Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 25 Jun 1960, p. 7

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Women THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, June 25, 1960 7 Trousseau Tea Showers Honor 'Betty Stillman Miss whose Betty Joan Stillman marriage to Mr, Mancel Henry Thomas Davis took place this afternoon in St. Andrew's | United Church, has been feted at many pre-nuptial events, Mrs. George Stillman, mother of the future bride entertained at | a trousseau tea on Saturday, June 18. Pouring ea were Miss Jessie Pratt, Port Hope; Miss Eleanor | Counter, Oshawa: Mrs. Kenneth | McLecd, Barrie, and Miss Carole | Kennedy and Miss Caroline Kins- man, Oshawa; and Miss Donna Kennedy, Peterborough. Mrs. William Elliott, assisted by Mrs. Kenneth McCalden, Mrs ! | William Nicholson and Miss Betty "# Leask held a miscellaneous shower at her home on Baldwin § ¥ ¥ | da sh oa a ONE YEAR OLD TOMORROW son of Mi Hugh Hil Sarni Hein ich Ger and Mrs and Mrs Delmenhorst, Mrs. Harry Toenjes, Chesteron avenue Oshawa, is Steven Harry. Ste ven wili celebrate his first birth day tomorrow, He is the grand Many Hostesses Entertain For Miss Marlene Dawson whose home of Mrs. Clark marriage to Mr. Gary Charles Cadillac avenue south Morgan took place this afternoon| Miss Dawson's fellow employ- bride-elect's friends ) in King Street United Church, ees at the Oshawa Public Util-| in Barrie and presented her with has been honored at several pre- ities Commission gathered at the!pieces of Margaret Rose crystal nuptial parties home of Miss Donna Collins,| Prior to her departure from A miscellaneou hower was|Grierson street, and presented gayrie Miss Stillman enter held by Mrs, Harry Sears at her/her with a set of stainless steel tained hy her working associates home in Toronto with Mrs. Roge flatware, an ironing board and af the home of Miss Shirley Brad Pye and Mrs. James Woodhouse Hany Sumer slits Serving ere pey, Barrie, and presented with serving Iss Barbara Lrelg, VIS. JAMES... of crystal Mr. and Neighbors of the future brides' parents on College Hill held a miscellancous shower at the home of Mrs. William Short, College Photo by Ireland avenue, assisted by Mrs. John Cameron Sr., Mrs. Jack Camer- on and Mrs. Douglas Langley Former working associates ol the bride-to-be in Port Hope entei tained at a miscellaneous shower |at the home of Mrs, Robert Hai court, Port Hope. Mrs. Kenneth McLeod entertained a number Son of lie Toenjes, many Hubbell Barrie of the Miss Marlene Dawson was trousseau at a bell. The regular meeting followed | Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Alli Worthy President Sister| Sister is ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. F. Cecil Dodwell announce the engagement of their In daughter. Donna Lynne, to Mr.| lames William Harris, son of Mr Rowe, of formerly friend of Courtney, Mrs, George Robins ies Barhara Greig aud Mis and Miss Linda Luke Agier the oohearse! last even ilover were co-hostesses 'e yD s. entel Mrs. Lloyd Workman glenmane: ome of te tiie Dre's Join bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. drive. Mr Jorkman and iss| er, Mrs, Ll aws er| mo. 4 . Ann Work aay assisted HH sery-| avenue, Mrs, Clark Hubbell and George Stillman, Mill street ing Mrs. William Clarke poured tea] . ; at . " , in the afternoon. Serving were Wii Swiiey Tunes Bowe Miss Sally Somers, Peterborough LODGES AND Slreet, Was 1oSiess Od insee'iMrs, Robert Fagleson, Mrs gH asisl 4 yer Due ' 8 daughter, Mrs. Ronald Hotston of Roger Pye, Whitby and Mi i SOCIETIES Picton Sandra Clarke. In Je evening pouring tea were iss ureen "re o TAR? Fe A personal and crystal shower paweon Mrs. Jeffrey Authors,| PAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND was held by Miss Diane Hubbell yricc Betiy Baxter, Miss Barbara! The Daughters of England Lodge and Mrs, Peter Robinson at the Graio Miss Judith Glover, Mrs. Empress of India No. 26, opened Peter Robinson, In charge of the|its last meeting of the season] ER ONALS trousseau and gift rooms were with a pot luck supper on Tues- P S | Mrs Ronald Hotston, Miss Eve-|day, June 21 The following pupils of Mrs Robert English received thei Kelly Kirby Kindergarten piano certificates af a demonstration at a rehearsal party held at the worhy vice « president and recital held at her home onjhome of Mx, and Mrs. Roger|pgith Taylor. ters of Mr. and Mrs Beverly Carey reported Sisters Nan Kirk- Scott: Mary Winter, daughter of SOCIAL NOTICE bride and Florence Whalley ill. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Winter Worthy secretary Sister Doris Paul McGee, son of Mr. and ENGAGEMENT McDonald read the minutes and Mrs. Glen McGee and Dick How- + Agen I correspondence. ff M M : The engagement is announced Luck 20h : by § son, son o r. and rs. John of Frances Margaret, daughter ofl, neky prizes were 3 Tad is: Howson Mrs. Francis Murray Love of ons 33) 3TRe and say Sodom You are invited by the Social Oshawa and the ne oi Love, |r. om Sister Beatrice Hurst Department to send in any little to Mr. William Russell Rich, son ; : items of interest. News of teas, of Mrs, James Hunter McQuigge| o was decided ia jiold 2 penny surprise parties, showers, anni- of Whithy, and the late Mr. Carl| Mee Carer: 23 Tze. pi versaries and comings and goings Rich. The marriage will take en and Sister Rv roll . are always very acceptable and place at 11 a.m. on Saturday [ticket po: nvener A catering job for which there no charge. July 23, 1960, in the Church of I oa < Please write or telephone RA!|St. Gregory the Great, Oshawa. for November 11 with Sister Bea 2.247 ng - tirce Hurst as convener was ap- 3-3474, local 18 proved. Mr. and Mrs Peter Aulac, Nova Scotia Oshawa, are visiting Oshawa this weekned NO PAYMENTS Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Aldwinckle, and Mrs. John E, Harris, all of TILL Bonniebrae Lodge, will be in Oshawa. The marriage will take SEPTEMBER Stratford next week for the open- (Place in Christ Memorial ing of the Shakespearean Festi-/ Church on Saturday, July 23, at val. R 3 pm NATURAL G£§ I$ YOUR BEST BUY Shop and Save At GLECOIT SUPERMARKET (Over 40 Years in Oshawa) 174 Ritson S. -- Open Daily to 10 p.m. Specials for Mon., Tues., Wed. BUTTER™ *™ . 04° FRESH HEAD LETTUCE 2 .. 25° CIGARETTES or 3.05 PURELARD""™* .. 15° HAMBURG" "3 .,. *1 BACON" ,. 30 CHEESE SLICES ""', 29° [wiv dru iceie GINGER ALE" 2 fs fo Th V2-LB. PKG 2 5 © | door saleemeh nor telephone canvassers. For (PLUS DEPOSIT) Shop and Save at GLECOFF'S Open Daily To 10 p.m. NOTHING DOWN Easy payments over 5 vears on monthly gas bills $14.00 mu ommiy cluding labour and ma- terials Sanger with ned sting base. ment dw monthly Installs a conversi burner, most 8. $5.60 CHANGE-OVER CAN BE DONE IN A FEW HOURS Units for all types of home heating Ss equipment call or write the Sales artment of So» Consumers tas RA 3-3468 No Payments Till September bert Morgan of Barrie were hosts \15.v Hurst presiding assisted by! Were y students Telep, on behalf of thanked the CWL for the kind in- ' " 10 BE WED A July wedding is being plann ed by Miss Frances Margaret Love and Mr. William Russell Rich, whose engagement is an- nounced today. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mrs. Fran- cis Murray Love of Oshawa and the late Mr. Love, and her fiance is the son of Mrs James Hunter McQuigge of Whitby and the late Mr. Carl Rich, The wedding will take » on Saturday, July 23, 1960, The Church of St. Gregory Great, Oshawa Photo Graduates Meet For Breakfast At St. Gertrude's Breakfast St graduating class was held on Sun day, June 19, sponsored by the CWL of the parish with Grade 7 in the by Sneyd for girls assisting At the head table were the Rev- erend J. B. Myers, the Reverend Frank Lee, guest speaker, Mrs Michael Rudka, member of the Oshawa Separate School Board; Mrs. Sidney Sheridan of the CWL educafion committee; Mrs, R Chapman and Mrs, W, R, Branch, president of St. Gertrude's CWL Each of the 47 graduates was Worthy chaplain |p! esented with a small gift, A lyn Dawson and Miss Diane Hub-|Sister Edna Hubban,' said grace. daily missal was presented fo MIss Master to who round Othmar class, Connie Lukas and Othmar Telep the best all the voted of class the terest it has shown them., Father Gertrude's | Evening Chapter Hospital Auxiliary | Lays Plans For Fall § A pot luck supper held recent- ly terminated another industrious season for the Evening Chapter of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. Prior to the opening of an in- |formal business meeting, follow. ing on the buffet dinner, Mrs, |G. G. Curley, chairman, asked the members to observe a few Iminutes' silence in memory of | Mrs, Douglas Wilson, recently de- ceased member of the Evening Chapter Mrs. read T the H. Greer, secretary, minutes after which Mrs. Murray Powell read the treasurer's report. Mrs. Henry | Bickle, sewing convener, report- ed 18 baby gowns and six bed- spreads had been completed by ne Members, Mrs. J. H. Lock- wood, knitting convener, reported) tnree knitted kaby outfits and 31 footwarmers for the children's ard nad been submitted, Mrs. . J. Bolahood asked for volun- teers to assist at the Evening Chapter's display table at the an- nual Festival of Gifts bazaar to be held in November, The Dessert Bridge convener C. R Lunn reminded the members in her report that des- serts should be delivered to the hospital cafeteria by 6.30, Sep tember 21, the evening of the bridge and tickets are available irem Mrs. Eric Sutherland. The members were advised by Mrs Curley - that tickets for the | 'weeds to Tiaras 'Fashion Show to be held by the members in | St. Gregory's Auditorium, Oc- tober 19 are available from Mrs, D. D. -Clemens, ticket convener, Mrs. John Lovell and Mrs. John Howsam. Members of the after- noon group may obtain tickets from Mrs. S. J. Nobin, Following the business, reports and introduction of visitors, Mrs Curley called on Mrs, Lorne Goodman to direct a lively auc-: jon sale which marked the final ent in activities until Septem. her WIFE PRESERVER rs | ( | E | | E | | J Onion smell on your Rub them with celery, hands? Myers for his guidance and es. pecially their teachers. Father Lee in his address stressed the value of the re- |)igious training the children had received at St. Gertrude's, to set their sights on a vocation and to continue the study of their faith by attending religious classes held in the parish, BRIDE-TO-BE The engagement is announced today of Miss Donna Lynne Dodwell and Mr. James Wil- liam Harris who plan to be mar- ried in Christ Memorial Church on Saturday, July 23. The bride- to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, F. Cecil Dodwell and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Harris, all of Oshawa, Photo by Lane, Toronto Simcoe Street WA | Hears Address On Scott Mission The annual pot luck luncheon of the Woman's Association of Simcoe Street United Church was held recently in the Sunday School with an excellent attendance of members and visitors. Mrs. John Dyer, first vice-president, presid-| ed at the meeting in the absence of the president, Mrs. R, H. Hol- den. Mrs. M. Zeidman, wife of the, director of Scott Mission, Toronto, | was the guest speaker. Opening her address with an historical sketch of the Mission, Mrs. Zeid man continued with an inspiring account of the work done today From 1941, when the decision was taken to become independent of any mission board support,' the present enormous enterprise is a triumph of faith in God Mrs. Zeidman held her audience in rapt attention as she spoke of the meals served to needy men, emergency food supplies for needy families, the distribution of thou- sands of pieces of clothing, par- cels of clothing and medicines sent to needy people in Europe. In addition to counselling thou sands of people in trouble, Scott Mission provides a full Christiar Ministry of teaching and preach ing. Mrs. W. J. Salter expressed thanks to Mrs. Zeidman. In fur ther appreciation the association made a contribution of $50 to the work of Scott Mission: Mrs. H. Howe conducted a thoughtful service on the theme "Our Heritage". Miss Leah Gar- row sang two appropriate solos, 1. Ladies, do not p the colour. Satisfactic DRY CLEANER CANADIAN RESE SRR Coie Ra NR CLEANING COMMENTS your cleaner EX ress over a stain, Heat 2. Do not rub a stain. Rubbing may chafe the fabric and damage 3. Be safe. Avoid damage to fabrics by the misuse of patented spot removers and home ¢leaning. ~Have stains promptly removed by your cleaner. HELP YOUR CLEANER TO SERVE YOU BETTER n Guaranteed by the > AND LAUNDERERS INSTITUTE ARCH INSTITUTE OF LAUNDERE PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS ALDSWORTH CLEANERS BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS, LTD. HARWOOD CLEANERS, AJAX GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. FEE TIE EEE aS Following member wo will set it! of ONTARIO) and RS AND CLEANERS | 'God Has GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES WESTMOUNT WA i The June meeting of West mount United Church WA was @ held at the church on Tuesday! speakers. Mr. Greenland explain-| June 21, Forty members and friends en- joyed a pot luck supper served M Murray MacPherson's group before the meeting. Mrs. John Jackson, president,| presided at the business meeting. Mrs. Rupert Harrison read the correspondence, secretary's re- port, executive meeting report and roll call. Mrs. Miles Stough-' {ton reported on cards and Mrs, MI. Frank Owen on literature, Plans were made for the straw- berry supper at the church next| Tuesday. Mrs. MacPherson led in the de- votional peri choosing as her| theme "'Persefial Prayer". Mrs. John Harris read the scripture Mrs. Kenneth Markle explained the "Lord's Prayer'. Mrs. Owen was at the piano. The offering was taken up by Mrs. William Ward, and Mrs. Samuel Preston Birthday greetings were sung for Mrs." C. E. McInroy and Mrs 3 Preston. An apron shower {was held for the bazaar in the (na fall, PILOT CLUB The Pilot Club of Oshawa was privileged to have as its speak ers for the program meeling, Mr Cyril Greenland from the staff of the Ontario. Hospital, Whitby and Mrs, J. Cain of the Ontario Mental Health Association, Miss Lillian Beamish, dent, welcomed the Pilots presi- and Not Promised" and "Alone with God" In concluding the brief business session, Mrs, Dyer expressed thanks to the members of the Cameo, Phoebe Scammell and": Fidelis Groups for their work in planning the program. The Rev- erend J. K. Moffat pronounced the benediction, under the eonvenership of Min Nemis. FRIENDSHIP GROUP ed the difference between mental] Members of the Fellowship health and mental illness and told| Group of King Street United of the accomplishments and pro-| Church met in the West Hall of gress that was being made in the| the church for their annual pot treatment. Mrs. Cain told of the luck supper meeting. Following need for volunteer help and thel supper, Mrs. Stanley Gomme and work there was for them to do her group led in ihe devotional and the need for help for rehabil- period. Mrs. J. E. Tilling read itation of these patients, There|the scripture passage and Mrs, was a lively question period. {Dwight cane Jeaa a Poem Miss Mary MacLean thanked a Enno Wal ial pith Greenland and Mrs, Cain.| =. . : Ey Ta Mrs, Kenneth Cowan and com- dealing with Ae, taille alle mittee served refreshments. Mrs, Yai Morrison ira at The convener for refreshments| pe 'piano for the hymns. at the business meetng was Miss The president Mrs Glenn How atv clean and not as re presided and Mrs. H. A. Arm. : . strong gave the secretary's re- Members were given further in- port. The treasurer, Mrs, Glyn formation for the theatre party oy iled financiz to Music Fair on July 6 and were|Fearse: gave a detailed financial asked to contact Mrs, Fred Lind- 5 say by the end of June with re- It was learned with regret that gard to number of tickets re-|Ihe president, Mrs. Glen Howell, quired, | will be leaving the city in the near future and will be unable to MITCHELL'S CORNERS H and S complete her term of office. The May meeting of Mitchell's! Tickets were distributed for rs Home and School Asso- He reas of he Seven Tables] ciation was held recently. The bir - ® Re FA Feol: election of officers for the 1960- ye 8 4 oe 61 season was held as follows: ber. President, Mrs. William Nemis;| first-vice-president, Mrs. Henry Alstein; «second - vice - president, | Mrs. Ralph Cook; recording sec- retary, Mrs. Arthur Peeling;| corresponding secretary, Mrs. Stewart Kellar; treasurer, Mrs. Harry Oyler. Executive members Mrs. James Howes, Mrs. Her-| bert Stewart, Mrs. Patrick Shmyr, | Mr Bernard Hircock, Mrs.| Arthur Sleeman Mrs. G. E. Moss, a vice-pres- ident of Home and School Coun- installed the new officers. | A discussion was held regard- ing the field day to be held on June 27 ] Refreshments were served their friends. The meeting was, presided over by Mrs. Kenneth! Cowan, who introduced the) Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED By Electrolysis and the newest, fastest, Kree Century Series shortwave, revealing your true self, free - of worry and embar- if rassment. FREE Consultation MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa at the Genosha Hotel, June 28 & 29th PHONE RA 3-4641 for appointment on these dates $ VALUE IN PHOTO NO. 1 Accura FLASHGUN 10.95 Value P 8 KING ST.E. RA.3-2245 CIO FY AVA TIE POCKET TRIPOD WITH CASE FILM, 135, 20 EXPOSURE 10.97 Value | OSHAWA | THE MOST OUTSTANDING 35MM CAMERA THE OSHAWA DISTRICT! « Quay & Jovells -- IN -- DEPARTMENTS OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE, WHITBY PLAZA A "new star" joday's best 35mm valve | TARON V 1.8 Fast Six-Element 1.8 Lens © Luminous Bright Frame Rangefinder. Viewfinder Shutter M-X Sync -- Speeds up te 1/500 Self-Timer Speedy Film Rewind Crank Automatic Exposure Counter Leather Carrying Case Regular value $82.45 SPECIAL 59.95 Guaranteed for one year against defect workmanship or materials And Your Choice of the Following FREE NO. 2 ELEVATOR NO. 3 SEKONIC LIGHT METER WITH CASE AND ANSCOCHROME FILM 10.70 Value NO. 4 LUMEX SLIDE VIEWER WITH BATTERIES AND 20-EXPOSURE KODACHROME FILM 10.25 Value AND ANATOMIC [--tm ma CEE 3 TORES IN E AND WHITBY PLAZA

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