Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Jun 1960, p. 14

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t T4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tossday, June 21, 1960 50--Articles for Sale [50--Articles For Sale "(Continued from Pige 13) 50---Articles For Sale table, phone RA 5-1670. E table, good Tele. SEWING maghine Atamstress conyul; Pe machine, , FAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. ©ouBtry. (AY colors, Guaranteed, BALER International 45. Telephone CO 3.2356 flat, gloss. Electric, 8 ADVER plano, RA 80735. Epa Street 48-- Automobiles Wanted LANESRORE AS Auto Wreckers want yg, a, : HOUSTON GARAGE IAND SERVICE STATION RA 3.7822 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean coms. Trode up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S. RA 3-942] : CLEAN CARS WANTED {TOP PRICES PAID : | LIENS PAID OFF TRADE UP OR DOWN : Wilbak Motors © 137 KING W RA 5-0732 50N---Articles for Sale 4%-FT. run-a-bout, with Master Craft drailer, steering wheel, windshield and $350. RA 8-6375. good . |boat, $45. Apply 230 BOOKS |table, step table, $20 bi bo nide- ed, .|NEW oil burner with new controls, one ETRE ATOR: bookcase, Beatty Church Street. RA 3-7624. EoTo-Miar, Chore Master, heavy duty, Apply Envoy Restaurant, 323 Rutson Road South. been condition. must sell this week, $50. RA 5-2501. OUTROARD motor, Johnson, In per- fect condition, $125. Lady's, onion ns chairs, Victorian rocker and other an- tiques. Phone RA TENTS samp itp Sots, ground paulins, 1 , stoves, Oshawa LT 8 Church We rent bag: 37624. KELVINATOR refrigerator, three years old, $85, condilions one Bowed pd sheets, tar-|o) 8. ARC siding machine, praclieally new. Apply 134 Bloor Street East. ASES, china id with two matching chairs, corner | WAREHOUSE ciearance of odds and ends, some slightly marked: two-piece deluxe style chesterfield suite, i chesterfiel $125 Jasaps, knick-knacks. All like new. Phone RA 5.4096 or RA 85979. large cabinet suitable for linen closet, RA 5-6987 after 4 p.m, very. boohcase bed, $245), | close out, $119; Space Saver attractive uphoistering, reg. $269, slashed for quick sale, $148. Totes ples bedroom suite, spa Mr, and Mrs. Dresser with tilt mirror, four-drawer chest, reg. $219 big saving, axed table and four chairs end cash 2 carry, $5. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street, iv LARECRAFT boat with centre Gc mote controls. Also and 30.06 Pgh ate rifles. 313 Olive Avenue. ELECTRIC incubator, used approx- imately five times, good as new. Phone MA 3-5088, Bowmanville, SELLING ? We'll buy it, Re- TYPEWRITER $35, electric adding snap; new Smith Corona cash ir Pigers TV's, pianos, Tor Sop cash SHisn, contact WF Prinos hg TH Phone RA 8-113], register $125; 'also check writer. 3-4434. , large, for sale, good con. elephone RA 85-6736 or apply MOFFAT LE ave, in good condition. Phone nl or matched set, four woods, nine irons, bag and art. Tele phone RA 5-2631 JUNE sale, office supplies, kitchen suites, spring mattresses, refrigerators, space savers, pianos, roll away bed Beds, , | mattresses, sale --~ Buy now and clearance of spring-filled iscontinued tickings, prie- ed for quick sale, $16.88 up. Continental , some mismatched, some with head boards, Wing prices, from $24.00; Bunk beds, eight pieces, com- BIG bedding save! Factor GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. -RA 5-6511. WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture Store, RA 3-2271, 444 Simcoe South. plete, sale price $58; roll © alr foam mattresses, Special 7 $19.95. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. '59 SCOOTER for sale, $300 cash. Apply 222 Annis Street. iv PT, mahogany plywood Nipissing bost, like new, with a 35 Fuitrude Lark pt Call 8-592. = m LADY'S all weather coat, shortie coat, etc., all in fan, RA 13-4057 All aluminum products = Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving One contract, nothing down. For free estimotes call -- Aluma Seal Co. 1 RA 5.9365 ANYTIME 51--Swap & Barter NE AUSTIN Cambridge ASS Waverly 8 Street, RA "80316, SPECIAL 21' cabin eraiser, yr, 100 HP. Buchanan motor and trailer, Excellent Pretty F CABIN crliser, $095, brand new, 43 cruiser, Nelson eraft with fiber glass bottom and roof, Mahogany deck and trim foam rubber upholstery, Whitby County Sports, Brock Street North, Whitby, BENDIX Mupmatic ¥ washer, ., LA Js. Orono 34R12, Apply George A, Loring | B. 7, GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat. terles, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele. vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-4543, dition, or will swap on a delivery truck or station wagon, 10 Ajax. i5 BOAT, 1959, 35 HP Evinrude motor, | RA 5.7917. SWAPS are tops in Oshawa Times | Classified. Read the offers every day They're unusual, ex citing and interesting, regular swap TENTS, leeping bags and camping! equipment, best selection, easy terms, Dominion Tire Store. 48 Bond West. PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallop. Av colors, Guaranteed, flat, RAILER, box and ft 52--Legal I WILL not be responsible for any !debts contracted in my name by my wife Mrs, Isobell Lewis from Js date wis forward. James T) |also smocked baby nighties, new, , Call #1088. | RA 8-8700. th | Phone RA 53117 after 6.30, BABY erib sampiete, baby Senda, 'tn good condition. Ph FrrRROR on i oe » ped, 25 HP Johnson motor, perfect con- dition. MArket 3-3970, Bowmanville. baby butler, Sone MO 6-5269, DELUXE tourist teat, § x 9, "ne lawn 'mower kitchen table, four shaws, baby good ferib complete, high ehair, child's rork. "ing charr, one stroller. Phone MO 58-4846 ELECTRIC stove and refrigerator, 8. iecg oak dinipg room suite, and other sehoid. furniture, RA 88141. TEENEE boat Sraller and large fig- saw, Phone RA 5-1 58 MERCURY 60 - outboard motor, electric starter and generator, like new, . Also 10 hp Jolson with remote Rank, $150. RA 8120 RSTOCKED on HE material, jai prices now mm effect. Rainbow Awnings, Caoada's finest, manufae- taped .ogally, For free estimates, MO BBB61. 'AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes. Prompt service. Free estimates. Order 'Wow for early delivery. Chair and table fentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe North, [* CONSOLE TV; 33" continental bed, sser and vanity. All in good condi- on. Phone MOhawk 8-4444. WACYU'M cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. rebuilt machines. Estimates free, tals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- x RA 1 anytime, UCING stock, aluminum doors, $25 and up: windows $10 and up: odd = limited amount, MO 8-5861. Y earriage, eight months old, in "#7 --Automobiles For Sale SALE SALE SALE Ktchen Chairs, $5; Tables, sizes ond colors at your re- quirement; Coffee Tables, $12.95; Step Tables, $12.95; Telephone Benches, $11.95; Chrome Rocking Chairs, $15; Reclining Chairs, 3-piece Sectional V2-Sofa, curved cen- : 4 x6, $14; 6 x chen Choirs recovered, $3. AT a HONEST MIKE'S at Unbelievable Prices 184 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH Or Coll RA 8-6053 between 7 - 9 p.m, FOOD AND FREEZER PLAN Complete lines of meats and serie. Savings of up to Let us prove to vou as we have to thousends of others how we con save the cost of the freezer with our proven plan. Canadien mane ufactured freezers, guerane teed by Good-Housekeeping. Government inspected meots, Well known branded pro. ducts, all part of our plon to eat better for less, Phone RA 5-3709, No obligation, Freezers $189 up, Compare _ before vou buy. 51 FORD, 'n good condition, very 'ionn, $185 or best offer. RA 3.7197, 47--Automobiles For Sale ramen Stree RA" 33634. SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town. Quick service. ALEX VAJDA RA 3-9851 Every job guaranteed. SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and SS Tendial ROTARY POWER MOWERS $37.95 up MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO OL 5-3641 SELLING furniture? We'll buy jt. Be frigeiztors, TV's, washers, planos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con tag* 19 Prince Street, Phone RA 8-1131, es eee ee eee HIGHERT prices pald for used furni- ture, aiso sell and exchange. Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. Uxbridge. Phone Port Perry, YU 5.7572. TENTS, bags and AWNINGS (canvas). Estimates without obligation, Write Wm. Cressman, RR 3, TENDERS FOR PAINTING Tenders oddressed to the Secretary - Manager, Oshawo Children's Arena Commission, for painting the exterior of the Oshawa Children's Arena equipment best selection, easy terms, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond West, CHisns SRFIELD and chair, nearly ne new Duncan Phyfe dinning room table, chrome kitchen table, two chests drawers, baby carriage, chesterfield and chair MO 8-5386. BOX trailer; Masco P.A. system,com- plete, operates off battery or hydro. Both in 1 phone MA 3.5100. 21" WESTINGHOUSE TV. RA 8-6333, between 6 and 10 p.m. will be received until 4:00 P.M,, Thursday June 30th, 1960. The paint for this work will be supplied by the Arena Commission, Tenders moy pick up specifications for this work at the Arena, Monday to Fridays between 8:00 AM. ond 4:00 P.M. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. RANGETTE $10, Telephone RA 5-9390. NORGE refrigerator, good condition, 64 cubic feet, 367 Centre St. or tele- phone, RA a. JOHNSON motor, used 320 hours. RA 3-7945 after 4 p.m, i FIDREGLASS boat, hardware, in- cluding windshield, lights, speedometer, boat cover, etc. Mercury Merk 28 motor, All in excellent condition. RA 3.2400, USED 17° TV sets, for vour cottage. Trio television. 171 Bond Street East, APARTMENT size heavy. duty, two burner electric stove with a good sized oven, $35. Phone RA 5-1819, SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality ot the "best prices, fully guaranteed, Double hung windows only $18. Call now. Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 S LIMITED *ONTARIO wONTARIO YONTARIO MONTARIO LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED JUNE SALE! '54 FORD 2-door Special Was $675. NOW ......... $495 '53 MO beauty, loaded $795 NOW . 54 economical FORD Zephyr value at 3 54 '53 NOW . BUICK 'Seddon radio, Special OLDSMOBILE, '54 53 '54 54 LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED 53 Was $435 . .. '54 ves ee eee VAUXHALL Sedan. Was 75 ARCH Convertible. A black with gadgets. Was $595 DODGE Sedan - very clean and 2. $495 Sedon, very good . $495 95 with dynaflow and $495 top mechanical condition and very clean, radio and automatic. Was $795 NOW $495 PONTIAC Sedan with power glide Was $795. NOW ......... $595 PONTIAC 4-door Sedan, dark blue colour. Was $645. NOW . .. PONTIAC 2-door Sedan, in light blue -- needs paint. $495 Jeversavees 3265 CHEVROLET 2-door Special Was $885. NOW ......... $695 53 '53 '55 BUICK 2-door, CHEVROLET 2-door Special. Was $745. NOW ......... $ CHEVROLET Bel air 2-door Was $845. NOW .......... 595 $695 automatic, needs brake job --- a real mechanics Sonal Was $895. NOW . Come in today and see . $595 the car of yqur choice Ontario Motor Sales Ltd: 140 BOMD ST. W. RA 5-6507 a OSHAWA RA 5-6508 OK MOTOR BALES ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIG ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTAKiIG 3 ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIC ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO ONTARIO MOTOR Rockefeller Pledges Tour For Candidate ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) -- Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York sald Monday he will conduct a nation-wide tour in be. half of the Republican party can. didates in the November elec. tion. - GANNETS ON BONAVENTURE ISLAND SANCTUARY Three miles off the tip of Gaspe lles the great bird sanc- tuary known as Bonaventure Island. Here may be seen a large variety of sea birds, in~ cluding these snow-white gan. nets perched along the top and on the face of the cliff which drops. into the sea. Of all the 'sea bird colonies in the world the one on Bonaventure is probably one of the most im. portant and easily accessible, It may be reached by motor Toand | launches making trips from the mainland around Perce. (Province of Publicity Bureau -- Cine-Phote Division). Integrity! ADVERTISING IS JUDGED truth. BY THE A reader studies an advertisement in a daily newspaper with a mind preconditioned to believe the message is true. He is not think- ing "It's all faked anyway." COMPANY IT KEEPS! Successful advertising must carry the ring of truth!! Customers must believe in a product before they will buy it!! PEOPLE BELIEVE WHAT THEY READ IN THE DAILY PAPER! People believe what they read in their daily newspaper. Media "profile studies" carried out by independent re- search organizations in several cities in the United States and Canada show that the public rates newspapers above all other media in "'believability"'. That is understandable ~ newspapers exist only by seeking out and feporting the sales. The ring of truth precedes the ring of the cash register. That is why the daily news- paper is the basic advertising medium. Ad- vertising is judged not by glamour, but by DAILY NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING SELLS! ~The Oshavon Times i

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