Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 26 Jul 1960, p. 5

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| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 26, 1960 § [J J Oce an Carrier were the load taken off in|25 feet deep and can easily| n Toronto. accommodate the ship. She will} 4 " : | The Monica Smith was due in be the largest ship ever to tie| a V ie P ere | Montreal last night, She is ex-|up in Whitby harbor, | ® d I |pected to head into the seaway| Naturally the Industrial Com- | 5 i today and come to Whitby on missioner is extremely happy at uf f many men whoever since the Monica Smith left y ne | if y ad : 1X Cases Hear n re ] iid lll England, At first, it was be- Thursday. She is 300 feet long| the Prospesss 3 Willy's ar for ocean - going ships may come lieved that the load-would have|and draws eet. " o i oo Monicalt because of| With the completion of the ocean - going ships for he has| 1 V 1C ( Ye 1 iri eM 400% ton Dee gn A it was|harbor dredging, says Mr. Chay-| spent many months in its pro-| 1 Ia shipping out of Finland, may un-|stowed. Now, says Mr. Chaytor, tor, the narpor 1s now more than| motion. P.F.EAYT6.50 pe y I load nearly 800 tons of steel pil- Capt. Olafsson has received in-| f LF.E Six cases were heard by Mag-|CASE DISMISSED AT INTERSECTION ing here on Thursday. | structions to off-lcad a number) | " . = istrate Crawford Guest in traffic| Charlotte Harvey, of Green| Charles Galea, of 164 Sreniell Whitby Industrial Commission-|of British-made cars, then unload The Ontario Munici al Board in Whitby on Monday after-|bank, won a dismissal on a|St, Oshawa. was fined $35 and} "oar es Chaytor said on Mon-|the steel and re-lcad the cars.) rig "Al pn 'were Taid by|charge that she failed to yield|costs or 10 days in jail when helq, "pi" unless something un-| The cars are destined for Toledo, the Whitby Police Department, [the right of way to traffic at an|pleaded guiliy to Sriving on the foreseen occurs, the ship will be Ohio, ; CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronts| IN THE MATTER OF: Lena Heib. of RR 2, Whitby, |intersection. His Worship ruled left Se 3 he oon re here about noon on Trsday | The only thing which will Pre | WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester| . was fined $15 and costs for failing|that the other driver in the So } Tiers a "hat lie Te Monica Smith AY as = aed: vent the ship Hom eomivg Bere WGRTV Chazect aisle WEENAY. 6 SBitial Section 39 and 41 of The ¢ > roa py jas als ig yield Quer sal + |uled to carry the piling to W. Mr. Chaytor, is the odd| 8 hanne| ala . A oad by 21 2T (dent Nes 2 hs on {had investigated a two-car crasi Bea but, says Mr. Chaytor, the the ied is 'not| Ontario Water Resources ye she was taking a driving| "Horace Nehls, of 317 Anderson at the intersection of Gravion ship's master, Captain E. Olaf- a5 simple as it is presently anti-| pyUESpAY EVE. 4~News: Roundup 4:30 P.M. Commission Act, 1957 (c. 88), lesson, Ave., Oshawa, said that he had|rcad and Dundas St., on raed L000 has received instructions to cipated. 5.00 P.A 8:15 AM. 11-Popeve Secti 67 of The O x Cpl. William Middleton said been proceeding north on Euclid 2 4 wip Boat sig pi gnload in Wiithy, There are 580° pieces of piling|11--Family Theatre 4--Captain Kangaroo Sey sehion 9 e Untarie he vestigate i-ls > 6 -oaching|2ttempting to pass a car JE ili i r | 6--Follow Me :30 A.M. zdge of Ni Py that he had investigated RE Boch 81, on June 6, and spproataing i ig then found he had Jie Fi piloy Copies Don ghogrd for fhe - Wiuny Raphon 5_ Playhouse Joris Nam 2--Checkers and Municipal Board Act (R.S.0. dent on Mary St., just east of Mary St., when he observed a! i his own side of Middlebrough, England, and was! each 45 to 50 feet long and each| "poss Cartoon Story 2--Today Can Can 1950, ¢ 262) Brock St., on July 12 and found car approaching the intersection|lo get a on ms oY noamine| Scheduled to be u oaded in To-| weighing more than one ton. If it| ~ Book LAN 5--Buckskin 1 Ce l that Mrs. Heib had been making from the west. He said that he the road iri > = wn ronto, then trucked to W hitby. It|js possible to unload here, says w-Tinse Stones RE WEDNESDAY EVE, Section 389 of The Municipal a left turn from Brock St. to|was awar- that Mary St. was a|traiic. He falc thal Gaon nq| Will be used to complete work on the Industrial Commissioner, sev-| o» ., 3500 Bo 5_Ding Dong School 5:00 P.M. Act (R.S.0. 1950 243) Mary and had collided with a|stop street and presumed the pulled i ! ol =H wo Bary sad the piers in Whitby harbor. |eral thousand Soars 4, Le 4--Big Mac Show 4--Poveve's Playhouse 1=Famiy Thssir Cc 2. : Ce ly westbound car on Mary St. driver would stop. the right rear of his VELlce BACH prang to have the ship tie upjsaved in shipping and handling 5:30 P.M. rouble With Father | 6-Travellin The Cpl. said that Mrs. Heib| The westbound car did not stop, siriick the loft front of the car he at Whitby have been underway which would have to be spent y-News at a am A.M. +--Bouo's Cartoon --and-- had explained that she was tak- he said, and the two collided in Was: " Se - we --- ROC 7--Romper Room ory Boo : 4 . ing a driving lesson and had the intersection. | His Wor t at 7 3 I 3=Burms and Alen i Sasi IN THE MATTER OF an application b The Onierio feared that she would strike cars| Sgt. Clifford Partington said" " _ i i 4---Rerublican Conven- Lis iley Te 3 Water Resources Commission on eha 0 e parked on the south side of Mary that Nehls' car had skidded 27 pASSED CRUISE ? : | . 10.00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Township of Whitby for authority to enter into an St. and had therefore pulled her feet before the collision. Tota nk Ke Lonergan, of 1 : : 4--December Bride 7-My Friend Flicka agreement with the said commission for the con- ear too far to the left. damage to the two cars was esti- Toronto, was red $10 and costs ; 1 §2--Dough Re Mi 6--Huckleberry Hound : ¥ : ] Ea : : r f waterm rve the Hamlet of His Worship said that it appear- mated at $4%5. |waen His Wor z 4 him . _ | 7=Early Show 10:30 A.M, 2--Felix The Cat struction o atermains to serve e i i 1 4--Ivan Hoe 9---Morning Show . . HA ed the accident was caused more| Mjss Harvey said that she stop-| passing anoti ng . ly n foe 1-Morning Show = Brooklin, as set out in Schedule "A attached through inexperience than ped at the intc rsection, then _, en shou.der of the 1 ; ; : || 6:15 P.M. 4--Jack Narz Lh / hereto at an estimated cost of $234,700. through carelessness as he levied drove on acd did not realize the ~ po john Mason ? 4 | g--Lawrence Welk 11:00 AM. hi cr vie gi, from Ji al ue 3h oe roc [cy cg ITE CAE tos until it struck her vehicle. His | pop on Brock or ir ; a : | 5.4.2--News: Weather 4--1 Love Luéy il sn FAILED TO STOP _ _ |Worship dismissed the charge. |avq had sienalled a leit turn as 3 gi ' : SAIS PM. 11:30 A.M. o--Sea Hunt" IN THE MATTER OF an application of the Corp: Leonard Heggart, 51, of Elliott he yached Palmers we. 6.4.2--News 11-Bob McLean Show I re oration of the Township of Whitby for approval of Lake, was fined $20 and costs HAVING LIQUQOR he i : ; - 5--tuntley-Brinkley 5.2--Concer x 11--Family Theatre C v al when he pleaded guilty to failing] Gerard Verkuylen, 34, of 1107|1¢ gan, ; iw | 7 Report 4--Serial Dra Searcwit Wertony its proposed By-Law 1796, being a by-law providing to stop before entering an inter- King St., Whitby, was fined $25 following, pul ode Moe oe ; EL PM. a S--Huntley-Brinkley for the imposing of a waterworks rate on owners or section, Cpl. James Barter told and costs or five days in jail on louider al fis Tikly, aud a 4 a Wl | 5 Tic Rifleman 7--Restless Gun WL occupants of land who derive or will or may derive the court that the charge had when he pleaded guilty to having PEP IC eq that only 2 / ; Alums wi Ale a us "7:00 PML a benefit from the said waterworks project within been laid following Investigation Jauee iy 8 place other nen His two wheels of his vehicle had left io Ef ¢ ; 2 2--Sergeant Bilko 4-News and Weather 6---Tabloid the area described in Schedule "B" to the said Ee i St. on] po Keuneth Edwards said that lS paved portion of ihe Stree. SELLA hd Ly Ep ion 0 J . \enne V sa al 3 | 7--News; We 6--Matinee 4--Cannonball proposed by-law, lis Worship advi ceused, ir " 4--Speake 2--Manhunt June 28. he had searched a car at the rear His Worship advised accused, in 7:30 Speaker of the anh d 2 > yl j , 8 | Foot : 15 P.M, y He said that Heggart had been of a hotel in Whitby ge found | reply to a question, that it is un- bo ; f fe mer Playhouse h. ; APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING H 3 , four men and a 24-bottle case of awful for a driver to pass an- / : a y ue ; Rees x proceeding west on Walnut St.|°°0" B50 © Toi e tg] BY J 4 ays * 4 ' Whirlybirds 7--Love That Bob and had collided with a south |CCCr There Wein (our empl other car on the right if the 100 PM. CN os Eon ve lt Tomeaver || THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby ap- 2 , he said, 19 5, ar : . v LE ; 6--Chevy € 4--Search for Tomorrow | 3 Jagon Tr i bound car oan Euclid St. Walnut|one missing. The accused, he driver must leave the wy 2 116-Chevy Show eared tor Tomorrow | $2 Wagon Fear, points Tuesday, the 9th day of August, 1960, at St., he said, is a stop street. !'said, admitted ownership. portion of the roa 8:30 P.M. | V e . il the hour of ten o'clock n the forenoon (local time), ey - . | Wat parm [I at the Township Council Chambers in Brooklin for ° | Bob Carnogle. 7 2 11 3 45 HARRY C. SIMPSON OF PUC open cite : k 3 Gost Look the hearing of all parties interested in supporting Red Wings ou Elgin Luke HAE 3 9:00 P.M, | 2-2 iy or Eras or opposing these applications. Boh Mrcheady hh ANEON Holds te-while Were' Young | gesture Move || Le ow || DATED AT TORONTO this 12th day of July, 1960. ° z Rrjig Sram AEA 1 & bd Pe) Playhouse 1:30 P.M. 4--Drama (SEAL) i hil. Hall 5 1 3% h 1-Rifleman 7--Divorce Hearing 5.2--Republican Conven- . 11 1C op Sissi = 4--The World Turns tio B. VICKERS, Acting Secretary. | 2 = 2. 9:30 P.M, : "9:00 P.M. al -Y ° P t 0 2:00 P.M. _ 9:00 By IVAN DAVIE | Thursday night's game shapes U K Oifi n 1 Sect eLar V 0S 11.6--Parade aD Tn Cont 11:63_Harpy P.E.E.4776-60 is -- 4=Tightrope 1] 7--Colt 45 Adventures With --The Hawaifan Eye On Thursday night at the Whit- up as a dandy, as the Excelsiors i Eousay Soot Adven T= Tie fawanan § by Arena, the Whitby Jr. Red will be out to knock off the lead- ative of Copper Cliff, Harry Communications Branch. In 1945 10:00 P.M. 5.2--Queen For a Day 2--Happy THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD ; secre received his honorable dis-|!1-6--Stratford Festival 4--Dra r 9:30 P.M. Wings 21% Lael ia te pod a Ry i) gre ys J 1 v 3 arge and returned to Sudbury 1--Alcon hk rl :30 P. 1165 -- Tate ' important game of the season. A deiea A Is year. i f nanager UC in I 2rge. aul refurned Sudbury| 4" mystery Detective A TG rao: auSeryel gals win by the Red Wings gad pos Wai Wins } Jorast i Some time UuGy nape d in ¢ ng dur- Hydro, cotinetn With thal Com} SER ie ; $ : Tae om SCH EDU LE A sibly ensure them of a first place ursday nigk 1,8. am. E in ( lif n nt 19: 1 - ).3 M. --H "ook 0: M. finish and the OLA Junior "A"( OLA JUNIOR "A" STANDINGS ] He e scl ir ed the position of secretary-| , 10:30 P.M s2_Loretta Yor 11-6_First Person TO APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING OF THE ONTARIO : uture Tn wis on ntralitams AP 1 (reasurer of Whitby PUC. 5 Black Saddle el Tm Cour Lite || MUNCIPAL BOARD DATED THE 12TH DAY OF JULY, 1960 home game in the playoffs in Whitby 3 133 2 |Sudbury Mining an l| Four years later Mr. Simpson| 2--Johnny Midnient 3:00 P.M. 4--Steel Hour WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, WELL DEVELOPMENT, their quest for the Easterp|Brampton 13 206 0 177 137 30 By ALAN HARVEY | School, where he maj ac 0 P 7--Beat The Clock 10.30 P.M. 00% : : -2-- News: 1 7 P PUMPING UNIT AND MATERMAINS ON Crown and the right to represent (Includes one d-point game) | po \rioin : counting. His first ' a $a, Dock Malone ne-A Case For The PUMPHOUSE, PU G 3 Eastern Canada in the Minto Cup Long pranch 5 : H 3 12 1% HH meeting 3 D i gs oh ae ith the Don n bi ud- {iry-manager. The latter is now | "3:30 P.M. 7-Interpol Calling STREET FROM TO finals which will be played in the\™ "clas two 4-point games) taken off tou thoi: duties 2ve bury where he was accountant. In the engineer and consultant for | 7-Flayhouse 11--News SLi fim Veh Way Street Baldwin Street Ferguson Avenue West. - | Fergus 13 4 90° 9% 152 8: Ih Hes alij1949 Har-y Simpson joined the|whitby PUC 1): 7---Who Do You Trust 1:00 P.M Campbell Street Baldwin Street 209' West of The Red Wings handed the de- (Includes one 4-point game) home to study the future shape accounting staff of Sudbury Hy-| om : 11:30 P.M. 6--Top Plays 11: Now od Price Street . Rihpel or Mom : WHITBY'S REMAINING GAMES |of the Commonwealth. iid il Mr. Simpson is married and he | 4~Theatre 5.2--From These Roots |11-7:6-5-4-2--News; fending Minto Cup Champions goyy The i s Lav ( d his wife have three" children,| S=Sports Views 4--Verdict Is Yours Weather: Sports Price Street Campbell Street Way Street their first home loss of the sea-| July 28 .. .« Brampton], Lhe senior ol PS ? anc his wile have larce chicren,} sa.Jack Parr 4:00 P.M. 11:15 P.M. Baldwin Street Gth Concession RA. 'North Street son Friday night in Brampton by| August 4 .8t. Catharines |@ Week at Chequers, Prime, Min- | yjoINED NAVY Peter, 9. Cheryl, 7, and David, |i1--Late Show 11-Pugs Bunny and G Street Baldwin S . s; n Do thi Y ister Macmillan's 'country estate|" p+ his service with the Sud. 2. He is active in community af-| 11:45 P.M, Friends w sorge Stree aldwin Street Queen Street the score of 12 to 8, and by this| "August 2 ............... Fergus in Buckinghamshire, trying to de-|, or MS SEIVi ? fairs and was the charter secre-| xing 7--American Bandstand 30 P. Centre Street Colston Avenue 165' West of win made possible for Hien tof HD NUS cide what the group of bury Commission was interrupted | 0" ot "whithy Kiwanis Clu b| IDNES 6--Film Playhous Baldwin Street wrap first place up all alone SCORERS ine y : 1070 WwW ' n hand ah Hg As : M. 4~The Bright 6--Stage Seven . ig can come up with wins in hiayer G G A Pi Pen nations may look in 1070. |by World War IT, when in 1941 he and is a past president of that| , , 8:0 Fi 3-"The BHEhter §- Stage Sevel Colston Avenue Baldwin Street North Street up Terry Davis 17 37 19 56 24 | The meeti ho WY Seis oe te thoes 1 North Street Baldwin Street ' § their three remaining games. |Glen Lotton 17 28 4 52 2 |; i? Tien enag d dur joined the Canadian Navy in the|club. 5-2--Today 2--Comedy Theatre 4--Theatre aldwin Stree 330° West o Colston Avenue hairmanship of Sir Nor | Bagot Street King Street George Street CROSSWORD PUZZLE nok, secretary the Britis} James Street Bagot Street Queen Street cabinet py ar f vast-exper- Charles Street Bagot Street Queen Street ience in Commonwes: - ee: T T Canada . ted 1 7 ; i Alben Sysest Soucch Street R Queen Street . ! ISRO 21 | Canada was represented by Lae! (5 imcoe Street 6th Concession Rd. Albert Street ACROSS DOWN 18. Shep- - Robert Bryce, Norman' He vB i 4 8 : ober ryce, Norman's Street N LF igam Le hid 10] - iR] | counterpart in the Canadian cab y lg Sth Sonesssion Re. Noh Sess cleric armers 7 : i ? ] Roebuck Street Baldwin Street Princess Street 6. Helps 21. Italian i } ell | a yee Tew back to Ottawa Mill & King Streets Princess Street Queen Street 9. Sobthe 2. Ink spot river 1 56 | bsnl 10.G 3. Cook 22, Blunder [TECH Blo! he meetings arose out of a Duke Street 6th Concession Rd. King Street , German ; | % acs msiings stse oul © D2 Durham Street 6th Concession Rd. Mill Street 1 > i sic aken at. the conference ' hy T : Princess Street 6th Concession Rd. Mill Street . Needle i! 2 ¥ y 1wealt rime injs 3 12. Eilmaria . aperture 3 it it PRI katy s nas VACA ION ki uk | Pearl Street Mill Street 462 North of danger 5. Jurisdiction Recommendations of the Che- a] : Mill Street sign 6. Luzon 1 quers talks, if any, 'will be ¥ig ; Sh Concession Rd Salivis Strost Buineess gross 13, Nocturnal mountain > : reported to respective govern 3 3 ; Jon Re. Mens : Str mammal 7. Narcotics (sym.) Westerday's Answer |. Simcoe Street Duke Street 14. Meat paste 8, Holy 27. Withe 83. Mrs. (Fr.) person out Eisene Mhtighing in JR, nin i v ; Pe Distribution System including Valves, , T h nd itself confronte yi ' 15. Exclae 9. Meat purpose hower its onied wid applications for admission from 3 il : ' Hydeanss and specials $136,700 mation jellies 28, Scoffs 88.U. 8. coin 10 additional countries { A YOU f od rifling, Well Development 16. Compass 11, Three, 88 80. Theater 39. Eve's ithi le; ; : f 0 Pumping nit . 28,500 point sign husband Among the pr ms for deci- ; ¢ : ; ; : or emoval equipment we viele 18,000 (abbr.) 5. 81,0bstacles 4L Finish sion in the next few years are ! i ; 4 ump House with fencing and access road .. 7,500 17. At home mation 32. Around 42, A wit whether any ground rules for ¥ t J Purchase of existing storage facilities, ete... 15,000 18, Sure (dial) membershi sh be estab G § 3 y ¢ Field Surveys 3c . 00! 19. Pigpen lished and whet once ring an : 200 20. Tip of mitted, all members will n- 3 ; ; ; ¥ : j TOTAL ESTIMATED GOOF ssa aninsss: gh South tinue to have an equal voice at g America Commonwealth meetin : ; ; 3 N 0 T ! C E 24. Tally Any on of two-tier : . 2 rato 3 smbers ie lileolv % 4 25. Small. 5) om. of mem Di T hip Is like ly 3 3 i EL | : ) TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town- quantities to encounter some resistance in : : A ; 0 - b an dssociation. whose watchword A ! ; ship of Whitby proposes to enter into an agreement with the 2s Loe pm ii ; : 5 ee [{ Ontario Water Resources Commission for the construction of (slang) One suggestion before the meet- : : " ; Ye Water Works dsteribey js Shove Appointment for Hear- ¢ is believe h rst: sibs | ng at an estimated cost o ; 4, A lever Ing is believed to be a system of , Bh Adever regional groupings, in which a | The estimated annual charge payable to the Ontario Water 86. Arabian number of small states could be Resources Commission, over a period of thirty years, is $24,090, "garment Lis representde Y A Single : and Council proposes to raise the funds to meet the yearly 87. Music note membership. payments as follows: 88, Vale (poet.) fo mre | Carol Lee 43, Prosecuting WATER WORKS RATE: - Frontage Rate 49,000 frontage ' << ____D > => 2.70 Dae PRUISOL [iiss Shuts $12,250 42 sei Ds x .2 mills on assessed value 2 ACRYLIC-LATEX If / ($1,524,900) of lands within area described in Schedule "B"" to Pro- is Entertained : | | posed By-law No. 1796 of the said | foun By Friends Corporation and as set forth here- to dry 46. Emeralds d 355 ¥ under i... ites sensei 3,35 Carol Elizabeth Margaret Lee ; ) 3 who was married to Frank Mac pio | [ CONSUMER RATE: kenzie Wonnacott in July, has i EEE J 270 immediate consumers @ BROCKwWar=x | © | Slew, Phone MO 3.3618 1 Misses Moriya aud Cordlvs For Your Painting and Decorating Needs HOUSE CONNECTIONS: Now Playin Evening Shows at 7 and 8:30 [were hosiesses at a Kitchen 110 connections @ $3.50 ....... $24 323 . shower, ' Lost Complete Show ot 2/30 presentations were made by | REE DELIVERY DAILY IN WHITBY & OSHAWA FROM THE AUTHENTIC DIARY the $onoels in which she has All plans, reports and" estimates and Proposed By-law 1796 been the music teacl ; pg ; OF A DOUBLE AGENT] Jeen the mise a ig Tas; = i including Schedule */B" thereto, may be inspected at the office ior of the undersigned during business hours. vase by Whitby United Church e by Whit h : Any owners or other persons affected by this by-law and who Shir ¥ as Eve n at the home of ® HOLIDAY SPECIAL 4 are unable to attend at the hearing may file their objections gh XX Pesdle enter / ' with the Clerk of the Township or with The Ontario Municipal tg oh ese Tuten: . . Board, 145 Queen Street West, Toronto, on or before the SL J Outside White 4.98 a gallon ET 1 dey of Jie 1960, E-- SEE dr wt rE KERWIN MATHEWS ~~ Jioncons somone. ** ~-- finn Be TT mr EED wi AN RD-DR PRODUCTION ed at a tea in honor of her : Registered Plans Nos. 638, 657 and 601, 6-24-20 (Carnwith) daughter. Tea a ants' includ § Ey a istanty hu & 2 6-24-21 (N, Wilson), the Campbell and Way Plan and cli of Og A) a oe, 1 3 a Bh Lot 24, Concession 6 South of Vipond Road as extended to i Pee Fh TR LAY g er Rd Campbell and Price Streets, that part of 6-24-35 (Vipond) THE as a al a or Es ; I lying north of the Vipond Road Extension in Lot 28, Conces- sion 6, the Northerly 260' of Lots 24 'and 23, Concession 5 ers Miss Judy Lee. Ss pe Vd 3 4 4 ; C ) | | | : MILE _ --_-- wid 107 BYRON ST. SS. WHITBY MO 8-5231 and also the Westerly 400° of the Northerly 260° of Lot 22, Released thry Concession 5, all of the McGee Plan including that portion of - ex \ : said plan which has been de-registered, all of Plan 610 and Fa ae exci GE re Ya : ONE BLOCK WEST OF 4 CORNERS THEN SOUTH oul dod a adi : $9,000,000 over 1958. Adult Entertainment

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