Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Jul 1960, p. 13

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A A a at A ad aa | She Osho Times Near Lindsa | SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1960 PAGE THIRTEEN | : : hed ! LINDSAY (Special) -- Many F h Sh friends and acquaintances attend-| 1S ow {ed the funeral of Harvey Earl| Dowson, 25, of Lindsay, who was| monty ied ins onecar ac 'T'y Faatyre |al service was conducted by Rev |Bruce Eaton, pastor of William a |Street Bapfist Church. Interment F 11 F |was in Zion Cemetery, Mariposa a all Township, : Dowson, a son of Mr, and Mrs. Deadly pirhanas from the Am- Gordon Dowson, 18 Hamilton |azon, alligators from the Florida |street, who was employed at/Everglades and an electric eel |General Motors, Oshawa, for siX|from the rivers of South Central | years, was killed outright when America will, be among the ex-| his high-powered, 1959 car left hibits to be shown by the Oshawal the road at a sharp turm two|district Aquarium Society as a| miles north east of Lindsay. special feature of Oshawa Fair| The vehicle plowed through the this year. | grass on what is known as the| Nearly 100 individual aquar-| {cheese factory triangle, turned jm. containing bizarre and over several times and the gjamorous kinds of fish with a driver was tossed from the car. j,i) value of nearly $10,000 will| He sustained severe head and so joysed in the main barn at ? J chest injuries. Alexandra Park for the first % ¥ 3 any Eb The other occupant of the car, aquarium exhibition ever to be i. 3 2 ARES |Queena King, of 112 Kent street held in the district. | NTARIO TEENAGERS AT CIVIL DEFENCE COURSE Rest Lipdes, Has miracion A) Peel, of cha and so. 0 escape. She suffered shock and ciety president J. Paterson of] | and other equipment they will | housemother; Miss Ruth Cooper, | awa; Charles Massey, Ottawa; abrasions. The car was complete- Whitby when making the proposal | attending the first Civil De- use during the two-week course London; Miss Jane Millington, | Kent Stiles, Oshawa; Thomas ly wrecked. _ [for the show to the Oshawa Fair| fence course for teenagers put which began Monday, July 18. Lynden: Miss Barbara Thomp- Hunt, St. Thomas. Fifty-nine | Acting Crown Attorney H. E. Board stated that it is hoped by on by the Canadian Civil De- From left to right rae: Maj.- son, Lynden and Miss Ruth specially chpsen high schoo Richardson stated that an in-! this means to attract new mem- fence College at Arnprior, Ont- Gen. M. H. S. Penhale, com- Nosal, Kitchener, Back row: students from British Columbia | quest will be held. The inyesti- bers to the newly formed society. | ario, are shown with their ac- mandant, Canadian -Civil De- George Horton, Milton; Robert to Newfoundland are attending. gating officers were Constables| There are now about 40 mem- companying housemother look- fence College; Mrs. Ivy Carr, Chatham; Darrell Small, (Photo courtesy of Department Dennis and Fitzpatrick. bers located in Oshawa, Whitby, ing over the rescue practice set | Alle mang, Galt, provincial | Ottawa; Richard Naudin, Ot- of National Health and Welfare ) Ajax, Darlington and Pickering. Ontario high school students didi cifitabiiise - i e----tssi-------- Interest in tropical fish breed-| i - : A : 3 ; | ing is growing and it is hoped Legion Group to prove by the show this year Gets Suspended lerm | Sie | play by the international associ- | " " ation, a. Wil da Y The fair board is of the opinion] F jf Assault nn onsta e { ; ; | that the aquariums will be of 0 a ; considerable interest to the younger folk, especiall school member of the Oshawa Golden consuming alcohol while under brought back to court and sen- z At Buffalo order ; y Hawks Motorcycle Club, Donald 21 years of age, the same night. fenced on the charge he is now i 4 Peter Wickin, 18, 283 Park road a ; facing : é { : Onsared 2 PROBATION TERMS ; . i " aan. 31 Shivelili " ; ; Jou, whe Sppesipg 2d irr he term of his probation is NOT AT CLAREMONT | ; LE Tee ath SUIuEl SONVSTION ot CELEBRATING GRIEF 1S REFLECTED in Saughter, Jasquelize, 9; Mrs. | awakened by smoke. All six ound guilty June 2 assa > ie hon atk agistr: ¥ ; : 7% the ] Atlantic 3 S I he : i 7ingon. e's twin, 4 . . ing a police officer, was Tues- that he must report to the proba- Y fen gked bs te ay ay i mand of the Canadian Legion will BIRTHDAYS ' te fates 9 tuis Ogave am Roane phi Hon my injury day placed on two years' sus- tion officer once each month." he as os ki ! TL | be held at the Hotel Durie, Buf-| ily: a few hours after fire | , yo. 0 the second floor of | by jumping from the roof of Gil om . . <. Wors als ap he ac- C'aremo ast nd, S "a . falo, N.Y., Sept. 23, 24, 25, spon- i . : $ Li § A > pended sentence when he ap. Hi ig Bip alse Wal ned | ound aid he was not "antl there were pid by Vimy Post USA 96 Pol © Congratulations and best | razed their Queen street home | the house when the blaze, of | the front porch which they peared before Magistrate R. B. cused, i a a "tory. he Rould pe only two of our boys up there, i 3 the Ladies Auxiliary. wishes to the following resi- | early Wednesday morning. | undetermined origin, broke out. | reached from second - floor Baxter to be unsatisfactory, he not 18 or 20 like they say there " ; Subjects to he brought up of dents of Oshawa and district | They are, left to right, Allan | They were aroused by another = bedroom windows. Wiskin was charged with as- called before the court again and as." 3 fi | who are celebrating birth- | Vinson; his son, Donnie, 4%; | daughter, Gloria, 16, who was | --Oshawa Times Photo saulting Town Constable Les the privilege of belonging to the wa genera] interest will be command | days today | ' " p Crown Attorney Harry R. Dey- ? a rlininati : , : i Yrinard a . 3 ia reve! lub could be re h al . o articipation in the eye bank, re 3 Bor 3 oni Ricard after town and Provincial motoreycle clu man, QC, asserted this was the | [Bar benefits for Canedien Debbie Carswell, 19 Nassau Police raided a West Beach cot- voked. | a § street: Ronnie Mclndless, 283 ® [] ag} Op kind of matter which comes be- | ritish v ans living in the 3 tage and broke up a drinking] He was told if he gets into any aE os off Baldwin avenue; Mis, Fred 111SOoI ami Ithe five Canadian Legion Com Bartlett, 44 Brock street sag party June 25 further trouble during the time fore the cout with Waich be os 2 ks --. 4 ; very reluctant to go alo | 4 i eas Wiskin was also charged with/he is on probation, he could be : E | Gi mands in the United: States Joni Penfound, 308 Eucli Sard -- eS i : street. Whitby; Peter Dean, -- | probation 4 His Worship said he felt anyone) WOooDS MANAGER | A sidelight of the convention gg (Oghawa blvd. north: will. be a tour of the Niagara| J ® . hd who assaults a police officer or) Harry Morrison, 106 Burk nn C Buil interferes with him in any way, Glen W. Mundy, son of the Falls power project, with a stop- street : Mrs Helen Morrison O oO air esl £ £ 1 Y : while he is doing his duty, should ste Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. lover to visit the falls, 1 ke fom h t Fellick Lane; Mrs. Sheila El ve punished and punished se- Mundy, of Oshawa. who took | As in all previous conventions,| liott 519 Palace street. Whit- . ® verely. He said A view of Se over his duties as woods man- | the highlight will be the comman-| by: Bernice Rouse, 89 Oshawa Mr, and Mrs. Allan Vinson,| "I'll never live in a two- whole tragedy and can not under. |circumstances in the pas €| ager with the Smooth Rock |der"s ball, to be held Saturday| Bivd., north; Eleanor Vinson, whose home at 95 Queen street storey hous ain i a 3 Relief Sewers {would grant probation this time. Falls division of the Abitibi |evening. Sept. 24, in hotel ball-| 497 Farewell avenue; Mrs. |was gutted by fire early Wednes- Soe i on 2 agen ¥ 1 oon Yelp stand why they are not at home. - =~ pee | Pulp and Paper Co. on June 1. room. Early returns show it is| Murray Stacey, 152 Brock |day morning, are living with Mr, It" 16 year-old Gloria Vicoon/, Jacqueline, When agked host Construction of three relief, A new general policy on sani Mr. Mundy was formerly assist- |likely to be a sellout streel east; Patricia Mathie, |and Mrs. James Hull, 657 Gib- ol The Dshawg Times Wadnes hin Ki y made me real sewer lines in the south-eastern tary sewers may be forthcoming Check Status | ant woods manager. A graduate A very large turnout is expect- 172 Easthaven; Robert Beam- |bons street. The Oshawa Branch gay; after ) er Fates Suse 2 rik SM vi : till section of the city will begin in With discussions still going on, a of the OCVI, Mr. Mundy is |ed from the neighboring legion ish, 570 Ridgeway avenue; |of the Canadian Red Cross So- Queen street ha een gutted . an rs. Vinson were sti January, 1961. Two others have report will be made at a- later | well known here. branches in Canada Ellen Kucherik, 262 Conant: |ciety is planning to supply the by fire early Wednesday morn-|very upset. They lost all their already been completed in the date, Of Licence oi - ------ Mrs. Marjory Soltys, Rossland amily with clothing and oiler 88, the. i hE | Possessions Jn Me ye 4 Taco " | BW SENSIS: road west: Ivy Schr. necessities. sloria was th irst to 3 Hillorols apd, Taylor, avenue a ee vais from 7 vd TOL LPp CONSERVATION BODY | 103d Wes! YY Schrader, ik Mr. Vinson hopes to move back awakened by 0 thas Ml Mr. Vinson went back for and a areas. aad "ost OF" 3451060 Bhaltespe re Svante to 'Cadillac BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A | remo, 42 Garside, Brooklin. into the Queen street house if it and called the rest of her family. Purse of Gloria's which <he found Ww aha innate 1962 NE beiure TT i from case volving a charge of cere: > The first five persons to in- can be repaired. However, he She also helped her sister. Jac-| after the fire. bt 4 es ihe Wilson road south to Cadillac Io driving nst 2 Oshiana) form The Oshawa Times of |thinks it will be at least a couple queline, 9, and her twin brothers, The purse, which was on the AGGRAVATED BY RAINS avenue; Cadillac avenue, from .¢ Oe hei ( oncerne t their birthdays each day will |of months before this work can Ronald and Donald 4, to safety. (Kitchen table, was damaged but 4 AV! a as , : wid receive double tickets to The |be completed. | The twins are puzzled by the|the wallet inside was still alright, Need for these sewers was Crerar avenue to Olive avenue. adjourned by Magistrate R. De 3 shown by this spring's heavy| Estimated cost is $13,090; these Baxter until Aug. 2 to check the Regent Theatre, good for a onli A cnc ars " ee ug. 2 ty check four - week period. Th a . | Funai sgzsvaied by Jinusually Sewers will parallel existing sew Satis of Murree's driver's li- Public Apathy ren attraction is 'South or, Convertibles AT PORT PERRY Works Chairman Walter R. 2) Shakespeare avenue, from Murree after pleading . guilty Reports irthdays wi % iy a f 3 ports on birthdays will be Branch Wilson road south to Addison y "tno" parse said he thought ; ~ . Ss : : a . received only between the H Many city homeowners com- street, south on Addison and yp. oc already ace at .. BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- turned us down, or whether they iyec. : ) y DO er onc y tv Farowell: sireet he has already accumulated sev Three recommendations will be were objecting to spending hours of 8 am. and 10 a.m. Ie ncreasin eo £ oC ey plained of flooded en demerit points against his \ A » One man said his basement had This will provide relief for jj.ence F Pe submitted to the Central Lake $50,000," he sad Rn 1 H --_-- TY Thi fo, a food six times in the Wilson road and Dean avenue ly i ris Ontario Conservatory Authority | Mrs. Burns said Whitby feels ™ I P ] t Yoox Fwy oy sanitary sewers, at an estimated | H ig od the care, X yown At by its public relations advisory|that a proposal like Scheme One S awa alr n g 3 an 3 Three deputations. showed up cost of $30,050. orney Harry R. Deyman, QC, poapq should be a government respon- : ; wee 1 i 1 1 1 l hre ta v said, his licence will automatic- Mrs. Joyce Burns. a Whithy]sibility. . Convertibles are increasing in al one city council meeting, all 3) Farewell street, from Dean ally be suspended by the minister : iti ini : : : | with the same complaint back- avenue to Emerson avenue, at an gp She If not. he would representative, sugges ted the! She said it is her opinion the popularity with Canadian motor- i '] - : : : ed up and overloaded sewers de- estimated cost of $3820. recommend His Worship suspend board recommend to the author- Youle being Sycamore by ae In Ontario (ists judging by an 11 per cent g, MRS. CHARLES H. REESOR riner. Joe Fowler, who has coach- -------- adsl - ity that tours be arranged for authority is due to the require [increase in sales of 1900 SORAOD|- DORT PERRY Fon. Dr. MIST 16 ool as oivoe be Toon Murree's licence s A p i y OPP Constable' R. S. Diamond representatives of service clubs, changes ia personnel {models over 1959, reported today pp Satar) 7 tion as a Peewee team, was also said he was driving in his own and another tour for members of| GREEN MEMBERS = , by General Motors of Canada, >: Dymond, Ontario minister of; ocented "with a jacket, while S awa oup e car July 9 and as he neared the councils be arranged i "We have seven new members alls 1d Sales of 1960 model GM conver- health told a dinner meeting here| cul president Barry Howey was corner of King and Brown streets; It was recommended that field on council since joining the au- [tibles will exceed 6000, twice the that he hoped a government-| given an individual trophy for his he waited to make a right turn. (officer J T. McCaulley meet with| thority, and they are all as green number sold in 1957. DIO A OEY sim. Work with the club. * ) As he was waiting to make the!A. W. Rundle, chairman of the|as grass as far as this thing is Jack Hunter and George Jack The company said that the Sponsored Sports program, si Also present at the head table V 1s1t Lon on furn he heard "a loud roar com-|Oshawa - Westmount Kiwanis concerned," she said son, of the Oshawa Lawn Bowling highest proportion of its conver- a t hat n De in Czecho- was Gordon Hawes, district rep- ing from the east." He waited|club agriculture and conservation) with the resignations of au-/Club, won their way into the On-|tibles in relation to other types|Siovatia, Would be introduced resentative of the OMHA. as the car rounded a slight/committee, to arrange a forum- thority chairman William Owens tario Provincial Lawn Bowling|of GM cars is sold in the Toronto into Ontario. By M. McINTYRE HOOD ther conditions and a little too curve, at what he estimated "in type conservation meeting and advisory board member J.|Association finals in the round-|area, followed by the Montreal, He was speaking at a testimon- . Special London, England, much rain they have horpusily excess of ghey §Poeds ang Mr. McCaulley said he discuss- Harvey Winter, it will be neces- Tobin games Wednesday at Pe-|London and Vancouver areas in jal dinner staged by She A C clist Hurt "orrespondent to enjoyed their stay in the arch- veered to the left" then he turned ed such a meeting with Mr. sary to appoint two new mem-|terborough that order. er of Commerce, the Lion's Y Ci Teepone Times deacon's home country. his car and followed the vehicle Rundle, who feels the club would bers to the public relations ad-! The Oshawa pair, who won the| | Club and the Port Perry branch LONDON Two very wel- , For the past three days, they to a service station at the west pe willing to sponsor a meeting| visory board. ; district title here Monday night,|in the Colts Trebles competition of the Canadian Legion to honor I C 1li . come visitors arrived at my of-|1ave been in London, visiting ol of town : of this kind "to let the general] Chairman Dent, when discuss-|defeated the Ottawa representa-|also lost out. The team made up Port Perry Juvenile ""C" hockey n 0 1S10n fice today, two old friends from| Some of the historic places in the : When he pulled alongside the public see the authority in| ing the board's 1960 budget said|tives by a score of 27 to 12 in of Bob Gallagher, James Missett club, winners of the OMHA cham- Oshawa. They were the Vener- capital. When they came along car, P( Diamond said, the driver | action." there is still about $500 remain-|their first game. They lost their and Ernie Rundle, lost to Kings-| Pionship last winter. Barry Couture, 13-year-old son don at Ms. HD. Fleet street to my office, they 2Ppeared to be going to make al "pq chairman Ernie Den t,|ing of the $950 set aside for pub-|uext game to Tottenham by a|{on by a score of 22 to 17: won| Jack Roxborough, president of of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Couture, Cleverdon, over here for a five Fore on ole av on, fool, io ve turn and go back through ono "caid the authority should|lic relations. He pointed out an|score of 18 to 15 and defeated |from Brockville by 25 to 11 and the Canadian Amateur Hockey 7 Wentworth street west, es- weeks' visit to the United King- a A Ale Rt a He advistdithe aceqsed he 2et down to a more practical amended levy, excluding the cost Trenton in the final game at a|dropped their third games by Association was present with his saped With Tinor Uses ties dom and Italy Danes, the official Royal Air would be charged with careless Dasis on conservation. He said a of Scheme One, will be sent to|25-to-11 margin. {27 to 5 to Tottenham. wife to present the Roxborough ® Lay mocked off his bicycle Six years ago we had been fel- = LF RT Yous he thay 1 careless oogram of education should belthe member municipalities. | The rinks competition was won ; . 1.| Trophy to the team. and thrown 22 feet by an automo- Force Church, which was opened driving and told him to take his set up showing what ccnserva. Mrs. Burns said the: authority hy a Trenton rink. Frank Keller! In the singles event Dick Mr. Roxorodsh. stoke of hi bile Wednesday evening at the in- 1 year ago alter its restoration. car home ion can do in the municipal.|has only had one meeting with and his Oshawa rink an tao F|Adams, of Whitby, was topped Mr. Roxorough spoke of his iersection of Simcoe and Went t 'was ohe of the churches de g on can do in the municipa em meng wn and prs Oshawa rink won two of by James Grainger, of Rich- tour with the Czechslovakian| worth streets. stroved in the German air raids ity. ol if The had Sy ond: their three games but the Tren- mond Hill, who will represent team through Ontario, and sug-| This was the second accident of 1941. Pi k . M NOT SURE ; n T 2 ton team had a better record. In Ka Ontario. in th .| gested that a sports program such ro Canada by air. and wer eho r ius : : } § 3 meeting with the other councils. {pair first oa Collor ping leastern Ontario in the Ontario : of this kind on Oshawh 'streets tram Conada by air, and were!" after their visit to London, they of 1C. ering an MT wot Mure whether Whe ae ich te Oiler Taancils, their fivst gave the Keller rikles as that financed by the Czech|(upin® ine' bact two days. looking forward to their first jeave for Milan Italy and : An y 4 lost to Trenton by a score of 20 |government would curb juvenile : 5 1: a ar 4 . : GL A Go councils were just rejecting our have a til a re i bs " ki | 3 i i ay Bar ii fl'zht in a jot airliner when they from there plan to travel down 3 J Je! our| have to wait until another chair-l.," 14" They won their next two| Adams lost to Grainger in the delinquency here. He congratu-|p, Jarry told police he was riding return to Canada some two weeks the coast to Rome and Naples Hurt In Toronto Proposed Scheme One when thoy man is appointed. (games by 18 to 14 and 20 to 15|first game by 21 to 14. In his jated the team on its fine per- 8% 2 Siete vest 1 hence visiting some of the churches er rincourt and Brockville, | second game Adams won 21 {0 formance as he presented captain which had just turned red For the past weeks, Archdea- and cathedrals of that country. Squires, 26, of Guild road, Pick- respectively. The Keller rink 19 | Doug MacMillan with his trophy.| "he driver of the car was con and Mrs. Claverdon have been We had an interesting chat ering, was admitted to the To- R comprised - H. Whiteley, vice:| The Ontario finals will be play-| Sponsors of the dinner also pre- Harry Van Belle RR 3, Bow- visiting relatives in the western about Oshawa and mutnal friends ronto. General Hospital Wednes Jack Piatti, second and Grant ec on the greens of the Balmy sented jackets to members of the | manville. counties of KEnzland, and renew- there, hut, because of their tight day night suffering from facial Murray, lead Beach Club in Toronto on Satur- team including manager Al Police said there was no light op ing old acquaistanceships there. schedule, their visit was all too injuries The Os} trio taking partiday, July 30 { i : ' "0 wkop rainer Gar rar. i In spite of rather uncertain wea- short Mrs. Squires was informed of Has | ar e E I \ir ------ -- -- ii i Sing: Cornet Nov ue ode, the accident and learned that her husband may be released from : - \ » Heav Dama e hospital today Nearly 100 children descended |ious parks compete against each any oin Y g Details of the accident, which upon north Oshawa in the Con-|other in all types of individual occurred at the Rosedale section naught Park area as the CRA and team sports and games. 0 0 aCCo of Toronto, are lacking Parks Program: Walking Mara-| The next events on this pro- -- ------------- thon took place yesterday even- gram will he a beatnik party at . - Local Unions LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Hun . | ing. er : Eastview Park. a doll and buggy | dreds of tobacco crops were Drunk Given ss Teams of five from each of the | show and a bike rodeo at King- 2 ; . heavily damaged and many de {22 parks participated in the race, | side, a hobo day at Beatrice Col- The Building and Construction stroyed Tuesday night 'when a each accompanied by a leader fo} pus and a wiener roast at Run- Trades Council of Oshawa held freak hail storm swept across Three Months Supervise and to see that nobo: Y dle. ther a ser { orgs ¥lgin, Middlesex and Norfolk broke the rules by running. On Friday four of the parks ar. an r In a series of organiza a The teams were each given a : b parks are counties Charles W. Carlson, of no fixed number of envelopes at the start. | holding pet shows. On view at Insurance - officials said be- address, whose record of liquor | o point, with clues in them giv-| North Simcoe, Radio, Kingside : tween 259 and 300 claims for erop convictions, dating back to 1947, | ino directions to 'various centres and Northway Court Parks will meeting was largely attended damage were expected, 70 per fills a page and a half in police|iose to Connaught Park One of |P€ anything from cars and dogs to James J. Black, regional direc- cont .of which would probably files, complained to Magistrate, hose was the "key station. at tadpoles and skunks. tor of the building trades depart. come from the Courtland and ¥. S. Ebbs today because he is|which the racers received a new| On Monday night the CRA Ld, ment; Albert Hull, secretary- Langton areas of Middleton not considered an alcoholic set of envelopes directing them |drama group will be presenting treasurer of the provincial build. Township Convicted for the fifth time(to the next district. its first production of the sum. ing trades; Harold Weller, inter- Other hard - hit areas were Within the last year for being| In the fourth district reached mer, "The King's Cream Puff". national vice-president of the North Dorchester, Aldhorough, drunk in public he was sentenced in this manner, upon presentation |The performance, which starts Lathers' Union and 11 represepta- North Walsingham and Bothwell this morning fo three months, in! of a password, they were given|at 7.30 p.m. in the CRA auditor: tives of local union vere the townships jail the clues which would lead them ium will have 11 children taking speaker ; Carlson told the magistrate to the finish line part in it. The production will be lov-passe s on the Cunard liner Franconia when returning trom a holiday in Britain, This time, however. they had travelled tional meetings at the Steelwork Hall Tuesday night. The NOTED PREACHER that provincial penal authorities| Roving judges were on hand in| complete with costumes and scen-| f ol 4 gt \ . GR ' 3 3 Dr. John Sutherl: 3oanc!l. would not y he *'cfre" rr distriptc alify [ery desig ; a y y is bali ine iota their aed hn Sutherland Bon ! him the "cfire" all four districts to disqualify ery designed and made up by the Ping the soe en native of Dover, P.E.l.. and min- treatment } use: he Ww ny teams which ran instead of arts and crafts group C S SC 00 G E 8 ( AD ES RE Phe of Boer BEL and mi. Chm tpt ke a FRENCHMAN'S BAY SCHOOL GRADE 8 GRADUAT Jue ' 4 he f non dy forin M r iv y * ; no T™ g furth 20 ne ne i a Presbyterian Church, is giving a S50 you have been out trying The walking marathon is an an. performance of Mother Holle be Graduates of Frenchman's | Simpson, teacher; Suzanne Sza- | and principal M..C. Inrig. Back | Brown, Timothy Barlow, Reu- urther m cting d on 13-week series of radio addresses to prove it quipped the magis- nual event of the CRA Parks Pro-|fore the end of July and as well : road Non) . W : i > ben Williams "Alex Olophant Tuesday, Aug. 9, : p.m. in the, July 3 on NBC, each Sunday at trate. His Worship said he would gram, and marks the beginning|/as a play in August have also Bay roac ciool Grade 8, | blenski, Ann Thompson, Mary | row: Robert Fertile, Wayne and Tony Salt Steelworkers' Hall. 10:05 a.m. EDT. |recommend the treatment. lof the festival in which the var-/been planned. | front row from left, are; B.! Beth McClement, Ellie McKay | Rooney, Bryan Skitch, Robert --Photo by Barrie Pomeroy A larze number of those attend

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