Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Jul 1960, p. 19

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44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent FOUR - room house, at Bonnie Brae Point, at the lake. Phone RA 5-3827. WILSON Road North at L " 45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate Fof" Sale 47 --Aut mobiles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 22, 1960 2 |44e--Rooms For Rent | THREE unfurnished Cray TR private | bath. centraily located. RA brick bungalow three - bedroom modern , garage, paved drive, trees, $14,750 full FIVE - room, patios, landscaped front SINGLE room, board optional, central, --|8 minutes from downtown. Home priv- $105, new two-bedroom sound - proof | apartments, large living room, sepa-| rate dining room, decorated to suit, stove and refrigerator, Bamboo Sraped, |ileges. Telepl RA 3-9589. ruit price, $3000 down. 314 HUmber Avenue. fenced yard, finished room BARGAIN in in Sorthwest Osh: Oshawa, three- ment, suitable for office, plus in best resi.|tion room rougl ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail able in private home. 82 Park Road North, 57 p.m. RA 88671. ample parking. Call D. Hazlett, IU ds 1088. "ai Avenue Road, Toro THREE - room _ private bath, hot water, adults only. Apply 31 Albany Street. Phone RA 5-3760. THREE - room apartment, with bath, central, couple preferred, close to hos-|RA pital. Apply 418 Jarvis Street. FOUR - room furnished house trailer. Telephone RA 8-8218. UNFURNISHED apartment, one child new central, FO: room unfurnished aparently couple (denial ara. Natural [$1530 Tor 'alex sa NHA RESALE, $77 monthly payment stain uick sale. Joseph Bosco, (C4 , RA 5-9870. J. Bolahood Ltd., Realtors, SACRIFICE SALE, $12,900, large bun- galow with paved drive and two large and back, down base- recrea- in, and three-piece and gop BI M0 Sewer and water, Oniy 203 King Street West, avaiable immediately. FOUR room apartment, separate en- trance, heavy duty King and Wilson, adults only. Phone RA 86279 evenings. RA 3-4992. TWO room apartment, for light house- keeping will furnish. Phone after # p.m.) RA 8-1584. TWO unfurnished or partly furnished rooms. No children. Tele- new home, three-piece bath, heated, heavy wiri TV outlet, private en- trance. Call 467 Drew Street. MODERN four - room apartment, with bathroom, screened-in porch, garage, TV aerial, central business couple. Ap. | ply 209 Bond East, sidedoor. phone RA 8-1325. SINGLE and double rooms, newly de- corated, suit gentleman, five minutes) from four corners. Apply 135 Celina Street 45--Real Estate For Sale MODERN, three - room ground floor, near North Simcoe School, private bath, kitchen cupboards and sink. RA 8-045, FURNISHED two - room apartment, kitchen and bed - sitting room, stove, refrigerator, sink and cupboa: close to shopping centre. RA 3.9551. UNFURNISHED four - room apart. ment, located at bus stop, 822 King Street East, heavy duty wiring, hot and cold water supplied, available. Tele- phone RA 5-5373. TWO room, chen, near hospital and GM. Bachelor or working couple preferred. RA 5-2134 THREE room, micely furnished basement apartment, washing facili- unfurnished basement | apartment, bed - sitting room and kit-| il LOOK!!! at, | $70 MONTHLY LAST ONE Only one mortgage 6% -- $1,450 down. Six room brick bungalow, decorated in oils, sodded frant and back, large lot, all conveniences. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. RA 5-8831 taxes, | paved drive, aluminum many other Bosco, Jeet, 0 windows gnd extras, $12,800. Joseph , Realtor, RA 5-9870. RA 8-4661. Please call Son, Macko Realtor, BAPTISTE LAKE For sale -- room fully furnished cottage; four bedrooms, 3 pc, bath, large living room with fireplace, glassed-in sundeck, double garage and drive-in boathouse, workshop, all conveniences. Excellent swimming, boat- ing, and fishing. Immediate possession. To inspect call Grace Van Courte, Millen Real Estate, RA 3-2834, $2,000 DOWN $2,000 HORTOP ST. 25 ACRES, six-room house, one 30°x80" barn, garage, good soil. Price $9000, $1000. Fi »|$1550. Apply 255 Athol Eag LOT for sale, 78 x 200, between Whitby and Oshawa. Elizabeth Crest Avenue, (basement, oil furnace, garage, price 3. street. For appointment, RA 5-3344. '56 PONTIAC two door hardtop, A-1 condition. Best offer, after six. 157 Hill- crest Drive, Whitby. MO 8-4215. INCOMF. home, two close to Shopping Centre and school, quiet Port Perry. Contact R. V. Port Perry. * 47--Automobiles For Sale cs from | Heights after 5.30 p.m. .|"56 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, radio, wind- "|shield washers, mew tires, must sell. Apply 168 Easthaven, Harmony pn stanchion Ste SE '60 CHEVROLET stationwagon, auto- di +| range gactifice. Must sold, Avenue. mal radio, window washers, 5000 'miles. Can = BUYING OR SELLING SEE 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. All colors. Guaran flat, 08s. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Streets RA 3-7624. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just Eost of Wilson Road) clutch, phy 8 with GLIDER Go-Kart, Jeatneretts uphol- stery, new Clinton P engine with roller bearings, good condition. i, ie Fo dl Timken |for quick sale, $16.88 up. RA [beds il ls Pear eewe "n fer ise ova w 'Wisconsin ixer, 50 mix - veneering now and 5.0508 or MO 8-4741. | he FOR SALE -- Spanish Electric Guita solid body, single pick-up, 4-months old old. Phone MOhawk 8-3i40, Whitby. RA 3-4494 Res, 5-5574 Smooth top mattresses by famous makers, $19.95. Wilson niture 20 Church Street. OUTBOARD motor, 5 HP, for fishing Lloyd baby carriage, $7. trade or terms private. Wi be $2695. 32/48 Automobiles Wanted -room, split level, bingalow three years old, lake frontage, 55 x 200. Full Pelee, $12,800; $500 down. Phone WH 2-6223, w DODGE, in good condition, will sell cheap. Phone RA 5-6648. PRIVATE sale--1958 Strato-Chief Pon- low mileage, one own- FIVE . room bungalow, sunroom, air- conditioned, aluminum storms, screens, awnings garage, hardwood floors. Ap- ply 151 Nassau Street, RA 3-3101. FIVE - room attached brick bungalow for sale, no agents. Phone RA 8-1774. Call after 6 p.m. SACRIFICE -- $1500 down, three-bed- room brick bungalow, storms, screens, etc. Lee Avenue, Whitby MO "8.3177. FOR SALE or rent -- family Swell ing, 2% storey brick home, garage, ofl heating, centrally located. Telephone RA 5-5207. THREE - bedroom bungalow with L- shapeo living and dining room, be. tween Whitby and Oshawa, large fenced in lot. Low down payment. RA 8-0387 $500 DOWN. Solid brick three bedroom, full basement, NHA carries $86 month including taxes. MO 8-4274 after 7 p.m. tiac, er. "an be financed. Phone RA 8-1583. 54 CHEVROLET real good motor, one owner. RA 5- 1952 nh oy delivery, 1953 Packard coach in very good ~ondition. oust sel. RA 5-5912. '53 PONTIAC, Al condition, 25 series, ully tinted glass, custom i slack, and under seat heater, automatic, etc, RA LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wresking. Highest prices paid. RA 5-118). HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE- BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE -UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. Telephone OL 5-836. SED tires, gsED Goodrich Stores. WA 5-08. T+ 1960 CUSTOM made radio to fit Chev. new. Felephone WH 2-5634 or 20 Nelson Street, Ajax. FOR sale, one 9° x 12° broadloom rug, old ti mushroom color, one year $140, sell for $75. Phone RA 8-4714. Teo inStuoe 4 's Corner, 105 Byrom - Stree) South, Whitby, MO BL BOAT, 16-foot, cruiser type cabin, home UNPAINTED Sook YNPAIN cases only 9 cents, built to rigid plans, decks, rides well, Evinrude electric 25 hp, like new, fully $1200. be seen at Orde Marine, Port Perry. CRINOLINE, full length, di size, painted furniture, st Caz 3 desks $14; bookcases, ity Wilson any piece of of 5.99; with hoops able. Phone RA 8-4058 after 5 p.m. RA 3-7822 8-1201 '53 PONTIAC coach, Phone RA 5-7285. '55 BUICK four-door hardtop, grey and white, 24,000 miles, absolutely spotless, automatic transmission, power steer- ing, whitewalls, radio, $995. King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. '48 PONTIAC, completely rebuilt and refinished, $200 guaranteed. RA 3-9973. '59 SIMCA deluxe, A-1 condition good condition. WITH HOUSE, one acre of land, resi-| dential district, sewers, water, must sell |" Reasonable for auick sale. RA 3-3807. Phone RA 8-092. Fina SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens pald off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-942] Service, 449 Ritson Road South. "53 STUDEBAKER V8, overdrive, $350; *53 Chev. Belair sedan $435; '53 Chev. 50--Articles For Sale SED parts and repairs fo: all makes BOAT and motor together or separate 15 ft. moulded p] HP motor, like new, best offer. RA 59865 or HA 59712, DOMINION Appliances (a division of Beatty Bros.) now sold at Paddy's Market Hampton. A complete line of appliances at hard to beat grices. COlfax 3-2241. POWERFUL amplifier, capable of sufficient volume for large hall, com- plete with record playing equipment, microphone etc., for rent. For reser- vation phone ethers RA 3-3425. AL farm scenes, ls x 20, Reasonable. Ideal | pjope for gifts. RA 5-1238, only worn once. Reason |g day free home trial. 918 Simese Stresh Remington, Sums. beam, Phili- Sha Ronson. ot. service. Meagher or Sing Stersh ent humidifier from Parkway TV, seven North. RA 3-304. SELLING furniture? We'll frigerators, TV's, washers, planog, Stoves, ete. For top cash offer, t 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8! had three-speed Sood condition. Call RA 8-1160 's . BOAT, 14° runabout, mahogany seats, etc. Must sell. Make offer. MA 37051, 11 a.m, --~ 7p. rae KENMORE ties, private entrance, suit couple, $55 $700 DOWN detached three-bedroom coach, $395; '53 Ford convertible $575; wringer type washers, % hp motors per month. 478 Park Road South, ' THREE furnished, stove, refrigerator, couple, children, central, RA 3-4726, 74 Drew Street. THREE - room, unfurnished, ment, three-piece bath, heavy 'wiring, separate entrance, adults only, imme- diate possession $60 monthly. Phone RA 86115 THREE rooms and bath, clean, sepa- rate entrance, children welcome ' $50 monthly. Apply 46 Russett Avenue. RA 5-6206, room apartment, young TWO apartments for rent, two rooms on main floor, or four large roms on second floor or will rent together. Ccr- mer of Prince and Bond Streets, also small store or shop, reasonable. Apply 26 Prince Street, RA 3.2512 or 8-5765. no| available August 1.| apart. | MO | Have you a house to sell? For courteous, conscientious, ex- pert handling, call STEPHEN MACKO REALTOR 187 King St. E. RA 8-4661 Members of Oshawa and District Real Estote Board TWO - room furnished apartment, third floor, conveniences, heat, lights, cen- tral, $60 Phone RA 3-9180. THREE rooms, second floor, unfurnish- ed. children welcome $50 monthly. RA 3-9179, FIVE room winterized cottage »t Bow- manville West beach, large lot, $45 per month. Apply 60 Hunt Street, Bowman. ville. TWO room apartment, private drive- way entrance, balcony, heavy wiring, sink, cupboards, TV aerial $45 monthly. 255 Edward Street. RA 8-1877. THREE room, upstairs furnished apartment, use of hall phone, separate entrance, about five blocks morth of General Hospital. $65 per month. RA -3954 44a--Rooms For Rent rr $1900 DOWN On Byng Ave. Simcoe N. or Dean Ave. Wilson Rd. S. Custom-built, new, three- bedroom brick bungalows, large living room, kitchen with dinette. RA 5-6031. Five-room brick bungalow complete in every way; well decorated throughout and situated on a-hedged-in lot, finished with nice lawns, shrubs and rockeries, storms, screens, T.V. aerial. Asphalt drive, close to schools and transportation. Immediate possession, TO INSPECT CALL RA 8-1679 HARRY MILLEN, REAL ESTATE BROKER SINGLE rooms, men only. Two min- utes from town. 142 Celina Street. FURNISHED room with housekeeping privileges if desired. Continuous hot water, central. RA 3.9895. ROOM, furnished, for light housekeep- ing very central, bus, store at door. RA 8-6844 ONE furnished room, and kitchen for couple. Also one furnished «oom for gentleman. Apply 620 Simcoe Street North. PRIVATE SALE $1,450 Down (or nearest of- fer) -- 6% NHA brick bun- galow, six rooms, storms, screens, fence, landscaped, near school.: Full Price $12,990. MO 8-5783 ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, able in private home. 82 Park North, 5-7 p.m. RA 8-8671. TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and kitchen, with refrigerator, built-in cup- boards and sink. All conveniences. Apply 887 Ritson Road South. ONE or two rooms, suitable for one| or two gentlemen. 116% Olive Avenue. RA 8-8630. TWO large rooms, heavy duty Wing, | Fora ton'e Road North, RR 3. Pho 036. avail- Road | Private Sale -- Three - bed- room brick split-level, very attractive and clean, many extras, including colored G.E. refrigerator and range. Full price $12,100 -- downpay- ment $2,300, one NHA mort- | gage for full balance, $65.00 | monthly principal and in- terest -- MO 8-8094. puctuc FN large front bed sitting room, refrigerator, stove, etc. private entrance, TV outlet. Apply 184 Beatty Avenue, TWO large furnished rooms, stove, re- frigerator, private entrance, parking, very central also furnished single room. 96 Centre Street, TWO rooms for light housekeeping, will furnish Apply side door, upstairs. 185 Ritson Road South after 6 p.m. FURNISHED room with kitchen, suit gentleman. Telephone RA 3-9225. LARGE, nice, furnished room with light housekeeping, hotplate and Frigid- aire. RA 8-0764. 104 Athol East. CLEAN furnished room, man RA 3.9225. HOUSEKEEPING apartment, for three gentlemen or girls, also single rooms available, RA 8.0852. 74 Oshawa Boulevard South. $11 WEEKLY, two furnished rooms, cooking privileges, also single room, central. 180 Bruce Street between 4-5 p.m. suit gentle- suitable $989 DOWN ONE MORTGAGE FALL OCCUPANCY While they last, new N.H.A. bungalows, very limited num- ber to be constructed this year DON'T BE TOO LATE! FULL PRICE $11,995 RA 5-8831 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. | WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT -- Sleeping rooms or light housekeeping rooms, with con- veniences. Apply 305 Trent Street West, Whitby. WANTED Day care of children while mother works, or while parents are on vacation. id at 1014" Byron Street North k rimmed glasses in vicinity of Whitby Small Rand if returned. Phone MOhawk 8- 3109. FOR RENT -- Three-room apartment, fri 4 , Whitby. Call RA 5-4302. WAITRESS wanted for evening work. must have experience, Apply David's Drive- In Restaurant, MO 8-4066. 3 RS to washing machines other appliances, Dealers for Simpli city and Kelvinator products. Furniture, phone MOhawk 8-498] MOhawk 8-5740 EXPERT ro.otilling for gardens and lawns. Don't call unless you want the best ick Devnich. Phone MO 82614 NE ffice space e in Whitby 800 sq. ft. or less, parking lot facilitigs. Call Whitby Professional - Building, MO 8 3731: evenings. MO 8-4003 Feb 12 TWO rooms and kitchen, light wiring, share bathroom. Also one furnished room for gentleman, Telephone MO 8-4487 between 5 and 7. HOLIDAY EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents $10 per wk. Boats & canoes $15 per wk. OUTBOARD MOTORS 5 HP $16 per wk. 7% HP .,.... $18 per wk. 15 HP . $28 per wk. $40 per wk. | BOAT AND TRAILER WITH SHP ....... $35 per wk. 10 HP ...... $42 per wk. ISHP .... $47 per wk. We also rent stoves, lanterns, cots, sleeping bags, etc. WILDE RENTALS Sales & Service or and | Midtown | 5 FURNISHED in room, private entrance, respectable home, Call MO 8-4257. PRIVATE SALE -- 3 - year-old rug brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, open fire- place, a real pretty kitchen, immacul- 36 Sondition, many extras. Phone MO 28 HOUSE WANTED 3 bedrooms, section by Rouge Hill FOR RENT -- two bright clean rooms with two -piece bath, in private home. 'all Bowman and Gibgon, MO 83521. ntly required, grown family, residential August 15th. TEmple 9-1461, + FOR RENT -- 2.room apartment com- pletely furnished bed-sitting room and kitchen, frig, and stove supplied, ground floor, private entrance. Apply 231 Street, G N wants room and board feven days a week. Phone MO 8-2764 hitby WANTE D -- teacher 82466 FOR RENT -- "New modern apartment, two bedrooms, stove, refrigerator, TV {outlet provided, immediate possession. | $87.50 monthly. MO 8-2625. THREE - bedroom, unfurnished apart- ment, centrally located in Whitby. Ap- ply 272 Ritson Road South, RA 5-1841. "Grade 12 Mathematics two hours per week. Call MO LIVF poultry, feathers wanted. Highest market prices pald. Jake Parker MOhawk 8-3644 collect. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8-2563. HOME owners -- "-- Shingling, siding. in- salation, eavestroughing, oainting, eash or rms. Fail Harper, 225 fireen V 10 also F ED ce room apartment in Whitby apartment building. Vacant August 1. Telephone RA 5-3214 FOR SALE -- Rotten manure or com- post, odorles; and weedless for flow. ers, shrubs, lawns and gardens. Phone MO 8-4514 HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good down payments W McAuley Realtor MO 83231, Oshawa RA 3.2512 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the san sanitary way, new tanks installed Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8-2563. SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep freezes from only $279.95. For special prices on ranges, fridges, washers and dry. ers, contact Mid Town Furniture, The Newest Appliance Dealer in Whitby MO 8-4981 or MO 8-5740. FOR C.I.L. PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter Paint and Wallpaper Store 1415 Dundas E. MO 8-3226 107 Byron Street South 31 DONALD H. HOWE BROKER REAL ESTATE--GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 26Y2 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA, ONT. LAST N.H.A. 6% MORTGAGE New S-room Banfield built bungalow, Baldwin Ave, ultra-modern kitchen, dinette, spacious living room, 3 nice bedrooms, sliding door closets, tiled bath, sodded lawn. Well developed district. Close to schools, bus and shopping. See it now. Full price $13,950, monthly payments of $71.58 NEWLY RE-MODELLED DUPLEX First and second floor apartments, Good solid brick building completely remodelled by builder. Garage, paved drive. Can be bought for $14,500 on very attractive terms. For further information and inspection of these and other properties call Jay Goyne at the office or RA 5.5378 after hours. Large Members Oshawa and District Real Estate Board METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 8-4678 BROOKSIDE. ACRES -- new ranch-style brick bungalow with attached garage. Built-in oven and counter plates. Broadloom in living room, and dining room. Three bedrooms, bathroom with vanity and mirror. A real buy ot $18,5000 with $5,444 down and balance on one NHA mortgage. COTTAGE -- Cedar Crescent -- Caesarea -- nearly-new mod- ern cottage. Completely Snished and winterized -- furnished -- patio --barbecue -- 12' x 12' cabin, also 16' boat included in low price of $4,500 with $1,000 down. NEW HOMES IN HARMONY HEIGHTS We still have a few choice lots left in Harmony Heights to build o home of your choice on. We will arrange your mortgage through NHA. Prices start at $12,900 with $1,554 down, which includes all loan costs, also all extras on house such as oluminum storm windows and screens, aluminum storm doors, exhaust fan, ceramic tiled bathroom, sodded lawn, partial stone front -- clay brick, laundry tubs, hot water heater, etc. Call us now to see the variety of homes available, or bring your own plan in for an estimate. OSHAWA BLVD. N. -- 13%-storey brick home with garage in good condition, recently remodelled. Asking $12,500 with $2,000 down. 10-ACRE BUILDING LOTS -- only 2 left -- 4 just sold -- 330" x 1320° -- good lond close to Hwy. 401. BUILDING LOT -- Jackson Ave. -- 687" x 103' -- sewer water ond sidewalk -- tarred road. $2,300, RAVINE BUILDING LOT 70' x 132' -- treed, lot -- open on 2 sides to parkland, sewer and water. AFTER 5:30 CALL-- Dick Barriage ..... Everett Elliott . 5-6983 ravine building $3,500. 8-4678 3-9290 Marion Drew Lioyd Metcalf . J. J. VAN HERWERDEN REALTOR 74] KING STREET E. OSHAWA RA 3-4471 ONE OF THE FINEST FARMS IN THE DISTRICT, 5 MILES FROM OSHAWA 200 ACRES DAIRYFARM, 3 sides along paved and gravel roads, clay loam, good slopy land, never-failing creek, drilled well, 3 painted barns with hydro and waterbowls, main barn with electric gutter-cleaner, steel implement shed, 2 cement silos. - Bulkcooler 36 cans, milking machine, milk contract 12 cans. An exceptionally nice 12-room stone house in A-1 shape, with all conveniences (modern kitchen, furnace, bathroom, hardwood and tile floors), aluminum storms and screens. No repairs and no improvements needed. A REAL SHOWPLACE. Ask for in- formation, 220 Acres Farm near Newcastle with lake- frontage, creek ond springs, barn with water and hydro, hen house, 10-room stone house, with hydro, heavy 'wiring, bathroom,. hot water tank. Full price $32,000 with terms. 75 Acres Farm with lake frontage on Scugog Lake, paved road from Oshawa till farm, 8-room house with hydro heavy wiring, bathroom, Ideal location for Summer resort, sale of small fruit, etc. Full price $19,000 with low down payment for responsible party. A nice small farm, 30 Acres, near Uxbridge, good barn, spring creeks, possibility for pond or swimming pool, excellent horse- farm. Modernized house in good shape with all city conveni- ences. - Full price $15,500 with $4,000 down. 130 Acres Farm, 8 miles from Oshawa, on paved road, 120 acres workable, 8- -room house with heavy wiring, bathroom, hot water tank. Asking price $35,000 with terms. : 44 Acres Farm, good land and buildings. $15,000 with terms. 25 Acres Farm, scenic, located 11 miles from Oshawa. $8,500 with terms. CHRISTMAS TREE FARM -- Only $10,500 with $2,000 down for this 100 acre farm, 65 acres workable, sandy loam soil, with 29,000 Christmas trees of which part ready to cut next year. A good house and barn. Low payments. HOUSES AND LOTS S-room house, with heavy wiring, oil furnace, tile floors, 2 bathrooms (upstairs: 2 pes, and cupboards), double garage. Full price $10,700 with reasonable down payment Luxury 8-room (4 bedrooms) SPLITLEVEL HOME on Highway 2 near Whitby, 5 years old. Finished recreation room and office. Excellent location. Lot 75 x 200 full price $19,000 with terms. In Whitby, 5-room bungalow in A-1 shape with bathroom, oil furnace, hardwood and tile floors. Full price $10,500 with low down payment. | Acre Lot on Trull's Road, $1,350 with terms. Nice Lot near Garrard Road, 125 x 120, $1,700 with terms. brick bungalow, two years old, in Whitby, NHA mortgage at 6 per cent, | sacuifice sale. Private. Mo 8. 5205, | 8550 "DOWN, six . room solid briek |bungalow, full basement, private drive, |carries $80 monthly, three bedrooms, [s Saciobs living room, immediate pos- ssion. Mr, Lauzon. MO 8-8311, Bre- hor Real Estate Ltd '53 Austin sedan, $250; 56 Volkswagen, new motor, $695; '53 Pontiac, $350 Phone RA 8-6057. . {washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, WOOD'S Umbrella tent, Sots, good condition. Street. $5 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned Hampton, CO 3-2241 9 x ¥, two Apply 17 Greta|like ONE Ford used pick up truck. 202 King West. '57 FORD automatic, two-tone, radio, low mileage, after 6 p.m. phone RA 5- JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS--INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-6544 VACANT LOTS 1--North Oshawa area, mea- suring 100 x 150, close to school. Asking only $1,650 1--Near Shopping Centre, large lot suitable for 5-plex. 1--Overlooking Lake Ontar- io, at Lakeview Park. This really must be seen. i--Large lot with lake front- age. Don't wait. Call Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544, Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board $10,360 to $10,960 These 2 and 3 bedroom, low cost N.H.A bungalows are planned for owner applicants and will carry for $75.00 per month. Featuring spacious kitchen cupboards, storms and screens, vanity and tile in bathroom, etc. Down payments $1,000 to $2,000. JAMES O'MALLEY BUILDER -- RA 3-7122 FOR SALE OR FOR RENT 495 SIMCOE STREET NORTH $2,000 DOWN PAYMENT CARRIES FOR $85 MONTHLY This family or income home is worth seeing. Close to all schools. Featuring a spacious living room with natural fire- place, dining room, modern tiled kitenen, screened sun porch, 5 bedrooms, tiled bathroom, fully decorated, hardwood flooring through- out. Oil heating. Landscaped lot 50' x 150'. Double gor age. Immediai& pc matic tr radio, window washers, 5000 miles. Can ar. range trade or terms, private. Will sac- rifice. Must be sold, $2695. 342 Fron- tenac Avenue. '52 PREFECT four-door, good motor and body, snow tires. Phone RA 5-8723. ADMIRAL television, late model, inch, in perfect condition, Meagher's, 5 King Street West. SEWING machine sale, zig.zag auto. matic, makes button holes, embroiders, sews on buttons, over-casts, blind hems, $99, Terms. does many decorative stitches. While they last! Only $99.50. Elna Sewing Centre, Oshawa Shopping Centre. RA 5-2501 |D CLASS racing boat for sale. Willis ORIENTAL rugs, one 7% by 9, hall runners, 16° 27 inches and 4' by 27 inches, matching, Also large tricycle. 5-9823 like new, 9° by 12°; new. Call R A VACUUM a pe all makes, ° parts, brushes, teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free, Serve Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair ice. RA 8-0591 anytime. AWNINGS, plain colors or gay Prompt service. Free estimates. now for early delivery. Chair and rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe North, © Fange, oven Nilo, Coed eh ae -- bargain. Call RA 3.9958 after 6 p.m. Comet hull, custom made. MA 3-5906 Bowmanville. 14' CEDAR strip boat with Tee-Nee trailer and Johnson 7% HP motor. A OFFICE desk snap, also typewriter, like new, cash register, only $40. RA 8-1211, nights RA 5.9748. 136 Simcoe 16' CEDAR strip canoe, Lake Queen, $45. 38 Nassau Street, Saturday mora ing, Wid Street South. '57 BUICK hardtop t tires. Telephone RA 3-4117, "57 DODGE Standard $300 and over payments. 78 Bloor West. NO DOWN payment, '54 Dodge, four- snow- take NEW _all-wool Oriental 9 x 12. MO 84116, PETERBORO car top boat, Evinrude 7% HP motor with a Cruise-a-day task. Apply 599 Gibbon Street, RA 8-072 rug, door, excellent condition. Must sell also '57 Ford Fairlane, fully Phone RA 8-5943 after 6.30. WILL sell for cash '52 Monarch con. vertible, body in perfect condition, new paint, radio, skirts, ww tires RA 8-0569. \C sedan, one owner. car, Dial RA 5-2872. FOR SALE -- 1953 Plymouth, excel, lent condition. Call Beverley Howe, MOhawk 8-5853 Whitby. '50 CHEV., with custom radio, motor, rear end, transmission A-1. Best offer takes it away. Private. RA 8-0216. '50 VAUXHALL Wyvern, needs repairs. Will sell as is or sell parts. Good tires radio, heater, etc. RA 8-5072. 50 CHEV, Y-ton pick-up, #00d condi tion, $150. Tlephone RA 5-4047. 51 CHEV., good running order "5300; or best offer. Phone RA 5-4935. FOR = or exchange Ee car top luggage carrier, for a steel car top boat carrier, also tent 9 x 12 for sale. RA 8-6543. PORTABLE four-speed record player, built-in twin speaker, $22; records, 10 cents each; large doll carriage, $10; doll's bed, $1; doll's high chair, $1.50; cedar chest, rd drapes $8. 23 Gibb Street, Apt. ner of Simcoe. ELECTRIC guitar and amplifier A.1 condition, reasonable. Phone RA 5-2840. THREE - burner coal oil stove with oven, Aladdin lamp with shade, elec- tric heater with thermostat hot water tank, all in excellent condition. 3856. WALNUT bedroom suite, dinette suite, and china cabinet, swivel rocker, chair, Westinghouse refrigerator, KITCHEN suite, chrome, four chairs; wood stove; jacket heater; children's tent: high back sink; fice box; good condition, reasonable. Phone RA 5-3914. DORA Therm space oil burner, sules [matiy an jag, used only one season. Phons SHEPHARD inboard runabout 17°, grey Marine Eexiinder, good condi. ion, $2100. RA 3-7 59 RARE 7000 miles, one Ty, owner, four lawn chairs, German hifi set two months old, floor iamp, excel lent condition. Phone RA 8-0860. 16 FOOT plywood cabin cruiser wih controls. Excellent chea WE pay highest prices 5 oo used Pre! eRe ture Store, RA 3-3271. a Simos South. ng ig] while they re Store, 48 Bond Street West. pio bargains, new styles 1860 baby carriages, converts to car lowest prices in town, $27; large, panel cribs, % price clearance, § crib Telephone RA 5-0132. TV antenna, four months oe, half price. Phone RA 8-180! 3 ROOMS of furniture, Eo $299. This includes chesterfield, chrome set bed. room suite, mattress, spring, step and sell for "| playpens, $8.88; strollers, $5.88, Wi Church Street. FLOOR coverings at tremendous ings, clearance of discontinued terns, many cheerful designs for Fn coffee tables, boudoir and table lamps, apa pillows, etc. $25 down delivers! "Guar- anteed best value!" Barons' Home Fur- nishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. SEE one of Oshawa's largest transis- tor radio displays. All the leading makes, Large variety of sizes prices to choose from, $29. 8 for od automatic. RA 3.2570 after 5 p.m. or 19 CHEV. one ton stake 'ruck: '47 Chev. car in A-1 condition; also used car and 'ruck tires and parts for sale. 1. Phone RA 3-228 21" WESTINGHOUSE TV, in good con. dition, about four years old with al- most new picture tube. $95. RA 3.3054. A DISCRIMINATING buyer has the op- portunity to own this beautiful "58 Olds- mobile "98" two-door hardtop. Fully power-equipped, low mileage, the car 's in immaculate condition. The cwner | will consider any reasonable Sle, Call | RA 3-2124 between 5 and 6:30 p.m. 58 CHEVROLET in good Soi one owner. Apply 149 Baning Avenue after 4 pm PRIVATE sale, '57 Plymouth Savoy, two tone, automatic. 78 Churchill Ave- nue. RA 8-6483 52 PONTIAC sedan deluxe, very good condition, Phone RA 3.9603 after 5 p.m. 1952 PONTIAC, two door sedan, radio, good running condition. RA 8-2044. '48 PONTIAC, completely rebuilt and refinished, $200, guaranteed, RA 3.9973. '55 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, coral and white, radio and heater, new tires, battery, exhaust system. Apply 325 Celina Street. '47 FORD sedan in running condition, good body, two new tires and battery, §75. Telephone RA 5-9748 after 5 p.m. WRECKING °50 Meteor, all parts for sae. RA 3-9940. '58 DYNAFLOW Buick, A-1 condition. MA 3-2720. "58 VAUXHALL Super, radio, a real economy car, $095. Wilbak Motors, 137 King West 52 HILLMAN, good condition, spent over $100 on overhaul. 337 rane Street, Whitby. MO 8-5782. i €och CLEARING at reduced prices and easy 55 Chev. '55 Pontiac hardtop, % ton pickup.' Try "Stew" at Mike Starr's. RA 5-5646. '57 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe model, ex: cellent condition, many extras, must Ye Sold. Best offer accepted. A 8- . '58 CHFVROLET coach, excellent con- dition, very clean. 299 Drew Street. '56 OLDSMOBILE 'Super 88" equipp- ed. Bes! offer. Telephone RA 5-8504. ERNIE HOLMES REALTOR 204 King St. E., Oshawa Phone RA 5-2363 or RA 5-6382 Kelly Bolahood, Representative JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS - INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 $12,900 MUST BE SOLD NO IFS! BUTS! WHENS! OR WHYS! This house could not be replaced for $14,200. Ow- ner leaving city, a large 3- bedroom ranch-type brick bungalow with dining room. Large living room and large kitchen, 4-pc. colored cera- mic tiled bathroom and col- ored fixtures. Built-in val- ance box in living room. Base- ment has one finished room suitable for office, and bal- ance is already roughed-in for rec-room, also roughed- in plumbing for 3-pc. bath- room. Heated by forced air oil furnace. Outside is fully landscaped front and back with evergreens and plants. Driveway paved. Also 2 huge patios at rear, Fenced-in yard, and of eourse, house has aluminum storms and screens throughout and 2 aluminum storm doors. Mortgage car- ries for $63.00 at 6%. Need we say more. Call immedi- ately for appointment. Ask for John Boloahood at RA 5-6544 MEMBERS OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD. ' |'51 CHEV. coach, good condition. Call '59 FOUR door Biscayne Chevrolet, 16,000 miles, $1950. RA 5-9865. '59 FORD automatic, _fordor, owner, $1895. Telephone RA 5-2802 Good used refrigerators, stoves, ranges, and furni- ture, also washers, all fully guaranteed. Also parts available for fridges, stoves and wash- ers. radio. Street West. and| SINGLE beds, 20 Church Street very clean and good value, small tables, chairs, snd mis cellaneous articles, Apply 309 Centre 8 22" HEAVY DUTY electric range, 204 Roxborough Avenue. OUTBOARD motor, new_ Scott 3.6 HP, 20" reversible electric fan, 3 speeds. Phone OL 5-4836. $25 TO $100 worth of free gifts with the purchase of a chesterfield, bedroom suite or dining room suite. Offer good for a limited time only! Easy terms. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat-|¥! teries Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-4543 RACER bicycle with accessories, 139 Agnes Street. AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE Just off No. 2 Highway on Harwood North, Ajax. Phone WHitehall 2-6410 One set of Wilder Metal Shears, One Crimping and Beating Machine, One Gas Propane Solder Pot, One Circle Cutting Ma- chine, Black and Decker Electric Hammer, Rudd Water Heater Gas, One Metal Scaffold of Metal Tubing, Used Furnace Forced Air, Used Qil Bur- ner and Controls, One Niagara Sheet Metal Punch and Shears, Tar Pot Complete on Wheels, Set of Platform Scales. MOSIER SHEET METAL 292 KING ST. W. OSHAWA '55 CADILLAC Sixty Special. Full power equipment, reduced to $1475. Wilbak Motors, 137 King West. '50 PONTIAC, good running condition, radio. Best offer. Must sell. RA 5.7970. 510 Sterling Avenue, '54 BUICK special coach, excellent con- dition, clean inside and out. Apply 131 Cromwell Ave. RA 8-815 PLYMOUTH; condition. liam Street West. "48 PONTIAC five passenger couple, or '53 OLDSMOBILE holiday coupe. 355 Mary Street. '56 PONTIAC four door hardtop, excel- lent condition discs, window also Apply 51 Chev. in 112 Wil can, oT "con. 350, 5 ne Street, apart e. Save up to 0 per cent. Six months to pay. For pe sana) service at your home call RA 5- ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING W., OSHAWA RA 3-7132 CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 49 KING ST. WwW. WILLIS MOTORS For Your AUSTIN CAR GOOD ASSORTMENT USED CARS TAUNTON RD. E Colored TV R.C.A. Victor 21- inch, brand new, finest made, Regular $895. NOW ONLY $695. Go-Kart demonstrator as low as $149. complete with motor ROTARY ER MOWE $37.95 up MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO OL 5-3641 SALE Aluminum Products of the best 'quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed Double hung windows only $18. Call now. Lymer Aluminum Co. -5385 Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town. Quick service. ALEX VAIDA RA 3-9851 , . | plies, new 6 HP AIR conditioner, suitable op home or office, be seen operating. PI RA 53117 FRIGIDAIRE Have, washing drapes, wool blankets, dishes, chairs swivel chair, dresser, types ' writer, desk, mantel clock, mirrors, Axminster rug, all-steel convertible couch, and day couch, bed Shenasfind; everyting less than halt price and ia ood condition. RA 8 GUNS, ammunition es hunting u down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. : TENTS, camp stoves, camp cots, tar ~aulins, s, lanterns, re d rentals. oa Hardware Llectric, 8 Church Street. RA 3-764. RENT a television set for your sume mer cottage, rates by the week or the moni. ih Meaguer's, § King Street West, a chesterfield suites, kitchen chrome set, upright deep-freeze, refrigerator, stove, oriental rug, fireplace two bedroom suites, wardrobe ki cabinet, coffee table and hostess portable record player, baby crib, ter rugs, highchair step stool, Westing house Suiginatie washer and drier, evel in condition, selling as owner} is Fe country. Telephons 2-6223. FOR SALE = Household including * e, stove, Kitchen" Pier" lamps, rugs and tables, washing mg. chine, MO 8-3069. Abu SPECIAL! 14 6" moulded plywood boats five-ply, mahogany, long deck, . seat backs, Regularly $495, price $349. Terms $35 down, $25 month. ly. No outside financing. Apply Domis. fon Store, 48 Bond Street West. SEE HOME APPLIANCES | OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE | BA and C 5-5332 D Every job guaranteed. All aluminum products -- Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving. One contract, nothing down. For free estimates call .. & Barter -. THREE - piece bath sets, pressure systems, cabin cruiser, motor, trailer; '56 Plymouth, *51 Austin, power garage doors, sinks, cabinets, Plumbing unit, supplies. H. Chinn, Park Road at Hillside. ALUMA SEAL CO. RA 5-9365 ANYTIME and cushion. Fibreglass boat, one piece construction, Chris-Craft Capri, regular $1198. NOW ONLY $990. Windshield, steering, running lights, deck hard- ware, upholstered seats, gas controls, speedometer and compass 60 H.P. Gale Electric Starting brand new from Outboard Marine Peterboro, regular $980. NOW ONLY $795. OPEN 9 AM. to 9 PM. HANDY ANDY Lansdowne Shopping Centre (Opposite Camp Samac) RA 8-4111 FOR SALE PONTOON BOAT Deck 8 by 16' in very fine condition, powered by 1959 18 H.P, John- son motor, electric start- er, remote controls, price $795. Ask fors MR. WILSON at RA 5-6501 SPRUCE 2x6" -- 16 8 CENTS PE Lumber RA 5-0331 ONTARIO SPECIAL CLEARANCE -- DRESSED $18 PER 1,000 BOARD FT. OR MILL VALLEY 66 RUSSETT AVE. (Off 1264 Simcoe N.) RA 8- 52--Legal TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY TENDER FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE BRIDGE Sealed tenders, clearly marke ed as to contents will be re- ceived by the undersigned until 4:30 p.m. Thursday, July 28th, 1960 for the cone struction of a 25-foot span rigid frame bridge. Tender forms, plans end fur- ther information may be ob- tained from the office of the County Pngineer, Court House, 416 Centre Street, South, Whitby, Ontario on payment of the sum of $5.00 ~ which is not returnable, Lowest or any tender necessarily accepted. G. FARNCOMB, Clerk, Township of East Whitby, Columbus, Ontario, not LUMBER] LONG, DRY R LIN. FT. Co. Ltd 6264 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH GANGEMI, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the estate of Joseph Gangemi, late of the Cj Oshawa, in the County ef Ontario, deceased, who died on the 26th day of June, 1960, must file their claims with the undersigned before August 15th, 1960, after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed, having regard only to claims so filled. DATED this 20th day of July, 1960 LOUIS S. HYMAN, Q.C,. 37 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, of the E

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