12 The OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 5, 196¢ Call The Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 - THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY '8 70 12 1--Accountants 13--Gardening & Supplies 14--Household Repairs 29--Summer Properties 35--Employment Wanted For Sale or Wanted 37---Male Help Wanted FULL or part - time o for neat Aperichits. . Mimi J ing done by gentleman beng fF le RA 57966, appearing man ith YALE, FRIEDLANDER, Co. Accountants and auditors, Licenced B. L. Yale, CA; F. Comm., CPA, §. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi- fied Public Accountants 172 East, Oshawa, x Trustee in East. Oshawa; MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and Co., Chartered A Aceountanis, RA 53527, 135 Simcoe Street Ajax WH 23-0090. Chartered RA RONALD F. D. WILSON, Oshawa, Ontario, 3.3721. 2--Barristers te arr? CREIGHTON, FRASER( DRYNAN ad MURDOCH, Ba licitors, tory Public, Bank of Commerce bg. ae Eine rn, BAF £4 ighton, 3 Taser, 3 G. Murdoch. NHA® mort Drynan, G. ga es RR JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC. barrister, solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14% Street East i RA Res.dence, RA 5-3405. MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Money to loan. Asso- clate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry Block, 26% King Street East, RA 8 RA 3-4029. Residence, dial DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. Telephone: Business RA 3-2201. Resi: dence, RA 8-5373. GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar. risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public, 6 King Street East, RA $-4717, Russell J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald. 2. T. SALMERS, BA. barrister soli ctor, ete. 13% Simcoe Street North. Office RA 5-3741; Residence RA 5-5512 BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solici- . tor, 3% Simcoe South, RA 5-9502. Resi- dence, RA 8-0264. MCcGIBBON and BASTEDO, CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less 225 248 375 4.02 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS . 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS .... Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions, insertions ordered at o later date constitute a new original order. Professional -and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Eoch odditional line $1.00 per month, Each mitial letter. abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign, fiaute, count as ¢ word, Box charge 15¢ additional, All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 5 p.m. day previous. Office bours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8 REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times shall not be responsible for errors in advertise. ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of eny adver- tisement, nor beyond the price charged for a single Insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classification, In the cose of display advertise ments: The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce gll advertising matter correctly but assumes no Mebility it any Inaccuracies in any form of advertisement are containec therein. 8--Building Trades BULLDOZING and excavating, Dial MO 8-5612. Free estimates, Taylor Brothers, 26 Hillcourt Drive, Whitby. Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North. RA 5-3566, Charles C. McGibbon. QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. JOHN A. G. MacDONALD, BA. Barris ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North. Phone RA 8-8511 HUMPHREYS, Boychyn and Hillman, Barristers, Sougiors; R. H. "Hum- phreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillman, LLB: 36% King Street East. Phones: Office, RA 51177; Res. RA 5-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761: RA 5-5203. Money to oan ALL plumbing and heating supplies. Phone RA 5-3521. Harold R Stark, Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer. ing. 255 Simcoe Street South. BRICKLAYING, blocklaying, cement work. Chimneys built and repaired, ad- ditions verandahs, remodelling of all kinds. RA. 5-1953. PLASTERING, stucco and all kinds of repairs. Free estimates, Call George Abramoff, RA 3-4871 or RA 5-8353, HOME IMPROVEMENTS REMODELLING--ADDITIONS TREE removal and pruning service. WhHitehall 2-2205, EXPERT painting, juside or out. Free A 8-1367. hs P ANY kind of garden work by expert, reasonable rates. RA 8-1524. PAINTING and paparing. Rooms paper- ed, $8 and up. RA 5-7297 TOP soil, $8 per load Hamp- ton, COlfax 3-2307. PAINTING and mates, work a RA a NEW BUSINESS KAWARIHA Lakes, summer and coun- TELEPHONE LISTINGS LOAM--GRAVEL FILL--STONE ASPHALT PAVING FREE ESTIMATES PHONE RA 3-3162 CHOICE LOAM FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE H. M. Mackie Co., Ltd. RA 5-5954 DUMONT ALUMINUM RA 8-1651 for Information or interview. BARLOW MOTORS properties, Send for free picture Honing folio. Bowes and Cocks Ltd, Realtors, Peterborough, RI 2-4234, 15" Sickness forces sale. 264-22, Slant, evenings: Fi rk MB oy tools, amy type carpentry. Staics, cup. boards, rafters, alterations. Contract or hourly. Pickering, WH 2-6143. » Age known ih. A Write Kawiegh's . Dept. G-310-KK, 4005 Richelieu, Monts real. 41--Room & Board Phone J. Stock, COME to Steenberg Lake (Bass Lake), 26 miles north of Madoe on NANTED: IIIa 10 90 at home, Tele- phone MO No. 62 for sandy lakeshore fots and tages, prefab prices. Terms. Ken Mat- thews, RA 5.7740 after 7 p.m. 428 KING WEST QUALITY USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD Cleanout Service-- $7 labor plus ports AND TOP SOIL FOR SALE GRAVEL - SAND - FILL Also Back Filling Lots Levelled RA 5-2156 HARDSAND LANDSCAPING FURNACE CLEANING Complete summer service = chimneys swept = Oil fui- nace $6.50 -- coal furnace HOME IMPROVEMENTS No down payment, 36 months to pay. Also commercial work done. For thet extra room CALL MO 8-8611 RA 8-6175 TRY OUR 30--Lost & Found LOST -- Friday evening lady's shaped gold wrist watch, Oshawa [3 ping Centre on Stevenson Road. Tele phone RA 8-0208, 36--Female Heh Wanted privy fi wages, Fa d good ls a amily, ood home WAITRESSES part time, also part EL Aly Mr, LOST -- One wallet "etween Simeoe and Ontario Streets, valuable papers. Reward. RA 5-5481. MIDDLE- aged lady to look after one light housework, 4% days & week. RA 5-8181. BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Fish & Chips 35¢c, Hamburg- ers, Hot Dogs, Milk Shakes, MODERN GRILL $5.00. Call ofter 6. |21--Personal Services RA 5.3887 OL 5-3186 Power Rolling Fertilizing Tractor Roto-Tilling Top Soil - Sod - Manure Flagstone - Patio Slabs 16 1 15--Ipstryctions PRIVATE teacher, studedt counsellor, years' experience, by interview only. Act now. RA 5-1034. RA 5-1721 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. LOAM + GRAVEL FILL -- STONE RA 3-3528 Licensed by the Police Cc LEARN TO DRIVE SALES & SERVICE Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Til- lers, Used Engines Bought and Sold. Authorized Clinton, Lauson Power Products, Pin- dor Service, 81 Central Park Blvd. S. Phone RA 5-4633. LAWNMOWER & ENGINE We Deliver 31--Articles For Rent EXPERIENCED waitress for evening Apply South End Restaurant, 5 Bloor Street E. CEMENT mixers, tools wheelbarrows, sump pumps, post- hole diggers, post driver, barrels, well windlass. Also for sale, cement mixer and strawberries, RA 8-1165, GIRL wanted for Munch counter, eve: Bing WOK. Aly 3 Hits 28--Summer Properties PETERBOROUGH district -- two-bed- room cottage, reasonable rent. Call RA 9450. BALSAM Lake -- three - bedroom eot- tage with all modern conveniences, TV set, Available last two weeks July, first two August. Call RA 5-3155. FIVE - room cottage, July 16 to 30; August 6 to Labor Rev: Apply 61 Mont- At the Oshawa Driving School %2--Radio Repairs rave, Call RA 5-4490, THICKSON'S Point, furnished three- Fully trained instructors Standard, Automatic cars RA 8-0091 Flowering and Tropical Foliage Plants, We still have a good selection of plant boxes, Evergreens, shade trees and potted roses, ete. VAN BELLE GARDENS 2 Miles East of Oshawo SPANISH GUITAR Summer Rock 'N' Roll 8 WEEK COURSE Commences 1s tweek of July, ends last week in Aug. For formation call 9 WILSON & LEE LTD. Music Store 87 SIMCOE ST. N. TV, RADIO, makes. Elliott Avenue. pson Electronics, RA A 39792 (Fred), Say radio repairs. All 157 bedroom cottage for sale or rent. Ap- ply second cottage from road on point. PORT PERRY, Lake Scugog, lake EXPERT ELECTRONIC SERVIC T.V., HI-FI, RADIO, ETC. PICTURE TUBES T.V. Enterprises 253 Drew St. RA 5-2905 18 MONTH GUARANTEE ON NEW front cottage, private, (hree-nedroomns with flush tollet. Fully wquipped. Dial YUkon 5-2214 Saturday fo Wednesday HOUSEKEEPING cottages excellent fishing bathing boating quiet scenic surroundings. Write or phone Hank Walbridge Crystal Springs Loge Bonfield Ontario. SHerwood 5-2423. PIONEER village on Buckhorn Lake. 25 miles north of Peterborough, House- keeping, cottages for rent, Good fishing. TV TOWERS 40-ft. self supporting tower, Hot dip galvanized. No paint, Boats, Camp site, Call Mrs. Bailey RI 3-4750 or Mrs. Beasley RI 23092. COTTAGE for rent, Lake Chemong, completely furnished with motor boat, $50 weekly. RA 3-4363 FOR RENT -- Tent trailer by week $25, accommodates six people, Phone MA 3- 3262, SALES RENTALS Tents, comp' stoves, comp cots, tarpaulins, sleeping bags, lanterns. Coleman camp stoves $13.45 OSHAWA HARDYARE AND TRI 8 Church RA 3-7624 RENT FROM THE HILLTOP RA 8-6891 Tents 9" x9', 9' x 12; stoves, lanterns, camp cots, air mattresses, sleeping bags, various sizes Outboard Motors. coolers and para wings. " ALL NEW EQUIPMENT REASONABLE RATES Don't Leave It Too Late -- Reserve Yours Now. A Small SECRETARY With dictaphone ond short- hond experience required for expanding manufacturing concern located in Ajax, Group benefits, etc. Call Mr, Wilkes. WHITEHALL 2-2120 TYPIST CASHIER We have on opening for capable young girl with good personality and the ability to get along well with the public, tieman wishes room and Lani or Bice home, Ten reasonable, Phone PATS sia Ask for Peter : ROOM and board for young ng gentleman, " day worker preferred, 131 Park - North Call RA 50312. '|ROOM and _poard, close to hus, Fit- North - GM; home cooked meals, lunches packed. Apy 251 Bruce Street. ROOM and board for young gentle, man, good home, privileges, central, . Phone 57687 after 8 p.m. Apply Bi. East. ROOM and ooard for gentlemen, . share, nome away from home, 97 Alba + ' Street, RA 34211. ROOM and board, $15 per week, Tome eve- | privileges, lunches packed. 666 Simcoe South. RA 5-8255, packed. Apply Rovesti Rosehill Boulevard. ROOM or room and board, good home cooked meals, close to four corners. Apply 240 Division St, ROOM and hoar? for gentlemen, nice locatkn, close to downtown. Abstals- 43--Wanted To Rent WANTED ~ single garage or building of similar size, for storage use, North end preferred. RA 5-1 CLERGYMAN pre rr bedroom, with basement, home. Preferably east end Oshawa, north of Ly Contact Mr. Fell, RA 5-4151 or RA 3 1197. HOUSE WANTED To rent with the option to buy -- 6 room bungalow preferred. Occupancy by Aug" 15. PHONE RA .8-6162 ROOM ud board, $13 WE REQUIRE good appear- ance ond pleasant personal- ity, typing 40 words per min- ute or better. Age 17-27, preferably single. WE OFFER excellent working conditions in new modern office. All employee bene- fits, good starting salary, 44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent BACHELOR apartment $79 per month; 2-bedroom $99 per month. Features stove 'ridges, broadloom, lockers, washers, dryers and adequate parking. Eugene Patterson of Douglas L. Gower Real Estate, 41 Gladstone Ave .Phone RA 86-4651, WILSON RD. North at Lansdowne Dr., Complete with new Wave- Master "all-channel ontenna. Total price, installed ond guaranteed for year, $59.95. Enterprises 253 Drew St. 'RA 3-3553 SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Work Guaranteed OSHA ELECTRONICS ARDEN housekeeping cottages on Ken- nebee Lake, two and three bedrooms, hydro, good fishing, rwimming, RA 5-1763. . ONE building, 12° x 20°, fully insulated and wired, asbestos siding, asphalt shingles, suitable for small summer (cottage. 143 King East. HOUSEKEEPING cottages on Beaver Lake, electricity, running water, re-| frigerators good swimming and fish. ing. Tameworth 40RB1 James O'Neill, Erinsville. FOR RENT - Cottage on Beech Lake. Haliburton, boat, electric stove, refrig- erator, $35 weekly, anytime July or Au- gust. Apply Mrs. A. Martin, Sunder- land. Phone 76R2. PRESQU'ILE - Claudor Villa, 3-bed- room housekeeping cottages, boat. Phone 353 or 95 R 3. LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH DAY CAMP $10 WEEKLY INFORMATION RA 5-2737 PINE TREE LODGE AND CABINS Also housekeeping cottages on Pigeon Lake. Excellent fishing: pickerel, bass and muskie, Good boating and swimming. Boats, motors, groceries, etc. RA 5-4706 Deposit Will Hold. RA 8-6891 WEBBING'S HARDWARE RENTAL SERVICE OF TOOLS SCAFFOLDING And Other Construction Equipment. B-H Paint UPHOLSTERY AND RUG SHAMPOOER -- VAC To Restore original beauty te your 'furniture end rugs. 282 KING ST. W. OSHAWA--RA 3-4873 32--Articles Wanted WANTED « etme lawn roller, large size. Phone RA 3-4674 WILL pay $10 and up for 1948 Canadiar silver dollars, also certain type '47. RA 5-5227 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking, also scrop iron and metals, ete. bought. Open Saturday ell day. Phone RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E. CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD. IRON--METALS PAPERS--RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET WANTED SCRAP IRON, PQULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) 34--Auction Sales Having received instructions from Mr. Norman Oke, R R. 4, Bloor St. E., Oshawa, | will sell by public auction on Saturday July 9 at 1:30 p.m. the following articles: space heater, chest of drawers, drum and taps, hardwood flooring, bedroom suite, rugs, buffet, rocking chair, radio, tables and chairs, cook stove, Singer sewing machine, ches- terfield chair, garden tractor and attachments, car trailer, lawn mower, ploughs, hoy fork, cqr, pulleys and ropes, fanning mill, tools, lumber, farm. wagon, bender and many other articles too num erous to mention, Terms cash, FRANK STIRTEVANT AUCTIONEER 35--Employment Wanted UNIVERSITY student desires - time job evenings. Experienced in sales and in manual labor. Not afraid of hard work. Ask for Jack, RA 3-7814. MODERN dress designer and seam- stress, available in Oshawa, Capable of modern European and Canadian fa- shions, RA 8.5264. 241 Bloor West, afternoons LADY will look : after two or three children in own JJome, nice yard. RA 8-5477 after 4 p. ACCOUNTANT Selves a position with future, available August 1, 1960. Twelve years' industrial experience. RIA de- gree. Write Box 846, Oshawa Times. ACCOUNTANT, office credit manager, Stperieioe, 85128 or Expire $75, one bedroom basement apartment at 549 Lansdowne Dr, Open for inspec- tion, decorated to suit. Fully equipped in triplex. Frank Hazlett, 3005 Bathurst St., Ea RU 3-1733; RU 7-9387. bedroom apartment, Simcoe North, 'kitchen equipped with refrigera~ tor, stove, handy to bus line, Call RA 5-6343 between 9 and 5. COUNTRY apartment, unfurnished, over store in Leaskdale, modern, newly JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solici- tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street East. RA 32269. NHA and private mortgages arranged. GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Sotici. tors, etc. = Simcoe Street South. Dial RA 3.2278. Residence phones. J. M. Greer, BA, Sc, RA 5-3368: Ter ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, RA 85832. BALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas H. Greer. Associate Barristers and Soli citors, 130 Street East, RA 8-6246 Mortgage loans available. THOMAE M. RUNDLE, barrister, soli- eitor anc Notary Public, 26% King Street East Phone RA $-1763. 6--Optometrists Fr Tpicaans BLACK, hy of Optom: ry, the examination of eyes, contact es wk Simcoe North (at Al Colborne), MA 3-5757 BOWMANVILLE (OPEN EVENINGS) REC ROOMS FAMILY ROOMS Tile, Hardwood Floors, Cupboards Loans Arranged HUGH CROSBY RA 5- 3937 CARPENTER CONTRACTING Remodelling of kitchens, bathrooms, recreaticn rooms, tiling, plumbing and heating. Can be financed. Whitby, MO 8-8611 Toronto AMhurst 1-0197, Apply Household Finance 64Yz King E. Oshowa Shopping Centre 37--Mal~ Help Wanted CHARTERED Accountant's office 16--Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up 4to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For personal service at your home, call RA 5-7413. Flowering and Tropical Foliage Plants 17--Money to Loan CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort gage, Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased NHA mortgage arranged. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur. doch. |C NTS' moniés available for first |and second mortgages. Mortgages and |agreements of sale purchased. Apply M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Nota Public, 26% King East, Oshawa, R. | 3-4697. FIRST and second mortgage, sale agreements purchased and sold, Hen- Tio and Hennick, Barristers, 3! King w available East, RA 27232. HAVE clients' monies for loans on first and second mortgages and also purchase of mortgages. and Agreements of Sale. Louis §, Hyman, |QC, 37 King Street East, Oshawa. RA MONEY TO LOAN Monies for all types of mort for first and second jages on all types of real estate including vacant lands; term mortgages for dars; first and second mortgages ond = agreements for sale purchased. Apply M. Swartz, 26V4 King Street East, Oshawa. Telephone RA 3-469 pav road, seven miles north of Uxbridge. ULster 2-6711. FOUR - room flat, heavy wiring, pr vate bath, TV aerial, heat, lights sup t( Dlied, Apply 1 Adelaide Street, Tele phone RA 3.494 TWO spacious furnished rooms, close to south GM and shopping centre. Work. ng couple preferred. Telephone RA Roses (40 varieties), Shrubs, (29 Varieties), Shade Trees (15 varieties Evergreens (25 varieties) Vine Ground Covers, VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 Miles East. of Oshawa MA 3-5757 Bowmanville (OPEN EVENINGS) ATTENTION For weed kililng, spraying ond pruning of your shrubs ond evergreens, call RA 8-6366, OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING for complete Garden Service CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled fertilized sod cut fresh daily, prompt delivery. Special contractor rates. RA 5-8504 COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE Gardens ploughed, disced, landscaping, wood cut, trees removed. RA 8-1798 GARCEN SUPPLIES "NIAGARA BRAND" BUG KILLERS "KING CALCIUM" BUG KILLERS WEED KILLERS BIRD BATHS PATIO POTS LAWN SPRINKLERS LAWN SOAKERS PATIO SLABS SIDEWALK SLABS CURBING QUALITY PAINTS CLOSED SATURDAY 12.30 P M. JULY - AUGUST COOPER SMITH CO. 16 CELINA ST. OSHAWA 14--Household Repairs PAINTING and decorating needed, fin- est materials used. Work guaranteed. Reasonable rates. Also wood finished. | Phone anytime, RA 5-6204. A-1 PAINTING DECORATING by | tradesman, interior or exterior, Roxa oes Sep ont -- tone work guaranteed. Free estimates, | PICKUP truck with Bitch, will move RA B-2558. [Lraitiire, appliances, trailers, boats o local. PAINTING, inside and out, small or i Pd large jobs. Reasonable prices. RA 5- ras RA Im. GALT CARTAGE, furniture and a FURKHIVRE wepaied and Teuphols oe moving. Reasonable rates, ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street, insured. Call day/.or night. RA un RA 3.7212. chen with stainless steel sink, CHESTERFIELD |21--Personal Services Margi Fur' ry Byrom 3311.1 in arborite cabinet top. Large | living-dining room finished in BAIL bunche: and il h i WEIGHT REDUCING Apply Ragin welding Shon. Ply genuine knotty pine. Yeés, you can stay on a diet Brooklin, PR H ICES from $5,750 to basil Yon Zur help and lose $5,950, including large; level Look te h Rhiest ett lot, terms at current rates of Po a ea'thiey 5 interest. Location 4 miles , west of Bobcageon on tig The Institute of Ethical Fenelon Falls highwoy--Ilarge Hypnosis signs at entrance. Owner on 11 Ontorio St. Oshawa property every afternoon and RA 8-0171 over weekends, IF YOU 8 ear, if you like selling or want to learn, phone our salgsman- ager at RA sist for an appeintumen We supply all mples itis training. Riis Ba income HAVE opening for full part. time man, serving Watkin's ole "No SxpEisnen, Average wages $2.50 per hour. RA 8-2383, EXPERIENCED barber wanted. Ap- bis Doug's Barber Shop 37 Bond Street, Kast. BEAUTIFUL upper duplex apartment, located in lovely surroundings, large living room 14 x 18, dining room 14 x 15, bedroom 14 x 14, large kitchen, OUR SERVICE CALL INCLUDES ALL THOSE EXTRAS + Some day service « All tubes checked + Picture tube cleaned « Tuner cleaned, if needed o « » Complete set-up « + « 3 months guarantee DO IT NOW Beautify Your Home. Improve Picture Quality HAVE A TOWER Call us for a free estimate T.R1.0: TELEVISION RA 8-6781 171 BOND ST. EAST T.V. RADIO SERVICE $10 Affowence for your old Picture Tube, TOWERS 5 different types to choose from. All heavy galvanized 16 gouge steel. Installed with a 2 year Jaronty., Antennos moved .. $10.00 Len & Lou's TV RA 8-5804 or RA 5.7844 FREE SURVEY 23--Women"s Column SPECIAL! Heat Jarmanents. Cold wave $6 00. 396 Pine Avenue, RA 5.5363. 24--Market Basket STRAWBERRIES, orders taken. COI fax 3-2229, C. H. TUCK, RO, LT Please pay accounts at downtown Toronto Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street Phone RA 5-4587. 7--Surveyors @G. T. HORTON and Associates, On- trio Land Surveyors, Professional En- Sicasing, 306 Dundas Street West, hitby, MO 8-5091, Ajax 728, DONALD H, TREOLLOPE, Ontario Land. Surveyor, 216 Adelaide Avenue East. RA 5-6881. DONFVAN ANT VLEISCHMAN, On tario ' and Surveyor. commercial blue- printing. 12 Blnor East. 55632 CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM and itchan tiled, hardwood floo new stove and foe, sun deck, \aundiy, tel. fouey $95 por month, Phone RA or appointment. Available Row, MODERN four-room apartment, frig, stove, washer, dryer, TV outlet, park ing, | 92.50 monthly, north district. RA FURNISHED one-bedroom apartment utilities paid $85 per month located beside small grocery store in North Simepe area. Only one block from bus route Prefer young couple or working wirls. RA 8-3954. IMMEDIATE occupancy, one bedroom nicely furniched, modern apartment, Also unfurnished, two-bedroom apart ment, washing facilities, choice locas tion, Simcoe Strect. Call RA 5-4452, MODERN two- bedroom apartment all i Prompt Delivery RA 8-8951 10--Sharpening Service FIRST class sharpening, mowers, saws, and all ls. Work gunaranteed, B. Slenier, 550 Wilson Road South. RA -5018. WANTED Apprentice to learn print- ing trade at The Oshawa Times. Must be good spel- ler and able to type 50 words per minute. For test and application form see Ray Scott, Compos- ing Room Foreman. WANTED To Train As Sports Writer Young man with minimum f Grade XII education, Must keenly interested in sports ond desirous of newspaper career. Apply In writing, stating age, education and connection with sports, to Box 845, Oshawa Times. ACCOUNTANT Capable accountant re- quired by August Ist, for Ajax factory. LAWN mowers sharpened, work guar- anteed. 13 St. Lawrence Avenue. For pick-up and delivery RA 3.3266 or RA 8-6906. Y LAWN mower and outboard motor re- pair and sharpening service. Rossland Sports Centre, 62 Rossland Road West RA 3-7462. or RA 8-1734 8--Building Trades PLASTERING repairs, chimneys, roof- ing, cement work and exterior paint. ing. RA 59168. CALL Joe RA ©8-6444 for carpentry, Jointing and handyman. Work guaran. ing. mediately. Call' Rh 8-5674. THREE - room basement apartment newly decorated, [rivate bath, near school, park, bus; heat, hydro, wash facilities, Child welcome. [lelephone R. HAVE your lawn mower precision sharpened. Free pick-up. Texaco Sta tion, 380 Simcoe Street South RA 8-0142. PLUMBING and heating pires fittings, fixtures, new and used, changing from septic tank to sewer a . Ine stallations at reasonable rates. Infor- mation and est!mates free on any type of Dial RA 5-4241. J. Foley. types building repairs, Joolths, side- stoops. RA 8-0394. Gordon May. W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE WHITBY, ONTARIO SPECIALIZING IN 30" TiLe 0 8:2563MO 8:3809 N04 "CHESTNUT ST. P.O. BOX 329 BUILDERS Ceromic tiled bathroom sup- plied ond fixed, complete with four fittings, Large color rafge. 90c sa. ft. First class tradesman. Phone anytime. RA 8-1177 DODD & SOUTER PAINT -- WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For Free Estimates call DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5:7426 107 Byron St. S., Whitby GENERAL CONTRACTING estimates and poy- ments arranged. Alterations and._etlditions, rec rooms, concrete work, stone fire. places, etc. Custom building. Mortgages arranged. . LYMES CONSTRUCTION RA 86228 TE 9-2224 PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO DURA STEPS CURBING WELL . TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Oliver 5-3311 Contact Gord Brown-- PINE TREE LODGE R.R. 1 Peterborough, Ont. Phone OL 7-8541 28a--Trailers SLEEPING trailer, 10' x 6°. Olive Avenue, FOR RENT -- Tent trailer by week $25 accomodates six people, Phone MA 3.3262, TRAILER accessories and service. Everything for small and large trail- ers. LP bottles and parts, hitches, level- ing jacks, portable toilets, mantles, lamps, etc. Miller, 9 Tudor Street, Ajax, WHitehall 2-3491, COOK'S: TRAILER SALES See the new 1960 Glendettes 16-ft. custom deluxe, Also self-contained. New and used. Location: Highway No. 2 at Courtice. Open until 10 p.m. and weekends. Low down payment. 29--Summer Properties For Sale 100 FOOT, beautiful, picturesque lake: shore lot, well treed, sandy beach, close to Oshawa, $450 down, Balance easy terms. RA 5-2577. BUY your new cottage or waterfront lot at Willow Glen. Phone FA 4.4012 write Cecil Brown, RR 1, Lindsay, On- tario. SWAPS are tops in Oshawa Times Classified. Read the regular swap offers every day. They're unusual, ex citing and d interesting. COTTAGE for sale at Wilberforce, Haliburton county. Good Hunting and fishing. Phone RA 5-9612 STU RGEON LAKE BEEHIVE PARK ESTATES A NEW modern registered subdivision designed in the Florida motif. The most un- usual and beautiful in the Kawartha Lakes. Clean, safe, sand beach, Large beautiful shade trees. Canals 40-ft. wide with sheltered docks for your boat, 11--Business Opportunities FOR Sale, french frie sand soft drinks truck peddler business, complete in of Whitby. Reason for selling, ill Desi. Very reasonable. Phone MO -3752. THREE roomed apartment newly dece orated children welcomed. Good resis, dentias distriet. Apply 597 Bloor Street ast. 18a--Mortgages ALL walks, $1000 AVAILABLE for a first or second == |mortgage. OL 5-4471 Brooklin, FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES FAST CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE ANY AMOUNT TO $5,000 Repayable as low as $30.00 a month. Principal and Intgrest Up to 5 years to repay Call for appointment OSHAWA RA 3-3993 ANYTIME ALLIED INVESTMENT CO. 51 KING ST. E. 19--Personal RELIABLE person wanted. Must have chauffeur's licence to drive to Winni. peg or Calaary, All gas expenses paid, Bill Dragarmotz,. BA Station, 136 King West, Oshawa. Open "till 9. ONTARIO A rep. resentative for Oshawa and district, Art Cox. 13 Elgin East. RA 5-1497. -{ SIX room modern brick house oil heat ed partially furnished double drive two blocks south off King East. Ref erences, Write Box 742 Oshawa Times, FOUR - room unfurnished apartment, 203 King Street West, couple only, Avaliable immediately. " MODERN -- three - room basement: apartment, private entrance and bal TV outlet, all conveniences, suit busi ness couple or two girls. Phone RA 32908. § THREE « rdom unfurnished upstairs apartment. One child welcome or bus iness couple. Built-in cupboards and Sink. Avaliatle July 2. Telephone RA STORE. suitable for plumber, electri cian ete. RA 3-9248 after 6.30 p.m. GROCERY store -- Clearance of entire stock, self-service, refrigerator, scales, slicer, cash register. Also store for rent. Apply 142 Simcoe Street South WANTED to rent, two or three-bed. room cottage. August 6 to 20th. Must have good swimming, vicinity of Madoc. Phone RA 5-4093 after 5 pm. GROUND floor store, 918 sq, ft., for rent, 140 Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 8-0836. 13--Gardening & Supplies PROMPT DELIVERY FOR YOUR COMPLETE GARDEN SUPPLIES CALL BEVERWYCK GARDENS NO. 12 HIGHWAY OL 5-3579 BROOKLIN MO $4735 WHITBY LANDSCAPING SERVICES Weed treated, field nurse~v sod, top soil, gravel, sone fill. Complete service. Weed | control. Free estimates ED KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 LOAM, GRAVEL, SAND AND FILL RA 5-5279 CALL GRANT FOR SOD Delivered, layed, field loading. Apply 373 ' Duties: supervise accounting and stores, prepare operate ing statements, purchase sup- plies and materials. Apply Mr. G. Alexander, Rowe Bres. ond Co., (Canada) Ltd., Ajax. Telephone WH 2-6500. In- terviews by oppointment. SALESMAN Exclusive opening for Oshawa Whitby and surrounding area for experienced salesman, calling on industrial accounts which we have in this area. Auto neccssary, Age mini- mum over 35. We are highly rated firm with a complete line of building maintenance materials. Leads furnished. Executive earnings on a com- mission basis. This is a well paying permonent position. For interview submit resume to President, P.O. Box 1960, Clevelond 6, Ohio. DIRECT SALESMAN WANTED by old established Company Full 'or Part Yrime to handle our new, modern line of Sewing Machines. Must have car. Bwerienes helpful but not Complete training and Held Draw FOUR - room unfurnished self-com:' tained Jpartent, central location, hot! water. RA 5481 NEW two-bedroom apartments decor. ated throughout 4-piece ceramic bath 'fridge, stove, washer, dryer, lockérs, Central location, Leasing at $100 per month, Parking space. Ready for occupancy by July Yi Hone Jack Appleby RA 56544 or John . J. Bolahood Ltd. Re po « room apartment, ground floor, all conveniences, use of half basement, laundry facilities, heavy duty Private entrance. Available August 5 Pliose RA 52997 or 196 Park Road 25--Pets & Livestock MALE Collie pups. RA 35-5808, REGISTERED LR ekinede pup for sale, one year old. 6027. BOARDING, ey bathing, defiea- ing. Waubena Kennels. RA 5.6321, BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for |training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. | ---- Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. SHETLAND PONIES FOR SALE and grade, for pleasure and profit. Start right, there is a difference. Studs, mares, Foals, Fillies. We raise and sell better qual- ity ponies. OWEN McCROHAN R.R. 1, OSH RA 5.1348 or FOR RENT ~ One and two bedroom apartments, laundry facilities, tele- vision antenna. 101 Craydon Road, Whitby, MO 8.4221. FOUR - room apartment, central, elec trie stove, refrigerator, washing mae chine, built-in Suphoards, private ene trance. T 992. TWO - near i Available August 1, Telephone RA B00 a Sessimingmsi emi, FURNISHED three-room self-contained apartment, with TV outlet, available July 1, $80 Jer month, including elces tricity, RA 5.7330. $11 WEEKLY, two furnished rooms, cooking privileges, also single room, central. 180 Bruce Street between 4-5 p.m. - FOR RENT -- Four rooms with separ. ate entrance, with shared bath, heated by stove. Telerhone,K RA 5.1945, FOUR large rooms, ground floor, mods ern kitchen, private bath, close to 3chionle, very central. Telephone RA SAVE money, no waiting. free park bedroom bh in pew ing at D Bruce': Mobile Barbershop, Maple Grove Inn, stationary Open 8-7 daily except Wednesdays and Sundays ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be In Oshawa, July 19th and 20th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment, {20--Ca rtage | PICK-UP or stake truck for hire, eve- |nings and weekends. Phone RA 8-3633. Free Registered AWA RA 3.2143 26--Farmer's Column GOOD crop of standing hay for sale, T RA 5-8912, TWO furnished rooms, also private apartment, kitchenette, living room, bedroom and bath, car parking. Apply 306 Pacific Avenue. THREE - room furnished apartment for couple, living room, 'hree-plece private bath, kitchen with electrio Heng sink, cupboards. Telephone RA NEW, quality-built summer homes open for your inspec tion, electric wiring connecte ed to hydro, three bedrooms, bathroom with plumbing, kit- against commission. Total weight of machine with extra attachments and case, 27 Ibs. Built-in motor; built- in light; automatic bobbin winder; reverse stitch with Patch-O-Matic foot. If you went to gell some- thing absolutely new and improved, write BOX 603 Oshawa Times giving sales experience ond age, former r pr = or present employment and THREE . room flat, private bath, hot whether prefer full or part a . water, adul A ly 3 Te, , adults only. Apply 31 Albany os. $0 ARES of hay for sale. Phone RA / pre farm stock picked up promp tly, THREE _ room unfurnished apartment in new building, hardwood floors pi. / vate bath and entrance, ample par) ing. Immediate occupancy RA 5. ONE or two furnished house! os rooms, sink, cupboards, near south GM. vcd 268 Malaga Road. THREE - room apartment, tained, priate bath and entrance, vy duty wiring, sink and cupboards in ighen child welcome. Available Apply 137 Colborne Street and oda chairs re. covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholstering, 92614 Simcoe Street North. Call RA 8-6451 for free estimate. , CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, like new. Why pay more? Our rates| are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. | | M-ttresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery | Co. 10 Bond Sirest West. Dial RA| WANTED - immediately, good used two - row corn planter x fertilizer attachments, any make. Will pay top cash price. Phone OL 53019. 27---Fuel- & Wood DRY hardwood lumber ends, suitable for furnaces and wood stoves, $5 for large load, delivered. Also enquize about cottage deliveries. RA 8-0818. If you wish come out ond self-cone make your own inspection only 3 miles from Whitby, MQ 83015 MO EXPERIENCED practical nurse de- sires work in Oshawa or surrounding district, Phone RA 5-877. YOUNG male teacher with chauifeur's licence wishes summer employment, jbetween 5.30 - 8 p.m. RA 8-3684. YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim- neys built and repaired, gas linings in- stalled furnaces vacuumed. Free esti mates. RA 3-2997.