sleeves and short gloves and he car ried a houque ! c#rnations She Miss dres the bride's I na of pink She carried white carnations Mr. Keith Bradbury best man A reception was held UAW hall The bride's mother, Mrs. William J received in a blue and white silk print sheath th pink cessories .and corsage of carnations The ridegroomn mother was in beige chiffon full skirted, with matching accesor jes and a yellow For their will For trawve a full broidered cotton ed by her Jenkir the vas attend Barbara and hat vere ame it dr acted a; in the grand wi corsage honeymoor in ride Kentucky {onn be motoring Ning 1} kirted dres white corsage Mr return street 1CCeSS and Mrs to live Oshawa Dial RA 3-3474 Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, July 30, 1960 7 MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Wife's Problem Is Older Sister | Who Clings Like Mother Hen Haworth: I have ment that is driving you crazy FOR TOMORROW especially in August. Planetary restrictions where are some who will be extremely (imental interests; for social ac- sensitive, so do your part to|(jyities, too. Look for some ex- maintain harmony. If you have cellent news late in November; to work, be self-reliant, and steer ,, opportunity to travel; also, if clear of arguments which could single, new romance in May and offset good chances for advance-! june, ment, A child born on this day will FO" THE BIRTHDAY be direct and fair-minded, and If tomorrow is your birthday, Will loathe injustice of any kind, the period between now an- the n end of June should be an excel DAY AFTER TOMORROW y Personal relationships will be lent one--not only from a fi» . cial standpoint, but alsn herance under fine aspects on Monday, of many fine opportunities to 'specially where social functions make headway in your life work. 4nd romance are concerned. In You will have to do your part, of other matters, keep eyes turned C Personal relationships are un- personal relationships are con- jer benign influences, which aug- cerned continue on Sunday. Ti ie yrs happily for domestic and sen- your horoscope indicates that, if tunities during the past few months -- and are still on the beam, in the pursuit of worth- while goals -- your changes of reaping a fine harvest du.ing the next year are excellent. Financial matters are now governed by ex- ceptionally generous influences, and there is also indication of job promotion, or business expansion depending upon your circum-| stances--and the quality of your efforts. {1 Personal relationships are also under good asvects, and there is a possibility tnat a trip taken in 2 May or June could prove highly 3 succeed as a teacher, musician you have made the most of oppor- or lecturer. Dissolve jelly powder in 1 cup boiling water, stirring to dissolve ~~ | completely. Add remaining cup of TURKEY cold wale mise 1 tblespons, TRF |adding the tablespoon of vinegar PERFECTION SALAD {or lemon juice instead, Chill in lemon jelly refrigerator until -cold. Mean- powder while prepare the remaining in- cup boiling water gredients, Oil five or six large cup cold water (less 1 table-|individual moulds or one 6-cup spoon) mould. Divide chicken, cabbage, tablespoon vinegar |green pepper, pimiento, chives OR lemon juice (for chopped green onion tops) cup dicea turkey and pickle evenly between the in- OR chicken |dividual moulds or mix well and cup finely shredded cabbage arrange in a large mould, Pour green pepper [chilled jelly mixture evenly over tablespoons diced canned chicken mixture and chill until set. pkg. lime or 1 ding th a draped to A veil com- Dear Mary been married for 25 years to the most wonderful man in the world. He still treats me as his sweet- heart and always tells me how much he loves me, and when we go out, he tells me how pretty I look. My problem 1s my older sister, unmarried, who has a mother- complex about me, and doesn't want to let go. During all the years of my marriage she has clung to this attitude, which nearly drives us crazy. If we are going out of an even ing, and she hasn't any place to go. she throws a fit if we should be home so she could visit us. She comes here and eats with us every night. ALWAYS COMPLAINING She is always compla she doesn't feel well, which isn't true; and she sulks or gets angry whenever it suits her. Also she has screaming and crying fits when she feels like it. We are as nice to her as we know how to be, but she isn't satisfied To my way of thinkirg, my husband rates first with me, be- fore anyone else; and 1 am sure no other man would put up with her, as my husband does--but she never relents. Oh, for maybe a 3 week or so, she will behave; then Oshawa, announce the ,qqin her fireworks start; and it daughter, is qriving us crazy. Please tell James Richard me what to do. J.R Mrs. George ssland, Oshawa, and MAY BE MISLEADING Robert Elgin Wood- Dear J.R.: Are you sure that marriage is to take you didn't encourage your sister Saturday, August 27 at &! the start of your marriage am in St Gregory's Roman stick around? Church as the daughter of Mr John G. Dancey and the bridegroom, the son of Mr Mrs. Rupert G. Aldsworth Oshawa Aldsworth Photography SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT nd Mrs. R ld George bride is and Mrs and all of gement of their Dor May, to \ of odward m Kir ite Mr on ce 0 itholic as a bride, you were uncon- sciously disposed to eat your cake which 1 grown-up privilege of being your husband's but perhaps have it too? By you wanted the and mean rle Boyle, Graf- the engagement Mary Pauline John Ireland, Robert Ireland marriage will Aqigust Mary's ton, announce danahter Rober! and Mr hawa. The Saturday, in St fh Mr Mr of O take n 20, at Church wife goodbye to child sweetheart and without saying hood, and modifying ately) the close sentimental son of ace on 10 am elder sister, that you Grafton, customed to leaning on to Is it possible that 25 years ago, (appropri- at- tachment to your doting mom-like were ac- nowadays. MERITS SYMPATHY Yet the truth may be quite dif- ferent. It could be that your sister's nuisance-behavior is sim- ply an unconscious response to (even a slavish reaction to) an unconscious childish dependent itch on your part, to have her remain at your side through life. She may be as much a victim of the sticky situation as you are, and possibly more so; for at least you have the ballast of marriage to give stability, purpose and a companionable core to your pri- vate life, whereas her life apart from you seems empty and meaningless to her, one gathers Her emotional storms and tan- trims doubtless stem from feel- ings of desperate frustration and futility as regards her life ex- perience in general and her emo- tional investment in you, in par- ticular VICTIMIZED? Possibly in the synthetic par- ent-child relationship, you are geared to a pattern of taking the best she has to offer, without participating in an adult - type reciprocity interchange of sub- stantial devotion, appreciation and awareness. Shallow, thoughtless, greedy persons tend to go through life taking from others, without ever truly receiving in a spirit of love or responding with generosity of heart (supposing there is nothing material or literal that can be of- fered in repayment). Such in- fantile or vampire-type taking in- sidiously defrauds and demoral- izes the tenderhearted giver Such may be the nub of your problem derstanding is the basis of cure Instead of fighting your sister talk to a good psychologist, or family relations counsellor. Get insight into your own mistaken reasons for tolerating this long- time drift. When you are ready, willing and able to make a sane, mature, and unsentimental con- As for what to do, uns pink and { - Princess Margaret Discovers New Look Judging the problem just by tribution to the situation, you'll your feelings--without taking into be helping her in the right way account the detailed emotional in- * terchange of the relationship--it Mary Haworth counsels may seem to you that your sis-| through her column, not by mail ter's aggressive persistence has|or personal interview. Write her couple By ROSANNA GROARKE | LONDON (Reuters) British|_ fashion circles are buzzing about| new aura of elegance Prin- cess Margaret has acquired with marriage to Antony Arm- the Ler ker NS strong-Jones with her simple wed- ling gown, devoid of crusted mbroidery formerly considered "lan indispensable feature of the "Royal Family's grand occasion gowns, the princess has found a new look bes. described as slick Fashion experts feel that for first time she really deserves t i one of the world's Starting ts ca nartes women The * look is a completely vhich o the cameraman's eye husband, trained to see thing in' terms of form. the princes new uncluttered much of her| | every- ¥ basis of ne probably owes PERSONALS PRE RS PLAIN SHEATH 3 now prefers plain dead plain princes and prints, Brad terda Toronto bury-Jenlkir veddin were Miss Winnie and Mr Ivor Mrs. Jo Reynold Dear and Mrs M guests the Hutton Mr Mrs Jone Mrs. Violet Owen, anc id, King turned from Owen's sister Brown east visi Mrs Street a Tir mins Kathleen Murr: z next Friday for n Eugland, anc Anne MacDon + August 19, both of Toron spending the and Mrs. J Bonniebrae Lodge a u r cousin who weekend Ald are with Mr winckle to, SUE IS something especia 1 WENDY A hirthdz 18 0 Ny bon year old Wend first birthday and Dor Marie The merry little misses are the Sue who has tomorrow months lV 0 heath dresses 'to buttons and He irrent" her look taller. yk silk makes al for prize- jacket wais wardrobe For instance Wore | Wedding bells are in the air for Miss Doris May Newell and Mr. James Richard Woodward, both of Oshawa, whose engage- is announced today. The to take place in Roman Catholic school boxy the a stops just below gives the petite h princess ged look a ment marriage 18 St CHILD GUIDANCE like most new, shortq honey-{ incluttereds $ toque | Princes thes. Th aret Gregory's with for he new hairdo adopted her moon, als» helps the s do the been wearing worn now by Margaret clear brimle 1 Prin-{ 1 and| cess are - definite and moon suntan, By G. CLEVELAND MYERS When mothers write me of the problems of their alcgholic hus- bands I urge them to get in touch with the Alcoholics Anonymous group in their city, county or community Now, if and when teen-agers write me of problems with their alcoholic father or mother I can refer them to Alateen. TEEN-AGE ORGANIZATION Alateen one of the least mown and fastest-growing teen age organizations in the United States. Founded in Pasadena. Calif., in 1957, by the teen-aged on of an alcoholic, Alateen now {has 65 chapters in our nation and {50 more are being organized Three chapters are in Canada and two in Australia Members of each group aver- age 10 boys and girls from 12 io 20 who are worried over an alaoholic parent. They operate under the eneral guidance Al4Anon (wive friend a branch of Anonymous. As in AA, these teen-agers address one another by first names only and pledge never to reveal one another's participation, is of relative and Alcoholic Hh ORROW NE TOM »y share experiences and ad » on what to tell a date who ws up and finds father n ind how Tote er th Mrs Bow- 1zhter Rose and and street ndd Al and Minden, of El le, and M vi shi d the g \ to explain to the of or mn a b ck person. Through films, lectures, literature and dis- cussions, they explore broad problems of alcoholism. d bert 0h Mr a R.R. Powmanville Mrs. Ol Minden, 9 er shaped the threesome arrange-'in care of thi S newspaper. PLAN AUGUST WEDDING Church on Saturday, August 27. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald G. Newell and her fiance is the son of Mrs. George W. B. Kingsland and the late Mr. Robert E. Woodward --Photo by Ireland Group Helps Teen-Ager oreo Who Has Alcoholic Parent {But their aim is not to reform the alcoholic parent or even to help him find his way to AA Alateens try to understand the problem, and to live with it "When it works," quotes Time Magazine from an adult coun selor, "'they quit trying to change the things they can't change, quiet trying to make their dag- lies stop drinking, quit fussing and feeling sorry for them- selves.' "It's reasonable to suppose an alcoholic parent will regain a healthy way of life because of a son or daughter who is an Ala- teen. Nor is it easy to imagine this teen-ager ever becomin® an alcoholic or even taking a drink. While it's saddening to think of the need for such a teen-age organization. it's heartening to know of the good it and Alcohol- ics Anonymous are doing Don't you think we should them our moral support thank God for them? Zive ind PARENTS' OUESTIONS Q. Do vouth anizations reach children of income families, minority groups and rural youths? A. Enrollment is youths and three out of every four of all young people don't belong to any youth organization (White House Conference report) org ow racial least for these THREE TEAS Depending on the rate of dry | ing, three types of tea may come from the same bush--green tea oolong and black. RA 5-3680 RA 3-7822 RA 3-3680 RA 5-3279 RA 5-1044 RA 8.8412 RA 5-4377 MO 8-3552 RA 3.7242 MA 3-3353 RA 5-4704 RA 5-8563 When you are eight years old, it is not difficult to transform yourself suddenly into an Indian scout and to see a procession of chiefs, with their brightly colored feathered headdresses, galloping across the horizon astride magnificent stallions, Children are fired with imagination, just as they are filled with faith. The faith of a child is something so simple and so beautiful that many an adult, viewing it, finds himself crying a little, deep down inside, for his own lost childhood and the touch ing innocence that was once his. Yet before God, all men are children, His children, and Faith Is there to be accepted, if men will but take it as a gift. The Church has the answer, showing you how to live like a man, while still possessing the heart of a child . , . helping you to get the very most out of life. If you haven't been to church lately . . , why not go this Sunday? KEMP'S ESSO SERVICE HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE LORNE GOODMAN PLUMBING & HEATING KENNETH ASHMORE PAVING CONTRACTOR A. C. STARK & SON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING STAFFORD BROTHERS MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 Dundas St BROWN'S LUMBER AND SUPPLIES LTD. 463 Ritsta JIM HURVID, PLUMBING & HEATING 215 Wilson Rd. §. THE CHURCH FOR ALL ... ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship, It is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democracy: nor civilization can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and support the Church. They are: (1) For his Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ¢, Stravburg, Ve. A 0 So 3 6 i a aii 288 Bloor 'St. W, RA 3-464] 67 King St. W, RA 3-3481 IRELAND STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY HAMBLY TIRE LTD. 21 Athol St. W, RA 8-6221 METTE PLUMBING COMPANY LTD. 23 Celina St. D. BERKUTA BUILDING CONTRACTOR RA 3-9813 GUSCOTT PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. {John Bondaruk, Manager) RA 5-5132 207 Simcoe LUDWIG DEZSI 758 Mary St. 557 Garrard N. RA 3-9453 R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS Courtice RA 5-1131 SEEDS' B-A STATION RA 8-0367 E., Whitby ROY W. NICHOLS G.M. SALES & SERVICE BOB HOY CONSTRUCTION ni id AVING CONTRACTOR A 8- Courtice Bowmanville ALF LINES Rd. N., RA 5-1905 833 HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. RA 3.4412 GENOSHA HOTEL COFFEE SHOP 70 King St McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. 110 King St. W. 863 Ritson Rd. §. Painting and Decorating Contractor 736 Eastbourne Ave. 10V2 King St Simcoe St. N. & Taunton Rd. 1154 Nelson St, ASPHALT PAVING CONTRACTOR Simcoe St 1089 Nelson St. own sake. (2) For his children's sake, (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) Fer the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily: Book Chapter Verses Philippians 1 18 I Chronicles 28 9-10 86 1 Psalms I John 2 28-20 Romans 9 16-17 Psalms 82 [3 3 2.2 Galatians THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE £ RA 5-1764 1015 King St. & J. A. ARMSTRONG Electrical Contractor RA 3-9363 52 FERNHILL Blvd. STEPHENSON'S GARAGE RA 5-0522 15 Church St. 534 Ritson Rd. S. CLEMENT ULTRA SERVICE RA 8-0631 352 Wilson Rd. S. NORTH OSHAWA PLUMBING & HEATING Allan Robinson, Prop. 52 Wayne Ave. St. S. RA 5.3715 AL HEFFERING'S ESSO SERVICE STATION w RA 5-9892 Cor. No. 2 Hwy. & Thickson Road. ALDSWORTH CLEANERS RA 5-1812 36 Athol St. E. BANK'S FLOORING RA 8-1011 80 Eastlown St. NORM WIRSCHING & SON PLASTERING CONTRACTORS S. i. 2D% RA 5-6222 & 5-8718 130 Roxborough Ave. OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL RA 5.0232 877 King St. E. Attend the Church of Your Choice Read the Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Services and Activities

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