22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thunder, June 16, 1960 'Explorers Hold Election Vote enjoyed a trip to Penn- 3 BLACKSTOCK ~ The Explor- ers held their election of officers on Tuesday. The following were elected: Ciiet E Colne i Batty Bradburn; Keeper of Helen walt 5 x he Treasure, irls are doi an CR on e S are planning a Yike for June gh Helen and Nancy Dorrell expect to at- tend Explorer Camp at Pretor ling Home today (Monday) Miss MecIndoo, Bowmanville, will assist |! and/Cl sylvania last week, to report Dr, R, P. Bowes suffered a fall, on Satur- Log, |day night and is now in Port Perry joy is to return home from Nurs- in caring for him, Aug, 9-16. A good number from here ah | tended the anniversary services at Cadmus Saag Mr. and Mrs. Johnston have been a or] with Mr. and Mrs, Keith Johnston and girls, Belleville, Mrs. John Scott leaves Wed- nesday to spend a week with a friend in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mount- and Miss Rose Mountjoy, Nestle- ton, Sunday. Mr..and Mrs. Lloyd Wright and family were dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. George Dunbar and girls, Scarboro, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Morton, Osh- awa, visited Roy and Bill Fergu- son, Sunday. Top Award For Chemist OTTAWA (CP) -- Dr. E. R. Rowzee, 52, of Sarnia, has been chosen as the first recipient of the R. 8, Jane Memorial Lecture Award, it was announced Wed- nesday night. The award, described by a Chemical Institute of. Canada k s the high recog- nition for a Canadian chemist by his peers, was established by the institute this year in memory of the late R, 8. Jane, a Canadian chemical industry executive, It is presented for exceptional achievement in chemical engi- neering or industrial chemistry, Mrs, E. Darcy and Mrs. Ira Argue spent five days with their| brother, Russel Spinks, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith, To- ronto; Mr. Vincent Archer, Bow-| manville; Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Archer and family, Whitby; spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Archer and Mr, A.| Dever, T'"s Jean Ford, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs, R. Ford. | sames Ginn, Mrs. Glen| Tennant, Glenda and Bob, Orono, called on several friends in the north village Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Gerrard, | |He is to deliver the R. 8. Jane Dr. Rowzee received a scroll at the wind-up banquet of the [Canadian Chemical Conference. Memorial lecture at the Cana- dian Chemical Engineering Con ference of the Chemical Institute of Canada at Quebec City Nov. 179. Hospital, 7 Glad to say Mr. Leslie Mount-| 6~Roy Rogers 4..Drama Series 3-Highway Patrol 6:15 P.M. $--Bob Cummings 6:30 P.M, 11---Family Theatre $-42~News; Weather 6:45 P.M, $--Huntiey Brinkley 43--News 7:00 P.M. 6~Tabloid 5--Leave It To Beaver Topper Series Slade 7:15 P.M. T--=News: Weather 7:30 P.M. 7--Black Saddle '8--Provincial Affairs 5--The Detects Movie 7-~Romper Room S5-~Burns and Allen 4~You and Your Family rning $2-Plap Your Hunch 4~On 1: 100 IY M. 11-Jane Gray 11----Bob McLean Show 4--December Bride 3~Concentration 12:00 NOON 11--Bugs Bunny 7--Restless Gun ig Rasc: 5:15 P.M. 6--Follow Me 4~-Big Mac Show 5:30 P.M. 7-Rin Tis Ti» Fury 2---Ramar of the Jungle 6:00 P.M, "F--Early Show 11-6--News 'eature Film * 2-Highway Patrol 6:15 P.M, $--Rendezvous 6:30 P.M, 11---Family Theatre 5-4-2--News; Sports 6-5-4-2--News 7:00 P.M. 6-~Tablold 85-77 Sunset Strip 4_Dennis O'Keefe Show 2--~Rescue 8 7:15 P.M, V=-Now, Weather ", 6-Bachelor Father 7D: Presents 11-The "Nation's (] Business $~8can 8:00 P.M. 11-8--Deputy 7-Donna Reed 5-2--Bat Masterson 4--Betty ution Show 11-6-Talent Caravan 7-5~The Real McCoys 4--Ringo 3~Producers' Chole 9:00 P.M 11-6--Closeup J=Pat Doo jr bo Gray Theatr 9:30 Fraudulent Ads [Come Under Fire | HALIFAX (CP)--Canadian ad- M. 11-6--~Man From Blackhawk 7---Untouchablbs 54--Ford Show 4=Ray Milland 10:00 P.M, 11==Mest McGraw Haydon, spent Sunday evening vertisers came under fire Wed-|'s Nant with her parents Mr, and Mrs. | L. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain, Mr, | and Mrs, Harold Swain and Helen, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Marlow, Mrs. M. Carley and Anne, visited Mr, and Mrs, Weir Swain and Rev. and Mrs, M San- derson, Toronto, Saturday. The la- nesday for misrenresentation "| products, and the Canadian Bet- |ter Business Bureau endorsed a motion calling for the federal government to outlaw such prac-| tices. 4 Claude Root of Montreal, past- | president, told the annual meet-| ing that Canadian advertise- 5-3----You het, ar Lite --=Valiigs 5 PM. LLY Sport 10:30 P.M 11-1 Love Lucy | 1-3 Francisco Beat the Scene Not For Hire 2 Tombatons, Territory 11:00 P.M, dies attended the trousseau tea|ments were sprinkled with "'mis-|11-7-6-5-42--News: Sports for Beth Sanderson, leading and fraudulent" informa- | 115 Mrs, M. Carley and Anne will be visiting her sister and brothers imily id June 28 when tion, He said he was certain reput- able advertising agencles would | welcome fair and adequate legis- | 'y Mr. and iy Keith Van Camp'lation governing advertisements, 6--Viewpoint ba Lod 11:30 P.M, Crim Festival 6--Matinee 12:30 11--News 7-Love That Bob 4--Search for Tomorrow 2-It Could Be You 12:45 P.M, 11--~Movie Matinee 4-~Guiding Light :00 P.M, 7---About Faces 4--Meet The Millers 3-Mid-day Matinee Y-Divorce Hearing &~The World Turns 2:00 P.M. 7-Day in Court 6--Wonders of the Sea 5-2--Queen For A Day 4--For Better Or Worse 2:30 RAM. 11-6--Open Ho! 7--Gale Storm 5-8--Loretta Young Theatre 4~House Party 3:00 P.M, 1.6--P.M. Party 7--Beat The Clock 5.2--Dr. Malone 4--Millionaire 130 P.M, 11--Musie For You --~Whoe Do You Trust 6--Star Permormance 52-From These Roots 4--=The Verdict Is Yours 100 0. 11-Popeye 7~American Bandstand 6--This Is Alice 5--The Thin Man 4--Serial Dramas 2-Comedy Theatre 4-Danger Is My Business Western 8:00 P.M, 11.6--Country Hoedown 5-2--Trouble Shooters P.M, 11-6--Four Just Men 7--Man From Blackhawk 82-Journey To Understanding 4~Western Series 2-Friday Night Special 9:00 P.M, 11.6~Flying Doctor 7-77 Sunset Strip 4--Playhouse 9:30 P. 11--The Law 6--Tennessee Ernie 2-Masquerade Party 11-6--Cavalcade of Sports | 7-The Detectives 4-Twilight Zone 2--Sports 10:30 P.M. 7-Pony Express S~Home Run Derby 4~Person To Person 10:45 P.M, 11-6--Jim Coleman Show 5-3=Jackpot Bowling 11:00 P.M, 11.7-6-5-4-2--News; Sports 11:15 P.M, 7--Playhouse 6~Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. 11--Late Show 6--Wrestling 8-2--Jack Parr 4~MGM Theatre 1:00 AM 7--Confidential File 2-The Unexpected We the members of the WISH to Extend A Hearty To you the Members of the --- ASSOCIATION On the Occasion of Your Annual OSHAWA & DISTRICT LABOR COUNCIL ONTARIO PROVINCIAL DAILY NEWSPAPER evening, June 27 at 8.15 p.m, under Mother's Fellowship d O.oawa will show two films on in the Home, bun, in the church on Nouday J and family, Mr, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Home Safety Film Theme Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lott and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Harvey Oshawa, were . A. Turnbull and family, [ea od es Ce Lemaal LOW-Wage Steel on Saturday. Mr. Frank Melton is progress- ing favorably in Port Perry Community hospital. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Argue and family visited Mr. William Mitchel in Pontypool on Sunday. Mr. Charles Graham. is home again from Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, feeling much im- proved Safeguards Asked ii JOHN, NB. (CP) -- eguards against steel and Sates products from low - wage countries were urged Wednesday by Leo T. Craig of Hamilton, vice-president of the Steel Com- pany of Canada Ltd. He concern in an in- ll th deh A ame an ath aa tion from these countries, "When we import manufac. tured goods that can should be made in Canada Ave are im- porting unemp! _ The man out of work is a % sustomer for the retailer, manuiactiires. } think 't is high time govetument officials and ot high 'places gave some attention to the up in Canada of a strong industry to fabricate our raw terview over increasing compe ti-l materials." Don't forget the Family Picnic June 18, HOLY COMMUNION 26, at 10.30 a.m, A conttal tion is extended to The CGIT girls, a vail by their two leaders, Mrs. L. R, Argue and Mrs. J, A.' Turnbull, enjoyed a hike on Saturday after- noon, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Carg- will and John, Mr, Fred Carter, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. George Carter and family, Bowm: , Mr, and Mrs. Robert Carter and family, Whitby, were Sunday guests of Mrs, A, Carter. Mr, and Mrs. K. G. Roblin are |spending a week's vacation with friends in Picton, Mr, and Mrs, E. M. Adams spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Breck and family, Kingston, to her home again feeling much |ville, [pacents, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Abbott, | |Oshawa, were weekend guests of Mrs, A. Hughes has uh improved. ittle Kathy Abbott, Bowman: | is visiting her grand- Mr, and Mrs, Harry Strutt, PLEASE CONTACT POST BOX 512 OSHAWA Meetinas Every Sunday at St. Gregory's Auditorium--7:30 p.m. » Dwyer Heights Housing Co-op are now accepting applications for Site is acquired or Phone RA5-4552 -- RA 3-71930 ks Father's Day Specials MEN'S Boxer Shorts Patterns or 9 plain shades . . MEN'S CARHARTT JEANS 13%-0z. Denim. Sizes 6"... 495 MEN'S Windbreakers Black Watch 1.95 pattern MEN'S Work Shirts Grey, blue or 1.75 navy. SPECIAL MEN'S FLANNEL Trousers . Grey, Charcoal 5 95 or Brown MEN'S Work Pants Sanforized drill. Sizes 30 to 44. 3.95 38... MEN'S Sport Shirts Short sleeves, assorted patterns, 4 49 MEN'S Rubber Boots he... 808 MEN'S Sport Shirts Long sleeves, assorted styles, Reg to 208 4.95. SPECIAL MEN'S Ties Newest assortment of colon. Res: 1 ()f) 1.50. SPECIAL ey Car Coats Newest styles *12. 95 and colors | j |b fe a] 5 a] [+] 1] wl 0 Be [2 a a SPECIAL MEN'S T-Shirts All colors and sizes. jor © MEN'S Dress Socks "Cushion Sole". wy' | FATHER'S | DAY SPECIA Nir Mattresses Heavy plastis 3 95 SPECIAL . F 1 Rt crea tala AL6DPD HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL CAMPING NEEDS Underwear Tops & Shorts (PENMAN'S) Life Preservers Adult size. "Govern- ment Approved", SPECIAL ... SPECIAL AT "LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN" i MEN'S Belts Elastic or leather. All colors ™ 1.50 Car Blankets Reversible "Plaid Pat- terns" or Leopard. Woods Pup Tents SPECIAL . 6. 95 a Coleman Stoves 2-burner, 14.75 +] Plaid Blankets (DUNDEE) Rayon end Nylon. Washable. Satin border. Size 72 x 84, chi 1.99 Minnow Traps Pails and Nets At Specially Reduced Prices. i SPECIAL . i rr Camp Cots Woods Tourist Tents SPECIAL 26. 95 ! Heavy canvas [) 95 LJ SPECIAL .. L AY: Sleeping Bags Rubberized back, Nylon FLANNELETTE Blankets Large 70 x 90. "1st quality. pair, SPECIAL, pair Reg. 6.50 a 5.25 Campers Trunks 30" x 16" x 12", rene. 10951 Folding style. Only + WOODEN Camp Stools 99 | Duffle Bags L 1.9% DRESS Lanterns 1.89 Battery operated DON'T FORGET JUNIOR BOYS' Roopa { From our new Camping Drop in and visit Supplies Dept. and take advantage of reduced prices. BOYS' We feature a com- plete line of G.W.G. Work Clothes, "Cowboy Kings" Boys' Pants Newest Continental style in sizes 8to 18 "Ranch Boss" and "Red Strap " n ea ; { "Driller's Drill" TROUSERS Sizes 8 to 18. 2 44 All colors . Summer Meeting Here in Oshawa TODAY and TOMORROW ! SPORT 'SHIRTS Long sleeves, Trunks Windbreakers pr Er Of all descriptions. || and colors. Newest styles 3 95 LJ] Je awe 12.95] 2% 1.89 MANY MORE ITEMS T00 NUMEROUS TO MENTION 5% Xi AL' 4 BI-RITE STORES IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA--OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. Satisfaction Guaranteed--'"We Sell For Less" "SAVE AT AL'S a Rd vlad sovs' SPECIAL REDUC- TION All Dress Tons nd Work Boots: BUY NOW & SAVE! CANADIAN LABOR . . . NOW AS ALWAYS "Builders of a Better World" Oshawa & District Lahor Council (Chartered by C.L.C.) 35 SIMCOE ST. N. Swnaseniom yoy C. PILKEY, RA 5.7951 President KEITH ROSS, Sec.-Treas. A SAVE AT AL'S BI-RITE |