4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 26, 1960 Quick Action AJAX and DISTRICT JOHN MILLS, REPRESENTATIVE - PHONE AJAX 426 {In Two Cases AJAX (Staff) Magistrate Crawford Guest disposed of the cases bgfore him in Ajax police court in less than an hour on Mon- day. net of $285,900,000 or $5.22 a share, for the first half of 1959. Ford Co. Net Profit $264,800,000 MiMi Gh DETROIT (AP) -- Ford Motor|share, were down from a year Co. Monday reported net earn.|2go when Ford had its all-time ings of $264,800,000, equal to $4.83|record quarter. a share, for the first six months|June period of 1959 the net was of 1960. This compared with al$151,100,000, or $2.76 a share. In the April * k kK kX kx kX kx x kx k k % Thomas Henderson, 19, of THREE HEAVY PIECES of earth-moving equipment started | work on Southwood Park the new sub-division at Ajax on Monday, Later in the day a | Sub-divisi Work Starts AJAX (Staft) -- Duffin's Creek Estates Ltd., true to its promise had heavy earth moving equip- ment on the site of its new sub- division early on Monday, almost before the ink on the agreement was dry. The new sub-division, named Southwood Park, is aptly named because the area is well wooded and as many as possible of the trees will remain. The 109.25 acres in the area will contain approximately 440 building lots. More than half of the lots are zoned R-2 which means the minimum lot size will be 7800 square feet and the mini mum floor area of each home exclusive of accessory buildings will be 1200 square feet for sin- gle storey, 1300 for storey and a half and 1700 for two-storey homes. Set aside as green belt are 5.3 acres and six acres as a school site. The sub-divider- is responsible for the installation of all serv-| ices which include street lighting sidewalks and paths, curbs and storm sewers, water and sanitary sewers, Streets will be paved and street signs erected. GENERAL CONTRACTOR In addition, the sub-divider will contribute $75,000 for an addition to present sewage disposal plant and $125,000 for the re-location construction and paving of Ha wood avenue south from Bayly street, to Third street. This road will eliminate the necessity of channeling motor traffic through Lake Vista Gardens to the new development, Building program for this year calls for immediate construction, of six model homes, to be follow-| power shovel arrived to begin excavation of trenches for sewer and water mains. The genera! contractor is Perini Ltd. The developers are Duffins | 1011 fed by 125 more by private build- ers. Perini Ltd. is the general con- tractor for the building of road and installation of services, Lot purchasers will be able to choose their own architects and build- ers In keeping with 'the town's pot icy on street naming, all ti streets in Southwood Park will be named after officers and men who were killed in action while serving on HMS Ajax, a historic name from the first major seca battle of the second world war and after which this new town is named in commemoration. The new development is a breakthrough after two years of stalemate since Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation sold its Ajax holdings, to Principal In- vestments Ltd. who in turn sold part of the property to Perini Ltd. FIRST PHASE Only two homes built in Ajax in the past have been two | years. Southwood Park is the first phase of a development program through which .the company, | Duffin's Creek Estates Ltd., will transform 2000 acres of un- developed land into planned in- dustrial parks, commercial ar and attractive residential neigh- borhoods as visualized by Dr. Faludi, well known planning con- sultant who completed the final draft of the town's official plan. A lakeshore park and golf course is contemplated. The two miles of lakeshore are zoned green belt and constitute the only area of lake frontage not in private ownership from Windsor to Cornwall. Always excepting small frontages. Fallout S helter Policy Adopted By PETER DUNN Canadian Press Staff Writer | TORONTO (CP) -- Plans for} mass evacuation in the event of a nuclear attack have been set aside by the metropolitan Tor- onto civil defence authority in favor of a new federally - ap-|, proved policy of basement fall- out shelters. The policy was launched with the unveiling of a mobile shel- ter, to be displayed at 17 shop- ping plazas in the municipalities Now considered the most effec- tive Protection, the nine - by- seven-foot shel It as a do-it-yoursel nh g about $350. Stocked with food furnished with modified campi equipment, it will shelter five persons for at least 48 hours-- minimum . time to remain con- cealed after a bomb blast. Civil defence co-ordinator H. H Atkinson says the public now must change its thinking in re gard to nuclear fallout, He re- jects the idea that everything in a radiation area would be de stroyed. VOLUNTARY EVACUATION Effects of radiation diminish as fallout remains in the air passes through building materi he says. A two-storey house w more protective than a bungalow and radiation effects would be re- duced by a further 10 per cent by the shelter. However, the plan to ev: te ail of Toronto's 1,500,000 resi dents in event of nuclear attack has not been abandoned com- pletely. Under a "voluntary dis persal'" program, anyone wish- ing to leave a potential bomb area would be assisted by CD au- thorities They have completed a three- year study of problems and pro- cedures "involved in evacuation and have drawn maps, graphs and charts showing dispersal point 1sable roads and their auto-carrying capacities Within 10 minutes more tha 150 CD groups in the city ord be placed on the alert for co- ordinating and assisting civic and welfare organizations. 'D TRAINING More than 15,000 volunteers 13 Metro In dealer here for $395. |have taken Civil Defence train- ing e 1951. Some 700 fully- niformed auxiliary police stand by for emergency. calls. They would have the same authority as regular police in event of nat- {ural disaster or emergency. "The increased public interest in civil defence in the last few ont hs has been amazing," said W. Westwood, Torento CD of- Ry "We've been inundated with telephone calls." While ear attack is the ain cor oration of the CD forces, authorities have given ider n to what can be done to protect the people against other disasters. CD headquarters is in constant) 't with the weather office rvation department so hi can be warned of iy or hurricanes hours in ad- vance of the critical moment of danger, Car For Royalty struction of It is es timat, Congo Confusion b | Not In Nigeria | [to OTTAWA (CP)--The chaos and confusion in Congo will nat spread to N ia when the cen- ral African i ind {pendence within h in October, iern Nigeria Sir Ahmadn Bello, Skoto, premier of N geria, told a press confi 3 seria will make a peaceful tra ition to nationhood because 'its'le the 1 id iy Squires Beach, Pickering, plead- ed not guilty to a charge of drinking while a minor, but his plea was of no avail when he was convicted and fined $15 and costs or three days. Constable Eric Place told the court that accused was in the po- lice station in connection with an- other matter and he smelled al- cohol on his breath and admitted he had had two bottles of beer. In his defense, Henderson de- nied he had admitted to the of- ficer he had been drinking ex- cept some coke. Chief Constable George Dunn said he had seen the accused at the station and he then smelled noticeably of alcohol. NOT GUILTY OSHAWA DRIVE-IN omer THE GOD fik @ Prank K. Lonergan, Pape av- i jenue, Toronto, faced with ! |charges of failing to stop at stop | streets pleaded not guilty. | Constable T. O'Grady said he| followed the accused east on Hunt| street and he didn't stop at Har-| {wood and a few minutes later entered Bayly street and turned east without stopping. His evidence was supported by| Pre ant Wm, Shaw who was in y th O'Grady. gan was fined $15 and R-3 |costs or three days on the first r [charge and given the benefit of the doubt on the second. SWEDISH GROWTH Sweden's popula ation is | to rise from 7 [of 1960 to 8,245,000 by 1975, ac- two| AND . . . Os ot the Great Adventures of All Time] ANE JSAY A a FARROW provucrion <5 Produced by JOSEPH SISTROM p Directed by JOHN FARROW Screenplay by JONATHAN LATIM... From the novel by Charles Nordholf * and James Norman Hall APARAMOUNT PICTURE DON'T MISS OUR GIANT SUNDAY MIPNIGHT TRIPLE HORROR SHOW CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON the Br _|cording to official estimates. NOW SHOWING DON'T TRY AND COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING YOU'VE EVER SEEN BEFORE! From 'the best-seller that makes * Peyton Place read like a book of nursery rhymes! Walter Winchell Aa WARNER BROS. picture TECHNICOLOR® sranmivg James Dunn: ALSO STARRING HENRY JONES - Richard Burton: Barbara Rush Jack Garson Aingie Dickinson & girl from 'Rio Bravot ADMITTANCE 10 PLASONS . " * kk x FX ¥ Xk Xk Nk yh ment over escemeal rather to the people been done by h had 3 N TH ANCIENT FUEL 1s. bee used from ores for JOHN BURTINSKY ast 60 0 yee FLORIST Ade Entertainment SIOVERS iA 9 BY. 4. When you need Flowers You Need Us Phone MO 8-3324 124 Dundast St., W., Whitby WHITBY CLEANERS LTD. Phone MO 8-2345 For Free Pick-up Of Your Furs and Apparel WE OPERATE OUR OWN 17/2) pry iD RI BAL ld A Days REFRIGERATED STORAGE _ TOMORROW - -- OF A MURDER CULT IN STRANGL Ens OF BOMBAY (ADULT) BIITHORE av: "NORTH BY NORTHWEST" coon § °F RST NAN nr All Garments Fully Insured 150 Colborne St. East en wall ASH FEATURES! ! A More LA SALLE CONSTRUCTION Sand-Gravel-Fill-Loam Screened and Crushed Materials - Bulldozing Phone OL 5-3511 R.R. No. 1, Brooklin ornpe E eam wn COLOR wr ---- service in Ontario County is the equal of anywhere. 0 SPACE" A GUIDE TO VALUES WHITBY - AJAX - PICKERING BROOKLIN - PORT PERRY Personalized Service When You Shop Locally This district has progressed a long way from the early days of the settlers, but their vision and foresight is still evident, in the towns and progressive villages throughout this district, and the co-operative spirit throughout the entire community. True, many have long since gone, but the spirit of venture is still with us. We are busy, prosperous people, aware of the possibilities of the future and eager to explore them with vigor. County merchants have the pioneer spirit too. They have shared in the past and look forward with hope, always striving to improve with the times and give their patrons the best in service ant quality. They are proud of the bright buildings, their good stores and stocks, and modern furnishings. They can assure customers that friendly STRICT PAGE ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE Whitby's Only Complete Tire Shop 24-Hour Service Have your tires checked by factory-trained experts, Ph. MO 8-5221 401 Dundas E. Whitby Eo REESOR FUEL & LUMBER Everything in BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER--COAL We Specialize in SUMMER COTTAGE NEFDS Free Delivery In Lake Scugog Districts Phone YU 5-7951 Port Perry Ont. WILDE ELECTRIC (Russ Wilde, prop) For Adequate Wiring HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY Commercial--Domestic Phone MO 8-3174 1107 Henry Street WHITBY, ONTARIO J THE CERSHWIN MUSIC! THE GREAT LOVE STORY! 277 "BWANA MAGOO" Color Cartoon FEATURE AT . . 1:30 - 3:55 6:20 - 8:45 NOW! » FOR THE FIRST TIME AT UPHOLSTERING A. ZAYETTE Recovering and Repairing For Old Quality Value With Modern Re-Styling i eS Phone MO 8-2344 Whitby, Ontario RONALD PASCOE BUILDING CONTRACTOR AND CARPENTER Alterations--Repairs Kitchen and Recreation Rooms Guaranteed Workmanship Phone MO 8-2257 403 Chestnut St., W., Whitby WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS ANNOUNCING "NEW FIBERGLAS FENDERS" For All Makes Of Cars--'52-'60. Specializing In RE-CHROMING CAR-BUMPERS All Grille & Accessories--'52-'60 No. 12 Highway One Mile North of Whitby W. E. MILLER Builder of FINE HOMES Commercial and Residential Construction of all Types Of Building From Ground To Roof Phone MO 8-2939 1805 Dufferin St, Whitby | OSHAWA Ornamental Railings Ornamental Metal Work Furniture--Railings Fire Escapes Guaranteed Work Oshawa Ph. RA 3-4161 Whitby Ph. MO 8-2681 Geo. Hamers Lid. Plumbing and Heating GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE STATION George Popescu, Manager Try New FINA Gas For Power-better Mileage and Savings Licensed Mechanic Have Your Car Checked Before Vacation Trip Down Here Phone MO 8-4232 932 Brock St, N., Whitby ® Automatic heating eo Automatic Heating Units ® Gas and Oil Burners e Eavestroughing © General Sheet Metal Work Allan Short, 935 Centre N. Phone MO 8-3011 212 Brock St., S., Whitby STAFFORD BROTHERS Monumental Works Member of the Canadian Association of Memorial Craftsmen Distributor of Rock of Ages Barre Granite and Eventide Granites Quarry Guaranteed MO 8-3552 Whitby J. A. VONDETTE Real Estate Broker Phone MO 8-3322 and MO 8-4841 WE SPECIALIZE IN PROMPT SERVICE Listings Solicited Industrial--Commercial Real Estate Harry Jermyn, Manager 104 Dundas Street West Whitby, Ontario Offered For Sale ST. CATHARINES, Ont. (CP) | » --A chance to ride like royalty is being offered by a used-car A long black Chrysler convert- ible used by Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh in the 1951 Royal Tour has been put| = up for sale. The used-car lot purchased fit sev eral wecks ago from a Ham- v as appears to be in Ti of dents and scrapes, the chrome still sparkles and the motor runs quietly. The red leather uphol- stery is unmarked and the small fire extinguisher in the back has never been used. The only s igns of the car's il lustrious past "are large red crowns in the centre of the hub- caps and a crown on the hood| above the grill. There was a plaque on the shhoard telling of the automo use in the tour but a souvenir hunter. stole it. d bile's hums | ) 1 loton COMING THURSDAY! TH ERES ONE FOR EACH Mgmoer OF THE FAMILY "12 Guo SEE THEM IN ECTOPLASMIC COLOR! VIGOR OIL STATION i Operated by + 0 Vic" Van Luven Dominion Royal Tires The Best Deal on New and Used Tires Phone MO 8-3644° 501 Brock St., N., Whitby their order. $156.00 FREE LOOK FOR YOUR NAME See if your name is in one of these advertisements. This page is a weekly feature of the Oshawa Times for a 26-week perigd and there will appear in the advertisements each week two names and addresses of people living in Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Brooklin or Port Perry. Read the adver- tisements carefully and if you find your name, clip out the advertisement in which you found your name and present it along with a sales slip or label to The Oshawa Times office in Whitby, show- ing that goods or services have been purchased from any one of the advertisers on this page and you will receive absolutely FREE a $3.00 order to be spent for merchandise with one of the adver- tisers on this page. Winners must advise the Oshawa Times on which advertiser they wish to spend AJAX MARINE SCOTT OUTBOARD WEYMOUTH CRUISERS Sangstercraft Fibreglass Boats and Lakefield Service and Storage Phone WH 2-4080 J. Howard, 605 Mary E. N. 2 Highway Ajax GEORGE H. HARDING Construction Co. Lid. General Contractors and Builders Alterations--Repairs Phone MO 8-3566 Whitby Re Ce Yo ™ 411 Fairview Drive FRED FISHER'S BP SERVICE 616 Brock St., North Whitby Phone MO 8-5222 Minor Repairs Front End Alignment Tires - Accessories - Batteries TOWING SERVICE ALEX PEARCE Decorator COMMERCIAL Brush Roller DOMESTIC Graining Painting Murals Paper Spray Hanging Signs 905 Bayview Ave., Whitby Phene MO 8-5271 HEARD'S TAXI & CARTAGE TRUCKING SAND AND GRAVEL Phone MO 8-3732 124 Brock Street North BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCES V. Graham R. Catton Weekly Specials WESTINGHOUSE TRADE-IN SALE 118 Brock St. S., MO 8-3707 Whitby, Ontario