Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 13 Jun 1960, p. 14

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Y4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 13, 1960 OFFICE HOURS Zz] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [3% 13--Gardening & Supplies 28--Summer Properties 32---Articles Wanted 37--Male Help Wanted 1--Accountants . 11--Business Opportunities CLANCY Ontario Accounting ATES ANY Kind of garden work by expert, LONE Maple Housekeepink cof. (WANTED -- One laws voller, \arse| TRUCK driver for furniture = sfore. complete bookkeeping CLASSIFIED AD R reasonable rates. RA 8-1524 NEW BUSINESS gg sacancien Box 3 or a he MA Must be Wilson otter OWN YOUR , business. 25 words or less LAWNS cut for the season. Free esti 1948 Canadian reel West, B a Du etes RA 5.009, Cash Charge OWN BUSINESS! ! |mates. RA 3.7742. TE! EPHONE LISTINGS ONE bullding, 13' x 20', fully insulated | silver, dollars, also certain type 47. RA ee 3-7605. 3 CONSECUTIVE GARDENS and lawns Rolo-tilied, made | asbesios siding, asphialt!ssaz. Motors, Bext 10 HE Dewar and Co., Accountants INSERTIONS .... 225 248 INCOMES UP TO $1,000.00 |ready for spring planting and seeding. |cottage. 143 King East. WANTED--Power lawn mower and set|Built," King East. Auditors C." Building, 184} 6 CONSECUTIVE PER MONTH Phone RA 5-895. OR RENT -- Tent trailer by weak 335, | 0180 clubs. RA 5.292. I oT awa, RA $222 INSERTIONS 37s 412 | DU MONT BARLOW OR REN Te rer Bone MA 3 | PIANOS, upright or apartment . RONALD F. D. WILSON, TENTS If not paid within 7 days the KING KOIN PHILCO-BENDIX CALL GRANT 3262. - Will pay cash, State make and by land experience. SUCOUNTANT, Oulava, Ootare, RA or a oro wi brig | Sauipped _ Launderettes. gre ALUMINUM MOTORS Wei dor on, Ouiave Tut Nive o the most profitable in this | wanted meat counter, part Se insertions ordered. of ~~ Canada's fastest growing FOR SOD { RA 8 1651 428 KING WEST POW - WOW ! HEASHR FOR SCRAP ! ! rem Ave 712 Kine > on in - LIABLE 'Whitby 'work part. later date consti tute a new origina business. Finest auolit / ; QUALITY USED CARS Come and enjoy the fun ot BUY time cutting sod and chauffeur's licence. Professional and Business tistings || Agitable only through KING | Agi {for information or interview. BOUGHT AND SOLD Pow-Wow Point Lodge, | STEEL, MER BATTERIES, |RELIABLE Whithy man fo work part $7,50 per month for 3 lines daily. Reasonable prices. ile. cutting 1 Each additional line $100 per P Huntsville AN. Summer + PAPER, RAGS, etc. a MO §-3015. 110 Palmerston hve. KOIN: i mo, fire tyPeh.0 PHONE MO 8-3015 | HOME RA 8-6175 Hors; dion nee Open All Day Saturday ; Each Initial (etter, abbreviation, Three type: f HEAVY IMPROVEMENTS ag TI TE $53 M. GREENBURG & SONS gece" App bar an with refer LTD. T . Breet OY NW, rae §. T. HOPKINS and Company, Ce $ and c sign, figure, count as © DUTY COMMERCIAL 172 an NG: ovis raymerty TRY OUR Huntsville 844)3, ATRO | Bed PU AoA ntario. RA] word. Box chorge 15¢ additional. PHILCO - BENDIX WASH: GRAVEL 36 months to pay. BAR-B-QUED fegort. RA 3.7333 -- 308 Bloor St. E. | Also commercial work done CHICKEN 28A--Traile -- nd Auditors, Li- " pr ) eenord 'ries In Bankruptcy; 64 ing 12 | Largest Sapecity Agitator Gravel coarse or fine -- also | For that extra room | Fish & Chips 35c, Hamburg- vailens East, Oshawa; B. L. R TIONS-- ; i i 08 { MODERN room summer coftage, priediander, B. Comm. CPA. Fre Cihawo Times sholl nat be oshers hi Delivery Monday to St. CALL MO 8-8611 | ers, Hot Dogs, Milk Shakes. 21 conveniences, sandy - beach, WANTED 2--Barristers ip BB Yh ig Bo Sa Bo ERIC C. BRANTON |17--Money to Loan MODERN GRILL oe ph oF, Bhs week Ave RA RON. , GULTRY writing, nor tor more than 40 Eyer MO 8 2 CLTENTE money 15 Tour on HRs Feary. RA 5.35 nue. Phone RA 57147 after 6, El iC incor! insertion of any acver . - 660 jo Mortgage and agreement of sale 87 HOLIDAY trailer for rent, 16', 1. LABORATORY tisement, nor beyond the price purchased. NHA morigages arranged. We Deliver. T~. {BOI sari ' ats fully TURNER AY En eens one | Soro to 2 Sra rmtor 5 | --Low Down Poyments and Des nd" |couvee, Tur Ml Stinion:| PA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 TECHNICIAN J | 1 t nt in which error i i -, -, . ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, RA sanz. || fhe derseniont BPEL dont Quantity Discounts. Flowering and Tropical [2 22--Radio Repairs ter 5. (collect) IMMEDIATELY ps AT ik LT Bi trioBiio Bos 8 / EALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas H. | to classify advertising according to ~--Most Complete Merchan- Foliage Plants MONEY TO LOAN WV, J rn aa Lh | Tram.ER Accessories and service. x 5.Day Week v8. 3 verything for sm arge - Greer, Associate Barristers and Soli- |} its own classification. $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for |Elliot* Avenue. RA 3.9792 (Fred). |ers. LP bottles and parts, hitches, level- SHA . Apply: * Superiptendent, oe citors, 130 King Street East, RA 8-6246. In the case of display advertise- ising and Engineering loans available. ments The Times will not be held rogram. 3 ) . fis, LP buries aut 7 es, level immediate loan on First ond Bin BS J, Street, bridge General Hospital, Ux- responsible for more space than |! { Roses (40 varieties), : Second Mortgages, Agree- EXPERT ELECTRONIC SERVICE |Ajax, WHitehall 2-3491. AUTO WRECKING CO. bridge, Ontario. | | | All Classified Advertisements §! . MUST be in by 5 p.m. day previous, ERS. (Double and single YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER 000 hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday fi Load Tumble Action and Cement Gravel -- Driveway JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, | responsible for more spoce ther 3 lellor. Money to: loan, Office 1441] thot in which ihe .aciucl error I} If It's Commercial-- rapiac} King Street East, Oshawa, RA 84232. || occupies The publiners sndecyoct It's PHILCO-BENDIX Sits; (25 Varieties), ments for Sale, on vacant ond T.V., HI-FI, RADIO, ETC. - Wants cars for wercking, also Hesitence, RA S33. correctly but assumes no liability WRITE, WIRE or PHONE Shade Trees (15 varieties improved property, Jos ne 1B WONTH SONRANTEE ON 29--Summer Properties bil snd 'metals, ase 11 oom & Boord 'DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister || if any inaccuracies in ony form for Complete Information tial and industrial, city, sub- al --R Pa Solita, 00 0 Steet Ra of ' advertisement are containec KOIN LAUNDRY SALES, Ltd Evergreens (25 varieties) urban and country, and sum- NEW PICTURE TUBES For Sale oo ls : board in private home BOOM nd RA 3-754. Bo h ; mer cottages. { i KAWARTHA Lakes, d_coun- Telephone; Buin | 20 Colege Street, Vine Ground Covers, | | T.V. Enterprises |Rawamtiis lates, sims sud oounf pa 5.2311 89 BLOORE. (rows ma youre or mi vers MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister, | Toronto 2, Ontario, Canada VAN BELLE GARDENS Oshawa Acceptance Corpora- | 253 Drew St listing folio. Bowes and Cocks Ltd. central. Apply 180 Bruce Street after § Solicitor, Not Money to loan. Asso- | opt WA 5-4515 . § | Realtors, Peterborough, RI 2-4234 date, "Bruce V. Mackey, BA, o, Henry ( 8--Building Trades 13 ova 2 Soro 3 Miles East of Oshawo | Noni: an, Simeve Sirget RA 5-2905 FOR SALE -- furnished coltage, at CEDARDALE Ea and bord for gent pry : 34029, irim-| 13--Gardening upplies 5.3568 Wilberforce, Ha county. ( or gentlemen, clite PE pea IME LA Me MA 3.5757 | : | 4 ion om 4 Good SCRAP to downtows. a | North GM. RA 8-3643 4 phone East sidence, dial RA 3-4029. {CARPENTER work, framing, trim- Residen |ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work hunting and fis! or 29 Elgin Street (A JOHN A. G. MacDONALD, , BA, Barris | ROTO - tilling done, reasonable rates . 8-8031. ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street | | work "uaranteed. RA 3.357 arranged. All| Coll J, Mulligan, OLiver 5-4639. Bowmanville - IRON METAL LTD. FOR YOUNG woman, Simcoe South North. Phone RA 34511. Work svaramised. Ba 3 MONEY T0 COME to Steenberg Lake (Bass Lake), IRON--METAL vicinity. Home privieges, laundry done ena Ris i pub wd cco Da Qe AVSTEToy, Dm OPEN EVENINGS | | 0, st spporng tor. [8 eS i, Shy JRONOMETAL I fad tor, 3% Smee | South. RA 59592. Resi. MO 8-3612. Free estimates, Taylor able prices. Collected cedars for hedges [ LOAN | Hot dip galvanized, No paint. tages, prefab prices. Terms. Ken Mat- ROOM room and board, pleasant dence, RA 8-0 Brothers, 26 Hillcourt Drive, Whitby, #. 35c. and up. Orchard Nurseries, PROMPT DELIVERY Complete with new Skychief |thews, RA 57740 after 7 p.m. OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY mom w private: home, day work- er only. 2 x " ry Drs, 5 orn rrr in Bap a Bo BO, pl vay, Wy wii vex a FOR YOUR | oll-channel antenna. Total 10 POOT iaketront cottage, near Lind- RA 3.3432 A Office RA 53741; Residence RA 5-5342.|walks, stoops. RA 80394, Gordon May. price, installed and guaran. say. on Scugog; $3500. Days, RA 5-1273; FREE PICK-UP DION wl Seaticman, eo 8, room, Office RA 5-3741; Residence | 8 . Money for all types of mort- teed for 1 year, $59.9 E--RA orth, THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soll-| PLUMBING and heating pipes, "fittings, ( ( M | : ' dene if Sestred. 160 Park Road Ni ' eitor and Notary Public, 26% King fixtures, new and used, changing from LANDSCAPING PLETE | goges; for first and second TV Enterprises CLEAN gravel beach, fifty foot lake- RESIDENC 5-4159 RA 3-95 Street East Phone RA 8-1763. septic tank to sewer a sepcialty. In- | mortgages on all types of real | shore lot, all services, excellent roads. 100 ANNIS STREET i : GARDEN SUPPLIES | 2 re Home for retired or convales- GREER, Murphy 3 and and MacDonald; Bar- stallations at Jeasonable Tatas, ii Weed treated, field "nursrey | estate including vacant londs; | 253 Drew St. South. spate Rice Lake at 3 Emo - cent person. Phone MOhawk 8-5746. rister., Solicitors a otaries ic. 8 % free ' short term mortgages for RA 3-3553 ------ - 5--Employment Wanted |&6om and board for gentiemen - gentle: , nice 6 King Street East, RA 5-477, Russell of prumping. Dis] FA 54241 3. To. 30d, top: soit, grovel, sand CALL builders; first and second FRENCHMAN'S Bay lakefront year locaticn, close to downtown. Abstain. J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald. |35i PAINTING, ecorating by trades-| fill. Complete service. Weed CONSTRUCTION I ---- mortgages and agreements found or sumer. home, six-room insu gg, "twelve years i eva plooay [¢rS. Phone RA 5.3565. JOBN A CAMERON, b. ter, solici-|man, interior or exterior, Roxatone 1. Fre timates. | r Bory To SE rp ""€D_KNOWLTON BEVERWYCK | oor ourchosd" "Roi: | SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT (3h ih Beer csilacts ABE i como hl os MOUS a bord ontop, Not Public 18% King Street work guaranteed. Free estimates. RA : i Sm eu "ca ED KNOWLTON M. Swartz, 26%2 King Street IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! I Toy | 10. Oshawa. Times. timous Ei Jor sentiomen, on. Boro o1 2 Monta. Saiway, RA S88 RA 5-6047 East, Oshawa, Telephone RA T.V. and RADIO lake, five acres, Haliburton county, 22|HANDYMAN janitor, landscaper, cook, ONE, also one HoCGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barris. Monte Salway, RA 58372. ia ARDEN " boats, all furnishings included, excel tchman, with experience apartment, ters, Solicitors, Clients' funds avail- g | | 54097, a ---------------- CALL RA 8-5786 Jen Brg Be up cliental, pd nee. Phone RA 5-8645 4 Soa single pd double room, central and 8.3838, 8. Quiet. Apply 17 irst rt, s. 20 Simcoe | y i Shree orth na sates. cnres ©. Me CLIFF BROWN | OSHAWA ACME NO. 12 HIGHWAY USE THE | Work Guoranteed [USN sel, Soda Since free Gibbon, QC; Edgar F. y - stedo, QC. OSHAWA of shorthand. gentlemen, singid CRY IGHTON . "and OL 5-3570 BROOKLIN toons all conveniences, on Rice Lake.|Would like part-time work. beds, good home cooked meals, close Sei mint mn 1 GRAVEL & SAND | HAULAGE LTD, | Choad 00 | saw Times | _ afcones fi Rei "Re EEE BER s PE Sits T17 'ac; ¥ % : LOAM -- GRAVEL PROMPT DELIVERY CLASSIFIED 23--Women's Column (Phone 7 Suck Blackstock Wa. 2 yours' powes (ROOM and" boars for entiomen £5 56721. sa Murdoch. NHA mort. . Prompt Delivery FILL -- STONE . FOR YOUR Cold. wave $500. Big i na alterations. Contract|®- RA Sys ua wign, RA 8-895] RA 33528 | COMPLETE COLUMNS [atari ti tipderswt| STURGEON LAKE Iori" ic 43--Wanted to Rent HUMPHREYS Barn sters, Solicitors; R. pl Wadd Lng = |GARDEN SUPPLIES |18e--Mortgages 25-fets und Livestock ~ BEEHIVE ! Pion Ap (i Wille Bo 71 Gk Ties" phre; s Phunes: e ; , RA HOME KITTENS, need a good home, part Per- ---- ; Ga Fi. Mo rls mi'Vm| 4 DB OVEMENTS LOAM | CALL rest or seconp (den msm | PARK ESTATES |i deers ale Goi copie ei bios Sion, emma ro | | MORTGAGE training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. : | No do t, : 8 8 y 4 a 4--Dentists | 36 br gr K Gravel, Sand and Fill { BEVERWYCK MONEY AVAILABLE Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, Bis Sem, wine ed 44--Houses, Apts., Flats 9 6. NTED lie DR. G. T. SCIUK. Office hours 9 fo Also commercial work done. Lis) xp Salome or ou Sole Florida motif, The most un- |office work, fast 3 For Rent Simeon Birest 'South. Prone RA 5-223. For that extra room RA 5-5279 | GARDENS ALLIED | 5-399. ' usual ond beautiful in the ptionist, interested . office [THREE - , Toom Sparient, being Bewly CALL MO 8-8611 , &--Optometriss : INVESTMENT. CO. [Base wins ppg eee | Kavaiho Los, Clo ste fot En TB of en Ny ye NO. 12 HIGHWAY MINATURE poodies, champion sired, sx ox, wo, wena pow \W. WARD | CROSS TOWN | oL 53570 BROOKLIN RA 3-309 eis amet Sock| wi wit heltred docs to accounts at downtown Toronto Bomsion 'Bank or Bus tet] WELL DIGGING BY . SOD SUPPLY MO 8-4735 WHITBY 51 KING ST. E. Codarview Kemveln, RA 3302 | your boot. New nine-hole , Phone puppies, ¥. RICHARD BLACK. Dr of Over. MACHINE | A-1.rolled fertilized sod eut |14--Household Repairs |19--Personal rng EVI Bisel Ti, | Witicual es vy ua J: gy Tg North (a Colborne), MT ONTARIO: fresh daily, prompt delivery. |pAINTING and decorating needed, |GIRL desires ride to IBM, Don Mills PUREED German Shepherd pups,| New, quality-built summer -- and. retrigeraor. 817 05 Mer) evenings by appointment. RA 3-4191. Foi iad NS Special contractor rates. finest materials used, Work guaran- oad and Eglinton Wests SF Teasoli abi black and silver. Not registered. Phone] homes open for your inspec- Fr stave: North. Phone RA 5-452. { i Son . ed. Reasonable rates, also wood fin- Mrs. P. Finney, MA 3.5058, Bowman-| tion, electric wiring connected % FUR partm 7--Surveyors 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. RA 5-8504 ished. Phone anytime. RA 56204. |PT ville. to Toy ph hig bedrooms, ctly "confidential. Write | heavy duty' stove, retrigeraior, cups &%_sowror estas amas , BOX 329 PAINTING, inside and out, small or SAVE money, no waiting, free park-| ELECTRIC incubator, used Approx- + A ie Box 310, Oshawa Times, $ I Land Survesdhs, 2 = | mr---------- COMPLETE large jobs. Reasonable prices. RA 5-452 ing rid Sites s Monte, Bashers: imately five times, good as new. Phone betwen With plumbing, ii beards, parking, near bus stop. Call RA ~ orioe & aple TOV 9 . Open A ¥ h le. 5-320. 308 Dundas . Street "West, HOMES MPROVEMENTS INTERIOR, exterior decorating, wail daily except Wednesdays and Sundays. |r 200s, Bowmanville I i are 36--Female Help Wanted is oom svi spariment sis ate apartment, new! , MO 8-5001, Ajax 728 stripping, plaster repairs, carpentry a ih 0 oy three - JoNaiD & motor outevisl REMODELLING ADDITIONS | GARDEN SERVICE |ipechli Phone &0'ssérk myaievio mpsties (rubber £9025: SHETLAND PONIES | terns. kore pine. ous [Ars Eliosts. Ressurent rai Moarimutl 2uvid Land Surveror, 216 Adelaide Avenue | FAN ons Garden ploughed, disced, |CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, "recovered, Tate Jost pole 8 ysl sealed envy: S gendite jnotly pine, Your North. South. Fast. BA yon. | landscaped, wood eut, trees new. y pay more? Our rates . > choice of exteriors -- log- NTED immediately, permanent TWO - room furnished spartment, DONFPVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On| Tile, Hardwood Floors, pec, w ve are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. | cents; 24 samples, $1.00. Mall Orfr| oon, colective stock. Reg- | * siding, pine lap siding -- all Titlon, 'st1 for Tight housework, live ia; | modern, private parking, close to down- removed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery Dept. A-1l i ini i tario Land Surveyor, Smmetvial blue- | Cupboards shawa Upholstery | istered and grade Stall- finished in delightful paint also, 'woman cook for summer camp, town, adults. July 1, $70. RA 8-0369. | | Ont printing, 12 Bloor ' | Loans Arranged Co, 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA Hamilton, ee ugust, Will scoept lady ssn HUGH CROSBY RA 8-1798 39 ONTARIO Automobile Association ten | ions, mares, fillies. gnd Slein eaters, : camp-age child. Apply in person, Little | 3i OD ERY, Beirooms. Lichen and bath ee { |X GUEAN home Ts a havpy ome, | resentative for Oshawa and district, Art rices from $5750 to |Buckaroo Ranch, Harmony tiled, new 'frig. and 8--Building Trades { RA 5-3937 CHOICE LOAM Free conn Cox, 13 Elgin East, RA 51497. | OWEN McCROHAN $5,950, including large, |North. bour®s. All rooms Hove, Lr pnd ALL plumbing and heating supplies. | AND TOP SOIL ety, Reliable' exterminator, LADY leaving for Halifax, June | rr level lot, terms ot current |SAUESLADIES -- must be experienced ced | decoraied. laundry AN ig Bg Phone RA 5-252], Harold R. Stark,| FOR SALE 464 Dawes Road, Toronto, ZE 99500 or [returning in two weeks. Room for one RR1 OSHAWA rates of interest. Location 4 |better cations." Write pd nuws | shade trees. For appointment Lia, plumbing, heating and engineer: WELL DRILLING OX 41946 or phone Claremont 836R11 |0F two women Apply Box miles west of Bobcageon on |{malifications. RA 3-9114 or RA 3.7202. J ing. "258 Simeoe Street GRAVEL - SAND - FILL YOUR Jocal chimmey Sleauer.Ciim. | 20. Bowmanville. 26--Farmer's Column the Fenelon Falls highwoy-- |srercr reo BRICKLAYING, blocklaying, cement Also Back Fillin 9 neys built and repaired, gas linings in- 4 FOOT Bale elevator, John Deere.| large signs at entrance. Ow- office. 'work. ead, 8 repaired, GERALD FU LTON| Lots Levelled |stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti | ELECTROLYSIS | Phone RA 85-3058 eg rt every after. EE ee Mont have, «ll kinds. RA 5-1 din trek i Stes, 5A 3m) : BAIL Bunchers, apd aller Wakons.| noon, ond over weekends, |Dial BA 8.6763. of Ee and repairs, | oo Conroe we con guar- RA 5-2156 PAINTING 2d pepering. Rooms paper-| pemoval of superfluous hair. Apply Ragin Welding Shop. Phone FULL time cashier wanted for after- Kitchen cupboards, Tecréation rooms; ; ee | SOWING 5d Gores Frese] Marie Murduff will be in |r - rT 30--Lost & Found noon and evening work, also part time Avenue. iy RA 5.6037. { [PHONE RA 5. 4067 HARDSAND mates, work guaranteed. RA 3-742. ahaa, Sune 1 5th She hii two - row corn planter with fertilizer neve i een Shedtre, Inst "Wed: Hotel. ; - rocm bathroom flat, PLASTERING, stucco and all kinds of| LANDSCAPIN | FURNITURE repaired and hois- one Genosha el on |afiachments, any make. WII pay top|nesday, lady's glasses silver ora: | pr BA en oe ay 6 [tered. our materials for re-cover.| these dates for appointment. [cash price. Phone OL 53019 Etim: Reward. OL aml, repairs. P i -- Abramoff, RA 3-457] or RA 5-8353. ower Rolling ing. Bruce R. Datton, 75 Charles Stress. DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. (LOST dog ~ White DODD & SOUTER Fertilizing |RA 3.7212 20--Cartags Phone fairy Hanlon, COlfax 3 opp to fo Same of Dulviciuity Als and 401. PAINT -- WALLPAPER Tractor Roto-Tilling |CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- = - Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. ren'y poi. Jam), BUILDERS | PAINTING & DECORATING op Soil - Sod - Manure {covered like mew, Get the best for less| GENERAL deliveries, sod hauling, fur-|SASrgii for horses or eaitle, plenty | CONTRACTORS shore Patio Se |at" Modern Uphoistering, 926% Simcoe |Diture moving, cottage service. Phone|oi"cater, COlfax 3-3482 31--Articles For Rent pital, Bowmanville, Ceramic tiled bathroom sup- | 3 aby | Street North. Call RA 86451 for a free RA 8-182 ia sp CEMENT mixers, wheelbarrows, sump| WAITRESS, full or part time. Apply cottage, Plisd and fined, complete For free estimates call RA 5-1721 SU A i Rady sab 27 Fuel Wood pumps, post hole digger, post drivers, Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. HE witabie fox one or "wwe for ; wi our fittings. rge | 3 sma' i bs. Anything hauled RY "Hardwood Number ends, suliabie barrels, well windless, Also for sale, Gigys 14 or 18, wanted fo help light housekeeping. 8-8125. color range. 90c sq. ft. | DAYS MO 8 5231 i FU RNACE SALES ly. "RA yy . Mytyug. fan or {Uf taren i aon aves, #5 for cement mixer, strawberry plants. RA|.. volun! Junior . with TWO room or apartment, quiet First class tradesman. Phone EVENINGS RA 5-7426 | Flowering and Tropical AND SERVICE |PIOKUP trick with hiich, Will move ia oud, delivered. (M10 onary eri [XWCA day camp during ou: Money, | district, central location. Child care for anytime. | 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Foliage Plants furniture, appliances, trailers, boats ---- Oshawa. ' RA 8-1177 \T0--Sharpening Se ; | © HM. Mackie Co. Lyd. [Sion to coliafes or local, 28---Summer Resorts SALESLADY wanted -- sparience ov.| ww arp a ee a We still hove a good selection' | RA 5-5954 | GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appil- [FOR RENT _ Collage, il eonvenien RENTALS otal, Avply 'Bresitwe Ladies Wear, BUCKINGHAM |ance moving, Reasonable rates, fully , ". DODD & SOUTER i rence Sysnue. For| ph Slors boxes, Evergreens, { Cleanit Service-- en fii nt. A" 5.4106, | Phone MO 8.3106 Whitby We belleve that you can "do- i APARTMENTS PAINT -- WALLPAPER |869%6. 3hode trees end potted. roses, $7 labor plus parts TWO and thse bedroom collages, siee.| It yourself" and save lots of TYPISTS PAINTING & DECORATING |BY OSHAWA Targest Tfuiitime| °C rrr ise --|21--Pertonal Services tricky. excellent (ishing, wike, pickerel| time and money, but you . A 1 ond 2 bedroom apart CONTRACTORS [sharpening and rental service. Lawn- a Aw So whether you| SPENCER foundation garments, indi. nse. $30 - $10 weekly, RA 8.4300 cqnnot afford to own seldom required for general} office ments, electrically equipped, mowers, saws, etc. Catt Stan' ss corner| VAN BELLE GARDENS i Wien DEINE | i dnually designed, Reg. Corsetier, Mra. [ARDEN housekeeping cotinges on Ken-| ced, and sometimes expen- work. Apply: etary~ best location. $85 and up. For Free Estimates call |King and Burk. RA 33 through an Oshawa Times Classified | John Hendershot, 208 Park Road North, |nebec Lake, two and three bedrooms, jing aad Bu | 2 Miles East of Ad today. Makes mighty sweet music 4 i RA| sive items. Our aim is to Treasurer, Northern do Apply 498 Simcoe St. North, DAYS MO 8-5231 FIRST class peta mowers, saws, | pas Sos Oshawa Dial RA 3.3402. 5.1763. have for you to rent, at a Supply Ltd Apt. 8, RA 8.8676. hydro, good fishing, swimming. EVENINGS RA 57426 [Homer ss Wn Ed A MA 3.57 LAWNMOWER & ENGINE i reasonable' rote, every kind 18-5016, 50 Al 57 15--Instructions SALES & SERVICE HOUSEKEEPING CABINS on of tool or equipment te do RA 3-2291 STARTING AT $85 107 Byron St. S., Whitby | { Bhd wl Y LAWN mower and outboard motor re. BOWMANVILLE Ed Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Til- Loke Huron. Furnished $20 practicolly everything! pair and sharpening service. Rossland Sports Centre, % Act now. RA § | Used Engi Bought ol kly. Families $32 ISTRIBUTORS FOR: W. WARD [Sys Contts, 8 Fossignd Road Went (OPEN EVENINGS) RSI lors, Used Engines Sought | © couple wonky. Fomiiigs $23 DISTRIBUTORS FOF AVON MODERN SUITES WE Rone aT ante GARDEN | ie i Tf oe Cav tah | faning omnis dus | in own ow oer | COSMETICS | ~BALCONIES SRECILIZNG IN 307 TILE Te Be == Blvd. 5. Phone RA 5.4633 Wh, , Boy lield Gra, | WE RENT NEARLY Hos immediate openings for | 'A building vou would bs | 1 i=--=DBusiness ortunities| women - proud to | - WHITEY, ONTALC |The Qweotuies SUPPLIES | LEARN TO DRIVE Bedi Reps EVERYTHING -- CALL | Iu SIE bls | Fah, sano 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. {to open a business. Nothing to A rad 0 Mid Tapas d / sant, dignified work. No ex- room, building has just been F.. BOX 329 irl Ei SO GREEN Liered by the Pace Commision S51 PHI as nares Camp Allanda 2 STAN'S parience'-- we train. a atone wil a Ble en hee Ti, | EVERGREEN Fully trained instructors "A002 Call LE 6-0627 Collect | corate fo suit new tenant. aon we x wi Coun Vacation for boys ro PRECAST i eC TEE TURE racial. aierss furste sgn | OUR SERVILE CALL to W voon liga iii HA bliss Close to shopping, you should GROUND floor wire. 938 wi. ffx GARDEN SPECIAL ' | INCLUDES ALL THOS! Riding, swimming, otc, $28 | Cor. King and Burks Su. | SECRETARY FOR LARGE | ise fuy.operecie he So LAW OFFICE CONCRETE RE for plumber, electri: MILORGANITE | EXTRAS weekly, Write for brochure, : / WwW. 1 8-4547, Whitby. oe etc. RA 3.0248 after 6.30 p.m. SHEEP MANURE 16 Insurance same. dav service | BOX 1334.0 WEBBING"S Wy reed loos ene i OFFICE SPACE SOD business. New sod cutter and BONE ATE Auto Insurance. Save up 2 ++» All tubes checked | ble of King, ind vr SEPTIC TANKS [smlomest Sour mus a's JONEMIL a nr pi 300 owe dooned | BOWMANVILLE HARDWARE | Zossient wins indesusd leaned, If { MArket 3.2924 must be fully competent in RA 5.7413. + «+ Tuner SIDEWALK SLABS 133 Ging | NO. 1 ROSE BUSHES 8 "needed _ RENTAL SERVICE shorthand and typing. Legal | RF experience is not essential if SWAPS are tops Oshawa Times COLORED PATIO DRESSMAKING, alterations | . « » Complete set-up - s alters and "7e- SHRUBBERY Classified. Hasd tie regylar- swap CHa ih F TOOLS r qualificati is- DURA STEPS pairs on all types of i. Mire, 2. LAWN SEEDS riers Nay. AT unusual, ex- + + 3 months guarantee LEN-DAVE LODGE 0 b rer qualifications ate satis. Passenger. 'elevator. -senvice; |Fox, MO 8- wWaioe T3--Gardening & Supplies GARDEN SEEDS _(17--Money to Loan DO IT NOW BALA, MUSKOKA" |. SCAFFOLDING. | Sie wits smerunives of | Now og ny hedges, guaranteed NI a me moa 5 Beautify Your Home. | (Children Free) { APPLY BOX 613 at 0 He At i JeCice, Sun FC S ith C agreements purchased and sold, Hen Improve Picture Quality Main lodge, 'sleeping cabins, And Other Construction THE OSHAWA TIMES eerie BROOKLIN ne done, Free estimate. MA 3.3935. ooper mi 0. ice and helmick, Da sters, 31 King HAVE A TOWER ale Fini A bagel, herme, Equipment. B-H Paint avi | cooked meals, ncing on 16 CELINA ST. WE WAVE clients' "monies avallable| Coll ug for a free estimate |. all water sports, hot and co RECEPTIONIST- : CONCRETE | TOP GRADE | BREST | ph So | USampoom vac | SECRETARY | THE TIMES PRODUCTS SANDY LOAM | RA 3-2312 Sis, King Street East Oshawa RA T.R.I.O: Write or Phone Toe Restore original beauty to FOR DOCTOR'S OFFICE BUILDING | PATIO SLABS CLIENTS' monies available for first, TELEVISION | LEN-DAVE LODGE your furniture and rugs Experienced, conscientious and second mortgages, Mortgages and | WHITBY DISTRICT Contact T. L. WILSON LIMITED SIDEWALK SLABS [MF Swartz, Barrister and Notary | ; ) « EE iis at Ao RA 8.678] PHONE BALA 397 |282 KING ST. W. WRITE BOX 547 OLiver 5-3311 RA 5 1905 GARDEN TOOLS I Riis 3% Sug Low, Oshawa, gH 171 BOND ST. EAST BALA, ONTARIO | OSHAWA--RA 3-4873 | OSHAWA TIMES Phone RA 3-3474 ' 4 . «A rent. Leoses now

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