Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 25 Jun 1960, p. 14

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, June 25, 1960 |50--Articles For Sale | WRECKING house on Simcoe S. all parts for sale. 249 Nassau St. CHESTERFIELD, rugs, dishes, lamps, other small articles, Apply 341 Divis fon Street. THREE pianos for sale, A-1 condition A F. Cox, 13 Elgin Street East. Phone RA 5-1497. BIG bedding sale Buy now and save! Factory clearance of spring-filled tickings, prie- (Continued from Page 15) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING S0--Articles for Sale BARGAIN one new plywood wire enclosed pen, large size, inciuding in- sulated inner box, suitable for pigeons, pheasants, rabbits or a dog. $30. RA 8-6627. : a ONE bed, spring and mattres: dressing table. RA 5-0761 a 3 HP Evinrude outboard mo.):. 1958 In A-1 condition. Call RA 8-8005. BED chesterfield and armchair, char- treuse, suitable home or cottage; four | condition, Apply chrome chairs and table. Reasonable. |Orono 34R12. beds, some mismatched, head boards, cl $24.00; Bunk beds, plete, air foam mattresses, Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. one ly Street, RA 8-0316. = |SPECIAL 21" cabin cruiser, 100 H.P ed for quick sale, $16.88 up. Continental some with ; roll-away cots, Special $19.95. W Saxophone, tenor, reasonable. 179 Buchanan motor and trailer, Excellent 8, Excellent condition, RA 5-5445. |SWAPS are tops THREE-piece chesterfield suite, wine |Classified. Read and green, good condition; two occa-|offers every day. They're unusual, ex sional tables, 331 Kingsdale Avenue citing and interesting. in Oshawa Times the regular swap after 5 p.m LLOYD baby carriage, white, condition, $20; white bathinette; sinette; blue plastic bath tub. Cheap. tac' 19 Prince Stree. good frigerators, washers, bas- stoves, ete. TV's, LLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re. pianos, For top cash offer, con- Phone RA 8-1131, 363 Lakeview, RA 55946 ___ | RIGHEST prices paid for THISTLE baby carriage. Just like new. |ture, also sell and excha Telephone RA 3-4015 FRIGIDAIRE suitable for cottage. $35. Street, Phone RA 8.1131. good working condition, | - Telephone RA [AWNINGS (canvas), |obligation. Write Wm, C TWO used racing bikes for sale, in| Uxbridge. Phone Port good condition, days phone RA 3.3512, | TENTS, ping evenin, RA 5-3601 equipment best sel | ~ | Do Sto E 6 giass showcase, reasonably pric.| Dominion Tire 8 Apply 31 King St. W. Bowmanville.| VACUUM cle | Telephone RA 3 West. 0 . ed. MASON - Risch piano, 52 inches high, excellent condiiton, $225, Mel Lakey, Brooklin OL 5-3618 er. -3735. Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince d camping | easy terms, | / good shape. LAST call for trade-in bargains, 2 days only! 2 piece chesterfield suite, $19, odd chesterfield chairs, 85. Coffee tables and On legs, good condition, MO speeds. 8-3620. TWO double, one single beds, radio record player, 7 piece chrome kitchen set, extension ladder, 867 Ritson Rd Sou 8-0512 NG Oshawa inette $29. Mcdern drop leaf dinette set $45 Wilson's Furniture. 20 Church St. BARGAINS in kitchen chrome or d'n- ette sets and ends, Lovely beige and brown Apartment sized sets, $29. Must Sell! Living inlaid bedroom, kitchen suites , Stove, refrigerator, mirror, cab sink combination, sacrifice, call 133 Cadillac north JOHNSON 5! h.p. outboard motor with tank, bamboo fly rod, reel and acces- sories RA 35-5636 ELECTRIC stove and refrigerator, 8- piece oak dining room suite, and other household furniture. RA 8-81 FOR SALE -- Chesterfield and 2 chairs, Chrome kitchen set, '57 Meteor. Phone MOhawk 82280 13° CUBIC $50. 5 piece black and white arborite chairs, values to $12.95, 18 only. $5. | week only see our window display. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church St. 52--Legal NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of "the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the City of Oshawa did on the 24th day of June, 1960, pass By-law. Number 17 to authorize the borrowing of the sum of $150,000.00 by the issue of debentures to the principal amount of $150,- 000.00, bearing interest at the rate of Six and One- Quarter Per Cent (64%) per annum, ond maturing in twenty annual instalments of principal of varying amounts as set forth in Schedule "A" hereto, foot deep freeze reasonable American people's En. cyclopedia, 20 volumes, complete with| bookcase, never been used, reasonable. | 209 Bond East, side door | ONE Allis Chalmers B tractor, double furrow plough, 10" bottom, Massey | in good condition, $375. RA| We'll buy it. Re- washers, pianos, top cash offer, contact SELL furniture frigerators, TV's stoves, etc For 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-11 LLOYD baby carriage and undercarriage basket crib with. mattress. Phone GE HEAVY controf, light clock condition. Phone RA UNDERWOOD portable typewriter, ex cellent condition, like new, a real bar. gain, $75 or nearest offer. RA 8-0830 ONE new boat trailer for sale, in ex- dition, telephone RA 8-8124. stove, | duty with mattress large white RA 8.6704 push-button | Excellent | duty range timer 36876. The money is to be borrowed to raise funds for building ond equipping a@ four-room addition to St. Gertrude's School and a four-room ad dition to St. Hedwig's School. The security for the amount to be borrowed is os follows: new combination refrigerator and sink, of heavy electric type. MArket 3-5030, BABYLAND bargains! New style 1960 baby carriages, converts to car bed Lowest prices in town, $27. Large, full panel cribs '% price, clear out, $19.88 Springfilled crib mattresse $9.88; Playpens, $8.88 highchairs $7.88, stroll- ers $5.88. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. 7% JOHNSON motor, used 20 hours. RA 3.7945 after 4 p.m ONE nearly (a) During twenty years, the currency of the debentures, the respective sums set forth in the fourth column of Schedule "A" hereto shall be levied and collected annually by a special rate sufficient therefore, over and above all other rates in the same mane ner and from the like pers sons and property by, from, upon or out of which other Separate School rates are levied, raised and collected for the said period of twenty years (b) The debentures, os to both principal and interest are 50 P outboard motor, like new.| RA 5-9865 HOUSEHOLD contents including re- frigerator, stove, washing machine, plano, chesterfield, chairs, etc. Every- thing must be sold. Leaving country Phone RA 8.0735 ON Appliances (a division of] Beatty Bros.) now sold at Paddy's Market, Hampton. A complete line of appliances at hard to beat prices. COI. | fax 3.2241 | UNPAINTED furnitureat fabulous sav- ings, big bonus offer, bookcases only 99 eents with the purchase of any piece of unfinished furniture. Chest of draw. ers $17 desks $14, bookcases $5.99, van set table and 4 chairs, reg. $89, slashed to sets from $48. Clearance of odd chrome ty dressers $26; record: cabinet, $18; room-divider, $22; bookcase headboard, $15. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street NUW-WAY Rug Co, has been appointed distributor for Filter Queen Vacuum RA 8.4011 eo charge upon the separate school rates and upon the school. house property and premises and any other real or personal property vested in the said Board. KEEP your basement dry with a de- humidifier from Parkway TV, seven | day free home trial. 918 Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043 BABY crib, large, dition Telephone 123 Church Street MOFFAT 30" stove Phone RA 5-8375 $995, brand new, 16 craft with fiber glass bottom and roof, Mahogany deck ard trim foam rubber upholstery. Whitby County Sports, Brock Street North Whitby. PAINT. interior, exteric All colors. G 2 Oshawa Hardw Chi h Street SCHEDULE "A" HERETO $150,000.00 -- 6% Dated July 2nd, 1960 Due July 2nd, 1961-80 DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, the 24th day of June 1960. Albert C. Love, Secretary-Treasurer INT. TOTAL $ $ 9,375.00 13,375.00 9,125.00 13,125.00 8,875.00 12,875.00 8,625.00 13,625.00 8-312.50 13,312.50 8,000.00 13,000.00 7,687.50 13,687.50 7,312.50 13,31250 6,937.50 12,937.50 6,562.50 13,562.50 6,125.00 13,125.00 5,687.50 13,687.50 5,187.50 13,187.50 4,687.50 13,687.50] 4,125.00 13,125.00] 3,562.50 13,562.50] 2,937.50 13,937.50] 2,250.00 13,250.00] 1,562.50, 13,562.50 812.50 13,812.50] aa % good con or apply for RA | sale | 5-6736 | | "in good condition, cruiser, Nelson | | YR. PRIN $ 4,000 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 7,000 7,000 8,000 8,000 9,000 9,000 10,000 11,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 $2.95 gallon lat gloss Electric, 8 : '61 '62 '63 '64 '65 ROTO-tiller, Chore Master, heavy duty, best offer. Apply Envoy Restaurant 522 Ritson Road South CHESTERFIELD and chair, nearly new Duncan Phyfe dinning room table chrome kitchen tabl two chests of drawers, baby carriage, chesterfield d ehair MO 8-5386 L N motor 20 7945 after 1 FIBREGLASS boat cluding windshield boat cover. etc motor. All 3 ised hours 4 pm hardware, in lights, speedometer Mercury Mark 28 in excellent condition, RA ; TV sets, for voar cottage Trio television. 171 Bond Street East BABY carriage perfect condition, grey "Thistle Venturette'. RA AWNINGS, plain colors Prompt service now for early delive rentals - Cleve Fox VA cleaner parts, attachments, brushes, guardn teed rebuilt 'machines. Estimates free Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Sery ice. RA 8- anytime months old and 5.8079 eight in white or gay stripes ates, Order Chair and table 2 Simcoe North all makes 78 79 '80 repairs 150,000 117,750,00 267,750.00 "SINCER'S MID-SUMMER SALE reductions up to $70 TWO WEEKS ONLY VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME WINDOWS $17.50 INSTALLED STORM DOORS $46.50 INSTALLED No middle man to pay. Estimates on awnings and patios. No part time salesman. Direct from the fac- tory to you. All work guaranteed CALL ART MORTON RAINBOW PRODUCTS $15 BE CK ST. NORTH WHITBY T LEPHONE; MO 8-5861 MO 8-5088 end tables from $3. Beds, springs, mat. tresses, $5. 2 piece chesterfield suites, Warehouse clearance of odds For the twelfth year Ontario's schoolchildren traffic safety successive elementary will be given a reminder to help them remember their traffic safety rules through the sum- mer months. Transport Minis- ter John Yaremko announced today that one million safety rulers with the theme "Play Safely and You'll Grow Safe By STEWART MacLEOD Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP)~--Unmistakably | Britons are growing more and {more concerned over the whole | business of defence. The government's decision to | scrap the Blue Streak missile and |pin its hopes on.the American | Skybolt promoted this surge of |interest., Other factors are |recent disclosure that pos |defence has cost Britain £20,000 1000,000, and the current defenc {rift within the Labor party Virtually every day some new paper or television commentator wades into the issue, asking such stions as: "Have we sold out 51--Swap & Barter '59 AUSTIN Cambridge dition, private; or will delivery truck or stat 2-6410 Ajax. 52--Legal I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my wife [Beverley Ann Brown, on or after this date, June 24, 1960, without my written consent Elmer R. Brown, RR 3 Port Perry 5 in new cor for 1 n wagon 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my Mrs. Iris Alexsandra Vanderbij this date forward Meindert derbij. wife from Van | w It I 1 t vhere ly" are being distributed through the schools to children in the junior grades, The ruler | | elementary eight safety and contains the rules of child handy guide to measure progress of the child's height and weight over the period of one year Requests from chools have been pouring into ie Department's Highway is a Safety Branch in unprecedent- the | | | enco neve: Yare noun plea tario home to minder uraged to use that r take 'mko, in cement, for the 's a younger ed volume. The rulers distributed to the children just before leaving school for their summer vacation take a as traffi maki also parents children holiday. will the rul useful c ng the entered of SAFETY REMINDER FOR ONTARIO SCHOOL CHILDREN | be They will be ers re- accidents | in child safety during the school Mr. an- a On- to TELEVISION LOG |CHCH-TV Channel 1l---Hamiltop CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronte WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buftale WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester 2 |[WGR-TV Channel) 2-Buffale WBEN-TV Channe) 4--Buffale SATURDAY EVE. :00 P 11 5--Riverboat 4 | 2-Twilight Theatre 11 5--Award Theatre 4--Feature Film 2--Twilight Theatre | 11=Dennis The Menace 6--Reflections 5~ Dick Clark 4--~Wrestling 2-Buffalo Showcase k | 11 [1 | 7 | 6~Dennis The Menace | 5--Highway Patrol 4-U of B Round Table 2--This Man Dawson [12 | 7 | 6--Hancock's Half Hour 5 4--Perry Mason { {11 6--~Man From Interpole PM. 11 6 5-2--Man and The 11-6 Great Movies i 2- 5.2--The Deputy 4--Adventure Series 4--Have Gun, Will 7=Jubilee US A 4--Gunsmoke 4 Ih | of Education co-operates with the Transport Department in safety during the months when | this school closing program of they are away from their teach- | child safety. In above picture, | er's supervision. "Much time | Ontario's Transport Minister and effort is regularly invested | John Yaremko measures Donna McNall's height with the aid of the Department's new safety ruler while Luciana DeélMonte, | carry on the vital work of edu- cating the youngsters in traffic year," the Minister said. "It is equally important that this training be continued in the | Jack Bernstein and Geoffrey home while school is in sum- | Ebisuzaki of Toronto's Clinton | mer recess." The Department | Street School wait their turn the Americans?" do we stand?" 1ave we got for our money?" 0 The over-riding. question of the the coals. ast few whether years- o have become lost in huffle, no doubt temporarily. NEWSPAPERS WARN the sere arr The the British Britain government's decision to About UK. Defence "Exactly biggest burden of criticism. The When his plow turned up human during the winter and camping "What navy, in Parliament and in the bones on his Saugeen River land. by the lakes and rivers during press, has been freely raked over | power, and critics say it is in capable of maintaining open sea- to Britain. lanes --which had already cost gi": However, four ships, which will covered at Point Peninsula, N.Y., Blue Streak carry the sea-to-air Seaslug mis- now are under construction Britons Concerned Point Peninsula Culture Unearthed SOUTHAMPTON, Ont. (CP)-- Museum says the bones show the Farmer Elmer Donaldson wasn't|tribes were wanderers, living in particularly excited last falllone - family forest settlements 1 But archaeologists and anthro-|the spring, summer and fall pologists were--and after further when the fish were running. Except for the atomic-capabili-|digging they staked out the site Ah RITA: should maintain H-bombs--seems ties of carrier-based aircraft, the of the first Point Peninsula lodge| BURIED SITTING the navy has no nuclear hitting ever unearthed in North Amer-| Articles of pottery have been!t ica. {found in the Saugeen diggings| The Point Peninsula Indians, [20d Mr. Wright says liné designs| first evidence of whom was dis-|°% the Point Peninsula work dis-|q tinguish it from the clay pottery] across the St. Lawrence River|Of the Iroquois who came along from Kingston, Ont., are be-|later. 2 Few details have been released 7--Derby 5--The Law Man 6--Stan Leonard | 11-6--King Whyte 1-7-6-4.2--News: Weather | 5--Rescue 8 6--Father Knows Best | 5=Movie | 7--Worship 1 7. 6. Cartoon Party --Film Feature 5:30 P.M, 6--Outside Broadcasts 1 6:00 P.M 1 6:30 P.M. ¥ ~Leave It To Beaver 6:45 P.M. P.M. ~The Rifleman --Ted Mack Amateur Hour 1 7:30 P.M. ~Man Hunt --~Dick Clark -2--Bonanza 8:00 PM --Sea Hunt --High Road 8:30 ~Lawrence Welk cave It To Beaver --High Road Challenge nied, Dead or ~-Lawrence Welk 9:30 PM. 5-2--Journey To Understanding Travel 10:00 P.M. 10:15 P.M. 10:30 ".M. 1-6---Twilight Zone 7--Johnny Staccato 5-~The Rebel 4--Grand Jury 2--Music Appreciation 11:00 P.M Sports 2--Award Theaire ure Panorama 11:30 P.° 6--Wrestling 4--Playhouse 2--Award Theatre 1:00 AM. 7--Mr. and Mrs. North SUNDAY 8:00 AM. f--Church In The Home 8:15 A.M. 2-Christian Science 8:30 Al 7-Herald of Truth 2--Sacred Heart 8:45 A.M. 2---Man To Man 9:00 AM. 1--Rev. Oral Roberts 5--Bar-5-Ranch 4---Popeye Playhouse a 7- Worship 2~Morning Gospel 9:30 A.M. 1--This Is The Life 7Mission 2--Cartoon Playhouse 10:00 A.M. 1---The Christophers 7--The Living Word 5--Christian Science 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 2--Cowboy Theatre 10:15 A.M. --- 11--Stories of the Century 11---The Church in Action 11-6---News Magazine 1:00 P.M. 1~John Collingwood Reade Bowling Stars "Sit Back With ack" 4-Sunday Afternoon Playhouse 2-Family Playhouse 1:15 P.M. 1-Queen's Park Report 4--Baseball 1:30 P.M. 16--Country Calendar 7--Playhouse 2-Family Playhouse P. 1--Roller Derby 6--Junior Magazine 2:15 P.M. 7--The Legion Salutes 2--Family Playhouse 3:00 P. 1-Roy Rogers 7--Canisius College Forum 6---World Stage 5--Bengal Lancers 2---Family Playhouse 7--Presidential Mission 5--Pro Football 4:00 P.M, 7--Our Miss Brooks 6--Film Playhouse 2--Public Service 4:30 P.M. 7--Roy Rogers Show 6--Outside Broadcasts 5-2_United ®und 4--Film Featurette H M. 7~Matty's Funday Funnies 5-2--Las Vegas Golf Tournament 4--Face the Nation 5:30 P.M. 11--Tennessee Ernie 7--Lone Ranger 6--Science 4--College Bow! 6:00 P.M. 11--Bob Cummings Show 7--Brave Eagle 6--Disney Presents 5--~Meet The Press 4--FYI Series 2--People's Court 6:30 P.M. 11---Mr. Adams and Eve 7--Frontier 5---Maverick 4--20th Century Walter Cronkite 2--Bishop Sheen :00 P.M. 11-6--Father Knows Best 7~Broken Arrow 4--Lassie 2--Overland Trail 7:50 PM. , 11-6--Joan Fairfax 7--Maverick 5--U S. Marshall 4--Dennis The Menace 8:00 P.M 11---Sunday Showcase 6-4--Ed Sullivan §-2--Music On Ice 8:30 P.M. 11--Festival of Faith 7=Lawman 9:00 P.M, 11-6--Encore 7--The Rebel! 5-2--Chevy Show 4--~GE Theatre 9:30 P.M. 7~The Alaskans 4--Alfred Hitchcock 10:00 P.M. 11--Bol 11:30 AM, McLean Show 5-2--Concentration 4--December Bride 12:00 NOON 11--Bugs Bunny 7--Restless Gua 5-2--Truth or Consequences 4--News; Weather 12:15 P.M 6---Matinee 4--Speaker of the . 12:30 11--News 4 7--Love That Bob 5-2--1t Could Be You 4--Sarch for Tomorrow 12:45 PM 1l--Movie Matinee Guiding Light 1: 7--About Faces 5--Feature Movie 4--Meet The Millers 2-Mid-Day Matinee 7--Divorce Hearing 4--The World Turns 1:45 P.M. 6--News 2:00 P.M. 7-Day In Court 6--Adventures With Noddy 4--Drama Series 2--Queen for a Day 2:30 P.M 11--Movie 7--Gale Storm 5--Loretta Young 4--House Party Theatre 3:00 P.M. 11-6--P.M. Party 7--Beat The Clock 52--Dr. Malone 4--Millionaire 3:30 P.M. 11--News 7--Who Do Ydu Trust 6--Mr. Adam and Eve 5-2--From These Roots 4~The Verdict Is Your$ :00 P.M. 11_Bugs Bunny and Friends 7--American Bandstand 6--Film Playhouse 5--The Thin Man 4--Serials 2--Comedy Theatre 4:30 P.M. 11--Popeye 6--Let's Look S--Yancy Derringer 4--Edge of Night 2__Checkers and Can Can 4:45 P.M. 6--Mister "X" MONDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 6_Mickey Mouse Club 5--Playhouse 4--Bozo's Cartoon Story Book 2--Three Stooges 5:15 P.M. &-Big Mac Show 7-Captain G. 6--McGraw 2+Woody Woodpecker 6:00 P.M. 11-8--News 7--Early Show 4--Western 2--Highway Patrol 6:15 P.M. 6--The Vikings allant 1--8an Francisco Beat 6-4--Jack Benny 5-2--Loretta Young 10:30 P.M, 11---Saber of London 7-Not For Hire 6--Fighting Words 4--~What's My Line 5--Phil Silvers Show 2--Lock Up 11:00 P.M. 11.7-6-5-4-2--News; Weather; Sports 11:15 P.M. 11--Late Show 7--Playhouse 6---Background 2--Award Theatre 11:30 P.M. §--Movie 4--Theatre 11:45 P.M. 6--Camera Three 5--Movie 12:00 MIDNITE 6:30 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 6:45 P.M. 11-6-4-2--Weather; News S-intléyrinkiey port 7:00 P.M. 6--Tabloid 5--The Four Just Men 4--Death Valley Days 2--The Viki 7:15 P.M. 7--News; Weather :30 P.M. 11-6--Don Messer Show 7--Cheyenne S--Riverboat 4--Kate Smith Show 2--Riverboat 8:00 P.M. US Dany Thomas Show 4--~The Texan 8:30 P.M. £100,000,000--and rely onland the first atomic - powered lieved to have been the forerun- 11-6--River Boat t poir over C I are aval to Skybolt n Britain ting to C the Amer that th ould happen with Skybolt The government, faced nounting criticism over its mas ive defence spending, ion can be justified S one he ion anada's iggestions e on eco cost Streak's ultimate price a long-range stand-off homb--will its any nuclear critics C strings a rent ers n | thes ce ( And more important, Skybolt to Britain attached without its me to ghly, the picture is cfence power in is putting nearly all its faith behind the deter- PERIOD OF TRANSITION of about 200 V-bomb. n armed with H-bombs. Plans Picture is far brighter than pop- destroyers and with | submarines Crit says the striking two While no figures Corporal lable, Skybolt is expected craft Thunderbird rockets, is suf only a fraction of Blue fering from the same swing ar to : Present same thing| craft the carriers, ics say power regiments toward reatest convent say it' missiles strength five frig the of nucle strength ional S un army, got a mixed recep-/submarine will be launched this Newspapers kept year. Officials say this is simply problems the beginning of a nuclear navy 'an Bomare, with is cruisers, ates built: arc short - range the and anti prob] par we is conf field. Si realistic four air- ners of the Iroquois es They are believed to have be-|0f bark, All skeletons unearthed ago. : : / 54!" the Indians buried their about the lodge site. It was likely S--Industry un Parade stretched around logs| come extinct about 2,500 years and poles sunk into the ground. show dead | ¢--=VUucle Jerry and 31 ound -air- ems the navy. Despite a gradual fare, ined ome for Britain not to have nuclear anti- like tank weapons when Russia i known to have about 35,000 tanks Government spokesmen say the are under way to disperse ularly painted. They describe this riries on't know their whereabouts. After 1965 the heduled to he replaced with bolts and the V-hombers will ntinne to carry the main de- {terrent THE SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ONTARIO ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND EXECUTIVE PROBLEMS OF GOVERNMENT appointed with te ence summarized rm a) to examine the admini tive and executive prc lems of government of Ontario in all divisions to examine into the re- lationship of Boards and Commissions, to the Gov- ernment and the Legisla- ture tra- to examine the Report of the committe on the or ganization of Governmen in Ontario, dated ember 25, 1959 to recomm gard to the foregoing will meet in Committee R No. 1, on September 26 and 28, 1960, Parliamer Buildings, Queen's Park, Toronto. PERSONS OR ORGANIZA- TIONS DESIRING TO MAKE REPRESENTATIONS © MUST SUBMIT THEIR PROPOSA AND FILE TWENTY - FIVE COPIES ' OF THEIR BRIEF WITH THE SECRETARY BY SEPTEMBER 19th, 1960 Miss C. Wy Sc Committee Department of the Attorney General, Room 444 Queen's Park, Toronto, t and and tion report make om 27 | ocki lictor, E A n ASY TARGF I'he RAF is merican but a controlled Thor mis- bec ns les ent 1 are considered sit- ducks for count i value is being questioned. With the RAF forming {F ng for in strik e planes in various overseas as a period of transition, when so potential enemies| {he roles of the three armed serv- ices must, in certain respects, be way. H-bombs are revised. New weapons are on the But they say that Britain, with 50 watch many can't overseas to th territories to afford row | everything into the nuclear age and o equipped with against leave herself "bushfires." In many re- defence! less pects, they say, Britain's prob- In t to tak the weapons the other two|Britons se their perma- lem is unique. he next e a will will few a services have had to shoulder the'for their investment, years, t shape, adopted, clear return hey missiles, | predict, the new forces will begin definite be see new and Man Who Labors Can Help Others Paul o give to him that 50 vhich R. BARCLAY WARREN (Ephesians 4:28), that stole steal no rather let him labor, king with his hands the thing is good, that he may have needeth." As writings, wrote t him hut often in his fical judgment where God pre sides. trom an employer, Whether the stealing is customer, in- surance company or the govern- ment, it is equally abominable in God's Anot sight her method Paul|l0 buy goods without' the prob- house at nearby Roc of stealing places beside the prohibition an|ability of paying for them rhe longs to others by brandishing a the moucy off others his|'vorking for it under cover of darkness or|charity over it gives it a better) God will forgive thieves. The| sitting in fine clothes and|daPpearance but it doesn't extin-tnief on the cross said, "Lord, [manipulating figures dishonestly.|8uish the lust for money mentioned may have/Ctourse, chance of holding the nearly as much of the money as|caid unto him, F<) way orker ing by Secretary, | Work motive is one's llow it instead of steal that, besides sup- ving own needs, are need secure what be those who in The thief may m, by stealthily making The 1 better ernative and an incentive to/all deblors are thieves Mi 15 Not cal- 'ulation or sickness may lead to debt me or The more pe gambler the But about 80° the cies have been found to be the will be a benefactor help.|esult of fraud on the part of rsons tr 15 The charity respect of his fellows but he will|most people think have no better standing 'at thel God said to Israel through the'me in paradise." ying to banner doesn't of bankrupt- get without such as 2 of And, of ramember me when thou comest| get BREED OF GIANTS with limbs drawn up tight in a A team of anthropologists and sitting position. This, Mr. Wright whose university students is examining| says, may be because they could 13 human skeletons unearthed on!dig only small graves with their Donaldson farm where the primitive tools or because they Saugeen empties into Lake Huron believed the body, after near this community 20 miles should be placed in the fetal po- west of Owen Sound. sition in which it entered the From the bones, site workers world conclude the Indians were a ro-| Researchers say the skeletal bust breed, giants by today's remains, the lodging site and| standards and with strong teeth|such artifacts as arrowheads and | and sturdy, jutting jaws. flint scrapers make the Saugeen They also seem to have been diggings the greatest find to date] a people who lavished great at-|of the Point Peninsula culture, | 1 | death, | 5--Lets Look at Congress |1--Bugs Bunny 330 /.M |11--Brave Theatre 7--Morning Show 3=-Christophers 11:00 A.M. 6--Church Service 5--This Is The Life 4--Film Featurette 2---The Big Rascals 11:30 AM. ¢ 4--Camera Three 12:00 YOON 7--Roller Derby 6--~Musical Interlude 5--Family Playhouse 4--News; Weather 2--Gene Autry 4--Congress 12:15 P.M 6~Dateline U.N. 12:30 P.M. 1--~News f--Good Life Theatre 4--Bozo's Cartoon 2_News Conference 12:45 P.M. 1--Assignment Ottawg §--Movie MONDAY 8:00 A.M. 7--Buffalo A.M. 5-2--Today 4--News; Roundup 8:15 AM. 4--Captain Kangaroo 8:30 AM. 7--Fun House 9:00 A.M. 11---Romper Room S--Ding Dong School 4--Popeye's Play 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2-District Attorney 9:30 AM. 11--Movie 7--Romper Room 5--Burns and Allen 4--Life of Riley 2--Checkers 10:00 A.M. 5-2--Dough Re Mi 4--Red Rowe Show 10:30 A.M. 7--Morning Show 5-2--Play Your Hunch 4-On The Go 11:00 A.M. 7--Bourbon Street Bea. Awards §2--Tales of Welly Fargo é--Father Knows Best 9:00 P. §-2--Peter Gunn é~Danny Thomas 9:30 P.M. 11.6--Music "60 7--Coke Time 5-2--Theatre é~Drama 10:00 P.M. 5-2--After Hours &--Hennesey 10:30 P.M. 11-6--The Town Above 7--Mike Hammer 4--June Allyson 11:00 P.M, 11.7-6-5-4-2-- News; Weather, Sports 11:15 P.M. 7--Playhouse 6--Sports 2---Sports Reel 11:30 P.M. 11---Late Show 6_ Philip Marlowe §5-2--Jack Parr 11--Jane Gray Show 2~Newsreel 5-2--Price Is Right 4--Mystery Theatre CROSSWORD PUZZLE | tention upon their children. Many| Work at the site is financed by |; articles, probably worn as orna-/the National Museum and by] ments, came from infant graves. grants from the Canada Council > - | planned for the site Buildi 'We plan to level it off to pro- ng |vide a little more breathing | -. emo 1S e spokesman said. The builder, Judge Blowers, | HALIFAX (CP) -- With the Was solicitor-general for the Brit-| is disappearing from the down. Halifax in 1783. | town section, | He turned down the attorney- Built in 1800 by Boston - born|generalship of New Brunswick ing was later turned into a hotel. | He became a member of the In 1885 it was purchased by the|legislative assembly in 1785 and| Sisters of Charity, a Roman|chief justice of the province in 'or the aged." From this it be-|his 10st year. | came the nucleus of the Halifax | Infirmary. ' | . Sanctuary Remains A spokesman for the religious order said plans were laid 10 years ago to demolish the old The remains of a sanctuary, dat- wooden house, but a fire in 1951|ing back to the third century B.C. destroyed the order mother ang believed to have been de- J, 'V. Wright of the National and University of Toronto. . li was again needed--this time as a 1 aX |a home for elderly nuns. | There is no new construction space for the convent and per- haps an additional entrance," the| scream of 160-year-old nails, one ish in New York and Rhode Is-| of the oldest buildings in Halifax land. A loyalist, he moved to Judge Sampson Salter Blowers, but the following year accepted| the three-storey, shingled build-|the same post in Nova Scotia. Catholic order, renamed Victoria |1797--a post he held until 1833. Infirmary, anfl used as a home| Judge Blowers died in 1842, in With construction of a new in- firmary in 1919, the building and | an adjoining four - storey brick| Structure became a coment Found In Cyprus NICOSIA, Cyprus (Reuters)-- ngham and voted 'to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, have been discovered by prophet Malachi (3:8), "Will a Cypriot workmen leveling a dry man rob God? Yet ye have rob-| iver bed in northwestern Cyprus. bed me. But ye say, 'Wherein| Experts believe the most in- have we robbed thee?' In tithes teresting find in this discovery is ard offerings." Christians should {he remains of a statuette of examine their stewardship in the Aphrodite and a fragment of re-| light of this passage and of others |ief, both in white marble. The| Corinthians, - chapters head, arms and feet of the| Aphrodite statuette, which longs to Hellenistic times century B.C.), are missing. The discoverise include a large| And Jesus| piece of column, probably an al-| "Verily I say unto|tar, fragments of marble slabs, thee, Today thou shalt be with fragments of painted stucco and Imdny tiles. 3 and 9 into thy kingdom." ACROSS 1, Platform 8. ---- of the Apostles 10. Energy 11, Cook, as &. Water an egg . 12, Visitor 13. Girl's name 14, Openings (anat.) 15. Weaken 17, Veterinare i (p! 2. Indian weight 3 Holes piercing tool fowl 5. Errors rint.) ian 6. Arab! o Somme "by proc? 8. Skin disorder 9. Narrow strips of 21. Excuse 28. Soon 24. Dénomie nations 26. Bags 29, Guide 31, Leading actor 32, Vindicators 35. Excla~ mation 36. Fabulous bird 3V. Cebine monkey 38. Turkish weight 39. Ceremony 41. Scratched 43. Religious teacher (Moham.,) 44, Of old times WN 1. Scintillate 22. Dove 3. Playan words LIE] INI TICISTT [DIC] PEISICIODINUM EMME [UNINAIDO OVEN

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