~WILL THE POOL BE READY BY AUGUST, MR. BRADY? § Keep Vigil On Lake Pollution A constant vigil must be kept by health officials on the city- sponsored swimming area at the lake to guard against possible pollution. In the summer of 1959 the area was closed after water tests showed the bacteria count to be well above the accepted level. Samples are taken regularly from various places along the waterfront and are sent to the provincial lab at Peterborough for testing. = * Living microscopic animals called colliforms are the objects of the tests. One species, E. Colli, indicate animai or human in- testinal pollution. The accepted safe level for swimming in na- tural water is 1000 bacteria in a . & The Oshawa Times PAGE NINE [SECOND SECTION CHILDREN'S DILEMMA 12,000 Want To Swim Question Is Where? guides, and cubs and their friends committee) optimistically report- the weekly attendance averaged -- if they can- get there. eC the new pool under construc-/over 3500 swimmers. What about the other 8500?|tion in Rotary.Park would bel A suggestion to zone the city | They will have the option of already July 15, construction men and allow children from different | cormercial pool, handling about{on the job say August 1 is a|areas to swim at different hours OSHAWA, TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1960 By HUGH WINSOR School's out! And 12,000 Osh- awa children want to swim. The question is, where? The THE QUESTION IN THE minds of hundreds of city chil- dren these days is this: "Will the new municipal swimming pool at Rotary Park be ready in time for use this summer, de- spite promises that it will be opened by July 15, or soon after. Because of the late de- lay in starting construction of the pool, much swimming time will be lost this summer, Top picture shows early construc- tion of the pool, which is to be located almost in the centre of what was the beautiful Rotary Park, a mecca for nearby resi- dents, especially on hot days. In bottom picture, Donna Servinis and Paul Pasgas look hopefully i00-millilitre volume. Swimming pools should have a zero count. The most recent test received indicates the lake is still quite safe, However last summer the counts in some areas ran as high as 240,000 bacteria in the above volume. That is the level at which the laboratories stop counting. Dr. Ted Watt, supervisor of environmental sanitation for Osh- awa, said swimming would be cut off if the counts were consistent-| ly over 150,000. He said the creek is the chief source of pollution in the harbor area. This is caused by leakage] |of sanitation sewers into storm] |sewers which empty into the! creek, industrial wastes and resi-| | dential sewers in some sections of | | Bandmasters To Attend 'Meet Here | the city. | About 150 bandmasters frem| Several sewers north of Taun- | various communities in Canada| ton road including the outlet from| will arrive in Oshawa Friday, the poorly working septic tank at July 15, for the three-day con-|Sunset Heights Public School |vention of the Canadian Band- pour directly into the creek. Part {masters Association, of the problem will be rectified | One of the highlights of the con-| When the sewer system is push |vention will be a parade to the north. { {Cenotaph and the massed band| The leekage into the storm sew- |concert at the band shell Satur. ers is a more difficult problem. day evening In the downtown area, where | The concert: will feature per both storm and sanitation sewers formances by the Ontario Regi-|{used to be coupled, city "engin-| ment band, under Lt. F. J. Fran-|eers are still struggling to learn cis, LRAM; the Métropolitan Sil-|"here they are all situated. er Band, of Toronto under J. lan Wood; and the Weston Sil- ver Band, under W. A. Mason. | tect Se Commission Cuts Hearing coe street, and will play as a massed band and also individaally | at the bandshell. About 135 bands. | men will participate. Mayor Lyman A. Gifford, who teat will be the host at a civic recep-| 500 royal commission on trans- # tion, extended the invitation nn|POrtation Monday cancelled behalf of the city to the Cana- fout-day Doblie iis Boy an Mg dian Bandmasters Association by Teal. At the request of the Uni | letter last December. The invita- Grain Growers Limited, the com- where the |tion to hold the convention in Osh- mission Sled, li Sesnon ool will be built. Like other |aWa was also extended by Band-| Scheduled to start Thursday. ite who depend on the |Master Lt J. F, Francis 'and| Next public hearings are ex- : . |by R. W. Martyn, band manager Pected to begin Sept. 8 in Ot- pool, they are disappointed that |of (he Ontario Regiment band. |tava. construction of it was started so CBA members and their wives Meanwhile, it , late, especially when City |will attend the convention sessions the commission is pressing ahead Council knew last summer that |and will tour the General Motors | With a series of special research the pool would be needed. Plant, and the Shopping Centre| studies on topics deeply involved --Oshawa Times Photo |among other activities. The mass-| in the country's transportation hell from the Armories on Sim- OTTAWA (CP)--The MacPher- at the excavation Militiaman |] all other normal militia enrol- ment "standards. The course will last five weeks| and will include recruit (basic) training} trained militiamen survival) and will Serve * ed band concert Saturday even-|problem. ing will follow the civic banquet,| Researchers are preparing pri- Saturday. | vate documents for the six com- Guest speakers at the conven-| missioners on how Canada's tion will include David J. Peter-|trucking industry is growing, in Supervisor of Music, of the|what the Crowsnest Pass agree- ultural Activities Branch of the| ment on grain shipments means much discussed city pool, started a was understood. |on June 16, over three months|300 at a time in the north of the|safer bet -- and that is if all after Oshawa citizens learned|city, a polluted creek; or cold goes well, [that the budget made no provi-| Lake Ontario, which also has pol-| Possibly an omen of future |sion for swimming pools, is still|lution problems. problems, the bulldozer gouging |in the initial stages of construc-| Even when the new pool is in) the first sod broke down less than tion. operation i twill only be a stop-|an hour after actual construction | One of the largest and m'ost/gap measure. It is generally began. Since that time several modern pools in Canada, situated agreed that at least another pool|rainy days pushed back the con- four miles north of King street, of the same size is required to struction schedule further. at Camp Samac, will look after|p-operly accommodate the pres-| After each rain the ground the 3500 Oshawa boy scouts, girl ent number of Oshawa children. must be allowed to dry out be- | This - not sakmg into account fore work can continue. | a yearly increase of approximate- Say Driver |ly 1000 in the number of children SpoRL DELAYED the" Yedntore. Endangered . Holidayers [30 the 222 group vsing the swim ing steel was delayed, although { : the construction company order- | POOR RECORD ed the steel as soon as they re- Officials of the Water Safety ceived long - awaited tentative Division of the Red Cross at On-| approval to go ahead. : tario headquarters told The Osh-| To top it off somebody kept awa Times that Oshawa has one damaging the brickwork on the of the poorest records for a city| foundations of the building to An OPP Constable said Mon- Shikitey Setelving water safety COMPLETE FOOTINGS day that Allan Lewis DeHart, ah i The footings for side walls Scugog Island, drove his car| City: council has known of the, . just been completed. These carelessly endangering the lives need for new or improved swimd|y ve $0" «oure" before the side of pedestrians and holidayers| Ming pools since the Rotary afid| ays can be poured. This is fol- near Lakeside Beach, Scugog Is- Ritson Road pools were hbth |) weq by fine grading the bot-| land, three separate times before|closed last summer of sanitary|¢ "and pouring the pool floor. | he was finally apprehended July reasons, but failed to act quickly.) After these stages are com- L | In the torrent of criticism and|pleted all the filtering, chlorin- awa Magistrate's, Court to|tween the budget announcement, equipment must be installed. charges of careless driving, driv- March 12, and the calling of Meanwhile work is progressing ing without a licence and obtain-| tenders for the new pool, May 2,|well on the accompanying build- ing liquor while a minor. He was| one Oshawa mother even suggest-|ing for showers and dressing fined a total of $45 and costs. |ed the city fill the potholes and|rooms. Constable Morley Richardson. | use them for pools. | When all this is completed the he Whitby Detachment ofl Council opened tenders May 17. various city departments must the OPP, testified that DeHart's| 1¢ wasn't until ever a month later | install the siorm and sanitary car left the township road, car-|oneJjune 20 fhe contract for ap-|sewers, power and water hook-| era Sitch aud on Nig Pri-| proximately $53,000 was__shgned ups. operty in the beach area it S. isto ; scattering children and adults, wit* Lagoon Pools, & givision of{ 'wpe pool, when completed, will| Spectators Permacon of Canada Ltd. The} i dl tol 4 4 ; e properly equipped to handle that UL The coustdble company actually started work gy) youngsters at one time. Last tried HUoHisr ike S0iligune had| four days before the formal con- year, until health "authorities (el tn, Bop We Sux om was tract was signed. [closed the Rotary and Ritson Rd. gravel as DeHart sped away. 2 Although Alderman John Brady pools because of an alarmingly The third time the DeHart car of this size in the number of| house change-rooms and showers. DeHart pleaded guilty in Osh-| controversy in the interval be- ating, circulating and lighting was offered 'as a partial solution to handling this number of swime mers but nothing has come of it, WILL RUN POOL A spokesman for the CRA who will run the pool said that be- cause of the late start, no plans are being made for swimming ine struction at the pool this year, Mayor Lyman A. Gifford told the Oshawa Times the children should be educated to take ade vantage of the private pools be- cause the new pool will not ac- commodate all the children. He said he hoped they would take advantage of Camp Samac. He also said arrangements have been made with the Somerset Pool to have the city fill it with water. However the Samac pool is not a public pool and is fully utilized by Scouts and Guides of the area. Another problem regarding Samac is that city buses only run to Pleasure Valley and the children are forced to walk along busy Simcoe St. N. the rest of the way to the pool -- on the side of the road since there are no sidewalks. The PUC has applied to the On- tario Board of Transport Com. issi s for a temporary per- mit to extend its run to the Camp Samac gate. Since it is outside the city limits and another bus company has a franchise for that area a public hearing must be called before permission can be granted. The other alternative for swim- ming is Lake Ontario. The swim. ming area. borders the harbor opening into which pours the pol. luted waters of the Oshawa Creek. Life guards are on duty from 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. at the harbor and have access to the city life saving power launch, {as chairman of the city property| high bacteria count in the water, went by Const. Richardson chased it and finally caught the accused when he jumped out of ALD. MURDOCH the car and attempted to hide in barn, . Assistant Crown L Bruce Affleck said he considered charging the All | 1S on er with criminal negligence and ask. A led for a stiff penalty on the careless driving charge. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Attorney had first 'Very disappointing," was the|business sessions were too short, way Ald. Hayward Murdoch de- and poorly organized: | 7 ence Was Waste Of Time ROSE AUTONOMY "The local taxpayers should training (national some special corps training such as wireless, and basic armored corps training. The course will culminate in a passing out parade, and a bar- [scribed the recent Ontario Mayors, 'We were supposed to start at/have some responsibility in edu- {and Reeves Conference in Corn-9:30 on Thursday morning. One| cation matters," said the mayor. |wall which he attended as Mayor resolution was begun about 11:30 "If you want to lose autonomy, Lyman Gifford's representative, |gnd they quit at noon for lunch.|let the province take over this "It was a waste of time, so I| "They didn't start at the reso-/and other things." came home early," said Mr.|lutions again until Friday morn-| Those at the conference agreed » - In Nigeria Government of Alberta; and Rob. to western farmers, where air] ert Kennedy, MA, Secretary of the cargo is going in the future and Maritime Chapter of the CBA.|how prairie farming fits into Can- Dr. Ronald Aldous, son of who is also director of Adult|ada's economy. Other questions James Aldous, founder-director of| Education for the Province of are also under investigation. Oshawa's Christian Youth Centre Nova Scotia. | ir-- Course On On Monday 40 high school stu- dents from Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville began a five-week | Congratulations and best wishes" to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birthdays today: course as student Militiamen. The rack roem dinner, when senior student Militiaman training pro- gram is under the instructional guidance of the Ontario Regi- ment. ~ The boys were selected from a number of applications from Osh- aw and district high schools The program in the Central area is allotted 40 vacancies which are filled. The student militiamen are paid at a basic rate of pay for a pri- vate, plus subsistance allowance if rations and quarters are not provided The training will take j in the armories of the Ontario Regi- -ment, the airport, and the Raglan training area. At the Raglan training area the student militia- men will take part in an over- night scheme during which the embryo soldiers will get a little taste of service in the field The boys to qualify summer training must following standards. They must have an "M" 1al test) score of 120 pins: be in Grade 9 or higher: must have reached their 16th birthday: have a written parents' consent; be recommended by a personnel offi- cer; and fu be able to meet ace for the meet the men- CHURCH CONVENTION HAS INTENSIVE PROGRAM With hundreds of delegates from many sections of Ontario | and Quebec in attendance the sgmmer convention of the Sey enth-day Adventist' Church, now: representatives for the officers and sergeants' and men's messes will have a chance to meet the | young graduates. Film Shown 'To Rotary - Members of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, at their Monday meeting in Hotel Genosha, enjoy- ed a color film illustrating a rad- ical method of resuscitation. The film entitled, "That They May Live", was produced by the University of Saskatchewan. It tells the story of direct artificial respiration in which the uncon- scious person is treated by the worker through the mouth to mouth method of restoring breathing. The club accorded a rousing welcome to its new president, Nin Ww. | | Lowry, who was con- dieting his first meeting of the Rotary year. A battery of eight telephones on the head table produced a cacophony of sound throughout the meeting, and ever punctuated the sing-song in progress a' the Oshawa Mis- sionary College, has an inten- sive program of worship serv- ices ant addresses by church dignitaries, Seeén here is the 5 i on Warren avenue, leaves on Sat-|--- ida of Li week, wih his wife oe Shirley, for a year of medica Unemployed In District n District Show Drop Police had taken Patricia Mea- wasige, 48, of Toronto, to hospi- mission service in nprthern Nigeria under the Sudan Interior) Mission Dr. Aldous, since Unemployment figures are tal Saturday after jail officials re- dropping but are still consider- fused to admit her on a drunk ably higher than they were at|charge. She was returned to the the end of June last year, ac-| jail then taken back to the hos- Brain Hemorrhage Cause Of Death TORONTO (CP) -- An autopsy Monday night showed that an Indian woman who died in hos- pital Monday while under arrest on a drunk charge died from a | brain hemorrhage. graduating ? Murdoch. |ing." Russell Foster, 509 Kent street, Whitby; Isaac Ker- man, RR 3, Oshawa; Bobby Lepp, 416 Rossmount avenue: Mrs. Edward Kingland, 561 Athol street east; Valerie Setwart, RR 1, Hampton; Peter Glowaski, Jr., 1152 Glen street; Michael Mason, 55 Ritson road north; Donna Marie Maykut, 316 Walmer road. The first five persons to in- form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Fheatre, good for a four-week period. The current attraction is "Heller in Pink Tights" and 'Wake Of A Stranger" technicolor. Reports on birthdays will "The mayor of Toronto (Na-| {than Phillips) set the theme of|a hydro project Thursday after- |the conference. It turned out to|noon). be a hassle over education." | Out of the 72 resolutions before| (Members at the conference|the conference, less than 25 per| voted 58-24 to ask the provincial|cent were dealt with, | government to assume 100 per| 'They didn't start the business cent of education costs. sessions on time," complained Oshawa city council left the Mr. Murdoch, "and they wrangled matter wide open when the res-|about education costs all the time. | olution, originating with North : { Bay, got a "take no action" re- BASIC 'TOPICS IGNORED : ception. "Basic topics like running a| "But I knew the feeling of the muy pailty were never dis-| council pretty well," said Mr,|cussed. ia Murdoch, and I wouldn't have| Ald. Murdoch didn't stay for| voted for: 100 per cent support the last day of the conference. | by the province." pp Mayor Gifford answered with [ an emphatic 'No' when asked POORLY ORGANIZED whether he agreed that the pro-| Getting back to the conference|vincial government should taks itself, Mr. Murdoch said the|over the entire cost of education, (Many of the delegates toured unanimously that the 40 per cent average of costs now paid to municipalities by the province was "unrealistic and inadequate." Mayor Gifford agreed, saying that he felt municipalities should not be asked to pay more 'than 33 per cent. "One-third of the total cost is enough," he said. "In Oshawa, today, 40 cents of every tax dol- lar go for education." City treasurer Harold Tripp said the city levied for $2,812,000 and hoped for grants totalling $1,206,000 in an attempt to meet this city's 196C education bill. Thus, .the province would be paying about 30 per cent of Osh awa's education costs for this year, be received only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. SAFETY MEASURE The water supply used in rural areas or at summer resorts |should be regularly tested for | purity. Oy DAVE McINTOSH Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) -- As matters] now stand, Canada won't get acements have American nuclear weapons for with the dryer canadian forces in this country, it was reliably reported today. The United States has appar- ently been unwilling to accept the i conditions laid down by Prime the | Minister Diefenbaker. from Queen's University with] high . honors and serving an interneship at Kingston, has for the last two years been taking psychiatric training at the Mont- real General Hospital, He took his| secondary education at Lorne| Park College and OCCI. | He spoke on Sunday morning last in the locai Free Methodist Church (his home church) ex- plajning hat te Was Sona Ta cording to a report issued Mon. pital where she died. ST personal nr hens nx) day by J. J. Maher, manager of An inquest will be held. people of other lands live and He ations employment service ~-- SE think and respond to the gospel. af Siane. 3 Her . | FILM FESTIVAL The Sudan toterioe Missoni, 0 008 20 men and. wore LONDON (CP) -- The "Enter- a aL ir A ID looking for work in Oshawa and tainer" screen version of the Aldous will be serving, is in a| district. This included 2918 men play by John Osborne, has been vacation centre for missionaries. | ahd ns omen, vi chosen as the official British en- Rd h Srpecied flere oy te placed phi Hog hig R 1249 try at the Karlovy Vary Film well as from the native Mos-| Were men and 1272 women Festival in Czechoslovakia in lems of the area. Dr. Aldous The June total has dropped July. It stars Sir Laurence hopes to participate in the hos- since May when it stood at 4739 livier and Joan Plowright. pital's spiritual ministry also. unplaced applicants, 2852 men The Aldouses will travel by and 1887 women. plane, flying to their station] One of the reasons for this across the Sahara from North year's higher total of unemploy- Africa. ment according to Maher, is the [earlier closing of factories this season for the retooling of newer | models. During June many of {the unplaced applicants are stu- |dents looking for full and part| | time employment. | Better weather during the past| |few weeks has seen the rise in! | employment in the construction | trades. Farm pl [also increased weather. There is a definite shortage of registered nurses. The national employment service is also look- ing for many people to «fill [Honing postions: PHsrinacists, These terms, as expressed in | nobile Mechanics : "|the Commons again Monday by is . the prime minister, are: Any nu- clear weapons obtained for Cana- dian forces "would be under Canadian control and would he used in Canada only as the e- {sult of a decision by the Cana- |dian government." Current U.S. law | (Circus Truck Man Fined $100 Monday SARNIA (CP) holds that A circus truck {driver whose trailer was nosed|American nuclear warheads must | {out of a ditch by two elephants| remain under U.S. control. Wash- {Sunday in Sombra Township was| ington, especially Congress, has fined $100 Monday on a charge shied away from changing this of driving while impaired by al- law cohol. A . Randy Platt, 31, of Sarasota NO'* FOR BOMARC( Springs, Fla., employed by the I both sides continue to stand {Clyde Beatty-Cole Brothers Cir-|firm--discussions have been go- | cus, was also. forbidden to drive| ing on between the two countries anywhere in Canada for six! fo. some 18 months Canada LH No Nuclear Weapons Sighted For Canada rare armed with nuclear war- | heads. In short, the government as of this moment would rather accept the Bomarc with a conventional | high-explosive warhead than per-| mit the U.S. control over nuclear warheads for the missile. Defence planners are said to disagree with this view on the| grounds that a nuclear - armed| Bomarc would be used only after) ap attack on North America was under way and hydrogen bombs | raining down. STIRING PROBLEM | Mr. Diefenbaker also said to-| day Canada.and the U.S. are en- deavoring to arrive at a separate) formula for storing,. under joint control, nuclear warheads at Goose Bay, Labrador, and Har- mon Field, Nfld.,, for use by] American interceptors based there, The U.S. holds a 20-year lease on part of the Goose Bay base and a 99-year lease, dating back to 1940, on Harmon Field, one of the. three Newfoundland bases | | | | program board on the college grounds with one of the many tents in the background, --Oshawa Times Photo? | months. The two elephants moved into action after a wrecker called from Wallaceburg was unable to move the trailer, Their job done, they climbed back into the trailer and were whisked off to Sarnia for, a one-day circus stand, > | SH Seen here is John W. Lowry, left, district, manager of the Bell Telephone , Company, pre- senting a cheque ffom the com.' won't arm its two Bomarc anti-|leased to the U.S. in 1940 by Bri- aircraft missile squadrons with tain in exchange for destroyers. nuclear warheads. The Liberals have said an im- As Mr. Diefenbaker said Mon- possible situation would day, repeating a previous state- created if American interceptors ment, the full potential of defen- in Canada were equipped with sive weapons such as the Bo; nuclear weapons and Canddian marc is achieved only when they| interceptors were not. BELL TELEPHONE CO. A a taal ell; chairman of the finance committee of the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. The gheque will SSISTS HOSPITAL pany for $2500 to Stanley Lov- | assist in the building of the hospital's new wing. ~Oshawa Times Photo,