6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, June 28, 1960 Cakes BANANA CAKE 2 eggs (save 1 white for icing) 1 cup white-sugar ' 3% cup shortening 1 teaspoon baking soda dissolv- ed in 4 tbsps. sour milk 4 tsps. baking powder sifted in with flour 1% cups flour pinch salt 1 tsp. vanilla 4 large bananas mashed fine Fills one 8-inch square pan. Bake at 400 degrees for 30 min. Icing 1 cup brown sugar white of one egg (beat stiff, but not dry) 2 thsps. cold water vanilla ? Cook in double boiler about 8 min., stirring well all the time. Then beat until thick enough to spread. Mrs. Ruby Brown, 6th Oshawa Scout Auxiliary. CHOCOLATE CHIFFON CAKE 2 eggs, separated 132 cups white sugar 1% cups sifted flour Yteaspoon soda 3 teaspoon salt one-third cup salad od 1 cup mitk 2 squares chocolate Method: Beat egg whites until frothy. Slowly add % cup sugar. Beat until stiff and glossy. In an- other bowl, sift together remain- ing sugar, flour, soda and salt. Make a well in middie of flour mixture and add oil and half of the milk. Beat for one minute on medium speed, add remaining milk, egg yolks, melted choco- late. Beat one minute more. Fold in egg white mixture. Pour into two 8-inch layer pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes, Mrs. James MacDonald, Ladies Civitan Club. CHIRSTMAS CAKE This recipe got a $1.00 award from Toronto Daily Star some years ago. It makes a splendid wedding cake by adding extras to taste, 1 lb. buiter 1 lb. light brown sugar 1 Ib. flour (4 cups) 12 eggs 1 tsp. allspice 2 tsps. nutmeg 3% tsp. cloves 2% lbs. raisins 1 lb. currants 1 1b. dates 35 1b. citron peel 1% lb. mixed peel 1-3 1b. almonds 1-3 lb. pecans ¥% cup grape juice or brandy 3% cup coffee Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon ¢ Maraschino cherries if desired 3% cup juice from cherries Bake in Christmas cake pans (set of three) at 300 degrees for about 4 hours. Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Newcastle United Chur. Woman's Association FROM SOUP TO NUTS CAKE thsps. butter cup granulated sugar tin cream of tomato soup cup raisins 1% cup washed currants 1% cup chopped walnuts 1 2-3 cups sifted cake flour % tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. baking soda oud pd bd GO 1% tsp. each of cinnamon, mm- || meg, cloves Preheat oven to 325 to 350 de- grees. Cream butter, add sugar and tomato. Add sifted dry in- gredients then fruit and nuts. Mix thoroughly and bake in greased 8 x 8 pan for 35 to 40 minutes, | Mrs. H. A. Preity, St. Paul's Guild, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church COMPANY ">. COMING? [CHICKEN 1 me ROUBH ue COrreseme 200 0% Severe eresems FOR HOME DELIVERY PINEAPPLE CAKE 1 Ib. sultana raisins 1% Wb. red cherries 3 lb. green cherries 3% cup walnuts or almonds 1 cup mixed peel or glazed 1 20 oz. tin crushed pineapple Mix the above together and let stand overnight. In morning dust with % cup flour, Cream 3% cup butter, add 1 cup white sugar, 3 eggs -- one at a time beating after each. Add 2% cups bread flour, 2 tsps. bak- ing powder, 1 tsp. salt .sifted together. Stir in fruit mixture. Bake at 275 degrees - 300 degrees for 2%- 3 hours in loaf pan or large pan of Christmas cake pan set. Extra fruit may be added without hav- ing to change quantities of other ingredients. Mrs. Dora Smith, Newcastle Urited Church Woman's Association TOMATO SOUP CAKE 1 cup of white sugar 1-3 cup of shortening or margarine 1 tsp. baking soda 1 can tomato soup 1% cups of sifted flour 1 tsp. einnamon 1 cup raisins 3% cup chopped walnuts Method: Mix together thorough- ly. Place in a greased square tin. Bake for about one hour in a 328 degree oven, Mrs. W. Gardner, Mary Street Home and Scheel GRAHAM WAFER CAKE 3% cup shortening 1 scant cup white sugar 1 egg 3% teaspoon sai 2 cups crushed wafer crumbs (24) 1 euwp milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup fine coconut Method: Cream shortening, add egg and dry ingredients alternate- ly with milk and stir in coconut. Pour in 8" x 8" tin. Bake 35 mins. in oven 350 degrees. Ice when cold with almond flavored icing. CHERRY CAKE 1% cups all-purpose flour One-third tsp. salt cup white sugar % tsp. almond flavoring tsps. baking powder 3. cup butter eggs separated 3% cup milk cup cherries drained Method: Cream butter and sugar, add egg yolks and flavor- ing, then add the sifter flour, salt, and baking powder alter- nately with milk. Add beaten egg whites and drained cherries. Bake at 325 F. deg. for 40 to 50 minutes. Use 8 x 8 greased cake pan, or regular sized loaf pan. Mrs. Ross Lofthouse, Dr. Robert Thornton H-S Assoc. WB CHOCOLATE CAKE Cook % cup milk and % cup cocoa until thick and smooth. Set aside to cool. %2 cup butter, 1% cups white sugar, 3 eggs (yolks). (Set whites aside to fold in at last.) 2 cups pastry flour, % tsp. baking soda, 2 tsps. baking pow- der, 2-3 cups milk, 1 tsp. vanilla. Cream butter and sugar. Add beaten egg yolks. Sift together flour, baking soda, baking pow- der. Mix alternately with milk to first mixture. Add chocolate and vanilla. Mix well and fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake in moderate oven for about 30 min- utes. Mrs, W. Hurren, Mary Street Home and School TOMATO SOUP CAKE Cream 2 tablespoons shortening with 1 cup sugar. Stir in 1 can condensed tomato soup (1 1-3 cup). Sift together: 2 cups cake flour 3% teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1% teaspoons cloves 3% teaspoon nutmeg Add to first mixture and blend thoroughly. Sprinkle a bit of the flour over: 1 cup nuts chopped 1 cup raisins or finely chopped dates Stir into batter and pour into square 8' pan which is lined with greased waxed paper. Bake at 375 degrees for 40-45 minutes. Ice with confectioner's sugar icing made with either butter or cream cheese base. Serves six people. Mrs. Helen Reynolds, Mrs. William Read, Queea Mary Lodge Queen Mary Lodge Perfect Fashions For Holidays - Cool, comfortable easy care Arnel @ aching or tong e quick drying will not fade or run white stays white iron easily -- will not glaze resist shrinking and stretching sheds wrinkles foke permanent pleats which will not sit out or wosh out Mustrated: BLOUSE MATCHING SKIRT pleats, self belt. Sizes 8 to 16. Ho Blacks woes wea Lm. 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-1912 Open Friday Evenings until 9 o'clock Rats 1 a Se GAS LOOK AT and sorting. © 18 Ib.--full load. dryers. DOWN 5 YEARS TO PAY See Ly DRYER (Manufactured by. the Dominion Division of Beatty Bros. Ltd.) Canada's oldest name in laundry equipment. e 2-FAN AIRFLOW SYSTEM for greater air flow and faster drying with even heat. e 3 POSITION SELF-CHUTE DOOR for easy loading ¢ AUTOMATIC IGNITION. ¢ COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC--High, low and medium drying with automatic controlled timer. ® Dries Clothes--faster, cleaner and fluffien, e Compact--only 26" x 26" x 40" Nigm. ond other features usually found only in wich Ngher-priced FULL PRICE ONLY $1 9400 48 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Now -- DRY ANY DAY! with the famous Dlomweirndo AUTOMATIC ( ANY Weather 1) $ only on your gas bill ™ Consumers (tas COMPANY RA 3-3468 PHONE RA 5-8978 VIE PT SR