Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 28 Jul 1960, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 28, 1960 SUDBURY TRAIN WRECK Smoke pours skyward from burning oil tenkers of a wreck- ed CNR freight train on the | : |ter Macmillan braved the strong- ! | matters on the floor of the House, Cabinet Shuffle || Brings Criticism By ED SIMON Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP)--Prime Minis. est wave of criticism in 2% years at 10 Downing Street Wednesday night by naming a peer as his foreign secretary. Macmillan's choice of the Earl of Home to succeed Selwyn Lloyd at the foreign office, the prinei- pal move in a series of cabinet changes, has been sharply at- tacked. Many members of Parliament have protested that appointment of a foreign secretary without a seat in the House of Commans deprives MPs of the opportunity to question him on international affairs, ' As a partial answer to their ob- jections, Maemillan gave Labor Minister Edward Heath the sine. cure portfolio of lord privy senl, together with the responsibility for dealing with foreign office Peter Thorneycroft and Enoch Powell to the government. Both resigned early in 1958 in a dis. pute over economic policy, Thorneycroft returns to the cabinet as minister of aviation, Powell came back in the non- cabinet post of minister of healih succeeding Derek Walker-Smith, who has resigned. Lloyd became chancellor of the exchequer, replacing Derick Heathecoat Amory who will be granted a peerage on his return to private life, Another change shifting an un- popular minister out of a hot seat was the appointment of Aviation Minister Duncan Sandys to suc- ceed Lord Home as Common- wealth relations secretary = As defence and aviation minister during the last few years, Sandys has been accused of responsibil ity for Britain's unsuccessful at- tempt to develop the Blue Streak missile as a means of delivering In another move, he restored a nuclear weapon. Thugs Knew Right Bags SIMCOE (CP) --. Police are searching for three robbers who) apparently knew 'what they were| looking for when they robbed a mail truck near Vanessa, about| 10 miles northwest of here Wed: nesday. A man jumped on either side of a London-to-Brantford mall truck when it stopped at the highway crossing. They forced driver Harold Bonnet of Brant. ford to drive to a gravel pit 1% miles away where they bound and gagged him, locking him in the back of the truck. One of them had a gun. Then they drove off in a walt. ing car, taking 16 bags of first. class and registered mail. They left between 30 and 40 bags of other mail behind, The first-class mall bags differ of locks upon them. "They seemed to know what| they were doing," Mr, Bonnet sald, "They only took the right hags and they must have known when I passed that intersection," Title, Job At Munich Basis Of Objections By ADRIAN BALL LONDON (Reuters)--The tall, & | soft-spoken 14th Earl of Home % 4d |firct peer to become foreign sec-| {retary in 20 years, of Scotland's oldest families, 2 fo ve al el Od - |1ar ; * i William of Scotland. after the train hit a washout | and wa: derailed, None of the | crew was injured, (CP Wirephoto) main line 60 miles south of Sud- bury July 27 Twenty tank cars of the 75-car freigh! ca ng gas and oil burst into flames century. | | retary since 1955. He was anded ter, Sir Anthony Eden, |gense of duty a gentle person, Behind this quiet exterior is a politician known for his determination and strong to country and arty. hed a "couple of leads" but de-| clined to elucl When the robbers left Mr. Bon- net forced his way out of the truck with an iron bar and not: | fled police from a nearby farm. house. Police sald Wednesday they! ate, from the others only in the type k youth drove at speeds up to 100 hog producer organizations and take a CPR freight train and Belleville Okays Final Bank Offer BELLEVILLE (CP) -- City|illegal hockey account transfers Council Wednesday accepted the znd has also absorbed an addi- Bank of Montreal's "final" offer| tional $9,363 of the city's bank to assist the eity im retiring its overdraft, floating indebtedness. | royal commission inquiry Chief point of discussion at the last year found that Belleville] FAMED HOSPITAL Hotel des Invalides in Paris, famous military hospital founded in 1670, contains the tomb eof Napoleon, [01d You Know , .. In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you can | hove a Full-course Dinner for ONLY 95c. special council meeting centred had piled up about $900,000 in| on the bank's offer to purchase debt, most of it through illegal at par the city's $250,000 four-|financing. It said $142,000 of the year serial debenture issue cov- debt was incurred by the Belle ering the balance of the deficit|ville McFarlands world cham- and to purchase the parking com. | pionship hockey team which) mittee's $80,000 nine-year serial operated illegally on eity funds.| debentures both bearing interest The inquiry ordered Belleville| at 5% per cent, {to clear off the debt as soon as) City Manager J. R. Reynolds possible, It put part of the blame bank offering to purchase ap- Belleville branch of the Bank of it to provide the total amount, However, nown. | Speeding Youth poscird "OU™ Unresolved for the illegal spending on the} DRIVE TO peau Valley [TONIGHT Relax in Comfort TALLY-HO ROOM AIR CONDITIONED Hotel Lancaster | proximate amounts of the float- Montreal. the exact amount required The bank has already reim- Averts Crash recommended that instead of the| ing indebtdness should as : we Hog Market bursed the city with $25,076.31 for| Ar gum ent VERNER (CP)--A 17.year-old| closed meeting between the three | |the Ontario Farm Products Mar- keting Board Wednesday failed! to reconcile differences in the miles an hour Wednesday to over- warn the crew of a washout on TORONTO (CP) -- A six-hour!| | TRAVEL FOUR SEASONS a | CONFIRMS YOU ON the CPR tracks near this village 30 miles west of North Bay, Larry Kennedy, son of Mr, and| Court Scuttles province's hog marketing pro 2m Officials from both sides were reluctant to comment after the A oN un ALL belongs to one| P& Ancestral records of the Home! butes for any politiclan--a ready! moRONTO (CP) -- An Ontario amily go back to the grant of cense of humor and an excellent|g, nome Conrt deel ard a castle before 1214 by| One of the 57-year-old peer's ancestors served as Scottish am.|and three daughters, bassador to England in the 15th | Alexander Frederick Douglas-| [Home, the 14th earl, has served|Witty, after-dinner speaker. |as Commonwen'th relations see- ap- | nointed by the then prime minis. Home served for 15 years as a|0ut to meet an early criticism | He has two Important attri 'Stanrock Sale ' ' fin sion Wednes- memory for faces, facts and fig-\qy geyitled an agreement for ures. The earl was educated ati. je of 8'anresk ium mines | Eton and Oxford. He has one Wy to Rio Tinto Mining Com: » f Caneda. Home is considered an excel-| "55>, © 8 | ent conference chairman as wollna Shiiais of Riv Te aul a competent debater" and un nies which "is seeking to dispose of Stanrock, indicated a VISITED COMMONWEALTH [new agreement likely would be | From the outset of his term at ig up. Asche - [the Commonwealth office, he set e court decison came when) | of share holdery of Stanrock sought ad @ motion to prevent the sale of| |as his appointment that he h Tough Orde Forest Fire Fi KAMLOOPS (CP)---"If a spark, jumps over the fire break grab ing heai currents ar it with your hand if you have to,!downdrafis that can drag a sit on it, eat it. But don't let it!plane out: of the si get started on the other side." ke all hell loose, These are blunt orders climbs trees like a cat to exploc given recrui to battle more at the top anc jur han 3 re 2 vast timber-|o. HE n v than 300 fires in the vast timber-\copcHED EARTH rich Kamloops forest district by chief troubleshooter Don Fraser. More than 2,400 men line the Pall of black and note numeraus d lines around the duils the tasie of fish - laden fires in d that cover: mountain streams and leaves 54,000 square miles, one-fiflh ol A0Ng but black wastes and de- B.C., from Ananim Lake in the|solation in its wake. west to Revelstoke in the east,| "Our biggest need is helicop- noriaward tv Williams Lake in ters," says Cy Phillips, 47, dis- the Cariboo aistrict and south to, ict forester, 'There's a good the Wasaington-B.C. border near chance of getting a fire out if Osoyoos. can move men into it quickly MEANS JOBS TO SOME sually that's impossible on the | ground. Three hundred and fifty for- esiry wouke:s, iding 130 ran- tart gers in 23 districts and 34 look- yu jiey "floor, It'd take men and ouis, aided by 50 suppression equipment two days to get there, crews of 10 men each, 146 bull- pv with a helicopter you can dozeis, four helicopters and 1 airplanes form the main forestry batialion. The remainder are from civiliau: life, many "soldier: of fortune" waiting for new fronts to open up to give them jobs worth ¢5 cents an hour for 12 to 14 hours a day, three meals and a place to sleep. These mer enter the fray with Fraser's words ringing in their ears, The enemy is fire. na the sent blue smoke, gi gue Lie "Sometimes you get a fire ing 5,00 feet up from the land men in hours." If a fire gains a solid foothold, recruits such as the Spius Creek inferno 73 miles southwest of here which has destroyed 14,000 acres of rich spruce, pine, cedar and fir stands, all that can be done 'is to keep ringing it with wide fire breaks, usually about 60 feet across, hacked out by bulldozers. Water drops by planes dampen the edges of the fire so that {ground crews can move in to rs H hters . It sounds | It. covers its destruction with ala "It's pretty wicked," says irles Folden of Ph X, Ariz. rn American B - 17] an to B.C. to help the fires. the trees exploding| light 'You 1p to the next. right in front of your face. It's was y Mi rough, | Pat Korpatniki of Wetaskiwin, pilots an Avenger Air Sprays Ltd. wio bomber for says: "I don't mind the height. | Conservative member of the House of Commons hefore he sue- ceeded his father in the House of Lords. Peers are not permit. ted to sit in the House of Com. mons--one of the chief objections raised by socialists and a group of rehellicus Conservatives to Home's appointment as foreign secretary. MUNICH MENTION Another objection closely iden ich appeasement of Hitler in 1938. Home then was serving as narliamentary secretary to is that he Prime Minister Neville Chamher- Commonwealth conferences dur-||, get this celtlement," he said. "lein and flew with him to Ger- ing his period of office, including] Suppliers, represented by {many for the Munich conference. the London meetings of the Com-|ciarkson have been owed about Slightly-built, fair-haired with a, monwealth prime ministers and ¢ never visited an overseas Com- monwealth country, Since then he has been to Can-| ada, Australia, New Zealand, In.[c2 dia, Pakistan, Malaya, the Cen-| tral African Federation and Ghana, | Lord Home has made many friends among the Common.| | wealth leaders, most of whom he 6 court date prevents such a sale has personally entertained at Dorneywood, the official country tified with the residence of the Commonwealth|Clarkson said it was likely a new re'ations hamshire. secretary in Bucking- H- has attended all the major; Thal's not dangerous, Ils finuing| hoyish smile and mild blue eyes, the Montreal trade and economic a way back out. You've always he gives the impression of being' conference. got to have a way back out or you've had it." | Last week one of his mates hit| a cliff after dumping a load of| water near Kelowna. A wing tore| lcuse, the plane crashed and the pilot died. A farm laborer died this week when struck by a fal- len snag. "It's a heartbreaking job, says Philips, but "winter's coming." And with winter truce. Gananoque Speeds Action On Sewage GANANOQUE (CP) -- Gana-| noque courcil has decided tof speed action on a proposed sew- age treatment plant alter Leeds and Grenville health unit con-| demned a half the St, Lawrence river front for mile stretch of] 1962, the mine's property and uranium contract. Mr, Justice W. F.| Spence agreed to adjourn the se until Sept. 6. Mrs, D, A, Kennedy, was on dut | ¥|long session, except to say the here at his father's service 8ta-| discussions had cleared the alr tion when a man drove in a nd|and paved the way for future reported the washout which re-| meetings where a decision might sulted from torrential rains dur-| he reached. ing the night, | The three organizations -- On- Larry set out along the high-|tario Hog Producers' Association, way, travelling at speeds of 9) Ontario Hog Producers Market} to 100 miles an hour, and over ing Board and Ontario Hog Pro- took the train after a two-mile ducers Co-operative are unhappy| chase, {with marketing board sugges- With a pair of red shorts he|tions, found in the car, the youth ran| Everett M. Biggs, assistant across a fied and waved franti-| deputy agriculture minister.) cally, The train gradually camc|touched off the dispute when he to a stop less than a mile from sald compulsory markel!ne pow-| the washout. | ers of the producers might be re- Reins had washed away the moved if they didn't co-operate road bed leaving a 40-foot section With the department. Mr. Biggs of track suspended in mid-air, |Was not present it Wednesday's The present sale agreement between Clarkson and Rio Tinto has a clause which provides for expiry on July 29 if the sale is not completed by then, The Sept. within the specified time. Later Wednesday an official of agreement, with a later expiry date, would be signed. 'We are going to do everything possible 00,020 'since . Bondholders have a $29,000,000 mortgage on the mine equipment. QUO VADIS Premiers Begin Thought By JAMES NELSON Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP)--A three-month| period of deep thought on fed- | eral - provincial fiscal problems| begins today for the 11 senior governments of Canada. They will seek to answer the question, "Where do we go from| here?" after current tax - rental agreements expire in March, | | e of| The, three - day conferenc Period ker gave the premiers no clear nine provinces and all the cor- poration and inheritance taxes paid in eight provinces. Quebec imposes a small personal income tax, and Quebec and Ontario im-| pose their own corporation in- come taxes and succession dut-| ies. "One of the questions to be| considered here is how far one government should go in finane- ing the activities of another gov-| ernment," Mr, Diefenbaker said 1869 EARLIEST |{nfisy sion mos WORLD TITLE the producer association and head Mike McCoole, American, of the co-operative, had accuee:l the province of trying to intro: duce state control when a 25 per cent reduction in service charges wes ordered by the marketing defeated Tom Allen of Eng- |hoard, | land by a questionable foul Representatives of the produc- to win the first international |ers organizations and the board prize fight, held at St. Louis June 15, 1869. There's no question that Oshawa Times Classified Ads are. champs in contracting first met July 15 but failed to reach agreement. That led to buyers, sellers, anyone else you wish to meet. To be a YVednegdnv"s meeting. Mr. McInnis and his support. ers do not favor a suggestion that | the three producer groups amal- gamate and introduce a new winner with Want Ads dial [electoral system, The producers RA 3-3492, alz) dislike a suggestion that the board send an observer to pro-| Mounties Hunt ducers' meetings. OTHER TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS BA 8-6201 & & ©, vw NU-WAY RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runners. Installation by our own mechanic 174 Mary Street RA 8-4681 Ain. A. U.S. Fugitives OTTAWA (CP) -- The RCMP said Wednesday it 1s looking for two of the Federal Brreru's of Investigation's *'top 10 fugitives" who. may "now be residing in Canada." The men, both wanted for mur- der, were identified as David Daniel Keegan, 42, a native of Kingsley, Iowa, and Edwin San- ford Garrison, 60, from Newport, Keegan, five feet 11 and of medium build faces .a murder charge in Jowa. The RCMP de- scription says he had black and wavy receding hair and may be bald now, He has gold-capped teeth and "rolls his eyes when A fire can neatly toss a spark build the guards. "|PILOTS HEDGEHOP across a lake a mile wide to ig nite the opposite side. It can tack and veer with every change of the wind, then dance away on who fly in 5) feet above the tree- within tops. flaming feet, | swimming. | Prime Minister Diefenbaker and The health unit posted "swim provincial premiers ended Wed lat own risk" signs Wednesday in| nesday with a greater degree of , ; ry : . | personal goodwill among the par- It's: no easy job for the pilots, the Qauatioqse ©2206 eb, ticipants--with one possible ex- ho © ; i A ception -- than any previous con- |after bacteriological tests. ference of a similar nature. And to top it all as the most startling aspect of such a con- ference, the federal government made no commitments, no prom- at the oustet of the conference. |!alking."" He may be armed, the "This is a subject that warrants) RCMP said, and is "considered | careful review of both policy and extremely dangerous." | practice in this regard." Garis, five feet nine, has | grey hair and faint scars on.the |SAY GONE TOO FAR left side of his forehead and right Premiers Frost of Ontario, Le- wrist, sage of Quebec, and Manning of| An auditor and bookkeeper, he | Alberta sald the tax-rental agree- has been convicted of burglary, | ments have gone too far. They |grand larceny, holdup, robbery, subscribed to the theory--basic kidnapping and "murder involy- Beautify your home the modern, func- tional way; clean, durable ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS last a housetime. Inquire now. ises, and no proposals for new tax arrangements. They will be hammered out in the months| in" responsible government ing the burning of a five-year-old girl," og that the governments that spend| " ®, § heed the money should bear the re-| All "10 provincial government | SPonsibility--and the political re- leaders left the conference, | Pereussions -- of raising it in ® HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS @ | 5 N° om, which will be resumed Oct, 27, taxes. with the feeling that they bad| The three-day conference, five N THE ARISTOCRAT OF ROASTS POTATOES Bug &§ oJ° Ih @ | WHOLE RIPE . ¢ ALL AT THIS 2. A meeting of Justice Minis- part of Dominion-provincial tax|ter Fulton with the provincial agreement bargaining, attorneys-general in late Septem- He charged the federal govern-| ber or early October to consider ment with unilaterally abrogat-|how much agreement there is ing a promise of the 1949 terms|that Canada's constitution, the of union between Newfoundland|British North America Act, and Canada. A royal commis- should be domiciled in Canada sion finding on Term 29, he said,|and made amendable by the Ca- meani continuing anual grants nadian Parliament, The 1867 act of $8,000,000 from the federal is a statute of the United King- treasury indefinitely. {dom Parliament, The grants expire on the same| 3. Resumption of the Domin-| date as the tax - rental agree-|ion - provincial fiscal conference | ments, March 31, 1962. But Fi-|for three days starting Oct. 26,] nance Minister Fleming told Mr. | with a possibility that it may| Smallwood in the conference that| again be adjourned for a further| the federal government is willing| meeting this year. to hear his representations that| 4. An interprovincial confer-| they should continue or some: | ence in Quebec City of the 10 thing else take their place there premiers, without any federal] after. | participation, to discuss provin-| As chairman of the conference cial problems, to be called be-| and leader of the federal govern-| fore the end of this year by Pre- ment delegation, Mr. Diefenba-| mier Lesage of Quebec. M.F.G. FIBERGLAS BOATS MATCHED METAL DIE PRODUCED IN LAPSTRAKE DESIGN BY THE MAKERS OF The Famous.Chevrolet Corvette Body All models in stock -- Priced right to sell, For your nearest dealer write or phone for information. BENNETT MARINE WEST HILL, ONT. AT 2-1720 FRESH KILLED OVEN READY TURKEYS ss: AVERAGE stated their cases well and with| hours of which were behind sidered. ncluding: now and Oct. 26 to prepare for foundland maintained, however, Cut from Red & Blue Brond Beef Walermelon " EXTREMELY LOW PRICE STANDING 6th or 7th DELMAR 24.07, SHOULDER BRELD 35° end have it $10 to $20 -- 25¢ the assurance that their prob. | closed doors Tuesday, gave rise SMALLWOOD GRIEVANCE 1. Two meetings of federal and resumption of the main confer- that his biggest grievance, while LEAN MEATY PEEK FREEN 8-0x. 19. Margerine ® PRIME RIB argerine ; LOAVES PEAMEALED 1 C . o Delivery Service delivered : Ib. NIXONS AFTER NOMINATION lems will be sympahetically con- 0 a series of further meetings, provincial tax experts between Premier Smallwood of New- ence. aired in the conference, is not Digesti BLADE ROAST igestive BONELESS BEEF CHRISTIE'S BROCKSIDE ! Shop for vour $20 and over FREE ricla, left and Julie, in his | Vice Pr P i hotel suite tonight in Chicago. | ential nimination bi Republic. | anywhere mn 35 to $10-3% Picture wgy made after the | ans. (AP "wirephofo) Vice President Nixon poses | with wile and daughters, Pat. Oshawa Under $5. -- 48¢

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