Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Jun 1960, p. 14

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 30, 1960 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS = Call The Direct ,Classified Number RA 3-3492 OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 -3§--Accountants 'MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and nants, RA 53527, Co.' Chartered 135° Simcoe Street North; Ajax 30890. RONALD F. D. WILSON, Accountant, Osha wa, Ontario. CLANCY' Ontario Chartered RA CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS .... 225 248 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS .... 375 4.12 Hy not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates "apply § vy to original for insertions, orders iii es rs EWAR and Co. Bond West, Oshawa parE 8. 7. HOPKINS and Com Public Accountants, Easi, Oshawa, uit, S21 | mr later date constitute @ new original order. Professional ond Business listings 37.50 our montis 15.3 nes dolly, additional line $100 per 13--Gardening & Si & Supplies 13--Gordening & Supplies Joady for TOF ol Toad Seer Wa ton, COlfax 3-2307. GARDENS 'and lawns Roto-tilled, made for gprisy planting and seeding. ANY Mind of gaseh work by axl, tes. RA 81524. done, reséonable rates ROTO - tilling done, Call J. Mulligan, OLiver CALL GRANT FOR SOD Finest guslivy, Reasonable prices. PHONE MO 8-3015 CH Eoch initial letter, abbreviation, Is. VRIEDIANDER, HUNTER g Accountants and Auditors, Li od Truss In Bankruptcy, 64 King East, Oshawa; B. L. PL CA: . Fejedlander, B. Comm., = Barristers LOAM--GRAVEL FILL--STONE ASPHALT PAVING FREE ESTIMATES PHONE RA 3-3162 CALL GRANT FOR SOD Delivered, layed, field NEW BUSINESS TELEPHONE LISTINGS DUMONT ALUMINUM RA 8-1651 for information or interview. 'BARLOW 28--Summer Properties 29--Summer P _ For Sale or Wanted HOUSEKEEPING _eoltages fishing bathing * boating oie og alsridge Crystal sins, Lodge Bonfield Ontatio. COME to Sisenber Laks (Bass Lake). 0h 26 miles north of Madoc on Highway No. 02 for sandy lakeshore lots and ob Jermg. Ken Mai: 5 |36--Female Hoy Wanted ;| BOUSEREERER . onperience for family of two. yokes wages pi board and room on premises. To» yon residence. Apply Joseph E. Shields, Real Estate Broker, 102 Byron Whitby. Phone MOhawk Hy SO MOhawk 82473, PIONEER village on Boats, Camp site, Call' RI 3-4750 or Mrs, Beasley RI 2.3092. |WAITRESS, experienced, full or part- time, no late te night work, good working - | conditions. Apply Hotel Lancaster, Oshe awa, MOTORS 428 KING WEST QUALITY USED CARS loading. if you wih come out and make your own inspection only 3 miles from Whitby, MO 8-3015 HOME AMPROVEMENTS No down payment, 36 months to poy. Also commercial work done. For that extra room CALL MO 8-8611 BOUGHT AND SOLD RA 8-6175 LAKE SCUGOG -- five - oom cottage to rent for Dominion holidays, modern conveniences, Phone Blackstack 27-04 after 7 p.m, SHANGRI+LA Inn; on beautiful Rice Lake, best fishing, completely large housekeeping ning water, heated, R.R. neath, Phone 20R12. cabins, No. TRY OUR P BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Fish & Chips 35¢, Homburg- LAKE SIMCOE -- Sevenroom cot tage, completely furnished. Safe, sandy beach, Dial RA 8-1245. equipped have run |DeCi COTTAGE for sale Haliburton county, Good hunting fishing, Phone RA 5-9612. OFFICE clerk required, 21-35 years of age, for general office duties, b+ CLEAN gravel beach, fifty foot iake- shore lot, all services, excellent roads. Rice Lake at Roseneath. FRENCHMAN'S Bay lakefront round or sumer Boma, Sit-100 six-room brick, all modern conveniences. $9500, balance one mortgage. OX 8-2195, FURNISHED cottage (Owners) Scugog Island, vacant, July 1 to 15. All August, Apply Kilcare Cabin, side Beach Port Perry. Phone YUkon 57851. ers, Hot Dogs, Milk Jakes, JREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar. , Solicitors and Notaries Public, 6 King Street East, RA 5-4717, Russell #¢ Murphy and James A, MacDonald. writing, nor for more thon one incorrect insertion of ony adver nor beyond the price &..X. SALMERS, BA, barrister soli- itor, etc. 13% Simcoe Street North. Qffice RA 53741; Residence RA AN, David L., Barrister, Solici- ,' 3% Simcoe South. RA 59592. Resi- dence, RA 8-0264. charged for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And also reserves the right fo classify advertising ececording to its own) classification. In the case of display advertise ments The Times will not be held and BASTEDO, Barristers licitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North, RA- 5-3566, Charles C. Qc for more space thon that in which the actual error The to reproduce all I advertising matter but no liobility Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. JOHN A. G. MacDONALD, BA. Barris. ter and Solicitor, 101 Ji eon North. Phone RA 8-851 it any inaccuracies in ony form adver are therein CHOICE LOAM AND TOP SOIL 14--Household Repairs 18a--Mortgages MODERN GRILL RA 5-3887 A-1 PAINTING DECORATING by interior or exterior, Roxa- FOR SALE GRAVEL - SAND - FILL tone work guaranteed. Free estimates. RA 8-2558, Also Back Filling Lots Levelled RA 5-2156 HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Power Rolling Fertilizing PAINTING, inside and out, small or large jobs. Reasonable prices. RA 5-4452 FURNITURE repaired and re-uphols tered. See our materinls for re-cover- ing. Bruce R. Dalon, 75 Charles Street, RA 37212, CHESTERFIELD and oda chairs re. covered like new. Get the. best for less at Modern Upholstering, 926% Simcoe Street North, Call RA 8-6451 for free Tractor Roto-Tilling Top Soil - Sod - Manure Flagstone : Patio Slabs CHESTERFIELDS rebullt, recovered, like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. FIRST OR SECOND SERVICE ANY AMOUNT TO $5,000 Repayable as low as $30.00 Up to 5 years to repay Call for appointment OSHAWA RA 3-3993 ANYTIME MORTGAGES _ FAST CONFIDENTIAL a month. Principal and Interest We Deliver 22--Radio Repairs EXPERT ELECTRONIC SERVICE T.V., HI-FI, RADIO, ETC. 18 MONTH GUARANTEE ON NEW PICTURE TUBES T.V. Enterprises 253 Drew St. 90 RA T.V. RADIO: SERVICE COTTAGE for rent -- dis- trict. Victor's, 38 Bond Street West, RA 3-3141 after 6, RA 5-8043. BUY a A FEW openings from August 6. Two-, Lindsay, or phone FA 4.4012. KAWARTHA Lakes, summer and coun- , Send for | pew waterfront cottage pig Call RA 3-2311 after 6 p.m. No book-keeping experience essential. benefits for 35-6566. Sal E91ADIES ~ must be experienced better dresses, coats and suits, State Sualifications, Write Box 700 Oshawa SECRETARY With dictaphone and short- hand experience required for expanding manufacturing and three - bedroom cottages on lake edge. Electric refrigerator and rang- ette; boat. Good fishing; safe, sandy beach, Near Orillia, weekly. Write bY Powell, Sebright MODERN six - room cottage reason- able rent, good boating fishing. Call RA 3-4210 after 6 p.m. PRESQU: ILE -- Claudor Vila, 3-bed- oom housckeeping cottages, boast, Phone Brighton 353 or 95 R 3. POW - WOW Come and enjoy the fun at 30--Lost & Found IF YOU Jaye We supply all samples a a if you like selling rn, phone our hile training. Average yearly income concern located in Ajax. Group benefits, etc. Call Mr, Wilkes, WHITEHALL 2-212Q Reward. RA 5.5481. LOST ~-- One wallet "etween Simcoe |and Ontario Streets, valuable papers. 37--Mal» Help Wanted ii 0 MAN WANTED ~ Sontisiue | many please contact rt Street Phone RA 85240. LIGHT brown bulky knit sweater, in vicinity of Wilkinson Avenue. Finder 263 Albe: or years of and some good rural atriots: Previous experience or capital investment not necessary, You are eligible if you own a car, bear a good reputation and are Pow-Wow Point Lodge, Huntsville. All Summer 31--Arficles For Rent able and willing to WORK. 7-8 hours each day. For information write Rawleigh's, Dept, F-310-914, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- BUMPHREYS, Boychyn "sa ih Solicitors; R. Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Upholstery h 8 Co, 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA sports, delicious mea Is. American Plan, $39-$58 weekly. Wrtie direct or call $10 Allowance for your old 8--Building Trades Picture Tube. [CALL Joe RA 8-6444 for CEMENT mixers, sidewalk finishing tools wheelbarrows, sump pumps, post: hole diggers, post driver, barrels, well real. EXVEVIERCED barber janied, Ap- Py | Doug's Barber Shop 27 B Street RA 5-1721 ALLIED YOUK socal chimney cleaner. Chim. ~ 844)3. ATRO |windlass. Also for sale, cement mixer 54604 or Whitby, MO 8.2761; RA 5.5203, Money to loan. JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, sollcl- and Nays Table, 10 18% King Street |p RA and private painting and handyman. Work guaran. teed, BULLDOZING and excavating. Dial MO 8-5612. Free estimates, Taylor rothers, 26 Hillcourt Drive, Whitby. mortgages rn My GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solicl fers, ete. 7% Simcoe Street Soul Dial RA 32278. Residence phones. #'M. Greer, BA, Sc, RA 53368: Ter. ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, RA 85-5832, WAEPH JONES, BA, and Thomas H. @feer, Associate Barristers and Soli #tdks, 130 King Street East, RA 86246. Mortgage loans available. ¥55E EPH P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, licitor, Money to loan. Office 14% Street East, Oshawa, RA $8232. ence, RA 5-3405. DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister end Solicitor, 26% reet East. Telephone: Business RA 5-5501; Resi- dence, RA 0-3373 MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister, Solicitor, Netary. Money to loan. Asso- , Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry Blok, 26% King Street East, RA 3-4697. Residence, dial RA 3-4029, THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soli- King eitor ano Notary Public, 26% Street East Phone RA 8-1763. CR¥IGHTON, FRASER, DEYNAN and MURDOCH. No- th, | ing. RA 5-9168, PLASTERING repairs, chimngys, roof ing, cement work and exterior paint. OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. LOAM -- GRAVEL FILL -- STONE . neys built and repsised, gas linings in- stalled furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- mates, RA 3-2007 PAINTING and papering. Rooms paper- ed, $8 and up. RA 5.7207, PAINTING and decorating. kre, 3 estl- INVESTMENT CO. 51 KING ST. E. TOWERS 5 different types to choose from. All heavy galvanized 16 gauge steel. Installed with a 2 year warranty, Antennas moved .. $10.00 mates, work guaranteed. 7742. RA 3-3528 ATTENTION BUILDERS EXCAVATORS WANTED CLEAN CLAY FILL Phone RA 8-6756 W. WARD WELL DIGGING B* MACHINE WHITBY, ONTARIO SPECIALIZING IN_ 30" TILE MO 8.2563--MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. P.O. BOX 329 tary. Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg., $ Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3466; > Creighton, QC; N. C. Yasar, 4 ges a Drymar G. L. Murdoch. saggy 6--Optometrists #. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom- etry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses, 126 Simeee North (at Colborne), evenings by appointment. RA 3-4191, , RO, optometrist. Please pay accounts at downtown Toronto Dominion Pue, or 74 Burk Street. Terres @. T. HORTON and Associates, On- trio Land Surveyors, Professional En- ingesing 306 Dundas Street West, by, MO 8-5091, Ajax 728, DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyor, 216 Adelaide Avenue East. RA 5.6881. DONFVAN AND FLEISCHMAN. On- K.|GENERAL CONTRACTING Free estimates ond ments arranged. Alterations ond additions, rec rooms, concrete work, stone fire- places, etc. Custom building. Mortgages arranged. LYMES CONSTRUCTION RA 8-6228 TE 9-2224 HOME | IMPROVEMENTS REMODELLING--ADDITIONS REC ROOMS FAMILY ROOMS Tile, Hardwood Floors, Cupboards Loans Arronged Flowering and Tropical Foliage Plants, We still have a good selection of plant boxes, Evergreens, shade trees and potted roses, ete. 2 Miles East of Oshawe MA 3-5757 BOWMANVILLE (OPEN EVENINGS) * VAN BELLE GARDENS| FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE H. M. Mackie Co., Ltd RA Cleanout Service-- $7 labor plus parts FURNACE CLEANING Complete summer service -- chimneys swept -- Oil fur- nace $6.50 -- coal furnace $5.00. Call after 6. OL 5-3186 19--Personal LEAVING for Moncton, New Jieks July 6, room for passengers. 5, resentative for Oshawa and district, Cox, 13 Elgin East, RA 5-1497. Bruns. ONTARIO Automobile Association rep. Len & Lou's TV RA 8-5804 or RA 5-7844 FREE SURVEY RA Huntsville resort, Camp Allandale Country Vacation for boys 7 to 14 years, Riding, swimming, etc, $25 weekly, Write for brochure. Art 23--Women"s Column SAVE money, no waiting, free Maple Grove Inn, stationary. Open dally except Park ing at D. Bruce'. Mobile Batpershog. SPECIAL! Heat pormanents, $8.50. 871396 Pine Avenue, RA 5.5363 Cold wave $600. Page Hairdressing, BOX 1334-0 BOWMANVILLE MArket 3-2924 manently. lose weight, This dence, smoking. from bad habits. sultations free, Flowering and Tropical Foliage Plants Roses (40 varieties), Shrubs, (29 Varieties), Shade Trees (15 varieties Evergreens (25 varieties) Vine Ground Covers, VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 Miles East of Oshawe 15--Instructions PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, 16 years' experience, by interview only. Act now. RA 5-1054, LEARN TO DRIVE At the Oshawa Driving Schodl Licensed by the Police Commission Fully trained Instructors Standard, Automatic cars RA 8-0091 MA 3.5757 Bowmanville (OPEN EVENINGS) HUGH CROSBY RA 5.3937 bo and Surveyor, printing. 13 Bloor Street East. RA §-5632 8--Building Trades PLUMBING and heating pipes fittings, fixtures, Dew | and used, changing from septic tank sewer a specialty. In stallations hy reasonable rates. Infor- mation and estimates free on any type of plumbing. Dial RA 5.4241, J. Foley. ats plumbing and heating supplies. RA 53521, Harold R, Stark, a plumbing, heating engineer. ing. 255 Simcoe Street South. BRICKLAYING, blocklaying, work. Chimneys built and repaired, ad- ditions, verandahs, remodelling of kin §-1953. cement ALL kinds of building and repairs, kitchen cupboards, recreation rooms, garages, concrete and block work. Free estimates. RA 5-6937. PLASTERING, stucco and all kinds of repairs. Free estimates. call a ae Abramott, RA 3-4871 or RA § BUILDERS Ceramic tiled bathroom sup- plied and fixed, complete with four fittings, Mo A color range. sq. ft. First class tradesman. Phone "~gnytime. "RA 5.1177 | GRAVEL & SAND CARPENTER CONTRACTING Remodelling of kitchens, bathrooms, recreation rooms, Sling, plumbing end heating. be financed. Whitby, MO 8-8611 Toronto AMhurst 1-0197, ATTENTION For weed kililng, spraying and pruning of your shrubs and evergreens, call RA 8-6366 OSHAWA HOME SPANISH GUITAR Summer Rock 'N' Roll 8 WEEK COURSE Commences 1s tweek of July, ends lost week in Aug. For formation call WILSON & LEE LTD. St., Oshawa, RA 8-0171. Relieves nervous tension per- You learn to re- lox, sleep better, gain confi- stop Dynamic therapy can help you with emotional problems, free you Initial con- Institute of Ethical Hypnosis, 11 Ontanp 24---Market Basket STRAWBERRIES, orders taken, COl- fax 3-2229, 25--Pets & Livestock POODLES, miniature, ported stock, inoculated, Dr. Port Perry, YU 52192. black, of im. H. Bathie, PINE TREE LODGE AND CABINS ONE one and half years old, RA 8-5435 male thoroughbred Samovd dog, LABRADOR puppies, black, one male. eight weeks old, purebred. RA 3.9949. ELECTROLYSIS Marie Murduff will Oshawa, July 19th and 20th. Phone Genosha Hotel these dates for appointment, Removal of superfluous hair, be in on ing. Waubena Kennels. RA 5-6321 BOARDING, trimming, bathing, deflea. training, talking strain. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, MINATURE poodles, champion beautiful puppies and grown stock. Cedarview Kennels, RA 5-5062, 26--Farmer's Column DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. 20--Cartage Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-272]. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for Apply . Mrs. sired, Also housekeeping cottages on Pigeon Lake, Excellent fishing: pickerel, bass and muskie. Good boating and swimming. Boats, motors, groceries, etc. Contact Gord Brown PINE TREE LODGE R.R. 1 Peterborough, Ont. Phone OL 7-8541 28a--Trailers FOR RENT --- Tent traller by week PICK-UP or stake truck. for hire, eve- nings and weekends. Phone RA 8.3653. BAIL bunchers, and trailer wagons, APDIY Raglan Welding Shop. Phone Brooklin, OL 5-4701, STAKE truck for hire. Sina' moving jobs. Anything haul locally. RA 8-8535 gar ages cleaned. Rubbish removed, ete. "|WANTED --- immediately, good "used two - row corn planter with fertilizer attachments, any make. Will pay top cash price. Phone OL 5-3019. led furniture, appliances, trailers, PICKUP truck with hitch, will move boats 27--Fuel & Wood etc, to cottages or local, rates. RA 8.0818. bry Jordwood | lumber ends, suitable and ance GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appli- moving, Reasonable rates, fully insured. Call day or night. RA 5-4498, wood stoves, $5 for large load, delivered. Also enquire about cottage deliveries, RA 8-0818. Music Store 87 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5.4706 LANDSCAPING for complete Garden Service CLIFF BROWN LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-8951 CROSS TOWN 16--Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For |personal service at your home, call RA 57413, SOD SUPPLY 17--Money to Loan 21--Personal Services 28--Summer Properties FOR RENT -- Tent traller by week $25, SALES & SERVICE Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Til- lers. Used Engines Bought and Sold. Authorized Clinton, Lauson Power Products, Pin- dor Service, 81 Central Park Blvd. S. Phone RA 5-4633. LAWNMOWER & ENGINE accommodates six people, Phone MA 3- 3262. COTTAGE for rent, Lake Chemong, completely furnished with motor boat, $50 weekly. RA 3-4363, NEW four - bedroom cottage, Kawar tha district, safe swimming, good fish. ing. Available July 1-15. $30 weekly. Phone RA 5-4360. PORT PERRY, Lake front cottage, private, Scugog, lake three-nedrooms A-1 rolled fertilized sod cut fresh daily, prompt delivery. Special contractor rates. RA 5-8504 CLIENTS' monies available for first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements of sale purchased. Apply M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Nota Publies. 26% King East, Oshawa, R. 10--Sharpening Service LAWN mowers sharpened, work guar. anteed. 13 St. Lawrence Avenue. For id and delivery RA 33266 or RA FIRFY ciass and al gaol, Mosier 850 Wi 83-5016 LAWN mower and COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE Gardens ploughed, disced, landscaping, wood cut, trees removed. RA 8-1798 pair and sharpening service. rs Sports Centre, 62 Rossland Road West, RA 3.7462. or RA 81734. me DODD & SOUTER "+ PAINT -- WALLPAPER "PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For Free Estimates call A" DAYS MO 8-5231 "EVENINGS RA 5-7426 #107 Byron St. S., Whitby ~ W. WARD "WELL DIGGING BY wn MACHINE w= SPECILIZ.NG IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563--MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. P.O. BOX 329 PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS «ss COLORED PATIO "Xg, DURA STEPS * W4 CURBING WELL TILE ~~ BROOKLIN [ CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED OL.iver 5-3311 % HAVE your lawn mower precision sharpened. Free pick-up, Texaco Sta. tion, 380 'Simcoe Street South RA 8.0142. 11--Business Opportunities STORE, suitable for Plumber, Sects cian ete. RA 3-9248 after 6.30 p Fox SALE, rent or exchange Sk and two A , open for offers, OX. 1.9757. 1439 Ki nm Road, Toronto. ESTABLISHED welding io low capital investment to right party. Call RA 18-2068. GROCERY store -- Clearance of entire stock, self-service, refrigerator, scales, slicer, cash register. Also store for rent. _ Apply 142 Simcoe Street South. WANTED to rent, two or three-bed. room cottage, August 6 to 20th. Must have good swimming, vicinity of Madoc. Phone RA 5-4093 after § p.m. GROUND floor store, 918 sq, EN Sor rent, 140 Simcoe Street South. RA 8-0836. PROMPT DELIVERY FOR YOUR RLIERTW | ey to loan on first mort- gage. gage and agreement of sale gh SNHA mortgages arranged. Ctelgnm, ¥raser, Drynan and Mur- ve and second mortgage, sale ements purchased and sold. Hen- n ck King WEIGHT REDUCING Yes, you can stay on a diet easily with our help and lose up to 20 Ibs. in two weeks. Look your healthiest best this summer, The Institute of Ethical Hypnosis 11 Ontario St, Oshawa RA 8-0171 with flush toilet. Fully equipped. Dial YUkon 5-2214 Saturday to Wednesday. ARDEN housekeeping cottages on Ken- nebee Lake, two and three bedrooms, hydro, good fishing, swimming. RA 5.1763, $25 accommodates six people. Phone MA 3.3262. SLEEPING trailer, 10' x 6', Olive Avenue. FOR RENT -- Tent trailer by week $25 accomodates six people, Phone MA 3-3262, TRAILER accessories and service. Everything fcr small and large trail ers. LP bottles and parts, hitches, level- ing jacks, postible toilets, mantles, lamps, ete. Mill 9 Tudor Street, Ajax, 'WHitehall or, COOK'S TRAILER SALES See the new 1960 Glendettes 16-ft,. custom deluxe, Also self-contained. New and used. Location: Highway No. 2 at Courtice. Open until 10 p.m. and weekends. Low down payment. Apply 373 and strawberries, RA 8-1165. SALES RENTALS Tents, camp stoves, comp cots, tarpaulins, sleeping bags, lanterns, Coleman camp stoves $13.45 OSHAWA HARDWARE AND » LECTRIC 8 Church RA 3-7624 es clerk wanted, Telephone RA HAVE opening for one full or part time man, serving Watkin's route. No ce, Average wages $2.50 per ons, Phone RA 8-2383. TWO OBA barbers wanted. Ha Barbershop, 23 Bond Street East. CHARTERED Accountant's office re. quires junior student with senior mae risulation, Britnell and Moore, RA WEBBING'S HARDWARE RENTAL SERVICE OF TOOLS SCAFFOLDING And Other Construction Equipment. B-H Paint UPHOLSTERY AND RUG SHAMPOOER -- VAC To Restore original beouty to your furniture ond rugs. OSHAWA---RA 3-4873 282 KING ST. W. WANTED To Train As Sports Writer Young man with minimum of Grade XII education, Must be keenly interested in sports and desirous of newspaper career. Apply in writing, stating oge, education and connection with sports, to Box 845, Oshawa Times. WANTED Apprentice to learn print- ing trade at The Oshawa Times. Must be good spel- ler and. able to type 50 words per minute. For test and application form see Ray Scott, Compos- RENT FROM THE HILLTOP RA 8-6891 Tents 9' x 9, 9' x 12°, stoves, lanterns, camp cots, air mattresses, sleeping bags, various sizes Outboard Motors. coolers and para wings. ALL NEW EQUIPMENT REASONABLE RATES Don't Leave It Too Late -- Reserve Yours Now. A Small Deposit Will Hold, 29--Summer Properties For Sale RA 8-6891 ing Room Foreman. 41--Room & Board ROOM and board for young gentlema: day worker preferred, 131 Park Roa North. Call RA 5.0312, ROOM and board, close to hus, Fit. tings and North GM; home cooked [heals lunches packed. Apply 251 Bruce reet. ROOM and board for young gentle. man, good home, privileges, central, Phone 5-7687 after 8 p.m. Apply 51 Colborne East. ROOM and board for wo ust gl home cooked meals, Sloae fo ay Shopping Centre. RA 3-7687. ROOM and boara for Fallen to share, ciose tr north plant, lunch pack- ed. RA 5.6727. ROOM and ooard for gentlemen, to share, nome away from home, 97 Albert Street, RA 3.4211. WANTED to board lady pensioner, also single room for one bentleman or pensioner. Telephone RA 3-958, ROOM and board, $15 per week, home privileges, lunches packed. 666 Simcoe South. RA 5.8255, ROOM and board, $13 per week. Lunches packed. Apply 137 Rosehill Boulevard, 0g, Sunsetview s cedar strip 50246 or COTTAGE, Lake Sc Beach furnished inclu boat. Phone Oshawa Lindsay, FAirview 4-5563. 32--Articles Wanted pleasant day work. ROOM or room and board, room In private home, size. Phone RA 13-4674. BUY your new cottage or Ww lot at Willow Glen, Phone FA 4-4012 write Cecil Brown, RR 1, Lindsay, On- taro, / silver dollars, also certal 85-5227, WANTED - ome lawn roller, large WILL pay $10 and up foe 1948 Canadian in type "47. RA er only. RA 85-3808. ROOM or room and board, good home cooked meals, close to four corners. Apply 240 Division St, ONE building, 12° x 20°, fully and wired, asbestos siding, asphalt shingles, suitable for small summer cottage. 143 King East. HOUSEKEEPING cottages on Beaver Lake, electricity, running water, re- frigerators. good swimming and fish. ing, Tameworth 40RB1 James O'Neill, and Street East, RA 2.7232, WE HAVE clients' monies 22--Radio & TV Repairs Erinsville FOR RENT -- Cottage on Beech Lake, for loans on first and second mortgages and also purchase of mortgages and Agreements of Sale. Louis 8, Hyman, Lid King Street East, Oshawa. RA COMPLETE GARDEN SUPPLIES CALL BEVERWYCK GARDENS NO. 12 HIGHWAY OL 5-3570 BROOKLIN MO 8-4735 WHITBY MONEY AVAILABLE TO HOME OWNERS Up to $3,000 for any good purpose, including down pay- ment on home, payment of existing mortgage, consolida- tion of debts or purchases of any kind. No penalty for pre- payment, no bonus. For fast friendly service call TV, radio, car radio repairs. makes. Thompson Electronics, Ellictt Avenues, RA 3.9702 (Fred). Haliburton, boat, electric stove, refrig- erator, $35 weekly, anytime July or Au: gust. Apply Mrs. A. Martin, Sunder All 157 TV TOWERS 40-ft, self supporting tower. Hot dip galvanized. No paint. Complete with new Wave- Master all-channel antenna. Total price, installed and guaranteed for year, $59.95, TV Enterprises 253 Drew St. RA 3-3553 land, Phone 76R2. WANTED TO RENT -- 2 or 3 bedroom cottage, August 6 to 20th, Must 'have good swimming, vicinity of Madoc. Phone RA 05-4093 after 5 p.m. LAKE SCUGOG Modern 5 room cottage, safe beach, all conveniences. Call OX 4-0761 or Apply W. RINGHAM PARK ST. CAESAREA, ONT, SEABOARD DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD. 13 Gurdoning & Supplies moval and pruning service. Whitena 22205, Pickering. Ornamental evergreens, "roses, shrubs peonies, perennials, at reason. able Fai Collected cedars for hedges and up. Orchard Nurseries, Highway two miles west of ool LANDSCAPING SERVICES Weed treated, field nurse sod, top soil, gravel, son. fill. Complete service. Weed control, Free estimates, ED KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 LOAM, GRAVEL, SAND AND FILL ~ GARDEN SUPPLIES "NIAGARA BRAND" BUG KILLERS "KING CALCIUM" BUG KILLERS WEED" KILLERS BIRD BATHS PATIO POTS LAWN SPRINKLERS LAWN SOAKERS PATIO SLABS SIDEWALK SLABS CURBING == QUALITY PAINTS CLOSED SATURDAY 12.30 P.M. JULY - AUGUST COOPER SMITH CO. 16 CELINA ST. OSHAWA RA 5-5279 29% Simcoe Street South RA 5-1121 (formerly . Bellvue) MONEY TO LOAN Monies for all types of mort- goges; for first and second mortgages on all types of real estate including vacant lands; short term mortgages for builders; first ond second mortgages ond agreements for sale purchased. Apply M. Swartz, 26) King Street 'East, Oshawa. Telephone RA 3.4697. 18A--Mo= ig0ges $1000 AVAILABLE for a first or second mortgage. OL 5-471 Brooklin. USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT CALL RA 8-5286 LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH DAY CAMP $10 WEEKLY INFORMATION RA 5-2737 OUR SERVICE CALL INCLUDES ALL THOSE EXTRAS . Same day service « All tubes checked Picture tube cleaned « Tuner cleaned, if needed Complete set-up sen . 3 months guarantee DO IT NOW Beautify Your Home. Improve Picture Quality Call us for a free estimate TR.LO: TELEVISION RA 8-6781 171 BOND ST, EAST HAVE A TOWER PRESQU'ILE SUMMER HOTEL PRESQU'ILE POINT, BRIGHTON, ONT. For good vacation value, de- lightfully informal, good ac- commodations, fine food, dancing © each evening, all summer sports, folder on re- quest, Grant Quick, Mgr. LEN-DAVE LODGE BALA, MUSKOKA (Children Free) Main lodge, sleeping cabins, safe sandy beach, home- cooked meals, dancing and oll water sports, hot and cold running water with showers. For the time of your life = Write or Phone LEN-DAVE LODGE PHONE BALA 397 BALA, ONTARIO 15' cedar boat. Sickness forces sale. Phone J. Stock, Blackstock 24-22, PIANOS, upright or apartment size, Will pay cash. State make and price. Write Box 839, Oshawa Times, ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, nice locaticn, close tn downtown. Abstain. 43--Wanted To Rent FOR SALE STURGEON LAKE Five room cottage on 100' lakefront lot. Built in 1957. | Bargain $4,400. CAMERON LAKE ! | CASH FOR SCRAP ! ! WE BUY SYeeL, AMETALS, a TIERIES, GS, ete. PER: A S da M. Bente °& SONS RA 3.7333 -- if Bloor St. E, SIX to eight-room house wanted, clean, reliable adults. Cal Mr Wood, Toran: 0, EMpire 6-52°2 9 to 5 only, SMALL apartment or house keep! rooms and bathroom with kitchen ps eges on ground floor with quiet adults, Stamens North section, suitable for one respectable widow. Box 544 The Oshawa Times. Nice choice of cottages from $7,500 up. West shore == Sand beach. LOTS -- Two only, Cameron lake, $34.00 per foot. Four Mile Lake = Choice at $20.00 per foot. MURCHISON & ROBSON CO. LTD. REALTORS FENELON FALLS TELEPHONE 89 STURGEON LAKE BEEHIVE PARK ESTATES A NEW modern registered subdivision designed in the SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E. CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD. IRON--METALS PAPERS--RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL RA 5-3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET Immediately Modern three bedroom, newly decorated house or duplex, Must be close to central business section or to trans- portation. Available before Aug. Ist. Adults only. If satisfied option to buy, Would consider better class older home with oil heat. PHONE MO 8-4751 BETWEEN 8 AM, AND 5 P.M, 44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent THREE-room and two-room furnished apartment, with frig.' and cupboards, private entrance, close to Duplate ehild welcome. Apply 853 Howard rect, THREE roomed apartment newly dees Florida motif. The most un- usual and beautiful in the Kawartha Lakes. Clean, safe, sand beach, Large beautiful shade trees. Canals 40-ft. wide with sheltered docks for your boat. NEW, quality-built summer homes open for your inspec- WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) orated children welcomed. Good resi. Genital district. Apply 597 Bloor Street ast, SIX room modern brick house oil heat. ed partially furnished double drive two blocks sputh off King East. Ref erences, Write-Box 742 Oshawa Times, AJAX three bedrooms semi for sale or rent with or without option one Jear minimum, 108 Hurley Road. WH tion, electric wiring connect ed to hydro, three bedrooms, bathroom with plumbing, kit- chen with stainless steel sink, in orborite cabinet top. Large living-dining room finished in genuine knptty pine, PRICES "from $5,750 to $5,950, including large, level lot, terms af current rates of interest. Location 4 miles west of Bobcageon on the Fenelon Falls highway--large signs at entrance. Owner on property every afternoon end over weekends, tools, any type carpentry. boards, jor 'hourly. 35--Employment Wanted WANTED, Jyping to do at home, Tele- phone MO 8- FURNISHED one-bedroom apartment utilities paid $85 per month located beside small grocery store in North Simcoe areca. Only one block from bus route Prefer young couple or working WILL give kind, EY care to baby or small children, by day or week my home. Phone RA 3-9694. ACCOUNTANT. office credit in| THREE - Toot N capariment, girls, RA 8-3054. modern kitchen, heavy duty ve, heat hydro supplied. Telephone RA 5.4317, RIA degrees, nine years desires change. Whilby, Ajax or a districts. MO 85123 or Entre CEMENT work, done by gentleman with own mixer. Telephone RA 5.7966. ATE ne paliobs | one bedroom nicely fu Also unfurnished, two- bedroom apart ment, washing facilities, choice locas tion, Simcoe Street. Call RA 5.4452. MODERN two! Bedroom apartment. all CARPENTER -- first class, evenings, weekends, 20 years' experience, power Stairs, cup arking. Available ime mediately. Call RA Bas 74. THREE rooms and bath, childrer - comed, $60 Telephone kN rafters, alterations. 3 WH Btn Shh 4 8A on en nin

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