THOUGHT FOR TODAY Truman says the U.N. needs a police force. So it would seem-- one well equipped and specially trained to cope with rioting stu- dents. dhe Oshawa Tne WEATHER REPORT Cloudy Friday, thundershowers Friday after noon and evening, little change in temperature. showers and VOL. 89--NO. 174 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1960 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa TWENTY-SIX PAGES Nixon Picks Lodge e-Presi- be able to hand over the reins of i- office to Nixon next January. r s a youngster, he never dreamed that some day he might be a presidential nominee, 1 Nixon said. He only hoped he would be worthy of Eisenhower's It would his bi vement he Eisenht firmness visdom. he called about 40 of the tc his side that fig CHICAGO (CP) -- V ticket in election. be ever wer's y's brass nvinced them uct of a wealth family, would be a suit vice-presidential nominee. NO GREAT CAMPAIGNER ige is no great guns as campaigner and some vernors suggested ¢ elsewhere, perhaps midwest, since farm sur- undoubtedly would be a in the 1960 fight. showed he is of the party ue ) baltle y on US. yolicv--and Lodge has a lot in this field. y chose to try to dissidents by nate Democratic Johnson o male inte in both parti ion of Lodge. s 58, Johnson 51 n indication of the yn attaches to office be up as a grea th- huge posters de nt pe impor foreign SSIONAI vem! PROF} FIGHT 7 < wi I time he speaks somehow gets in a reminder of iis. famous kitchen debate with Soviet Premier Khrushchev in| Moscow last year and the ston-| ing he encountered in his Latin America tour a few years ago.| PRAISED BY DEWEY ! And Wednesday night before] the convention exploded in a wild cheering demonstration for Nixon's nomination, Thomas Dewey, twice-defeated Republi- can presidential nominee, told | deleg In a 1 of the party' 2% hours, the chief U.S. United Nations mate. It all seemed io. work. out-just as Nixon had planned. Sitting before a television set watching] convention antics from his down- town hotel room h his family by his side--the vice - president seemed a bit overawed at the prospect of trying to i Eisenhow oes. Ei sent him a te am of ¢ lations expressing hope he he as his running NIXON PICKS LODGE would | (Continued on Page 3) sates: | | RICHARD NIXON AFTER HIS NOMINATION Canada's Withdrawal From E OTTAWA (CP) -- The defence i t is studying as a 1961 . withdrawal of parl the motorized Canadian ade Group in West prmants say. o this problem has r+ a long time the buildup of the st German Army to its promise tion to ance. A spokesman for the West Ger- man Embassy here said this promi buildup will. be achieved next year. Defence Minister Pearkes told the Commons defence committee last month: "As the German Army is re- streng the North Atlantic Alli- Family Home After Court Ruling Sought 5 $Y HE LODGE AND WIFE H \RY CABOT we 73 ard, wrt WINNIPEG (CP)--The Hallas family returned home quietly Vednesday night during a lull in their ba » to keep custody of a five-y old Children's Aid Soci- ety ward they raised from in- fancy Mr Mrs. Ken Hallas had gone » hiding Tuesday after the -socie announced. it. would remove the boy, Bobby, and place him with another family. Wednesday, Mr. Hallas applied for legal guardianship of the has been with the since he was nine old. The Children's Aid announced it would not to have the child returned 1 court hearing of the on, set for Aug. 11. whose mother was Ro- is required by Manitoba law to be placed in a foster home of the same religion. ases, who are Protestant, him while the society permanent home for and ipplic Bobby man Catholie, for soucht a him. phill Battle Prediction By Nixon Editor's Note: In the follow- 1a story Nixol He said nomir Vice-P 1 esid xon 'mandate to gives his own preview of the |le rship and enunciate Nixon's pr lential campaign and as distinguished from President would be af Nixon will spell out his "poli- Y|cies for the 60s" in campaigiing ' in most of the 50 states. sth as a contribu-| ORDER INQUIRY AUTO INDUSTRY |Gabor to Bob Hope--is taking athe potaloes back and forget the urope Studied Officials' said that this year it is costing $41,700,000 to keep the cruited up to strength there will pe more German froops avail- |able than there are at the pres- brigade in Germany. nt time and the German Army| jt js unlikely the brigade would and the German Air Force willhe withdrawn without the con- (be in a stronger position in aisent of Canada's European| few years' time than they are to- NATO partners, or at least in the day. face of their open opposition, | MAKES DIFFERENCE | Other prcbable reductions in "That, of course, will make alarmed forces commitments in-| difference in the percentage of/clude: the contribution by the different) Dismantling of four of the 12 aWers. |fighter squadrons in Europe and oi Doss Pid Beco ssully fore at least six of the nine intercep- cast the inevitable Withdrawal ofitor squadrons in Canada. : 91 i ; jthe brigade? the minister wes Elimination of the navy's two ay elnino answer that," Mr, |Cacrier-borne Banshee jet squad- Pearkes replied, jrons. | Since then, it has been dis-| Many | closed that the defence depart-|Ciude: - s {ment is looking into the possi- [or the Urited Nations Congo bility of manpower cuts in the|force; manuing of seven new armed forces to provide more heavy radar stations; re - equip- funds for new weapons and ment of eight squadrons in Eur- equipment, ope with the CF-104 jet to fit Mr. Pearkes has said major them for the new role of strike- manpower cuts won't be possible reconnaissance; national survi- {without a reduction in commit val operatiors by the army; op- ments of the armed forces, |raetion. of two Bomarc anti-air- Canada hes supplied a 6,500-|crafi missile bases. man brigade for European| Whether elimination. of present ground defence since 1951 as well|commitments will more than off- a 300-pizcne RCAF division set acquisition of new ones and based in France and West Ger- thus save manpower and money many. |remains to be seen. | new commitments in- A Canadian contingent ag Quebec Shifting To Health Plan OTTAWA (CP)--Quebec today fused to participate in the na- makes its first move at the min-|ticnal hospital insurance plan isterial level tc break with a long- when it was initiated in the other standing position of aloofness in|provinces on the grounds that regard to two federal-provincial Quebec needed more hospitals. cost-sharing programs accepted| He 'saia Quebec would study the by all other provinces, |proposal when it had enough hos- Premier Lesage and the pro-|pitals in all regions of the prov- viucial heaith minister, Dr. Al-|j,ce, phonse Courturier, are scheduled Nr Duplessis fought openly to call on federal Health Minister against thc Trans-Canada High- Monteith to arrange for Quebec way project, saying roads were to receive federal contributions purely a provincial matter under toward the establishment of athe constitution. Liberals, then in 'HIT THAT SACK 'Hint Des Detests Women HOLLYWOOD (AP)--It seems c nearly everybody in this glamor-|1 conscious town--from a Zsa whack al the sack today. |v Movietown's reaction to House of Dior"s new fashions, un- |! veiled in Paris Wednesday,| sounded like a depth charge ex-/my cld sack." ; : |ploding in a kidney-shaped swim-| Japanese actress Miyoshi ming pool. The outraged glamor girls ery that's just what the new fash- ions resembie: Somebody's kid ney-shaped swimming pool--only a swimming pool has more shape, The Dior line--featuring bared knees and non-existent waist and bust lines -- also left the male stars as hot as Elvis Presley's guitar. | A completely unscientific poll drew these comments: i Teen - age Tuesday Weld-- "They're hideous. Those design- ers must have a grudge against women." Zsa Zsa Gabor--"Nobody in a| sack ever caught a man. Of |course, I don't think a woman gore Nasimok, 47, was remanded Purdy, who has been in charge should show everything she has . . . she should leave some things. tc the imagination and just let a FEW friends discover them." | Jerry Lewis--*'I'm against any| style that makes Marilyn Mon- roe look like a boy. My personal preference 1s for dresses that, when a girl walks, it looks like two little boys having a fight un- der a blanket." 'EAT ANYTHING' Shirley MacLaine--"It'll be a| big year for the farmers--the| women will be able to eat any-| thing they want for a year with- Bombs Sent To Montreal Businessman MONTREAL (CP) -- Montreal | police said Wednesday they are [investigating two shipments of | home-made bombs and threaten- | ing letters to a prominent city business man. [ The bombs, apparently put to- gether by an expert, were shipped to the man from Sher- brooke, Que., and Winnipeg dur- ing the past two years. William Fitzpatrick, chief spector of detectives, said the man's identity will not be dis- closed until investigations are completed. of The first bomb was in a suit- case, It was made up of 21 dyna-| mite sticks and a fuse. An ac- companying note read, in part: "If you think this is a joke try lighting the fuse." The suitcase was turned over to Det.-Sgt. Leo Plouffe, police department trouble - shooter. He | dismantled The second bomb arrived by express about two weeks ago. | The businessman refused to ac-| cept the shipment because he hospital insurance plan in thelsphosition, accused him of de- province. . priving Quebec of millions of] The premier has said he is con- dollars in federal funds for the | fiient the plan can be put into|gpje reason that he was against] operation by Jan. 1. Prime Min- |; federal provision that contracts | ister Diefenbaker has estimated pad to he let by public tender. | the federal contribution as $70,-| premier Barrette said Wednes. | 000,000 for the first full year. |gsy that Quebec residents cannot| Later, Mr. Lesage and Roads zo" on contributing through fed-| Minister Bernard Pinard are 10a a] taxes to the cost-sharing meet federal Works Minister jane without receiving any of | Walker to discuss two aspects of| iyo penefits. Quebec's position with regard to| -- suspected it contained explo- sives. It was a zippered plastic bag encased in a cheap fabric suit- case. Inside the plastic bag were three dynamite sticks and deto- nator. Sgt. Plouffe dismantled it in a vecant lot in the city's east end| after using x-rays to find out | whether the bomb was triggered to explode on opening. | Trans-Canada Highway construc the girl dow. are me more than baby any day.) ck Led ° OTTAWA (CP)--A royal com- mission will be established to in-| vestigate the automobile and! 4 : , .Iparts industry, Prime Minister ut worryicg about their waist! piefenhaker announced today in ae. cy |the Commons, | Bob Hope--""They ought to put) po coi it is hoped that par-| ticulars concerning the commis-| sion's powers and its personnel {can be announced next week. Mr. Diefenbaker said the car| industry is so important that| | there should be a comprehensive investigation of its various as- pects. | Several government depart-| ments -- he mentioned finance, revenue and labor--hag been col-| lecting information in recent| weeks to provide the background for a royal commission investiga-| tion, A royal commission was re- I quested last month by the United Divorce Lawyer Hearing Started Herbert vh thing. A guy who takes a it is entitled to know where hings are." | Lucille Ball--*I'm glad I saved like rock win- -'Wearing a dress is like throwing a 13h a stained glass Jane Mansfield--"Sack dresses fine for 2 woman about eight nths pregnant." (Jane, a little eight months preg- nant, is in hospital awaiting her TORONTO (CP)--Lawyer Theo- cial police Inspector of recent investigations into On- until Aug. 22 when he appeared : y tario divorces. in magistrate's. court today to The i : " face charges of obstructing the| 11e inspector was acting on in- course of justice by misrepresent. structions from Attorney-General ing the identity of co-respondents Roberts Wi. consilted with him Tuesday in Ottawa, where Mr, n three divorce cases. Robert , ttending the Do Nasimok presented himself ati va eg ae ip: the office of Crown Attorney Officials of Mr. Roberts' de Henry Bull at city hall an hour bef, ¢ _|partment recently found a photo- efore the scheduled court hear-\... 1. "of 'Mrs Eleanor Cass, a ing. He was taken to police head-|% quarters for fingerprinting prior -, 7, Year - old Toronto school- to a our-minute. auptarasce bo. teacher, attached to three di- fore Magistrate C, A. Thoburn, | 0rce records filed at Osgoode Nasimok's lawyer, John Hilton, [221 posted $5,000 cash bail. The discovery was made dur- The crown attorney, agreeing|/IP® @ search of divorce files to to the remand after a conference|Cieck a claim by model Joan with Nasimok's counsel, said he Johnson thal she actel as co-re-| ssn wanted an early hearing because Sondent in 120 divorces. The of the publicity the case had re- model later said her story, told ceived. Mr. Hilton said he would|on the CBC program Close-Up, be prepared to go ahead with the was a hoax, case Aug. 22. The altorney-general's depart- The three charges were laid at|ment said the pictures were used Commission's Details To Be Given Next Week Automobile Workers (CLC) and parts manufacturers. Mr. Diefenbaker said the gov- ernment decided that the tariff commission could not undertake the inquiry because it already had a tremendous backlog of work, $255 Ends 'One Day Of Hunger TORONTO (CP) -- Waclaw Truskolawski, 42, a northern One tario miner and motel - keeper, ended a one-day hunger strike Wednesday when he sought to get back $300 he deposited with a Tor- onto investment company in a bid to borrow $8000. Mr. Truskolawski, of Serpent River in the Sudbury area, called off the sit-down strike after the company, Danning Investments Limited, agreed to return $255. Irving Weverman, president of Danning Investments, formerly Ops Investments Ltd., said Mr. Truskolawski had agreed to pay back in thre years a total of $10,880 -- the $8000 he sought plus a bonus to the loan company of He sald Danning Investments was committed to raise the money within 90 days but if Mr, Truskolawski cancelled the appli. cation within the 90-day period he was to pay the company $800 to cover appraisal and legal costs. Mr. Truskolawski said he was assured' the loan would be com- pleted in 10 days but when he heard nothing for a month he wrote the eompany asking it to cancel. the loan and return his He said that when he got no response to a second letter he de~ cided to come to Toronto, The company offered him $255 which he at first rejected, insisting on the full $300 plus expenses for two city hall Wednesday by provin-| without Mrs. Cass' knowledge. trips. to Toronto. in- | the bomb. | WRECKAGE OF HELICOPTER Strengthen Thirteen Plunge | To Fiery Death CHICAGO (AP)--A brief heli- copter hop between airports ended in fiery death in a subur- ban cemetery Wednesday night for all 13 persons aboard. The helicopter, carrying 11 pas- sengers and two crew members, ( i d : appeared to stop in the air, wit- v.a demand a united Congo' |and crossed the Congo River to "strengthen" the anti-discrimina-|nesses reported, then weaved a | greeted Dag Hammarskjold today Leopoldville by launch. | before plunging earth- some glimpses of what his ad- nhower's, policies in "the| 'He reserved for the eampaign tion. ministration may be like if he intensive campaign anyone the detailed steps he has in mind| pT ICIPATION wins. Ernest B. Vaccaro of the ever undertook in my lifetime." on the farm, foreign policy and| REFUSED A late Un- ] 8, AP got Nixon's consent to an Nixon said he will not I +. economic fronts, and the extent], 4 , ; on sal i be crit A z 2. interview before the conven- ¢ past. "I am proud of 10 which they might depart from|'o® Nationale premier, had re tion, provided the story would * fon with "the Eisen. OT build on the Eisenhower pro- Rights Bill Provisions OTTAWA (CP) -- Justice Min- Hammarskjold flew to Brazza- ister Fulton announced today that + he wae wi o cha ul N ay : : a. But he was willing to share a of "long 'live free Congo" and|ville, in the former French Congo, the government has agreed to few . glimpses beyond the In Car Ias Be Race To Prevent Congo Collapse _Gauger said he was certain the pilot veered from his regular course to avoid hitting the popu- lated residential area. "The plane was backfiring . . . and definitely losing altitude," he said. "My wife shouted, 'It's go- ing down.' I think the pilot knew something was wrong and was trying to get away from the houses." FELL OFF An official of the company, 2 used or yo : rams. be used only after a Nixon istration and its ree- gram nomination, iplishments." A FEW GLIMPSES t "1 will be stating my own I will be talking. of rinistration and look LEOPOLDVILLE (AP)--Cries WASHIN( vhat. a Nixon admi i be like. EXETER (CP)--Two men were on his arrival in this Congo cap-| One incident marred the wel-| °° i 3 The 47-year-old vice-president, killed and five teen-agers injured|ital for a survey of the infant come. Congolese Foreign Minister, Diefenbaker's bill of rights. who has exercised unprecedented Wednesday night in a two-car nation's grave ills. | Justin Bomboko was barred from| He made the announcement to responsibility in that post, would head-on collision on Crediton side- The United Nations Secretary-|Brazzaville by policemen of the a special Commons committee assign e more duties to hisiroad near this community 20 General found the young republic former French colony, Senator John F.|0Wn Vice-president, he said, and|miles west of Stratford rapidly being pacified by UN new republic. i d he expects his| 5¢€k to raise even more the sia- Killed were Arthur Peachy, 20, forces but facing acute economic/ More than 9,000 multi-racial lowing appeals by Liberal mem- tail section of the helicopt i presidency ture of the office of Goderich and Pte. Michael|and political problems. troops have been rushed here so Pers for suel action. ra as afir it er: f1al Soglinh of the dcHiooptery Sim- p deney ; : ) I I Pp: e \ here so Y A craft was afire before it crashed. ilar to one used Wednesday by i And Nixon insisted he wouldn't| Longe Ryan of the RCR regiment, Ee flew here from Brussels, far under the UN flag. Most ofl Paul Martin (L -- Essex East)| 'tho fuselage containing at|President Eisenhower on a visi here Belgian Premier Gaston the units of mutinous Congolese|tol = the committee that teeth| a qi five bodies, ripped into al i 418 n a visit ge MTD 1 tate to pick a Democrat for|at Camp Ipperwash, drivers of v t ic ti ITRC J | asl : FP : : 0 the republican national con- CITY EMERGENCY ysest in history and the|@ key defence or state depart-|the cars. |Eyskens and other officials soldiers have been subdued. [should be put into the bill fo en-|olyster of tombstones and erupted | vention apparently fell off The most urgent task confront-|Sure that there is no discrimina-|jn white.-hot fury. The tail sec- e sz 5 TTR utcome may depend on events ment post. All the teen-agers injured were|bluntly told him to keep hands | ! 1 min; in flight. He said he did not PHONE NUMBERS eith » not Kennedy can con-| "When it comes to foreign pol-|in Peachy's car. Injured were off Katanga, the rich, secéssionist|ing Hammarskjold is to save the|tion in federal fields of jurisdic-|tion, with three bodies» was more know ry. tr : icy and national security, I would!Jim Reid, 15, head concussion; province being policed by Belgian African republic from economic | ion against persons because of than two blocks away. A 600-foot slash in the tree tops POLICE RA 35-1133 y What hapy ne 2 home on the not be bound by purely party. con-|Joan Davis 15, a broken left troops collapse within a month of its|race, national origin, religion or| AJ the victims were men, who/approaching the crash scene in- nic and developments FIRE DEPT. RA 53-6574 : : HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 paign at ration might 5 | tory provisions of Prime Minister/moment ward. "It was a big red flash," said Ed Gauger, who from his back of porch watched the helicopter itself -a studying the rights legislation fol-| sweep in close over the trees and|Chicago He'icopter Airways Ine crash four blocks away. State |corporated, said it appeared the Troopter Henry Pilotto said the RESPECTS KENNEDY In rs 1 ; discussion, respects to of his Demo- the election will be one|n€ iderations. In picking the a arm; Patricia Boutilier, 15, head] UN forces control most of the|birth. The young nation's treas-|Sex. came from a half-dozen states, |dicated fhe pilot, Robert Meyer, 1 fi ich p would not(and neck injuries; Wayne Ru- major cities in the rest of thejury is running dry, and the UN| He said he knew of at least|The helicopter shuttle service is|37, of Worth, 1. fought desper- > deterred if t the best|mig, 15, a fractured arm; Gary!country and there have been nolalready has arranged emergency eight instances where there had used primarily by air travellers|ately to gain altitude until the at qualified men happened to be|Doak, 15, shock. All are from| major disturbances reported dur- bank loans to tide the government|heen disctimination against Ne-/who must go from one airport to|final moment. Meyer had flown lactive in the other party." Goderich. 0 ling the last few days. over. pes, including one in Ottawa. |the other to cha¥ge flights. for the line for 10 year act on the outcome than wi candidates do."