Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 13 Jun 1960, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 13, 1960 15 1/47--Automobiles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale 56 FOUR - door Buick hardtop, hydro-| LLOYD baby matic, radio, two tone, low mileage. and Phone COlfax 3-2026. BEFORE car, check the) 1960 bool gif A Pgs King Street, one full year '88 PONTIAC, 6, four door deluxe, $395. )5.975; Apply 172 Hibbert Street. §5--Real Estate For Sale 45---Real Estate for Sale 45--Real Estate for Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale HOUSE 10 rooms with four apart-lg;ss00 .. NINE fooms, 2%-storey LARGE lot 220 frontage by lo A og slaves, two, relrigeralors: home, with private drive and garage. This house has been retently decorat- "$7000 'Gown. Tele- eq inside and out: four second floor "of 44a--Rooms For Rent TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, kitchen with sink, cupboards, refriger- ,|ator, range, suit two girls or couple without children. Apply 23 Drew Street os King East. Five minutes walk to four corners. FOR SALE .. Building 1 space. in well built up residential section. RA (00 * RA 22807. BEAUTIFUL a, Tanch bungalow, bedrooms, i i ] $12,900 FULL price, new Su0- ljows, 3 pedrooms, 4 pe. ! FURNISHED room, suit gentleman or Indy, board if required. Apply 300 La Avenue or telephone RA 5-213. rooms. This is what you are Rows 5 wok Aled shower, and | OVE. 1 Howard McCabe aha Sout! or RA 'A. J. Bolahood Ltd. extras. a) trees and shrubs. RA 5-9168. PRIVATE sale -- down, ct year-old ranch --_ bungalow, man; extras. To lebs at RA 5654 or RA at RA 5.6544 or RA 3-3398 John cluding taxes. No agents. RA ls. VEN ry J Bolahood Ltd., Realtor, SIX - room house, three years old, RA 5.0167 wher Im a. PRIVATE sale -- $10,500 immaculate ($1000 down, full price $12,200. RA|§; 39183 after 4. Oshawa and Whitby, ta taxes $120, Finished rec. BEAUTIFUL three - bedroom solid brick home, large living room and kit-|to shed room with bar, newly Jaiied inside n to « Aras Gown payment. na paymments| ches fin decorated, erases Totuded 10. Loh A 3" Botahood Lid, Rites. storms, DOUGLAS L. area, and yments| can be arranged. RA 3.2663. and BEAUTIFUL im, 1% storey, a drive, ower IV a antenna, private basement En private en. sale. This house a steal at $16,000, easy trance, almost central, in good area, terms and information. Call Ajax, Wi fully modern inside. Many extras. RA |2-4010. . GOWER 3.3889. EXCRANGE six oom, four year oid ranch bungalow al r similar house 'm Oshawa - Whitby area." RA RE ALTOR 5-1179. MOBILE home, 40 ft. by 10 ft, on lot approximately % acre, 5 miles "east of $500 DOWN $500 Port Perry on 7A Highway. Good well, Choice location for market ec tank, all conveniences, good g: garden, light industries, ken= nels. Four-room clapboard, all conveniences. A terrific buy for person who wants to start with small outlay. Low taxes. Check with Gower. SUBURBAN i $5500 cash. L. Nixon, Port Yorn Post Office or phone Black- Large 6-room frame bunga- low, ottached garage, 1}2- tock 11 R 3. leln- or for Hie, north end. Avprovimate: ly 80 50', city water. Telephone RA 5-44%3 THREE lots on Farewell Avenue. Dial OLiver 5-3055. wo ark EXCE! Ee Juilding It Detwien wo itby, 78 x 200, very RE Es view, $1700, Apply' 255 Athol Street sell or rent, ac pleby al - 3.3388, RA 5-6544. John A. J. Bolahood $10,000 full price, tidy six-room brick acre of land, good road, 9 Limiled, Realtors. {home in North end, taxes $157 yearly, " pl ; : oil heat, low down payment. Joseph] minute's drive to Oshawa. AYE! Je Toms, Briel Wundalow on 3 Bosco Realior. RA 5.9870, This home is selling for to Ritson school. Apply 213 Banting ME home with four self-contained) health reasons. Owner needs Avenue. apartments, now rented, close Jo Sho new climate, Full price $10,- N y bath, up|Ping Centre, Total price, d 500 with reasonable NEW duplex, five rooms and ba Pp $7000 down. RA 84733. or Ve Tvs be arranged. EXECUTIVE New owner has other interest. Will sell for less than cost of building. Situated in Beou Valley. A very good N.H.A, mortgage. Features: Family room, all appliances in kit- chen, matched panelling. Temptolene fixtures, water and down. Apple Hill, reasonably |® priced Low down payment. You must $21,000 or best offer, well built bunga- see this buy of the year. Phone Jack|low with attached garage. Broadloom Appleby = RA 56544 or RA 3-3308. throughout, two bathrooms, electric John Bolahood Ltd., Realtors. heating, nice quiet district. Terms can be arranged. Call Howard McCabe, RA 56544 or RA 3-4164. John A. J. Bola softener, twindows, ravine lot, carport. The extras in this home are too numerous to mention. Just call Doug Gower. Inspection by ap- pointment only. reasonable rent. Telephone RA 00d Lid., Ritrs. ly hi ¥ AT "PICKERING | BEACH, ¢ 6 ; roomed RA 8-4651 Comer of Gladstone and Bond PRIVATE sale -- 2 home, tile floors, paneled walls, natural MAYNOOTH, ONT. storey brick, garage, paved drive, six| "bath, fireplace. Pressure system, 4-piece ba rooms, plus large room fo sehgols E88. furnace, gas hotwater heater. Lot $500 down, and only $1,200 full price -- 100 acres hard- finished third floor. Close to schools | © included. and communications. $2500 down pay. |50 X 200. Tool shed, gas Save ine rin wood and softwood bush. For further details call Ozzie ment, Monthly $69. Will also payment, Phone Ajax WHitehall 2-4376. Addison RA 3-2254, anytime. smaller home. RA 5-5207. STORE FOR RENT N.HA. 6% IN WHITBY -- two SF high build- ing lots, with trees and Bedges, on 2 LOCATION . paved street, with sewer and water. CENTRAL , suit- Call at 10% Byion South, Suny. able for beauty parlor, record shop, variety, or any type of business. Reasonable rent, Lorge 3-bedroom brick bun- galow, landscaped and dec- orated on a large lot 52 x 143 ft., Cedar Valley Blyd. NEW si Heights, aluminum windows and 'parking. RA 5-0081 RA 5-9544 Features forced air oil heat ing, No. 1 oak and tile screens, paved driveway. Near school. DON HOWE floors. Full price $13,200.00 RA 8-5206. LARGE building lots at Courtice, close Invites You To-- Terms. Call Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254. to public and high schools. Bus serv- MAYNOOTH, ONT. ice. RA 8-5579. Approved, i FIVE NHA approved lots, 50 by 100, Large 9-room insul brick home and 100 acres of land, prepaid services and registered. Ready plus barn, machine shed, to build on. Full price $3175 each, 10 per cent down, balance on 6 per cent good well, house wired. Ask- ing' $4,900.00 with $500.00 mortgage for one year. RA 5-9478. GOOD three-bedroom house, 1% acres down and $45.00 monthly to carry. land, creek, stable, hydro, telephone, very reasonable. FR 4-2991 or Alex Kennedy RR 6, Lindsay, Ont. BARGAIN, Port Perry, eight room brick home, 2% acres of high iand, all conveniences and garage, only $7000 INCOME, HOME Spacious 8- -room brick home, north-east | late condition throughout. Five rooms down with 4-pce. bath, 3 rooms up with 3-pce. with half cash down or trade for small- ler house in Oshawa. W,_ McAuley Real. bath, recreation room, forced air oil heating, fireplace in tor, 26 Prince St. RA 3-2512; MO 8-5765. living room, nicely decorated URGENT throughout, Cash price $12,- 0.00. fi I i i bath, maid service. RA 3-4641, ile Genosha 3.4164. John | > g ir '560 AUSTIN Cambridge A55 in new con- dition, private. Phone WH 32-6410 Ajax. a YOLESWAGEN, seen appreciated, 2 p.m. apply 38 Colborne West 'sé DODGE avian, wood 82500 or MO re H * } PRIVATE 14 storey home and garage, 4 bedroom, new oil furnace, aluminum storms and screens. Paved driveway, close to pub- lic and separate schools end shopping. $2,700 down and one mort- 8 8 { 3 H 5 clean, 30764 or 104 Athol Street East. TWO furnished bedrooms, also kitchen for light housekeeping. RA 3-5683 or 261 Celina Street. h | ji 1 '§1 BUICK Special, $1550 or best ter. '54 PLYMOUTH hardtop, clean, body and engine in good condition, radio, good - mileage, i TWO furnished rooms for two gentle. men, close to Shopping Centre. Apply 63 Street, i i i Bt ih i » H 2 i is ONE room and kitchen, private front aud_back entrance. Apply 27 Park Rd. --. |ATTRACTIVE fu rooms, avail .|able in aly ithe 82 Park Road North, 5-7 p.m. RA 8-8671 AVAILABLE now - three furnished rooms, second floor, $70. Two furnished bedroom apartments, rooms, third floor, available July 1, July 1 and August bh, lease $60. Heat, lights, central. RA 3-9180. ontrave Apts. RA 34379, |r FOUT - room unfurnished apartment, 203 King Street West, couple only, Joy FULL pics 20s 4 leat ey five room hom conveniences, in Whitbr W. Mentos. | Realtor, 26 Prince Street. RA 3.2512 or MO 8-5765. OPEN Jor offer -- four - room attached |garage, three - piece bath, oll furnace, Yeacre of land, %-mile, vacant, posses. sion, Phoné now Jack Appleby at RA Js ws RA 23398 John A. J. Bolahood Ltd., Realtors. NHA re-sale, morte section, forest Street, five - room brick ranch style. Must be sold at once. Cheap, three bedrooms, large lot. Phone Jack Appleb; at RA 5.6544 or RA 3-3398 NINE rooms -- new house, two-storey, 5 '54 PONTIAC excellent condition, all 359.50 extras, Apply' 234 Bruce Street. Te Pichate 's5 STUDEBAKER Champion, reason- |Special! able, private deal. Apply 381 Colborne |saq Street East. STAFFEUR 5 BEA 600 CC moloreyele #880. ; RA 5723 yg from highway, choice of large selection of cottages for sole '58 PONTIAC deluxe, las - a doo 'apartment, 4 tained, Jay central, garage i nt. Call Mr, Horner, "A 5-8702. FOUR - irooth apartment, private bath and entrance, very central. RA 5-1829. TWO - 100 wit hig refrigeral or r and stove, central, also 40° . BIA 57936, 54 PONTIAC sedan, "lotic, radio, excellent condi 802 Phillip Murray Avenue Phone RA 8-6 's3 FORD convertible, radio, new top; also go-cart. Make offer. Will accept|i28 trade. MO 8-5670, 1930 PONTIAC coupe, Usb | UL 2-340. is nl pico, hardtop, automat. ons, 2 ve ed houdle Io) radio, 'and whits walls, Apply. 374\.Liclstering, reg. $269, Verdun Road, RA 5.8353. '56 FORD custom line, automatie, privately owned, practically new tires, [bookcase bed, reg, $219, 318 Mary Set West. MO 8-4204, [close out, $119; Space ge Bava alitacive axe URY four door nine Daseen|sis; arborite topped desks, close out, ger station wagon, n, good condition, pri $19; End of line coffee tables and vate, will consider trade. RA 56853. |ong tables, $5. Continental headboards '59 PONTIAC station wagon, four door,|cash and carry, $5. Wilson Furniture, automatic, power Resting, July equip-{20 Church Street, ped. Ex A 3304. AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes. '59 OLDSMOBILE four d Fo sedan, | Prompt service. Free estimates. Order fully power equipped, real buy at $2995.) now for early delivery. Chair and table Phone RA 3-2932, rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, '5¢ METEOR Niagara, special sedan, | PAIR of mahogany end fables with in perfect running Senaition, fs fre gs gallery sdge, Pedestal. $57 a pair, tires. $500 cash. Phone RA 5-45 A 3-2138, 57 PONTIAC sedan, radio, peer 14' LA bi boat with centre deck back-ups, windshield washers, perfect|and rcmoth controls. Also .303 and 30.06 Must see to Rea- high prwer rifles, 313 Olive Avenue. sonable "for_cash. Call RA. 53630. WELLING furniture? We'll buy it. He: 5 CHEVROLET Bel Rir four-door |trigeras Ss, shers, pianos, sedan, automatic, radio, tutone, white frigera oss, For By cash oer, contact walls, immaculate ition etc. RA{19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. 39216. USED 17 TV sels, for your coltaie. 1954 FORD four-door Trio 171 Bond Street East. motor, Tadic FIBREGLASS your wooden boat for Street North, Whilby. boating or we will do the job '59 FAIRLANE, automatic, radio, rear for you. We carry a complete line of speaker, back-up ts, washers, Top Siaberiais, plus easy to follow instruc. condition. 84 Burk Street, Oshawa. Sportsman's Corner, 105 Byron 59 PONTIAC Paresienne 4-door hard Street South, Whitby. top, fully equipped, V8, $2650. Call RA | BIG bedding sale -- Buy now and 8-8592. save! Factory clearance of spring-filled pric- ed for quick sale, $16.88 up. Continental FOUR - room apartment, separate en- trance, heavy ay wirihg, vicinity King and Wilson, adults only. RA 86279 evenings, RA 34992. { TWO room lished apartment, undry central. irr 253 Athol Street Patterson, Rishor Barnes Die- trich Realtors, P.O. Box 126, Peterborough, Ontario. WANT TO SELL? LIST WITH US! WANT TO 'BUY? CALL US! We specialize in farms, businesses. sults, call: JOHN DE WITH Realtor---Insurance NEWCASTLE 3341 OSHAWA F. HUNTER RA 5-2974 BOWMANVILLE D. MOUNTJOY MA 3-3950 TWO ATTRACTIVE HOMES, REASONABLY PRICED 1 storey and a half in ex- cellent condition, includes 6 rooms and bath completely stormed and screened, rec room, patio, garage, paved drive. Close to afl facilities. , 8, 10 14 and #. $39 and up. Save half, Barons Simeoe Street South. Phone RA No "children. 'Eas ONE - riom and kitchen, furnished or ed, private front and back ep- A 5.9870 trance. ¥(A 80429, 27 Park Road South. FOUR - room apartment and private bath, TV outlet, and heavy wiring, close bus and school, immediate posses- By RA 5-5825. THREE unfurnished rooms, Suitable | for couple, heat, light and water in- cluded. RA 5-1454. | BED - sitting room with light house- keeping, close to hospital and down- THREE-toom apartment, unfurnished, | Es reed 3 town, suitable for lady. RA 5-5228. oom af e unfurni artme Eva ath and entrance, | ee private bath and entrance; TV aerial | oontr mest, pr RA |FUR bedroom, suitable for two | and 4 telephone. Apply 820 Sylvia Street. 13-0800 ater 6 p.m girls i sentiemen, vely paiva, | ee Pd ----| reasonable ren hone A 5! OLEAN, unfurnished apartment, two | THR ER unfurnished rooms 2 large rooms and kitchenette, Dailtin | heavy wiring, also two furnished Apply Bloor | -- | THREE . room furnished basement apartment, private bath and entrance. Posses-| Apply 192 Huron Street. TAREE - room, self - contained ed apart- near Shop- ping On a and bus, BA 5-6106. homes, For re- EVEN room house four bedrooms, close to school and Shopping Centre, FURNISHED Charles Street SINGLE room for gentleman, central | 38 Nassau Streel | FURNISHED double room, Tight | house- | | keeping, sink, suitable for girl, Phone RA 5-9683. SINGLE room for rent, use of kitchen EIGH) - room house for rent at 490|and washing machine, central. Clean, Bloor Street East. Apply at 76 Harris|quiet home. Telephone -- | TWO partly furnishe housekeeping rooms, couple preferred. Apply 48 Street or RA 3-4152 after 5 p.m. rooms for light house. keep.Lg. vis after 6 p.m. 165 Ritson Road South ONE large bed - sitting room, private entrance, south near Pedlar's, suitable for girls or couple. RA 5-0744 COMPLETELY furnished bedroom and kitchen, with refrigerator, suitable for one eitieman, central. Apply 237 Athol| Ea pe room, cooking | facies |male or female, $6 Joekly. Apply td | | Blens or or call RA 5-2316, ROOM to share, large re rng room. RA 5-0575. | TWO large single rooms, breakfast u | desired, reasonable. RA 3-2600. | 45--Real Estate for Sale $77 MONTHLY payment includes taxes, An extremely well cared for six-room brick bungalow, completely decorated, landscaped, storms and awnings, paved| drive, NHA resale with 5% per cent mortgage. Priced below market value for quick sale. Joseph Bosco, Realtor. RA 5-9870 bedroom cupboards and sink, heat, lights | room " tove, sink, 130 Tyler Cres Tener, $53 monthly. Apply 586 cent 4 5 Prog LARGE) two-roomed, ground floor, fur- nished apartment, washroom, frig, stove, private entrance. Parking facil- ities. Also single furnished room, Very central. Apply 96 Centre Street. GARAGE corner of Brock and Simeoe North. RA 5-3221 between 8 a.m. and 6 pm. SIX - room house, 89 Nassau Street, $50 monthly, no furnace. RA 58421 after 3 p.m. COMPLETELY furnished two - room apartment, radio, laundry facilities, | 5; _bedre n antenna, kitchen sink and stove, Twu-badroon dryer. cupboards. Very clean. No drinkers Shopyiing Centre. Phone need apply. 137 Eigin- Street East. RA after 5 p.m, 5-1588. S-- BER room Taha 1 -------- |FURINISHED room in bachelor apart SIX . room ranch-style bungalow, close hy all privileges. RA 5-9630. Pp to bus, shopping and south GM. Im- rite es mediate possession. Apply 1248 Wecker SIX . room house, hardwnod floors, oil Drive furng ice, bathroom, near school, third REAL MODERN : APARTMENT BUCKINGHAM live apartment, Close RA 5 4 Brock OWN your own Get now. Take advantage of one of Je Se in The Oshawa Times Classified Sec- CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. WEST SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. ~ DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, 3. RA 3-9421 TEST DRIVE FIAT 600 AT YOUR FIAT DEALERS DON ROBINSON ESSO SIMCOE AND BRUCE STS. ra 3-953] -- OSHAWA ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 1 immaculate bungalow sit- uated with beautiful view of city and lake. Interesting | living area, plus 3 bedrooms and bath. Both homes fully landscaped. For information, call, Mrs. Brown RA 5.3867 or RA 5-7732. DON HOWE REALTOR -- INSURANCE 67 KING ST. E. LOT for sale, in Westwood subdivision. Cail RA 56679 after 5:30 p.m. RA 57732 CUSTOM HOMES By S. GUJDA, BUILDER Modern 3 Bedroom Brick Homes CHECK THESE FEATURES; MAHOGANY KITCHEN CUPBOARDS DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL SINK 4-PCE. CERAMIC TILE BATH WITH MIRROR OVER VANITY NATURAL TRIM OAK AND VINYL TILE FLOORS DIVIDED BASEMENT SODDED LAWN DOUBLE SLIDING WINDOWS WITH STORMS AND SCREENS 2 ALUMINUM STORM DOORS CHOICE OF COLOUR--BRICK, ROOF PAINT, TILE, ARBORITE LOOK AT THIS BUILT-IN STOVE AND OVI EN FREE KITCHEN FAN AND DOOR BELL ON ATHABASKA -- EAST AREA MANOR APARTMENTS Bedroom apartments, electric- ally equipped, best location. $100. Apply 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 15, RA 8.8676. BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 2-bedroom Apartments, elee- trically equipped, best loca- tion. $100. Apply: 498 5; will suit business couple, ing room and bedroom, wall- to-wall carpeting, curtains, dropes, etc., supplied. Ultra- modern kitchen, wall oven, table-top stove. South end of city (only drawback), private entrance, air conditioned. RA 5-3556 WILSON RD. NORTH AT LANDSDOWNE One and two bedroom apart- ments for rent, $75 to $105. Large living room, dining area, beautiful kitchen, tiled bathrooms ond good bed- rooms. Two bedroom apart- ments with balcony, Seve, refrigerator," washer, TV outlet. immediate posses- sion. Call Frank Hazlett RU 3-1733, 3005 Bathurst Street Toronto. Evenings RU 7-9387. WHITBY CLASSIFIED m mattresses, Special $19. Furniture, 20 Church Street. FP lourist teil, used only ote week. after 5, OL 5-4501. Beau Valley TONIGHT DRIVE EAST ON ROSSLAND RD. CRESTWOOD HEIGHTS Five room N.HA. brick veneer, featuring redwood kitchen, ceramic tile bath- room with vanity, storms, iron railing on porch. Many éxtras. Price $13,890, down $2,579. JAMES O'MALLEY CONTRACTOR RA 3.7122 WILSON Realtor We need homes for sale, any area. Cash clients waiting. Act now! Phone RA 5-8831. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE Lots For Sale Fully Serviced N.H.A, Approved Jones Sub-Division (King East at Athabasca St.) See Our Furnished Model Home | U. JONES, Realter | Modelaire Homes BY FRED R. JONES RA 5-6412 RA 3-3383 Simcoe St. North, Apt, RA 8-8676. 4a «Rooms For Rent + furnished, housekeeping room, yeparats entrance. Girl Farisered, ey 'entral. 'Telephone RA 39503, all 'eniences. SIMCOE STREET 2-room cottage, pletely decorated, 1-pce. bath,' lot 40 x 148 ft. Cash price $4.600.00. PIANO for sale, in good condition, $78, Phone RA 5-9714. SALE EXPERT rolotilling for gardens and] unless you want the. W. Phone MO 83814. oom and board for gentleman at 901 FOR RENT -- Furnished light house- home Wied cen- Springer Spaniel, age 5 years. m duck. children. Has had needles, Must gell by week-end. MO 8-5170. Chocolate and white, good with, Yh BY Jay 13 or 4 ar ment, itrally rer bg hy Phone MO BIT. FOR RENT -- Two unfurnished rooms. ground floor, with garage; suitable for couple. Phone MO 835149. FOR RENT -- One-, and two-bedroom apartments on Mary Street East, $90 and $100. Adults preferred. MO | $3591 SOD, 20c square yard. Delivered i) Port Perry, Brooklin, Whitby, Oshawe, Bowmanville, Ajax, Pickering, Wes Hill, al MO 8-3015, Whitby. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Lady wishes position as housekeeper, pazt time. Phone MO 8-2466. MODFRN six-room bungalow for e/ale high or rent, $120 monthly, near Appl. Bowmanville, MA 3-251. 20c a square yard deliver Bewmanville, Ajax, surrounding districts. Phoay: ed lo Porl Perry, Brooklin, Whitby, Ostay/a, | 204 ROOM and board for gentleman at 901 Walnut Street. FOR RENT -- 3, 3 and 4 roomed apart- ments, close to schools, reasonable /{rent. Phone MO 82828 after 6 p.m. FOR RENT -- Small cdth tage. e. Apply 840 Dundas Street East, Whith, FOR SALE -- Rotten manure or com. post, odorless and weedless for flow- ers, shrubs, lawns and Foil] Phone MO 8-4514 LOST -- toy terrier, | amily -- pr Please' call MO| HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good down payments. W Mepuley Realtor LIMO 83231, Oshawa RA 3- SEPTIC TANKS cleaned in sanitary Nig new tanks Installed Wal Ward, Chestnut West, phone MO $2363. nd polio districts. Phe ne aj MO 8-3015, Whitby. SODDING ind landscaping, rototillf ng. WH 25134, 40%, Free estimates. Call WH after 4.30. SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep freezes from only $279.95. For special prices on ranges, fridges, washers and 'dry- ers, contact Mid Town ture, The Newest Appliance Dealer in Whitby, MO 8-4981 or MO 8-5740. CREME cold wave, $6.95 includes { yle- cut, oil shampoo and set. MO HE, or appointment. WRECKING °50 Chevrolet, good motor, all parts for sale, reasonable. Phone MOhawk 83-4500. LIVE poultry also Highe + market prices Parker, MO 8-3644 collect. NEW office space In Whitby, 800 or less, parking waited. paid Jake wn, lot facilitie 5. Call FOR SALE -- 6-room bungalow, Com. pletely finished and landscaped. Would accept building lot for down payment. 118 Hopkins Street, Phone MO 8-2261, Whitby Professional , MO 8 731; evenings, MO 8-4003 Feb 12 FURNISHED single room | in grivate |, home. Telephone MO 8-4864 before 7| p.m. |7om RB RENT -- FOR RENT -- Basement apartment, two bedrooms bath, available June 16th. Phone MO living room, kitchen, 8-4670, Whitby. 2 separate rooms for TWO rooms and kitchen, lighi 'wiring, Tent , in quiet home, abstainers, five share bathroom. room for gentleman. 8-487 between 5 5 and 7. PRIVATE Sale -- $1280, TW-eebed. | room brick bungalow, close to # sparate | and public schools mayment | make offer. MO 8-3177. PRIVATE SALE 3-bedroom brick bungeilow. Well located on mature 'treed lot in Whitby. Many gxtras including garden. Early pos- Also one ilurnished day week. 304 Dunlop Street, East, Telephon: MO {on MOhawk 8-2429, FOR C.I.L. PAINT 1050 SQUARE FEET 50 FOOT FRONTAGE DOWN PAYMENT $1545 FULL PRICE $13,835 If you look for Jorge" homes we have lots north west area For more information call John Bolahood Real Estate at RA 5.6544 or Builder at RA 5-9839 Quality Homes by JAMES ALLEN 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOMES FEATURING: Ravine lots with walkout basement, ated balcony across back of house, oramic sliding windows, storms and (Quantity limited.) Elev- oak and vinyl floors, pan- screens, Hollywood Kitchen and mahogany cupboards, double stainless steel sink, ceramic tile bathroom with vanity. Many other features normally found in a house of this calibre. DOWN PAYMENT $1,883. FULL PRICE$13,500 D. W. WILSON LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. CALL Dodd & Souter | Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 session. Apply owner, MO 8-4117 after 5. » ATTENTION FISHERMEN AND CAMPERS Reserve your holiday equip- ment now, outboard notors, boats, car tops, canoes, boat trailers, cabin trailers, tents, 'all camping equipment, We also rent Lown and garden equi pment, power tools, cement mixers, etc, WILDE RENTALS SERVICE & SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. E. MO 8-322¢ SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND! CLIMBING ROSE 'TRIUMPH' bright blooms, all summer through late fall. Regular $1.50, SPECIAL 75¢ 10% OFF On all Evergreens Shrubs Shade Trees 'PICKERING NURSERIES on Highway No. 2 1 mile west of Dunbarton. Phone TEmple 9-2111 N 40 KING ST. E. RA 8-4678 | OPEN EVENINGS and SATURDAYS WARREN AVENUE Neat and clean os a pin -- 5-room, 2-bedroom Brick bungalow with attached garage, "paved drive, recreation 'room. Total price $11,500.00. . NEW STORE AND APARTM Centre -- Stone front, modern 20" x 50' apartment complete office for further particulars. $1,170.00 DOWN No second mortgage -- 1 year old 3-bedroom brick bunga- low: Total price slashed to $171,700.00. One 'N.H.A. mort- gage to cover balance 10 ACRE BUILDING LOTS Only 2 left -- 4 sold last week -- 330' 1320' land close to Hwy. 401 x Y= ove LAW STREET \ Beautiful location, large lot, ranch style home wi garage, 6 rooms, mahogany trim and Eeromic (ited A real buy ot $20,000 with $7,000.00 down. AFTER 5:30 CALL Marion Drew, RA 5- Z310 Lloyd Metcalf, RA 5-6983 Joe Maga, RA 5-919 ck Barriage, 8-4678 Barly Elliot, RA 3-9290 ENT in. modern new Shopping throughout, 20' x 50' store plus for $16,500.00. Contact this attached throom, HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 11 ONTARIO ST. | RA 8-1679 BROCK ST. E. INCOME HOME Nine rooms--Large six-room apartment for owner, with additional three-room self- contained apartment to pro- vide income. Private en- trances, two kitchens, two baths, newly installed fur- nace, double garage. Easy walking distance to down- town. Only $3,500 down for this money-maker. ATTACHED GARAGE & FIREPLACE $17,900 full price for this two-year-old completely fin- ished home in Grondview Gardens. Situated on a well- landscaped hillside lot, it con- sists of six rooms plus ot- Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 FRIENDLY SUBURBAN ATMOSPHERE and yet close to all the con- veniences of ity living. You get all this and more in this 5-room bungalow priced so low you can't afford to overlook it. MR. EXECUTIVE This is your opportunity to purchase a beautiful é-room ranch style house situated on Keewatin Avenue. This house has everything you could de- sire, including a finished rec reation room with bar, van ity-type bathroom ond ultra- modern kitchen with built-in stove and oven, natural fire- place and attached garage. For an appointment to view, call today. Open Evenings and All Day Saturday $10,500 Close to King St. -- 6é-room brick home, forced air oil heating, 4-pce. bath, garage, clean condition. Asking $1,- 600.00 down. LLOYD AYERS REALTOR--RA 3-2254 MERCEDES-BENZ RW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING W., OSHAWA RA 3-7132 48--Automobiles Wanted Aluminum Products of the best quality ot the best prices, fully guaranteed. Dounble hung windows only $18. Call now. Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for . Highest prices paid. RA 5-1181. 46--Real Estate Wanted PLANNING TO BUILD? CALL HOGENBOOM CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILT HOMES MORTGAGE ARRANGED Taylor Road, Oshawa, Ont, RA 8-6475 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE tached garage, natural fire- place, cheery kitchen with built-in stove and oven, 4- pc. ceramic tiled bath with vanity. Outside entrance from living room as weli as basement, which by the way is perfectly laid out for rec- room. Split level entrance. Nome your own down poy- ment. Taxes $260. Kas- singer built. A real bargain! $3,000 DOWN HORTOP ST. Lovely red brick bungalow in spotless condition consisting oi iiving room, kitchen, 4.pe. tiled bath, two bedrooms and full-sized dining room which could be used as a third bed- room. Storms, screens, paved drive, hedged-in lot nicely landscaped. Very handy to schools and transportation, UNEXCELLED VIEW After Hours Call: Overlooks the City and Lake Ontario, from Taunton Rd. Easi. Living room has ther- mopane windows on two sides, broadloom and a dis- tinctive fireplace. Three bed- rooms, plus a den with fire- place, large modern kitchen with built-in dishwasher, Double garage with paved drive, nicely landscaped, nestled in the middle of a one-acre lot. Outside barbe- cue and patio for these warm, r evenings. Call to. night. AFTER HOURS ~AIL Winse Bradley A 22006 Grace VanCourte RA 3.2834 Charles Smith . RA 8-8254 Harry Millen .. RA 3.2524 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER A PRESTIGE AREA A PRESTIGE HOME And o down payment to fit anyone's pocket book, five bedrooms, carport, family sized living room and dining room. 2 bathrooms, priced to sell. Owner has . purchased © new home. For more ine. formation, call immediately RA 8-5123. NORTH-WEST THREE QUALITY HOMES. Five and six room bungalow with carport. Recreation room, fireplace, storms and screens, TV tower, fully land- scaped. Must be sold, twe owners transferred, one has purchased new home. Down payment of only $1,500.00 down and monthly payments to suit. Call right away for appointment at RA 8-5123, BUNGALOW WITH INCOME $11,000.00 full price for this well - constructed home with basement apartment. Down payment as low as $1,500, with godd terms for balance. For more information eall RA 8.5123. OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS. 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. Tel: RAndolph 3-3461 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA (ust Eost of Wilson Road) RA 314494 Res. 5.5574 47--Automobiles For Sale 1959 SE! condition, S107 Former ane Jor 24125 after 5 p.m. Moe clean '54 Pontiac. Phone RA 8- FREE, ESTIMATES 47--Automobiles For Sale SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES Boat, Motor and Trailer . Excellent for family. 17° cedar strip, beautiful hand- rubbed mahogany finish, 25 h.p. ond accessroies, good as new. 61 SANDRA ST. WEST 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-9421 HOUSTON GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TONE uP GENERAL REPAIRS. ROTARY POWER MOWERS $37.95 up MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO OL 41 67 rs 18 Ww. RA 3-782 CLEAN CARS WANTED TOP PRICES PAID LIENS PAID OFF TRADE UP OR DOWN Wilbak Motors 137 KING:W. RA 5-0732 50--Articles For Sale WHITE and green b: '56 PONTIAC deluxe four-door, ome owner, A-1 condition, tutone, radio, low mileage. RA 83011 North Simcoe Mo- Ete 8 Cie lel, comple! stem and extras. 314 Brock t North, 5 MLTROR, sxcaliat camden, ¥75 +778 Telephone RA 5.714] 8 BUICK Le a two-door metal. le blue, power steering, power brakes, % . Apply 493 Floyd plcnie Duy 199 King Fg Ry BOATING SPECIAL 12-ft. fibre-glass run-a-boats. 12 h.p. Scott motor, Cana- dian Explorer trailer, com- pletely equipped, $895. 13' moulded plywood boat, 25 h.p. motor, trailer, all controls and equipment, $995. While they last « Canadion Explorer camp trailers, come plete. Reg. $405-$319, Trades accepted. Terms ar- ranged. AJAX MARINE NO. 2 HWY, AT AJAX Ph. WH 244080 LLOYD baby carriage, good ondatio, $25; bed chesterfield, suitable for cot- tage, $25. Phone RA 8-1269, ELECTRIC cream separator, In good condition. Fred Schoenleber. Stevenson Road North of Airport. COTTAGE, furniture, refrigerator, stove, TV, also household furniture, in ; sump pump needs re- pate alse Lloyd baby carriage. RA ONE heavy duty McClary '55 HALF-TON Talsrgation] pick-up. In good shape, new 'tires and battery. J clarhone RA 3.4790 afternoons. R 5-8010 after 5. A | chrome chairs and table. an Bing BED chesterfield and arm chair, char- treuse, suitable home or cottage; four Excellent condition. RA 5-5445 after 5. '80 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, flint grey, tion, aquip- miles, A-1 com ale. 100 Bruce Street. RA Poin * months io" pe oh RL ALLSTATE Aue 30 per cent. Six personal service at 2802. EO] a ; very y good con. con- dition, $525, Phone RA 5.5555. TWO piece chesterfield suite, practical ly new; 34" television set; matching case, Kitchen. table snd chaire; igh. i fo chair, 807 Grierson Street, Columbia television, blond finish with doors, looks like new, ome year warranty on picture tube, $149. Terms 33.5 ver week. Meagher's, 5 King West, KH will RA RECORDS Singles, Albums All Speeds at the LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN Call in and browse around. our selection . . , HI-FI, STEREO, LONG-PLAY ALBUMS. All iy latest HITS, Priced save you money. CHERNEY'S RECORD BAR (Oshawa Times Bldg.) ONE pair jndrs hits roller ates 4311 ar apply 308 Drew Streat. size 7, long life 15-6344. - (Continued on Page 16)

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