H-65. 1271 SQ.FT. Here is a triumph in split level living! Each section of the house, while easily access- ible by a short flight of stairs, is separate from the other. The large bedrooms containing two closets each and a roomy bath, make up the private area of the home. The massive living-din. ing area includes bullt-in China cabinet and book shelf, Lead- ing out from the living room is the rear lounging terrace. The kitchen with convenient snack bar is designed in the best step . saving traditions, while the lower level contains garage, laundry. separate bath, fruit storage room and other "A New Selection of Low Cost features. Using wood and ledge- rock for exterior materials, plus a colorful planting box, 1 GARAGE D622. to capture your heart, Standard Builders' blueprints costing $0.75 a set are obtainable in Canada for this Design No _ 65. Now available from address below a new and enlarged 1960 Book of House Designs entitled Homes for / Canadians', price $1.00. Contains 114 designs in- prints. cluding ove . storey, 1%-storey, two - storey, and split level homes, plus much useful infor- mation on building terms and requirements, Order your copy today. Also included in this Design Book is full informa- tion on how to order the blue- / AT BROOKLIN -- The May meet ing of Brooklin Horticultural So- ciety was ndé in conjunction with Spring Flower Show, at the Christian Education Building of Brooklin United Church, The President, Mrs. Norman Alves, chaired the meeting, extending weicome to members, friends and post showed balance on hand, : minutes and correspondence were read oy Mrs, Arthur El- liott Mr, Les Hall was appointed as carelaker of Village P: Plans were finalized for bus trip to Roya: Botanical Gardens, Ham- flton, on Thursday, June 9. Bus will leave church corner at 9.30 a.m, P. x are requested to take boa lurch Committee for program, comprised Mrs. D, E, Hamer, Mrs. Mabel Richardson, introduced guest of the evening, Miss Ada V. Linton, Scarboro, Distret Director No. 5, who was making her official visit to the society. Miss Linton, with her sister op- erating the projects, entertained the group, by showing colored rlides of their trip to Europe, Embarking on the liner Queen Mary we were taken on an im- ag'nary trip to magnificent gar- dens, historical buildings, muni cipal parks ard places of beauty in France, Holland, England and Brusseis, Running commentary on points of 'nterest was .given by 'Miss Ada Linton, Mrs. D. E. Hamer voiced a vote of thanks to guests for in- teresting program and visit fo our soc.ety, Meeting closed with The Queen, FLOWER SHOW Approximately 100 entries were rece/ved in the adult and junior sections in tae first Flower Show of the season of Brooklin Hortl- cultura: Society. The various varities of tulips and spring hlossoms made a col The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, - Oshawa, Ontario, Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of House Designs entitled "A New Selection of Low Cost Homes For Canadians." (Please make remiitance payable to The Oshawa Times.) sesenssdonnse LL LLL LL LT TT TET RE RR Le) this home will move in swiftly orful display. The judges experienced diffi- culty in making decisions of awards, owing to keen tompeti- tion in sections and arrange ments shown. Judges were Miss Ada Linton and her sister of Scarhoro, Mrs. Lés Holl announced prize winners as follows: Class 1, Tullps, red, three blooms - Mss, Norman Alves, Mrs. Cyril Davies, Mrs. Guy Ste veuson, FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN noise from the furnace, or sound. proof it? ANSWER: The burner may re- | quire adjusting, or there may be |a loose part, Suggest having the QUESTION: We have a cinder block building which has been painted. Rust spots keep coming through. How can this be pre- vented? ANSWER: U the rust spots are 'due to pieces of metal within the blocks rusting, am afraid there is nothing you can do. For surface rust stains, there are pow excellent rust - removing icparations available at paint hardware stores; follow label fnstructions carefully, Or the fol- fowing method can be used also: Dissolve one part sodium citrate 4a six parts of water and six parts of commercial glycerin, Mb a portion of this with enough powdered whiting or other ab- sorbing powder to make a thick paste and spread a layer of this over the stains. When the paste is dry, brush off and replace with Jdresh paste, Repeat treatment if dealer from whom the furnace Class 2, Tulips, yellow, three blooms -- Mrs. W. A, Heron, Mrs, Joel Aldred, Mrs. Cyril Wick. Class 4, Tulips, pink, three blooms -- Mrs. Kenneth Holliday, Mrs. Norman Alves, Mrs, W. A. Heron, 4 guests attending. Treasurer's re-| Horticultural Society Meets kyer Class 12, Narcissus or daffodil, doubie, three blooms -- Mrs, Les Mrs, Bur- Mrs, Les Hall. Mrs. Richardson |W! spike -- Mrs, Norman Alves, Ma, Burnett Jomieson, Mrs, Les all, Class 17, Lilac, single, spike -- Mrs. Norman Alves, Mrs. Joel Aldred, Mrs, Sydney Lockyer, Class 18, Lilac, double, one spike--Mrs, Kenneth Holliday, Mrs, W. A. Heron, Mrs. Cyril Davies. Class 19, Lilac, three spikes in variety, in one container -- Mrs. Kenneth Holliday, Mrs. Sydney Lockyer, Mrs. J. Aldred. Class 20, African Violet, any color, one crown -- Lockyer. Class 21, African Violet, three in variety, one crown -- Mrs. Class 22, House Plant in Bloom -- Mrs, Sydney Lockyer, Mrs. Norman Alves. Class 23, House Plant, not in bloom --- Mrs. Sydney Lockyer, Mrs. Norman Alves. one Mrs, Sydney three Al : food ich dred, Mrs Cyril Wick, Mrs, Syd. draw prizes, awards of plant fond pan-|end guests at home of Mr, and ,|Mrs. Arthur Boyes. were given lo Wi numbers. PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs, Nick Roman and family of Cleveland were week- Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Lockyer attended Sunday School Anniver- sary services at Nestleton United Myrtle WA Holds Meet exercises were , Eyers, with Scrip- Downey, Mrs. Deeming and Mrs. tion | Ey based on the Fruit|™ The chureh was with flowers. decorated spokesm CHATTERING NOISES Chottering noises moy be traced to pipes not the proper support over long of pipe to eliminate the annoy ance. CALL US TODAY , LORNE GOODMAN Plumbing & Meoting 758 Mory St. -- RA 5-1044 ELIMINATE or Church on Sunday and later were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilson and family. Mrs. Mark Lockyer is a patient} at Oshawa General Hospital un- dergoing surgery. Mrs. Pearl Robson of Toronto, Mrs. Arthur J. Cook, Brooklin, were guests on' Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mal- colm and family, Blackstock. HEALTH GAIN TAIPEI (AP) -- A preventive program gradually is eradicating tuberculosis in Formosa, the in- ternational co-operation adminis. tration reports. In 1947 the dis- ease accounted for 17.6 cent of all deaths on the island but the rate now is five per cent, said the U.S, agency. GREAT STOCKYARDS Largest stockyards in Canada at St, Boniface, Man, have a daily capacity of 25,000 head of Class 24, Container of spring livestock. finish again down to bare wood and refinish, keeping the cautions as to applying the varnish in mind, PEELING PAINT concrete front porch repeatedly, but each time the paint starts to peel after a few months' use and a new painting job becomes nec- essary. I paint over the previ- ous coat. wrong? ing a rubber base or vinyl plas- tic paint for use on all surfacse. on container carefully as to sur: face preparation and application. NOISY FURNACE home and gas heat furnace, Is| there any way to deaden the not be high enough; it should be check the installation, FLOORS SWAY QUESTION: 1 have painted my floors more rigid under foot? What am I doing tween floor beams, This t integral rigidity, SMOKY FIRE IN WIND ANSWER: You may not be us- Follow manufacturer's directions this situation? QUESTION: I have a new was purchased, or a service man, QUESTION: The floors In our upstairs rooms seem to sort of sway a little when walked on. Is there any way to make the ANSWER: Cross - bridging will probably solve the problem. This consists of diagonal braces be- bracing gives greatly increased QUESTION: On windy nights when we use our fireplace, the wind has a tendency to blow the smoke back down into the room. What could be done to prevent ANSWER: Your chimney may Clzss 5, Tulips, mauve, three blooms -- Mrs. Sydney Lockyer, Mrs, Cyril Wick, Mrs. W. A, Heron. Class 6, Tulips, mixed colors, three blooms -- Mrs, Kenneth ~ igh ACT PHOTO exactly the right home at the at least fourfeet above a flat roof, or two « feet above the highest point of a peaked roof. Or there may be a two-tall tree too close to the house. A chimney hood can be installed over the chimney top to prevent air being forced down; these are construct. ed to turn with the wind. I sug- gest you send 25 cents (.no stamps) to Superintendent of Documents, Washington 25, D.C., for copy of Farmers' Bulletin No. 1889; "Fireplaces and Chim- Svery Every doy he receives photos the details. T0 BUY YOUR HOME Widest selection of homes anywhere in Oshawa and District -- Through is the great time-saver when you're looking for ber of the Oshawe and District Reol Estate Boerd has on up-to-the-minute selection of Photo Co-op homes. Photo Co-op os soon as they come on the market. He'll gladly show you everything available end give you oll BE SURE WHEN YOU BUY LOOK FOR THIS EMBLEM IDEAL TIME RTA NOW CO-OP right price, of all homes listed through neys," glving detailed specifica. tions for chimneys, fireplace structures, ete. mecessary. BUBBLY VARNISH QUESTION: 1 recently refin- ished the top of a mahogany ven- «eered table, following the clerk's (from whom the varnish was purchased) advice carefully (re. move old finish, clean with tur .pentine, thorough drying, then varnish stain, light sanding, sec- ond coat of varnish stain). I used few brushes, The finish has a «sort of sandy or bubbly &ppear- ance. How can 'l re-do the job with acceptable results? ANSWER: You may have stir. red the varnish in the container, before using , introducing air bubbles. Or you may have in- adverten a) the varnish down, or brus it too vigorous- ly. The varnish should be flowed on gently, following the grain of wood and not worrying about brush marks, which flatten out| by themselves. Best remedy would be to remove the present THE HOME WORKSHOP > ¥% Beautify your home the modern, fune- tional way; clean, durable ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS last a housetime. Inquire now. W.B. BENNETT PAVING LTD. By RUTH W. SPEARS cart beats a wheelbarrow y ways when doing the around the homestead at . For example, it may up so that the front on the ground directly into . The deep spacious hopper is feet wide and holds a lot of | Miter, with fewer trips to the compost heap - or burning pit. dt iif 3 Precast Concrete SUMMER IS BEST WITH "SUN-LITE" remember, there's nothing more relaxing, more attractive, more durable than weatherproof "SUN-LITE" outdoor furniture. ® SEPTIC TANKS ® DURA STEPS ® RAILINGS ® PATIO SLABS nov SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN POURING ON SITE, OUR QUALITY IS GUARANTEED. Current Range of Products include: ® CURBING ® WALK SLABS ® WELL TILE ® CHIMNEY CAPS CONCRETE PRODUCTS SIEGMUND WERNER LTD. Whether you relax and tan beneath the mid-day sun... or enjoy a cool drink beneath the stars... See the complete range of "SUN-LITE" chairs, chaisettes, chaise lounges and "Werner- Finkel" garden umbrellas and tables at your favorite furniture store. MONTREAL, QUE. o WERNER-FINKEL LTD, improvements around your home? look to Concrete, made with A home worth owning is a home worth supplier. improving -- and there's no material more versatile, more durable than con- crete. And it costs less than you think! You can use ready-mixed concrete, or mix your own, for driveways, patios, walks, swimming pools, and other im provements, You can choose from a wide variety of concrete products such as precast steps, flagstones or block, available at your local building material Find out how much beauty and value you can add to your home -- send for these FREE BOOKETS now! CANADA CEMENT COMPANY, LIMITED CANADA CEMENT COMPANY, LIMITED, Canada Cement Building, Phillips Square, Montreal, P.Q. Please send me your free booklets: "Concrete Improvements around the Home" and "Ci te Sid Dri ays, Steps". City Province a Guat a or LIMITED SPECIALISTS IN CUSTOM PRECASTING Ph. OLiver 5-3311 --SOLD BY-- RUTHERFORD FURNITURE CO. 156 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-6559 BATHE & McLELLAN Building Supplies Limited 81 KING ST. W. OSHAWA RA 5-4761 1 wn a Vt A