Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 25 Jun 1960, p. 12

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, suns ow, 1vew &i%) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [£5 1---Accountonts [11--Business Opportunities| 13--Gardcning & Suppli |28--Summer Properties j2-y-Sumines Properties 36--Female Help Wanind MONTEITH, MONTEITH, KIERAL, and] CLASSIFIED AD RATES J WANTED to rent. two or three-bed.(Ornamental evergreens roses, NEW BUSINESS FOR rent or sale, room cottage at| } LADY, vanied to look atiep small boy, J) 527 Rice Lake, near Gore's Landing, good! ™% Y red Acc tants. RA 5.3527 oom cottage, August 6 to 20th. Must!shrubs peonies. perennials, at reason. pis EO Ajax WH 25 words or less on good swimming, vicinity of | able > es Collected cedars for hedges beac per week. FRanklin 2.7577, E N LAKE BABY sitter wanted for Pickering, foot snr meer arm a © ivan ne mie wes] BLEPHONE LISTINGS U Lr Tr -- - ighway. two m housekeeping esliAges, pont. | in our home. Please . ec: " NALD F. D. WILSON. Chartered : VE . GROUND floor store, 918 sq. ft. tor roo! | A Acconntant, Oshawa, Ontario. RA | | INSERTIONS ... 225 248 | GROUND floor ove sip so. ti fa Dn Phone Brighton 353 or 95 R 3 BEEHIVE 23007. 836 3 i 6 CONSECUTIVE RA 8 FOR RENT -- Tent trailer 'by week $25, WANTED two experienced hairdressers os SLANT Ontee-- Reartalia RTIONS 375 4.12 et ------ Good quality and large DUMONT BARLOW accommodates six people. Phone MA 3. PARK ESTATES with clientele preferred. RA 8-5661, ask Services offer complete bookkeeping It not paid within 7 days the EARN 5 000 or numbers of box plants, a, NEW modern' registered for Mr. Taylor. ces | small business har rate will apply FOR RENT .. Cottage, all convenien- . i , . pidgin Room | Office RA 5.0397 ITAL apply only to original vegetables and flowers ALUMINUM MOTORS ces at Lake Kushog, Safe, sandy beach. subdivision designed in the RELIABLE housekeeper jor Jal : Residence, RA 3.7605 orders for consecutive insertions. Phone MO 8-3106 Whitby Floride motif. The most un- [with two small children, mu . H ee u uent insertions ordered at 428 KIN WEST = CL | beautiful the and work most weekends. Phone R. Be Avi 2 2 pastas, "10 | tate sore corres rer wore | MORE A YEAR! | NOW ON SALE RA 8-1651 | th Sy oly OLE GEG GEOR wel ane Seowiful in the [hL) . Bond West, Oshawa RA 3-222) order | tor Tlarmation or intarvicw. | QUALI Us Mr. G. H Banner, 617 Henry Streel.| cong beach. Large beautiful |GENERAL housekeeper. age 40-50, oo : : 38 men rd s : Ghaw Must be e rienced and interested im -. 6 a mien caiman 17% Rone to 3 oe ro - " vy i Be Your: own boss, wiih FIVE BOXES FOR $1 rn e BOUGHT AND SOLD | MOhawk 8.2296. shade trees. Canals 40-ft. pris Sieg bi pho age, 1 girl 2 10 lic ceountants, 172 h itional ir . - s C 5 in. v = Strces Eas. Oshawa, Ontario, - RA | Each additio e $100 per} this gilt-edged business We have just received large HOME { RA 8-6175 {SorTiGE for rent Case cement | wide with sheltered docks for years. 'Live in.' Apply box 837, Oshawa -, 3M. - ach initiol letter, abbreviation, opportunity at SHELL OIL quantity of slightly damaged b $30 weekly. RA 3-436: your oat WOMAN not over 40, housekeeper for TATE, FRIEDLANDER HUNTER]; oj ¢ sign, figure, « nt CO; of Canada Ltd. bales of Peat Moss IMPROVEMENTS FOR RENT -- Georgian Bay, Wendeka| pw quality-built summer i in eity. A ie Proce » Bankruptcy. 64 King] word. Box charge yee Sod ai a ON SALE AT REDUCED No down payment TRY OUR Beach, three - bedroom cottage, all con- h P in . who is middle aged, Canadian 3 Street Kast, Oshawa: B. L. Yale, CA; All Classified Advert Increase your monthly earn- . : BAR-B-QUED Youmieness) TY ott 2 rei 18 July, os lebtric iriar Irspec: |irish descent. Good ' opportunity FO Ea mI CPA MUST be in by 5 p.m. day previous Corol PRICES 36 months to pay. , ol Phone MO 8-3233, Whitby. tion, electric wiring connect. right person. Must enjoy social Y, Friedianden 3 0 Uifice hours: Daily 35, Saturday ings. =omp gle royung. al | Also commercial work done CHICKEN FOR RENT -- Cottage on Beech Lake,| ed to hydro, three bedrooms, |Could work out, modern home. Must 2--Barristers : ar gn ig Only. im. ORDER YOURS TODAY AT For that exiry room Fish & Chips 35c, Hamburg |Haliburton, boat, electric stove, refrig:| bathroom with plumbing, kit- {3¢ neal" appearing. Write Box 643, Osh- T. SALMERS, BA, barrister soli ; A ; ys had 9 ones 5 ig CALL MO 8-8611 ers, Hot Dogs, Milk Shakes, erator, $35 weekly, auyiime July or Au chen with stainless steel sink | ACTIVE book-keeper for small busis * z. SAL! 8 Th T Tes. shal net. b He nvesimen iy Y. > t. A Mrs. Martin, Sunder- 4 0 pe. : citor. ete. 13'a Simcoe Street res ndleh for errors in vertise- Opening now available in - MASTER FEEDS | 6 1 MODERN GRILL Fos Joply R2. | in arborite cabinet top Large {ness office required to handle complete Office RA 5.3741: Residence RA : ments submitted otherwise t Whitby Interviews will si nsurance ns a------_-- RA 5-3887 SHANGRI+LA Inn; on beautiful Rice living-dining room finished 'in 1358 of bovks. gr ly 2008 tyiist: BOWMAN. David L.. Barrister. Solici Tian h oF oan . held at the | 54 Church St. Osh ALLSTATE Auto Ipsurance, Save | We Deliver Lake, best fishing, completely equipped| genuine knotty pine, {business experience, pleasant congenial tor, 3% Simcoe South. RA 59592. Resi | i 1 ay | | urc » Ushawa to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For {large hou Ping cabins. have run- hissing aged 22-38 préferred. Sale dence, RA 8.0264 Heme gh rie ip) HOTEL GENOSHA personal service at your home, call 22--Radio & Tv V Repairs ning water, heated, R.R. No. 2, Rose-| PRICES from $5,750 to ary to commensurate with ability. Ape MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, |} 5 HO, oo So RA 3-2229 RA 57413 --- Neath. Puone 9B) -\.__..__ 4 $5950 including large, level [ply Mill Valley Lumber Ltd. For ape Solicitors, Clients funds available 10rif "0 "c1c0 reserves the right WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 Tv oda cai radio repai Ay HOUSEKEEPING coltages on Beaver| [ot terms at current rates of | Pointment phone RA 8-6264. first mortgages. 20 Simco r g : bripmaR _e ine 4, -- 2 5 etricity, 1 A . ' Br Poets me Bo So eens cman | V0 Ask for 17--Money to Loan i avemertRn 5g psy, 1 Lake sect' rune, wer, |, CB SE J Edgar F. Bastedo, QU. : y y adver OSHAWA ACME « TS' money to loan on first mort- '0. Hi-Fi repairs. ing Tameworth 40RB1 James O'Neill] west of Bobcageon on the STENOGRAPHER JOHN A. G. MacDONALD, BA. Barris y O. J.. LAHEY Lia Morigage anc agreement of sale TELEVE 10%: , Ie, Mi Electrons | Erinsville Fenelon Falls highway--large tet and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street || resnensibre for : HAULAGE LTD, [rurtased "Nua 'morigsses arranged C3: Fadi sales and service, Electronic signs ot entrance. Qgner on | With Legal Experience > 5 4 H reighto "rase rynan and Mur. =F . us - 4 Noth, Phone Ra 3831) The publishes endeavour 12--Dressmaking Teen » "RA 8320 LITTLE BUCKAROO | property every afterfoon and | : HUMPHREYS lm Paoli, to duce oll advertising matter || DRESSMAKING and altenations, rea LOAM GRAVEL FIRST dd second tga edle RANCH over weekends | required for law office for Barristers. Solicitors; I oduce. Iv ; a | = ST and second mortgage, sal 4 of © 'S. Boychyn, BA: W. A. || correctly but assumes no hability | sonable rates, Ms. Marshall. Tele FILL -- STONE agreements purchased and sold, Hen. EXPERT ELECTRONIC SERVICE month of July only ey . : ny in s in on it hone. RA 3.7913 d 20_--Lost & F d Hillman, 3; 3612 King Street East |f if dccuracies in ony: form | 3 3 [nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King i 3 0 oun Hillman ice, RA 51177: Res. RAJ o rtisement are containec | nRFSSMAKING, alterations and re. RA - 528 Gast, RA 2.7 T.V., HI-FI. RADIO, ETC, DAY CAMP - ' Lous 5. HYMAN, Q. C 5-4604 or Whitby, MO 8.2761: RA 5.5203 g d pais on ali types of clothing. Mrs, E. \ = - Ta 18 MONTH GUARANTEE ON Liony brown bulky ynit svensr, a 37 King St. E,, Oshawa ney to 10 Fox, MO 38-4427 E monies available for firs ec } Vicinity of Wilkinson Avenue in I | e------ - -- HONEY to wan o- . and second mortgages. Mortgages and NEW PICTURE TUBES 3 | > ArrTsler.T sohch - rr oo . 13. ! 4 . $10 WEEKLY please contact 263 Albert Street or ar nad Notary Public. 1b%s King Street ; 13--Gardening & Supplies Flowering and Tropical asreemenis of sale purchased Avis T.V. Entérprises INFORMATION RA 5.2737 (Rhone RA Baa, _| RECEPTIONIST- WAS RA I Swartz, Barrister and Notary ---- ae 3.2269. NHA and private A i 'Y Find of i I WOTE Dy expe I: Publi. 26: King East, Oshawa. RA 95 + -- LOST one wallel between Wycoe and -- ANY kind of garden work by expert, < ublic, 26% ing 2 t, edie) arranged CALL Joe RA 8.6444 for carpeniry, reasonable rates RA 3 Foliage Plants, 43-4697 RA. 55905 PRESQU'ILE SUMMER vicinity of Scugog Rd. and Burketon. SECRETARY - HOTEL $ s Sol ain d hand n. Work guaran. ---- J a te ~ - TE aS Ata RA 35-5481 ' GREER and Kells, Earusiers Sotiel pairing and handyma Ti BURY GARDENS and awns Rot dled, ads We still have a good selection WE HAVE clients. monies available -- PRESQU'ILE POINT LOST dog White Samoyed, answers FOR DOCTOR'S OFFICE s s - ~ ready for spring planting and seeding ar c for loans on first and second mortgages ------ = ' "yes n . 3 Re. dence phases Bl LLDOZING and excavating. Dial Phone RA 5-3985 of plant boxes, Evergreens, and also purchase: OF osrtorpes wud 2 ; BRIGHTON, ONT fo ane SO Pit viet Whitehall mg 40. Experienced, conscientious y ||MO 8-5 ree estimates, Taylor gomo---- --- ee hade trees and tted ros Agreements of Sale. Louis S. Hyman, SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT Pp WHITBY DISTRICT BCL, RA 8.5832 bi ROTO tilling done, reasonable rates shade trees and potte. oses, ¥ Fo d t alue, de- - Brothers. 26 Rillcourt Drive, Whitby Call J. Mulligan, OLiver 5-4659 QC. 37 King Street East, Oshawa. RA IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! or good vacation value, " RALPH JONES. BA. and Thomas H SRR i : : etc 3.4943 T.V. and RADIO lightfully informal, good' ac- |31--Articles For Rent WRITE BOX 547 Greer, Associate Barristers and Soli- G and heating pipes. fittings ' y : f | er eter me---- Lt oe (4 : ommodations, fine ood, CEMENT mixers, sidewalk finishin OSHAWA TIMES 130 King Street Ea ast, RA 3.6246. [fixtures new and used, changing from | C | CEA S, ewalk nx iors: 130 King Street Er ew ond ated, eviabin or LOAM VAN BELLE GARDENS 18A--Mortaages CALL RA B88 | ee aint ena: Sauce TNE "MANGAN, QC, © ter, Stallations at reasonable rates 'Infor -- hole diggers, post driver, barrsls, wel JOSEPH P. MANG artis y | | 2 Miles East of Ost 5 All Work G teed summer sports, folder on re- , ; seit Mapes an wan. Otte 2s raion tod eminem biel GRAVEL, SAND ows |. em oRSECOND OSHAWA aver Gram Quick, Mor. sist Kool atl tent mer $100 MONTHLY ing Street Eas RA 3.3232 3! | - Ey er Mh Rs Son ki PLASTERING repairs, chimneys, roof AND FILL MA 3-5757 MORTGAGES ELECTRONICS POW WOW Reliable woman for house- A A TO0D re hE ate wa wri ums BOWMANVILLE FAST CONFIDENTIAL -- SALES RENTALS | hold position, five in private elephone ss RA 5.3501: Resi - -- A -5 79 Com d eniov the 1 t Tents, ;, room. Must be fond of child- A ra Th a GENERAL CONTRACTING R 2 5-52 a OPEN EVENINGS) SERVICE TV TOWERS Bn A a I LET ren ea ETT TT rT rr LANDSCAPING - -- ANY AMOUNT 5 Huntsville All Summer bags, lanterns RA 5.7704 Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Asso Free estimates and pao self supporting tower E Y Sports, | is Is. gate, 'Bruce V. Mackey, BA. Heary] |I5€ edimales oom oo SERVICES GARDEN TO $5,000 bor Sebo NOPOIE. | Joey Salizio $39%558 OSHAWA HARDWARE AND Block, 26% King Street East, RA 3.4697 sidence. dial RA 1.4029 ond: eddition rec rooms, Weed treated, field nurse-v R bl low as $30.00 Complete with new Skychief weekly. Wrtie direct or call ELECTRIC Residence, dia 4 J: top soil. gravel," sen SUPPLIES ¥pavan/e gs low a all-channel antenna. Total Huntsville 844)3. ATRO | 8 Church * RA 3.7624 SECRETARY THOMAS M. RUNDLE. barrister, soli oncrete work stone ire- | sod P e month. Principal and Interest and Notary Public, 26% King] places, etc. Custom building. | fill. Complete service. Weed Up io'S veors to repoy price, installed and guaran- __resort | FOR LAW OFFICE East Phone RA 8.17 | Str E Mortgages arranged ol. Free estimate "NIAGARA BRAND" Call for appointment teed for | vear $59 95 WEBBING' S G 3 urphy and MacDonald, Bar- | ED KNOWLTON « fe, Scr, a, Mr Mle] LYMES CONSTRUCTION RA 526047 BUG KILLERS OSHAWA RA 3-3993 TV_ Enterprises Camp Allandale We need at least one compe- 6 King Street East, RA 5.4717, Russell [3 8 tent stenographer at once, J Murphy and James A. MacDonald.| RA 8.6228 TE 9.2224 -- "KING CALCIUM" ANYTIME 253 Drew St HARDWARE capable of working indepen- SESH, TEASER. DETSAN Wi oe pmoveneNTs | CALL GRANT BUG KILLERS ALLIED RA 3-305) | Guy Venter en 7 RENTAL SERVICE | oly wher necessary. Yeu tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg. REMODELLING--ADDITIONS EED KILLERS Bois ° years F L Bf ong Wi : re Entor A Rr iv c. K REC ROOMS FOR SOD BIRD BATHS INVESTMENT OUR SERVICE CALL . Riding, swimming, etc., $25 OF TOOLS ; intial i S INCLUDES ALL THOSE experience is not essential if Murdock. NUA wort FAMILY ROOMS PATIO POTS > 03 weekly, Write for brochure other qualifications are satis- gases arranged Tile, tlarawaed Blogs Finest quality LAWN SPRINKLERS | CO. | EXTRAS : BOX 1334-0 | SCAFFOLDING factory. These are permanent | ipboard positions with opportunity of 4--Dentists s. Arrange S | LAWN SOAKERS 51 KING ST. E ole. day tei DR. G. T, SCIUK. Office hours 9 to 6 HUGH SREB | Reasonable prices | PATIO SLABS Hi or ached BOWMANVILLE And Other Construction Sovanesimant, poly Box Open evenings by Appointment. 239) PHONE MO 8-3015 19--Personal Phu Equipment. BAT Paint 0, Oshawa Times Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5.2223! RA 5-3937 SIDEWALK SLABS . « « Picture tube cleaned MArket 3-2924 quipme a roe iE CURBING ny tr pia wa, vicnty "* peeteg Co0eH m= pHOLSTERY AND RUG |37--Mal~ Help Wanted oN he Nr CARPENTER LOAM RAvIL QUALITY PAINTS sam." diinisy ie fetup | LEN-DAVE LODGE SHAMPOOER -- VAC (MECHANICALLY minded man. io ° Cay cnt Ta sPlometris Toronto CONTRACTING po CLOSED SATURDAY TOBACCO eliminator _ Scientific guar 23 months gusrantee. | BALA. MUSKOKA Yo Restore originet basuty 16 | WHitehall 21340 for appointment, Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street.| p f Litrhaive r q anteed remedy for cigarette addiction 0 XPERIENCED barber wanted, Ap 5.4587 emodelling of kitchens ASPHALT PAVING Free authoritative medical opinion sup. DO T O (Children Free) our furniture and rugs | ly Dou Barber Shop, 27 Bond Streeh Phone RA phil bref Optom.| athrooms, recreation rooms, 12.30 P.M plied. Write C. W. K. Pharmacal Corp. | N W on 5 y gs: {ply Dove's P F. RICHAR r. ol | titin ents F STI TES | Ltd., Bo, 88 Stat B Hamilt Ont [+] ng cabins, PRI ery eiry, the examination of eves, contact tiling, plumbing and heating REE EST MA ES JULY < AUGUST x 88, Station B, Hamilton Beautify Your Home : gin 9% Seep a i 1282 KING ST. WwW. eh arEE Tair hee Te lenses, 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), | Can be finonced. Whitby, PHONE RA 3-3162 , ONTARIO Automobile Association rep. Improve Picture Qualit Sate sandy beach, home- quires junior student with semior ma. evenings by appointment. RA 3.4191 MO 8.8611 -- Toronto resentative for Oshawa and district, Art Y: cooked meals, dancing and OSHAWA--RA 3-4873 ify Britnell and Moore, RA £50 15-6451. | AMnurst 1-0197. CHOICE LOAM COOPER ot BANG | HAVE A TOWER | Gil water sports, hot and cold 7--Surveyors a . AND TOP SOIL 'savE money. no waiting, free park " ; running water with showers. 39__ Articles Wanted © T, HORTON and Associates, On. FOR SALE SMITH CO ing A Bd Mobile Barbershop Call us for o free estimate For the time of your life -- WANTED To ue Coma A REPRESENTATIVE ' "i > ; pol . v tati 0 8-7 { A wo burner Coleman stove, tris Land Survevors, Professional En CLIFF BROWN | 16 CELINA <T daly exeent Wednesdays and Sundays T R 0 | Write. or Phone FaIb Sue burner ao Tiove, REQUIRED gineering, 306 Dundas Street West, GRAVEL - SAND - FILL i a 5.30 7 3 13.30 p.m. Whithy, MO 8.3091, Ajax 722. _ GRAVEL & SAND Also Back Filling | OSHAWA HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), ALL. . LEN DAVE LODGE ANT EE prey Enroll Automobile Association DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontarie ' { | mailed post. paid in plain sealed enve bod | WANTED stroller and plaype! hi . his | i Laph Saiveror. 26 -Adeiside venue LOAM Lots Levelled - lopes with price list. Six samples. 25 PHONE BALA 397 condition. Phone RA os Nerbets i? in this Joeality, FAS: RA Jon a RA 5-2156 {14--Household Repairs cents; 24 samples, $1.00. Mail Orde; TELEVISION | WANTED "two-wheel box trailer, tele- Pleasant full or pa E ime DONFVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On Prompt Delivery da - REET HN Te Dept. 11. Nov-Rubber Co, Box 91 RA 8.6781 BALA, ONTARIO {phone RA 53062. | work. Car required. Exper- tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue. A anmvG end i i hs . Ce artrrr NTED: Used paint spraying outfit] ience unnecessary. Rush your 1 r 3 t t sr 1 r r rior, t ' y 2 « Biting, 18 Bloor Stes Bes RA 8-895] HARDSAND tone work guaranteed. Free exiimates 171. BOND ST. EAST jComplete). 30 Dovse for vale Sor nome . for. information. fe 5-5632 y | [1108 Athol Street, Whitby P Box 817 Naa 3 = LANDSCAPING RA 22358 o-------------------- 5 -- ersonnel Manager, ox ' 8--Building Trades W. WARD hi (camo won| | ELECTROLYSIS 23 womens Column PINE TREE [vious = or are wien: oma each and up, furniture recovered. Rea-| Removal of superfluous - | SPECIAL! | ~ -- --- - -- Heat 'permanents, ALL plumbing and heating supplies A Fertili i le. L. 1 sional | : LODGE ND WILL $10 and u; 194 dian ng and heating supplies. WELL DIGAING BY ertilizing onable. Large selection of occasiona Marie Murduff will be Cold wave $6.00. Page Henereny:] A | Pay $10 and up for 1943 Canadian SENIOR Phone RA Tractor Roto-Tilling chairs, low prices. Advance Furniture Oshawa, June 28th and 29th 396 Pine Avenue, RA 5.3363 | silver dollars, also certain type '47. RA | T.td., plumbing, heating and engineer- . | RA 39430 5-5027. ing. 255 Street South MACHINE Top Soil - Sod - Manure rem Phone osh Hotel on C B NS po vr 34, pmbing, he: : : ; Tob Soil 3 300 « Mona rar LL Gengthe ; 12a Market Basket ABI PIANOS, upright or apartment size.| TECHNICIAN RRICKLAYING wi and ropes Seanen SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE agsto atio Slabs stalled, for free estimates, call RA these dates for appointmen Iwi La Also housekeeping cottages |Will pay cash. State make and price work imneys built and repaire = 2.4138 |w buy high quality strawberries, y Write Write Box x 839, Oshawa Times. remodelling of all WHITBY, ONTARIO RA 5-1721 es ie T |zood prices paid. Stroud's Food Mar. on Pigeon Lake. Excellent --------| An expanding company, lo- MO 8-2563-- MO 8.3809 EERE -- PAINTING and decorating needed2| CHILD FOR ADOPTION (REL. BY Si Bled ood Man i : : - 204 CHESTNUT ST A Finest materials used Work guaran 1958 fishing: pickerel, boss and SHAW cated in South Eastern Ontar- building Fepairs. oofing, 204 CHESTNU ST. W Flowering and Tropical |teed. Reasonable rates. Also wood fin.] SHIRLEY is a sensitive, chub: STRAWBERRIES omer Grea muskie. Good boating and io, engaged in the nuclear ough « BO a paces Jide. P.O. BOX 329 Fal ; ished. Phone anytime RA 5.6204 by little five year old of a "orders taken. COI | swimming. Boats, motors, AUTO WRECKING CO. energy field, has an opening RS -- Sdbotaliy RT TTT ---- oliage Plants FURNITURE repaired and re-.uphols-| North American Indian groceries, etc s i i i ith ALL kinds of building and repairs, |] 0--Sharpening Service tered, See our mateals tr ) R lic faith o | Wants cars for wrecking, also for a senior technician, witl pV --- P 9 « rer r 128 wo. Ye-cover oman Catholic faith and Ror & Livestock scrap iron and metals, etc experience in mechanical and kitchen : cupboards, | recreation roms ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street | tac 1 r T ¥ 0 Roses rieties od Jol, i . » North American Indian ck- - --a -- Contact Gord Brown-- : g concrete and block work. F'ree LAWN mowers sharpened, work gu s (40 varietie RA 3.7212 r ba BLACK and tan hound pup Tor sale PINE TREE LODGE bought. Open Saturday all non destructive testing. Pre- |and onc trigg hound with papers. Phone day. Phone vious supervisory experience brown eyes, fair skin RA 5.4530 RR. 1 Peterborough, Ont. RA 5-231 would be an assist. 3-6937 anteed. 13 St. Lawrence Avenue r a - - ground. She has fine brown stucco and all kinds of Pick-up and delivery RA 3:3266 or >hrub 29 Varieties), {CBESTERFIFLD aol Sid hairs = hair q covered like new. Gel the best for less epairs ee estimates. Call George 8-6906 Shade ot 5 v 612 S d d dl k- % a---- S s (15 varieties at Modern Upholstering, 926'2 Simcoe an oes not appear mar LABRADOR Abramoff on - . puppies, "black, ¢ one male 89 BL m 22 ------ IFIRST ciass sharpening, mowers, saws . Street North. Call RA 8.8451 for tree| edly Indian eight weeks old ebred. RA 3.994 OOR E ' - and al tools Work guaranteed B.| Evergreens (25 varieties) estimate. Shirley a friendly child REGISTERED © i i BAM 8. | Phone OL 7- 8541 ------------------------------------------------------ WRITE BOX 741 Mosier 530 Wilson Road South. RA - Aid ES cotch Collie pups, wk) { BUILDERS 2-515 Vine Ground Covers, | CHESTERPIELDY revi, Tecovered, pos average intellis and tri, reasonable. Phone RA 3.3808 28a Trail rs | CEDARDALE | OSHAWA TIMES | -- --- - - a ur f----- ramic tiled bathroom sup- |LAWN mower and outboard motor Te VAN BELLE GARDENS |i reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. = 9NCe and excellent health DACHSHUND puppies for sale. Phone FT) PPT | . ah xed, complete pair and sharpening service. Rossland | N Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Upholstery She needs a timulating and RA 5-1669 after 5 p.m FOR RENT - -- Tent trailer by week $25 | SCRAP xed, com Sports Centre, 62 Rossland Road West, 3 Miles East of Oshowe 1) Bond Street West. Dial RA! accepting home with por- |REGISTERED Chihuaiws puppies Call accomodates six Peorle.. Phone MA! SALES SR -arge RA 37462 or RA 817M. poly i ents interested in adopting | MIS. Chariton, RA 5.8983 between 5| 202 -- IRON METAL LTD range oh HAVE your lawn mower precision MA 3.5757 PAINTING, inside and out, small OF| . hor Written enquiries cbot |™.7 PR: {FMONEER village on Buckhorn Lake__ | IRON--METALS OPPORTUNITY class tradesman. Phone | (harpened. Free pick-up, Texaco Sta |1arge jobs. Reasonable prices. RA 5.4432 e Auiles ODOUL | PUPPIES reasonable fo good homes, |25 Miles north of Peterborough. House. 4 anytime tion, 380 Simcoe Street South RA 8.0142 Bowmanville [YOU as hime reer an Shirley should go to {will deliver, Mrs. Boland Goodwood. keeping, Loliazes for i Seva fishing, PAPERS--RAGS IN | T EN EVERINGR neys built and repaired, gas linings in THE MINISTER OF I mime ese {TT MT hy ey ysiaide, 2! OPEN SATURDAYS ALL BAY RA 8- 1177 11--Business Opportunities OPEN EVENING S) stalled fornaces vacuumed. Free esti- PUBLIC WELFARE BOARDING, trimming, bathing, deflea: | Bailey RA 5-3432 WHITBY OR STORE, suitable for plumber, electri : 5 ins. Waubena Kennels. RA 5621. | ed FREE PICK-UP DOOD & SOUTER my v ATTENTION rary ive nd pr Rooms paper | PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS | TFL. hans udsies- vests Tos | LT ALER. gr EL RN 4 TN OSHAWA PAINT WALLPAPER FOR SALE, rent or exchange Smoke For weed kililng, spraying hi and up. 2 h training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. ers. LP bottles and parts, hitches, level. | 100 ANNIS STREET AIN J WALL E Shop Confectionery and two five-room and pruning of your 'shiubs PAINTING and decorating. Free esti 2 C Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. (ing jacks, portable toilets, mantles, Aggressive Life Insurance PAINTING & DECORATING partments, open for offers. OX. 1.9757 ! 9 UE 9 | mates, work guaranteed. RA 37742. 0-- artage MINATURE poodles, champion sired (lamps, efc. Miler, 9 Tudor Street,| Company with branch office "ONTRACTORS 1439 Kingston Road, Toronto ang evergreens, | coll. RA PICK-UP or sta " . beautiful puppies and grown stock. 3% WHitehall 2.349) { Yompany Jitly 5 ; e 8.6366 stake truck for hire, eve.| beautiful puppies grown stock WANTED in Whitby is interested in Free Estimates call ESTABLISHED welding business, low FURNACE SALES nings and weekends. Phone RA 8.3651 'Cedarview Kennels, RA 5.5062 |FOR SALE -- Cabin "trailer, sleeps roi to = capital investment to right party. Call $n er re <f E N Shepard four, electric and propane. Apply 288) raining. 'man or: woman DAYS MO 8-5231 RA 82968 OSHAWA ! AND SERVICE STAKE iruck for hire. Basements, gar. GWKMAN Shepherd puppies, register fra Soule SCRAP IRON, POULTRY sell "are. sarvice: Life. irisurs ges cleane Ru s oved, fl. Ch bloed | WHitehall| a EVENINGS RA 5.7426 ~ HOME a Ey roared, ele. |e a TI Bod five. Wikieva AND FEATHER TICKS ance and Annuities ih this tor B "StS w OWN YOUR district. Must be at least 23 v r nitoy HM. Mackie Co., Ltd. ocaily, RA 88335 -- ny COOK'S TRAILER SALES ; pias ' I. TURNER : ' LANDSCAPIN R _ PICKUP truck with hiten, will move 26~--Farmer's Column See the new 1960 Glendettes . | years of age with neat ap- OWN BUSINESS ! ! for complet G . A 35-5954 tniture, appliances, trailers, homtslyuiprp oot ni | 16-ft, custom deluxe, Also RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 pearance and o desire to WwW WARD or complete Garden Service Cleanout Service-- |ete.. to cottages or local Reasonable eet eople Torn. while . INCOMES UP TO $1,000.00 $7 labor plus ports rates JRA 5 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone pen 8.0818 Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-272] self-contained New and (collect) | . a oyrone. used. Location: Highway No | learning this interesting oc- WELL DIGGING BY PER MONTH CROSS TOWN GALT CARTAGL, fumitite and Boek BAIL bunchers. and trailer wagons 2 at Courtice. Open until 10 35--Employment Wanted | cupation. Apply ance moving. Reasonable rates, full: YB MACH | NE E sured. Call d A Apply Raglan Welding Shop. Phone us ANAL Rh i KING KGIN PHILCO-BENDIX SOD SUPPLY | FURNA( in ure all day or night. RA 5-498. g ;okiin "of 01 Bs on asked Low een CED gardener wanis part Branch Manager me wor power mower avail e, WHITBY ONTARIO equ pped. Lounderettes are . CLEANING |21--Personal Services 10 ACRES for Tent on No. 7 highway, Ag oowe Fidelity Life Assurance C8 th ost It this A-1 rolled fertilized sod cut ---- ve west of Brooklin, 20 in hay, no hoe | : MO 8-3809 ill ofitebie i WT Tosh any en Seni, ins) me ------ ngs, reasonable for High yereon. OL, | 29--Summer Properties CARPENTER -- first class, evenings, Professional Bldg. Lanada's fastest .growing romp ! _omplete s serv -- 5-381 weekends, 20 years' experience, power ! Business. Special contractor rates oy Shite = PIANO and ORGAN [Ver 33810. sma For Sale or Wanted weekends 2 sears experience, power Whitby ys swep fur- SERVICE | WANTED -- immediately, good used COTTAGE lot bordering highway 12, | boards, rafters, alterations. Sontract| RA 5-8504 nace $6.50 -- coal furnace two - row corn planter with fertilizer. payor" 'River near Gamebridge, ex- -{oe hourly. Pickering, WH 2-6 38--Male or Female Help $500. Call ofter 6 Tun ng, repairin reconstruc attachments, any make. Will pay top change for good car or cash. Ul v e uni iri recons - n f 9 cash price Phone OL 5.3019 23800 or Fred Warren, Blackstock. | ACCOUNTANT, office credit manager Wanted { tion of Player pianos, reed or- - ---- {RIA degrees, mine years' experience, PRECAST Thr " ft HEA ( COMPLETE OL 5-3186 gan Custom-built Clavi SMALL herd of Holstein catlle. 2150 | COTTAGE for rent. July, first two desires change. Whitby, Ajax or Osh (ELDERLY lady or couple to care for 5 f 5 Cc calves anu herd sire. RA 83-8067, be (aie Angus, excellent fishing, quiet,|awa districts. MO 8.5123 or EMpire| invalid man in exchange for free home CONCRETE : Ly sp GARDEN SERVICE YS--Tnstructions hords, the world's earliest and (tween § and 7 p.m pleasant surroundings, Sturgecs Lake.|6-8156 Be TH Son: mallest keyboard instrument --------------------""" {phone Clair Western, Lindsay, FAirview in-- 3 . WILL board youngster 3-5 years, week Double and ardens ploughed, disced, PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, Sebastian Hohmann-- 27--Fuel & Wood 4-23 4-5863. days only or by the week. Village home. |41--Room & Board Tumble Action and landscaping, wood cut, trees 3 years' experience, by interview only RA 5-7001 GRY hardwood lumber ends, suitable CLEAY hoc "beac en; ER ie [0 OL 5-3333. |ROOM and board, also two partially C | Cant + ernover ct now. RA 5.1034 - vw furna nd d stoves, $5 for shore lo servic ce a 7 SEPTIC TANKS Capacity Agttoto moved Ry anil Nou, stove: enquire | South shore Rice Lake at Rosemeath, | CEMED dome oo gACBUEmAR furnished rooms fo rent. Phone RA large load, delivered. . Also bi Lg ixer, Telephone RA 5-7966. 7219. SIDEWALK SLABS RA 8-1798 LEARN HAIRDRESSING : : » WEIGHT REDUCING about cottage deliveries. RA 3.0813 {Phone MO G uc C 0 ottage deliveries DAY-CARE for children. Excellent WANTED to board lady pensioner, COLORED PATIO Newest and Large 0 nN n weeks WANTED TO § 2 or 3 bedroom Sad Ya id Sy a eo Yon Son Sigy ono diet [BUY a new" waieriront cottage or lot location. Division St., fenced in back! also single room for one. bentleman PHILCO BE NO! X PROMPT DELIVERY Women wanted, greate -t em ic ROOM and board, $15 per week, home healthiest best | cottage 6 to 20th. Must have 15 ickn oo 36--Female Help Wanted | A a TS a est home a easily with our help and lose |28--Summer Properties Fona. Call RA 32311 after 6 p.m. Novag. $10 weekly. Phone RA 33623. |or pensioner. Telephone RA 3-958 C 5 ' k 3 % DURA STEPS Drye FOR YOUR opportunity, better pay privileges | | | Lindsay, or phone v L CURBING pleasant ~ work, catalogue ' zood vicinity of Madoc. Ph 8 Rie Ey TET imehe WELL TILE Low Down Payments and COMPLETE free. Write: Marvel Hair. Phone RA 54093 after 5 p.m "RE wn 3 "TAliton Gn OFTICR Geis vequiny, FF Yon|saiin A oe TR wee ntity Discounts V < titute of Ethi --- _- --_-- o 4 3 offic: s, some |ROOM an ard, "per wee Quantity Discount GARDEN SUPPLIES dressing Schools. Branches tute of, Ethical {PORT + Lake Scugog, lake round or sumer home, six-room insul [po LEP IF Seroral office duties, nllooN packed. Apply 137 Rosentl ps H " . Hypnosi front cottage, private, three-pedrooms|brick, all modern conveniences. Asking 1 'benefits for ; R t n h. amilton, ' Ottawa Can a employee benefits appointment. RA | Boulevard - ~omplete 'Merchor Jo's N I , MN Ontario St., Oshawa with flush toilet. Fully equipped. Dial $9500, balance one mortgage. OX §-2195, |Cloio oy Ya. ing and Engineering CALL ada's National System RA 8.0771 |¥Ukon 52214" Saturday to Wednesday. | FoR SALE Three room collage ams NOTRERS Fetper ive Teh Tsuss. | ROOM or ro We ME i J S r, live in, ouse- (room ir oriv. y ARDEN housekeeping (ottagss on Ken. cabin on lakefront, Scugog Island, ren- keeping duties. Aid in care of children. cr only. RA 5-3308 CONCRETE tis, Commer BEVERWYCK LEARN TO DRIVE LAWNMOWER. 8 ENGINE aes. Sry 'maven? shies vetrosous {sd inst 3180. Ymediate TE a ROOM of room and Board, ood ims PHILCO BE NDIX | t |EXPERIENCED shirt presser, APP | cooled meals, close to four corners. S 31763 KAWARTHA Lakes, summer and cou At the Oshawa Driving School SALES & SERVICE - Send. for free pioture|Acadian Cleaners, RA 85141 Apply 240 Division St : \ A STURGEON Lake, Pleasant Point, near |{ry properties. WRITE, WIRE or PHONE G A RDENS Licensed by the Police Commission' ~G0-Cart Engines & Rotor Til- |Lindsay, 3 Sree Riligin Clin Gil [listing folio. Bowes and Cocks Ltd.,|SALESLADIES -- must be oe | ROOM "and boar for gentlemen, nice | for Complete Information Fully trained instructo ler Used 'Engines 'Bought veniences, see on weekends. Ask at|Realtors, Reterborough, RI 2-423 |better dresses, coats and suits, State|locatir close : Gowntown, Abstain. KOIN LAUNDRY SALES, Ltd : eg Is ucTOry " | r Potter's or phone Toronto BE 2.7268 ME to Steenberg Lake ( | qualifications. Write Box 70) Oshawa crs, Phone RA pe di Croat 0. 12 HIGHWAY standard, Automatic cars and Sold. Authorized Clinton, COD 0 nberg Lake des Re LIMITED : 20 Colege Street OL 570 BROOKLIN Lauson Power Products. Pin ONE building, 12' x 20°, fully insulated 26 miles north of Madoc on Highway ROOM and board for gentlemen, single ronte 2, Ontario, Canada ou pe OLiver 5-3311 WA 5.4515 MO 8-4735 WHITBY r Service ole and wired, asbestos siding, asphalt No. 62 for sandy lakeshore lots and cot- |WATTRESS ES wanted, full or part beds, good home cooked meals, close RA 8 0091 or Service. Bl Central Park fa ee ots Lor Taruy lakeshore lots a Mat- time, also part time cashier. Apply Mr. [to North GM and bus stop. 148 Ritsod Blvd. S. Phone RA 5.4633. cottage. 143 King Bast. {thews, RA 35-7740 after 7 p.m. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. {Road South.

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