Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Jun 1960, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 30, 1960 150--Articles For Sale 150--Articles For Sale CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING © Siri == Emacs, lections Act Fishing Rights bean ug ---- outboard AN own, bua. jin A-1 copsition.. Call RA C se C cer (Continued frof* Page 15) 5-6992 {ONE Singer treadle sewing machine,| au on nl VIOLIN valued at 3300, will sell for |. very good condition. Telephone RA . ; 15100. Apply 176 Roxborough Avenue (> 0 __ By JACK BEST |tion, if necessary to establish the Canadian Press Staff Writer |l2-mile limit. of H 3 pu 47--Automobiles For Sale 47--Automobiles For Sale ei Bu sieves. samp cols. fay. {arm scenes, 16 x 20. Reasonable. Ideai ~ = 11955 VOLKSWAGEN delus sunroof | = " . for gifts, RA 5-1238 . A a 4 { a 'powers wo. tune" blue. py reconditioned "leatherette upho!. | Paulins. sleeping bags, Ni erns. TT IF i Sw By ALAN DONNELLY (p.m. local standard time. |coffee parties where candidates OTTAWA (CP)--Speakers rep-|TELLS OF ANOMALY Foi "ries. $3500, Will take trade or hone radio side view mirror. Tele-{preerric, 's Church Street. RA 3762. boats fiveply, mahogans. long deck,| Canadian Press Staff Writer pruiciNG AGENTS (Appear, resenting all three parties in the, Lloyd R. Crouse (PC--Queens- Bill Hack , Oakwood Road, -- ' tom tn 3 A |sea acks. 3 sats X i 0, one "nui- C Vi 84 r | Lunebu: ction iD Tackney. 4 |'58 BUICK four door sedan fully auto. FOR. Sale, 1953 Flymouth, excellent | ll, 5348. Terms $35 down, $25 month. OTTAWA (CP) -- Changes in Another plan is for pairs of spe- ere Was os A ME ag 7 tales vi to Lusch. sim or a » a Bali) mee rm ree | matic like new 11,000 miles. $1895. RA |g sacs "\wpiinn § 9 a, 05 ily. No outside financing. Apply Dowin- Canada's voti laws are in the|ci revisi k EN hy % CHEVROLET stafion wagon. auto-; g7gq Itby. from 9 a.m. 10 2 P.M. on Store, 43. Bond Street West. ating cial revising agents to track oo. To Tune. candidates en. asserting territorial fishin g|which many Atlantic coast fisher dio. whi 4 ean eo] EE piece sectional chestorhieil] mr ore works to make it easier for the v i i | i hie : 3 3 naw wmars. 5000 miles. Can ar |' PONTIAC two-door Laurentian 6. LUREE, Piece sectional chesterteld,| cr ogany Nipissing boat; 38 country's 9.200.000 voters to The dows Deions ised 4 the door. tered in an election' to confuse rights. men find themselves vis-a-vis for- range trade or terms. will |evlinder in very good condition. Pri-|,.;c g31 Grierson Avenue. model, well equipped. must dell. RA|. . "0" : |voters. But the only proposed] No one said it in so many/eign fishermen. aserifice, Must be sold.' Froptensc/vate salt. 75! Stone Street or BA 5-3335, {Lg rrr os Lomo ~witiont| > $992 Welt X on the balloi in federal areas, A voler would be able to} ange is that a candidate be words, but there were clear &ny Canadian fish sing. sh} Avenue. 49 MONARCH good ha con H i J YOR Sale: Piano. electric ranze.eon.(cleCtions, 'avoid the chore of attending the : {words, , ishermen using ships 200d mechanical con Write Wm, C RR 3, FOR Sale: Piano, electric range, eon-| 8 nominated by 25 persons instead plications that the country i:|up to 85 feet in length can fish lallowing itself to be shoved along with foreign fishermen up % PLYMOUTH station wagon, $700.|dition price $175. Apply 741 Beauore yy ge' Phone Port Perry, YU 5.7572. tinental bed, davenport and chair, and, "tor wi ctra formal revision and could get his| Cam-be financed. Older car considered|Avenue Oshawa or phone RA 83-5004.) boda bor - CTR {other articles, in excellent © condition. | The elector will have an siiia the li nd 1 3 of the present 10. : SELLING furniture?" We'll buy it. Re-| hour to cast his vote. He'll have tame on ist merely by ma for trade-in. Phone WH 2-1934. 59 PONTIAC four-door automatic, pico | Tlephone RA 8-0466. Ti o i T i nd to th il ¢ 985 1953 Mercury Tudor, metallic 11.000 actual miles. Excellent condi. | [1iXetators, : ER me ---- two days for advance voting in|ing a sworn declaration to the| The committee ruled Out any|around. ree miles from Canada's To shution Tadin. CA RA [Hon STS. RA Sass. never Cl Ro eR le A 3ioy, ee a ev Thwox (case of absence on election day. special agents. increase in the $200 election de-| Frank Howard (CCF--Skeena) coast, but those in vessels larger S913 between 57 pm. |' PONTIAC Laurentian: 'SL Chev.|niuGaiy -- one mew piywaod wive|MA 33058, Bowmanville, 1f he's left off the voters' list by These changes will cost money posit which a candidate loses if acidly compared Canada's policy than 65 feet may not until 58 FOUR - door Buick bardfop, hydro- hardtop, fully equipped, just like new. enciosed pen, large size, including in. TYPEWRITER @35, eleciric adding mistake there will be a way of --an estimated $150,000 for ad- he fails to poll at least half as|with that of Iceland, which is they are 12 miles offshore. matic, radio, two tone, low mileage.|Apply 248 Toronto Avenue. ~~ |sulated inner box, suitable for pigeon:, machine, snap; new Smith Corona cash regaining his franchise with a vance polls and about $87,000 for/many votes as the winner. jstanding up to Britain on the| J. W. Pickersgill (L -- Bona- Phone COlax 3NW. ___ ______I'3t MEKCURY sedan, radio, A-1 condi: (Pheasants, rabbits or a doy. 330. RA|register 3125; aisc eheck writer. RA linn of red tape revising agents, But it is hoped! It also recognized the old Que- fishing rights issue, and sug-|vista - Twillingate) termed the 'Sf MERCURY four-door, radio. wood tion. Telephone RA 85747. iid 24434 These changes are the main they will go a long way to en- bec tradition of holding election gested that the Canadian govern-{law, "to put it mildly, anti- |] mechanical condition. Terms nothing | 5s CHEVROLET, four door station LEAVING Oshawa, Must Sell! Living| ELECTRIC cream separator, in good ; : : down or trade. RA 5-9365 wagon, excellent condition, privately room, dineite, bedroom, Kitchen suites. condition. Fred 2 2 fruits so far of a Commons elec- Sure that as many voters as pos- meetings outside parish churches ment lacks courage. quated and absurd." "58 NSU motoreyele 125 ce. good eondi-| owned, phone RA 3.3213 piano, stove, refrigerator, mirror, cab.| Road North of Airport ' tion committee giving the Can- sible have the opportunity tojon Sunday, the day before elec-| pe display of non - partisan ron, reas nable. Phone RA $2774 bel BUCK Baratop, fully equipped. Jit. Sink sombilation. JAstifice. ome umbia_ Televi on, blond #inish(ada Elections Act ifs first thor- mark ballots, hg It Was aciaed Wy relax the solidarity came during Commons B 1 11 : d cheap for quick sale. e i sie SH s, k " . od rit { T " § sted ruck- 'ed: louds c-| a $ " A Se Bo '$2 CHEV, in good condition two-dcor|72 Cadillac Avenue South after 4 p.m. JOHNSON 5% h.p. outboard motor > Bn gr ie tube. S149. Torms|OUEN overhaul in five years. The committee has Suaee an Fo truc oe pring pea consideration of fisheries depart- e S ni Ss deluxe, also 46 Pontiac. Al Both res FORD convertible. good condition, |tANk» bamboo fly rod, reel and acces-(s250 wer week. Meagher', ; its proposals will require ap- other changes in the complex act,|ers being ui day before meni spending estimates. v proval by the cabinet ard Par- Which not only sets up election) election. ears with radios. Phone OL 53149 | good top. radio, white walls and wheel | *ories RA 5.5636 ____ Street West 'S CHEV. convertible, V-3 power |discs. Will trade. MO 8.5670 ; Fox SALE -- Cheslerfieid and 2 ahairs, | WAREHOUSE ciearance of odds and|liament but this is considered al- Wmachiery om Seurbes what is HOPES Tos pach Lei packed, wonderbar radio. top m excel [Tgp oop n Pll sl Mechanic | COL OMe C! » i lends, some slightly marked: two-piece moet certain. egal and illegal in electioneering. isheries inister MacLean, Jent condition, Telephone RA S.4507| 55 BEDFORD. BC Motors, lio MOhawk 82280. deluxe style chesterfield suite, foam | Members discussed the problem - - replying to demands that Canada MONTREAL (CP)--Bell Tele-. a. "two pe Simeoe_Streat' Yorth BAB YLAND Seti) New fk 560 | 1 tous Poggi pdt 3 EW ARGUMENTS of strong - arm "goom squads' ena 10n junilaterally proclaim an exclus- phoae Company of Canada ate 55 Cents t door hartop, |, on A ext on. |Paby carriages, converts to car bed. VP! ering, reg. , slas | i i : g 1 w 2 lad PY § n automatic, custom radio, atone. wind. | 35, FORD sedan, radio. excellent con| poo "Ces in town, $27. Large, full quick sale, '$148. Three-piece bedroom | The commitiee's work, under|that have been reported on elec-| © live 12-mile fishing zone off its|nounced Wednesday its directors whisld washers, unde i eaters, oo, "Cireet North pane: cribs Y% price, clear out, $1938. suite, (pacious Mr. and Mrs. Dresser|chairmanship of Heath Macquar- tion day in the past in some cen-| - |shores, indicated there is still/have authorized sale of a $50,» white walls, chro wheel discs, low | - -- -- Springfil crib mattresses, 3 or, draw » | quis Le > bf . i | } : : H 1 mileage. immaculate, trade cash or|'5i CHEV. sedan, like mew. one owner.| Playpens, $8.88 highchairs $7.88, stroll.|bookcase bed, reg. $219. big saving, | Vie (PC--Queens), has proceeded tres but decided no action was| ection [hope of reaching some kind of 000.000 ye hi i terms. No finance eharges. 49 Miller original 25.000 miles. North Simcoe ers $5.88. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Chureh| close out, $115: Space Saver aitractive|with remarkable harmony and needed after chief electoral offi-| international agreement em off- s pro e in, r fur- ig) id: (ther expansion an improvement | $46; arborite topped desks, close out, shore rights. He said: » | D * Avenue. RA 5.8915 : Motors, 1180 Simcoe Street North Street durable covering, reg. $69, axed 10ahsence of partisan arguments. (cer Nelson Castonguay said he 4 CHEVROLET Bel-Air one owner,|' FORD automatic fordor, one owner, nOMINION Appliances (a Givision of stg: Tod of too catioe tales anil There hasn't been complete believes police have been able to| ! egal Point { "Although I cannot speak for(*1 ielepnone service, For More Expansion ess low mileage, excellent condition. Tele |$1895. Telephone RA 5-202 Beatty Bros.) now sold at Paddy's/end tables, $5. Continental headboards unanimity, however, CCF propos- control the problem, lexternal affairs on this ms er,| The bonds carry a 5%-per-cent phove RA 5.1266 : . "54 CHEV. deluxe four door, excellent Market, Hampton. A complete line of casi and carry, $5. Wilson Furniture, 9 ld Lig : | i "#% PREFECT -- four-door, Rood motor | condition. North Simeoe Motors, 1180 Eppliances at hard to beat prices. COI-|20 Church Street. [Se on, Bip Yong Soe SPENDING LIMITS | we may have some fope with re- coupon and will be offered by une ad body, snow tires. Phone RA 5-8723. |Simcoe Sireet Nort ax 3-221. | Cr ------ ee mre y 2 of hig 41 3 H 4 S i ers r. i ad body, snow {ires. Phony Simeve | INTED Tire Tabi iav:| GUNS, ammunition and WGN SUb-( cones or proxy voting were re. The commitiee did, however,, TORONTO (CP) -- More part: gard to reaching a measure of derwri ers at par. The issue mar *$7 LINCOLN convertible, almost new, 'st METEOR Niagara, special sedan, UNPAINTED furnitureat fabulous sav-|piies, new and used, terms 10 per cent : lete th 'hai dg in diVOm a ;1 international agreement which, of tures Aug. 2, 1982, and is calle low down payment, older car or truck in perfect running condition, five good ings, big bonus oifer, bookcases only 99) down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond jected. But another measure ad- move to delete the archaic wor Is ners in divorce cases should avail course, will then determine 'what able at the company's cption at trade considered. Private. OL 53-3469. tires, $300 cash. Phone RA 35-4325 cents with the purchase of any piece street West. RA 5-6511. vocated for years by the CCF--|' swords, staves and bludgeons" |{hemselves of the law by suing , a mn pLion -~ . ATT ; -- of unfinished furniture. Chest of draw re te eet arte enone | : » , : 3 : Pied changes we may need fo make in any time at various premium "Si OLDSMOBILE hardtop, Power's; MORRIS MINOR. good mechanical fi Rice (Cumin: Fee foo Can ¢ pay highest prices in the city for|opening of advance voting privi-/from the law banning the cairy-|for alienation of affection, an On-| Yaw in. that Teeard." \vaiad exeept that the bonds are ipped, radio, take trade. RA 5-490 condition. Telephone WH 2.2327 dil Bini ' Jecord eabinet. Sig: |used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture|lasns to everyone--was adopted. |ing of weapons near the polis.|tario Supreme Court judge said (Our, OWn law in that regarc. [rates excep Ere oi as ar 61 Montrave Avenue '50 PONTIAC automatic, $135. Apply iv ook ente ead Store, 71, 444 Simcoe South. | or " : pled. sitnakinn js ahi ' v | Chesley W. Carter (L--Burin- non for f advan- *§ PONTIAC four-door siation wagon (16 Gibb Street jilson F c. 20 Church Street. | d_ vepairs 1 j| Hitherto, advance polls have The situation is still covered by| Wednesday. Burgeo) called for unilateral ac-itage for 14 years IN I 8! +113 x) Stree 2 ure 5 ¥ p Fodrvhd Py . "of = { " Ad _ and repairs tor alleen limited to commercial trav-|@ ban on "offensive weapons of| «yf 3 man has a rake stolen, | excellent condition, power sauipped,| -- 7 ST es re v 0. has been 1 nted | makes of wringer type washers, % hp| ick |'53 CHEVROLET coach, excellent con- Co. has been inted | » 7 hpi 4 ¥ " ag A v extras. Low priced for quick|'3 C eoze for Filter Queen Vacuum. Motors $5 to $10, guaranteed recon-|ellers, fishermen, transport work-| any kind. the culprit is charged with theft Call RA 3-3084 {RA 8.4011. !ditions washers and stoves. Paddy's ers and the RCMP. This right| It decided to make no change ang convicted," Mr. Justice Leo| 8 COTERILE, Chor, ally auily.| pdb gio Magan ight KEEP your Basement Gry wi y birdie Be is be extended to all voters who(in the $2,000 limi on personal ex-|1 andreville said. "But if a man Ais windshield washers. BA 8.4983 after 430 humiditier from Parkway TV. seven. 1 RAXECEART how with Centre dockimake 2 declaration that they ex- penditures by a candidate. Bul, enters a home and steals a wite, I E L 9 PONTIAC V3, four door sedan, with | >: ox . min Tee liOme Sxinl. imeos Be inigh power rifles. 313 Olive Avenue. pect to be away from their home after voicing concern over the jo more is done beyond getting o, $1,000 or best offer. Can be fin-| "Sl CHEVROLET deluxe, wood running | Cl por con: (PAINT, inferior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. on election day. Advance polls, (bigh cost of campaigning, i de-|givorce." CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilies CBLT-TV Channel ¢--Toronte zied. Rp TS ry EO Ve dition, Telephone RA 5-673 or appiylSl colors. Cuaraniced, CM - ou 2 Thursday, Fridayicided dguinst Jening ang Ymis ou! He made the remark, how-|wRBW.TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester '58 VAUXHALL station wagon, tutone,ig....o 5.5648 123 Church Street an urda ust ore e over- hi : : a vaio, extras. Very good condition. | vA 3 pe {LITER Street, Rs 37621 {Monday iO day, will belbehall of a candidate or POLY wear ee a $100 to a man who| WERTV Channel 2Byfialy WEEN-TY Chama! 4--Buflais ; , a ; ~A.1/ BABY carriage, eight months old. a = ha $1350 RA 5-8185 after 4.00 p.m 56 VOLKSWAGEN stationwagon, A-1/BA ONE Gurney, 30-inch electric stove, id : hi condition mew motor has 13.000 miles, Perfect condition, grey and white, jot COREE Sp BACCE,MO Imoved ahead to the preceding] Prohibitions against bribing or(gued his estranged wife's lover Sy condition, "Can| AL take older car for trade-in. RA Mill cious ies | ONE <lestrie Cosa Co eT first | Saturday and Monday, treating electors to get their|gor $47 000. THURSDAY EVE, is, Wotia aves $2 Howdy Doody be financed with no down payment toll Pe Aa gyro I Bo0d cONAILOM. [eiaes condition, $125. 117 Court Street.| The extra hour for balloting on votes were carefully studied.| Ajan Archibald Brock, a Tor-| 5:00 P.M. Dat Cours 10:30 A.M. reliable party RA SMT. | est onter. Telephone RA S8500. | CABIN cruiser. 369 brandnew je' ONE GE reinigerator, electric siove, Voling day will be tacked on at Members agreed these shouldn'tionto accountant, brought the ac-(=Ranily Teste deny he sea lumen TT A THOUIE AAD, ean, Ne BROT nr Siar Chri eruiser, Netter, craft with fiber. slass Tadio, dresser, ond tables, drapes, can-fthe end, making it 3 am. to 7apply to neighborhood tea and {ion against Jonathan Francis of| $_piaynouse 52--Queen For A Day | 7--Morning Show heater, good mileage. MO 8-2586 after|15,000 miles, $1950, RA 5-9865 bottom and roof. Mahogany deck and! i,fning size 14, all in excellent eondi- ss isnt _ Hamilton. He asked $20,000 for| 4<Bozo's Cartoon Story ¢--Drama Series il and Reddy $ he rim, foam rubber upholstery. Whitby Call RA 61 after 4, k ghty Mouse se Sms - © ____1's MORRIS Minor, good mechanical |Conty Sports, Brock Street North hon Cal RA 1_aft T ERRY criminal conversation, $20,000 for| 00k ont 2 P.M. 11:00 AM. Ee no CURVERTBLE, radio, wind condition. Telephone WH 2-2327 | Whitby USED tives, all sizes, $3 ud up. alienation of affection and $7,000 CR Storm 11--Gene Autry Show 1 rs, stable BI § wens mm---- rr o-------------------- = i ------ a ---- or i . 543. ce F hi : : 2 oe RE ei Hore. Seas! WATRY. TaicHior, sxicrior, S195 Talon, jE. L. oovitieh Stores, RA $4543. , for loss of his wife's earnings. | ¢--gig Mae Show 53-Loretta Young sku Co Centre BA Station. RA 3-0741 | CASH {All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss COOTER for ale, $300 cash. Apply Mr. Justice Landreville dir-[Y 5:30 P.M. PE The Same Ranger S& DODGE, radio, new paint job. new | YO AL AVATE od Hlesiwe, 9 Annis Street : ° lected that damages be awarded| 7--Rocky and Hix ouse Party pond AM. tives, very good oF dition. ness. | FOR YOUR CAR WALLACE Va SE e, all makes > nn refrigerato! ; h ol Fie lonly for criminal conversation. | eis z 3: 52-Ci Jang fv i | cuu ice, Kes, i * p. : WM. 3 Apply M6 Adelaide Avenue West after parts attachments, brushes, guaran. | visi tty budget Plan. R 3. C He said there were no affections) Huckleberry Hound ot 11:45 AM tpm | | VAN HEUSEN [ied rebuilt machines. Estimates free. 7s BOAT. 1359, 35 HP Eviarde motor. to alienate, 6:00 P.M. 53D. Malone nomi AM, ¥ | Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser-/ga 5.7917 Evidence showed the wife had i1-6--Metro News 4--Millionaire " iM LAvDg \ BUYING OR SELLING SEE MOTORS Rl Its , vot shared the same bed with her| 7--EAY Show 3:30 PM. Bara] on 3 TED CAMPIN AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stHpes. ture, aiso sell and exchange. Contact |husband for 13 years, he said.| z--Highway Patrol sl Ol ust | 11--Quick Draw McGraw J 149 KING ST. WEST Prompt service Free estimates Order | Community Furniture Store. 19 Prince [eo t lh 3 6:15 P.M 7-Who Do You Tru 7--Komedy Korner MOTORS now for early delivery. Chair and table Sireei. Phone RA 3-131 Was a marriage m name y find 6---Star Permormance 5--Kit Carson ] Rd rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North -- ---- - CES pO 2 i : only." Mrs. Brock owns a tourist' $--Bob Cummin 5-2---From These Roots : r | BARGAINS in Kitchen ¢ y MRS. CHARLES H. REESOR Chapman and Reggie Manns y 6:30 P.M. | Zhe Verdict 1s Yours sky King . ' JACTTUM © Tall makes, ; ral : r--Richary ns lodge near North Bay. : 667 KING ST. -- OSHAWA | ANDY NAGY"S VACYUM cleaner repairs. all makes, efte sets. Warehouse clearance of odds) PORT PERRY -- Although the 13 and under--Richard Stevens lodg ) thar iy Thott | b M. ] parts, attachments, brushes, ua an- | and ends. Apartment sized sels. $29. regular schedule for the annual and David Porter; Robert Lee an ws Weather mem. 2:30 P.M (just East of Wilson Road) H P teed rebnilt machines. Estimates free. |Yovely beige and brown inlaid set| TER # i 11--Wrestling Cleaner ol ¥ i Jim MacMaster; Dale Beare and 6:45 P.M. Friends " 5 MERCEDES-BENZ {Rens Yacoum leaner Repair Serv-|iable and 4 chairs, 'veg. 3; dashed to|ficld day had to be postponed Bill Beare Rate Of Interest 5 Hitnue Brinkley g--American Bandstand | 1--homedy Korner RA 3-4494 Res: 5-5574 5 ice 0581 anytime. 350. 5 piece black and white arborite) gy; inclement weather, the £0 i i on 4--Rural Review DKW USED 17° TV sets, for year coliage. | Sets from $48. Clearance of odd chrome| 24 108. lo tivities. were all ear.| Open -- Richard Stevens and| Report 6--This Is Alice renling 1960 SALES & SERVICE {Trio television. 171 Bond Street East, Chairs, 'values to $1295. 18 onl. $5. 2thlelic activiies we David Porter; Robert Peterman [Jnder Criticism 42-200 P serial Dramas 408 KING W., OSHAWA oNE chesterfield suite, one apartment| Wilson Furniture, 20 Church St '| Over 400 students gathered onand Ted Farmer: Jim" Mac-| : 2-Comedy Theatre ) RA 3-7132 ze refrigerator, one kitchen sol se JOHNSON motor, used 20 Wours. the school campus to take part|Master and Robert Lee. | OTTAWA (CP)--Senator Salter| s--Leave It To Bea & . 4:30 P.M. tL jamions] tables, onto omic washer. Ina 3705 after 4 pw. in the sports program. Following Girls' three - legged races: 10 Hayden (L--Ontario) said in the | Xen Sovper Seics i[~-Rapeve. R | FLOAT 1949 International Tractor set, J] land under -- Diane Brown and|Senate Wednesday that the gov-| 7:15 P.M. 5--Yaney Derringer . K w | L lL | S KB7 and truck engineering float in A-1| Telephone BA 85278. ~~ '" 3." Giy] Champion, Barbara Esther MacDonald: Diannelernment should pay the same| sews: Weather 4--Kdge of Night condition, Will sell reasonable. RA THREE pianos for sale, A-1 condifion. mauioy: Jr, Girl Runner-up, Jan. Short and Barbara Hillier; Susan rate of interest on money it re-| 7:30 PM, FRIDAY EVENING al L] vl Two-door en | ¢ 8:2414 IA, ¥. Cox, 13 Elgin Street East. Phone i i : : "\ - T1 Cian AURA 0 AS A. F. Cox, . iG pe ha ion. (Mulligan and Joan McGill, |ceives in overpayment of taxes| 7--Blac : Fully Equipped ot od 1 {0} 0 R S sol ia EA |ice Porter: Jr. Boy Champ on, | Ii Eas A a ene or Tpay BROS Business 5:00 P.M. | 1L--Ray Roxers Show tied. | 6-4 a a ------" dition, very clean. 299 Drew Street [GOLF club set, left. Alo rangette.| ape the results: 8 ~. . . "| 1 i i 3 . iwo bicycles, boys and girs, 5 ind|BIG bedding sale -- Buy sow and Graham Powell; Jr. Boy Runner- as it charges the public for ar-| 5 my. "petectives | 1~Family Theatre 0 $15. Telephone RA 3-3 save! Factory clearance of spring-filled| Up, David Porter. . : Brow jrears. | ¢~Panel Quiz &--Minnow on the Say | 2--Matinee R GOLF clubs, McGr Noi awd"3| mattresses discontinued tickngs, pric:| Sr. Girl Champion, France 1l-and-under -- Diane Brown| isti | 2--Law of the Plaingman | S--Playhouse ! 2:00 P.M. | For Your | woods, 'No. 2 fo 8 ions, and putter, ed for auick sale, $16.88 up. Continental| Quan: Sr. Girl Runner-up, Jo- and Esther, MacDonald; Janice i existing Lv, He Pl 7:45 P.M. 4--Bow's Cartoon Story | 11--65-42--Baseba SABYAN AUSTIN CAR trie Pa seu ry Te pile: nae Quan; Sr, Boy Champion, Porter and Patsy Healey; Bar. per cent Re for overpay j1i-Te 2-Biz Rascals 5--This Is The Life PE - vy duty electric | gos Be ou, Prices, LOI r: Sr. Bo) or-up. bara Hillier and Diane Short, year yerpay-| es . . THREE burner heavy duty electric eg, A 4 o a ara Hl e tl 4--Baseball ag Guty £24.00; B beds, eight pieces, eom- Ted Farmer; Sr. Boy Runner-up, i | §--Scan 5:15 P.M. MOTOR SALES GOOD ASSORTMENT ~ |siove, good condition, $35. Telenhone | pie, "Bug ved Ed pig Een bat le iim, 12-and-under -- Patsy Healey Ments, ot charges tanpayers S41 8:00 P. 2-0m Deck Circle USED CARS ARE OD. __ (air foam mattresses, Special $19.95 Results were as follows: and Janice Porter; Eleanor Per cent on arrears. For wi ful Te 2:30 P.M. LIMITED SPECIAL 21' cabin cruiser, 100 H.P.|Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street Girls (6 and under) . Janet Summers and Jean Thompson; [eglect to pay taxes, the govern- ; ® M 11-Movie 384 RITSON RD. 3. TAUNTON RD. E. Buchanan motor and trailer' Excellent : ek 'son. Char. Barbara Taylor and Lynda Jef- meni can charge 25- to 50-per-| 5-2--Bat Masterson ' ; Tin Z-Bufitlo Bandstand tion. Apply George oring, Raines, Pauline Emmerson, Char-| = "ent It S508 | 4~Betty Hutton Show 6--Baseball Dio! RA 3-346) RA 5-0331 Orono 34R12 SALE lotte Carnegie; Boys -- Teddy ford. cent penalty, assessed by the $:30 2--Baseball ERR Li " ps sbara Tay-| courts. -M. 3:30 P.M. : | ; . Hale, John Murray, Ronald !3-and-under Barbara Tay- ¢ 13-6--Talent Caravan P 3: A 48--Automobiles Wanted All" alumingm products -- A igs She | Vokins. lor and Lynda Jelford; Janice Senator Hayden said the dis.| 7.5--The Real McCoss | 7 Bari 1i--carioen Party LAKESHORE Aute Wreckers want Doors, shower doors, prices. fully: gueranteed Girls (7 and under) -- Barbara Porter and Patsy Healey, Elea- crepancy in rates is particularly RL a Choios . 2B P.M. cars for wresking. Highest prices paid.| awnings, TV towers, paving Pouble. h windows only | Hillier, Joan Prentice, Faye nor Summers and Jean Thomp- hard on businessmen who have| 9:00 P.M. 53-1181 | One contract, nothing down $18 Aan Healey. Boys -- Kenny Iivine, Son. to estimate their annual income, 1.6-Closeup | 7--Jeanne Carson Show 15-2 helor Father For free estimates call -- Paul Taylor, Paul McDermott. Open -- Jean Thompson andiand pay taxes on it quarterly. HOUSTON GARAGE Lymer Aluminum Co. | Girls (8 and under) Mary Eleanor Summers: Lynda Jef- 6:30 P.M. 3 1 | ) . Manns, Wendy Snooks. Mary Lou ford and Barbara Taylor; Janice 4--Zane Gray Theatre - Farty MO 0 S AND SE vice STATION Aluma Seal Co. ---- RA 8-5385 --- ine {a St McNabb, Porter and Patsy Healey. S ] T |e TREN 5-4-2--Ni , Film Fea PLETE BRAKE SERVICE RA 5.9365 ANYTIME ; IANCES |Kenneth Irvine, Bobby Bruton. goys HORSE RACES dles 1aX Rc 2_New SATVEDAY Eve. _ RA >-5360 ANYIIM: __ SEE HOME APPLIANCES Girls (9 and under) -- Eval®Y 7-- Untouchables 5:00 P.M. RA i 6891 lOO INE hp AND OSHAWA LTD. Laveck, Ruth Buchner, Kathy Grade 3 -- Dean Beare and 2 ro he Tabloid 116_Cartoon Party a GENERAL REPAIRS ROTARY POWER MOWERS Jimmy Moore; Bill Mark an | ¢--Ray Millan! 5-77 Sunset Strip ovie ay d 5M 67 KING ST. W. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH Jeffrey. Boys -- Larry Mark, Bili revs Mark C t | 10:00 P.M. «Film Feature RA 3.7822 $37.95 up | FOR FRIGIDAIRE Mark, Timothy Brunton. Ronald Jeffrey Larry Mark and) on IOVeIsy (ti=Meet MeGraw 2 Sesun Bey 2--Twilight Theatre RE a. p "Vv. A | o' o ACK ROW | wa ee MARINE STORAGE SALES AND SERVICE Aveck, Catharine Nelson. Lynda, p,Grade 3 and under -- Jamiel ton] hg o0. Bet our tit wi Weiths nisi Broa SPOT CASH & SUPPLY LTD 3 Laveck, Catharine Nelson. Lynda po. and lan Cook: Rieky TORONTO (CP) -- Education| variety Show News; Weather 11-6--Outside Bradensty &# i Domestic and Commercial Heayn. Boys -- Dale Beare, waiior 'and Scott Rollo. Ricky Minister Robarts said Wednes- 10:15 P.M. ha Fhved Bean | Wayne Cox; Ronald Taylor 4 ' ay a provincial sales tax to|u--Talking Sport ili (Cleara nce Sale | PAID FOR a EROOKLIN, : ONTARID RA 5-5332 Girls (11 and under) -- Janjoe| BATE BUA Russe evens. Roger meet Ro, iy would ed) 10:30 P.M. line yreush di on Good, clean cars. Trade up OL 5-3641 Porter, Eva Laveck, Lynda Jef- p; 1009 Boh Lee, Graham Pow-| NeW city halls and continued high 11 Love Lucy Business 11--Dennis The Menzes ; or do Liens d off. - -- 51--Swap & Borter ford. Boys -- Dale Beare, Wayne & ley SH ici Y San Francisco Beat | (Western 30 CHEV. priginal . . 8595 Wn, elens peic off or vs y ell, David Porter; Ralph Bal. municipal tares. 6--On the Scene 8:00 P.M. Spain) . | "58 AUSTIN Cambridge AS5 in new con! Cox, Jamie Porter. h nd Muli : a i A Br 52 DODGE, new motor $295 DODD MOTOR SALES d , private; or . ple 2a hang 12rd, David Mulligan, Rich a Mr. Robarts was commenting| 3--Not' For Hire 11-6--Dominion Day -- 33 CHEV, dei $450 314 PARK RD. &. CABIN tition, (Private; or will swap for small Girls (12 and under) -- sarharaigi vane Fim MacMaster; Alvinjon a proposal made in Hamilton| 2--Tombstone Territory Fen Day 6:30 P.M. '53 METEOR, new ! RA 3-942] $395 CRUISER P.M. 11.6--Four Just Men §--The Law Man motor - Beare, David Porter. THEI . _ p reliev icipaliti i '52 FORD, new motor and |50--Articles For Sale 18-foot Cruiser. Custom built. 1" Girls (13 and under) .- France| , Gils' Relay (Junior): Barbara relieve municipalities of the en-| 7piavious TMi From Mr. Fixlt outomatic $395 | : hod L Fibre-alossed h Fall in. bara: Tavior: Anne For: Taylor, Lynda Jefford, Ly nn|tire burden of ucation costs. | iewpoint Blackhawk 'S5 FORD Y-ton, A Sr, ome vitor, Jusmeon Perl ear oth oa Covaham | Bowell, Peterman, Christine Ric: Diane 'It could mean more new city 11:30 P.M. SP oon Move we 2-ton, ct 'ondition, 5 eispnone RA strument panel, anchor, other er. Boys -- sraham owell, : , Farol fone pieh 3 i a o 3 LN teries | Johns, Norma Forder, Catherine halls, freeing money now in use =. CSc 4--Western Series f beauty $695 [nam extras. 35 h.p. Johnson Elee- Bryan Reader, Bill Beare : : pc] : - ry oe / Eagar': + 4 Nelson, Amme Forder: Patsy for education for other municipal]; 4 : Ei x 3 3¢ FLYMO, one' Punkinhesd mairess Telepmond ie Sings New: Teulint i Up At ( lose Girls (Open) -- Joanne Quan, Healey. Janice Porter, Ly projects," Mr. Robarts said. Film Festival sii Tn Se 1) Rifieman delivery truck or station wagon. W . 2ordar ion EL . 8 0 26410 Ajax. Taylor, Anne Forder, Janice Por Short, Dale Beare, Bill Beare, Tuesday by Liberal Leader Win-| ret PN, ous $2_Head of the Class | 13_jeave it To Beaver - ---- ter. Boys -- Graham Powell, Bill Gary Jackson. {termeyer that sales taxes could] $:30 P.M. 7--Derby Belvedere .. S445 {one Punkinhead mattress Telephone . he Aer n i ii; 2 39s |RA 3700 Troiler. May be seen at France Quan, Barbara Taylor. youu qi Vroan He agreed that a sales tax can! FRIDAY 116--Flying Doctor Tq Mack Amawp 53 CHEV. Hardtop .. $595 |COMPLETE equipment for two - chair Jack Orde's, Port Perry. For {Boys -- Robert Peterman, Ted| "pi i" palay (Senior): Barpy be a money raiser, but he said| 7:00 AM. 7-77 Sunset Strip 51 FORD Corwertible 8395. 10 rob. 1] Bond Street past price nd further details ap- {Parmer, Graham Powell Oke, David Menzies, Dennis Daw-| before it can be considered On-| 5-2--To-day t-Fiavione. phi Hid 12g |FOR SALE--Teennee boat trailer with! PY Wills otors, 1aunton ar e BOYS SACK RACES son, Ricky Prentice: Iva) Pas.|tario's future position under 8:00 A.M. spall P.M. ETEOR Fairlone $12 winch, six weeks old. One 12' moulded| Rd. E., Oshawa. Would con- | 3 V § oh coe. Ted Farmer. Tim Thomas, [Dominion - fiscal arrangements 7--Buffalo AM 1--Portrait Sond plywood boat, size of beam, 5 feet: sider smaller boat or eor es Y . 9 yrs. and under -- Dean Beare, Ch al s Sills: Bri Mark as, must be determined 4--News Seundup 4 arm Bodig i NEWER CARS Petraes Trp a eck and baddies, One| . down payment TORONTO (OP) = Indusiviale| Gen Sweetman, Barry Saunders. 1d a. I ort W Tk " Now| "Premier Frost has already 8:15 A.M. 2--Masquerade Party | Dre Chak "vinrude 7%: r wi a : y : " ak y . " E aines . kar , S S \ hn < aN 7 3 VOLKSWAGEN, a an , en TE e-R. -- ---------------- spurted on the stock market at 10 yrs. and under ~ Dale 2 - Rane Bubert alker, Nor said that he intends to go to the #-Caviad Sunsnie - 10:00 P.M, 6--13 From Caribou Custom .. $1195 Apply 519 Palace Street, Whitby i the close of light trading Wednes- Beare, Ronald Taylor, Dean Man Mcleod. BE Bind frelon Hoge Te} pa po Ty 11-6---Perry Mason 5.2 Bonanza METEOR. Custom SIN PTT Get -- FOOD AND FREEZER day. All other sections were] Beare. Girls' Relay (Senior! -- Marie coming i Dominion provincia) fis giv Souse 7-"The Detectives Puli BI ; § i . complete. including Y. © 4 s ol ; Cook, Geraldine. Coopei, Joaune Cal conferences with a request 100 AM. 4--Twilight Zone 8:00 P.M Sedan $1295 auick release harness. $65 RA 53930 PLAN pushed lower. 11 yrs. and under Dean , Ga » Loopel, Joi VicF more mone y Ahi i R . H a Te . 3 rane + Dis y for Ontari 11--Romper Room 2--Moment of Feay i1--Sea Hunt PONTIAC Deluxe ONE Electric Life massage cushion, Complete fines of meats and Index changes: Industrials up| Beare, Ronald Taylor. Dale Quan, Feduce Quas: Disse Jonna "Until that question is 'seitled| 7--Kouedy Kommer 10:30 P.M. 7--High Road 2-Door . $1295 lke new: semonuble. Apply @ Warren - groceries. Savings of up fo |LT> al 41575, golds off 5 ai Beare tual Ronald Catherine Neison: Lynn Peter. we will not Mnow the future posi-| i--popeves Plavhouse | Jhon» Express $-¥an From Satespus METEOR AVeUye, Draws... 0%. Let us prove to vou |75.17, base metals off .56 at 153.07| yrs, and under -- jonnd) 4 othe: Ca Lois tion of revenues available for| 2--I Led Three Lives | s poraon ion Fory, 3 . Convertible $1995 TWO wheel box irailer; combination, as we have to thousands of land western oils off .66 at 79.26.| Taylor, Alvin Short, Richard man. Dorothy Carnochan, Lois on on Costs." la | 9:30 AM. 4--Person To Perses |11--Stories of Century BUICK, 2-Door radio: four speed Hi-Fi automatic rec others how we can save the Vol as 1,406,000 od| Stevens. Milne, Jean Thompson. Sis. 1 ANovie 10:45 P.M. it To Beaver ; ord player; quantity fruit sealers. RA olume was 1,406,000 compar 13 yrs. and under Richard Girls' Ball Throw (Junior): | 7--Romper Room a ew a Hardio, $1295 8.0180. cost of the freezer with our |. .1p | 3 ; shares sday. Cid 4 v BUICK. 4-Door SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re., "rove plan. Canadien man- wig hg . Stevens, Ronald Taylor, Alvin Marie Cook, Anne. Porter. Pat. S-Burny Sid Allen 11:00 P.M. Ei p Bathurst Paper B led the in | Er and Your Family f TV's, | washers. "| ufactured freezers, guaron- 3 : | Short. Buxc ey. N B k . WIESE Nenys Hs | 4--Wanted, Dead er 86 Sedan Sedan 444 stoves, sic. For top cash offer, con. Teed by Good-Housekeeping. trials with a gain of 1% at|™g 0, alvin Short, Ronald Seniors -- Nancy WeeDossid| ervous ban Ph AM. 11:15 Hy Re ane a tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8.1131. Government inspected meats, |J<'4, With Abitibi up 1 at 38%. pm, oi0 Soot Kennedy Geraldine Cooper, Joanne Quan. { 5-2-Dough Re Mi 7--Playhouse TWO outboard motors, one '55 Evin. Well known branded pro- [Great Lakes up 3% at 38% and GIRLS" SACK RACES | Boys' Ball Throw (Junior s)--| Robber Chased | Red Rowe Show S:- Viewpoin! ee rude 7%, $150: one brand new Johnson ducts, all part of our plan |Macmillan, Bloedel and St. Law-( "g 5 er -- Ruth Buchuner.|Roger Pickard, Graham Powell, ! 10:30 A.M. 11:30 P.M. 5-2--The Deput H EL 0 Pi 9 Alma Shiet to eat better for less. Phone [rence Corporation both ahead %|pnne Tain Scott Rollo. Seniors -- eel TORONTO (CP) -- A nervous| 7--Morning_Show Ye Saw +-Adventure Series PIANO stove, refrigerator, coffee and, RA '5.3709. No obligation. (at 15 and 17%. I : | Irvi Ted. Farmer, Buddy Bul- bank robbe = chag | 5-2--Play Your Munch | = . 9:30 PM. amp tables to. match. ta . 4 | 10 and under -- Naucy Dymond, | Irvine, er, Buddy nk robber was chased from an 2--Jack Parr a dition, washing machine me: Frances: $189 up." Compare MacLaren 'Paper dropped a| Elizabeth Sebben, Sandra Jon, ler. ; : |east Toronto branch of the Bank 00 im. NEN Se Have Gun, Wit # ticles. Telephone RA 8 3589, you buy further 3% ai 84. | 11 and under -- Elizabeth Seb-| Boys' 100 Yard Dash (11 andjof Montreal Wednesday by an|ii--Jane Gray a 1:00 A.M. Trave) OAK extension table, wardrobe, chairs Bank of Montreal and Bank of hen, Janice Porter, Lynda Jef- under) -- Dale Beare, Jamie assistant accountant. 52--Price Is Right Irmfigental Eile 2--Theatre be |dishes, white uniforms, single bed, SEE HOME APPLIANCES Nova Scotia slipped '% at 53% | ford. Porter, Ricky Walker. The robber thrust a note ask-| = LA SATURDAY 10:00 P.M, Pla A Choaye vr baarding OSHAWA LTD. and 57. 12 and under -- Barbara Tay-| 12 and under--Graham Powell, ing for $1,200 at teller Mrs. Wil {1100 pelea Show 8:00 A.M. a Se pr] 90 SIMCOE SOUTH Steels took a beating all round. lor, Lynda Jefford, Elizabeth Seb- David Porter and Richard Stev-|liam Richards. | 4--December Bride 7--Commonwealth Of Se oy dry wells, $15 per ton. Telephone RA! Westeel slipped %: at 13, Atlas ben. ens. Mrs. Richards, who said the| 2--Concentration Nations ts {s7s1e. Bi | FOR FRIGIDAIRE and Stelco were off % and Do-| !3 and under Barbara Tay. 13 and under Robert Peter- may appeared to have been) :00 NOON S-Caviai Eanjane 8 Thier Sole {'s 12 WP outboard motor, like mew.| - SALES AND SERVICE minion Foundries lost '. (lor, Elizabeth Sebben Lynda Jef- man. Graham Powell "Brian drinking, gave him a handful of| = peters aun 8:30 A.M. 156 Twilight Zone ize A RA 5-9865 Domestic and Commercial Investors' Syndicate A jumped | ford. Reader bills then screamed as the man| A=News: Weather 7--The Christophers 5 The nse 13¢ at 29. | Girls (Open) -- Ehzubefh Seb (Open) -- Ted Farmer, Robert gay Truth or 2--The Three Stooges | 4 Grand Jur RA 5-5332 ed out Consequences 9:00 A.M. 2 Music Appreciation ite ri ee " / ; ber B lor = Sandra Peterman, David Porter " | the ( ; Hudson Bay failed to stop its) mn, . Barbara Taylor andra hin bse" A : The robber dropped most of the 19:15 P.M. a 7 c ) ohns. Girls' Running Broad Jump 2: 8 11--The Living Word 11:00 P.M. " ny N F R Sltide_8ng dropped 3. further. 1% (Junior) --Barbara Taylor, 13'| Money, about $480, then ran with| e--Matinee Tht Cima 11.7-6-4-2--News: Weather Now is the time to Iai 43%, with Geco off % at 18 he Lesli i 12:30 P.M (id lh : | BOYS'. THREE-LEGGED RACES|3"; Marie Cook, 11° 11°"; y| acco! t Leslie Karpati, 29, | 12: WM. Cum Sports have a beautiful home land Falconbridge down. % at| "1p and under--Ricky Beare and| Dagneais, 11' 5" |i Tove That Bob "915 A... S=Father Knows Best with aluminum doors 3% rand . a Russell Stevens: Howard Chap-| Senior--Lois Summers, 11° 57: He dropped more money as he| (Zsearch for Tomorrow | 2--The Three Stooges | 2--Award Theatre _ MID-SUMMER SALE and windows, best! oranda gained 2 at 37 2 and | nan and Reggie Manns; Brian Carol Dagneais, 10° 11"; .Geral- an and threatened to shoot thei 2--it Could Be You T-deisidre Les Deux 11:15 P.M. Dome improved 3% at 173%. accountant 12:45 P.M, outs I----Late Show : town. Quick service. point in 10 years, led down by| i i i i i 2 ¢"; Mr. K ti scuff] i i i ¢ 3 h man and Reggie Manns: Ricky| (Junior): David Mulligan, 12' 6"; Mr. Karpati scuffling with a man| 1:00 P.M. 5--Cisco Kid 11: - reductions up to $70 5 | 0p | 4--Meet The Millers 4 4-- Playhouse McNabb and Stephen Carnegie. dine Cooper, 10° 47, When police arrived they found |--Movie Matinee 9:30 A.M, TP hot {Pacific Petroleum with a 25-cent| Beare and Russell 3revens. Tom- Graham Powell, 11' 11'; Richard Who was arrested and found to| 7--Anout Faces 4--Science Museum G--Wrestling RA 3-985] {ton lost % at 15 and Home B| 12 and under -- Richard Stev- -Senmior -- Robert Peterman, gun was seized ; EE dl PR ia | i Ee 2~Mid-day Mati oT ' L TWO WEEKS ONLY ' | | wag off 20 cents at $6.90. Royalite ens and David Porter: Dale 14' 3": Ted Farmer 14' 1"; Nor-! James Dir 28, has been 1:30 PM. 10: . di | uality, lowest price in v i iis hi " 4 y q y Pp Western oils hit their lowest | 11 and under -- Howard Chap-| Boys' Running Broad Jump 4--Guiding Light 7--Fun House 6--Feature Panorama ALEX VAJDA (drop at $3. Calgary and Edmon- my Hockin and Wayne Cox. Stevens, 10° 10". have $240 in his possession. A| 5--Feature Movie 2-Junior Austion Every job guaranteed. [gained 25 cents at $6.35. Beare and Bill Beare; Howard man McLeod, 12. > (charged with robbery. | 7--Divorce Hearing 1--Stories of the Century | 7--Mr. and Mrs. North

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