24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 21, 1960 5% THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [5% RA 3-3492 anaes 36--Female Help Wanted |44--Houses, Apts., Flats. |44--Houses, Apts., Flats -- s & Sue omer Te len "IP BUSINESS _-- Fie BE, DEWAR and Co. Accountants] CLASSIFIED AD RATES |/roro-mieLinG done, reasonable rates |curenTs monies available Ip Ad] Cook Maonageress for new, |---- SYP -- Pm gene en Call J. Mulligan OLiver 5 4659 Brooklin. jand second mortgages. MODERN ranch bungalow, three-bed- THREE 5 and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg., 11 On- ---- |agreements of sale purchased. Apply modern-equipped motel res- room, lar livi " din kitchen, light wiring, tile floors, 4] : 1 ------ | . large living room, dining room, tario Street Oshawa, Ontario. RA 25 words in |M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary tourant. Will consider leasing recreation room, completely decorated. {monty AY: SZ orything included. One 82221 | Publie. 26% King East, Oshawa, RA or renting if both parties are 1117 Bell "Drive, Whitby, MO 8.4 972. {small child welcome. (A 866 we NS 4697. : 4 |r reer (UNFURNISHED, four ; room apart. LARD: NTE 3 CONSECUTIVE COMPLETE 3 JALE, FRIEDLAND ER, HUI TER and INSERTIONS 225 248 ERVICE VE PAVE hens monies" svatiaviel satisfied. Good salory and |cLE AN, bright furnished apartment {ment, heavy duly wiring hot and cold Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street || 6 CONSECUTIVE GARDEN 5 [we may on first and second mortgages| 22--Radio Repairs working conditions. Lakeview |also double room with twin beds, cen. water, private entrance, available Au- E {tral to sh | st, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA: F INSERTIONS 375 412 {and also purchase of mortgages and ht ce TRY OUR Motel, Port Hope, TUrner 5- |§75,q, **PPINE and buses. Phone RA| ast J. RA 58704. v s | V. RADIO, car radio repairs. All| Friedlander, Cos PA ; h Gardens loughed, disced, agreements of sale. Louis §. Hyman, I | -B- 4561. - { 'tments, brick house, all con- " -- If not paid within 7 days the cl Pp 37 King Street East, Oshawa. RA|M akes. 'Thompson Electronics, 157 BAR B QUED APARTME NT - --four rooms, central, veniences, garage, paved driveway, i | i cut, trees |QC. | y « 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi- Charge rate will apply. landscaping, wood ' las Elliott Avenue. RA 3.9792 (Fred). H . gg fren ! Public Accountants | 17 King || Above rates apply only to original removed. 3-443 5 Ci ICKEN 37--Male Help Wanted hot. 1yater. self-contained. Telephone RA Fay 15. RA 8.8983, Taunton East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA |] orders for consecutive insertions. §| |s SWAPS are tops In Oshawa Times Fish & Chips 35¢, Hamburg- wore -- nd i ------------ IF YOU have a car, if you like selling | . Subeduen) eras gheigt RA 8-1798 {Classifled. Read the regular awap TV TOWERS ers, Hot Dogs, Milk Shakes. |or want to learn, phone our sales man. [SEVEN - room house, unfurnished, |TWO bedroom pungalow, double ga- ater date constitutes o -- -- - -- m-------- f day They're unusual, ex > 2 3.2 t db 5 f rage Phone WH 2-014: BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting |} order mse otters IY atiay MODERN GRILL ager at RA 3.229 for an appointment. could be used for two families, 1% | ne Services offer complete bookkeeping Professional and Business listings - obi services for small business. 184 Bond || §7'50 per month for 3 lines daily. | INTS' money to loan on first mort-| 40-ft. self supporting tower. : } bia SORA ARNE, Street West, Room 1. Office RA 5-0397. |] Each 'additional fine. $1.00 per LANDSCAPING Mortgage and agreement of sale] Hot dip galvanized. No paint, We Deliver 7500 sop room basement apartment, |OF two businessinen. Phone WH 22 Residence, RA 3.7605 1k month. SERVICES rchased NHA mortgage arranged.| Complete with new Wave- ar | ig , Fraser, Drynan and Mur- 1 MONTEITH, MONTEITH RIEBL, and Each initial letter, abbreviation, Weed. treofed. field nursery jSraiahton Tr y Master all-channel antenno RA 5.3887 We supply all samples and salary (miles north of Columbus on Highway. [33a -- unfurnished a . three A 5-3 while training. Average yearly income, [OLiver 5.3596 and half rooms, hardwood, suit couple T! me H - | PART TIME -- We require a man for newly decorated, private bath. rear FOUR - room apartment would suit |29---Summer Properties |outside contact work No selling. AbBli-| school, 'park, bus: heat, hydro ang husiness couple, four-piece bath. mod n | counts as © oY "| washing facilities, chi ico! |ern kitchen, private entrance Co., Chartered Accountants. RA 5-3527, 3.200 0 dign, Tare, cou sdf sod. {on soil. oravel. 'sand SmI LI IE --| Total price, installed and | For Sale |ing the day, have a car. Must be able to (505s = (oc ties, child weicome RA|erh ? 33 Secs Strest North; Alay WH | wore, Box ero Advertisements S00 Op. SOU Brave [FIRST and second 'mortgage, sale teed for vy $50.95. | type and have typewriter, Answer to - HEE I z 2.02 9 All assified dv t fill. Complete service. Weed SrRETIERLE rchased and sold, Hen- guarante r year, po je R : 3 >, Offic STORE space with four - room apart-|THR nfurnished rooms. "third floor, UST b by 5 hh ov be F agreements pu ge Box 31, Oshawa Post Office. t coraee fous % Pi Ih A a thiy - ---- MUS e in b p.m, e y e- ' > + at | k a P| k, Barristers, ng | -- men ould e use or any kind of (heavy uty wiring, $ mon » Cen RONALD ¥. D. WiLsoN. Charteres | 41ST be bY 8m. L8 S TC || control. Free estimate mie Aud Hemick, Savriste . : ha Lak Ti, oe . RA|tral. Apply 143 Agnes Street, - fore publication. O! Street East, RA 2-7232 nterprises 33 Ritson Road South. RA pply 2 Accountant, Oshawa, Ontario. RAJ gs "saturday 8-12. | ED KNOWLTON [-- = erp WANTED |5-0340 Es RTT rn : SULATIONS-- RA x 6047 253 Drew St. 5 |THREE - room unfurnished upstairs nome tiled bath, very reasonable. No a B ist RECA ATIONS Times shall not be } -------------- -------- COTTAGE LOTS "oe Train As Sports Writer [apartment with kitchenette all con-|children, please, abstaners only. Pos- ~--barristers or Sib] or verti -3. oung man with minimum separate entrance, fenced |session immediately, heavy duty wir- responsible for errors in odvertise \ of Grade XI| education. Must 6 thi Child, ].|ing. Telephone RA 5.2677 or 120 Elgin Or 1. i : . a » mon . MeainBON sor BASTEDO. Pariser, Mets click otherwise Shen oo | GRANDVI ; WV 23 Ww Col Lindsay district, Pigeon be keenly interested in sports RA 5-2022 y vy | Street East Solicitors fents' funds ailable writing, no 0 r har e Dp! IFC / Shorts 1 ere na ~ _-- first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North, |} {ncorrece of any adve SOD SUPT LOAN omen s olumn Lake, 54 miles from Oshawa. and desirous of newspaper (NEWLY decorated six - room apari-|SIX-r on apartment, newly decorated, Charles C. McGibbon, QC tisement, nor beyond the price | 50. Cottage lots $1,000 and up. Appl i ment, completely self-contained. Laun-|all modern bus at corner, Telephone v ¢ I 4 1 CI ! H en 1 permanents, 8 50. career. pply In writing, con Bastedo, Q( 8 charged for a single insertion of We specialize in A ertil- [Cold wave $600. Page Hairdressing We will custom build and fin- od d dry facilities, heating, TV outlet, hydro | 4A 8-2958. G. MacDONALD. BA, Barris. | the advertisement in which efor ized field s pt de onies for all types of mort- |35¢ pine Avenue RA 5.5363. i our cotta Displa ing ioe Sucgtion on Soke, near Shopping Centre. ' RA! wg unfurnished rooms, all convenl: ; . BA, Bs eh an z field nt A 5.5363, o 5 , A i . B . Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street |] occurs. And also reserve the right liveries fo awa nd Dis y for first and second ance your c ge. isplay connection wit sports, to [8.4713 ff ording to a i a ee -------------------------------------- |ences, suit middle-age couple or ladies, i ho fe 1ssify advertising according to cottage open for inspection. Box 845, Oshawa Times. er North Pe ne Ri Ad 3511 Tia or oe och trict. Field loading for truck- rtgages on all types of real {24--Market Basket ge op THREE - room apartment, sink and|No children. abstainers. RA 5-2755 HUMPHREYS, Boychyn and Hillman, R. H | | i Plenty of shade trees, good || ipboards a Hum In the case of display advertise- ers ond special rates tor con- esta iding vacant lands; & ne -- vr 9 cupboards, heavy wiring, TV outlet, | UPPER five room duplex, vacant | r | p a. t R fishing and boating Via {near SGM. 268 Malaga Road. ents The Times will not be held 4 te a C RIES for sale at 179 Mitchell | fo 'September 1, very central, south of w Sib more space than ; t im m sage Jot tis highw: 401 and 35 to SCHOOL WILSON RD. North at Lansdowne Dr, |Clinic, 52 Charles Street. Protestant hy : ro suilders irst an 5 - pi o ne bedroom b. - adults. Phone RA 5 we, he oo RA 8-811 rtgases and agreements | RASFUERBIES for sie. Phone WA| Lindsay cutoff, tum right on | ATTENDANCE [3p deiroom hasemen aptime suis. Dhave . soptgc © e a 2 jog Fai 18-8062 i No. 7 to Reaboro 5 miles. OFFICER tion, decorated to suit. F~'ly equipped GROUND floor flat, unfurnished, three Money to Joa reproduce all BrISIn : . sale purchased. : hid 7 A rooms plus bathroom, completely pri Mone p correctly bu | M. Swartz, 26V King Street |RASPBERRIES for sale $7.50 a crate] hen county road to property For bl a on pies Tank Aiazett, 3005 Bathurst | yate, very clean, $75 monthly includes JOHN A CAMERON. barrister, soliel. || it any inaccuracies in an) LOAM Yonz, 2072 Ning [or $4.00 a half crate. Telephone RA| 6 miles. Follow yellow and or the public and secondary 2 20 37755 RU 79387. peat, light and water. Apply 389 Albert tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street | of "gvertisement ' | Eost, Oshawa. Telephone RA 14.4013, if no answer, call RA 8.08%. | pjock arrows marked "Stinny- schools of the City of Osh- |LARGE wo room furnished apart. Street East. RA 3.2269 N and 2 therei 3 7 eeemetee------ --| 1G OWS ng Y; Fh % ment modern Kitchen 4 RA STAT, WE mortgages. arranged ' GRAVEL SAND 3-4697 9% Pots 2 Li K | vale Lots ond Cottages". owe. Must hove at leost @ [Coif modern Kitchen, private bath-|ifoniiNix-room Sungaiow, all cone ;r | 25--Pets Livestoc Grade 12 education: exper m. dry Or Dusk | veniences, available immediately, $90 REF 3 and Kelly, Barristers, Solici 18 L Wanted Phone or write: Strassburger tion, exp ness girls, or teachers, 210 Mary Street, | " r ' GR \ A --LOoan ante | nce cle | ree RA 3.2428 monthly, Phone RA 5-3990. 7% Simcoe Street South PT AND Fl LL - | THREE small house puppies Apply 272 Realty, 129 Elgin St. West, lence in clerical work neces- (R aD - : - on ee Res denee Hl 8--Building Trades . | To aunton Road West or RA 8.8161 Lindsay Phone FA 4-6148 sary, qualified or experienced THREE rooms, private bath and en Wo. Stores § TX TOON, rieh house ane Sc \ 5.3368, Ter { 350Y, social service wieds trance, frig, stove, laundry iro} SRrage, oil heated, PA, BCL. RA 8-5832 plumbing and heating supplies : ONE male Samoyd, one and half years| day or night. Salesman on in social service. Knowledge water included 139 Huns F00m, hydro| hools, $95 per month. Phone RA 5-6711 ALL pl 9 a e | | d. 139 Huron 5 2 he b t oli- Phone RA 5 Harold R. Stark RA -Dz 7 Irs or g g |old. Telephone RA 8-5435 | property. of programmes and curriculum | between 5.30 and 7.30 THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, » ; heating and engineer bs : . of schools desirable. Age |OWNER (ransferred to Toronto must|grensy tracts AS " Whitby MO 8.2761; RA 5-5203 AS M. RUNDLE. barrister, soli. Phone RA MT Git SOARING, Trimming, batinn. dorie, cll or rent a three be Re aa, BS Lid ng. heating an ; TAR re Ho s r rent a three bedroom split level | EIGHT . ng, 255 Simcoe Str : Loan Wante ing. Waubena Kennels, RA 5.6321 30--Lost & Found | preferably under 60. Car [brick home on Stone Street, overlook.|\Vayne Street. Two, three and four es rooms Completely modernly equipped. . omas ¥ 3 d excavating ial ------ 0 # 4 lake, aluminum storms, finished v RALPH JONES, BA and Thomas H. BULLDOZING and excavatin Dia C O C 0 tC dm pp ra 5 De necessary. Apply in own hand | Dg , finished 4 a 8 Greer, Associate Barristers and Soli: MO 83612, Free estimates. Tavlos HOICE LOAM A owner-occu- (THOROUGHBRED wire-haired puppies| LOST -- Lady's watch between Memo. | writing giving full particulars |CCTe2tion room, immediate possession, |Fione RA 5-393 5' 130 King Street East, RA 8-6246. Brothers, 26 Hillcourt Drive, Whitby house. Simcoe North for sale, seven weeks old. Apply 227 rial Park, CRA building, RA 5-4431| down payment, RA 3-3876, HRE E_ room unfurnished upstairs i ioss: 130 King Street Fa et i FOR SALE wo : Summerland Se. | King Street West (corner Burk) after 5.30 or RA 5.6515. W. A. Dawson. | Of qualifications ond 'ex- |SixToom ranch stoic Bungalow ioe |aPartment, business couple Of one ore PLUMBING and heating pipes fittings J | it value, Summ . | perience to 1 x ' welcome. Built-in cupboards with CREIGHTON, FRASER( DRYNAN an or, ew aad toed. changing fron SAND i curiti td. RA 5-3568. |TOY fox terriers, purebred, males, six|LOST -- yellow striped cat_ vicinity of erent » bus, school, shopping and South GM dard a H, Barristers, Solicitors, No ixtire Bini Bn, alty. In GRAVEL ANL FILL es Ltd weeks old Also miniature Pinscher | Gibbon Street North. Telephone ~RA | G. A. FLETCHER, Apply 1218 Wecker Drive between 7|%inK. newly decorated. RA 8.6859. Bank of Commerce Bldg s 18 M ton | puppies registered .or pet stock. RA |5.8208 Chairman and § p.m THREE - room furnished apartment, reet North 3-3466: T. K. | 0 on and € ts Love a orrgages |B ozs Loo = wr Sm Boord: of: Educotion FIVE - room house for rent, available wmplete with rangi and refrigerator. n Fraser, QC: G. K.|o 0) bing PF A 241, ey $1000 AVAILABLE for a first or second | REACTIOD - re = by widow, Saturday night, | y hid August 1. Apply 65 Harris Avenue rivate entrance. Ample parking. Apply Drynan, G Yo och, NHA mort RA 5. 2 1 56 : OL 5.4471 Brookiin | TIF 1 baby budgies, ready for coming out of Orange Temple, black W. GORDON BUNKER, FOUR ; : i 241 Kendall Avenue a fing I Tq. 5 1 00! . training, talking strain Apply irs, wallet containing sum of money an sines < room basement apartment, a . --- a ------ ; I y : Broad, 114 Elgin Street East valuable papers or on Bruce Street, up| Business Administrator. conveniences, separate entrance, biock TWO three room furnished opar ments, JOSEPH P. MANGAN. QC. barrister, toy (iro IA 8.0394. Gordon 19-- _Personal = - Simeone Street North, across Richmond om Shooping Centre. immediate one Newly Swmodeled, with private itor ) o loan. Office 14 : PL POODLE puppies, miniature," white, [Street West, up Church and across 38--Mole or | or Female Help session. No small children, RA 5.4583, |Dath, €as stove. Abstainers. Adults Sawa, TA sont [CRICRLAVING. Slckisving, eement : OSHAWA. A Sart LF AVING for St. John's, New Bruns-,iacx and female, grown stock, cham. William Sticet West. Badly needed Ww. HEATED apart - Private parking. RA 5-8352 34 work. Chimne nd repairec 2, room for three PAssen-|pion sired, very reasonable. Cedarview [Mrs Verna A. Harding 9) William anted separate entrance, ay allabi AT te.| THREE room apariment, share bath pile parat itranc lable iat id , tp oe] ¢ verandat Kennels RA 5-5062 Street West Oshawa, Ont {A PART-TIME bookkeeper, male or|ly. Adults on Apply 74 Bond East Quiet home, couple only. 175 Athol Jsso nds 5-195. . RESPE « TABLE ung man driving tn 26--Farmer's Colu I Sant" female, for private business able | GFPEF Tih i ep E. After 6 p.m enry - = CTY : d July 29. Have |26 ar r's n for Tetired Poros p i fla ree unfurnished room Panam BT 1 erin J gir GRAVEL TO Or Tr ere. Phone. Pa me olum | 31--Articl les For Rent Me person. Write 925 Oshawa | pn pais sink cupboards, hot water, om apartment, private en. ! RA 3-402¢ g i orkn ip guaran ) between 6 and 8 o'clock DEAD farm stock picked up promptly WANTED =r vrivate. 199 Court Street Li rance oo athoom, coupe No chil- erior, km a a STO | DE. a sto: ck JANTED -- man or wo I? = ~ - ~~ |dren. Centra 3 DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister [te Ne eatil HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), | Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721 SALES RENTALS ime wort as er on br parte THRE room, and two - room, fur-| oo - 8 k oF 28 King Street East. | -- mailed. 5 1 in plain sealed enve.|Margwill Fur Farm, one. Apply Box 827, Oshawa Times, nished apartments, with refrigerator | wo - room furnished apartment, frig s 201. Res opes W ! Six samples ants p |and stove, private entrance, close to stove, $12 weekly. 15 Colborne pana 10005 | WI list, Six samples. 25; EAD farm: stock picked up prom Tents, camp stoves, camp re | t : Duplate.. Child welcome. Apply 553 - 2 rder 2.97 0 3 i oms Pi nd MacDonald, B 0o ' A-11. Nov.Rubber Co.. Box 9) Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.27 cots, tarpaulins, sleeping DR, ROBERT Howard Sires! we orsishod enette, livin Dept J { and Notaries Publ y Flowering and 1 ropical|namition, Ontario Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone bags, lanterns THORNTON SCHOOL [THREE - bedroom house, large living Partment, kitchenette, living RA 54 R 1 C BE = ! an dining |WANTED -- immediately good used] Coleman camp stoves $13.45 le room, oil heated, garage., Pedroom and bath, car parking c James A. MacDonald. | r Cottag 207006, Foliage Plants, C two row corn planter with fertilizer] OSHAWA HARDWARE AND S.5. 9, WHITBY TOWNSHIP [very central. Immediate occupancy, |J06_ Pacific Avenue of ELE TROLYSIS rR Street East. Phone RA 8 763 stallations at reason f A E SALNERE Bh arrister soll [attach ments, any make, Will pay tor ELECTRIC REQUIRES FOR SEPTEMBER rot" cur an, Kane, Cliff Mills Motors, STORE for rent, with two larg ele. Simcoe Street North | rice. Phone OL 5-3019 NE O Rl RA 5.37 tesidence RA 5-5542 + er te Removal of superfluous hair. 8 Church Aa RA 3-7624 i ONE QUALIFIED | THR F room apar(ment newly deco O i h ; 4 mn) 1 roun loc 2 o; nce. PAR e BOWMAN, David Barrister, Solic 134 Simcoe )shaws Vig Murduit will be in |27--Fuel & Wood ground floor, private entrance, | APARTMENTS -- New - ---- S < G monthly. Phone RA 8.0669 or 466 living kitchen and + g PRY hardwood umber ends, suitable SICKROOM SUPPLIES KINDER ARTEN" |' ert Street piece tiled bath owl a : wr, 3% Sime ith, RA 5-9592. Res : | 6 : i wa, Aug. 16th ond 17th dence, RA 10---Sharpening Service awa, Aug [ e i e i furnaces and wood stoves, $5 for -- . TWO - .be ve, washer-drye 4 n 0 trist FIRST class sharpening, mower AWS Phone Genosha Hotel on |jarge load, delivered Hb 'nqnire Hospital beds, bed sides, TEACHER lo 0 cdrom basement apartment. Frade Bl outlet, Park Road South ha-- ira Rh Te 2 ecottag liver - ance, » enting at $89 and $9 6 plometists and all tools. Worl ranteed. B. VAN BELLE GARDENS] these dotes for appointment, [about cottage deliveries. RA 8-0818 | wheel chairs, invalid walkers, large windows, use of washing machine, |Re0tnE at $89 and $99 per month. RA Be. s ws, 1000 square foot floor off street drive-in location. RA § | e Jac} " RIC HARD BLACK, Dr, of Optom- Mosier, 550 Wilson Road South [hydro and heat. Telephone RA 5.7091 Phone Jack Appleby now at RA 5-6544 . A A y a - RA 3-3398. 'John A. J. Bolahood Ltd., nation' of eves, contact 5018 2 ! Osha |20--Cartage 28--Summer Properties canes, crutches. Also roll-a- Salary schedule in effect, | Foun room furnished house trailer. | Realtors. ow Hh A ) | - en ee ---- starting rate $3,100 [Telephone RA 88218 <i! SI rm --------me---- pointment. RA 3-4191 -- i iti ¢ 37 IP Pp truck wi Toh, will move SECLUDED Takeshore lot, pines, silv way beds and cribs. RA Y ' Yr |THREE ~~ room basement apartment, , appointmen 11--Business Opportunities MA ! PICKUP truck With el: ell fnove SECLUDED iakeshors lof, Dine s b Address replies to |UNFURNISHED apartment, central, sins and cupboards in kitchen, private TUCK, RO, optometrist, Pleas a' x : - 1 E d 2h Jos tos snl Tel 5.1644 child welcome, newly decorated, entrance and packing space. One child ity at. Govoln Too ss STORE. suitable for plumber, electri NR : cott or local. Reasonable [ronto ) mile toad, hydro, $150 5-16 | : ne heilg come; rate tance d park a x ay Accounts Bt Sgun en. Street, cian efc. RA 3-928 after 6.20 p.m BOWMANVILLE ape Ey oy, Sind, Dydr, BS, x R. G. SCHAD [new home, three-piece bath, heated, welcome. $15 weekly. Phone 81830, Beavy waning To os es me hee r 1, 9.9201 : : CF : heavy wiring TV outlet, private en. |pog - ; i ne RA 5.4587 GROCERY store -- Clearance of er LE GALT CARTAGE tire and appli | I R E N T 103 GARRARD RD. RR. 3, |trance. Call 467 Drew Street. FOUR room upstairs apartment, com tock wt Bay r, scale PEN EVE! pletely modern, closets, three-piece stock self ervice, re i ; F f ) ance vin Reasonable rates, fully | FOR RENT or sale At Rice Lake OSHAWA MODERN four - room apartment, with | bath, separate entrance, reasonable. 7--Surveyors leer, cash registe 50 Bore . nsured. Call day or might. RA 5-448. |three furnished cottages, electric refrig bathroom, screened-in porch, garage,!Adults. 223 Etna ply | t d HG | nside conveniences in main TV ae » iN rn rr re r---- T. HORTON and Associates, ON: cee me------------ 14 Household I Repo 21--Personal Service ». Phone MO 8-4282, Whitby FROM THE HIL LTOP RA 8-0247 Ty 209 Bo: yf business couple Ap- | Fou R - room unfurnished apartment, tario Land. Surve Professional En 13--Gardening & Supplies T --~ % hades - -- -- cid didi 203 King Street West, couple only, neering 6 Dundas Street West : CALL Joe, RA 644 Aor carpe y : AWN mower and outboard motor: re. COTTAGE for re BH 41--Room & B d MODERN, three - room apartment Available immediately Whitby, MO 8.5091, Ajax 728 TREE removal and pruning service. Painting and handy: ore guaran r and sharpening service. Rossland Lake) two - m age, all ¢ c RA 8-689] . oar : ground floor, near North Simcoe School, | FURNISHED two - room apartment, DONALD H. TROLLOPE Ontario WHitehall 2-2205, Pickering. Oe Sports Centre, 62 Rossland Road West, |MERICHCES, © nt, : good fish ROOM and board for tlemen close Piveate ath, Aitofen cupboards and | kitchen and bed - sitting room, heavy Land Survey 216 Adelaide Avenue ANY kind of garden work by expert, CHESTERF IELDS 3 AY 4 old d She for tes RA 3.7462 or RA 81734. i ¥ 5 en : / nf y to « Apply 23 Elgin Street | 5" A 80445. __________|duty stove, refrigerator, sink and cup. Fast. RA 5-688 reasonable rates. RA 8-152 covered like new el the b or less -- |COTTAGE for rent, RA 8-1201 Tents 9' x 9 . 9x 12 , 4 | FURNISHED two - room apartment, | board , parking, $12 weekly. RA 5-3206 ob a ww | at Modern Upholstering, 92¢ S oO | kitchen and bed - sittin ts ro; SCHMAN, O Street North \ 6451 fo e N LAKE Scugog, new hous F S ROOM and board for young gentleman, | a] 8 room, stove, THREE . room apartment, refrigera. DONEVAN i ; N, 5 AURORA SAND 8 Street. North. Call R for a free | AWNMOWER & ENGINE JAKE Scusos. Jew Jase 0 stoves, lanterns, CAMP [home away from home. 407 King East folxigerator, sink and cupboards. close tor, stove, built in cupboards, semi Bloor Street. (East. KA VE FURNITURE re ; hols SALES & SERVICE front, safe beach, good swiriming cots, air mattresses, |Ra 5556s. _ [|sxE0rping centre. RA 39551. |private entrance, near North GM. Va. GRAVEL d : Is for re-cover EE drome, sleeping b ; ROOM and board if desired (jose to UNFURNISHED "four - room apart. (cant. RA 3-7112 -- ESE | a Crushed. Store. Se ee ar ale Tobi ii art Engines & Rotor Til- Jeans hish + ile ot ia en w i ping bags, various NGM and hospital. Phone RA 52305 ment, located at bus stop, 822 King THREE oom Dasement . 8--Building Trades Brick, Sond; Crushed Stone, ior. Sous : lors. Used Engines Bought cio, Jol, ad if unk wilh) sizes OUMbOGRD MOtOTS. | Ro0 snd beara 05m aes Sh Ex Revs duty whinge Rot and TURE jer Vasemant -- ' ; ; | r | horized Clinton, {5 tio, $6 Kly | d privileges, lunch So schoal, park and bus, heat, hydro and Ses of carpentry work and con CHESTERFIELDS rebul recovered 0 Authorized C A |screened-in patio, $6. week! coolers an ara wings. D| unches ac 666 Simcoe | [phone RA 5-5373 . C oy A rn esti ates. Telephone VALLEY FARM RD. fe wow. Why 3 re? Our. rates yuson Power Products, Pin- [BAthurst 59900, Toronto after p g South. RA 58255 TWO Tour ler aa | Ain facilities. Child welcome. RA aHer P 32 Phen 1 C are reasonable. Satisfact £ rant ed J rvice., 81 Central Park [LAKESHORE cottage for rent on Lake ALL NEW EQUIPMENT ROOM and board for two gentlemen, | apartment, 'bed - sitting room and Kkit- (Fe Mattresses rebuilt. O Ister > | Sr Servieny i Simcoe, all conveniences R willing to share, single beds, laundry chen, near hospital and GM. Bachelor |® y fg JS be -3293 Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA 3 5., Phone RA 5-4633. [5.0188 or Orillia, Airview 5-20 REASONABLE RATES TV. 500d meals, lunches packed. OF Working couple pretersed. Ten 3 gigs E11Vate bath, baby welcome, Apoly 730 2 C p | 5.031 a --_-- a iii] -- - A 5. oe Simcoe South DODD & SOUTER mire | 320311 § i | FIGHT = room summer cottage, sei HREE Boar 1 -- a encom a room, micely furnished | Res PAINT---WALLPAPER A-1 PAINTING DECORATING by 22--Radio Repairs nished, Whithy on the lake, immodiate Don't Leave It Too Late --. |ROOM and board in private Frome. | basement apartment, washing faci, | POWMANVILLE -- four, and three- 8 DECORATING CROSS TOWN radesman, interior or esterior, Roxa-|GAR radio. installed while-U-walt, used possession. RA 81296 | Reserve Yours Now. A Small |e reasonable. Call RA 5-6854 ties, private entrance, suit couple, aa oo Ft NTR ACTOF she work guaraniset mle 1 IV, Hi-Fi, radios, small oySEKEEPING cottages on Beaver Deposit Will Hold. M or room and board, good home |". MOnth. 478 Park Road South. {pone RA 3-7 SOD SUPPLY hiss hE pplianc ectronics Service Centre. |) electricity, running water, re-| cooked meals, close to four corners.[THREE - room apartment, furnished, |swpw too fm mrs For Fre timate 5 p Bl Kin sst. RA 8-3211 | 4 ? hed, | NEW house for rent, preferably busi € YOUR ivcal chimn L rige good swimming and fish Apply 240 Division St stove, refrigerator, young couple, 10 | nose men Apery Toi Av DAYS MO 8. 5231 | lled fertilized sod cut |neys built and repa as gs ir ing. Tameworth 40RB1 James O'Neill. RA 8-689] 3 oa ------ [children, central, available August 1,|2°% Man. Ply 76 Hanis avenue. 4 Avy | stalled, furnace 9 i i ny WHEN YOU WANT | Erinsville Wa + d T R t 1A 3-4726, 74 Drew Street | TWO bedrooms and kitchen, furnished ! S RA 5-7426 | pr vary mates. RA 3-299 Ny NR --vvanted lo Ren ; ; - 2 p n pip f 3 4 i ract s mates. RA 3-2 | DAY OR NIGHT! |ARDEN housekeeping .ottages on Ken-| = . WANTED iv 6 THREE - room, unfurnished, apart.| oF, > 3 gentlemen close to Shop 07 Byron St., S., Whitby RA 5. 8504 PAINTING and decoratir eesti T.V. and RADIO nebee Lake, two and three bedrooms, 32----Articles Wanted ANTED . --by Sept. 1, three-bedroom | ment, three-piece bath. heave f 5 mates, work guaranteed |hydro, good fishing, -~wimming. RA mm ---- Bouse near public school. Phone RA [separate entrance, adults only, ne. shed apartment, two AE ---- CALL RA 8- 5286 5-1763 CEMENT mixers, sidewalk finishing (8-6 Auman e diate possession, $60 monthly. Phone [large rooms and itchenette, buili-in TED VEENHOF 7 SE tools, wheelbarrows, sump pumps, Post | STORE for rent, central location. 140| RA 8-6115 cupboards and: sink, heat, light and ATTENTION FURNACE SALES | A C 5 d PRESQU' -- Claudor Villa, «-bed- hole diggers, post driver barrels, well Simcoe South, reasonabl r-------- er $55 monthly. Apply 585 Bloor E. { | All Ohi ante lroom. housekeeping cott boat. | windlass. Also for sale, cement mixer. [goose after 5b 7 onale rent, RA THREE TT lil sprayir A Phone Bright or 95 R 3 RA 8-165 - B er rasa - room, furnished apartment, % ving AND SERVICE ¥ | ne ig on 5 a Ea lu RGENTLY for late August, a three. | BUCKINGHAM all convene neces, completely private, and pruning of your shrubs | | ELECTRONICS [PORT PERRY, Lake Scugog, lake WANTED -- dining room suite, in very bedroom lower duplex or house for | MANOR Api on Street, ond evergreens, call. RA H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd. ---------- |front cottage.. priv hree.nedrooms | good condition. reasonable. RA 3-2351. | teacher, North Simcoe school p room furnished partment with C 0 two teen. | THR partment - | 8-6366 | SAVE--SAVE--SAVE yin flush jolet *ully Hpaipped. Disi age children one 7-year-old. Would | APARTMENTS room, private LL = RA 8-3864 OSHAWA RA 5.5954 | SAVE_savE-- clink Sy nei SHAW Sousider two bedroom apartment. Welte| 2.bedroom Apartments, elec. [some $05 month. halt hydro, "RA - | PTIONE ER village on Buckhorn Lake. | OX. fu saws es or LE 2.2797 trically eq ed t loco- B37. HOME Cleanout Servic T.\ V. TOWERS [miles north of peterborousn. House | AUTO WRECKING CO. {Toronto veo) Sapo Wi loca. 5 Tent, 714 Dundas Street - ning. cottages for rent 200d fishing TT --, . . Vi i LI FF BROWN | $7 labor plus parts It k | 1502 Camp site. Call Mrs. Baile Want cars for wrecking, also 44--Houses, Apts., Flats | Simcoe St. North, Apt. 15; y Phone OL 53700. Oue child C LANDSCAR) NG S= yourself kit, 3.4750 or Mrs. Beasley RI 23092 scrop iron: and. metals. etc F | RA 8-8676 : ee GRAVEL & SAND FURNACE Cn Sh | aS al Ln fe steel es | For ent Bm i Ba R tote Service } Al $1.60 per foot. y ] 2 res i > k ; he ol >oug! pen Saturday o ER oa i RTT conveniences and large lot, three miles LOAM - ER reckly. Ba ah motor day. Phone inonse. Priva oven dvd ara 4 ADERAIDE MANOR [West of Brooklin. Phone OL 5-353, | : CLEANING OSHAWA TV ~------| RA52311 B9BLOORE, (I wmtrmua, ut fermuce, sing 440--Rooms For Rent A 8.895] CALL GRANT Compilers t ; ee -- 361 GIBBONS ST. Bn LODGE Less 3 {ently Write Box No. 92 isi IY, ili) 13 NISHED room, cooking facilities, es v, lady or gentleman Apply 20 chimney ver | F m apartment, Priva cold water, parking.: $105 * 1e or RA 5-2316 FOR SOD noce $6 4 -- cog) furnace RA 8- 81 50 STURGEON LAKE WANTED way ih i 5 y Fos ith or $120 monthly. SHE SE cen Sore = So 0 Ce for Sw C efo. sink, cupboards, TV aerial £45 month] i et AEN ND FOOTER fas mwa street: 7a saws. "> | R. VICKERY ----Aqent [With or, witout "light" Housekeeping WELL DIGGING BY Delivered, layed, field OL 5-3186 | T.V. RADIO SERVICE dant home ked megls. ; - room. upstairs furnished| RA 8-6228 -- 46 KING W. (tal RA 8.5084. ili ps cial rates for children I. TURNER apartment, use of hall phone, separate - NGLE rooms, men only, Two min- MACHINE loading $10 Allowance for your old hawo, Box. 254. RA entrance, about five blocks nort town. 142 Celina Street YA ! . $1C We " ) J 4, v % General Hospital. $65 per i RA -- . re TR, ait whe ut od. | FURNACE SALES Picture Tube 78:3 RA en 3374 a | A. WEINBERGER [ress cor, win esse J )0 \" me 3 TWO - room apartment, bed - sittir wn inspection AND SERVICE TOWERS LITTLE BUCKAROO TT |isom, and kitchen, near hospital ani | REALTOR ATTRA HIVE Tormithot ome avail. Pp : : GM, bachelor 5 working couple pre. | . only 3 m from Whitby. | HM. Mackie ( *d. fifferent types to choose RANCH CEDARDALE ferred. RASS TC 32 PARK RD. N ie 8 private el 82 Park Road | RA 5. 5954 from. All heavy galvanized SCRAP THRE room, self-contained apart. | ; . ps P ( ) 16 gouge steel. Installed ment, continuous hot water, heavy duty | 0}: room ay apartment, wd 2 win ed h 203 King Street West, coupl nly. BUILDERS MO 8-3015 Steonsur 3 : With 6 7 yew onary. DAY CAMP IRON METAL LTD. Ea Shomviny Cover Jus suis} FOR RENT avai'abls immediately Ao #1} RL abor plus par \ntennas move ». ' IRONS--METALS RA 56106. RA 3-7534. FOUR room apartment, separate en. H A BRADLEY 4 $10 WEEKLY PAPERS--RAGS | bedroom apartments, $99 "per MODERN 2- BEDROOM trance, heavy duty wiring, vicinity GARDEN CHAS ) Len & Lou's TV INFORMATION RA 5.2737 | month; features stoves, refrigerators, APARTMENT King and Wilson, adults only. Phone Arsh S Yiu SE | ---- | OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY |broadloom, lockers, washers, dryers| RA 38-6279 evenings. RA 3-4992 nd Sons: Ltd RA 8-5804 or RA 5-7844 |28a--Trailers RA 5-3432 fand adequate parking. Eugene Patter-| Centrally located, large liv- |TWO room apartment, for light house. son of Douglas L. Gow Real Esta 9 COLE REE SUR I ET tes FREE PICK-UP : vere pasaenl Estate; | ing room, ultra. modern Kitch keeping will furnish. Phone after £ p.m Painting and Decorating FREE SURVEY | GLEN Royal 1958 trailer 10 x 33, sleeps 41 Gladstone Avenue. Phone RA 8.4651 g ) e cl [RA 8-158, "NIAGARA BRAND" ; Ss oy 2) Wy, vn, No By ToNDINCL RA BME 1 Zan dining ere. Frio, rey Crim WAT RG OL 5-444) DUR AC 100 ANNIS STREET ' stove, washer and dryer, |pousekeep 1dr RA 8-1177 BUG KILLERS D 0 IR | SERVICE CALL |T5-FOOT house trailer, now wondition. TWO WEEK S chilthen welcome. 05 ares Ei rooms. No children. Tele TNUT ¢ BOX 32 . au "LUDES ALL THOSE RT king bi "KING CALCIUM" West Hill ATlantic 2-0961 [orarly REL 35--Employment Wanted hone please Mrs. Irene SINGLE and double rooms, newly de- A --- Edi : ic | Rtov ; I yy ot qe i - |corated, suit leman, five mi . BUG KILLERS 15--Instruction EXTRAS twin_sinks, shower and tub. RA 8-129. | rer rea gp rer gg FREE RENT erger RA 8-5145 even. [sore oi. Sut genileman 4. ve minutes ings RA 3-7244 pp! 35 Celina WEED KILLERS % FOR RENT -- Tent trailer by week $25 ing, mowing hay, reasonable rates. MA 5 od £ 4 | WANTED -- Grade 12 mathematics Same day service |accomodates six people. Phone MA T2186, Bowmanvifle, io in a modern, fully equipped | | TWO rooms for 1 k i | BIRD BATHS leachery two hours per week, Call MO + All tubes checked 3-3262 | MATURE executive salesman, 18 years ildi C [TWO rooms for light housekeeping, will 8.2466 BY I: | Sal, ET Apartment Building FFI E PACE furnish Apply side door, upstairs. 165 PATIO POTS n 3 Picture tube cleaned |mr----m------ , --|experience in rubber footwear. five Ritson Road South after § p.m | EXPERIENCED tutor, Grades and T 1 29--Summer Properties vears in safety footwear and clothing| ac CRAYDON RD. WHITBY idan 2 LAWN SPRINKLERS Phone RA 3-422 uner ge eaned, if F Sal desires to re-locate in or near Oshawa. PHONE MO 8 4770 FOR |ONE bedroom, first floor, reasonab c Q . -- tam oh . COUNSAIOs needec or Jaie Presently self-employed in Montreal - rent to congenial lady, abstainer, Kitc SEPTIC TANK 3. LAWN SOAKERS PRIVATE teacher, student: coun lio ¢ te seu Write. Box 725, Oshawa Times. Mrs.|__ . RENT len. television privileges,' furnishings SIDEWALK SLABS PATIO SLABS hot are oul y ro Nove f P $300 DOWN - m three-bedroom | Foy, LE 2-2797 {optional, RA 8-4488 BY 51054 -- "ns "auarantee cottage i nees, water and | | : ) 3 ) C < 2C -_-- m-- re _ RVare, SRCOTIoht Burrs a GIRL desires housework by the day, FURNISFED ' room with kitchen, COLORED FAtI0 SIDEWALK SLABS 16--Insurance DO IT NC W Pyare, Vig: ont i 3 fishy *llive out. Phone MO 8-2 Whitby FFI E PA Passenger elevate: 'service |s rentlerian. Telephone RA 3-9225 : IRRIN ) 35 miles from . y ake ) DURA SIT i CURBING ALLSTATE Auto Insu 0 Turn right at Cac a for seven miles. CAPARLE girl, age 15, would like baby New building. Centrally lo. |LARGE nice, furnished room with cu NG Oo 5 ALLST A g ve u x Balance $3000 g or light housework, days or eve: ic 5 light housekeeping, hotplate and Frigid WELL TILE QUALITY PAINTS A her en " 10.9 h Beautify Your Home | BUY YOUR new cottage or waterfrcat|Nings. Phone RA 5-3955 OVER KRESGE'S cated in downtown areu. |aire. RA 8.0764. 104 Athol East L.-T! ! : 36--Female Help Wanted LLY yD "| Improve Picture Qualit BE Th nw collage or 2 or | WANTED -- trucks, all M cL tle: CLOSED SATURDAY RA 5-741 npr Q y jon, at Wilion len hare Fa er ANTED Filly dump ricky We FOR RENT errs rent. Leases now \ furnished room, suit ntle: BROOKLIN 12:30 P.M { 15--Instruction HAVE A TOWER ontario fais. Aurora Sand and Gravel Apply kL Yvailoble. THREE unfurnished tooms private MW, ww | CONCRETE | COOPER AY he Oshowa Driving Schoo TR10. ew con or, [MRED ee eet 2600 SO. FT BUILDING | Valley Farm Road, Pickering or PRODUCTS SMITH CO, "i ns vari TELEVISION | jot vet, cond onde by. Ri shih ile] can br Divi Limirep 16 CELINA ST EI RA 8-678] ON reco] Syn TL vue EE puch, contra OLiver 5-3311 OSHAWA RA 8-0091 171 BOND ST. EAST north AX 2.9492, |r. Campbel, Genosha Hotel >>) RA 5-0732 | Phone RA 3-3474 's minute trom downtown. Homie pri | service a bath, centraily located. RA 5.1 JULY - AUGUST LEARN TO DRIVE] Call us for a free estimate. BUCKHORN or CHEMONG | 4-997 AVAILABLE SEPT. st | THE TIMES IT WEERLY ton Farniohed oom. cooking privileges, also single room, |central. 180 Bruce Street between 4-5 TERPING