Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Jun 1960, p. 8

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8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 21, 1960 MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Association With Older Men + Leads Girl To Defy Parents Dear Mary Haworth: What dojing to rescue Jane bodily from you say of a man, age 37, who her runaway pursuit of ruin. keeps our daughter, age 20, out| Jf the facts indicate that the {until 4 or 5 o'clock in the morn- matter is out of your hands, that |ing without proper explanation? jane is no longer a child in re- Despite two polite warnings, lation to you or the .law, then of he continued this routine, saying course your assignment as par- that in two months' time he and she would know if they wished ito marry or to part. At the end of two months, he {said he wanted to continue for {another two months; and that we 7 u ents is to learn how to accom- odate yourselves to the misfor- tune that you can't help. | in whieh case, the worid 1a Have Advantages mous prayer of Alcoholics Anon- ymous pretty well sums up the By ELEANOR ROSS challenge confronting you--"God| There dre many new accessor grant me the serenity to accept ies that are useful yet fill a fun the things I cannot change; the|function, also, courage to change the things I| Take, for example, those big can; and the wisdom to kmow,baskets, some extremely color- the difference." H. ful, many in interesting and varied weaves, that are so use PROBLEM PARENTS ful in their original function yet ..Dear Mary Haworth: I am a ready to do duty as tables and girl 14, in the ninth grade. Joe, stools, or as a holder for a con- New Accessories straw, are especially nice about the Rouse in summer; because they look so light and airy. Now let us move into the kitchen and see what we can do with those colorful plastic dish pans that have taken over sink! headquarters. in the kitchen at all. TOY CHEST For instance, what makes a handier toy chest for a toddler? Being plastic, they're sturdy and These plastic pans needn't stay by light in weight, can be quickly cleaned with a sudsy rinse and enough to hold a big You're much morc apt to re place missing buttons or snaps who is 16, walks me home from tainer of artificial or real flow- school nearly every day. I am ers .: foliage. afraid if I don't let him walk me| These big baskets, some of home, he will get angry. Yet which are woven of plastic ma- when 1 do, I risk Yeing seen by|terials as well as rattan or my parents, who would kill me ,---- if they saw us together, as they! think I'm too young to even look have friends of both sexes; and = at a boy. I like Joe very much wrong to feel guilty about boy- and think he likes me: and|girl attraction, As for what to lwould hate to lose him. Please do--'Honesty is the best policy" advise me as soon as possible. a proverb says. Tell your mother Shop WOOLWORTH'S ac. [You 'have 'a. new' friend--a_ boy . for a change--who walks you F rst |HONESTY BEST POLICY I home occasionally. Ask if you FOR SUMMER AND VACATION NEEDS Dear G.G.: If your parents are may bring him in to say hello; \ as sick-minded as you say, you)and ask her to be nice to him. See our large selection of Plasticware, ideal are stuck with a problem that M.H. for the Cottage or Home. |the parents, had no right to in- |terfere, as Jane is adult and able {to judge for herself what to do. {PARENTS STYMIED ! He has turned Jane against us to a point of heartless defiance land a 'leave-me-alone" attitude. Recently, at his suggestion, she moved out of our home and lives {in town by herself, against our, # will. That is the situation at i present. Jane is completely under his # |spell and seems ready to do any- ithing he proposes. We are sur- rounded by lies, schemes and evasions. Serious intelligent heart-to-heart talks don't help any more: neither can we ap- peal to her heart. We believe she is walking blindly to her| > a a . ruin, 7 ? We know of nothing more to y : " , do but let her face the conse- MARRIED IN WHITBY quences herself. My heart bleeds| for her; but it seems she will| Scarboropgh will be the home | the bride is the daughter of just have to learn the hard way. | of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Collins | Mr. Ronald Korczynski of [s there no other answer? P.K. whose marriage was solemniz- | Whitby and the late Mrs. Kor- | ed recently in St. John the | czynski, and the bridegroom is FIRST-HAND HELP i Evangelist Roman Catholic | the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A Dear P.K.: It is bluntly evi- Church, Whitby. Formerly | Collins of Port Perry. dent that your daughter has Miss Antonietta Korczynski, | Photo by Mary's Studio [taken up with a bad companion; only time can ease--as you get, Mary Haworth counsels {old enough to take wing into a through her column, mot by mail! life of your own. or personal interview. Write her! It is right for teen-agers tfo'in care of this newspaper. New Location HUYCK'S HAIRSTYLING 11 BOND ST. WEST RA 3-2912 TI TTT rhea L111 48-0z. Pitcher Container with lid and four glasses 12" Utility Basin 32-0z. Plus One 8-oz. Plus two 4-oz. Food Pack Six Only Food Pack 10" Utility Pail 5 Compartment cutlery tray Ice Cube Tray YOUR CHOICE the most 'beautiful spray of all... your favorite fabergé' fragrance -- Aphrodisia, Woodhue, Tigress, Flambeau or Straw Hat in jewel-colored cerosols 3.75 ® Modern shop with all the newest equipment @ Air conditioned for your comfort, ® All operators licenced. ® Come and have your styling done in comfort ltt i | 1250 and perhaps you have lost all in. the dose, she said, adding that/i, reason at this time, certainly; ! there ate ony 2 ow isolated | madly infatuated is probably the i go y cases of vitamin deficiency in'word for it. | ec No Health Asset EDMONTON (CP)'-- Vitamins Toying 2a de Jaklely of circumstances, talk things over FOR MOMS-TO-BE taken in excess needs some-| oo She needed vitamins, There With a professional adviser in By ANNE ADAMS beneficial, says Dr. Elizabeth .. 0 tah N r heir smartly un- rent! 4 ' pills or the danger of over- long this line. use the teie-|YOU ir si y un-apparent! Empey, instructor in household| joc, ce + 8 Seip 2 ong Suis Tue: use appoint. | Easy-sew tops -- one for town, economics at the University of Dr. Empey added that the body "Some mothers Teel that if vi : the nearest Family Service unit, |chabge with slim skirt. Choose Same | i y intak be! Or with the Family Service Bur-| C00, cottons, tamins are good then the more the times when intake may be | ur C0 inted Pattern' 4545: Misses' the better." 200 told a joint con. | below average or during periods eau of the Salvation Army which Sd SSeS see pattern for yardages. . . fluence with her. She seems blind Excess Of Vitamins Canada. To get your bearings in the tmes can be harmful rather than wo." 00 he the added cost of vi- family relations. For first-hand, Separates wardrobes to keep Albert ment with a staff counsellor at|one for day or evening -- inter- 3 a accumulates certain nutrients for the better,' she told a Joint Sor |of physical stress such as preg. does a wonderful job of repairing Sizes i. 1, 6. Io, * Pleuse nomics and Registered Dietitians Dancy, sickness or overwork. associations. It was important that all mem- "This is far from true. An ex- pers of the family be encour- cess of a certain vitamin in a child may cause complete. lack of appetite, short, coarse hair, dry skin or even an enlarged liver." aged to follow good eating habits. knowledge of vitamins instead of merly. damaged lives. COPE WITH MISFORTUNE In session with the counsellor, check the question of Printed directions on each pat tern part. Easier, accurate, Send order to ANNE ADAMS, any) are, in the matter of try-|Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Send FORTY CENTS (40c.) in whether coins (stamps cannot be accept- : : : Jane, at 20, is adult or minor- ed) for this pattern. Please print This did not mean over-eating. age "in the eyes of the law in|plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, With life more. mechanized than'your jurisdiction. Decide on the STYLE NUMBER. |ever before, the calory require- basis of exact information, just Motiters should increase their ments were much less than for- what your rights and duties (if c-o The Oshawa Times, Pattern 2.50 ! 1 During the next two weeks this coupon | be or oe oe on em oe o-oo od (Please bring coupon to the salon) | is good for $2.50 on any permanent. Shop with confidence where you see this seal of Satisfaction WOOLWORTH a2, In the heart of Downtown OSHAWA 28 KING ST. E, RA 3-4621 Alvi Rug Co. Specialists in all kinds of Floor Covering Call us for a free estimate on wall to wall floor covering. 34 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 5-9332 "MEAGHER"S 5 KING W.--OSHAWA Al Dearborn Shell Service Stn. Tune-ups: for all Makes of Cars Licenced Mechanic HIGHWAY NO. 2 & THICKSON'S ROAD Oshawe Fur Cold Storage Ltd. Fur and Cloth Garments ® STORAGE ® SHINERIZING ® CLEANING ® REPAIRS Free Pickup & Delivery Phone 3-3012 31 William W. SHOP and COMPARE You can always do" better at . , . Reliable Furniture Co. (Next to Plaza Theatre) 96 KING EAST RA 3.7928 "PRICES ARE BORN HERE AND RAISED ELSEWHERE" Beauty Salon Look VILL Fgel Gay Go To Jutta's Right Away ! WEEKLY SPECIAL OK USED CAR 1954 PONTIAC (POWERGLIDE) $595 Onfario Motor Sales LTD. 140 BOND ST. W. RA 5-6507-8 You Don't Need Cash . . . Your Old Tires Make the DOWN PAYMENT! STORES 190 King St. E, RA 5-6566 3 MILES EAST ON 2 HWY, BOWMANVILLE MA 3.5757 OPEN EVERY EVENING Roses--42 Varieties Evergreens--20 Varieties Shade Trees VAN BELLE GARDENS SHEET METAL 292 KING W.--OSHAWA Oil Burners Heating Units Sales and Service PHONE RA 5-2734 RICKSHA " CHINESE FOOD 42 King W. 9 . RA 8-167 sani GLECOFF SUPERMARKET Home of Fine Foods Open Every Night Till Ten p.m. WINDER'S ESSO SERVICE JUNE SPECIAL UNDERCOATING done with the "Un 1.98 "Und-a-spray"' .. KING at RITSON RA 5-8507 We cash Baby Bonus, Pension and Pay Cheques SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawe WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIC OPEN THURS. TILL 6 P.M. FRI. TILL 9 PM. SAT. TILL 6 P.M. Oshawa Discount Hous 290 ALBERT ST. RA 8-0311 HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. Your Polaroid Headquarters Gifts For Every Occasion Two Stores to Serve You Better 20 Simcoe St. S. and Oshawa Shopping Centre CLEMENTS Supertest Service Your Downtown Location For PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 102 SIMCOE ST. N. MOTOR CITY CAB 9 PRINCE ST. RA 5-1127 Fast-Efficient Service. Get your coupons on the "Polaroid" by calling us for service ED WILSON sez: "This Week's Special" ARBORITE COFFEE TABLES Reg. 19.95. 8.00 Clear-out Price WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. SCOTT Outboard Motors for Sales and Service see TED'S WHITE ROSE and MARINE " R.R.4 OSHAWA King St. E . RA 8-5924 PAUL'S SPORTING GOODS Our Speciality GUNS, New and Used REPAIRS FISHING TACKLE ond Toxidermy 589 ALBERT ST. PHONE 5-5798 EDGAR'S Paint & Wallpaper NEW EXTERIOR LATEX FLAT COLORED ALUMINUM ASPHALT ROOF PAINT 34 King St. W. RA 3-7351 LATE SHOPPERS Do Your Shopping at KINGSWAY SUPERMARKET TOWNLINE, RR.4 KING ST. E. JACKSON & RAIKE HARDWARE LTD. PITTSBURGH PAINTS 948 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-0514 IF YOU ARE THE HOUSEHOLDER OF Johnson DO YOU LIVE IN THIS HOUSE? TIMES OFFICE AND YOU WILL RECEIVE FREE A $5.00 PURCHASE ORDER GOOD AT ONE OF THE PLACES OF BUSINESS SHOWN HERE, It Pays to Shop at I. COLLIS & SONS Your one stop shop for the entire family . 50-54 KING ST. W. OSHAWA RA 5-6311 WEEKLY SPECIAL! Tropical Fish ""CHERI BARBS" . i THE PET CENTRE 9 Celina St. Oshawa Ont. RA 8-0403 All Hartz Mountain Products E. C. CROXALL & SON FUEL AND BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Fresh Cement Always In Stock. Glazed & Clay Tile & Fittings OL 5-4841--Brooklin STATHAM MOTOR SALES YOUR ESSO DEALER Repairs to all foreign & American Built Cars. Dealer in Peugeot and Skoda Cars, International Trucks, KING & CENTRE STS. RA 3-7712 SUDDARD'S 497 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH THIS HOME, CALL AT THE OSHAWA MOTORS Sales & Service Srort to buy, no jingles to write , . chance of winning BONUS MONTHLY PRIZE WIN A POLAROID LAND CAMERA Yes, you too might win a Polaroid Land Camera. Simply tvisit any one of the stores listed here for your free coupons. There's nothing simply sign your name and deposit the slip. A local drow will be held monthly so you stand a good C.C.M., RALEIGH BICYCLES KEYS--LOCKS REPAIRS Phone RA 5-3979 MACKIE MOTOR SALES KING EAST--OSHAWA For Oshawa's Best Deal in New and Used Cars RA 5-5743 THE GREEN DOOR PAINT & GIFT SHOP Featuring C.I.L. Paints, Free Estimates on Wallpapering or Painting PHONE OI, 5-4531 Brown's Marketeria Your Friendly Red & White PHONE OL 5-4521 GENOSHA HOTEL FOR "FINER" FOOD COFFEE SHOP COMPLETELY AIR-CON. . OPEN 24 HOURS Oshawa Fixture & Lamp Supply 12 CHURCH ST. (at King) Spanish Imported Chandeliers Modern and Danish Creations Ceramic and Opal Glassware. Walnut and brass room dividers and pole lamps, with planters, book shelves, cabinets MOTOR CITY BOWLING AIR CONDITIONED Special summer rates fully automatic pin setter's 78 RICHMOND ST. Ww. PHONE RA 3-3212 1960 BUICK DEMONSTRATORS Low Mileage '3339 THIS MONTH ONLY |. eliff Mills Motors Lid. 266 King St. W, RA 5.6651 3.4634 3.4638 YOUR PONTIAC, BUICK & GMC VAUXHALL DEALER BERG'S Ladies' Wear "The Store of Better Values" 8 KING ST. WEST RA 5-1932 DUMONT Aluminum Products 377" Simcoe .St. S. Oshawe This Week" Special Feature! 20% DISCOUNT on all WINDOWS & AWNINGS RA 8-1651 HACIENDA DINE and DANCE SPECIALIZING IN )STEAK ON A BUN OPEN 11 am. to 4 a.m. HOME APPLIANCES (Oshawa) LIMITED 90 Simcoe Street South RA 5-5332 Specializing in FRIGIDAIRE Domestic and Commercial Sales and Service OSHAWA FOR 23 YEARS. YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER of SHORT'S PHARMACY BROOKLIN OL 5-330 STAN'S SHARPENING AND RENTAL SERVICE 227 King St. W., Oshawa RA 3-2224 WE SH. \RPEN & RENT NEARLY EVERYTHING _SHEPHARD'S FOOD MARKET Prime Meat & Poultry Fresh Vegetables RA 5-3564 46 SIMCOE ST. N Crysler Furniture Co. "STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE" EVERYTHING LOW COST! Easy Terms -- Free Storage Free Delivery 29-31 CELINA ST. OSHAWA FOUR STORES Stephenson's Garage OSHAWA"S WHEEL ALIGNMENT. SPECIALIST 15 Church St. RA 5-0522 DRY CLEANERS CALL RA 5-3555 for Free Pick-up and Delivery SATISFACTION GUARANTEED VIVIAN'S B-A SERVICE Groceries & Confectionery B.A. Gas & Oil Greasing & Washing NONQUON ROAD RA 3-4872 SHIRY LAUNDERERS TO SERVE YOU WARD'S FOR FINEST IN DRY GOODS! 31 Simcoe St. S. PHONE RA 5-1151 Buckingham Groceteria TO SERVE YOU Where Canada's Choicest of Red Brand Beef, A Full Line of Smoked and Cooked Meats Supplied by Canada Packers. 28 BUCKINGHAM AVE PHONE RA 5-2213 LEAVE YOUR FILM HERE FAST 5 HOUR SERVICE On Black and White Film In by 12:30 P.M. Out by 5:30 PM Jury & Lovell Lid, ing St. RA 2.2243 8 K E., 530 Simcoe St. 5, RA 5.3546

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