Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 6 Jul 1960, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Waednessay, July #, 178% CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) | WHITBY AND DISTRICT | Juveniles Score (Road Construction 110 MPH Chase Ends |Win Over Fergus Ao. oft Muskeg The McQuay and Kidd Juven- concentrated more on lacrosse In Three Charges rency -- "preconsolidation" and ing down. Delicate instruments iles won their first game of the with referee Jerry Ravary hand-| "The officer had to run for his "surcharge. |detect such shifts and the sur |current campaign Monday night, ing out only three penalties and : |after getting off to a shaky start) this session Whitby outscored By PETER BUCKLEY life when the car got there," said Preconsolidation of peat means|charge is added a little at a PC Barton, who said that the car {squeezing water out and packing time. S0--Articles For Sale l ; -- -- -- |50--Articles For Sale Rawleigh taree speed | -- re - 3-9888. 250 Athol GENDRON twin carriage, silver grey, converts to stroller, excellent condition Telephone RA 14. ONE man's racer bieycle, $55. RA East DOMINION Appliances (a division | Beatty Bros.) now sold at Paddy's ONE Gurn Market, H to line of i appliances at hard to beat prices. CO! fax 3-2241 A Seagrave district youth, whol police claim raced pursuing cruis- "ers at speeds up fo 110 mph through eight townships, was Tuesday remanded in custody for, one week for sentence on a charge of criminal negligence Ross Norman Clement, 19, of RR 2, Seagrave, pleaded guilty to the charge before Magistrate F. S Ebbs in Whitby police court. Clement also pleaded guilty to two charges of theft of gasoline. PC Cy. Barton, of the Whitby Detachment of the OPP, said that at 12.25 a.m. on June 30 he had spotted a car parked on High- way 12 near Greenbank. He said that he pulled in behind this car to check it and as he did so the 1957 model car pulled away to the {SUNSHINE rangette; two step tables; oom ODE coffee table; two table lamps; natural finish, | hostess chair, Like new. Reasonable TWO large size cribs, ? i {Apply 242 Cadillac South one P tt RA 3-2700 ONE rangette automatic oven timer,|cash. Telephone MO very good condition; alse one two- after 7 p.m. burner oil range. RA 5.5524. PICTURE "window, ONE heavy duty Moffat range, 40 x 24. best offer. Phone RA BA Hak Telephone RA 5-9289 after 3 P.M. ___|GIRL'S bicycle, $20; new Austin wheel EIGHT - piece wrought iron chair- and tite, size 525 x 16, two 15" Chev. table set. with magazine racks, ideal wheels, parts for "48 Chev. Dial RA for rec. room or cottage, $35 Sis Jiece 3-2997. W Se _ ghrome ei, Yellow Sais, $20. Phone | UDI0 couch, fairly good condition, » - - ------ 315, Phone RA 5-0305 before 3 PIANO, Bell, very good condition. 261} ~-- _ TE , -- Marquette Avenue, RA 3-7714 ONE used Frigidaire refrigerator, range. Apply 239 Montra ~ KENMORE electric stove, Sant Phone RA pnd a ; i i months old, one § ft. Frigidaire refrig- Tar cr. a a north at a high rate of speed, with . iti 5072, ONE Kelvinator refrigerator, $35, also i . Stator, Both food wondition BA 3.397 one Frigidaire, $65. Longboys antique the lights out. He said that the = ee -- | bed, $35. Whitehall 2.4126, driver nearly rolled his car in the 21" HALICRAFTER slightly Je Vi take off i her, $45; two- ET SR oh rh $35 RA 3.7584 after| HOMER piano and bench sxcellent He said that he followed the es- 5 pm condition, medium size, walnut, best caping car through Blackwater RN - re wt | offer, Telephones RA" 5-9734 > A TWO davenports, ramge, stove fo here em pe-- - ---- and Sunderland at speeds in ex other household articles. 11 tar 8-832 sales pet, Aja r RA 31 * paulins, sleeping bags, Srcel. Am nd rentals. Oshawa Hardware d came -- a 1413' MAROGANY Nipissing boat, 1959. Electric, 8 Church Street. RA 3 72 Church Street ree i FOUR burner propane gas Call RA 5-4129. oer |ONE, nearly new, deep freeze, $200 8-5707, Whitby, in. by 68 in 820 lin the first period. The Realtors their opponents 7-2 to give them a| Canadian Press Staff Writer made a strong comeback after|10-9 lead in the game. Whitby] VICTORIA (CP) -- British Col- t-ailing 14 to 10 with less than scorers in this period were Holli-umbia's highways department is stot, past the block at YW amphh.{.°C. Winutes remaining. in heiday witn a paif and singles west walking In where angels might the peat more tightly before the| It is also difficult to predict Another road block was set yp game is : ; ob Moore, Camel, SAMICErS, ie 2 seriss of bold A i highway is built over it. how much surcharge will be ear Omermes, he said. and: the n the first period Whitby set Adams and Gray. i series old experiments.| To preconsolidate it, the de-| needed to squash the peat so if car passed this one without los. UP Fersus for seven goals with aj In this period the tempo of the ihe department is building sec: partment decided on a surcharge. doesn't sink further beneath ing speed. Along highway 7, he|T2sh of penalties, seven all told.|game picked up and it looked as tions of super - highway across(For example, on a highway tolheayy traffic. Laboratory and said, he clocked the ar at Campbell was chased three|if the game could go either way|Wide areas of soggy muskeg. It|run three feet above the bog sur-ifield tests are useful there, say speeds ranging ironi 80 to 110 mes, all for slashing; Gray was at this point. could save B.C, taxpayers up 10|face, dirk and gravel or other filllthe engineers 2 mph. {in the cooler twice, and Cook In the third stanza Fergus $100,000 a mile of highway. |is placed to a height of 11 feet. ; |served time for having too came out fast and scored five un-| Bert Wilkins, head of highways|After about a month, when the| The type of ground beneath the LOST CONTROL many men on the floor, and at answered goals and it appeared|research and development for|peat has settled as far as it's (Peat is also a problem. In one The car then turned south on the 19-minute mark of the first the visitors were once more in thethe B.C. government, said in an|likely to--in this case, probably road job near Maillargville, en Highway 133, he said, and pro- period, Koster was banished for driver's seat. However coach Les|interview the department is "fol-|close to three feet--the extra Sheers found soft clay beneath ceeded south to Bewdley, on High- high sticking Moore kept pushing his boys and lowing rather an empirical ap-|five feet of fill is removed andl. cct of peat. Instead of heavy way 28, south of Peterborough. At! Fergus took advantage of these with less than five minutes to 0/proach to the problem." the pavement laid, That extrallis some eight feet of sawdust Bewdley, he said, the driver lost penalties with Redwood (a seven Holliday scored twice and Ronnie] That's another way of saying|iive feet is the surcharge. {will be placed beneath the high control of his car and it spun!Zoal scorer for the night) scor- Moore fired three" Quick goals|helpful textbooks are scarce, The| On the Maillardville section [way pavement so the soil doesn't around a tree. ing four times, Brown scoring (the last with less than 25 sec- department conducts its own ex-|the highway is generally to pe Shift under the dead weight of The driver abandoned his car iwice and Patterson once for the owls remaining) to give the periments, using its findings to|six feet above the peat surface the highway, there, said PC Barton and took off visitors. Whitby jumped to an locals a well earned 15-14 victory. launch private contractors across/but will have to climb to 25 feet How long will it take before the on foot. He was apprehended at| early lead in the first with Cook Gord. Holliday and Ronnie pe beds of muskeg or peat. |above the surface for an over. highways engineers learn how 6 a.m. by an officer from the Co-|scoring unassisted at 1.25, then Moore were the top marksmen 8 FEET DEEP head crossing planned at one Well the gamble has paid off? bourg Detachment of the OPP, He at 11.03 Holliday beat Ronalds for Whitby, each scoring five| "jt's strictly a matter of eco- point, | "We'll probably be studying said that accused had admitted he and at 13.10 Moore scored from .imes. Wagg played a steady nomics," Mr. Wilkins explained.| If the surcharge is added atithose particular highway sections was the driver. Holliday game in the nets and in all iti "In building a highway there one fell swoop, the peat is likely [for up to 20 years to see how they In reply to questions by 'acting At this point the game was fair- was a good team effort with the are a lot of factors to be consid-|to shift like jelly, instead of pack-|stand up," said Mr, Wilkins Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck, ly even, then came several Whit: boys giving their all. ered besides the actual cost of! -- ee mer eee ro 2 id i PC Barton said that . ie had by penalties and the first period With this victory under their the road itself. There is the ques: | chased the ear through Omemee ended 7-3 in favor of Fergus. belts the boys will have a great tion of the best possible use of| Id CUBIC foot freezer, white with | colored interior. Phone RA 57547 or y 288 Guelph Street one Ha Ue. |WINE chesterfield, in good eondition 69. and - Brock TENTS camp stoyes, camp cols, lanterns, cess of 90 mph. 4 {CLOCKED AT 10 AWNINGS (ch Est Toa thout The car turned east on High- lA NTA canvas). Estimates without ~~ SE . stove, obligation, Write Wm. Cressman, RR 3, Way 7, towards Lindsay, said PC good condition, $20. ). | Uxbridge. Phone Port Perry, YU 5.7572. Barton, and was clocked going SAB large, for sale, god COM- (corr ye Li rer We'll buy it. Re. dOWND one hill at 110 mph. Telephone RA 35-6736 or aPPLY gigerators, s pianos, He said that he called for assist- hurch Street. stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con-/ance and a road block was set ale, box trailer, licences and tac' 19 Prince Street ne RA 8-1131 Poche Ove i good tires, Call MO 8-3870 CERIN Ooiwe Ast SL up at Taylor's Corners, west of Er jLESYY a kitchen suites | Lindsay, with one lane blocked officer standing in the USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. room, dinette, bedroom, cab- and an call : call other lane with a red flashlight B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA piano, stove, refrigerator, mirror, GOODRICH Stor tires, bat. inet, sink combination, sacrifice K : after 6, 133 Cadillac north vinator refrigerators, tele- TT vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 35-4543. JOHNSON 5% h.p. outboard motor with ONE new wool hardtwist rug 6'9°x9, tank, bamboo fly rod, reel and acces- champagne, one oriental rug 6'9"x9, sories RA 5-563. =~ = maroon, one full size bed complete, ome | VACY'T'M cleaner. repairs, all makes, In Whitby Magistrate's Court on Tuesday a Whitby man was found guilty of impaired driving by Magistrate Frank Ebbs. Products of the | Originally charged with driv- small dresser. RA 38-5984 parts, attachments, brushes, guaran best quality ot the best ling while intoxicated, Robert £, Equip 3. Gold (8p.) 4. Dampens 5. Midwestern state 6. Gay 7. Chills and fever 8. Ponder 9. Zodiac sign 31. Compass point teries badge 36. Golfer'scry 42 Sn) ~ 7. Petty 43. Mat quarrel beverage SALE Those representing various Aluminum at speeds over %0 mph and was gETTER LACROSSE deal more confidence in them-|the land, of the mileage involved | not gaining. He said that the car! yy (he second the two teams selves and should be tough to|;.d of the cost of the land." ACROSS went through the village of Oak- - beat from now on | The chief proving ground fog LF . 4 wood at 110. Next Home Same of the _-- the experiments will be a fou i ohh y 3 Quay and Kidd Juveniles is Mon- jane gection of the Trans-Canadal" ! FATHER'S CAR - day, July 11, whien they entertain Highway at Maillz sa sap.| 5 Mohame Tai ighway at Maillardville, a sub. meda perused told the ou that the high flying Mimico entry, urb of Vancouver where bogs! op his Ee he was driving was same time 8.30. stretch for about a mile with| ¢ French river ms lather s car \ ---- y : peat as dee 5 18 feet, Magistrate Ebbs asked accus- tu Tou y Pater K op as eet . 10. Haile il' tather it be tf ht | u. Peter Kiewit and Sons of Can- Selassie's nde 1a pd : ae: thougat ue son ailed 10 Da S ada Limited, a Vancouver con. title V as rying to commit suicide. CI | struction firm, landed the $1,184 -| 32 It looks like it," replied the : Disease of 00k: 2. ref ¢ 0 1S1 000 contract and the section is Ive father. The accused offered no ex- L Ll . . expected to he } . y anaio for the rue wham riving Count "gcc. be insied meiyear 38 frock Gates e------------ a EE EY be ) art g y 4 ) " y y M CABIN cruiser, $995, brand new, 16' teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free On the gasoline theft charges, TORONTO (CP)--An Ontario building highw ov ppro at 0 " Layity 16. Kind of sign cruiser, Nelson craft with fiber glass Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv Mr. Affleck read a statement °Verseas marketing study group! pound guilty of driving while A ba over peat ini M. Gold (her) language bottom and roof, Mahogany deck ard ice. RA 8.0591 anytime. : taken by police from accused in|VDich is to visit the United King- j,ioxicated in Whithy Police the past has been simple--don't.| 36, Evening 38. Flat-bottom trim foam rubber upholstery. Whitby) CHESTERFIELD suite, dinette suite i . 'ldom this fall will be comprised s ' PEAT I8 SHIFTY parties boat County Sports, Brock Street North, bedroom suite, other household ar which he said that he had driven] ." bers. Agric . Court, an Oshawa man: was sen- | Where the peat bed wa all, | 17. Fish v Wilthy, _______|ticles, Telephone OL 35-4829 into the Marine Supply service . mem hers, griculture Min- tenced to 10 days in the County, asd pea and rs a Ny i 19. Before PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon tation north of Brooklin and had ster Goodfellow announced Tues- jail and had his car impounded |, *@% ¢ug out and Ihe Aol 20. Negative 21, Away All colors. Guaranteed flat, gloss asked 'the attendant to. fill the 4 for six months filled, but larger bogs were usy- | vote Suara rir 3.7624 Elterric, tank. Then, said thé statement, Frank Finn, 21, of RR 3, Osh. (ally by-passed. Even small roads 31. Smell : FALLACE Vacuum Service, all ma he had driven away without pay. Commodity groups are awa, pleaded not guilty to the built. over. peat lave almost in-| 32. Half an am parts a Hachmtns, iri fia ing for the $4 worth of gasoline James Simpson of Barrie, gen- charge. variably sunk and heaved after 23. Cebine teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. prices, fully guaranteed Simpson, 28, of 608 Anderson |....ived ibd eral manager of the Eirst Co- In giving evidence, PC James 2 short time beneath the weight monkey Rintals | Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser! Double hung windows only street, Whitby, was fined $200 and In the statement he admitted operative Packers, for fhe meat Hooker of the Whitby Police of the roadway and traffic 26. Prefigures i Ed --_-"a __| $18. Call now {was banned for driving on Cana- , Groiia oacoline theft from a Products industry; C. N. Heath Dept, stated that on Saturday,| The B.C. work will undoubtedly 2. Young fish NINGS, plain colors or gay stripes. | Y Thwave . va RPS 5 \ . wretar 3 p p 'as / y . | 30. BN Oy Lymer Aluminum Co. {dian highways for three years. | eo. ino station in Saintfield when 2. Tillsonburg, secretary of the June 18, at 12.04 a.m. he was |be followed with interest else 2 a her now for early delivery. Chair and table RA 8-5385 In giving evidence Sgt. Clifford} "oon ood oh oit $3.50 worth of © ue-Cured Tobacco Marketing cruising along Dundas St. W. where, Muskeg covers 10 per | 3L Eve's rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North Partington of the Whitby Po- gasoline » Board, and Walter Scott of the when he saw a car approach him|cent of Canada and is a major husband ONE chesterfield suite, one apartment| lice Dept. stated that on Friday wes noted in. the driving federal agriculture experimental at a rapid speed and in an er-|problem in some other countries, | 32. Fastener size refrigerator, one kitchen set. oc-| SEE HOME APPLIANCES May 6 he investigated an acci- |. oe tha TiVIDg | Giation, Harrow, for tobacco; ratic manner. He said that he The difficulty is in the nature| 33: Tibetan ox casional tables, one automstic washer, .. ¢harge that the offence of criminal}. 1: I : ned | "ar around 1 8 ie hid 34. Re 40" range. OL 5-3846. OSHAWA LTD. dent on Dundas street west which negligénce had vecutred in Charlie McNaughton, Progressive turned his car around and stop-iof peat. It is shifty and unpre. ®% "epays "5% 12 HP outboard motor, like new. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH involved two cars Reach ant Brock: townshi : Conservative member of the leg- ped the car % mile west of Rag-|dictable, filled with moisture and ments RA 5.9865 BE : E He said that the accused's car Ontario pond vg vl PS Iniglature for Huron, for grain and|lan St. loosely - packed debris, and as | 38. Girl's CBS Columbia television, blond finish) FOR FRIGIDAIRE was in the ditch and that the ac-i) d Emily & Mariposa. |forage crop seeds; George Mc-| He said that the accused was|weak as a kitten in supporting nickname with doors, looks like new. one vear SALES AND SERVICE cused smelled strongly of alcohol. |; °° pi iy y fownistiips 10 Vic- (Laughlin of Beaverton, for dairy|unsteady on his feet when he was weight, 40. Decorate A I try 7 Bo vomestic and Commercial He said that later when he was ma op y3 " Smith wp. In| products; Dr. John Brown, se i 2 He police Station pi To avoid the Maillardville 41- Musical Street West | RA 5.5332 taken down to the county jail he era ie only, au. in| retary-treasurer of the Ontario LI Ren he Was a wr the bogs and others in the heavily |, instrument GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup-| taggered up the steps and had Ho oars townships Fruit and Vegetable Growers' || -aTY age. used nothing but|,,pulated Fraser valley would $1-Durk vise plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent to use the hand rail. Sgt. Partin- ' Je Association, for fresh, canned and Dr Tia have meant cutting across prop- . i 9 re Ee , |p, an, > SS prop Stree a Ti Soe, 4 Bond ROTARY POWER MOWERS ton said that in his opinion the frozen fruit and vegetable prod- Ea PC Hooker and HC Fed erty considered valuable for in- 4 Polls "WE pay highest prices in the city $37.95 up accused was intoxicated. ucts, and Herbert Arbuckle, sec-| oi" yd ime = said that in their|dustrial and residential develop- (poet.) used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture R PC Jack Mason and PC Morley . Princeton, com- retary of the Ontario Federation|gpinion the accused was intoxi-|ment 47. Boun: Store, RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South i | MARINE STORAGE Nicholson both stated that Simp- plete y the designer John Of Agficulture, for other inter- .ateq. ; SQUEEZE OUT WATER . ound «USED parts and repairs fo & SUPPLY LTD son was intoxicated Ericsson in 1844, was the first ested commodity. groups Magistrate Ebbs said that in| After the highways department| g prom ces of Ww: » rs, % . x : g! " Ara . n slag ati x a ka 2 up a 3 | : nda i mgkes § linger en a BROOKLIN. ONTARIO | In passing judgment Magis-; warship driven by a screw pro- The delegation will be headed view of the officers' evidence he decided to go ahead, two words ditions washers and stoves, Paddy's {trate Ebbs said that the evidence peller. by Mr. Goodfellow {found Finn guilty as convicted. (began finding increasing cur- Market, Hampton. CO 3-241. OL 5-3641 of the three officers showed that! = mem p-- - Sin MR Mb *44" LAXECEAFT boat with centre deck Simpson should not have been driving and that he found him guilty of impaired driving. 52--Legal "and remote controls Also .303 and 30.06 "high power rifles, 313 Olive Avenue. "PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. | colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, § Church Street. RA 3-7624. ONE Gurney, 30-inch electric stove, good condition. Phone RA 5-5577. $EE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS ONE electric Coca Cola cooler, in first eiass condition, $125. 117 Court Street. DNE GE refrigerator, electric stove, __ radio, dresser, end tables, drapes, can- fer, garden tools, lawn mower, lady's #lothing, size 14, all in Sxebliast condi- tion. Call RA 35-9461 after A) 15. BOAT, 1959, 35 HP Evinrude moter. RA 57917. HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ture, also sell and exchange. Contact @emmunity Furniture Store 19 Prince| Street. Phone RA 38-1131. | Jo d 20 | NSON motor, used 20 hours. RA 3.7945 after 4 p.m, GOLF club set, left. Also rangette. Telephone RA BOAT, 17 ft runabout, equipped with windshield, steering wheel and foam rubber upholstery. Apply Ken Durno's garage, 574 King Street East Domestic end Commercial RA 5-5332 FOOD AND FREEZER PLAN Complete lines of meats and groceries, Savings of up to 309%. Let us prove to you as we have to thousands of others how we can save the cost of the freezer with our proven plan. Canadian man- ufactured freezers, guaran- teed by Good-Housekeeping Government inspected meats Well known branded pro- ducts, all part of ou: plan AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH FRANKLIN JEFFERY, retired, deceased D All persons heving claims against the estate of Joseph Franklin Jeffery, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, retired, deceased, who died on or about the 19th day of June, 1960, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Re- presentatives of the said de ceased on or before the 3rd day of August, 1960, full particulars of their claims to eat better for less Phone | RA 5-3709. No obligation Freezers $189 up. Compare before you buy 51--Swap & Barter NEW Saxophone, tenor, reasonable. 179 Waverly Street, RA 38-0316. ORIG L oil paintings, landscapes, farm scenes 20. Reasonable. Ideal for gifts, RA 5- Immediately after the said date the said Personal Rep- resentatives distribute the assets of the said deceas ed having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice Dated at Oshawa this « day of June, 1960 will 38 6" moulded plywood | > mahogany, long deck, seat backs. Regularly $495, clearance price $349. Terms $35 down, $25 month- Jy. No outside financing. Apply Domin- fon Store, 48 Bond eet West. ELECTRIC incubator, used approx- mately five times, good as new. Phone 3A 3-5058, Bowmanville TYPEWRITER $35, electric adding machine, snap; new Smith Corona cash megister $125; also check writer. RA| a4434 | ELECTRIC cream separator, In good) condition. Fred Schoenleber, Stevenson Road North of Airport LEAVING Oshawa, selling cheaply el tents of home: 3-year-old dinette suite, frig washing machine, davenport, chairs, - continental bed. rug, coffee 1 piano, ete. RA 35-3227 | RB Barazaks, ahan, 7'3" x 10°53", 6 to 7.30 p.m GENERAL Electric four-burner stove, also refrigerator in excellent condition Apply 301 Cordova Road, Apt. 1, be fore 5.30 | GLEN Royal 10° x 33 trailer, 2-bed- rooms, sleeps seven, fully equipped. | Best cash offer. Apply Subway Trailer - Have The - Oshawa Stmes Mailed To You... Wherever You Are! It will be just.like getting a letter from home when THE OSHAWA Boats --_ '59 AUSTIN Cambridge AS5 in new con- , private; or will swap for small delivery truck or station wagon. WH 2-6410 Ajax. Siegel 30th Clarence Franklin Jeffery, and John Gordon Jeffery, by their solicitors, rs McGibbon & Bastedo, Barristers .and Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North Osho Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF SAMUEL SNOWDEN, Retired Gentle- man, deceased | All persons having claims against the estate of Samuel Snowden, lote of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Retired Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 21st day of April, 1955, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the soid deceased on or be Me a NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS AME de 1 | IN THE ESTATE Of LIA DUNKLEY, Widow, ceased, $40. Hard- RA 3.3304, i. % 9, $50. Call | All persons having claim | against the estate of Amelia Dunkley, late of the Town of Whitby, the County of Ontario, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day in Park, office, Highway No COMPLETE equipment for two chair barbershop. 11 Bond Street East, SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re-! frigerators, TV's, washers, stoves, elc. For top cash offe; tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131.| SPECIAL 21' cabin cruiser, 100 H.P. Buchanan motor and trailer. Excellent] eondition. Apply George A. Loring, Orono 34R12 7 | All aluminum products Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving One contract, nothing down. For free estimates call -- Aluma Seal Co. fore the 3rd day of August 1960, full particulars of their Immediately after the claims said date the Personal Rep resentative will distribute the said deceased having regard only to claims assets of the of which she shall then have notice Dated at Oshawa this 4th of July, 1960 ELSIE EDNA VAN CAMP, By her solicitors McGIBBON & BASTEDO Barristers & Solicitors 20 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario, day RA 5-9365 ANYTIME fee sii = SINGER MID-S 50--Articles for Sale UMMER SALE | HELD OVER FOR THIS WEEK ONLY | REDUCTIONS UP TO $70 of April, 1960, are hereby no- tified to send in to the under- signed Personal Representa tives of the soid deceased on or before the 3rd day of Au- qust, 1960, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the Per- sonal Representatives will dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice Déted ot Oshawa, this 4th day of July, 1960 DORA STANLEY ond PHOEBE RILEY By their solicitor Messrs. McGIBBON & BAS TEDO Barristers & Solicitors 20 'Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED SINGER SEWING CENTER 16 ONTARIO STREET COLUMNS TIMES arrives every day, bringing you all the news, plus your favorite comics. There is no extra charge for this service . . . Order your vacation subscription now. a. See your carrier boy, phone the Times, RA 3-3474 or return coupon below to -- CIRCULATION DEPT. The Oshawa Times will be THE OSHAWA TIMES mailed to your cotiage or re- NAME sort at the regular earrier rate of VACATION ADDRESS 45- PER WEEK! START DATE HOME ADDRESS STOP DATE RESTART DATE ......

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