Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 11 Jun 1960, p. 5

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On Thursday 21 attendants of the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, completed a nine-month course and were awarded certificates ATTENDANTS RECEIVE from the Department of Health and the Canadian Red Cross Society by Dr. T. A. Sweet and Miss Helen Whitman. Bottom row, left to right, are Antonius vanBoxtel, John DeGroot, Mids M. Crow, Instructor, Jan Schoep, Christopher Wubbolt, Miss A. Pickens, instructor, CERTIFICATES AT ONT. HOSPITAL Marvin Maye, Elmer Irwin, and Wilton Griffiths. Back row, left to right, are George Vilh- strand, . Cecil Wright, Arnold Smith, Gilbert Langerak, Mar- Ld Sessions Jury - - - Dismisses Action An Ontario County Sessions Court jury has dismissed a dam- age acidy rou against a Can- nington n as a result of a motor vehicle accident. In the ac- tion, heard before Judge Arthur Willmott, of Cobourg, and the jury, at Whitby, Norman Budd, of Toronto, and Robert Healy car collision on IMghway IZ oa Dee. 20, 1958, an accident in THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturday, June 11, 1960 § which Budd suffered head in juries. The jury dismissed the two plaintiffs' action and ruled 100 per cent in favor of Lloyd, who had not entered any counter- claim. Budd's damages had been as- sessed at $4500 and Healy's at $400. Lloyd was represented byZ T sought damages from Th Lloyd, of Cannington. The action arose out of a two- 5, of O. , and the two plaintiffs were represented by Terence V. Kelly, also of Oshawa. The first instalment d will be accept For your convenience, all Whitby Bank, TOWN OF WHITBY TAXES SECOND INSTALMENT DUE WEDNESDAY, JUNE (th, 1960 must be paid before the Pay Now . . . Avoid 6% Interest taxes are payable at any F. N. McEWEN, Tax Collector. tin Kalisvaart, James Knight, TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS RE WEEDS Weeds on vacant lots are not only unsightly, but ore @ public nuisance. Do your part to eradicate this mdsonce. Section No. 4, Weed Control Act, Province of On- > torio, states: "Every occupent of land, or if the lend the Nguiciions, ou. fen in Svery yeas of their seeds." RS5.0. 1950, C.421, 5.3. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the owners of oll vacant lands in the Town of Whitby, that unless action is taken by . June 18th, 1960, to conform with the terms of the londs will be entered upon and treated. h d ogoinst the toxes of the lands in will be question, Hayfever is principally therefore, requires special should be uprooted, cut or growth is evident, The co i Act, said The cost of such HH R 4 d by Rag 0 and continuous ottention and sprayed by chemical immediately of oll ci is earnestly solicited. F. L, BARLOW, WEED INSPECTO TOWN OF WHITE - fg Tr Cg Alvin Terry, Simon van Duf- felin, Arthur Woodhill, John Borchuk, and Louis Palmer. ~Oshawa Times Photo WHITBY And DISTRICT Kiwanis Make Grants To Hospital, The Kiwanis Club of Whitby this week approved grants to four organizations totalling $700. Largest of the grants went to the Oshawa General Hospital build- ing fund, in the amount of $500. At this week's meeting in the Hotel Royal, club president Rob- ert Cawker announced that the directors had approved the $500 donation to the hospital, During May, Terence M. Moore, a mem- ber of the Oshawa General Hos- pital board of directors, had ap- pealed to the club for a donation to the fund which sought $85,000 in public donations from Whitby residents, The club also granted $50 to the Salvation Army's Red Shield Campaign in Whitby. The Whitby Girl Guide Association was grant- ed $50 also. The fourth donation approved by club members had actually Guides plonship. The trophies cost near- ly $100. The club, which has met on Thursday evenings ever since it was founded five years ago, this week voted to change the meet- ing night to Tuesday evening. The first Tuesday evening meeting will be held next Tuesday, June 14, at the Hotel Royal. Another change in the club's operation was suggested by past president Harry Simpson in a notice of motion. He gave notice that in two weeks' time he will move that the club elect a second vice-president as soon as the club membership reaches 35. At pres- ent, the club has only one vice- president. Guests at this week's meeting included Art Morton, introduced by Fred Fisher, and Mel Goreski, introduced by Ron Deeth. Following the meeting, a group of the members made their School Board Seeks Walks On Cochrane St. Public School Board Property Chairman Richard P. Matthews in his report to the School Board recommended that they write a letter to the Whitby town council | concerning the possibility of con-| structing sidewalks on the east| side of Cochrane St. in view of the fact of the Department of Transport's suggestion that Coch- rane St. should be made into a through street. He sald that if Cochrane street was made a through street then the children of Hillcrest Public School would be forced to face the dangers of fast moving traf-| fic all the way north to the 3rd| Concession. | In addition to this matter board member Donald Gilchrist said A Friendship Tea, under the auspices of the Afternoon Auxixl- iary of the Women's Missionary Society, was held in the Assem- bly Hall of the United Church at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, June 7.The president, Mrs. H. Hare, opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Hare extended a warm welcome to everyone and especially men- tioned the visitors. The minutes of the May meet- ing were read by Mrs, F. Ollen- Bittle and adopted. Mrs, E. Bow- man gave the treasurer's report. A request was made for more baby's bootees. Mrs. L. Richardson reported for the blood donors clinic. Mrs C. Roper reported for supply and Mrs. D. J. Kean for correspoi- | Auxiliary Has Friendship Tea are enriched thereby," she said. In thanking Mrs. Carscallen for her talk Mrs. Hare said, Mrs. Carscallen has a way of bring- ing the things that we need in a most interesting way and added that her talk was a very fine part of the Friendship Tea. One of Mrs. Beaton's pupils, Terry Anderson, gave two very fine piano selections. Meeting closed with a hymn and the Miz- pah benediction. Mrs. John Collins and group were tea hostesses. (WHITBY Campaign Starts Sept. Family Monuments RR When You Are Needed Cross Society BRANCH) 20th; Objective $4000 TENDERS FOR STOKER Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned for the removal of the existing Coal Stoker at the Court House and the installation of a new Stoker u until 4:00 .m. on Friday, June 17th, 1960. ender to give full particulars concerning the make of Stoker to be installed. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Further particulars may be obtained from the undersigned. WM. G. MANNING, Clork-Treas,, County of Onterle, 416 Centre Street South, WHITBY, Ontario, dence. Mrs. R. W. McQuay gave the devotional, "The Joy of Living". Mrs. C. R. Carscallen gave a that a simmilar case would occur, on Craydon Rd. when the chil-{ dren of new Blair Park Public| oF Createa To | aEs/ Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. | Monumental Works most Interesting talk on 'Personal | Reading" under three headings, 318 Dundes East TENDERS been de before the meeting. ! pi " Earlier pi Ro week, the Kiwanis| monthly visit to patients in Pavil-| School were walking to and from! 'What, How 34 Whe" 10 rexd, MO 8.3552 Club presented miniature tro-|ion 2B at the Ontario Hospital. | school. He said that sidewalks| pot inig Jers | phies to each member of the Hill- Chairman of this monthly visit| were a must on Craydon Rd. an 5 a by ele wa 3 vies, FOR crest Hockey Club, at a banquet, [to patients is Ed, Mulligan. The| The board carried the motion %e Lu he r pi rou a The hockey team this year won| visits began as an experiment in| that the letter should be sent to Tnusic, ah Seligions of Se Yi the Junior C all-Ontario cham-/remotivation, the town council. pin oo Drei Wi Wg lg UNIFORMS ¢ FE Read more {han ane book at a 1.0.D.E. time. Sometimes choose a writer Supply Teachers' | .ub CALENDAR |: Sis Wimia™s| ANNUAL Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned for the supplying of Uniforms for the County of Ontario Jail Officials up one's own. How to read, have a plan, a list and a waiting list. Take time for reading. "We can usually take GARDEN TEA Viscount Greenwood MONDAY, June 13 United Church YPU Salaries Raised Whitby Baptist Church Explor- ers annual picnic Hime 40 4b the Shings we Sealy Chapter until 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 17th, 1960. There's music and fun and Whitby Public School Board for absent regular teachers, they Vimy Ridge LOBA No. 639 ' laughter... when skaters get had Sed | United Church Fireside Evenin and consecration. Consecrate In at the home of . 1 0 0 was asked on Thursday by Super-| had never refused. | Outed Church Fireside Yuen 2! reading the Bible, Mrs, Carscallen The lowest or any tender not necessarily together! Let's waltz. . . let's skate vising Principal Earl Feirnas, io dae Th wala Sus St. Andrew's Presbyterian fuiesisd walking 3 say ol er. Mr. & Mrs. H. P. Doner || accepted. and enjoy ourselves tonight! Sonslder 2» Intrease m salary for orease but that the supply) Church Young ®t aster| With 8 pen or pencil make notes," Brock St. N., Whitby b p | & pk y 1eBehers, od by the I6ACHETS should be tied down in| House of Windsor IODE Chapter| 1} -" ia" THURS. JUN Further particulars may be obtained from oils supply teachers to inform the|*"io supply teachers know TUESDAY, June 14 "When to read. We should plan ny UNE 16th || the undersigned. board that they were dissatisfied hen th ot | Faith Baptist Church YPA and budget out time, often only a 3-5 P.M \ what to expect when they get Faith Baptist Church X few minutes at a time but these - «M. with their $12 daily salary. short notice," he said. "They are Salvation Army Men's Fellow-| tow minutes add up and our lives HOME BA Wm. G. MANNING, Mr. Fairman said that he had provided with the means to earn| ship Group BAKING Clerk-Treas., County of Ontario, conducted a Sutvey on the op 0 ings of supply teachers from Co- bourg to Scarboro and he sald that all earned from $12 to $16.50 daily, He added that all of his supply teachers had from five to six years teaching experience and that, although they received short notice when asked to fill in Legion Auxiliary Gives $50 To Red Shield Drive The Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary held * their business meeting last Wednesday evening at the Canadian Legion Hall with first vice president, Mrs. Hopps, in charge of the meeting. During the business meeting, further plans were made for the bazaar. A donation of $50 was voted for the Salvation Army Red Shield. A speedy recovery was wished to the following sick mem- bers: Mrs. Esther Ross, Mrs. A Carr, Mrs. Jean Wickett, Mrs. Lila Wilde and Mrs. Gordon Brown. June 22 will be the last meeting for this season and will be in the form of a social with Mrs, A, Val- lee and her committee in charge. W.| suppl money and I think they should be tied down in some way either annually or by the term." Chairman Fred Ing said that if the teachers were not granted an increase and they refused to work when the regular teachers were absent then the children in Whitby's Public Schools would suffer. He said that they.could not be tied down without a contract a contract which would restrict them from moving away from Whitby until the contract expired, "The. supply t s work for United Church WA Whitby Chapter Opder Eastern Star No. 248 All Saint's Anglican Church Af- ternoon Guild St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Helen Marshall Society United Church WA Evening Grp. Whitby Baptist Church LA WEDNESDAY, June 15 Presbyteens Whitby Red Cross work room St, John's Anglican Church WA ADDITIONAL WHITBY ON PAGE 17 Fi NEWS or MO 8-23" from 416 Centre Street South, Whitby, Ontario. Beit valme Rebekah Lodge No. Knights of Columbus THURSDAY, June 16 Salvation Army Women's Home League Women's Institute All Saint's Anglican Church St. business meeting Margaret's Guild the convenience of the children," he added, "and they have not had an increase for the past seven years." With the discussion over the board passed a motion that the teachers' daily salary Sho be increased from $12 to 15. In connection with this the board passed a motion that the principal's supply would be placed on the regular salary schedule. MOTOR BUSES Motor buses carried 62 per cent of all passengers on urban transit systems in Canada in the {first quarter of 1960, compared [via 59 per cent in the same perioa of the previous year. LAST TIME TODAY Last M-G-M Presents ~ | BROCK Phone MO 8-3618 WHITBY Evening Shows ot 6:55 and 8:20 Complete Show at 8:20 a kiss can be the key that solves this mystery! ,. ROBERT _ NICOLE R* MA "HE HOUSE oF THE bo] DAY OIE § ALY So) WHITBY PERSONALS Cheryl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George DePratto celebrated her 10th birthday. On the occa- sion a party was arranged with the following guests: Joy and Susan Foster, Sonia Kowalski, Sharon Finan, Cherlene and Shel- ley Wyatt, Corrie Velden, Nicola VanGils. Various goodies were served including a nicely decorat. ed birthday cake, Mrs. Hilda Richards of Lee av- enue entertained her group of la- dies, The winners of the games were: Mrs, Ockenden and Mrs. Bowden. 'The hostess served a dainty lunch. David Allister Culpan, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Culpan, 1015 ardman Cres., will be christen- on Sunday at Whitby United Church. Miss Gwen Fuller, of England, now residing in Toron- to and godmother of David, will be guest at a celebration follow- ing the christening. Mrs. R. G. Crerar, of Green- wood cres,, and her son, Andrew, haver returned from a three- month visit in Cheshire, England, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Osborne, parents of Mrs, Crerar, Mrs. K. Crawforth visited with her sister, Mrs. George Hill, of Greenw: Mrs. Katle Crawforth, of RR 2, Whitby, celebrated her birthday on Friday. For the occasion a dinner was arranged. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hoskins and their gon, David, of Ajax, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Crawforth. On Monday, Mrs. F, Broome, of Perry street, is celebrating her birthday. Her many friends wish or many happy returns of the ay. FARM TANKS AVAILABLE 78 BOND WEST GASOLINE AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICE Call VIGOR OIL Telephone * OSHAWA Community Arena' Whitby Churches Let's all go to Church this Sunday St. Andrew's Preshyte Church REV, D. MARSHALL BYRON ST. S. AT ST. JOHN §T. 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM, MORNING WORSHIP Jr. congregation and Beginners' classes 9:45 AM, -- BIBLE CLASS rian EMMANUEL REFORMED ° CHURCH REV. GERRIT REZELMAN. 3rd Concession West of Brock MN. 11 a.m.=Dutch Service 11 a.m.~Sunday School in English 7 p.m.--English Service Everyone Is Heartily Welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stewart, of 709 Burns street west, enter- tained at their home before leav- ing for Los Angeles, California, where they will take up residence. Guests were from Toronto, Ajax and Whitby. The hostess served a buffet lunch. Mr. Hugh Walker, in service with the British Army, left for Edinburgh, Scotland, where he will visit his mother before re- turning to his base in England. Mr, Waiker spent 10 days with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, A. K. Craig. basement' tires. IMPORTANT MOTORING NEWS YOU BET YOUR LIFE each time you drive on "'bargain- PLAY IT SAFE. Visit ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE in Whitby where tires are a specialty not a side line. For the Summer SATURDAY, WHITBY PUB NOTICE Will be closed Saturday Evenings and open Saturday Mornings from 10 a.m. to 12 noon DUNLOP TIRE months starting JUNE 18th [=> A complete range of Dunlop passenger and truck tires. NO COUPONS -- NO GIMMICKS--ijust honest value for your money and courteous efficient service from FACTORY TRAINED PERSONNEL, LIC LIBRARY ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE ""Whitby's Only Complete Tire Shop" 401 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY PHONE MO 8-5221 Whitby B Church Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister Mrs. W. E. Summers, A.T.C.M, 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM Adventurers' Evangelistic Team 7:00 P.M. EVENING SERVICE aptist FAITH BAPTIST 419 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY | Pastor: Rev. E. C. Corbett, B.Th, | 9:15 AM. RADIO BROADCAST 9:45 AM. ; BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR 11 AM & 7 PM. . Our Pastor Speaking Special music in the evening by Mr. and Mrs. Don Magee and family, " (Everyone Welcome) WHITBY UNITED CHURCH ReY. John M. Smith, B.A, B.D. -- Minister Mrs. J. Beaton, AR.T.C. -- Organist Rev. A, M. Butler, B.A, Assistant Minister THE VOWS WE MAKE (1) The Vows of Baptism 10 AM, rls and Boys 9 vears and over SUNDAY SCHOOL 1AM, 'Girls and boys under 9 vears 1AM, Infant Care Junior Worship

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