§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 11, 1960 The annual Mother and Daugh- ter banquet of the CGIT and Explorers of Westmount United Church was held on Tuesday, June 7, at the church with the Women's Association assisting. The head table guests were in- troduced by the president of CGIT, Lynn Small, as follows: Irene Cox, Chief Explorer and Mrs. Cox; Mrs. E. A. Small, the Reverend 8. C. H Atkinson, guest speaker; the Reverend W. A. Gibbs and Mrs. Gibbs; Mrs. J. B. Jackson, superinten- dent of Sunday school and presi- dent of the Women's Association of Westmount United Church, The Reverend W. A. Gibbs said grace. After dinner, Lynn Small ~ |proposed a toast to the Queen. A toast to the mothers was given by Sharon Saunders and replied to by Mrs, G. W. Saunders. A toast to the church was given by Patsy Griffin and responded to by Mr. Gibbs. Mrs. James Shearer, leader of Explorers, introduced the guest speaker, Reverend S. C. H. Atkin- "SURPRISE, SURPRISE!" Posing for her picture is | granddaughter of Mrs. Louis Lint, Ssugmer of Jo Fowler and Mr. and Mrs, . Ray Fowler, SOM rie X Oshawa, Linda was one year | Everett Fice, all of Oshawa. old on May 12. She is the --Photo by Ireland GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES HOLY CROSS WA addition to the present building The Women's Auxiliary of Holy was a necessity Cross Roman Catholic Churchi The gecretary's report was) held its last meeting of the sea-given by Mrs. Leo Kryhal, the son on Tuesday evening. treasurer's report by Miss Mary The president, Mrs. Joseph Cal-Fitzgerald. Mrs. J. H. Lyons lahan, presided. Mrs. J. H. Lyonsigtated that a shipment of sum- introduced Mr. Harold McNeil, mer clothing and trinkets such as director of Simcoe Hall, who gave oar rings and beads were almost] a talk on the history of Simcoe ready to be sent to Manitoulin Hall Settlement House. The pres-|jqand. | ent problem is lack of space for, The sick convener, Mrs. | its many endeavors, especially giephen Coe, reported on cards storage space for used clothing, |sent to the sick; also two baby son, who gave a talk on setting {a path on the right road to a STARTS MON A ® Westmount CGIT and Explorers UAW Ausiliary, 27 Mother And, Daughter Banquet goal of good Christian living. Irene Cox thanked the speaker. | A sing - seng was led by Sharon |Cobb after which the junior CGIT {modelled some fashions 'of the |gay twenties. Taking part were |Marilee Parker, Dorothy Slater, Tommy Garrett, Mary Goulding, Lynda Calvert, Barbara Parker, wearing daytime ensembles while Nancy Bevan and Sharon Saun- ders modelled beach wear of that era. The commentator was Mar- garet Neal. Mrs. Gordon Holbrook; CGIT |leader, thanked the members of {the WA for assisting with the |dinner; also the mothers for their |co-operation with the leaders of {the two organizations in their |various projects and outings. Mrs. Morris Love, CGIT leader, conducted a short devotional service and reminded the girls of |the Sunday church service at |King street United Church for (graduation class in which Miss | Louise Werry of Westmount Unit- led Church will take part. The girls were asked to meet at West- mount Church by 10.30. "Taps" was sung by the Ex-| plorers and the CGIT. -- Plans Activities The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary, No. 27, UAW, was held recently with Sister, Alice Rearden presiding. Secretary's and treasurer's re- ports were given by Sisters Frances Bradley and Marjorie McNeil. Various commiftee re- ports were given. Sisters Betty Taylor and Ella Smart were re- ported on the sick list. When re- porting sick, |] asked to eall Sister Mary Stan-|/in by July 2. Any member wish-|able at the UAW Hall, Bond ley, RA 56114, ling to go was asked to contact|street, from July 7. The Ladies' The auditor's report was given Sister Rose Ellis at RA 3-3787 Auxiliary will assist the Local. by Sister Iva Lynn with a totallby this date. It was decided to send 10 dele- of 131 bers in good di A family picnic for the Auxil- gates to the week-end Institutes Sisters Alice Reardon and Annjiary which was originally plan- to be held at the UAW Camp, ick gave reports on the anni-ined for July 9, has been post-|Port Elgin, in Septémber. Dele vel dinner of Aux. 384, |poned until August 21. Members| ates ey ag Np bet Alice UAW which they attended re- were arked to telephone their|® : 3 cently in Toronto. children's names to Sister Mar. Reardon, Mary Turner, Margaret Oe fe Ee EL TR Mary Stanley hazel Farrow Mary Slater and Gladys Munkley. ' Gifts were presented by Sisters Mary Turner and Mary Slater to Sisters Mary Stanley and Iva Lynn, in appreciation for their past services through the years. An area picnic of all UAW|garet Sawyer RA 51674 so that| Auxiliaries will be held in Lon-|all may be taken care of. don on Saturday, July 9, There| All mi Ss Were r will be a chartered bus by the Auxiliary leaving the bus termi- nal at 8 a.m. All names must be or the big Local 222, UAW, pie- nic to be held at Lakeview Park TONIGHT Modern-Square TO THE TORNADOS ' (NOW ON CHATEAU RECORDS) on July 16. Tickets will be avail- FIRST STARTING MONDAY HEADLINE Paramount Pictures presents Gallant rs Paleased Thru United Artists ADDED FULL LENGTH FEATURE CALLER, BOB FOWLER ADMISSION $1.00 RED BARN ONTARIO'S FAVORITE FUN SPOT Tense, Exciting Action NEWS, FOR A GUNMAN Starring Jim Davis Lynn Thomas MEET THE MAN A HILARIOUS PLAN 1. hoax the whole world outof | a cool million...and coax a one- | in-a-million girl into his arms! JAMES VERA GEORGE MASON _ MILES _ SANDERS "THE GIANT OF MARATHON" Also "THE MAY WEDDING" in Color LAST DAY eo "Cattle Empire" ""The Brigand"' 'Bugs Bunhy Revue' and Mr. McNeil stated that an|gists delivered to two members. HARMONY WA The social convener, Mrs. | » _|James Hickey, thanked those who) 3h. june meeting of the Wom {helped serve wedding dinners and| As | Harmony | United Church was held recently|all Who donated. in the church hall with the presi-| {for the members on June 14, be- |ginning with a pot luck supper. All members were urged to be in the hall by 6 p.m. Plans were made fo hold a|{j bazaar in the fall, the date to| {be set at the September meeting . " {The members decided to give a This was the last meeting for|donation to Simcoe Hall Building the summer as it was voted not| Fund. to hold meetings in July and| Refreshments were served by August. The next regular meet-\the social convener, Mrs. James ing will be in September. | Hickey. The next meeting will be [held September 6. It was decided to have a party| dent, Mrs. Fred Farmer, presid- ing. The date of November 5, 1960. was set for the fall bazaar, Mrs| Fred Farmer was appointed as a delegate to the laedership train tng course which is being held in Whitby --_ E OH! JAMES i | won't need | the car tonight. iCall... | unITED TAXI | RA 5-3541 | 24 hrs. a day Wed FINEST TAXI SERVICE | Re -- o-- ---- a] HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY REPEAT PERFORMANCE ON MON., JUNE 13th 8 P.M. at the CENTRAL COLLEGIATE SIMCOE SOUTH TICKETS 75¢ and 50c ot DOOR BILTMORE Yor TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME! 9 a LOUIS wx Even Greater Thon "King Solomon's Mines!" M.G-M's GARDNER| 9 cose. GRACE KELLY 7 BING CROSBY ¥ music and Lyrics ty COLE PORTER #0 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT in VISTAVISION and COLOR A SOL C. SIEGEL PRODUCTION starving GRACE KELLY FRANK SINATRA in the hitarious low-down on high life ARMSTRONG ano wis ean TRAVEL | Ready for "a big time* Mow is the time to make reser- this summer? | HOW ABOUT YOUR DANCING? DON'T LET poor dancing ruin 2 | vations for your Summer vaca- tion by Air, Steamship, Bus, Reil, Hotels, Cor Rentals, Theatre Tickets. DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY good party for you. Come to | aie S35 ue | Archurbiurrays ow anders all the latest steps. You'll find it's quick and easy to learn the Arthur Murray Way. Be | Sure of more J PP " OME and DANCE | .:ine:™ &3 | Murray's, to | 1] Mitchell Zaleski's | Xccera & 3 HOUR Orchestra 8 Joo at the -- h TRIAL LESSON? POLISH NATIONAL | Hep k UNION HALL | ARTHUR MURRAY 158 Banting Ave, 11% Simcoe St. South | FUN FOR ALL ! EVERY SaTurpay| RA 8-1681 . | Open 1 to 10 p.m. Daily | 230-12 Air-Conditioned Dancing Tonite DNIPRO HALL EDITH ST. One block East of Corner Ritson & Bloer DINE AND DANCE to the music of "THE CAVALIERS" EVERYONE WELCOME § i J (J Ny TONIGHT! BOX OFFICE OPEN 8:00 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! FREE KIDDIES' PLAYGROUND !! and all kiddies under 12 are FREE! So bring them along, there's no \. A baby-sitting cost when you - See... This Family Fun Show in Color and Cinemascope! EEA WENN ELANE STRITCH wolES TREMAYNE PLUS ADDED ACTION! rlo ugh X coLon yl] #|IN MARCEL DALIO \ norring JOIN OUR BUMPER OVER $2,500.00 WO MISSIONS GIVEN TO OUR MEMBERS IN 19 CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON ii WALTER MATTHAU- HENRY SILVA ici woone¥§ A UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL PICTURE CLUB AND SAVE! RTH OF FREE AD- 59! i» has produced a generation skilled in handicrafts -- wood-carving, ceramics, enamelling, wrought iron. LJ You stand on the shore as the mighty St. Lawrence laps at your feet, les goéleties of Gaspé ride quietly at anchor. Or you marvel as the day's first sunlight caresses Percé Rock, sentinel of the Gulf. Perhaps you'd prefer ' a ealéche ride through the narrow winding streets of Québec, North America's only walled city. Or the exhilarating excitement of sophisticated Montréal. Whatever your vacation wish, Québec can fullfil it. So, visit us this summer, neighbour. The coupon below will bring you the latest travel information. LA PROVINCE DE 710, Grande Aliée East, Quebec City, P.Q. soon as poisible, s'il-vous-plaif, N swimming, water skiing. ary HET PROVINCIAL TOURIST BUREAU Key No. 708 Osha J'acceple Messieurs, send me the travel information ee My main interest 8. . oc cocecorrcocscssossssscnne Québec is a ca fan's paradise, NAME. .coaeserarsasnsnsicnsnsansinecnsascne where every type of sport awaits you -- fishing, golf, boating, ADDRESS. ....0000nee say -magnifiquel we Times