Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 20 Jun 1960, p. 3

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il St NR ins EUR Wa PR 1 | CAPSULE NEWS Home Fire Loss $50,000 COLLINGWOOD (CP) -- The gun five hours early Sunday. A v : a 3 ONE OF THE highlights. of marking the silver jubilee of the solemn High Mass of Rev. John C. Pereyma, was the Thanksgiving, in St. George's | blessing His Excellency Ukrainian GTfeek Catholic Bishop Isidore Borecky, DD, of Church Sunday afternoon, | a mosaic portrait of the Holy | Glowing Iribute Paid | Rev. John C. Pereyma | The auditorium of St. George's| Speeches were made in the Eng- lish speaking priests in the area." Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church|lish and Ukrainian languages. He added that Father Peéreyma was filled to capacity Sunday PATI lohan and he had gone through some afternoon for ovis Solemn High JOYFUL OCCASION : hard times in Oshawa, and re- Mass of Thanksgiving marking abot Minister Michael Starr called the many years that they the silver jubilee of Rev. John Said: "This is an occasion in|pag worked together * Perevma. Later in the day hich we all feel joyful and priv- His Excellency Bis} Borecky L. rioereyma,. Late 1 . nd ileged to celebrate. He is not only id enc po top Bret Y more than 500 peop ea enc: the parish priest but a very good sal hE. est proof of lis love ed a banquet in St Gregory S| friend." in he parish is that he has been Auditorium as glowing tribute 0 "On occasions. such. as this}? shawa 25 years. 2 the popular parish priest Was yore is a certain amount of emo- The Bishop added, "it is the voiced. tion, and it is difficult to find the Prayers of our mothers that help Preceding the mass a proces- words to say.' us .as priests and help us through sion was held from the parish nt our lives." ! residence to the church. The pro- CIVIC GREETINGS The bishop warned of the dan- cession was led by the altar boys Mayor Lyman A. Gifford ex- ger from the east and said we with visiting and local clergy tak- tended the sincere congratulations 1st organize our society on our ing part. to Father Pereyma on behalf of Christian faith to maintain all the people of Oshawa ur privileges here in Canada BISHOP PRESIDES He said, "He is a good priest, Pv cscs here i is' Excellency Bishop Isidore he is a good man in the commun- Head table guests were: Mayor ky, DD, presided at the ity." Lyman A. Gifford and Mrs. Gif- mass," The celebrant was Rev. J.| "In Canada since 1945. many ford, Peter Pereyma, Fjather| C. Pereyma. Others in the sanc- people have been brought to the ChyZ, Father Drohomercky, Mon- tuary were Rt. Rev. W, Filewich shores of Canada, many are now 5800 Filewich, Peter Holowaty, and Rev. J. Benesh. Deacons, Canadians, and many have found Father Bachtalowski, Mrs. were Rev. W. Zolkevych and Rev. | their way to Father Pereyma's G. Onufriw. The master of cere-/ Church." suonies was Rev. M. Horoshko. P TL "in Ukrainian Y MAN Po ev nen XI" Rev. P. Coffey. said: Family that was presented by the ladies of the parish. The rgv are seen at the altar as portrait brought from was blessed. : --Oshawa Times Photo by the Laly, |Mrs. Starr, Dr. N. Ostafichuk, "He ix a fey, Father Horasko, Dean / i : 'man who works as a priestly Windsor and Jake Malachowski, 48th OSBM hile Lie seriion in Eng RCASC; 5 Dental Unit RCDC:| 4th Ordnance Battalion RCOC, 2 Intelligence Training Company. | Scottish OB ARIES | came a jacket that was worn v. STREETS CLOSED by a Scottish gentleman six lish was delivered by Rev. B. Mab, Who is a friend to all Eng-/co-chairman. Dzurman, The mixed choir, which sang during the mass, was directed by Stefan Huminilowycz. *, The master of ceremonies at the banquet was Peter Holowaty| while Peter Malachowski intro- duced the head table guests. BRING SRERTINGS ait by His @%a General Hospital last Wed- eral Motors of Canada Ltd., unti Week Mayor Lyman A. Gif./nesday, was held at the Me- his retirement in 1954. He was a ford, Hop. Michael Starr. Rev |Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home member of Local 222, UAW. | P. Coffey, on behalf of the Roman|3!,2 P-m. Saturday, June 18. 1h 432 be was predeceased by Catholic clergy and Rev. M. Hor-| T'¢, Service was very largely po (Tt be. ihe fofmer Viola) oshko on behalf of the Ukrainian|2itended and the many floral tri- Yeader. His second wife, the for- Catholic clergy butes indicated the high esteem in lk which the deceased was held. Presentation from his family] Rev. John K. Moffat, minister was made by Peter Pereyma;|of Simcoe Street United Church, parish committee, Steve Kraw-| conducted the services. Interment chuk; UCW League, Mrs. M.|was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Malachowski; UCW League, Jun-| The pallbearers were Emerson| FUNERAL OF DAVID FREDERICK WILSON | Frederick Wilson, died, May 14th of this year. Mr. Jeffery is survived by a stepson, C. Wesley Richards, of| Oshawa: two sisters, Mrs. Wil- lin, and Mrs, Frank Reader | S. Guards; 29th Field Artillery Reg- of Orillia. Pereyma, Bishop Borecky, Dean iment Dwyer, Labor Minister Star and | / and Mrs. Ostaficuk, Father Cof-RCA; 8th Signals Regime of | Battalion Queen's . | The son of the late Mr. and Closed 3 ; eS Mrs. John Jeffery, he was born Somerville street, from Byng (oj eration is a world speed rece | The funeral service for Davidion Scugog Island, and came to|Orchard View Blvd.; | 2 912 - Simcoe live in Oshawa when he was 20.|(nue. from Hortop to Somervi lle is pf ie . He worked for 40 f -| Taylor avenue, irom al. | street north, who died at the Osh or years for Gen, Goch: King street west, from | avenue, from Verdun road to Wil- mer Blanche Yeoman Richards,|closed at Olive avenue: Central liam Hawkin (Minnie). of Brook-| LaSalle avenue, closed at Olive COLOMBO Shown during a tour of the | plant and an inspection of the industrial medicine department | at GM are a group of over- seas medical students from the | University of Toronto, where | Columbo Plan. VOTE ON MALL . VICTORIA (CP) - Victoria ratepayers this week will vote a $1,000,000 pedestrian and "heart disease" of the city's old - fashioned downtowa shopping district. If 60 per cefif CHAIRS ond AUTOMOBILE "UPHOLSTERY Expertly Cleaned PHONE RA 8-4681 PLAN STUDENTS VISIT CM | 'Thailand: Mrs. A. Sorasuchart, | | Thailand; Mr. A. P, Menzel, | | Germany; a GM Plant Guard, Dr. A. Sorasuchart, Thailand; Dr. Chmara, director of GM medical service, and Navart- they are studying various as- pects of public health under the Left to right are: Dr_T. J. P. Ratnayake, Ceylon; Dr. Philip Szeto, Hong Kong; Dr. K. Chatayanonda, NU-WAY RUG CLEANERS WEATHER FORECAST 174 MARY STREET _ ' ~--GM Photo! issued at 5 a.m.: Synopsis: A weather developing over the great plains by bring Ontario and to western districts.- Regional forecasts midnight Tuesday. Lake Erie, Lake agara, Georgian Bay valid until Huron, Two Homes Are Entered Thieves took advantage of the fact that many Oshawa residents were out of town on the weekend. Two houses were entered and an attempt was made to get into two others. Two other break-ins were reported. James Bell, 452 Beverly St., re- ported to police that $120 was (stolen from his room. A screen| |was removed to enter the room, he said. A screen was also re- moved from a neighbor's house but the window was locked. A thief or thieves only got shearers, (three 5¢ cent pieces when they weavers and tailors. entered the residence of Peter] At 8 a.m. Scottish sheep (Bell, 710 Oshawa Blvd. N, A] shearers took the wool from screen was also removed at 234) the sheep in six minutes. Wash- | Eulalie St. ing, drying and dyeing was | Two youths left a carton of completed by 8:30 a.m. Then {chocolate easter eggs behind came teasing, carding, spin- when they were surprised behind| ning and winding the yarn, and | Prince St. warehouse Sunday by 10:20 it was on an auto- (evening. Ted Nichols, a resident matic loom. : oe {of the area shouted at the pair After washing milling, but was not able to stop them.| stretching and pressing, a When police arrived they found length of cloth was produced several doors and windows open, by 11:47 a.m. Cutters and tail- | ang the carton on the ground. ors took over and the jacket Approximately $100 worth of Blue Mountain summer home bolt of "Tightening struck the, near here of Julian H. Ferguson, iient artillery piece in Stanley a former Collingwood mayor, was Park. The gun was not dame destroyed by fire Sunday. Dam- aged. | age was estimated at $50,000. a | The house was unoccupied. COMPLETES WORLD TRIP TORONTO (CP)--Chief Walk- LIGHTNING FIRES GUN ing Buffalo, an 88 - year - old VANCCUVER' (CP) -- Nature Calgary Stoney Indian, arrived at firea Vancouver's nine - o'clock Malton airport Sunday at the end of a world tour that took him 18,000 miles through Europe, CITY AND Asia and Africa. The chief said before his departure 11 weeks DISTRICT ago that he was travelling "in the name of Moral Re-Armament to build unity between nations by CHESTERFIELDS BURN changing the hearts of men." The Oshawa Fire Department : . reported a fire at the rear of Wil- 11ith RED WARNING bak Motors, 137 King street west,' TOKYO (AP) Communist Sunday evening. Two chester- China charged Sunday that a fields and a chair were burned in U.S. warship violated waters the blaze. There were no other around Haitan and Wuchou is- fire alarms during.the weekend, 'ands of Fukien Province Satur- The department reported eight cay night, A spokesman for the 'outine ambulance calls during Communist Chinese foreign min- | the zame period. istry, quoted by Peiping radio,' issued the 111th serious warning BACK RESOLUTION against such 'military provoca- LINDSAY -- Victoria County tions." Council concurred in the resolu- rill Ge el =e dota tion from the City of St. Thomas, CHINESE TEST NEARS which urged that legislation be! LONDON (Reuters)--The Sun- passed whereby on the recom- day Dispatch says Communist mendation of two qualified medi- China plans to explode its first cal men, blood transfusions may atom bomb about the middle of be made to children and others, next year. This was learned not withstanding the objections through information sent to the of parents, ASK LARGER GRANTS LINDSAY -- At the request ol the County Council of Ontario, LEFT-WING ATTACK the Victoria County Council con-, LONDON (AP) -- A left-wing curred in a motion to petition the pressure group of Britain's feud- provincial government, urging ing Labor party called on Hugh the increasing of grants to new Gaitskell Sunday to resign the hospitals being erected, as well party leadership on the ground as large grants towards equip- he is too soft foward capitalism. ment. The Jemand was issued by a CORAL ARS © h a highly vocal minority known as CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT the "Vietory for Socialism" Is the Universe, Including i most: of Man, Evolved by Atomic Force? =~ P. evening was the subject of the Lesson- Sai Sermon read at Christian Science - . services on Sunday, June 19. The Two In "Hospital Golden Text was from Nehemiah (9:6) 'Thou, even thou, art Lord | alone: thon has made heaven, the After Car Crash heaven of heavens, Withall their = : host, the earth, and all things] BRACEBRIDGE (CP)--Calvin therein, the seas, and all that is| Rouse; 25, of Galt, is in critical therein, and thou preservest them |condition in hospital here with a all: and the host of heaven wor-|skull fracture and internal injur- shippeth thee." ies suffered in a'car crash at - nearby Torrance Saturday night. MILITIA CAMP DATE His car went out of control and The officers and men of the hit a tree on Highway 69. John Ontario Regiment will hold their| Harris 22, formerly of Belleville summer camp with the 15th Mili- and now working in Galt, also in tia Group at Niagara-on-the-| the car," is in satisfactory condi- Lake July 10 to 16. Other units in|tion with chest and back in- camp during the period will be!Juries, the Governor-General's Horse Bracebridge is 30 miles north (SP) Artillery Regiment Locating RCA; 42nd Medium RCA; 1st "reiment NEW RECORD Artillery own wines: SHEEP TO MAN Highlanders; 5 Column/ PITLOCHRY, Scotland (AP) --Some wool growing on six sheep Saturday be- The following streets will be hours and ten minutes later. for construction today:| The sheep-to-gentleman op- Byng ave-| ord, said breeders, Gibbons to Stevenson road; Wilson road south, from Olive avenue to Dean avenue: Olive son road south; Chadbifn street, Park blvd. south, closed at Olive avenue; Cadillac avenue south, closed at Olive avenue; Highland avenue, closed at Olive avenue; avenue; Luke street, from Rich- Fem EE Clouds Spread Into Province TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts Tuesday. Little change in"Tem- perature, Winds light, becoming system southeasterly 15 Tuesday. is expected to spread cloud over Haliburton, Timmins - Kapuskas- Tuesday | ing regions, Toronto: Sunny, be- some coming partly cloudy late Tues- | shower activity in the south and day. ture. Winds light Ni- Windsor . regions, St. Thomas Windsor, London, Hamilton, Sud- London bury, North Bay: Sunny today. Wingham Partly cloudy Tuesday. Scattered Toronto .... showers and thunderstorms late Trenton Muskoka nem, Ceylon. |] |] | \ NOTICE TO ALL EX-SERVICE MEN, WOMEN AND DEPENDENTS! All ex-service personnel and their dependents are invited to take advantage of a FREE LEGION SERVICE T. W. GILKINSON (Service Bureau Officer from Toronto) will be at the ~ LEGION HALL, BRANCH NO. 43 Wednesday, June 22 FROM 2:00 TO 5:00 P.M. Also from 7:00 p.m. to eompletion of business . . «« to give skilled advice on Veteran's Benefits. Anys" one with questions on war disability pension, War veteran's Allowance (Burnt-out Pension) . . . Treat-_. ment or Hospital care is urged to call or write to MR. B. JACKLIN, Business Manager of : Legion, Branch 43, 90 Centre Street, Oshawa, who will arrange an appointment. FL Lake Ontario, Kirkland Lake, Little change in tempera. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Tuesday YE A St. Catharines ; Hamilton .... " Killaloe .. Earlton .. Sudbury ... NEW TRIP! FOR NIKITA LONDON (Reuters) -- Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev and Kwame Nkrumah, prime minis-| ter of the West African state of Ghana, are going to exchange visits, the Russian news agency Tass reporied Sunday. Dates of the visits have not yet been fixed. (Emily) of Gagetown, Michigan, [Tiond east to Colborne street| "The funeral service will be con-|{€ast. Whenever possible, these ducted at the Armstrong Funeral Streets will be open for local Home, King street east, Tues-|{raffic. Conditions such as weath- day, June 21, at 2 p.m. by Rev. © could require the closing of ior Section, Mrs. E. Hrycanuk|Salter, Arthur Stubbins. Philip and the Jubilee Committee, Dr.!Perry, William Trotter, Robert N. Ostafichuk. Snuddin and Robert Wilson. Musical numbers were present- was finished at 2:10 p.m. ta A - jewellery was stolen from the The previous record -- sheep \\ iow" of Nash Jeweller's, to jacket--was 13 hours 20 mine |. 2 J an LS : Simcoe St. S. early Sunday. utes, set up in England in 1811. Police said the window was Entertainment ed by the children of the Ukrain- NICHOLAS GURNICKI ian School, directed by S. Ty- kajlo; a male choir of SUM and LWU members, directed by S. Huminilowycz and a mixed choir, directed by Mr. Huminilowycz. STANDING OVATION Rev. Pereyma received a standing ovation when he rose to at the banquet. In a voice ing with emotion he said: "It is overwhelmingly difficult to ex- press myself on this occasion. I wish to express my sincere thanks to Almighty God for what He did for me, in my life and in my priesthood. I must thank God for having with me, my dear mother on this occasion." Father Pereyma also express- ed his thanks te former parish- ioners who came long distances to 'be with him on this occasion . During the four-hour banquet many persons expressed their love and friendship for the priest COMING EVENTS KINSMEN BINGO JUBILEE PAVILION TUESDAY, JUNE 2Ist The death of Nicholas Gurnicki M. A. Bury of King Street United occurred on Sunday, June 19, in Church. Interment will be at Pine Toronto Hospital, Weston, In his GT0ve Cemetery, Prince Albert. | 79th year, Mr. Gurnicki passed STE, ZNY | away after a lengthy illness. He MES. STEFuAY ZADORO; of | had formerly lived at 76 Simcoe 485 Bloor street east, Oshawa f s eet north died suddenly at Oshawa General Orn in Austria on Dec. 19, Hospital Sunday; June 19. She 1881, Mr. Gurnicki came to Can- was in her 56th year, The former ada in 1908, and lived a short time| (ga Olijnyk Mrs. Zadorozny in Montreal 'before coming to was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Oshawa. Until his retirement he| wasyl Olijnyk, and was born in | was a moulder with Ontario Mal-| Czahary in the Ukraine. She | leable Iron. He was a member of came to Canada and took up| St. George's Ukrainian Gr ee k| residence in Oshawa in 1930, and | Catholic Church, on Nov. 1 of that year married | Mr. Gurnicki was predeceased Stephen Zadorozny, | by his wife, Mary Hotner, in 1930.|" She attended St. John's Ukrain- He is survived by two daughters, ian Greek Orthodox Church, and | Mrs. George Kory (Julie) and was a member of the Ukrainian | Mrs. Harry Clemens (Ann), hoth Fraternal Society of Canada, | of Oshawa, and a sister, Mrs. J. branch 11. She was an active; Solonow ski of Flint, Michigan. member of the Ukrainian Work. The body is resting at McIn- men's Association branch 299. tosh-Anderson Funeral Home. The Mrs. Zadorozny is survived by funeral service will be eonduct-| her husband, two daughters, Mrs ed in the chapel of the funeral! (Mary), and Na. home at 10 a.m Wednesd Wales Nasik I . on nesday, talie Zadorozn ne son, June 22, by Father J. C. Perey- ye ay: (oiuda, J Il of Oshawa. She also leaves a ma Interment will be at St.[gister, Maria, in the Ukraine. Gregory's Cemetery. | The body is resting in the Armstrong Funeral Home, King James AMES BOOTY irviow street east. Mass will be sung by Lodge, Whitby. died S Rev. D. Luchak, in St. John's Uk-| «odge, Whitby, died Sunday, June! 5; sian' Greek Orthodox Church, | 9. after a short illness. Wednesday, June 22, at 9.30 igh Born in' Scarboro, Township, he I Fined a! a 0 Ravind was the son of tie -late William |" v S1ava {and Mary Booth. He spent his Union Cemetery, * | | youth in Scarboro Township; but Boys Adrift FREE ADMISSION |farmied for a half century in EXTRA BUSES | Western Canada. He lived in Jaekpot Nos. 55 ond 54 | Whitby for the last 10 years. ~ | The deceased is survived by WOODVIEW PARK {wo brothers: Douglas, in Stouff- AJAX (Staff) -- Ajax and Pick- | ering township police were alert- ed at 5 p.m. Sunday by a report ville and Edward, of Oshawa. that two lads were adrift in a | He was a member of All Saints' Anglican Church, Whitby. boat in Lake Ontario off Ajax. | The remains are resting at the A Mr. Patrick told police that ! $1300 prizes |V,,f, Tow Fuad Cc) s se! e r, Tues- $100 DOOR PRIZES day, June 21, at 2 p.m. The serv- ice will be conducted by Rev. he observed two boys through his JACKPOT NOS. Stanley Armstrong, rector of All binoculars and it was apparent (51-53) Saints' Church. they had lost an oar and were Interment will be at the First, turning in circles, | TONIGHT Markham Baptist Church Ceme-| The boys, badly scared, finally v (tery, on the Ninth Line, Mark-|&0t ashore by using a shovel as ham Township. an oar. RED BARN Ski eny They were Butch Wallace and i FRANK JEFFERY " Roy Banks, of Pickering Beach. Eo e rank Jeffery died at his They. told police that they were FE ee a crue HA residence, 11 Rowe stree!, Osh-iglad to gente A Stiff wind 39, at Leonard Goldsmith's, Rossla ua Sunday, June 19 following was blowing from the west and! Road West. Salad plate, homemade 2 brief illness. He was in Mis 75th le the Bead West. Salad 'late, homemade hd 51 Fade ihe boat difficult to head of streets not on the list. smashed with an large brick. RADIOS ONE DRAWN EVERY ADMISSION; AT THE STADIUM BOND ST. WEST Free Parking KINSMEN ARNIVAL TONIGHT AT THE STADIUM PONY RIDES GO KARTS * BOOTHS BINGO BIG MIDWAY TT ---- FUN UNDER THE Both Nights MAMMOTH "Live" AUCTION SALE WATCH WEDNESDAY'S AND THURSDAY'S PAPERS FOR LISTING OF ARTICLES TO BE AUCTIONED WED. and THURS. - JUNE 22 & 23 7:00 P.M. Oshawa Children's Arena ENTERTAINMENT T00 | WED. Male Barber Shop Quartet THURS. Female Barber Shop Quartet AN Proceeds To Charitable Work In This Community Sponsored by OSHAWA LIONS CLUB - OSHAWA B'NAI B'RITH

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