Double-Ring Ceremony Unites Gertrude Schmidler, Jim Moran The marriage of Gertrude Wil- helmine Schmidler and Normar James Moran, Jr., both of Osh awa, wag solemnized recently at Northminster United Church. The bride is the daughter of| Mrs. Katharine Gaber and Mr. Thomas Schmidler of Salzburg Austria, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. Norman James Moran of Oshawa and the late Mrs. Moran The Reverend H. A. Mellow of- ficiated at the double-ring cere- mony. The wedding music was p'ayed by Mr. John Robertson and Mr Ross Cotton sang. Given in marriage by Mr. Charles Williams of Saint John, New Brunswick, the bride wore a full-length silk organza gown with a scooped neckline and short sleeves enhancing a fitted hodice and re-embroidered flowers on the skirt. Her petal jewel tiara held a fingertip veil and she car- Mr. Gerald Wingrove, of Osh- awa acted as best man, The ush- srs were Mr. Owen MacDonald ol Oshawa and Mr, Roland Eadie of Toronto. A reception was held in the lower hall at Northminster Unit- od Church. Receiving for the bride was Mrs. Charles Williams in . royal blue organza sheath with matching hat. Her acces- sories were white and her cor- sage, white feathered carnations. Mrs. George Lawson who re- ceived for the bridegroom wore a white linen sheath dress with| green embroidery, white acces-| sories, and a corsage of pale pink carnations, The honeymoon was spent in Ottawa and touring New York State, For going away, the bride| wore an orchid linen ensemble] with white accessories and a cor- sage of pink aristocrat roses. The newly wedded pair will live MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL | , NUTRITION ANGLE keep or organs, Elderly persons who live alone,(and muscles. oy | without kitchen help, usually] Chronic malnutrition sooner or nerves, bones Widow, Nearing DEAR MARY HAWORTH: I am a widow nearing 80 years, liv- ing alone; and for some reason have developed a mental depres- sion, which I don't seem able to overcome. I. have been a member of a church for better than 50 years and always could find peace of mind through prayer; but not now, and I just can't understand it. Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, July 23, 1960 7 I have talked with my minister but that wasn't the answer. I de- sperately need spiritual help. Can you help me? Sincerely.--L. P. Finds Peace Of Mind In Prayer |don't pay as much attention to|later takes toll of personality | good nutrition as they should, for health. Thus 1 advise you to con- | health's sake. For money-saving|sult a first rate, up-to-date doc- reasons, or because they aren't|tor about the significance of your conveniently located for grocery|depression symptoms. If he is a shopping, or because it seems too| conscientious diagnostician, he FAULT ELSEWHERE? much trouble to. prepare regular will take care to determine DEAR L. P.: You think you de-| balanced meals for one, they may whether better nutr ition, or sperately need spiritual help; but| eat very poorly, from the nutri-| maybe some type of pharmaceu- 80, No Longer and Company, New York City, if the book isn't available, to buy or borrow, in your community. Another fine book, that has been immeasurably helpful fo countless readers since it came out nine years ago, is Dr. E. M. Abrahamson and A. W. Pezel's Body, Mind and Sugar (Henry Holt). It tells the story of hyper- term for a it might be more accurate to say|tion angle. {tical prescription -- p ly you need light on the subject of of course, when hunger gnaws suited to older-age patients--is what ails you. [2 time to time, they may as- the answer to your need. Your mental depression prob-\suage the appetite with suchprer AND ZE ably doesn't refer to an emotional handy stomach-fillers as cereals, DIET AND Z%st information 'on or psychological state, primarily.| pancakes, potatoes, beans, bread. ihe vital connection between good More likely it is related to a|cold cuts, etc., washed down with! trition and zestful living--and physical condition, or a personal|cups of coffee or tea. Even 50,the melancholy effects of wrong routine, that is "gefting you|their system may be starving|eating habits--read Adelle Davis' 4048, erie. 3 {meanwhile for missing rations of| classic: Let's Eat Right to Keep Toncamne Su AE ftom vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc., Fit (Harcort Brace). You migh' now just beginning to take serious urgently required as fuel for/ mail-order a copy from the serv toll of your sense of well being.'daily exertion, and general up-iice department, Harcourt Brace may be careless blood sugar condition that leads to bodily weakness and emotional suffering. When correctly diag- nosed, it may be soon cleared up by a simple specific diet, high in proteins and fats, low in starches and sugars. --M. H. (Mary Haworth counsels through her column, not by mail or personal interview. Write her in care of this newspaper). ried a cascade of aristocrat roses and white feathered carna- to Roland Eadie of Toronto, Donna Gibson | wore pink] : mi writ) Feted Bride-Elect the matron-of-honor, She carried] yuoo ponna Jane Maza Gib- taffeta over swiss with a pink crown length white gloves a cascade of pale blue shasta A | son, whose marriage to Mr. Rob- chrysanthemums | | ert Blake Brown will take place in Albert Street United Church on Saturday, August 6, has been| Bertha Mary Breau feted at several pre-nuptial par- . ties. H Becomes The Bride Mrs. Frank Stainsbury and Mi liss Rose Climpson were co- Of Werner Krettek hostesses at a miscellaneous shower at the former's home, : 2: . Sylv § f, OS . Mrs. E. ' In St. Gregory's Roman Catho- SYIvar hen Saga, Wis x ic Church last Saturday morn- sisted in servin | ing Bertha Mary Breau became *'* ns 8. the bride of Werner Franz Kret- Mrs. Jack Cowle and Mrs. G. L tek. The Very Reverend Dean Andrews entertained at a miscel- Paul Dwyer performed the cere- laneous shower at the former's in Oshawa mimetics | mony. home on Taylor avenue. Miss ~ Sharon Brown, Miss Marrianne r is the daughter of 3 Lah ie Js fhe daugiier of| Robinson and Mrs. George Minto, New Brunswick, and the Brows assisied a Serving brides i is t s Mrs 3 § De Je fon of oe mother, Mrs. H. H. Beckstead, of many, and the late Mr. Krettick | oranins Mok at ihe Some of Ly hh or i A hey and presented her with a large br I * _.| array of gifts for her pantry. Miss ride wore a waltz - length dress Bev oriey Gibson aucistad her sie: of mauve lace with square neck) M Bett Nt serving Zuests and long sleeves and an over-| '6%; VIS. 8,11 § £ 8! . : || Miss Betty McDonald -gave a skirt of matching silk. A pear ty her Park d headdress held her mauve, fin-|Party at her home, :ark roa gertip veil and she carried alforia, which Was shenied by the Sour of whie flowers. © * irile [lees Sooners ron Miss Pauline Mitchell waste highlight of the evening was maid of honor in pale green and|ije presentation of an electric | the other attendant Mo 5 S:|toaster to the bride-elect and Mrs. Joseph Edward Elsie Ruttan in yellow eir Hi . O'Malley. The bride, the for- : . Mrs, William Gibson and Mrs. en ue, | full-skirted dresses were fashion Georgé Warden were hostesses| eT Miss Catherine Jean Mc Pictured after their wedding recently at St. Gregory's Ro- man Catholic Church are Mr CATHOLIC NUPTIALS | sii is the daughter of Mr Cecil McKnight and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O'Mal- ley, all of Oshawa. ~--Photo by Ireland Knight and Mrs cut necklines and short sleeves.| /, : They wore white feather head. |[OFmGr'S Tolle oF Desrbory av} ly #4d_sarried white flow. Catharines and Mrs. Donald Gib- M of Kedron, assisted in ed of silk with low) ot a miscellaneous shower at the : SOCIAL NOTICE | Mr. Frank Grassen was best| SOM: MARRIAGE man and Mr. Fred KuederleSTVINE: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hoiak of Where om Sreskt D h Oshawa announce the marriage e wedding breakfast was ] of their daughter, Violet Halik, to] held at the Flying Dutehmay. orot Y ones Mr. Jan Babij of Oshawa, son| Receiving the guests, the bride's of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jan| mother wore blue silk with light Raymond Penhale Babij of Poland. The ceremony| took place in Ajax on Saturday, 1960. ENGAGEMENT blue and white accessories. ae bridegroom's mother was 'unable to pri Exchange Vows For thei. honeymoon, the The iage of Dorothy. Belle 1 coitple are motoring in Kentucky marriag orothy Be! €) The engagement is announced and will return to make HI Tones and Raymond Francis Pen-| c garhara Faye, daughter of home in Oshawa, As they left, the bride was wearing a white linen suit with black accessories. PERSONALS July 16, Harmony United Church. The bride is the daughter of | pr Lloyd R. Williams, Mrs. Ina Jones of Oshawa and|,;.c 2s son the bridegroom is the son of Mr.|priday. August 19, at 3 p.m. in ) stor A was solemnized recently at Mrs. John H. Cooper of Smiths|wrappings from meats you store Falls and the late Mr. Cooper, to|in refrigerator or feezer of |encourage bacteria growth. Meat : | | Rose Williams of Oshawa. for freezer should be wrapped in Mr. C. W. Jones of Milliken and| ne marriage will take place on freezer paper, pliofilm or foil. WIFE PRESERVER go Remove transparent They and Mrs. Harold Penhale of Osh-|qyinity United Church, Smiths awa, Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McCullough| The Reverend N. T. Holmes of- ia als and son, Brian, of Calgary, 2 ficiated and Mrs. Holmes played ENGAGEMENT berta, formerly of Mary Street, the wedding music Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Horne Oshawa, are vacationing with, Given in marriage by her father Orillia, announce the engage- relatives and friends in Oshawa/the bride wore a street-length ment of their elder daughter, and Whitby dress of white nylon over white/Jean Ann. to Mr. Jerry Paul : satin with a scalloped hem and|Stachow, Whitby, only son of Mr Mrs. F. G. Chester and Miss two streamers falling from the/and Mrs. William Stachow of Ida Arnott, Oshawa, and Mrs. J.| empire waist. A nylon stole com-| Scarborough. The marriage will A. Cox, Bowmanville, are spend-| plemented the ruffled decolletage|take place on Saturday, August ing a month's vacation in Prince She wore a white flowered ban-|13, at 7.30 p.m in Forest Home Edward Island. deau and carried a bouquet of| United Church red roses _ Among those attending the Miss Lynn Clarke of Hamilton Shakespearean Festival at Strat- was the maid-of-honor in green| THE STARS SAY ford, Ontario, this week were cotton with a white flowered hat Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman, and matching accessories. Mr Another: good day where Der Miss Charlotte Abbott, Mr, and|Steven Hunt of Hamilton acted ipl or ta G. CONOE per Mrs. T. K Creighton, Mrs. G D.|as best man sona rela ionshif ne & il rn Conant anu Mrs. H. P. Bull, Osh-| For the recention held at her ¥specially savored outdoor pu awa and Reverend and Mrs. M. home on Lansdowne drive the"? recreation Sonera 1, ang C. Fisher, Newcastle bride's mother wore mauve lace| ¢Mance. Be careful. however, ; over satin with a white flowered during the evening hours, to avoid You are invited by the Social headdress. The bridegroom's mo-(€motionalism Department to send in any little ther was in white printed silk with FOR THE BIRTHDAY items of interest. News of teas,|a white hat If tomorrow is your birthday, surprise parties, showers, anni-| As the couple left for their your horoscope indicates that versaries and comings and go- honeymoon the bride was wearing| personal relationships will be un- ings are always very acceptable a black and white check suit with|usually harmonious for the next and for which there is no charge. a white hat and white accessories. year and that new ventures af- DL or telephone RA Tae Rowly wedded pair will live focting future security could well --------e ein -- nasi launched in August. Avoid friction with associates in late December, however might lose out on good opportuni-| ties which could get you off to a good start in 1961 You may be rewarded for your handling of an unusual responsi- bility late in October and, by mid- year, you should realize the ful- fillment of an importafit mone- tary goal. August, January and the period between next May and September will be fine for travel and romance, and you can expect be will have a great talent for sales- nanship THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW | If Monday is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, {even though you may not have lattained all the goals you set for | yourself during the first half of | 1960, present influences show a ¢ definite upward trend, so that 1 you should be able to make fine ' neadway, job-wise, beginning with _ |early August. Be alert to all op- "portunities and emphasize your best traits then. Future progress ] depends on present efforts. i In mid-March, it would be ad- % : "| visable for vou to check your bud- : » ~|get and generally re - evaluate g # your financia' position. Thus you # can avoid possible difficulties. in| the future and keep job and mone % |tary progress on a par. Romance land travel will be favored in Aug- ust of this year, in January and A STUDY IN EXPRESSION |the period between June and Sep- " . \tember, and domestic matters Adres ol Mr. and Mrs | and M:s. Leslie Gibson, Colum- {will be generally harmonious rvey son, Cadillac ave- | bus, Mrs. Mabel Wilson, West [throughout the year nue south, are Bonnie Marie, | Hill, and Mr. John Wilson, | A child born on this day one year old, and Randy Allan, | Whitby. and great-grandchil- [be endowed with a good mind two years. Bonnie and Randy | dren of Mrs. George Spencer, land high ambition bul may V | Columbus have to curb a tendency to try y ry are the - grandchildren of Mr. --Photd' by Hornshy land dominate others. or you j some excellent news of a busi- ness nature in January A child born on this day will be 7 intelligent and self - reliant, and fe 30 p. Jeary S00 CASAQUE [from the very soul of France... & Parfum, $8.50 to $35.00 Eau de Cologne Parfumée $6.00 to $22.50 CASAQUE Parfum made and sealed in France One of our old teachers weed wo say, "7 66h Ta?! you fo Inowiedye, bet ondy God ean give you wisdom," And how right he was. i man wise. Many of the wisest never bad a fosmel edwestiar For knowledge J the bo apply a few facks -- perhaps only one == to a lide-situstion, J We know a distinguished scholar who has written volumes on ecelesh astieal architecture. And we know an elderly widow who told her grande childwen, "Chweches ain't made to look aé!™ And the scholer -- eamest Chwistion thal he is -- humbly bows to the wisdom of the widow! ° For whether it be a eathedwal or chapel, the Chursh cannot enrich our vee until reverently we enter its portals to worship and sewws God Phe fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdens. Bopyrigh 1960, Keistor Ade Servier, Mrasburg, You THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS KEMP'S ESSO SERVICE RA 5.3680 288 Bloor St. 'W, HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE RA 3.7822 67 King $t. W, IRELAND STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY RA 3-3680 21 Athol St. W, METTE PLUMBING COMPANY LTD. RA 5-3279 23 Celina St. LORNE GOODMAN PLUMBING & HEATING RA 5-1044 758 Mary St. KENNETH ASHMORE PAVING CONTRACTOR RA 8.8412 557 Garrard N, A. C. STARK & SON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING RA 5.4377 Courtice STAFFORD BROTHERS MONUMENTAL WORKS MO 8.3552 318 Dundas 5t. E., Whitby ROY W. NICHOLS G.M. SALES & SERVICE RA 3.7242 Courtice MA 3-3353 Bowmanville BROWN'S LUMBER AND SUPPLIES LTD. 463 Ritsor. kd. N JIM HURVID, PLUMBING & HEATING RA 5-8563 215 Wilson Rd. §. Attend the RA 5-4704 A string of diplomas and degrees does not make secumwiation of facts. But wisdom ih ihe obilty a GENOSHA HOTEL COFFEE SHOP RA 3.4641 70 King St. E McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. RA 3.3481 110 King St. W. HAMBLY TIRE LTD. 534 Ritson Rd. 5. D. BERKUTA BUILDING CONTRACTOR RA 3.9813 863 Ritson Rd. S, GUSCOTT PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. (John Bondaruk, Manager) RA 5-5132 207 Simcoe St, §, a LUDWIG DEZSI Painting and Decorating Contractor RA 3.9453 736 Eastbourne Ave, R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS 102 King $t. W, SEEDS' B-A STATION RA 8.0367 Simcoe St. N. & Taunton Rd. RA 8.4221 RA 5.1131 BOB HOY CONSTRUCTION PAVING CONTRACTOR RA 8.8101 1154 Nelson St. ALF LINES ASPHALT PAVING CONTRACTOR RA 5-1905 833 Simcoe St. S. A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE RA 5-1764 1015 King St. E. HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. 1089 Neilson St RA 3.4412 Church of Your Choice Read the Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Services and Activities 1 THE CHURCH POR AKL . ., ALL FOR THE CHURCH Phe Church is the greatest factor on sarth for the building of sharacier and good eitizenship, Bis a storehouse of spiritwel values, Without a strong Church, neither demoeraey nor sivilination oan survive, There ave four sound reasons why own sehe. (1) For bis shildren's sabe. (3) Pay the sabe of his community and nation. (4) Por the she of the Church iol, which needs bo moral and material supporh Plea wo heh regularly and med yow Bible . Deg »n deily, Wodnestiag Thursday J. A. ARMSTRONG Electrical Contractor RA 3.9363 52 FERNHILL Bivd. STEPHENSON'S GARAGE RA 5.0522 15 Church t. RICKSHA CHINESE Food and Catering RA 8.1676 42 King St. W. CLEMENT ULTRA SERVICE RA 8.063] 352 Wilson Rd. §. NORTH OSHAWA PLUMBING & HEATING Allan Robinson, Prop. RA 8.371§% ; 52 Wayns Avs, AL HEFFERING'S ESSO SERVICE STATION RA 5.9892 Cor. No. 2 Hwy. & Thickson Road. ALDSWORTH CLEANERS RA 5.1812 36 Athol St. E. / BANK'S FLOORING RA 8.1011 80 Eastlawn St. NORM WIRSCHING & SON PLASTERING CONTRACTORS RA 5.6222 & 5.8718 130 Roxborough Ave, OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL RA 5.0232 877 King St. €.