THOUGHT FOR TODAY Overheard: "As much you, Betty, I wish I could love you more." "Well, tr but don't press." as I love y harder, hie Oshawa Times derstorms, WEATHER REPORT Slightly warmer, partly cloudy, with chance of scattered thun- VOL. 89--NO. 168 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1960 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES Hits Man Killed At Brooklin Frederick Oshorne Harper, 20, of 28 Oshawa boulevard north, Oshawa, died early this morning shortly after the automobile he was drivin g struck one of the steel girders of a bridge in the village of Brooklin. Harper, who was alone in the vehicle, was proceeding south on Highways 7 and 12, where it forms the main street of the vil- lage, when the auto struck the north end of a steel girder on the east side of the bridge. The car bounced off the girder, rolled over and landed on its top on the west shoulder. Police are not sure if per was thrown from his car. The vehicle was a total wreck. Bridge |] Dr. W. G. Grant, of Brooklin, attended at the scene of the acci- dent. Harper died enroute to hos- ital. P PC Elgin Boyce, of the Whitby detachment of the OPP, investi- gated the accident. Mr. Harper had lived most of his life in Whitby but had roomed at the Oshawa address for about three years. He was an adherent of the Salvation Army. | He is survived by his parents, | Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Harper, 225 Green street, Whitby, and a sis- ter, Mrs. Marie Horne, RR 2, Whitby The remains will be at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. FRED O. HARPER Says Canada Suffers Hangover NEW YORK (CP) -- Canadian author and - journalist Hutchison says Canada is suffer- ing from the "inevitable hang- over" following its boom. ; But he adds, in an article in the New York Herald-Tribune, that Canada has always lived in re- curring peril and uncertainty and will react with "another lunge forward." Mr. Hutchison, editor of the Victoria Times, says Canada's economy was distorted and its productive costs excessively raised by the post-war boom. He adds: "The symptoms of distortion are on every front page: Pockets high unemployment at a time , @ gross national product that refuses to w according to official predic- 'tions' and is standing virtually still, a mounting foreign debt, a foreign exchange deficit propor- tionaly at least 12 times as large as the American deficit which so deeply alarms our neighbors." . Canada, Hutchison says, is faced with at least five years of| "painfu. readjustment." But "the most hopeful and healthy fact in Canada is the end of that com- placency which thrived on the boom when easy times went to the usually sober Canadian head." Moscow Will Fill All Cuba Needs MOSCOW (AP)--Nikita Khrush- chev has formally assured Fidel Castro's government that the Communist bloc can supply all the necessary goods that "the United States and certain other Bruce|world's first woman prime min- ost - war | P Q ' First Woman PM | Elected In Ceylon Broken patio furniture, lower right, and a blackened limb, upper left, frame the | blazing two-storey hillside home HOME DESTROYED IN FIRE Calif. yesterday. The junga, tree- | home was destroyed in one of | grees and strong winds in the several brush fires which have been sweeping through the mountains of Southern Califor- US. LEOPOLDVILLE, The Congo| Belgian planes began airlifting (CP;--A UN spokesman said Eee parachute troops out of day Premier Pairice Lumumba |Leopoldville today in fulfillment has informed the UN mission he|of the United Nations plan to will fly to New York Friday have this city under UN control to address the Security Council|by Saturday. The troops are re- {on the Congo crisis. turning to Belgian treaty bases A meeting of the council sched-| within the Congo. uled for this afternoon may be| A contingent of Swedish troops postponed to await Lumumba's|for the UN Congo force arrived arrival, the spokesman said. | from the Middle East and began { The tall, goateed government taking over guard duty from the chief has threatened to call in|Belgians at the Leopoldville air- Russian troops if Belgian soldiers | port, 15 miles out of town. do not leave Congolese territory | The headquarters staff of the immediately. Bi More Violence In S. Rhodesia | nia. Temperatures over 100 de- fire areas have added to the troubles of the men on the fire | | line. (AP Wirephoto) | of Mrs. Emily Fowler in Tu- CCF Debates Medical Plan For Sask. SASKATOON (CP) -- Ground |was broken Wednesday for a . | thorough study of two major res- % olutions facing delegates attend- ing the CCF party's Saskatche- wan convention, The* resolutions deal with a proposed provincial' prepaid med- ical care plan and a new polit- ical party. Premier Douglas told 500 dele- gates attending the first party convention since the June 8 elec- tion that he considers the election mesultS a mandate to, proceed with a medical-eare plan "and this we shall proceed £o do." COLOMBO, Ceylon (AP)--A 44- |year-old widow whose first name means Fortunate One was called {today to become the modern ister. Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike, who made tears a formidable campaign weapon, was sum- moned by Governor-General Sir Oliver Goonetilleke to form a new govgrnment after returns from the general election assured her Freedom Party a majority in Parliament. After receiving Goonetilleke's call, Mrs. Bandaranaike asked astrologers to advise her of an "auspicious time" gto accept. But meanwhile she announced |she would nationalize the island country's insurance companies land tea and rubber plantations, most of which are Western-owned. She also sfid she would name commission to investigate news- papers that were vigorously hos- tile to her campaign, g « |A NEUTRAL In foreign affairs, she is mili- [tantly neutralist. | On the major issues plaguing = # Ceylon, she has had nothing to # {say so far. These include the be supported by labor was brou of delegates e CCF and| azen Argue, CCF | 4 Mr, 'Argue, considered a likely| chain n. a hi {eight of their 10 children live 0d|the garage home. The children At home range in age from two/to, The proposed politial party to(19 years. Chained Girl, Father Held DETROIT (AP)--A father who § wrapped a 16-foot-long auto tow ! around his 14 - year - old laughter's neck and locked it in order to keep her home was held today for investigation of cruelty {to children. Police who went to the Styling : |Shazier home following an anony-| ¢ mous 'elephene call, found Shazier"s daughter, Annie orris, sitting on a bed in the: Negro family's garage home with} the link chain wrapped around} her neck. Tue father, 50, said he § ad been having trouble keeping! the girl home and was fearful she| hile he was out on said they leave job collecting junk. He and his wife, Jennie, 48, and i Annie was taken to the juvenile to the attention|detention home. Police said she A {kas been incorrigible and a habi-| appointment as a Grand Lodge | | leader. ip-tfie House of Commons, iy] truant. stagnant eccnomy and the explo- sive bitterness between the Sin- |Bsless speaking Tam bspedor minorities who traditionally vote Hindus which has caused mucn|With the government. |bicodshed in the past. Although she didn't need them, The election gave 75 of the 157 the woman leader can count on seats in the House of Representa-|the support ot 12 Trotskyite mem- ves to Mrs. Bandaranaike's|bers, four Communists and three Freedom Party, a grouping of |other sociaiist-minded members sinall landowners, schoolteachers, [from other parties with whom she paysicians, lawyers and a few|had a no-contest electoral pact. rich landowners which her hus-| The big loser in the election|Ments and described the 47 Pro- band, Prime Minister Solomon|ivas the conservative United Na-|8ressive Conservative members Bandaranaike, headed until his|tional party, which dropped to 30|°f Parliament from the prairie assassination last year. |seats from 50. It's leader, Prime|Provinces as "the silent force in The party was assured a ma-|Minister Dudley Senenayake, "3 House of Commons. jority of five voles because the handed in his cabinet's resigna- | Mr. Argue is the only non-Con- government names six represent- tion when the election results servative. member from Mani. atives of business interests and were announced. |toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Forest Fires successor to national CCF leader | M. J. Coldwell, said an effort is being made to divide the working people and the farmers regarding | the new party by suggesting that| it would be controlled by unions outside the country. He criticized Prime Minister Diefenbaker for refusing to grant western farm representatives an interview regarding acreage pay- NEW CEYLON PREMIER Russ Accuses UN Soldiers A CANDIDATE FROM HIPSVILLE NEW YORK (AP) -- The national, international and nowhere beatnik convention Wednesday night nominated a bearded Chicago bookstore operator as its 1960 "anti- presidential candidate" in five ballots. Bill Smith, the 36 - year- old . candidate, immediately pledged himself to support the beat party platform, which opposes such things as atomic war, laws restricting hitch - hiking, and all squares everywhere. Smith's bandwagon rolled to victory over such oppo- nents as Jim the Greek, a Greenwich Village resident SALISBURY, Southern Rho- culated snub to the British cab- |desia (Reuters)--Violence flared inet. today in this central African city| The arrests led to demonstra- for the second time in 24 hours|tions by Negroes in Salisbury, the as Negro unrest collided with|Southern Rhodesian capital. | sirict * counter-measures by the| 7qhe men arrested are Michael HONORED elgian air force here also was| arns "No Russ go' packing up. Files, cabinets and even refrigerators and washing machines were crated for ship- ment to the Belgian bases at Kitona and Kamina. The UN command plans to re- place Belgian troops at the air- port and in certain European areas of the capital with the Swedes. The first contingent consisted of 68 soldiers looking fit and tanned after three months' duty in Gaza with the UN emergency force. Lumumba won the support of his cabinet Wednesday for his threat to call for Soviet interven- tion in the Congo but said he would await the outcome of Wed- nesday night's meeting of the United Nations Security Couneil before taking any action. The Security Council adjourned until later today after the United States warned that it would "do whatever may be necessary' to prevent any troops entering the Congo outside the framework of {the UN force trying to restore {order in the strife-torn country. Lumumba's ultimatum hung over UN officials here as the f S. F. EVERSON S. F. Everson, Oshawa, whose : Nixon Shapes Grand Lodge ¢op platform 'Election CHICAGO (AP) -- Vice-Presi- countries" now refuse to sell Cuba. A communique on talks the So- who had considerable strength up to the fourth bal- LONDON (Reuters) -- Russia today accused United Nations hand in drafting the Republican platform on which he expects to run as the party's presidential viet premier had with Raul Cas- tro, brother of Cuba's prime minister, said the trade would be on a barter basis iet oil and other products in exchange for Cuban commodities. The Soviet leader repeated that Russia would '"'use every means to prevent any U.S. armed inter- vention against the Cuban repub- He." The younger Castro, Cuba's minister of armed forces, who is making a tour of Soviet-bloc countries, told a crowd of 2,000 in Moscow's trade union centre Wednesday night that the 'noble feature" of the Soviet Union had prevented U.S. military leaders from intervening in Cuba. Name Editor College Prexy BRANDON, Man. (CP)-- Canada's foremost authorities on education, Dr, John Robbins of Ottawa, has been avnointed pres- ident of Brandon College. The announcement was made today by Wilfred McGregor, chairman of the college board of directors. -- Dr. Robbins, 56, succeeds the late Dr. John R. C. Evans, who died July 29, 1959, ar ¢ S the ¢ resident of old inst leaves s ed of the E to assume tember. CITY EMERGENCY arts post of 1 a new duties in Sep- One of ? ~ Shot Verwoerd forces of fighting Congolese na- tional troops. The Communist party newspa- per Pravda specifically named Moroccan troops as one unit which "started a battle. with Con- golese forces." In Western U.S. CHICAGO (AP) -- The United, Convoys of trucks, buses and States west was aflame in many| police cars evacuated 1,000 youths, places today. |from summer camps in the In eastern Oregon, more than| Wrightwood area north of Los lot, and 'Big Brown" a husky Negro from Detroit. The convention was held in a smoke - filled room in the "college of complexes," a Greenwich Village restaurant. nominee, The Republican convention ) starts here Monday and one of dent Richard Nixon is. taking a Results white government. |Mawema, Sketchley Samkange A strong force of police using and Leopold Takawire, leaders of Negroes in suburban Harare | formed early this year to replace township, Some were arrested. [the outlawed African National who stayed outside'a community garded here as moderates. hall all night dancing and chant-| Colonial Secretary Ian Macleod by a force of more than 200 po-| conciliation in efforts to maintain |licemen after refusing to disperse the delicate links between the divergences in outlook over fed- Trouble erupted Wednesday He Trias around this capital of the Rhodes-| eration have become marked. ian Federation where Negroes| 'began demonstrating following| the arrest of three leaders of the uts aX police raids on party offices. The N.D.P, is an African nationalisi i i WELLINGTO} A crowd estimated by police at/,, =~ LINGTON, N.Z. (Reuters) between 13,000 and 15,000-strong| Tax cuts of twopence a gallon on the African townships Wednes-| package of 20 cigareis are the day. | main concessions offered New Canada i The Province of op |Rhodesia, Sir Edgar Whitehead,| ment in its election-year budget ia ? 4 banned for three months all pro-| Presented to the House of Rep- Iverson was master of Leban- | cessions and meetings in Salis- 2 lo on Todge. AF and AM, in 1951. {bury other than those of a reli.| Finance Minister Arnold Nord- i [official permission is given. changed but offered other minor sistance as a member and as |°f COLCessh / POncess on oteer for mary yours essions such as a reduction 0 | government was reported today|and the virtual abolition of the were Colbear, Port Perry; (ig pe irked and embarrassed by|practice of combining the in- G. Scott, Bowmanville, and |Southern Rhodesia, | purposes. . Fred W. Marsh, Whitby. These | yn some official quarters here] Nordmeyer forecast a relaxa- known as Very Worshipful |yion js peing described as a cal-|in the year if New Zealand's ex- Brethren of Craft Lodges, | port income remains buoyant. interest rates, Nordmeyer an- nounced maximum interest rates ment societies and trading com- panies. These ranged from two five per cent for longer-term de- posits. fence spending by about £2,000, 006 to £30,300,000 ($84,340,000). ture is estimated at £96,500,000 on 1960-61 and spending on social tear gas ciashed with a crowd of [the National Democratic party Between 350 and 500 Africans|Congress. These men are ing "freedom now" were attacked has been following a policy of at dawn. Rhodesias and Nyasaland, where | Naticnal Democratic party and| On Gas, Smok organization, as, mo es demonstrated at the entrances to|8asoline and one penny. on a officer of the Grand Lodge of | nyo ine minister of Southern|Zealanders by the Labor govern- nounced this morning, Mr, | resentatives tonight. de has rendered valuable as. |8ious or sporting nature unless meyer left income tax rates un- Lr ee I A ey LONDON (CP) -- The British|of sales tax on motor vehicles Clarence Allin, Newcastle, A. |the arrest of Negro leaders in| comes of married couples for tax members will in the future be [the Rhodesian government's ac-|tion of import restrictions later AF and AM. Expressing concern at high payable by mortgage and invest- per cent for deposits at call to The new budget increases de- Government capital expendi- services at £110,800,000. split widened between his central government and the administra- | tion of the mineral-rich province |of Katanga, which has declared |its independence from Lumum- {ba"s government. o-| ARREST BOMBOKO | Katanga officials arrested, Jus- |tin Bomboko, the central govern- |ment's foreign minister, on his {arrival Wednesday night in Elis- |abethville, capital of Katanga. {They said Bomboko, considered {one of the most pro-Western members of Lumumba's govern- ment, would be expelled from the province. Katanga Premier Moise Tshombe warned Wednesday that his hastily-assembled army will fight if UN troops try to move into the province. Dr, Ralph Bunche, assistant secretary-general of the United Nations, said Wednesday that Lu- mumba had asked him to send UN troops to Katanga but he replied that he did not have planes to transport them. Lumumba told reporters he would seek help from "the devil or anybody else" in his efforts to force Belgian troops out of their former African colony. He said he was not concerned with world power blocs and would be "grateful" if the United States offered to help. He said he had been assured by Soviet Pre- mier Nikita Khrushchev. that Russia would come to the Congo- lese government's aid if an offi- cial request was made. RECALL WARNING Khrushchev warned last week that the Soviet Unioh would con- sider "decisive measures" if "Western aggression" in the Congo was not ended. United Nations troops contin. ued to arrive here today and Bunche said he hoped to have the UN force built up fo 10,000 men by the weekend. There now are about 3,500 soldiers here under UN command. Belgian troops, meanwhile, continued to withdraw to their bases from the Leopoldville area under an agreement with the UN calling for their complete pullout (Special to The Oshawa Times Nixon's toughest campaign tasks, The results of if he gets the top nomination from the capital by Saturday. TORONTO -- | Wednesday as expected, will be 250 fires burned range and timber | Angeles. land. | In 'the northwest, the biggest Scores of other blazes raged in| fire covered 30,000 acres along the | Idaho and Washington, whose gov- Oregon-Idaho border near Mar- ernors have declared a state of|sing, Idaho. emergency. The weather bureau said the LATE NEWS FLASHES Flames spreading across alfire fighters could expect li ial D By ittle prairie threatened to engulf the help from the ly Bhi said: northern Idaho town of Woodland.| ""ppunderstorms mostly near In California, a 26,000-acre the mountains, are forecast for brush fire burned to within two today. In this tinderdry region miles of the north end of the the 'activity is likely to set off famed estate containing the late more fires. " | William Randolph Hearst's castle at San Simeon. | A reporter at the scene said a| wind change would bring the fire| ito the back door of the castle, now the centre of a 143-acre state ' Snow Stops Park Work Forged Document Spy Scare from the melting snow. The sn natural cold storage. Twenty Fires Rage ark. More than 34,000 acres north of TCRONTO (CP) -- Twenty Los Angeles have been blackened. Nineteen houses have been| burned and 14 firemen injured among 2.500 battling flames in 105- to 112-degree temperatures. | Five big fires turned mile-high pine forests into a frontier of sa OKYO0 (AP) -- The United ae Sh |States embassy charged today a amas 95 0 5 miles north of {rorced document on stolen em- 5 fad bassy stationery is being circu- lated in Japan with the purpose of raising Japanege fears about --2 jets amg stir up trouble be tween the United States and] Japan, Farmer Charged The embassy said the false PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) document, bearing the purported | David Pratt, the wealthy British-|signature of the U.S. air attache, {born farmer who shot Prime|Col. Robert G. Emmens, said: | Minister Hendrik Verwoerd, was| 1. U-2 planes had made intelli- was reported. Plan Big Atom Stations mills a kilowatt or less, he sai New Car Sales Up up five per cent to 58,446 units WATERLOO.(CP) -- Levelling operations in an eight-acre partiolly developed section of Waterloo Park had to be discon- tinucd today due to two feet of snow. That's right. Harvey Wightman, park superintendent, said a bulldozer used for levelling became bogged down in the mud -- created partially feet of ground from winter exgavations and preserved in Ontario this morning, located by forest districts are follows: Sioux Lookout, nine; Kenora, five; Port Arthur and Geraldton, two each; Fort Francis and Kapuskasing, one each. During the past 24 hours, five fires were extinguished and one new fire RIO DE JANEIRO (CP) -- J. L, Gray, president of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, said today it is hoped large-scale atoinie stations for generating electricity will be operating in southern Ontario after 1965. Power would be produced at six inter-American symposium on the peaceful application of nu- clear energy. The paper was read for Dr. Gray in his absence. OTTAWA (CP) -- Sales of new motor vehicles in May were ow was covered with several forest fires are reported in d in a paper delivered to an compared with 55,646 in May today's elections at the 105th Con-} J , : Eo id o try to win the mid-western vocation of the Grand Lodge of ¢, 401i" ciates back to the fold. Canada in the Province of On- With this in mind, Nixon tario, AF and AM, were as fol. passed along to platform com- lows: mittee members his ideas for a : y |plank designed to convince the Grand Senior Warden, H. p Wilson, Toronto; Grand Junior Jarmets better days are ahead ; : ey vote Republican, Warden, J. R. Grant, Belleville; A Grand Treasurer, J. A. Hearn Representative Melvin R. Toronto: .Geand Registrar, D H Laird, vice-chairman of the plat- mast Bod csutear b. Bom" mien "iene Board of General Purposes: |tinuation of federal farm price D. J. Gunn, Toronto; M. C.| supports without setting any spe- Hooper, Toronto; J. A. Irvine,|cific level. London; F. Shannon, Barrie and| Laird predicted the plank will J. B. Sainsbury, Sault Ste. Marie.| express views differing from It 'was announced that W. C.|those of Agriculture Secretary Wakelin, a past master of St.|Ezra Benson. Benson wanst the John's Lodge, AF and AM Co-| government to get out of pricing] | bourg, has been elected and in-| matters and control of produc: stalled as district deputy grand |tion. i : master of Ontario District. | In their farm plank, the Dem:| | ocrats promised 90 per cent of : parity price supports for major Two Killed At Crossing crops. They also pledged expan- sion of foreign distribution of agricultural products. 'ORILLIA (CP) -- Two men were fatally injured Wednesday night when the car in which they NEGRO VOTE SOUGHT were travelling went out of con- | extended also to efforts to drafi|{ a civil rights plank satisfactory to Negroes. # Charles H. Percy, platform|: crashed, # |session' Wednesday that if Ne-|: Frank Readman, 35, an Orillia groes were guaranteed voting] garage proprictor, died at the rights and employers were en- scene and George Spearo, 30, a|couraged to end job discrimina- Nixon's interest in the platform trol il Fi) d | chairman, suggested in a visit to ro. on a raliway crossing and ihe civil rights sub-committee's tire salesman from Beaverton, tion, this might be the answer to formally charged today with at-| gence flights from bases in Japan {tempted murder and ordered to/over an extensive area of Asia, | trial in the Supreme Court. including Laos, Cambodia, Viet The 5 id defendant shot/Nam, Thailand, Communist | Verwoerd twice in the face April|China, the Soviet Union and 9 at the height of racial disturb- | North Korea. in pT rm |ances and violent Negro protests| 2. U.S. authorities, after remov- FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 | against Re apartheid racial pol-|ing thé planes from Japan earlier {icy of Verwoerd's government. this year, planned to reintroduce HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 I The prime minister recovered. !them secretly into Japan. PHONE NUMBERS RA 5-1133 POLICE last year, the bureau of statistics reported today. The vehicles -- 15,102 of them British or European-made -- were valued at $174,509,000, a 3.1 per cent increase from last year's $169,327,000, Search For Body TOBERMORAY (CP) -- Police today searched for the body of a 52-year-old Toronto business executive, whose clothes were e rights problem. * died shortly afterwards in hospi-| th tal. , While the platform work Police said the car bounced off ground ahead, some quiet efforts a rock wall after going out of| were being made to get Governor controt and then veered to the Nelson Rockefeller of New York| Theatre Manager Warren opposite side of the road. Spearo| to change his mind and take the| Wardwell tries in vain to free was thrown clear but Readman, vice-presidential nomination. He| Marsha Arntson, 12, who tried found Wednesday snagged on rocks near this community at the tip of Bruce peninsula. v ¥ the 'driver, was trapped in the|has said he would not accept it| : car. . Pe | "under any cireumstances» | to reach a candy bar stuck in or @ CAUGHT IN THE CANDY a vending machine. Her arm was caught almost to the shoul- der, She finally was released by a mechanic summoned by Wardwell, (AP Wirephoto) os