Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 25 Jun 1960, p. 2

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WEATHER FORECAST Sunny Weekend Lighter Winds TORONTO (CP). -- Forecasts westerly 15 today, light tonight and Sunday. : Eastern Lake Ontario, Georg: ian Bay, Haliburton, Kirkland Lake regions, North Bay, Sud bury:* Clearing this morning. Mainly sunny today. Sunday sunny and warmer. Winds north west 20 to 25 today, light tonight and Sunday. Timmins Kapuskasing re gion: Sunny with a few cloudy THE USMAWA TIME), daturdey, June 23, 1960 z GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN "BOB" STROUD AT KIWANIS POW-WOW 4 i Oshawa will be well represented at the 45th annual hs in y 4 eonvention of Kiwanis Intérnational which opens to- morrow in Miami. Robert H, "Bob" Stroud will be there to perferm a special duty -- invite all district governors to the 1961 KI convention, which is to be held the first week in July at Toronto. Also present will be Cy Powell, Ken Smyth, Murray Maidlow and Wes Piatta, from this city. Mr, Stroud (a member of Westmount Kiwanis and a Kiwanian for 12 years) is a big name in the world of Kiwanis International. He is also Governor of the Ontario-Quebec-Mari- times district which in- cludes 9,500 members in 183 clubs in that vast area, He was elected last Sept, Kiwanians expect 15,000 delegates tomorrow at Miami, which would be an all-time high Oshawa is a Kiwanis bulwark, with 120 in the down=- town club and 37 in the newer Westmount group. Coal Industry Aid Continues By ARCH MacKENZIE much better off if they have tof y i Wri get out and rustle secondary in- Canadisn _Prase Saf} Weiier dustries, Mr. Peters said. | |, OTTAWA (CP) -- Federal aid) "pg, suggested he wouldn't be] jie the depressed maritimes coal), prised to hear department (issued at 5 a.m.: industry will be maintained untill recommendations that ENit| Synopsis: A high - pressure [the Rand royal commission [ake keep operating by stock-|system is approaching Ontario {makes a report, probably bY piling uranium. Fim Taio |September, Mines Minister Com-|™ That would oniy lead to the Winds should contifiue to abate |tois said Friday. conditions found in Maritimes |, 4" ckioc chould remain mbstly He tald the Commons feder: coal centres or in Northern On- |g inny today and Sunday : aid to coal will total more than|tario gold fields, he suggested a eva valid aati $16,000,000 this fiscal year, about|Money paid out uader ihe emei-| Begional Dlecasts valid unti |the same as in 1959 - 60, prim-|geney Gold Mining assistance MVR § un a. = ake kLrie, Lake uron, wes!- isi "BOB" STROUD BIJ3333333333=2 | 8 arily in freight subsidies to get act -- at least some of it--wouid| ke Frie, Lal Hi it to market on competitive provide a 'greater return if itjern Lake Ontario, Niagara re-: Er terms t toward finding secondany gions, Windsor, London, Toronto,|intervals today and Sunday erms. went towa 8 y h : 2 Little change in (emperature Th inister's statemzat was industries for towns facing re. Hamilton: Sunny today and Sun-| M1 he minister's L as red mini vit day. Warmer Sunday, Winds Winds northwest 10 to 15 today. Rave " the hf Sst | Bog Bg 44 he said _-- TS i light tonight anc southerly 10 4 pleted study ol e Si | h i dB ' 15 Sunday. ' spending program of the depart-| when some mines just have to -- : ment of mines and technical sur-| close. / 'Many Stars Named | Foracas! jeiporatures: veys. | Gordon Aiken TPC Parry We Lonig . high Sunday 5 Homi Sound - Muskoka) soid he . | dsor b : Ouly Dberta's NE Wi couldn't agree that a number of Tax Deliquents St. Thomas oo i> us r) Rot a Wh y. id|mines in difficulties sould close London por i > ig il a i Sai rather than carry on. Manv mar-| LOS ANGELES (AP) Co- Toronto . jitle San i { one 0 Sosy pre | itimes persons had been assured' median Bud Abbott, whose name Trenton .. . Sure fom natural gas 4 Ol continued jobs by th: policy of has been long missing from St. Catharines . 5a es, keeping mines going. theatre marguees, heads 'a list Hamilton SEES PITFALLS AHEAD Mr, Comtois said his depari- of Hollywood personalities Muskoka Arnold Peters (CCF Timis- ment has worked out a five-year named Friday as.lax delinquents Killaloe tami) said there are pitfalls expansion program to cope with by the internal revenue depart- Rail on n continuing emergency assis- | its mounting duties. ment. 23 bury ; tance over a long period. Research to boost non-nuclear Abbott, partner with the late North oy 'We have not relly. solved use of. Sraning included indica- Lou Costello, has lien agains Eh amine . ? 2 at ali" § . o. tions that a small amount of ur- him of $124,468 He and his wife Lid Bnvibing ot, sil, he so be Ie anium may be of great beucfit Jenny Mae, also have separate Moosonee " NEE § evitable had been postp med ang |! certain types of steel. liens totalling $47.56 "MIKE" NEEDS NEW CRYSTAL BALL this applied to gold mining too More federal fuaos were being) Others named in the civil ac- SCHEDULE SET i hr Wi wer 1 EE bes en Ba a oy rv 12 Jr. 10010 Ad LLL ss ZH new crystal ball for forecasting elections -- he told us since 1948 SLE) 5 18 5-| Sammy Davis Jr. $30918: Natio Football Le » Do ; : " tablighing a uraniim research w, 11 Corey, $18.484: John 13-team circuit with the additio with great self-assurance last Sunday that the Union ; : ; The former gold mmer said yRogatng in: whisli the Soren Neel S16 Broderickiof the Dallas. Tex Lome J D " ; 4 y's Ia ar see » Onlar .. . ine, ' | ; 3 S, a Nationale Forces of Premier Barrette would be "a shoo -_ i oa WW. a dil ad Ho's Iather oa hl nano mel probably woud share. Crawford, $7,409; Carol Chay opens its 78 game i= sehedle in" to win the Quebec elections and we naturally be- > . >| The government was urged by ming $23,028: Martha Hyer, $4,-|Sept. 23 with Los Angeles Rams : e down completely tomorrow than mith (PC. --Cal#tarv S | . . "i 3 lieved him. Incidentally, when the late Premier | ADDED BEAUTY FOR GOTHAM'S SKYLINE limp along for %0 years at a bare oy Smith PC Calgary Sout) (os Judy Garland and, et is-{hosting he Bt lows Carpi. Dupless ould telepl Mr. Starr, he would usually y . | . Tay tnrices . |subsistense level for it's resi. lo investigate possidie use of pe-iband Sid Luft. 3; vary og uplessis would telephone Mr. Starr, he § y Foreign entrants en'route to | as they pose atop the Hotel | man; Israel, Aliza Gross; Nor- : Si-| troleum by-products as a rocket . and Liz Renay $1,|Chicago after years of competin: tart th tion like th 2 po Bool mee dents y-p phy $3,390; y $l,-|Chicag y peting rtart the conversation like this: | i i i 4 or way, Ragnild Aass; Switzer- | . y Geis] . "H 11 th Mr, Michael Starr of Oshawa, th Miami Beach for the Miss Uni Commedore today. From Jest land, Eliane Matra: and Hol- Communities suffering a simi- 5 tw: : = th er wily bi 2 have, he verse contest provide added | are Misses France, Florence | 1." oo "Borbeck lar pinch --this one is due fto| Btarr that twinkles in the Federal cabinet at awa at VW ounle?, ins els y ; orld urani surplises. -- a for New York's skyline | Eyrie; England, Joan Board AP Wirephoto World uranium surpluses are . Culture-hungry Oshawa residents got good news besuty y ! a doe Shy Wirepho a at - -- | Ni PAYMENTS Friday from Dr. Claude Vipond of the Oshawa Little | . . Theatre -- The Royal Winnipeg Ballet will appear here . : Key Economic 'RCMP W edding HLL in the Donevan Collegiate next Nov. 9, the night before | ermil <3 or 1 . L M its official opening in Toronto . . . Dave Savage, manager | . . R ] E | of the Plaza Theatre who has been ill, is at his cottage | " o Adviser Quits u es asier in Kincardine. He will return to his post Aug. 1. Searc § rciic ' 5 OTTAWA (CP) The RCMP : OTTAWA (CP) Resignation Das eased its marriage regula- lof Dr. 0.J. Firestone, economic tions, Justice Minister Fulton] OTTAWA (CP)--Petroleum ex- cant has been found satisfactory adviser to the federal trade de./told the Commons Friday. | ploration permits have been is. Thole =e 39,046,000 acres partment, was announced Fri- Members of the RCMP now are sued for more than 44,000,000 volv in - year exploralion day g free to marry at 21 if they have] acres in the Arctic islands or off- permits in the archipelago--30,- a es a. wiin Has bec two years' service in good stand , 'shore Canadian waters, Re-405000 of it to Canadian firms Dr Firestone Ww 0 188 pen in ing. The previous limit was five "7 sources Minister Hamilton an- or individuals and 8,600,000 to ne Soverument service SINCE years generally. nounced Friday United States companies 18 Jong ns 2 key i 0% Jegv.| The original regulation was The authorizations are the re- Other permits have been ime ev Sh Ro or of econ. designed to ensure mobility with sult of an application rush be- sued for 1,100,000 acres off ING ato Come Apr jessor: : o at least 50 per cent of the force| ginning early in 1959 which re-|Queen Charlotte Islands, about 9MIC$ al the Divers 0 ece|single, Mr. Fulton said. That| sulted in bids being put in 'for|the same amount in the Sable|!aWa's a u 3 so social, €C0"'need no longer existed and in 146,000,000 acres in the archipel-|Island area of the Atlantic and|POMIC anc political science. fact more than 50 per cent of the 2,200,000 acres of fthe mouth of| His resignation becomes effec- force now was married. ago sf More than two-thirds of the Mackenzie River tive Aug. 31. A simultaneous announcement acreage was dropped when Oil companies retaining rights In a letter to Trade Minister by RCMP Commissioner CW final deadline was reached to their northern and offshore| Churchill, Dr. Firestone said that/Harvison said it is anticipated day holdings for the full 12 year, for a number of years he has i some members ho left the Mr : sai an. must spend a minimum $3 an been interested in transferring force to get married now may oil. Homie, say She finan case totalling $428,- his activities to the academic rejoin. ky ,000. field. | The federal government will The government announcemrnt B C SALMON receive about $2,350,000 over the said arrangements are being hid first three years. Besides an in| made by the trade department to TTLE BABY itial $250 fee per permit--and retain Dr, Firestone as a consul BO ere Wore more than 600 in-|tani, He has been recognized for \ : /olvi today---eac older must ears a of the gov- NANAIMO, B.C. (CP)---Mi- |Yoive \ some years as one g chael Hy assistant Tight. {spend five cents an acre on ex- ernment"s top advisers, house keeper at Sheringham, ploration mn Ihe jn/lia] period. Astatement Dr. Firestone on the West coast of Vancou- |, "TiS Tises lo 2o Cen's an acrel, ..q i, a speech last October, in the next three years, then p ver Island 40 miles north of jumps again 4 ' looking ahead to the next reces- Victoria, told this fish story Jump -- sion, has proved to be one of the Friday: A month ago he placed a note with his address on it in 002. for gates with the Chicago Bears. COMING EVENTS Centre Street WA OWN your own business! Get started Wednesday, June now Take advantage of one of the fine ® 129, at Leonard Goldsmith's, Rossland puginess opportunities advertised today Road West. Salad plate, homemade i, The Oshawa Times Classified Sec- bread. strawberries. Adults $1.00 tion WEST GROUP Strawberry Supper THE ZION DOUBLES CLUB ANNUAL STRAWBERRY SUPPER June 29th commencing at 4:30 at Zion United Church. Adults 1.25, Children 60c. NATURAL GAS IS YOUR BEST BUY for HOUSE HEATING ol Nearly New Shop CLOSED STAFF HOLIDAYS ST GERTRUDE'S 690 KING ST. E. WHAT WILL THE DRYS SAY, MR. BRANCH? So Unit 42 of The Canadian Corps Association Is at war with City Council ? (Okay now fellows, let's take it real If you're going to take any verbal swings at those councillors the line forms to the right, and vou"ll just have to take your turn.) The red-hot squabble started the other day when the city notified the Corps that it will re-pave a block-long section of road on Richmond street west between Prince and Church streets The Corps will be as- sessed $1,235 over a 10- year period as its share of the project because the road passes the front door of its clubrooms. The City says the $20,000 re-paving job -- it also includes a strip on Richmond east -- was decided upon when the CNR de- cided to repair some tracks between Prince and Church, and 'easy. BINGO CORONATION Ka gl In g ORANGE, TEMPLE RA 5-6787 | SATURDAY, JUNE 25th MA 3-5497 8 P.M. SHARP KINSMEN BINGO FREE ADMISSION--TUESDAY, JUNE 28 20--$20 GAMES $150 Jackpot -- $20 each line plus $50 Full Card i 5--$30 Games; 2--%$250 Jackpots JACKPOT NUMBERS 56 and 55 . is- the the the Fri- FRIGIDAIRE AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE Fred's Refrigeration iti RA 5-6335 HAROLD OLEY -- NOTHING DOWN Easy payments over 5 vears recent of- controversial of by a top government most years ficial. DRIVE TO --Extra Buses-- but 4 Corps spokesman takes strong exception to this elaim "The only reason they're re-paving this road after 80 many years is because a new liquor store opened this week on Richmond at Church," says Harold Oley, vice-president of the Unit "Otherwise they wouldn't thing," Mr. Oley continued "If they want to pave a street, why don't they pave downtown King street around the Four Corners)? That's an awful " he said. "Furthermore, what would be thinking of a such mess," the Drys say if they knew the City was going out of its way like this to help the sale of liquor ?" Mr. Oley said the Unit will immediately assessment to the Ontario Municipal Board Said Chairman Walter Branch of the Board of Works when informed of the decision "That's one of the puzzling things about this job they criticize you when you re-pave a street and they eriticize you when you don't." appeal the OPEN COUNCIL DEBATE WELCOME City Council was discussing the purchase of 2.4 acres of GM land for $3,600 as an extension to Phillp Murray avenue (later ratified) when Alderman Cecil Bint interjected, in his polite, precise way, with some relevant questions. He concluded with this remark "I do hope you will understand my these questions, Your Worship -- 1 wouldn't friend down there at the press table to passed this in 30 seconds." Was the good alderman's remark intended as a rebuke to those newspapermen who stand and protest, long and loud, whenever the majority on Council pass important legislation without explanation or comment ? There have been such 30-second performances on the Oshawa City Council, after lengthy discussions be= hind closed doors. for our we reasons want say that KEEP THE DOORS OPEN, GEORGE The board of Education is to be commended for burning a deaf ear to Trustee George Drynan's eloquent plea Monday that the press be excluded from a discus- sion about some property, Mr. Drynan was quoted as saying that it' was not the duty of the press to report all things, that he fear- ed "inadvertant remarks" would be published. if the press attended. That sounds like "Fighting George", the rebel Lib- eral, all right, and his remarks represent little more than plain balderdash. The majority on the board know from long exper= lence the folly of closing doors too often on the press. In fairness to Trustee Drynan, there are few publie performers--in 'the local political arena at least--with nis refreshing spontaneity and willingness to venture where angels fear to tread. Whether he's feuding with Crustee Shaw over the shade of new curtains for a eachers' rest room, or protesting because glass blocks vill cost more than bargained for, he's a vital and alive rersonality. The board would be dull without him, but te must be harnessed and controlled, whether he's at \ Liberal parley or a meeting of the board POWNTOWN TAX YIELD HEAVY When appraising the importance of pace for the downtown business area--ar also the woposal for a parking authority as made this week by new parking d a bottle and threw it into the Pacific ocean | Last week he received a letter from a girl in Lewis ton, Idaho, that said she found his note and bottle--in Car Sales Upped In First Quarter OTTAWA (CP)--Sales of new the passenger and commercial ve- Sion, hicles in Canada during April de-! * . . . The recession we may clined 27 per cent to 57,773 units be facing in 1962 could be more the op- al ses Quoted extensively by position in Commons debate current parliamentary it was: BeauValley TONIGHT on monthly gas bills $14.60 forced air furnace, in- | ; eluding labour and ma- Installs complete gas wearest existing base- ment ducts. side a 47%-inch salmon She had caught the fish in the Snake River, a tributary of the Columbia The two placés are about 400 air miles apart. from 59,360 in April, 1959, the bureau of statistics reported Fri. day However 180,702 units from 177,334 a year earlier, Alderman Albert V. Walker--it is well to keep certain clearly in mind The tax yield from this area is sizeable As an indication of part of the tax {downtown area: Fifty three properties within one block of the Four pay more than $110,000 annually in comme cial property taxes alone. They also pay approximately 25 percent of this amount additional for business tax. These properties do not include such classifications as apartment houses and banks The preservation of such 2 tax yield is of the ut- most importance for the healthy economy of the ecom- munity There's no indication as yet as to how the Oshawa Downtown Businessmen's Association membership will react to the Walker proposal. In order to repay the $300,000 debentures in 10 years, the annual levy would only be $70 on an assess= ment of $10,000. The debenture plan is based entirely on the realty assessment as stipulated by the Munici= {pal Act. fact in the yield Corners sales in the January-| -- | April period rose 1.9 per cent to extensive than anything we have yet experienced since the end of terials to connect with monthly installs a gas ts $5.60 conversion burner. most furnaces. {the Second World War TRAVEL Now is the time to make reser- for Summer vaca- tion Air, Steamship, Bus, Rail Hotels, Car . Rentals, Theatre Ticket DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY Whitby ~-- Oshawa -- Brooklin MO 8.3304 Toronto EM 3.8958 Boundary Cap To Be Filled OTTAWA (CP) A 10 - mile gap in the Ontario Quebec boundary is expected to be filled in soon, fixing a 40 year-old problem, Mines Minister Com fois said Friday The federal government has suggested to the two provinces vatior your by CHANGE-OVER CAN BE JUBILEE PAVILION WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY Wednesday, June 29th, 8 p.m. DONE IN A FEW HOURS Units for all types of home heating FREE BURNER SERVICE | Your Gas company does not employ door-to door salasmen nor telephone canvassers. For information about dealers licensed by the Ontario Fuel Board to sell and install natura ju equipment call or write the Sales epartment of 9.3 RA 3-3468 No Payments Till September that the line run right down the middle of the St. Lawrence Sea: | -- way ship channel, he told Lionel Chevrier (L--Montreal Laurie;) who raised the matter in the Commons earlier Mr. Comtois said he expect that the appropriate Onfavio and {Quebec ministers will get to |gether so that the federal gov |ernment can ratify the agree {ment. The area lies along the St SERVICE OPEN THIS SUNDAY STATIONS | Lawrence River in the area of {Huntingdon, Que., and Ontario's Glengarry-Stormont region. 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. PLAN PARI-MUTUEL OWEN SOUND (CP) -- Owen Sound Agricultural Society will {initiate pari-mutuel betting Sat- urday at its 10-race harness rac- ing program. Betting at Owen Sound races has previously been OPEN THI DRUG STORES 38 PRI R. J. TUMEY'S S SUNDAY NU-WAY RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom. wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runners. done through bookmakers. 4 4 4 4 28 KING ST. EAST Installation by our own mechanic RA 8-4681 174 Mary Street ses 1204 WECKER DRIVE RITSON 264 KING ST. EAST 12:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. KARN DRUGS LID. LAW PHARMACY 56 BR T. GOCH SUPE WINDER'S E RA 3.4621 SOUTHEND TE 506 RITSON RA 5.3525 DRUGS RA 5-5370 McLELLAN'S White Rose STATION 962 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ALEX NATHAN'S Sunoco STATION 215 KING ST. WEST COOPER'S TEXACO STATION 437 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH KING & RITSON ROAD SOUTH KEMP'S ESSO STATION 288 BLOOR ST. WEST SEED'S B.A. SERVICE STATION SIMCOE ST. & TAUNTON RD. RA 8.0367 NCE ST. SHELL STATION UCE ST. RTEST STATION SSO STATION XACO STATION ROAD SOUTH \ Bus leaves Oshowa Terminal -- 25c¢ Return SPECIAL GAMES OF $250 $20 each horizontal line; $150 a full cord S games at $30; 20 games at $20 TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES Ist--56; 2nd---51, $30 Consolation $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD Door Prize and Free Admission Tickets Proceeds Go To Building Fund -------------- WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO MONDAY, JUNE 27, 8 P.M. $1,300 CASH PRIZES--$100 DOOR PRIZE TWO $250 JACKPOTS ONE $150 JACKPOT (MUST 'GO) 20 GAMES AT $20---5 GAMES AT $30 JACKPOT NOS. 52-54 Plus free passes, on right of every regular winner $1.00 admission gives you a card and free chance on $100 Door. Prize RED BARN BUS SERVICE TO DOOR Monster Bingo 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH SATURDAY, JUNE 25th ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE _STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS 2 EXTRA GAMES AT $25 CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED

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