20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 28, 1960 of ielicopte supplies ind scientific leg equipment ms chartir Soldiers Given Diplomatic Job many CP Wh SOEST ther naa ambas Ge or not he an soldier in Germany ador of Canada tion that puts him on the clock dut When rk on one hases Ge be A of the nine Canadia n this corner o 1an) northwest his diplomatic the through the joh From moment ps ite. in of. the local ( populatic he becomes Can: erman a representat ida I'he that th 0 arm akes pi otten tends forge trip back nately. this doc Arm inadian ast home n offic Infan hited the are upholding Car Walsh on Vi Svdney ids the p [ he ma Provost the inadian toon ould be one to n any trouble spo and - he £4 nothing to abo orry absolutely no rea Lhe themselve I have sa h not bet home And eve:vo more homie otherwise men as well ter than. they would 10 agree temptations awa \ fron Viewin 0 Mayor n g the situat oll side of _the George Duelberg of 32,000 within easy 5.500 Canadian area--says Canada can be of oldiers are on ence he of Soes 3 10 reach ol the soldiers n the proud her "They fine I'he 0uHDblE n tatement men 15 no at all---nothing happe ned i While b ear ndicates good relations that have been and ( some arm ard it hetween ( the wen tend ermans dianz in area esr iso to reg as a We meaning over state me There trouble bound explained one office I or 5.500 be soldie to area without getting vith the such scraps nto oc locals are siona The al rap yoint rel ! are oldiers arrive: in Ger brieted should base are well they off on conduc They are o learn German vided. If they are themselve ged t are and pre they ny trouble pun ind severely lectured, and appen 1gain they ned are v retu to Canada commar Cameron clearly gade ol X pleased way his men behave in Jut on n s even one isolated cide am not complete come 1 defen mean have Cana avio ention centre Canadian m 1rope {CAF ition of nelud base there are rema, b | ich 2.400 ( Europe ! of discipling mon anadian eeme ommandan ol apt. A neident anadian n pape about Canadians. During f the he a vears le than five per cent able 0 And the n vas unfavo able ides lass ication eve accidents traffic Green Grapes Sole Stuffing OTTAVN Seedle 1 1 as nended by ecomi sea ng for interes Vays preparing fish in the hope of empling 'more Canadians to eat ecafood Sepat offer 2 th seetl rapes. Roll fashion, and cooked ind remove topped garn and parshe camp for Mareh In background the to-September de- chil- serviceable and admirably signed cafh and hold d:en's attention Chinese department smaller shops have a good selec- tion of toys on display. Most of them, however, are still rather xpensive foi the average fam FOR EXPORT Show Delights Young Pioneers the Pei Hai (North just outside the Chi- wn stores and Seemingly endless varieties of dolls were among the most eye- catching tov: on view at the ex- hibition, Some had Chinese faces imperial and clothes. others were distinc- tly Europear Stuffed animals By CLARE McDERMOTT PEKING (Reuters) voung pionecrs--members of select Chinese Communist youth vrganization--uttered squeals of jov when 2 toy goldfish blew ireams of multi-colored bubbles into their faces Their eyes sparkled miration as a luny bailerina swirled on a floodlit six-inch-square stage before a nidget oattery of lights and mir at Park, capital s ground The Lake: a ase former forbidden city. The June 1, and other soft exhibition was opened celebrated here as Inter- national Chitdren's Day. It was to have closed at the end of June but was extended to permit more children--and adults--to see it. There waz a wide variety of Although the finish was not as fine as that of many high- quality European and North American products, they were The Future Is Ours, Comrade Here's a shocking inside picture of a country preparing to con- quer the world, Joseph Novak, because he speaks Russian and was invited to Russia, gained | the confidence' of high officials and factory workers alike Read in August Reader's P g. Safe to Digest what they told him about | fam { o--does not Russia's "New Man" and the y planned date for an attack on the western world (a long condensa tion of the new $4.00 book 1. Get your Reader's [Digest today. with ad white-clad New, Fragrant FLY-TOX KILLS INSECT PESTS New fragrant FLY-TOX In a new giant container, Slight pressure on the button releases 3 mist that k household insect pests on contact, HOUSEHOLD SPRAY New pleasant fi non toys rors I'he the bright voung . pioneers, wearing red neck scarfs which nark their membership in the 50,000,000 strong youth group attending an exhibition of in Pek They snowed no trace of disap pointment when demonsiratol told them that 70 per cent of the mechanical teys they were mg were made for export and would not be available at pres- ent to China's 'second genera on." as the youngsters of today are callea But even example in niany were tovs ing see- without these fine toy craftsmanship there were the Chinese six: exhibition children's pleasure of hil DDT other ha i ents. be availe ble marvels for ts ir Otter aircraft used to transpori Hairy : : Scicausis f ont | Available in 8, 16, or 32 oz. cons, noj pa vi 0 contin: rooms in the i ental shelf outposts are the two CP Photo) - CHCH-TV Channel WKBW-TV Channel WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale TELEVISION LOG mm ---PENNYWORTH'S THE STORE FULL OF BARGAINS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED - YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 7--Buffala WROC.-TV Channel 5--Rochester WBEN-TV Cnannel 4--Buffale 6 THURSDAY E 5:00 P.M Theat 6:15 P M. Ada 6:30 P, ML 6:45 P.M VE. . We ath can Conye 9:00 P.M Republican Cony Yo Bo 10 15 PAL -Ta 1 Love Lucy San Fran On the Not Panel 1b 11:00 765-42 1:15 Playhouse Viewpoint For a tone Te PM New P.M 30 P.M. 16 4 ate Show TRAVEL IN HIGH STYLE Roy Mela: to $nd on his unicycle, om I lontrea weaving in and tes | om to ound tra an terse hss bec 10:30 P.M. co Beat Sport cp which are loved by the children of the West received applause in Peking Wooden performed zntics pulled across the or the cloih - covered tables Therc were quacking ducks, drummers, music- ians, woodchoppers, dragons and toys were also outstanding. One :howcase had a happy group of biack and white woolly pandas, fuzzy poodles and Af- a sheep made out of the lambswool and a pretty a white Es- and - children they were cement floors display animals shans as whitest girl wearing kimo-like The fucks, Goby TRAIN and SAVE! y 1K AUG. 9 - WEDNESDAY BARGAIN COACH FARES BETWEEN OSHAWA AND TORONTO. . ER OTTAWA. .... MONTREAL. .. Bargain fare: AND HAMILTON. wool sul bears. and dogs. lambs same cuddly monkeys workmen. ROUND TRIP $ 1.65 10.65 14.40 ply between TORONTO ROUND TRIP YOU SAVE $1.95 $1.00 5.50 2.80 5.95 3.10 10.70 5.55 Return Limit--7 Days YOU SAVE $ 85 5.50 7.45 OWEN SOUND WINDSOR. Tickets valid o on yo rains Fares good to ond from intermediate points Fares do not apply between Montreal, Yaudreuil-5t. Eugene ond intermediate stations, Regular 150 Ib. boggage allowonce. Watch for Bargain Children 5 and under 12 Coach Fores effective travel holf-fore; under 5 free. SEPT. 13-14 OCT, 18-19 Wa Canadian Ghcific ' i 1:30 P.M. FRIDAY : mead Lie | 21 BOND ST, WEST a OSHAWA FRIDAY EVENING 3:00 P.M, Theatre se GIRLS' COTTON CORD SLIM JIMS 1.00 100 DON JUAN SAFETY ! SIZES 8 TO 14, REG. 1.88 Rende 1 6:30 P.M. I'he » News; Sports 6h: 45 P.M. BOYS' STRIPED KNIT COTTON "T" SHIRTS {Razor Blades Short sleeves, Suaced colors. Sizes to 6. Double edge. Reg. 3.00, Rr 39 undred i Ry: 29s I 7:00 PM. LADIES' Mcle n 2 2 00 NOON SIZES S$-M-L, 12 13 P.M. REG. 39¢ 8:00 P.M, Red River 130 P.M. "RAYON PANTIES 4 for 1.00 HARWOOD AVE. AJAX 50° BLACK PLASTIC 4 GARDEN HOSE = 1.00 SPECIAL! Sport Bags | GOLF LS, Reg. 79c. EACH Couplings. REG. 1.69 MEN'S or BOYS' Zipper. Reg. 1.98 Jamboree Behind ( sed Door Masquerade Part 8 P.M. Four Just Men Man F Blackhawk Movie CUPS and SAUCERS 69c SET rom suidir th 1:00 P.M. About Faces Feai Mo stern Meet The ~Mid-day Mat 1:30 P.M Divorce Hea lhe World Tu 2:00 P.M Mys Great CANDY STRIPED BEACH TOWELS 1.00 BOYS 8 to 14 COMBED COTTON UNDERWEAR BRIEFS Reg. 49¢c each FOR Series 9:00 P.M Doctor LARGE SIZE, REG. 1.98 bor and December Bride 10:00 P.M, Perry Mason The Detectives Zone of Fear 0 P.M. Exp MEN'S -- 1st QUALITY COMBED COTTON Tops & Briefs Reg. 59¢ each I i 4-- House Part 3:00 P.M. : Me Clock 4 Malone liona 130 p M. LADIES' Z "SLIM SKIRTS 14.00 Pony Home Run Derby 4--Person To Person 10:45 P.M, Jim Coleman Show 11:00 P.M, Sports ress (1 Of Cotton cord chino. Sizes 12 to 18. M REG. 2.98 M. and 4: 00 I. Bunny ends poin 130 P.M. I STOCK UP ON KLEENEX REG. 22¢ "s ws J .00 MEN'S OUTDOOR BAMBOO COTTON SHEEN PICNIC OR BEACH Play Shorts | MATS 72%, 1.9 Sizes 30 10 40. Rey 3: 1.9 101.0 Reg. FOR 6 Wrestling 32 Jack Parr ~MGM Theatre 1:00 A.M. The Une Re ed Mish And Mesh Complete Meal HERON BAY (CP What befter way top off a meal than with Mishimin higan and Meshkawa g-bimaigan was dessert Indians Bandstand MEN'S -- TOP QUALITY SPORT SHIRTS Man G.S. W. Chill | Chests Large Capacity Storage Ont to UTILITY LAYTON Swivel head Search Light, red blinker for outdoor standard batteries. Reg. when the of the Heron held a banquet to arrival of hydro in Northwestern On reserve rate the this part of tario In case O1ibway thing tion of full beam ond the Pa Uses some transla mouthful ice 'cream listed Ojibway Kitchi juice! Opinig salad and coffee command of leaves the sive vour dialect be desir that impr pie and entrees printed in Engli included minnabo (tomato wias pink ham ot Dagondkigan gonima Size 1834x1034x143, to d 11.9 BOYS -- FAMOUS Sisman Scampers SIZES 8 to 3. REG. 4.98 2.99 BOAT CUSHION PRESERVERS 99 apple Other Reg. 14.95 the and i Kokosh (pota Ni Ma on menti h 1ST QUALITY PILLOWS REG. 1.98 EACH §.27 OUTSIDE House Paint -9.88 bishabo tea) abo banquet Hydro sion ma ending t were of Elec Ontario Heron heas! north of Commi official 123 of Plump SIZE 70 x 90 the miles nort the Leather uppers with long-wearing composition soles & heels. Seconds of Rayon Quilted Reg. 5.95 PAIR Chip Foam Rubber head on Superior GUILTY CONSCIENCE WADDINGTON, England delivered to an air town tCP) base con A near parce this Lincolnshire i eight Handy for cottage tainec blades and stationed for a car unsigned al Wad ¢ First World and as m | now penter s 101 is | plane an vad White and shutter Long loop hondle green only Size 15 x 15 x 2 i e blades ica P used the Photo! pet them t ' 4.95 gal. GAL Reg. 3.95 cle i 1st Quality Flannelette BLANKETS COLLAPSIBLE 30 x 72 CAMP COTS pered spring steel frame. Reg. 7.96. FAMOUS RUBBER BOTTOM "DEW LINE" NYLON SLEEPING BAGS FOR ADULTS -- 100 inch all round zipper fully guaranteed with factory certificate. Sug- gested retail price Reg. 14.95 8- 75 ol _ OFFICIAL CAMPING WATER CANTEEN CANVAS COVERED wn §.44 A ai WOODEN HANDLE Camper's Axe 1.77 1.99 fe. home or camp. Tem- 133, inches long Tough leather Sheath. Reg. 2.49